Sunny Park Colosseum (Japanese: サニーパークコロシアムSunny Park Colosseum) is a Colosseum in Pokémon Battle Revolution. It is led by Sashay, and there are seven battles to compete in. Initially, the battle theme is Knockout Battles. Upon beating the game, this becomes Little Battle. Battles here take place in the day, most likely noon.
When first challenged, the Colosseum simply features standard double battles against seven Trainers. After beating the game, the Colosseum hosts Little Battles, an upgraded form of Stadium 2's Little Cup. The only Pokémon allowed to participate must be at or below level five, and be in their first forms (including Baby Pokémon forms). Pokémon competing in Little Battles do not have to be hatched from an Egg, contrary to popular belief.
Battle Name: Knockout Battle
Availability: Open after beating Crystal and Neon Colosseums