User:The Pokémon Master: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
(14 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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Hello. My name is '''The Pokémon Master''', and I am a huge fan of the Pokémon franchise. I hope to make several worthwhile contributions during my time here.
==My History With Pokémon==
I can recall a time in my life when I had no interest whatsoever in Pokémon, back in kindergarten when it was very popular with the kids at school. As soon as I saw a commercial for it, I'd change the channel. My parents didn't understand why I didn't like it, and to be honest, I didn't have a reason. It was just one of those "stupid shows you never get into" in my opinion.

This all changed when I entered third grade. I woke up at 6:30 morning, still having about an hour of free time before I had to go to school. I went to watch TV, and the only thing child-friendly that was on was Pokémon. I watched it, and after just one episode, I was hooked. My mother wasn't too thrilled about this because she thought Pokémon was too violent, but I told her that if she wanted to see violence, she should watch Yu-Gi-Oh. Since then, I woke up before the crack of dawn every day for the remainder of that year to watch every subsequent episode of Pokémon. I now possess some of the TV episodes on DVD, as well as every movie ever made in the franchise. 
{| width="100%" style="{{roundy|2em}}; border:1em solid #{{#switch: {{#time: z}}
|{{#time: z|January 1}}={{spring color}}<!--Spring (games)-->
|{{#time: z|January 29}}={{firered color}}<!--FRLG: JP-->
|{{#time: z|February 1}}={{summer color}}<!--Summer (games)-->
|{{#time: z|February 14}}={{bulba color}}<!--Bulbapedia opened-->
|{{#time: z|February 27}}={{red color}}<!--RG: JP-->
|{{#time: z|March 1}}={{autumn color}}<!--Autumn (games)-->
|{{#time: z|March 6}}={{black color}}<!--BW: NA-->
|{{#time: z|March 14}}={{heartgold color}}<!--HGSS: NA-->
|{{#time: z|March 19}}={{ruby color}}<!--RS: NA-->
|{{#time: z|March 20}}={{spring color}}<!--Spring-->
|{{#time: z|March 22}}={{platinum color}}<!--Pt: NA-->
|{{#time: z|April 1}}={{winter color}}<!--Winter (games)-->
|{{#time: z|April 22}}={{diamond color}}<!--DP: NA-->
|{{#time: z|May 1}}={{emerald color}}<!--E: NA and Spring (games)-->
|{{#time: z|June 1}}={{summer color}}<!--Summer (games)-->
|{{#time: z|June 21}}={{summer color}}<!--Summer-->
|{{#time: z|June 23}}={{black 2 color}}<!--B2W2: JP-->
|{{#time: z|July 1}}={{autumn color}}<!--Autumn (games)-->
|{{#time: z|July 29}}={{crystal color}}<!--C: NA-->
|{{#time: z|August 1}}={{winter color}}<!--Winter (games)-->
|{{#time: z|September 1}}={{red color}}<!--RB: NA-->
|{{#time: z|September 9}}={{firered color}}<!--FRLG: NA-->
|{{#time: z|September 12}}={{heartgold color}}<!--HGSS: JP-->
|{{#time: z|September 16}}={{emerald color}}<!--E: JP-->
|{{#time: z|September 18}}={{black color}}<!--BW: JP-->
|{{#time: z|September 22}}={{autumn color}}<!--Autumn-->
|{{#time: z|September 28}}={{diamond color}}<!--DP: JP-->
|{{#time: z|October 1}}={{yellow color}}<!--Y: NA-->
|{{#time: z|October 7}}={{black 2 color}}<!--B2W2: NA-->
|{{#time: z|October 10}}={{blue color}}<!--B: JP-->
|{{#time: z|October 12}}={{x color}}<!--XY-->
|{{#time: z|October 15}}={{gold color}}<!--GS: NA-->
|{{#time: z|November 1}}={{autumn color}}<!--Autumn (games)-->
|{{#time: z|November 21}}={{omega ruby color}}<!--ORAS-->
|{{#time: z|December 1}}={{winter color}}<!--Winter (games)-->
|{{#time: z|December 14}}={{crystal color}}<!--C: JP-->
|{{#time: z|December 21}}={{winter color}}<!--Winter-->
|{{#time: z|December 25}}=E03E3E<!--Christmas-->
|{{grass color dark}}}}; background:#{{#switch: {{#time: z}}
|{{#time: z|January 1}}={{spring color light}}
|{{#time: z|January 29}}={{leafgreen color}}
|{{#time: z|February 1}}={{summer color light}}
|{{#time: z|February 14}}={{bulba color light}}
|{{#time: z|February 27}}={{green color}}
|{{#time: z|March 1}}={{autumn color light}}
|{{#time: z|March 6}}={{white color}}
|{{#time: z|March 14}}={{soulsilver color}}
|{{#time: z|March 19}}={{sapphire color}}
|{{#time: z|March 20}}={{spring color light}}
|{{#time: z|March 22}}={{platinum color light}}
|{{#time: z|April 1}}={{winter color light}}
|{{#time: z|April 22}}={{pearl color}}
|{{#time: z|May 1}}={{spring color}}
|{{#time: z|June 1}}={{summer color light}}
|{{#time: z|June 21}}={{summer color light}}
|{{#time: z|June 23}}={{white 2 color}}
|{{#time: z|July 1}}={{autumn color light}}
|{{#time: z|July 29}}={{crystal color light}}
|{{#time: z|August 1}}={{winter color light}}
|{{#time: z|September 1}}={{blue color}}
|{{#time: z|September 9}}={{leafgreen color}}
|{{#time: z|September 12}}={{soulsilver color}}
|{{#time: z|September 16}}={{emerald color light}}
|{{#time: z|September 18}}={{white color}}
|{{#time: z|September 22}}={{autumn color light}}
|{{#time: z|September 28}}={{pearl color}}
|{{#time: z|October 1}}={{yellow color light}}
|{{#time: z|October 7}}={{white 2 color}}
|{{#time: z|October 10}}={{blue color light}}
|{{#time: z|October 12}}={{y color}}
|{{#time: z|October 15}}={{silver color}}
|{{#time: z|November 1}}={{autumn color light}}
|{{#time: z|November 21}}={{alpha sapphire color}}
|{{#time: z|December 1}}={{winter color light}}
|{{#time: z|December 14}}={{crystal color light}}
|{{#time: z|December 21}}={{winter color light}}
|{{#time: z|December 25}}=4FA540

Also during third grade, I was introduced to the next big area of the Pokémon franchise, the video games. A kid on my bus was playing ''Pokémon Ruby Version'', and he allowed me to try it. This ultimately started my video gaming career, and I was delighted to receive a GameBoy Advance SP and a copy of ''Pokémon LeafGreen Version'' for Christmas that year. I started with a Squirtle, and I eventually beat the game after lots of practice until I lost my save data to an ActionReplay. I was devastated at the loss of my first-ever Pokémon game, but I had recently obtained a copy of ''Pokémon Ruby Version'' to keep me busy. Since obtaining ''LeafGreen'', I have obtained every subsequent Pokémon game that was of interest to me.
{| width="97.6%" style="margin:auto; {{roundy|10px}}; background:#F5FFE5; margin-top:1em; margin-bottom:3em"
I was introduced to the TCG aspect of Pokémon during fourth grade at a birthday party I was having with my friends, one of whom gave me all of his old Pokémon cards. While I didn't understand how to play the game officially, I made up my own rules to dominate opponents with and started collecting cards on my own. While I've been cheated and tricked during trades, I now am the proud owner of over 450 Pokémon cards, all of which are residing in mint condition in special binders I keep in my room.
{| width="50%" align="right" style="background: #{{grass color}}; border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; {{roundy}}; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 10px;"
To say Pokémon has changed my life is an understatement. My love for the franchise has consumed me to the extent that I wish I could be a Pokémon Trainer and travel the world while making friends with exotic creatures. The games are always good to fall back on if you're stuck on another from a different series, and the cards are fun to collect for bragging rights. The anime is always good for a laugh and an epic plotline where the movies are concerned, and the few friends I still have are my friends because of it. I even try making my own fan-additions to the franchise in all aspects! While I enjoy many other video game series besides Pokémon, it will always have a special place in my heart.
==Interesting Facts About me and Pokémon==
{| width="100%" style="background: #F5FFE5; border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; color: #FFF; padding: 40px; {{roundy}}"
*I usually never cry when watching a sad movie. The only exception to this was when watching ''Pokémon Heroes''.  
*I only learned to ride a bike so that my parents would buy me ''Pokémon Emerald Version''. They said it would be my reward if, and only if, I did so.
! [[File:2016 Mythical Pokémon Distributions artwork.png|500px]]
*I don't believe in nick-naming my Pokémon. I think the entire ability to do so is stupid and pointless. During my first playthrough of ''LeafGreen'', I admit to naming a Weedle "Ben," but since then, no other Pokémon in any of my games has been nick-named. I do not use the pre-nick-named Pokémon obtained through in-game trades whatsoever.  
*I am sexist when it comes to Pokémon. Unless a certain species only comes in the female gender, I capture and use only male or genderless Pokémon.
*My personal strategy is "offense is the best defense." None of my Pokémon know defensive moves unless they come with an HP-restoration side-effect (the things I care about leveling up most are HP and strength when it comes to video games).
*I have never lost a battle against a non-CPU player. The only time I lose is when I battle against myself using two of my own Pokémon games (one of which goes into my sister's Nintendo DS while I use the other on mine) and purposefully lose.
{| width="100%" style="background: transparent; margin-bottom: 20px;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"
==My ''Pokémon'' teams==
{| width="95%" align="center" style="background: #{{grass color dark}}; {{roundy}}"
|- align="center"
| width="40%" style="color: #FFF;" | Name
! width="60%" style="background: #{{grass color light}}; {{roundy}};" | The Pokémon Master<br>(ザポケモンマスター, ''Za Pokémon Masutā'')
{| width="95%" align="center" style="background: #{{grass color dark}}; {{roundy}}"
|- align="center"
| width="40%" style="color: #FFF;" | Age
! width="60%" style="background: #{{grass color light}}; {{roundy}};" | 21
{| width="95%" align="center" style="background: #{{grass color dark}}; {{roundy}}"
|- align="center"
| width="40%" style="color: #FFF;" | Gender
! width="60%" style="background: #{{grass color light}}; {{roundy}};" | Male ({{Male}})
{| width="95%" align="center" style="background: #{{grass color dark}}; {{roundy}}"
|- align="center"
| width="40%" style="color: #FFF;" | Date of birth
! width="60%" style="background: #{{grass color light}}; {{roundy}};" | February 19, 1995
{| width="95%" align="center" style="background: #{{grass color dark}}; {{roundy}}"
|- align="center"
| width="40%" style="color: #FFF;" | Country
! width="60%" style="background: #{{grass color light}}; {{roundy}};" | [[File:United States Flag.png|25px]] <sc>United States of America</sc>
{| width="95%" align="center" style="background: #{{grass color dark}}; {{roundy}}"
|- align="center"
| width="40%" style="color: #FFF;" | Height
! width="60%" style="background: #{{grass color light}}; {{roundy}};" | 1.9 meters
{| width="95%" align="center" style="background: #{{grass color dark}}; {{roundy}}"
|- align="center"
| width="40%" style="color: #FFF;" | Eye color
! width="60%" style="background: #{{grass color light}}; {{roundy}};" | <font color="#4E2400">Brown</font>
{| class="expandable" width="95%" align="center" style="background: #{{grass color dark}}; {{roundy}};"
! <span style="color: #FFF;">Usertags</span>
{| width="100%" style="background: #F5FFE5; {{roundy}}"
{| class="expandable" width="100%" align="center" style="background: #{{grass color light}}; {{roundy}}"
! About me
| style="background: #FFF; {{roundy}}" colspan="2" |
{{User Male|381}}
{{User en}}
{{User EST}}
{{User Birthday|February 19}}
{{User Age|21}}
{{User Shy}}
{{User Computer}}
{{User Rain}}
{{User Snow}}
{{User Wears Shorts}}
{{User Professor}}
{{User Skype}}
{{User Pet|rabbit}}
{{User Insomnia}}
{{User Good Friend}}
{{User Eat}}
{{User Types Quickly}}
{{User Swim}}
{{User Smart}}
{{User Sing}}
{{User Can Swim}}
{{User Artist}}
{{User Christian}}
{{User No Worry}}
{{User Glasses}}
{{User Brown Hair}}
{{User Heterosexual}}
{{User Country|628|the United States|0000DD|FFFFFF|DD0000}}
{{User Mythical Creatures}}
{{User Dinosaurs}}
{{User Cool}}
{{User Smart Condition}}
{{User Ketchup}}
{{User State|321|Connecticut|FFFFFF|42A1FF|FCEA00}}
{{User Wish}}
{{User Sleep}}
{{User Help}}
{{User Nature}}
{{User Fakemon}}
{{User Candy}}
{{User Shadow Lugia}}
{{User Steve}}
{{User YouTube Account}}
{{User Super Smash Bros. Series}}
{{User Likes Green}}
{{User Spicy}}
{{User Sweet}}
{{User TV|Doctor Who}}
{{User Snakes}}
{{User Season|586S|summer}}
{{User Night}}
{{User Dogs}}
{{User Cats}}
{{User Band|Tears for Fears}}
{{User Action Replay}}
{| class="expandable" width="100%" align="center" style="background: #{{grass color light}}; {{roundy}}"
! ''Pokémon''-related
| style="background: #FFF; {{roundy}}" colspan="2" |
{{User FireRed}}
{{User Silver}}
{{User Ruby}}
{{User Emerald}}
{{User Diamond}}
{{User Platinum}}
{{User HeartGold}}
{{User White}}
{{User White 2}}
{{User Y}}
{{User Omega Ruby}}
{{User Colosseum}}
{{User XD}}
{{User Ranger}}
{{User Ranger 2}}
{{User Ranger 3}}
{{User Mystery Dungeon Red}}
{{User Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness}}
{{User Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity}}
{{User Super Mystery Dungeon}}
{{User PokéPark}}
{{User Battle Revolution}}
{{User TCG}}
{{User TCG Collector}}
{{User Cartoon Network}}
{{User Original Series}}
{{User Advanced Generation}}
{{User Trainer}}
{{User Twerp}}
{{User Alltypes}}
{{User Legendary}}
{{User Magma}}
{{User Cipher}}
{{User Galactic}}
{{User Plasma}}
{{User Mew}}
{{User Celebi}}
{{User Jirachi}}
{{User Deoxys}}
{{User Spiky-Eared Pichu}}
{{User Phione}}
{{User Manaphy}}
{{User Darkrai}}
{{User Shaymin}}
{{User Arceus}}
{{User Victini}}
{{User Keldeo}}
{{User Meloetta}}
{{User Genesect}}
{{User Eight Gym Badges}}
{{User Defeated Red}}
{{User Complete National Dex}}
{{User All Legendaries}}
{{User Favorite Arceus}}
{{User Favorite Bug|649|Genesect}}
{{User Favorite Dark|491|Darkrai}}
{{User Favorite Dragon|384|Rayquaza}}
{{User Favorite Electric|644|Zekrom}}
{{User Favorite Fairy|282|Gardevoir}}
{{User Favorite Fighting|448|Lucario}}
{{User Favorite Fire|643|Reshiram}}
{{User Favorite Flying|641|Tornadus}}
{{User Favorite Ghost|487|Giratina}}
{{User Favorite Grass|640|Virizion}}
{{User Favorite Ground|383|Groudon}}
{{User Favorite Ice|646|Kyurem}}
{{User Favorite Normal|493|Arceus}}
{{User Favorite Poison|024|Arbok}}
{{User Favorite Psychic|386|Deoxys}}
{{User Favorite Rock|248|Tyranitar}}
{{User Favorite Steel|483|Dialga}}
{{User Favorite Water|484|Palkia}}
{{User Favorite Type|147|Dragon}}
{{User Favorite Mega|384|Rayquaza|Dragon|Flying}}
{{User Favorite Legendary|493|Arceus|Normal}}
{{User Favorite Gym Leader|Spr B2W2 Wallace|Wallace|water}}
{{User Favorite Champion|Cynthia}}
{| class="expandable" width="100%" align="center" style="background: #{{grass color light}}; {{roundy}}"
! Bulbapedia-related
| style="background: #FFF; {{roundy}}" colspan="2" |
{{User Mac OS X}}
{{User Safari}}
{{User No Vandal}}
::::::[[File:201Unown W Dream.png|50px]][[File:201Unown E Dream.png|40px]][[File:201Unown L Dream.png|35px]][[File:201Unown C Dream.png|50px]][[File:201Unown O Dream.png|50px]][[File:201Unown M Dream.png|50px]][[File:201Unown E Dream.png|40px]]
Salutations! My name is '''The Pokémon Master'''. I am a longtime Pokémon fan.
==[[File:Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png]] Profile [[File:Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png]]==
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
*'''Gender''': Male ({{Male}})
*'''Height''': 1.9 meters
*'''Eye color''': <font color="#4E2400">'''Brown'''</font>
*'''Hair color''': <font color="#4E2400">'''Brown'''</font>
*I wear glasses.
*During the warmer parts of the year, I can be found wearing a t-shirt and shorts, as well as white socks and sneakers.
*When it gets cold outside, I wear long-sleeved shirts and bluejeans. I retain my white socks and sneakers from the spring and summer.
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
*I am an introvert.
*I am shy.
*I have a strong sense of humor.
*I have difficulty trusting people.
*I am a fiercely loyal friend to those who show me kindness and take the time to get to know me.
*I am very ambitious.
*I often expect a lot from myself and others.
*I am easy to anger and offend.
*I am extremely creative.
==[[File:Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png]] Story [[File:Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png]]==
===My ''Pokémon'' journey===
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Pokémon logo English.png|120px]]
====In the games====
=====Generation II=====
======''Pokémon Silver and Gold Versions''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Gold EN boxart.png|90px]]<br><br>[[File:Silver EN boxart.png|90px]]
=====Generation III=====
======''Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Versions''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Ruby EN boxart.png|90px]]<br><br>[[File:Sapphire EN boxart.png|90px]] 
======''Pokémon Emerald Version''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Emerald EN boxart.jpg|90px]] 
======''Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Versions''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:FireRed EN boxart.jpg|90px]]<br><br>[[File:LeafGreen EN boxart.jpg|90px]] 
======''Pokémon Colosseum''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Colosseum EN boxart.png|90px]]
======''Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:XD EN boxart.jpg|90px]]
======''Pokémon Ranger''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Ranger EN boxart.jpg|90px]]
======''Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:MD Red EN boxart.jpg|90px]]<br><br>[[File:MD Blue EN boxart.jpg|95px]] 
=====Generation IV=====
======''Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Versions''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Diamond EN boxart.jpg|90px]]<br><br>[[File:Pearl EN boxart.jpg|90px]] 
======''Pokémon Platinum Version''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Platinum EN boxart.png|90px]]
======''Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:HeartGold EN boxart.jpg|90px]]<br><br>[[File:SoulSilver EN boxart.jpg|90px]] 
======''Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Ranger SoA EN boxart.png|90px]]
======''Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Ranger GS EN boxart.png|90px]]
======''PokéPark Wii - Pikachu's Adventure''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:PokePark US boxart.png|90px]]
======''Pokémon Battle Revolution''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Battle Revolution EN boxart.jpg|90px]]
======''Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time and Darkness''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:MD Time EN boxart.jpg|90px]]<br><br>[[File:MD Darkness EN boxart.jpg|90px]] 
=====Generation V=====
======''Pokémon Black and White Versions''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Black EN boxart.png|90px]]<br><br>[[File:White EN boxart.png|90px]] 
======''Pokémon Black 2 and White 2''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Black 2 EN boxart.png|90px]]<br><br>[[File:White 2 EN boxart.png|90px]] 
======''Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:MD GTI EN boxart.png|90px]]
=====Generation VI=====
======''Pokémon X and Y''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:X EN boxart.png|90px]]<br><br>[[File:Y EN boxart.png|90px]] 
======''Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Omega Ruby EN boxart.png|90px]]<br><br>[[File:Alpha Sapphire EN boxart.png|90px]] 
======''Pokémon Shuffle Mobile''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Pokémon Shuffle artwork.png|150px]]
======''Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Super Mystery Dungeon EN boxart.png|90px]]
======''Pokkén Tournament''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Pokkén Tournament EN boxart.png|90px]]
====In the anime====
=====Original series=====
======''Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Movie 1 poster.png|100px]]
======''Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
======''Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:SpellOfTheUnown poster.jpg|100px]]
======''Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: Voice of the Forest''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Pokemon forever.jpg|100px]]
======''Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:PokéMovie 5.png|100px]]
=====''Advanced Generation'' series=====
======''Pokémon: Jirachi: Wish Maker''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:M06 Poster.png|100px]]
======''Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:M07 poster.png|100px]]
======''Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:M08 English poster.png|100px]]
======''Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:M09 English poster.png|100px]]
=====''Diamond & Pearl'' series=====
======''Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
======''Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Giratina and the Sky Warrior.png|100px]]
======''Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Arceus and the Jewel of Life.png|100px]]
======''Pokémon - Zoroark: Master of Illusions''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Zoroark Master of Illusions.png|100px]]
=====''Best Wishes'' series=====
======''Pokémon the Movie: White—Victini and Zekrom'' / ''Pokémon the Movie: Black—Victini and Reshiram''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:M14 dub boxart.png|100px]]
======''Pokémon the Movie: Kyurem vs. the Sword of Justice''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:M15 English poster.png|100px]]
======''Pokémon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:M16 English poster alternate.png|100px]]
=====''XY'' series=====
======''Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:M17 English poster.png|100px]]
======''Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages''======
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:M18 English poster.png|100px]]
====In the TCG====
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
[[File:Pokémon TCG logo.png|120px]]
==[[File:Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png]] Pokémon [[File:Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png]]==
===''Pokémon FireRed Version''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{kanto color dark}}; background: #{{Kanto color}};"
|- style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon FireRed Version''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{FireRed color dark}}; background: #{{FireRed color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{FireRed color dark}}; background: #{{FireRed color light}}; width:80px" |  [[File:FireRed LeafGreen Red.png|60px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:003Venusaur.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Venusaur|{{grass color dark}}|Venusaur}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:006Charizard.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Charizard|{{fire color dark}}|Charizard}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:009Blastoise.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Blastoise|{{water color dark}}|Blastoise}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:149Dragonite.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Dragonite|{{dragon color dark}}|Dragonite}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{rock color dark}}; background: #{{rock color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:248Tyranitar.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{rock color dark}}; background: #{{rock color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Tyranitar|{{rock color dark}}|Tyranitar}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{psychic color dark}}; background: #{{psychic color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:150Mewtwo.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{psychic color dark}}; background: #{{psychic color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Mewtwo|{{psychic color dark}}|Mewtwo}}'''
===''Pokémon Silver Version''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{johto color dark}}; background: #{{Johto color}};"
|- style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon Silver Version''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px" |  [[File:Gold Silver Ethan.png|60px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:157Typhlosion.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Typhlosion|{{fire color dark}}|Typhlosion}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:149Dragonite.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Dragonite|{{dragon color dark}}|Dragonite}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{rock color dark}}; background: #{{rock color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:248Tyranitar.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{rock color dark}}; background: #{{rock color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Tyranitar|{{rock color dark}}|Tyranitar}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:130Gyarados.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Gyarados|{{water color dark}}|Gyarados}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{psychic color dark}}; background: #{{psychic color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:249Lugia.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{psychic color dark}}; background: #{{psychic color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Lugia|{{psychic color dark}}|Lugia}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:250Ho-Oh.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Ho-Oh|{{fire color dark}}|Ho-Oh}}'''
===''Pokémon Ruby Version''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{hoenn color dark}}; background: #{{Hoenn color}};"
|- style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon Ruby Version''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{ruby color dark}}; background: #{{ruby color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ruby color dark}}; background: #{{ruby color light}}; width:80px" |  [[File:Ruby Sapphire Brendan.png|60px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:257Blaziken.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Blaziken|{{fire color dark}}|Blaziken}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:376Metagross.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Metagross|{{steel color dark}}|Metagross}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ground color dark}}; background: #{{ground color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:330Flygon.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ground color dark}}; background: #{{ground color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Flygon|{{ground color dark}}|Flygon}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:306Aggron.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Aggron|{{steel color dark}}|Aggron}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ice color dark}}; background: #{{ice color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:365Walrein.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ice color dark}}; background: #{{ice color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Walrein|{{ice color dark}}|Walrein}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:373Salamence.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Salamence|{{dragon color dark}}|Salamence}}''' {{male}}
===''Pokémon Emerald Version''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{hoenn color dark}}; background: #{{Hoenn color}};"
|- style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon Emerald Version''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{emerald color dark}}; background: #{{emerald color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{emerald color dark}}; background: #{{emerald color light}}; width:80px" |  [[File:Emerald Brendan.png|80px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:254Sceptile.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Sceptile|{{grass color dark}}|Sceptile}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:257Blaziken.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Blaziken|{{fire color dark}}|Blaziken}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:260Swampert.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Swampert|{{water color dark}}|Swampert}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ground color dark}}; background: #{{ground color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:383Groudon.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ground color dark}}; background: #{{ground color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Groudon|{{ground color dark}}|Groudon}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:382Kyogre.png|90px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Kyogre|{{water color dark}}|Kyogre}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:384Rayquaza.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Rayquaza|{{dragon color dark}}|Rayquaza}}'''
===''Pokémon Colosseum''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{hoenn color dark}}; background: #{{Hoenn color}};"
|- style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon Colosseum''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{colosseum color dark}}; background: #{{colosseum color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{colosseum color dark}}; background: #{{colosseum color light}}; width:80px" |  [[File:Colosseum Wes 3D.png|60px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:373Salamence.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Salamence|{{dragon color dark}}|Salamence}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:350Milotic.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Milotic|{{water color dark}}|Milotic}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:306Aggron.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Aggron|{{steel color dark}}|Aggron}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ground color dark}}; background: #{{ground color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:330Flygon.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ground color dark}}; background: #{{ground color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Flygon|{{ground color dark}}|Flygon}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:376Metagross.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Metagross|{{steel color dark}}|Metagross}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{rock color dark}}; background: #{{rock color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:248Tyranitar.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{rock color dark}}; background: #{{rock color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Tyranitar|{{rock color dark}}|Tyranitar}}''' {{male}}
===''Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{hoenn color dark}}; background: #{{Hoenn color}};"
|- style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon XD:<br>Gale of Darkness''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{xd color dark}}; background: #{{xd color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{xd color dark}}; background: #{{xd color light}}; width:80px" |  [[File:XD Michael.png|60px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:373Salamence.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Salamence|{{dragon color dark}}|Salamence}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:350Milotic.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Milotic|{{water color dark}}|Milotic}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:306Aggron.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Aggron|{{steel color dark}}|Aggron}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:149Dragonite.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Dragonite|{{dragon color dark}}|Dragonite}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{poison color dark}}; background: #{{poison color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:169Crobat.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{poison color dark}}; background: #{{poison color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Crobat|{{poison color dark}}|Crobat}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ice color dark}}; background: #{{ice color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:365Walrein.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ice color dark}}; background: #{{ice color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Walrein|{{ice color dark}}|Walrein}}''' {{male}}
===''Pokémon Diamond Version''===
===''Pokémon Diamond Version''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{sinnoh color dark}}; background: #{{Sinnoh color}};"
|color={{diamond color}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|headcolor={{diamond color light}}
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon Diamond Version''
|bordercolor={{diamond color dark}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|sprite=Spr DP Lucas.png
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{diamond color dark}}; background: #{{diamond color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{diamond color dark}}; background: #{{diamond color light}}; width:80px" | [[File:Diamond Pearl Lucas.png|50px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|location=Twinleaf Town
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:389Torterra.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Torterra|{{grass color dark}}|Torterra}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:392Infernape.png|70px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Infernape|{{fire color dark}}|Infernape}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:395Empoleon.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Empoleon|{{water color dark}}|Empoleon}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:398Staraptor.png|70px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Staraptor|{{normal color dark}}|Staraptor}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move1=Blast Burn
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fighting color dark}}; background: #{{fighting color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:448Lucario.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fighting color dark}}; background: #{{fighting color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Lucario|{{fighting color dark}}|Lucario}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move2=Close Combat
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:445Garchomp.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Garchomp|{{dragon color dark}}|Garchomp}}''' {{male}}
|move3=Fire Blast
===''Pokémon Platinum Version''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{sinnoh color dark}}; background: #{{Sinnoh color}};"
|move4=Flare Blitz
|- style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon Platinum Version''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{platinum color dark}}; background: #{{platinum color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{platinum color dark}}; background: #{{platinum color light}}; width:80px" | [[File:Platinum Lucas.png|60px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:392Infernape.png|70px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Infernape|{{fire color dark}}|Infernape}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:398Staraptor.png|70px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Staraptor|{{normal color dark}}|Staraptor}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move1=Frenzy Plant
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fighting color dark}}; background: #{{fighting color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:448Lucario.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fighting color dark}}; background: #{{fighting color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Lucario|{{fighting color dark}}|Lucario}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:445Garchomp.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Garchomp|{{dragon color dark}}|Garchomp}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move3=Leaf Storm
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{electric color dark}}; background: #{{electric color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:405Luxray.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{electric color dark}}; background: #{{electric color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Luxray|{{electric color dark}}|Luxray}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move4=Wood Hammer
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:407Roserade.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Roserade|{{grass color dark}}|Roserade}}''' {{male}}
===''Pokémon Battle Revolution''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{sinnoh color dark}}; background: #{{Sinnoh color}};"
|- style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon Battle Revolution''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{??? color dark}}; background: #{{??? color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{??? color dark}}; background: #{{??? color light}}; width:80px" |  [[File:Mysterial.png|60px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move1=Hydro Cannon
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:483Dialga.png|85px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Dialga|{{steel color dark}}|Dialga}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move2=Hydro Pump
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:484Palkia.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Palkia|{{water color dark}}|Palkia}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move3=Drill Peck
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ghost color dark}}; background: #{{ghost color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:487Giratina-Altered.png|85px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ghost color dark}}; background: #{{ghost color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Giratina|{{ghost color dark}}|Giratina}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move4=Ice Beam
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:493Arceus.png|85px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Arceus|{{normal color dark}}|Arceus}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dark color dark}}; background: #{{dark color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:491Darkrai.png|70px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dark color dark}}; background: #{{dark color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Darkrai|{{dark color dark}}|Darkrai}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|ndex=398 m
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:492Shaymin-Land.png|60px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Shaymin|{{grass color dark}}|Shaymin}}''' 
===''Pokémon HeartGold Version''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{johto color dark}}; background: #{{Johto color}};"
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move1=Brave Bird
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon HeartGold Version ''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{heartgold color dark}}; background: #{{heartgold color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{heartgold color dark}}; background: #{{heartgold color light}}; width:80px" |  [[File:HeartGold SoulSilver Ethan.png|60px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move3=Close Combat
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:157Typhlosion.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Typhlosion|{{fire color dark}}|Typhlosion}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{rock color dark}}; background: #{{rock color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:248Tyranitar.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{rock color dark}}; background: #{{rock color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Tyranitar|{{rock color dark}}|Tyranitar}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:149Dragonite.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Dragonite|{{dragon color dark}}|Dragonite}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{poison color dark}}; background: #{{poison color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:169Crobat.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{poison color dark}}; background: #{{poison color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Crobat|{{poison color dark}}|Crobat}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:130Gyarados.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Gyarados|{{water color dark}}|Gyarados}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|ability=Inner Focus
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:208Steelix.png|65px]]
|move1=Aura Sphere
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Steelix|{{steel color dark}}|Steelix}}''' {{male}}
|move2=Dark Pulse
===''Pokémon White Version''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{unova color dark}}; background: #{{Unova color}};"
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move3=Dragon Pulse
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon White Version ''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move4=Iron Tail
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{white color dark}}; background: #{{white color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{white color dark}}; background: #{{white color light}}; width:80px" |  [[File:Black White Hilbert.png|55px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:497Serperior.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Serperior|{{grass color dark}}|Serperior}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|ndex=445 m
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:612Haxorus.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Haxorus|{{dragon color dark}}|Haxorus}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dark color dark}}; background: #{{dark color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:625Bisharp.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dark color dark}}; background: #{{dark color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Bisharp|{{dark color dark}}|Bisharp}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|ability=Sand Veil
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:628Braviary.png|75px]]
|move1=Dragon Claw
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Braviary|{{normal color dark}}|Braviary}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dark color dark}}; background: #{{dark color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:635Hydreigon.png|75px]]
|move2=Stone Edge
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dark color dark}}; background: #{{dark color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Hydreigon|{{dark color dark}}|Hydreigon}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{bug color dark}}; background: #{{bug color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:637Volcarona.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{bug color dark}}; background: #{{bug color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Volcarona|{{bug color dark}}|Volcarona}}''' {{male}}
|move4=Dragon Rush
===''Pokémon White Version 2''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{unova color dark}}; background: #{{Unova color}};"
|- style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon White Version 2''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{white 2 color dark}}; background: #{{white 2 color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{white 2 color dark}}; background: #{{white 2 color light}}; width:80px" |  [[File:Black 2 White 2 Nate.png|55px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:503Samurott.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Samurott|{{water color dark}}|Samurott}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{electric color dark}}; background: #{{electric color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:523Zebstrika.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{electric color dark}}; background: #{{electric color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Zebstrika|{{electric color dark}}|Zebstrika}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ground color dark}}; background: #{{ground color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:623Golurk.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ground color dark}}; background: #{{ground color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Golurk|{{ground color dark}}|Golurk}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dark color dark}}; background: #{{dark color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:571Zoroark.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dark color dark}}; background: #{{dark color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Zoroark|{{dark color dark}}|Zoroark}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:628Braviary.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Braviary|{{normal color dark}}|Braviary}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dark color dark}}; background: #{{dark color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:635Hydreigon.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dark color dark}}; background: #{{dark color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Hydreigon|{{dark color dark}}|Hydreigon}}''' {{male}}

====Alternate team====
===''Pokémon Y''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{kalos color dark}}; background: #{{Kalos color}};"
|color={{diamond color}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|headcolor={{diamond color light}}
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon Y''
|bordercolor={{diamond color dark}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|sprite=Spr DP Lucas.png
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{y color dark}}; background: #{{y color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{y color dark}}; background: #{{y color light}}; width:80px" | [[File:XY Calem.png|40px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|location=Twinleaf Town
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:658Greninja.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Greninja|{{water color dark}}|Greninja}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:006Charizard.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fire color dark}}; background: #{{fire color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Charizard|{{fire color dark}}|Charizard}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fighting color dark}}; background: #{{fighting color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:448Lucario.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fighting color dark}}; background: #{{fighting color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Lucario|{{fighting color dark}}|Lucario}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{psychic color dark}}; background: #{{psychic color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:282Gardevoir.png|70px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{psychic color dark}}; background: #{{psychic color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Gardevoir|{{psychic color dark}}|Gardevoir}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move1=Roar of Time
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{poison color dark}}; background: #{{poison color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:691Dragalge.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{poison color dark}}; background: #{{poison color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Dragalge|{{poison color dark}}|Dragalge}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move2=Iron Tail
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{flying color dark}}; background: #{{flying color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:715Noivern.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{flying color dark}}; background: #{{flying color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Noivern|{{flying color dark}}|Noivern}}''' {{male}}
===''Pokémon Omega Ruby''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{hoenn color dark}}; background: #{{Hoenn color}};"
|move4=Dragon Claw
|- style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon Omega Ruby''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{ruby color dark}}; background: #{{ruby color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ruby color dark}}; background: #{{ruby color light}}; width:80px" |  [[File:Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Brendan.png|50px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:254Sceptile.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Sceptile|{{grass color dark}}|Sceptile}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:373Salamence.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Salamence|{{dragon color dark}}|Salamence}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move1=Spacial Rend
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:350Milotic.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Milotic|{{water color dark}}|Milotic}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move2=Aqua Tail
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:376Metagross.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Metagross|{{steel color dark}}|Metagross}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move3=Ice Beam
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ground color dark}}; background: #{{ground color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:330Flygon.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{ground color dark}}; background: #{{ground color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Flygon|{{ground color dark}}|Flygon}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move4=Dragon Claw
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:306Aggron.png|75px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{steel color dark}}; background: #{{steel color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Aggron|{{steel color dark}}|Aggron}}''' {{male}}
===''Pokémon Moon''===
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{alola color dark}}; background: #{{Alola color}};"
|- style="text-align: center;"
! colspan="2" | ''Pokémon Moon''
|- style="text-align: center;"
{| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{moon color dark}}; background: #{{moon color}};"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{moon color dark}}; background: #{{moon color light}}; width:80px" | [[File:Sun Moon Protagonist male.png|55px]] ''Tom''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move1=Shadow Force
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:724Decidueye.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{grass color dark}}; background: #{{grass color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Decidueye|{{grass color dark}}|Decidueye}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move2=Dragon Claw
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{poison color dark}}; background: #{{poison color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:758Salazzle.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{poison color dark}}; background: #{{poison color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Salazzle|{{poison color dark}}|Salazzle}}''' {{female}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move3=Shadow Ball
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{bug color dark}}; background: #{{bug color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:768Golisopod.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{bug color dark}}; background: #{{bug color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Golisopod|{{bug color dark}}|Golisopod}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|move4=Dragon Pulse
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:773Silvally.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{normal color dark}}; background: #{{normal color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Golisopod|{{normal color dark}}|Silvally}}'''
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:784Kommo-o.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{dragon color dark}}; background: #{{dragon color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Kommo-o|{{dragon color dark}}|Kommo-o}}''' {{male}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fighting color dark}}; background: #{{fighting color light}}; width:42px"| [[File:740Crabominable.png|80px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{fighting color dark}}; background: #{{fighting color light}}; width:80px"| '''{{pcolor|Crabominable|{{fighting color dark}}|Crabominable}}''' {{male}}
|move1=Roar of Time
|move2=Spacial Rend
|move3=Shadow Force
|ability=Bad Dreams
|move1=Dark Pulse
|move2=Roar of Time
|move3=Spacial Rend
|move4=Dark Void
|ability=Natural Cure
|move3=Seed Flare

===''Pokémon White Version''===
==[[File:Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png]] Trivia [[File:Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png]]==
{| {{Schemetable|Grass}}
|color={{white color}}
|headcolor={{white color light}}
|bordercolor={{white color dark}}
*In the summer of 2015, I was diagnosed with and received treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
|sprite=Spr BW Hilbert.png
*I am an avid writer of fan-fiction and am currently developing concepts for Generation VIII, IX, and X of ''Pokémon''.
*''Pokémon Heroes: Latias & Latios'' is the only film capable of making me emotional.
*I only catch male Pokémon, unless a particular species is genderless or exclusively female.
|location=Nuvema Town
|move1=Frenzy Plant
|move2=Leaf Blade
|move3=Giga Drain
|move4=Leaf Storm
|move1=Dragon Claw
|move3=Shadow Claw
|move4=Dragon Pulse
|move2=Iron Head
|move3=Poison Jab
|move4=Night Slash
|ability=Keen Eye
|move1=Brave Bird
|move4=Sky Drop
|move1=Dragon Rush
|move4=Dragon Pulse
|ability=Flame Body
|move2=Bug Buzz
|move3=Heat Wave
|move4=Silver Wind
===''Pokémon White Version 2''===
|color={{white color}}
|headcolor={{white color light}}
|bordercolor={{white color dark}}
|sprite=Spr B2W2 Nate.png
|game=White 2
|location=Aspertia City
|game=White 2
|item=Mystic Water
|move1=Hydro Cannon
|move4=Hydro Pump
|game=White 2
|item=Shell Bell
|move1=Night Slash
|move2=Foul Play
|move4=Night Daze
|game=White 2
|item=Rocky Helmet
|ability=Iron Fist
|move1=Hammer Arm
|game=White 2
|item=Sharp Beak
|move1=Brave Bird
|move4=Aerial Ace
|game=White 2
|item=Draco Plate
|move1=Dragon Rush
|move2=Hyper Voice
|move4=Dragon Pulse
|game=White 2
|item=Quick Claw
|ability=Motor Drive
|move1=Wild Charge

Latest revision as of 05:06, 31 January 2017

Name The Pokémon Master
(ザポケモンマスター, Za Pokémon Masutā)
Age 21
Gender Male ()
Date of birth February 19, 1995
Country United States of America
Height 1.9 meters
Eye color Brown

Salutations! My name is The Pokémon Master. I am a longtime Pokémon fan.



  • Gender: Male ()
  • Height: 1.9 meters
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Hair color: Brown
  • I wear glasses.
  • During the warmer parts of the year, I can be found wearing a t-shirt and shorts, as well as white socks and sneakers.
  • When it gets cold outside, I wear long-sleeved shirts and bluejeans. I retain my white socks and sneakers from the spring and summer.


  • I am an introvert.
  • I am shy.
  • I have a strong sense of humor.
  • I have difficulty trusting people.
  • I am a fiercely loyal friend to those who show me kindness and take the time to get to know me.
  • I am very ambitious.
  • I often expect a lot from myself and others.
  • I am easy to anger and offend.
  • I am extremely creative.


Pokémon FireRed Version

Pokémon FireRed Version

Pokémon Silver Version

Pokémon Silver Version

Pokémon Ruby Version

Pokémon Ruby Version

Pokémon Emerald Version

Pokémon Emerald Version

Pokémon Colosseum

Pokémon Colosseum

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

Pokémon XD:
Gale of Darkness

Pokémon Diamond Version

Pokémon Diamond Version

Pokémon Platinum Version

Pokémon Platinum Version

Pokémon Battle Revolution

Pokémon Battle Revolution
File:492Shaymin-Land.png Shaymin

Pokémon HeartGold Version

Pokémon HeartGold Version

Pokémon White Version

Pokémon White Version

Pokémon White Version 2

Pokémon White Version 2

Pokémon Y

Pokémon Y

Pokémon Omega Ruby

Pokémon Omega Ruby

Pokémon Moon

Pokémon Moon


  • In the summer of 2015, I was diagnosed with and received treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • I am an avid writer of fan-fiction and am currently developing concepts for Generation VIII, IX, and X of Pokémon.
  • Pokémon Heroes: Latias & Latios is the only film capable of making me emotional.
  • I only catch male Pokémon, unless a particular species is genderless or exclusively female.