{{itemlist|Sun Stone|Located in the southeastern corner of the valley (requires {{m|Strength}})|FR=yes|LG=yes||display={{evostone|Sun Stone}}}}
{{itemlist|Sun Stone|In the southeastern corner of the valley (requires {{m|Strength}})|FR=yes|LG=yes||display={{evostone|Sun Stone}}}}
{{itemlist|HP Up|Located in the southwestern corner of the valley (requires {{m|Strength}})|FR=yes|LG=yes||display={{DL|Vitamin|HP Up}}}}
{{itemlist|HP Up|In the southwestern corner of the valley (requires {{m|Strength}})|FR=yes|LG=yes||display={{DL|Vitamin|HP Up}}}}
{{itemlist|Full Restore|Located in the northwestern corner of the valley (requires {{m|Strength}})|FR=yes|LG=yes||display={{DL|Potion|Full Restore}}}}
{{itemlist|Full Restore|In the northern part of the plateau, near {{tc|Hiker}} Daryl (requires {{m|Strength}})|FR=yes|LG=yes||display={{DL|Potion|Full Restore}}}}
The terrain of Ruin Valley is mainly comprised of tall grass. In the center of the valley is the Dotted Hole (containing the Sapphire), which is also surrounded by a small pool of water. There are also some bare patches of earth. This area of Fortune Island is fairly mountainous, despite there being no actual mountain there. This is probably best demonstrated by the fact that there are many hikers exploring the Ruin Valley.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.