A Salandit appeared in ''[[SM071|Dewpider Ascending!]]'', where it attempted to attack a {{p|Dewpider}} with {{m|Ember}}, only for its mouth to get stuck.
A Salandit appeared in ''[[SM071|Dewpider Ascending!]]'', where it attempted to attack a {{p|Dewpider}} with {{m|Ember}}, only for its mouth to get stuck.
A Salandit appeared in ''[[SM073|Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime?]]'', where it was scared by a {{p|Gengar}}.
A Salandit appeared in ''[[SM073|Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime?]]'', where it was scared by a {{p|Gengar}} [[nickname]]d Greedy Rapooh.
A {{pkmn|Trainer}}'s Salandit appeared in [[SM086]], where it was among the Pokémon seen at the [[Pokémon Paradise Resort]].
A {{pkmn|Trainer}}'s Salandit appeared in [[SM086]], where it was among the Pokémon seen at the [[Pokémon Paradise Resort]].
Salandit is a small, black Pokémon resembling a salamander or lizard. Its body is dark gray with a black head and feet. Along its back and down its tail is an orange-red line. This marking splits into short lines with round tips on its back. This line sometimes flares up when it attacks. At the base of its neck are two short, flat spines. Its eyes are light purple with slit pupils and there are several tooth-like protrusions along its upper jaw. Each foot has four pointed toes.
From the base of its tail, Salandit can emit both a toxic gas and flames. The gas has a sweet odor that causes dizziness. The female can also release pheromones that attract males of all species, including humans. Additionally, these pheromones may cause opponents to be controlled by this Pokémon's will. Because of this, male Salandit offers its food to females, leaving it malnourished and unable to evolve. While it is not a powerful Pokémon, it is able to unbalance opponents with its cunning techniques.[1] It has difficulty reeling Spinda though, since Spinda are always reeling.
Salandit, the Toxic Lizard Pokémon. A Poison and Fire type. Salandit lives in volcanoes and dry rocky places. They're very dangerous Pokémon that attack after releasing a sweet-smelling poisonous gas!
Two Salandit are owned by a pair of Team Skull Grunts. They were first used in The Grand Entrance and Delivery Boy Sun to scout out the Hau'oli City Beachfront to see if Sun had cleared the area of wild Pyukumuku. When Moon sees the female Grunt placing a Pyukumuku on the beach in order to make it seem that Sun didn't do the job properly, Grunt A commands his Salandit to smack Moon with its tail. Eventually, both were defeated by Sun's Dollar.
Salandit and its evolution are also the only Poison-type Pokémon with a double resistance to Fairy-type moves.
Salandit appears to be based on a salamander, some species of which are toxic. It may draw specific inspiration from the Japanese fire belly newt, which has similar coloration to Salandit. In legends, salamanders are also commonly associated with fire and in some cases poisons. It also shares some similarities to lizards, as well as with bandits.
Name origin
Salandit may be a combination of salamander and bandit.
Yatoumori may be a combination of 夜盗 yatō (burglar) and 井守 imori (newt).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.