{{Trainerentry|VSAce Trainer F PE.png{{!}}90px|Ace Trainer|Yvette|2,800<br/>5 [[Ultra Ball]]s|3|026|Raichu|♂|28|None|051|Dugtrio|♀|29|None|086|Seel|♂|28|None|36=ユカ|37=Yuka}}
{{Trainerentry|VSAce Trainer F PE.png{{!}}90px|game=PE|Ace Trainer|Yvette|2,800<br/>5 [[Ultra Ball]]s|3|026|Raichu|♂|28|None|051|Dugtrio|♀|29|None|086|Seel|♂|28|None|36=ユカ|37=Yuka}}
{{Trainerentry|VSCoach Trainer M PE.png{{!}}90px|Coach Trainer|Alpesh|3,000|2|083|Farfetch'd|♂|29|None|040|Wigglytuff|♂|30|None|36=トガノ|37=Togano}}
{{Trainerentry|VSCoach Trainer M PE.png{{!}}90px|game=PE|Coach Trainer|Alpesh|3,000|2|083|Farfetch'd|♂|29|None|040|Wigglytuff|♂|30|None|36=トガノ|37=Togano}}
{{trainerdiv|road|After becoming Champion}}
{{trainerdiv|road|After becoming Champion}}
{{trainerentry/master|VSAce Trainer M Master PE.png{{!}}90px|Ace Trainer|Austin|058|Growlithe|♂|70|Ground|Dig|Poison|Toxic|Psychic|Reflect|36=マキオ|37=Makio}}
{{trainerentry/master|VSAce Trainer M Master PE.png{{!}}90px|Ace Trainer|Austin|058|Growlithe|♂|70|Ground|Dig|Poison|Toxic|Psychic|Reflect|36=マキオ|37=Makio}}
Revision as of 03:43, 26 August 2022
This article is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it. Reason: Needs LGPE layout image
Kanto Route 7
7番道路 Route 7
Map description
A short road that leads to the blocked-off Underground Path.HGSS A short path connecting Route 8 with the Underground Path.PE
Route 7 (Japanese: 7番道路Route 7) is a route located in central Kanto. It connects Celadon City in the west to Saffron City in the east. The western terminus of the Underground Path is located on this route.
Route 7 is a short east-west route, serving only as a brief separation between Saffron City in the east and Celadon City in the west. The route is composed of three small terraces divided by ledges with small gaps in places to allow traversal of the route in either direction. The building giving access to the Underground Path is on the lowest level, which occupies the south of the route. The Saffron City gate is at the east of the middle level, which occupies the middle and northeast parts of the route. In most games, the route joins Celadon City in the northwest of the highest level, which occupies the northwest of the route; in HeartGold and SoulSilver, however, the route joins Celadon City directly west of the Saffron City gate, after climbing a small set of stairs in a more substantial cliff than the ledges dividing the other terraced parts of the route. A small field of tall grass is also located in the northeast of the middle terrace.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
The depiction of Route 7 is almost identical in Generations I and III; however, there are several minor cosmetic changes within the layout. The large patch of tall grass to the north of the route has expanded slightly on the eastern side, so in Generation III the entire area is covered with tall grass. The gaps between the ledges on the eastern segment were also widened significantly. Apart from this, most aesthetic features have been enhanced. Trees have become bigger, flowers are more visible, and most other sprites have been upgraded to Generation III standards.
Generation II
In Generation II, Route 7 is only subject to several minor changes. The route has become slightly smaller and the large patch of tall grass to the north of the route has expanded to the eastern end of the route. The Underground Path has been closed due to vandalism.
Generation IV
In Generation IV, the layout has changed significantly. The route is now a straight path between Celadon and Saffron. The ledge area at the end of the route is no longer the end and is blocked off by trees and has greatly decreased in size. A set of stairs is added near the Celadon entrance. The grass patch area also has expanded northward and there is no longer grass before the gate door.
Route 7 appeared in Primeape Goes Bananas as a rocky, mountainous area, as opposed to the green, grassy route seen in the games. After calling Professor Oak, Ash and his friends stopped to have lunch, during which they were approached by a wildMankey. Ash decided to catch it, but Mankey blocked the Poké Ball with a rice ball. Mankey then proceeded to steal Ash's hat and taunt him, greatly angering the young Trainer. Before Ash could get his hat back, Team Rocket showed up in yet another attempt to steal Pikachu. When Mankey began sniffing at Team Rocket, James kicked it away, angering the Pig Monkey Pokémon and causing it to evolve into a Primeape.
Both groups were then forced to run away from the wildly thrashing Primeape. Eventually, when Primeape caught up to Ash, the Pallet Town Trainer realized that in order to become a better Trainer, he needed to catch more Pokémon, and as such, proceeded to battle Primeape. While Bulbasaur and Squirtle failed to weaken Primeape, Charmander was luckier, as he ended up learning Rage during the battle, boosting his power the more he was attacked. Thanks to this, Charmander was able to defeat Primeape, allowing Ash to catch it. After using Primeape to send Team Rocket blasting off again, Ash and his friends found out that thanks to Primeape chasing them, they had arrived in Celadon City much faster than they had originally anticipated. While the group entered the city, Team Rocket found themselves from in the middle of a pack of angry Primeape.
Route 7 appeared in Wartortle Wars, where Red was first seen defeating a wild Primeape, giving his Bulbasaur enough experience to evolve into Ivysaur. Red was then approached by Green, who offered to sell him a set of useful items for $6000. Red accepted the offer and bought the items, but when he soon after was confronted by a wild Pinsir and tried battling it, the items proved to be utterly useless, causing Red to realize that Green had cheated him out of his money.