Body Slam (move): Difference between revisions

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n=34 |
name=Body Slam |
jname=のしかかり |
jtrans=??? |
desc=A full-body slam that may cause paralysis. |
gameimage=Body Slam Game.jpg |
type=Normal |
damagecategory=Physical |
basepp=15 |
maxpp=24 |
power=85 |
accuracy=100 |
bdesc=May induce paralysis. |
category=Tough |
appeal=1 |
jam=4 |
cdesc=Badly startles the Pokémon in front. |
pokefordex=body+slam |
footnotes= |
touches=yes |
misses=yes |
snatchable=no |
magiccoat=no |
useskingsrock=no |

'''Body Slam''' is a damage-dealing {{t|Normal}}-type move introduced in [[Generation I]].
=In the anime=
[[Image:Body Slam Anime.jpg|none|thumb|240px|Slugma using '''Body Slam'''.]]
The Pokémon falls on top of the opponent.
'''{{p|Slugma}}'''. It jump to fall with more force.
* Used by [[Flannery]]'s Slugma in [[AG056|''Going, Going, Yawn!'']] in a oficial battle against [[Ash Ketchum]].
=In other languages=
Spanish: '''Golpe Cuerpo'''.
==Generation I==
Body Slam does damage and has a 29.7% chance of paralyzing its opponent. It can't paralyze an opponent that has a substitute or already has a major status ailment.
= Learnset =
== [[Generation III]] ==
=== By [[Level|leveling up]] ===
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Nidoqueen}} at Lv.23 ([[Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire|R/S]]/[[Pokémon Emerald|E]])
* {{p|Nidoqueen}} at Lv.22 ([[Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen|F/L]])
* {{p|Jigglypuff}} at Lv.34
* {{p|Poliwag}} at Lv.31
* {{p|Poliwhirl}} at Lv.35
* {{p|Jynx}} at Lv.51
* {{p|Lapras}} at Lv.13
* {{p|Snorlax}} at Lv.33
* {{p|Chikorita}} at Lv.29
* {{p|Bayleef}} at Lv.31
* {{p|Meganium}} at Lv.31
* {{p|Slugma}} at Lv.50
* {{p|Magcargo}} at Lv.60
* {{p|Miltank}} at Lv.43
* {{p|Swalot}} at Lv.26
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Torkoal}} at Lv.20
* {{p|Tropius}} at Lv.37
* {{p|Spheal}} at Lv.19
* {{p|Sealeo}} at Lv.19
* {{p|Walrein}} at Lv.19
* {{p|Kyogre}} at Lv.20
<div class="listcolend"></div>
=== By [[breeding]] ===
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Growlithe}}
* {{p|Arcanine}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Mareep}}
* {{p|Flaaffy}}
* {{p|Ampharos}}
* {{p|Wooper}}
* {{p|Quagsire}}
* {{p|Swinub}}
* {{p|Piloswine}}
* {{p|Phanpy}}
* {{p|Donphan}}
* {{p|Slakoth}}
* {{p|Vigoroth}}
* {{p|Slaking}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Aron}}
* {{p|Lairon}}
* {{p|Aggron}}
* {{p|Numel}}
* {{p|Camerupt}}
* {{p|Seviper}}
* {{p|Corphish}}
* {{p|Crawdaunt}}
* {{p|Clamperl}}
* {{p|Huntail}}
* {{p|Gorebyss}}
<div class="listcolend"></div>
=== By [[Move Tutor|tutoring]] ===
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Bulbasaur}}
* {{p|Ivysaur}}
* {{p|Venusaur}}
* {{p|Charmander}}
* {{p|Charmeleon}}
* {{p|Charizard}}
* {{p|Squirtle}}
* {{p|Wartortle}}
* {{p|Blastoise}}
* {{p|Rattata}}
* {{p|Raticate}}
* {{p|Ekans}}
* {{p|Arbok}}
* {{p|Pikachu}}
* {{p|Raichu}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Sandshrew}}
* {{p|Sandslash}}
* {{p|Nidoran♀}}
* {{p|Nidorina}}
* {{p|Nidoqueen}}
* {{p|Nidoran♂}}
* {{p|Nidorino}}
* {{p|Nidoking}}
* {{p|Clefairy}}
* {{p|Clefable}}
* {{p|Vulpix}}
* {{p|Ninetales}}
* {{p|Jigglypuff}}
* {{p|Wigglytuff}}
* {{p|Vileplume}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Paras}}
* {{p|Parasect}}
* {{p|Diglett}}
* {{p|Dugtrio}}
* {{p|Meowth}}
* {{p|Persian}}
* {{p|Psyduck}}
* {{p|Golduck}}
* {{p|Mankey}}
* {{p|Primeape}}
* {{p|Growlithe}}
* {{p|Arcanine}}
* {{p|Poliwag}}
* {{p|Poliwhirl}}
* {{p|Poliwrath}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Abra}}
* {{p|Kadabra}}
* {{p|Alakazam}}
* {{p|Machop}}
* {{p|Machoke}}
* {{p|Machamp}}
* {{p|Victreebel}}
* {{p|Geodude}}
* {{p|Graveler}}
* {{p|Golem}}
* {{p|Ponyta}}
* {{p|Rapidash}}
* {{p|Slowpoke}}
* {{p|Slowbro}}
* {{p|Farfetch'd}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Doduo}}
* {{p|Dodrio}}
* {{p|Seel}}
* {{p|Dewgong}}
* {{p|Grimer}}
* {{p|Muk}}
* {{p|Gengar}}
* {{p|Onix}}
* {{p|Drowzee}}
* {{p|Hypno}}
* {{p|Krabby}}
* {{p|Kingler}}
* {{p|Cubone}}
* {{p|Marowak}}
* {{p|Hitmonlee}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Hitmonchan}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Rhyhorn}}
* {{p|Rhydon}}
* {{p|Chansey}}
* {{p|Tangela}}
* {{p|Kangaskhan}}
* {{p|Mr. Mime}}
* {{p|Jynx}}
* {{p|Electabuzz}}
* {{p|Magmar}}
* {{p|Pinsir}}
* {{p|Tauros}}
* {{p|Gyarados}}
* {{p|Lapras}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Eevee}}
* {{p|Vaporeon}}
* {{p|Jolteon}}
* {{p|Flareon}}
* {{p|Omanyte}}
* {{p|Omastar}}
* {{p|Kabuto}}
* {{p|Kabutops}}
* {{p|Snorlax}}
* {{p|Dratini}}
* {{p|Dragonair}}
* {{p|Dragonite}}
* {{p|Mewtwo}}
* {{p|Mew}}
* {{p|Chikorita}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Bayleef}}
* {{p|Meganium}}
* {{p|Cyndaquil}}
* {{p|Quilava}}
* {{p|Typhlosion}}
* {{p|Totodile}}
* {{p|Croconaw}}
* {{p|Feraligatr}}
* {{p|Sentret}}
* {{p|Furret}}
* {{p|Spinarak}}
* {{p|Ariados}}
* {{p|Pichu}}
* {{p|Cleffa}}
* {{p|Igglybuff}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Togepi}}
* {{p|Togetic}}
* {{p|Mareep}}
* {{p|Flaaffy}}
* {{p|Ampharos}}
* {{p|Marill}}
* {{p|Azumarill}}
* {{p|Sudowoodo}}
* {{p|Politoed}}
* {{p|Aipom}}
* {{p|Wooper}}
* {{p|Quagsire}}
* {{p|Espeon}}
* {{p|Umbreon}}
* {{p|Slowking}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Girafarig}}
* {{p|Pineco}}
* {{p|Forretress}}
* {{p|Dunsparce}}
* {{p|Steelix}}
* {{p|Snubbull}}
* {{p|Granbull}}
* {{p|Shuckle}}
* {{p|Heracross}}
* {{p|Teddiursa}}
* {{p|Ursaring}}
* {{p|Slugma}}
* {{p|Magcargo}}
* {{p|Swinub}}
* {{p|Piloswine}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Corsola}}
* {{p|Delibird}}
* {{p|Mantine}}
* {{p|Houndour}}
* {{p|Houndoom}}
* {{p|Kingdra}}
* {{p|Phanpy}}
* {{p|Donphan}}
* {{p|Stantler}}
* {{p|Tyrogue}}
* {{p|Hitmontop}}
* {{p|Smoochum}}
* {{p|Elekid}}
* {{p|Magby}}
* {{p|Miltank}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Blissey}}
* {{p|Raikou}}
* {{p|Entei}}
* {{p|Suicune}}
* {{p|Larvitar}}
* {{p|Pupitar}}
* {{p|Tyranitar}}
* {{p|Lugia}}
* {{p|Treecko}}
* {{p|Grovyle}}
* {{p|Sceptile}}
* {{p|Torchic}}
* {{p|Combusken}}
* {{p|Blaziken}}
* {{p|Mudkip}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Marshtomp}}
* {{p|Swampert}}
* {{p|Poochyena}}
* {{p|Mightyena}}
* {{p|Zigzagoon}}
* {{p|Linoone}}
* {{p|Lotad}}
* {{p|Lombre}}
* {{p|Ludicolo}}
* {{p|Seedot}}
* {{p|Nuzleaf}}
* {{p|Shiftry}}
* {{p|Ralts}}
* {{p|Kirlia}}
* {{p|Gardevoir}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Shroomish}}
* {{p|Breloom}}
* {{p|Slakoth}}
* {{p|Vigoroth}}
* {{p|Slaking}}
* {{p|Whismur}}
* {{p|Loudred}}
* {{p|Exploud}}
* {{p|Makuhita}}
* {{p|Hariyama}}
* {{p|Azurill}}
* {{p|Nosepass}}
* {{p|Skitty}}
* {{p|Delcatty}}
* {{p|Sableye}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Mawile}}
* {{p|Aron}}
* {{p|Lairon}}
* {{p|Aggron}}
* {{p|Meditite}}
* {{p|Medicham}}
* {{p|Electrike}}
* {{p|Manectric}}
* {{p|Plusle}}
* {{p|Minun}}
* {{p|Volbeat}}
* {{p|Illumise}}
* {{p|Roselia}}
* {{p|Gulpin}}
* {{p|Swalot}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Wailmer}}
* {{p|Wailord}}
* {{p|Numel}}
* {{p|Camerupt}}
* {{p|Torkoal}}
* {{p|Spoink}}
* {{p|Grumpig}}
* {{p|Spinda}}
* {{p|Trapinch}}
* {{p|Vibrava}}
* {{p|Flygon}}
* {{p|Cacnea}}
* {{p|Cacturne}}
* {{p|Swablu}}
* {{p|Altaria}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Zangoose}}
* {{p|Seviper}}
* {{p|Lunatone}}
* {{p|Solrock}}
* {{p|Corphish}}
* {{p|Crawdaunt}}
* {{p|Lileep}}
* {{p|Cradily}}
* {{p|Anorith}}
* {{p|Armaldo}}
* {{p|Milotic}}
* {{p|Castform}}
* {{p|Kecleon}}
* {{p|Shuppet}}
* {{p|Banette}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Duskull}}
* {{p|Dusclops}}
* {{p|Tropius}}
* {{p|Absol}}
* {{p|Snorunt}}
* {{p|Glalie}}
* {{p|Spheal}}
* {{p|Sealeo}}
* {{p|Walrein}}
* {{p|Clamperl}}
* {{p|Huntail}}
* {{p|Gorebyss}}
* {{p|Relicanth}}
* {{p|Bagon}}
* {{p|Shelgon}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Salamence}}
* {{p|Metang}}
* {{p|Metagross}}
* {{p|Regirock}}
* {{p|Regice}}
* {{p|Registeel}}
* {{p|Latias}}
* {{p|Latios}}
* {{p|Kyogre}}
* {{p|Groudon}}
* {{p|Rayquaza}}
* {{p|Jirachi}}
* {{p|Deoxys}}
<div class="listcolend"></div>
== [[Generation IV]] ==
=== By [[Level|leveling up]] ===
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Nidoqueen}} at Lv.
* {{p|Jigglypuff}} at Lv.
* {{p|Poliwag}} at Lv.
* {{p|Poliwhirl}} at Lv.
* {{p|Jynx}} at Lv.
* {{p|Lapras}} at Lv.
* {{p|Snorlax}} at Lv.
* {{p|Chikorita}} at Lv.
* {{p|Bayleef}} at Lv.
* {{p|Meganium}} at Lv.
* {{p|Slugma}} at Lv.
* {{p|Magcargo}} at Lv.
* {{p|Miltank}} at Lv.
* {{p|Swalot}} at Lv.
* {{p|Torkoal}} at Lv.
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Tropius}} at Lv.
* {{p|Spheal}} at Lv.
* {{p|Sealeo}} at Lv.
* {{p|Walrein}} at Lv.
* {{p|Kyogre}} at Lv.
* {{p|Shellos}} at Lv.
* {{p|Gastrodon}} at Lv.
* {{p|Purugly}} at Lv.
* {{p|Munchlax}} at Lv.
<div class="listcolend"></div>
=== By [[breeding]] ===
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Growlithe}}
* {{p|Arcanine}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Mareep}}
* {{p|Flaaffy}}
* {{p|Ampharos}}
* {{p|Wooper}}
* {{p|Quagsire}}
* {{p|Swinub}}
* {{p|Piloswine}}
* {{p|Phanpy}}
* {{p|Donphan}}
* {{p|Slakoth}}
* {{p|Vigoroth}}
* {{p|Slaking}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Aron}}
* {{p|Lairon}}
* {{p|Aggron}}
* {{p|Wailmer}}
* {{p|Wailord}}
* {{p|Numel}}
* {{p|Camerupt}}
* {{p|Seviper}}
* {{p|Corphish}}
* {{p|Crawdaunt}}
* {{p|Clamperl}}
* {{p|Huntail}}
* {{p|Gorebyss}}
* {{p|Turtwig}}
* {{p|Grotle}}
<div class="listcol">
* {{p|Torterra}}
* {{p|Shieldon}}
* {{p|Bastiodon}}
* {{p|Drifloon}}
* {{p|Drifblim}}
* {{p|Gible}}
* {{p|Gabite}}
* {{p|Garchomp}}
* {{p|Hippopotas}}
* {{p|Hippowdon}}
* {{p|Lickilicky}}
* {{p|Mamoswine}}
<div class="listcolend"></div>
<br>{{Project MoveDex notice}}
{{Generation I TMs}}

Revision as of 15:05, 21 April 2007

Body Slam
のしかかり ???
File:Body Slam Game.jpg
Type  Normal
Category  Physical
PP  15 (max. 24)
Power  85
Accuracy  100%
Priority  0
  • Makes contact
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Introduced  [[Generation {{{gen}}}]]
Condition  Tough
Appeal  1
Jam  4 ♥♥♥♥
Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Condition  Tough
Appeal  0  
Condition  Tough
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

Body Slam is a damage-dealing Normal-type move introduced in Generation I.

In the anime

File:Body Slam Anime.jpg
Slugma using Body Slam.

The Pokémon falls on top of the opponent.


Slugma. It jump to fall with more force.

In other languages

Spanish: Golpe Cuerpo.


Generation I

Body Slam does damage and has a 29.7% chance of paralyzing its opponent. It can't paralyze an opponent that has a substitute or already has a major status ailment.


Generation III

By leveling up

By breeding

By tutoring

Generation IV

By leveling up

By breeding

Template:Project MoveDex notice

Generation I TMs
Generation I HMs