User:Kidburla: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 07:31, 5 May 2012

Hi, I'm Adam. My rival is Bryn (whose real-life namesake hates Pokémon, but that's as good a reason as any to name my rival after him. I'm 25 at time of writing, I live in London and I work in the financial services industry. My favourite Pokémon is Breloom. My favourite region is Hoenn (controversial?) My favourite episode so far is The Song of Jigglypuff. My least favourite is Pikachu's Goodbye.

Pokémon status

(last updated 04/12/2010)

Pokémon LeafGreen Version

  • Hours played: 75 approx
  • Completion: Pretty much everything
  • Previously trained (no longer in party): Omastar, Dratini

Pokémon Emerald Version

Pokémon Platinum Version


  • Episodes watched: 48

My history with Pokémon: falling in and out of love

I first got into Pokémon in early 2000, in between the release of Red/Blue and Yellow in Europe. At the time I owned a Game Boy and bought a copy of Blue as all my friends had Red. Since that time, I've been always much more drawn to the "second version" (Silver, Sapphire, LeafGreen, Pearl and SoulSilver) though obviously I'll go for the third version when possible. Anyway at the time I was in my early teens and I bought some books about Pokémon which I still own now. I never really "got" Pokémon Yellow and didn't realise until years later that it was supposed to be based on the anime. No one I knew actually bought Yellow Version. I think the main thing I remember about Kanto (although we didn't call it that then, it was just "the world") was exploring. There was one guy in my school class who knew absolutely everything and where all the underground tunnels came out. I still to this day get mixed up in Kanto between Diglett's Cave and Rock Tunnel.

By the time Gold/Silver had come out, I had kind of given up on Pokémon. I'd got to the Elite Four on my copy of Blue but never had managed to beat them. I remember loading up a downloaded ROM of Silver, getting the Pokégear and thinking just how complicated they had made it. I found it pretty confusing and no one had ever properly explained it to me so I kind of left it once more.

Around the time FireRed/LeafGreen were released, I became interested in the franchise again as they were remaking the games I had loved so much as a teenager. This was in mid-2004 and there was a lot of hype around the games. This was the first time that I even heard about Crystal, Ruby or Sapphire as I had been out of touch with the franchise for so long. I was most excited by the wireless capability, the VS Seeker, the help feature and the Sevii Islands. After LeafGreen came out, I bought a Game Boy Advance and a copy of the game. However this was a fairly short fad, and within 6 months I had sold my Game Boy Advance as I was short on cash. I had only reached Cinnabar Island on LeafGreen at the time, and so had not even got close to the heights of before.

Finally I got back into Pokémon in early 2008. I was doing a very boring job to fill in time before I had a big contract piece starting up later in the year. In my lunch breaks I was often bored. However I discovered that my mobile phone (the Nokia N95) had the facility to run a Game Boy Advance emulator. I proceeded to buy one (namely vBagX) and I started to play LeafGreen again in my lunchbreaks, starting from scratch obviously. This time, I did get to the Sevii islands and really enjoyed it. It was only here that I discovered some features of these games such as abilities and held items that I hadn't really cottoned onto in 2004. Afterwards I played FireRed, with the aim to have at least seen all 151 creatures in the dex, but got bored and quit this game around the Pokémon Mansion point.

Itching for a challenge, and not wanting to return to Generation II graphics, I decided that my next game would be Emerald Version. If you've been following the above then you'll know that all 4 of the instances I'd played before were set in Kanto, so I knew Kanto pretty well, but looked forward to the whole new region of Hoenn to explore. Emerald was a big part of my life until well into 2009. I learnt a lot about the franchise in this time, including generation mechanics, stats and all sorts. In playing Emerald I planned my strategy a lot more carefully than in the earlier games I'd played, in terms of evolution levels and so on. In June 2009 I bought a Nintendo DS and a copy of Pokémon Platinum Version. However only a couple of weeks afterwards, my attention drifted to other things.

In October 2009 I got back into the franchise for the 4th time, playing Platinum Version as my main game. I started off trying to write a blog covering my experiences in Sinnoh, but soon gave that up. You can find the blog here. Soon afterwards, I became interested in the anime. I'd never watched the anime before because I couldn't get past how childish it was, but I think I've got over that now and enjoy seeing it and the references to the games. I'm currently still playing Platinum. I bought SoulSilver on the day it came out (March 26th in the UK) but haven't properly started playing it yet...but I'm really looking forward to that as I've never properly played a game set in Johto, and hardly know anything about that region. I did, however, create my character during the Mew event, just so I could download Mew (grr at Nintendo for not making it available to players of Platinum). And that prety much brings us to the present day!
