Wally's house is located in the west section of the town, next door to the Gym. Wally, the main rival of Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, and his family live here. After defeating [[Petalburg Gym]], Wally's family will give the player {{HM|03|Surf}}.
Wally's house is located in the west section of the town, next door to the Gym. Wally, the main rival of Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, and his family live here. It cannot be visited until after the player has helped Wally catch a Pokémon. After defeating [[Petalburg Gym]], Wally's family will give the player {{HM|03|Surf}}.
===Petalburg Gym===
===Petalburg Gym===
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Petalburg City
トウカシティ Touka City
"Where people mingle with nature."
Petalburg City in {{{variable2}}}.
Map description
A whiff of salt is always in the air in this city, which is skirted by the ocean shore.
Petalburg City (Japanese: トウカシティTouka City) is located in southwestern Hoenn. Despite Petalburg being the first city with a Gym, the Gym is not accessible until after obtaining four Badges. Norman, the father of the players, is also the Petalburg Gym Leader.
When a player first arrives at this city, they are prevented from heading out into Route 104 until they go to the Gym and talk to Norman. A boy named Wally will come in asking for help to catch a Pokémon. Using Zigzagoon, a Pokémon Norman lends, and the player's support, Wally catches his first Pokémon: a Ralts.
In Generation III, the Pokémon Center has a man near the PC who will let players put key words on their Trainer Cards.
Where people mingle with nature. (Japanese: しぜんと ひとが ふれあう まちThe city where people mingle with nature.)
Places of interest
Wally's house
Wally's house is located in the west section of the town, next door to the Gym. Wally, the main rival of Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, and his family live here. It cannot be visited until after the player has helped Wally catch a Pokémon. After defeating Petalburg Gym, Wally's family will give the player HM03 (Surf).
The Petalburg Gym is the official Gym of Petalburg City. It is based on Normal-typePokémon. The Gym Leader is Norman. Norman is the father of the player in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. He uses Normal Pokémon and gives out the Balance Badge. Between the entrance and Gym Leader Norman are a series of rooms, each containing a Trainer. The Trainers have special ways to battle, as displayed on the doors leading to their rooms. Once three rooms in a row are completed, they can access the Gym Leader Room with Norman. When defeated, Norman will give the player the Balance Badge as well as TM42 (Facade)RSE or TM67 (Retaliate)ORAS as a reward.
Delta Episode
During the Delta Episode, after Zinnia has stolen the neighbor Brendan/May's Mega Bracelet from them in their house, CourtneyOR/MattAS is here trying to steal Wally's Key Stone from him outside his house, despite Wally insisting he doesn't have it anymore. Upon seeing the player, the villainous team admin decides to battle the player in order to take their Key Stone instead. Upon defeating villainous team admin, they say they are going to head to Meteor Falls.
After the battle, the player receives an Entry Call on their PokéNav Plus from Steven, and requests that the player meet him at the Devon Corporation in Rustboro City to discuss some urgent business.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Ash and May first arrived there in There's no Place Like Hoenn. After meeting up with May's family and Ash having an unofficial battle with Norman that ended in a loss, they left together with May's brother, Max. They returned to Petalburg City in Love, Petalburg Style!, where Ash and the gang had a confrontation with the Team Rocket trio. Ash had an official Gym battle with Norman in the following episode, where he gained a Gym badge.
Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
In the Ruby & Sapphire arc, Ruby visits the city of his father's Gym, initially by means of his Running Shoes that cause minor havoc. He encounters Wally, a frail young boy who admits to failing to catch the wild Nuzleaf that Ruby's Mudkip, Mumu, defeated earlier. Wally says that despite his latest setback, he refuses to give up becoming a Pokémon trainer. Ruby suddenly senses Norman approaching, and hides himself and Wally in a bush. Wally eventually comes out on Norman's request, but is refused help to capture a Pokémon, due to ill health.
The next day, Ruby helps cheer up a disheartened Wally by helping him capture his first Pokémon, a Kecleon, with the help of Ruby's Ralts, Rara. Shortly after the capture succeeds, an earthquake ravages the ground underneath Ruby, causing him to fall into the ocean. Wally and Rara are separated from Ruby.