McDonald's Collection 2015 (TCG): Difference between revisions

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Created page with "{{ExpansionPrevNext | prev=McDonald's Collection 2014 | next=None }} {{TCGPromoInfobox |setname=McDonald's Collection 2015 |symbol=yes |image=SetSymbolMcDonalds Collection 201..."
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Revision as of 08:18, 31 October 2015

← McDonald's Collection 2014
TCG expansions


McDonald's Collection 2015
Cards in set 12
Release date October 14, 2015-

The McDonald's Collection 2015 is a collection of cards released in French McDonald's Happy Meals for a limited time in 2015, from October 14 until supplies lasted. It was only released in French.


The McDonald's Collection 2015 contains a total of twelve cards, each of which are reprints from Primal Clash and Roaring Skies. There were also 4 toys that came with 1 card each, based on Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie.

Set list

McDonald's Collection 2015
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
1/12 [[Image:RegMarkTreecko.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Treecko]] Grass Promotion
2/12 [[Image:RegMarkLotad.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Lotad]] Grass Promotion
3/12 [[Image:RegMarkTorchic.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Torchic]] Fire Promotion
4/12 [[Image:RegMarkStaryu.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Staryu]] Water Promotion
5/12 [[Image:RegMarkMudkip.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Mudkip]] Water Promotion
6/12 [[Image:RegMarkPikachu.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Pikachu]] Lightning Promotion
7/12 [[Image:RegMarkElectrike.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Electrike]] Lightning Promotion
8/12 [[Image:RegMarkRhyhorn.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Rhyhorn]] Fighting Promotion
9/12 [[Image:RegMarkMeditite.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Meditite]] Fighting Promotion
10/12 [[Image:RegMarkMarill.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Marill]] Fairy Promotion
11/12 [[Image:RegMarkZigzagoon.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Zigzagoon]] Colorless Promotion
12/12 [[Image:RegMarkSkitty.png|x18px|link=Standard format (TCG)|Skitty]] Colorless Promotion

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
XY Series
XY Black Star Promos
Kalos Starter Set: Chespin DeckFennekin DeckFroakie Deck
XY: Resilient LifeDestruction Rush
XY Trainer Kit
Flashfire: Mystic TyphoonBrilliant Thunder
McDonald's Collection 2014
Furious Fists: Dark HammerEnchanted Echo
Battle Arena Decks: Xerneas vs. Yveltal
Phantom Forces: Burning WindsBolt Twister
XY Trainer Kit: Bisharp & Wigglytuff
Primal Clash: Earth's PulseOcean's Core
Double CrisisXY Trainer Kit: Latias & Latios
Roaring Skies: Aurora BlastStorm Rider
Ancient Origins: Iron TideStone Heart
Battle Arena Decks: Mewtwo vs. Darkrai
BREAKthrough: Burning SparkNight Striker
McDonald's Collection 2015
BREAKpoint: Wave SlasherElectric Eye
GenerationsXY Trainer Kit: Pikachu Libre & Suicune
Fates Collide: Fates Collide Prerelease KitSky GuardianBattle Ruler
Steam Siege: Steam Siege Prerelease KitGears of FireRing of Lightning
McDonald's Collection 2016Battle Arena Decks: Rayquaza vs. Keldeo
Articuno Legendary Battle DeckZapdos Legendary Battle DeckMoltres Legendary Battle Deck

Evolutions: Evolutions Prerelease KitMewtwo MayhemPikachu Power
XY Era
XY-P Promotional cards
XY Beginning Set
Collection XCollection Y
Xerneas Half DeckYveltal Half Deck
Wild Blaze: M Charizard-EX Mega Battle Deck
Rising Fist
Phantom Gate: Hyper Metal Chain Deck
Super Legend Set: Xerneas-EX & Yveltal-EX
Gaia VolcanoTidal Storm
Magma Gang VS Aqua Gang: Double Crisis
Emerald Break: M Rayquaza-EX Mega Battle Deck
Bandit Ring
Legendary Shine CollectionEmboar-EX vs Togekiss-EX Deck KitM Master Deck Build Box Power StyleM Master Deck Build Box Speed Style
Blue ShockRed Flash: Raichu BREAK Evolution PackNoivern BREAK Evolution Pack
Golduck BREAK + Palkia-EX Combo Deck
Rage of the Broken Heavens
Grass/Fighting Battle Strength SetFire/Lightning Battle Strength SetWater/Psychic Battle Strength SetPokéKyun CollectionBREAK Starter Pack
Awakening Psychic King: Zygarde-EX Perfect Battle DeckM Audino-EX Mega Battle Deck
Premium Champion Pack
Fever-Burst FighterCruel Traitor
Mythical & Legendary Dream Shine CollectionExpansion Pack 20th AnniversaryThe Best of XY