Dragalge (Flashfire 71): Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 20:05, 1 March 2019

ドラミドロ Dramidoro

XY Promotional print
Illus. 5ban Graphics
Evolution stage
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Skrelp
Card name Dragalge
Type Dragon
HP 100
retreat cost
English expansion Flashfire
Rarity Rare
English card no. 71/106
Japanese expansion Wild Blaze
Japanese rarity U
Japanese card no. 057/080
English expansion XY Black Star Promos
English card no. XY10
Japanese expansion XY-P Promotional cards
Japanese card no. 288/XY-P
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Dragalge.

Dragalge (Japanese: ドラミドロ Dramidoro) is a Dragon-type Stage 1 Pokémon card. It is part of the Flashfire expansion.

Card text

Poison Barrier
Your opponent's Poisoned Pokémon can't retreat.
WaterPsychicColorless Poison Breath
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Poisoned.

Pokédex data

Dragalge - Mock Kelp Pokémon
No. Height Weight
691 5'11" (1.8 m) 179.7 lbs. (81.5 kg)
Pokédex entry
Their poison is strong enough to eat through the hull of a tanker, and they spit it indiscriminately at anything that enters their territory.
タンカーの せんたいを くさらせる もうどくを なわばりに はいりこんだ ものに みさかいなく はきかける。

Release information

This card was included in the English Flashfire expansion, first released in the Japanese Wild Blaze expansion. It was reprinted with new artwork by the same illustrator and released as one of the XY Black Star Promos as the Prerelease promo for the English Flashfire expansion. The XY Black Star Promotional print was later released in Japan as a XY-P Promotional card, and was 1 of 16 cards available in special promotional packs awarded to participants of Pokémon Card Gym tournaments from the month of November 2016 through to the month of January 2017. This print features the Pokémon Card Gym logo.


Flashfire print
Illus. 5ban Graphics
XY Promotional print
Illus. 5ban Graphics
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Diamond & Pearl print
Illus. Ken Sugimori



This card's Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon X.

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.