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リオン Lions
Gender Female
Hometown Unknown
Region Unknown
Relatives Annie (sister)
Member of Team Rocket*
Rank Spy
Partner Annie
Anime debut Pokémon Heroes
English voice actor Lisa Ortiz
Japanese voice actor Yumiko Shaku

Oakley (Japanese リオン Lions) is one of the main antagonists from Pokémon Heroes. She is the partner and younger sister of Annie.

Although the younger sister, Oakley appears to be the brains behind the operation. Annie may be more suave, but Oakley is the mastermind of the plan. Unlike Annie, Oakley has a lust for power - Oakley is quick to use the DMA, and once at its helm, her desire for power takes over her mind (as is implied to be a side-effect of the DMA) - in the dub, she says, "I can control the whole world from in here!"; in the original, "Now this city is mine!" (もうこの町はあたしのもののよ!).

She only uses it briefly, but Oakley is quick to learn how to use the DMA. In that time, she floods Alto Mare, almost drowns Ash, resurrects Kabutops and Aerodactyl fossils, among other things. Adept as she may be at using it, however, she does not know where to stop, and that eventually proved to be her downfall.


Not much is known about her nor her sister before Pokémon Heroes, but their reputation precedes them; James instantly recognizes them.

In the dub, they were assigned a mission by Giovanni, implying Team Rocket membership, but this is not present in the original.


Oakley is excellent at balance and athletics, and she has no trouble making huge leaps and cartwheels while fighting Latios and Latias. She can keep perfect balance on a beam which Jessie, James and Meowth have trouble with. She also has some rather advanced technology at hand - she has glasses which can identify Latias when disguised and can see Latias and Latios when invisible, and they capture Latios using what appears to be a net of energy.


On hand

Oakley's Ariados

Ariados is Oakley's only known Pokémon. it is first seen in Pokémon Heroes when Annie and Oakley were trying to capture Latias disguised as Bianca. It reappeared throughout the movie.

Ariados's known moves are String Shot and Night Shade.


Gloom → Vileplume

In the Japanese version of the movie Annie and Oakley can be seen arguing with each other after their defeat and Oakley states how Annie evolved her Gloom into a Vileplume, while she wanted a Bellossom instead, when they were in kindergarten.


Oakley's Aerodactyl

Oakley used ancient DNA to resurrect a Kabutops and an Aerodactyl to chase after Ash and Latias. In the English dub, they were once used by an evil Pokémon Trainer to torment the civilians of Alto Mare, but were drowned when a Latios brought water to the city. They have blank, yellow-tinted eyes with no pupils and are lined with a thick black outline.

Aerodactyl's only known move is Hyper Beam.

Oakley's Kabutops

Oakley used ancient DNA to resurrect a Kabutops and an Aerodactyl to chase after Ash and Latias. In the English dub, they were once used by an evil Pokémon Trainer to torment the civilians of Alto Mare, but were drowned when a Latios brought water to the city. They have blank, yellow-tinted eyes with no pupils and are lined with a thick black outline.

Kabutops's only known move is Slash.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 釈由美子 Yumiko Shaku
English Lisa Ortiz
European Spanish María José Castro


At the very end of Pokémon Heroes, Annie climbed into the DMA to join Oakley and ended up getting stuck inside it. They were rescued by police, and ended up in a heavily-guarded prison. The last scene of the two of them is in said prison, where they are looking at a picture book about the events of the second movie. Presumably, both are still behind bars.

In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Oakley or her Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Oakley's Ariados Grass - - Theater Limited VS Pack (no English release) 001/018


Annie and Oakley's calling card.

In other languages

Language Name Origin
Korean 리온 Lion Transliteration of her Japanese name.
Chinese (Taiwan) 莉安 Lìān Transliteration of her Japanese name.

Movie characters
Human protagonists
AliceAsh Ketchum (M20)AudreyBarazBiancaCallahanCarlitaCoreyDamosDianaDianeEricFergusHarrietJack WalkerJuanita
KarlKathrynKidd SummersKimiaKokoLisaLizabethLorenzoMannesMarenMargoMelodyMerayNeeshaNewton Graceland
Professor LundRafeRaleighRebeccaRisaRowenaSamSheenaSidSir AaronSorrelTonioTorenTory LundTowaVerityYuko
Human antagonists
AlvaAnnieArgus SteelButlerCherieCrossDamonDoctor ZedGalenGooneGrings KodaiIron-Masked MarauderLawrence IIILeviMarcus
MerilynMillis SteelMolly HaleOakleyPokémon huntersPokémon poacherRiotThe PhantomZero
ArceusArticunoCarbinkCelebi (M04)Celebi (M13)CobalionDadaDarkraiDeoxysDialgaDiancieEntei (M03)Entei (M13)GenesectGiratina
Ho-OhHoopaJirachiKeldeoKyuremLatiasLatiosLucarioLugiaMagearnaManaphyMarshadowMew (M01)Mew (M08)Mewtwo (M01)
Mewtwo (M16)MoltresPalkiaPikachu (M20)PikachutwoRaikouRayquazaRegiceRegirockRegisteelReshiramShayminSlowking
Spiky-eared PichuSuicune (M04)Suicune (M13)TerrakionUnownVictiniVirizionVolcanionXerneasYveltalZapdosZekrom
AliciaAllegraAstridBanksBaron AlbertoBlock BotBogieBonjiCarolChrom MolybdenumCTV news crewDabuDavidDionaDonuke
Dr. FujiDundeeFlamelFreddyGabuGhrisGlacineGodeyGurūHeroes of Truth and IdealsHoytInfiJasonJennyJoeJudy
KaiKakoKanataKatoKellieKevinKikoKing of the People of the ValeKyleLaylaLeekuLucianneLuisLuisaMakoMalin
ManukeMarcus's soldiersMauryMayor OliverMeredithMeta GroudonMewtwo's creatorsMiaMilesMimiMirandaMisakiMoose
Mother and daughterMr. WhiteNevaNikolaOld Man DomŌyamaPegPeople of the WaterPhossa MolybdenumPokémon Baccer teams
Queen IleneQueen RinRavineRaymondRickRossSchuylerSharonShepShunSpencer HaleSylvanTakaTammyTanner
TappTatsukiThe Marina GroupTobiasTownesUschiZabu

This movie article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.