Master Deck Build Box EX (TCG): Difference between revisions

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[[ja:ポケモンカードゲームBW トッププレイヤーが選ぶ100+40枚 マスターデッキビルドBOX EX]]

Revision as of 08:08, 13 July 2013

トッププレイヤーが選ぶ100+40枚 マスターデッキビルドBOX EX

Box art
Release date September 14, 2012

The Master Deck Build Box EX (Japanese: トッププレイヤーが選ぶ100+40枚 マスターデッキビルドBOX EX Top Player Choice 100+40 Cards Master Deck Build Box EX) is a special collection of cards released in Japan for the Pokémon Trading Card Game.


The Master Deck Build Box EX contains a selection of cards from the BW era that have been featured in decks used by players that have ranked highly in tournaments. While all cards have been released previously in other expansions, all have a collection number and symbol exclusive to the set. The main focus of the set is to inform players of decks that have performed well, as well as how key cards work within them, and how other cards can be integrated into them as to replicate a competitive deck. The accompanying Master Deck Build Book goes through this in detail. The set also contains a long card box and three partitions to store cards.

Two campaigns also ran in selected stores across Japan in conjunction with the release of the set. Customers who purchased this set between September 14, 2012 and November 26, 2012 were eligible to enter the '100 Pack Win!' campaign, in which the winner received 100 booster packs from a combination of the Dragon Blast/Dragon Blade, Freeze Bolt/Cold Flare, and Plasma Gale expansions. Customers who purchased this set at tournaments held during October and November 2012 were eligible to enter the 'Limited Deck Shield Get!' campaign, in which winners received specially designed card sleeves.

Card list

Card list
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
001/046 [[Image:RegMarkVictini.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Victini]] Fire
002/046 [[Image:RegMarkTepig.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Tepig]] Fire
003/046 [[Image:RegMarkPignite.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Pignite]] Fire
004/046 [[Image:RegMarkEmboar.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Emboar]] Fire
005/046 [[Image:RegMarkReshiram.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Reshiram]] Fire
006/046 [[Image:RegMarkPiplup.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Piplup]] Water
007/046 [[Image:RegMarkPrinplup.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Prinplup]] Water
008/046 [[Image:RegMarkEmpoleon.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Empoleon]] Water
009/046 [[Image:RegMarkKyurem.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Kyurem]] Water
010/046 [[Image:RegMarkEmolga.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Emolga]] Lightning
011/046 [[Image:RegMarkTynamo.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Tynamo]] Lightning
012/046 [[Image:RegMarkEelektrik.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Eelektrik]] Lightning
013/046 [[Image:RegMarkZekrom.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zekrom]] Lightning
014/046 [[Image:RegMarkMewtwo-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Mewtwo-EX]] Psychic
015/046 [[Image:RegMarkRalts.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Ralts]] Psychic
016/046 [[Image:RegMarkKiria.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Kiria]] Psychic
017/046 [[Image:RegMarkGardevoir.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Gardevoir]] Psychic
018/046 [[Image:RegMarkSolosis.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Solosis]] Psychic
019/046 [[Image:RegMarkDuosion.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Duosion]] Psychic
020/046 [[Image:RegMarkReuniclus.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Reuniclus]] Psychic
021/046 [[Image:RegMarkDarkrai-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Darkrai-EX]] Darkness
022/046 [[Image:RegMarkZorua.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zorua]] Darkness
023/046 [[Image:RegMarkZoroark.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zoroark]] Darkness
024/046 [[Image:RegMarkZoroark.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zoroark]] Darkness
025/046 [[Image:RegMarkRayquaza-EX.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Rayquaza-EX]] Dragon
026/046 [[Image:RegMarkTornadus.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Tornadus]] Colorless
027/046 [[Image:RegMarkCrushing Hammer.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Crushing Hammer]] Item
028/046 [[Image:RegMarkRevive.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Revive]] Item
029/046 [[Image:RegMarkDark Patch.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Dark Patch]] Item
030/046 [[Image:RegMarkUltra Ball.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Ultra Ball]] Item
031/046 [[Image:RegMarkRare Candy.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Rare Candy]] Item
032/046 [[Image:RegMarkPlusPower.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|PlusPower]] Item
033/046 [[Image:RegMarkHeavy Ball.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Heavy Ball]] Item
034/046 [[Image:RegMarkPokémon Catcher.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Pokémon Catcher]] Item
035/046 [[Image:RegMarkMax Potion.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Max Potion]] Item
036/046 [[Image:RegMarkRandom Receiver.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Random Receiver]] Item
037/046 [[Image:RegMarkLevel Ball.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Level Ball]] Item
038/046 [[Image:RegMarkRocky Helmet.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Rocky Helmet]] Item
039/046 [[Image:RegMarkEviolite.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Eviolite]] Item
040/046 [[Image:RegMarkProfessor Juniper.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Professor Juniper]] Supporter
041/046 [[Image:RegMarkN.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|N]] Supporter
042/046 [[Image:RegMarkCheren.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Cheren]] Supporter
043/046 [[Image:RegMarkBianca.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Bianca]] Supporter
044/046 [[Image:RegMarkDouble Colorless Energy.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Double Colorless Energy]] Energy Colorless 
045/046 [[Image:RegMarkBlend Energy GFPD.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Blend Energy GFPD]] Energy Colorless 
046/046 [[Image:RegMarkBlend Energy WLFM.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Blend Energy WLFM]] Energy Colorless 
[[Image:RegMarkFire Energy.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Fire Energy]] Energy Fire 
[[Image:RegMarkWater Energy.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Water Energy]] Energy Water 
[[Image:RegMarkLightning Energy.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Lightning Energy]] Energy Lightning 
[[Image:RegMarkPsychic Energy.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Psychic Energy]] Energy Psychic 
[[Image:RegMarkDarkness Energy.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Darkness Energy]] Energy Darkness 


This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Black & White Series
BW Black Star Promos
Black & White: Green TornadoRed FrenzyBlue Assault
McDonald's CollectionBlack & White Trainer Kit
Emerging Powers: Power PlayToxic Tricks
Noble Victories: Fast DazeFurious Knights
Next Destinies: Explosive EdgeVoltage Vortex
Dark Explorers: ShadowsRaiders
McDonald's Collection 2012
Dragons Exalted: DragonSpeedDragonSnarl
Dragon Vault
Boundaries Crossed: Ice ShockCold Fire
Plasma Storm: Plasma ClawPlasma Shadow
Plasma Freeze: Frost RayPsy Crusher
Plasma Blast: Mind WipeSolar Strike
Red Genesect CollectionMcDonald's Collection 2013
Legendary Treasures
BW Era
BW-P Promotional cards
Journey PartnersBeginning Set
Black CollectionWhite Collection
Battle Strength DecksBattle Theme Deck: Victini
Red Collection
Psycho DriveHail Blizzard
Reshiram-EX Battle Strength DeckZekrom-EX Battle Strength DeckBattle Gift Set: Thundurus vs Tornadus
Dark Rush
Dragon Selection
Dragon BlastDragon Blade: Hydreigon Half DeckGarchomp Half Deck
Keldeo Battle Strength DeckNational Beginning Set
Freeze BoltCold Flare
Plasma Gale: Team Plasma's Powered Half Deck
Master Deck Build Box EXBlack Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckWhite Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckTeam Plasma Battle Gift SetEveryone's Exciting Battle
Spiral ForceThunder Knuckle
Shiny Collection
Megalo Cannon: Blastoise + Kyurem-EX Combo Deck
EX Battle BoostMewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit