Project Mew: Difference between revisions

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|desc=Project Mew used a large group of {{p|Magby}}  to make the [[Sea Mauville]] [[Field Research|Trial Mission]] harder for the participating Challengers. [[Shunya]] and [[Lyla]] were able to avoid them and continue with the mission.
|desc=Project Mew used a large group of {{p|Magby}}  to make the [[Sea Mauville]] [[Field Research|Trial Mission]] harder for the participating Challengers. [[Sterling]] and [[Lyla]] were able to avoid them and continue with the mission.

None of the Magby's moves are known.}}
None of the Magby's moves are known.}}
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|desc=Project Mew used a large group of {{p|Roselia}} to make the [[Sea Mauville]] [[Field Research|Trial Mission]] harder for the participating Challengers. [[Shunya]] and [[Lyla]] were able to avoid them and continue with the mission.
|desc=Project Mew used a large group of {{p|Roselia}} to make the [[Sea Mauville]] [[Field Research|Trial Mission]] harder for the participating Challengers. [[Sterling]] and [[Lyla]] were able to avoid them and continue with the mission.

The Roselia's only known move is {{m|Sleep Powder}}.}}
The Roselia's only known move is {{m|Sleep Powder}}.}}

Revision as of 10:48, 12 October 2022

Members of Project Mew

Project Mew (Japanese: プロジェクト・ミュウ Project Mew) is a research project in the anime, which recruits Trainers from around the world, aiming to find Mew. The Project Mew was first introduced in Advice to Goh!.



The official members of Project Mew are attempting to find Mew in order to figure out the origins of Pokémon, which is led by Professor Amaranth.


Project Mew scoreboard

The highest rank a person can get in Project Mew is the rank of Chaser (Japanese: チェイサー Chaser). The first two Chasers to appear are Danika and Quillon, with their role being to distribute missions and evaluate the performance of other Project Mew participants.

In Project Mew, there is a category of Trainers who receive challenges and must complete them through Trial Missions. They are known as Challengers (Japanese: チャレンジャー Challenger) and the three Challengers with the most Tokens will become Chasers at the end of the Chaser selection. Goh, Gary, and Horace all qualified as Chasers in JN113.

List of known Challengers

Trainer Tokens
Gary 15
Horace 11
Goh 10
Lyla 9
Sterling 8

Trial Missions

Project Mew Trial Mission menu

As an initiation process, a challenger must fulfill a mission assigned to them and fulfill it within a certain period. Upon completion of this mission, they will be allowed to participate in Project Mew as a Challenger.

In order to continue to participate in Project Mew, a Trainer must pass certain Trial Missions assigned for them. The Trainer taking on Trial Missions receives a list with three missions divided by colors and must choose only one of them to fulfill. Once the mission objective has been achieved and verified, the Trainer will earn a special token on their Rotom Phone as proof. The challengers with the most tokens become Chasers, and during the selection process, those with less than 4 Tokens were automatically disqualified.

During evaluations, a Challenger can receive more Tokens than others depending on how they perform during the mission, along with showcasing attributes such as good leadership or teamwork. The items collected during Trial Missions are brought to be verified by a Corviknight, and some missions that involve battles are recorded by a drone.

List of known Trial Missions

Mission Description Region Episode Trainer(s) Tokens earned

Collect a Moltres feather
Locate a Moltres and collect a feather from it. Kanto Advice to Goh! Gary 1

Collect Volcarona's golden scales
Locate a Shiny Volcarona and collect scales from it. Unova Trial on a Golden Scale! Goh 1

Catch a wild Kingdra
Locate a wild Kingdra and catch it. Hoenn Looking Out for Number Two! Goh 1

Raid Battle against Articuno
Locate an Articuno and have a Raid Battle against it. Kanto Battling in the Freezing Raid! Goh 3
Gary 4
Horace 4

Sea Mauville battle royale
Battle royale between multiple Challengers on the Sea Mauville. Hoenn Narrowing the Chaser Chase! Goh 2
Horace 3
Sterling 1
Lyla 1

Follow the sacred footprints
Unknown Unknown JN113 Horace 3

Catch Regieleki and Regidrago
Travel to the Split-Decision Ruins and catch Regieleki and Regidrago. Galar JN113 Goh 3
Gary 3

Other missions

Those who wish to become challengers in Project Mew and take on Trial Missions must first pass a qualification mission.

Mission Description Region Episode Trainer

Catch an Alolan Ninetales
Catch an Alolan Ninetales at Mount Coronet within six hours. Sinnoh Leaping Toward the Dream! Goh


Used in missions

Project Mew's Corviknight

Corviknight is a Pokémon used by Project Mew to deliver items.

None of Corviknight's moves are known.

Project Mew's Wailmer

Wailmer was used to transport Ash and Goh to Sea Mauville so that can Goh could take part in his Trial Mission there. Once getting them at their destination, Wailmer departed.

None of Wailmer's moves are known.

Koffing (multiple)
Project Mew's Koffing

Project Mew used a large group of Koffing to make the Sea Mauville Trial Mission harder for the participating Challengers. Goh and Horace were able to avoid them and continue with the mission.

None of the Koffing's moves are known.

Magby (multiple)
Project Mew's Magby

Project Mew used a large group of Magby to make the Sea Mauville Trial Mission harder for the participating Challengers. Sterling and Lyla were able to avoid them and continue with the mission.

None of the Magby's moves are known.

Roselia (multiple)
Project Mew's Roselia

Project Mew used a large group of Roselia to make the Sea Mauville Trial Mission harder for the participating Challengers. Sterling and Lyla were able to avoid them and continue with the mission.

The Roselia's only known move is Sleep Powder.

Jumpluff (multiple)
Project Mew's Jumpluff

Project Mew used a large group of Jumpluff to make the Sea Mauville Trial Mission harder for the participating Challengers. Goh and Horace were able to avoid them and continue with the mission

The Jumpluff's only known move is Sleep Powder.

Legendary titans
Project Mew's Legendary titans
Debut Leaping Toward the Dream!
Voice actors
Japanese Shin-ichiro Miki (Regice)

Project Mew caught these three Legendary titans for their research regarding the origins of Pokémon. Regice was caught on Mount Coronet sometime after the events of Leaping Toward the Dream!, Regirock was confronted by Quillon and Danika at unspecified desert ruins at the end of Looking Out for Number Two!, and Registeel was caught by Quillon at the Iron Ruins in JN113. When they were brought to the Split-Decision Ruins, they unsealed the door of the ruins. They're all housed in Ultra Balls.

Regice's known moves are Ice Beam and Hyper Beam.
None of Regirock and Registeel's moves are known.

Previously handled

During the research work, Project Mew is responsible for rescuing several Pokémon, protecting them, and later returning them to wild.

Alolan Ninetales
Goh's Alolan Ninetales
Debut Leaping Toward the Dream!
Voice actors
Japanese Risa Shimizu

After catching this Alolan Ninetales for his first Project Mew mission, Goh turned it in to Professor Amaranth so it could be returned to its home in Mount Lanakila, fufilling the promise he made to it when he caught it.

Ninetales's known moves are Ice Beam, Blizzard, Dazzling Gleam, and Aurora Veil.

Nito's Galvantula

Galvantula is Nito's former Pokémon. Once Nito found a batch of Larvesta Eggs, Nito had Galvantula trap Ash and Goh with Sticky Web. Galvantula was defeated when two Larvesta came to save the Eggs.

After the battle, Professor Amaranth rescued the Pokémon to return it to the wild.

Galvantula's only known move is Sticky Web.

Nito's Krokorok

Krokorok is Nito's former Pokémon. Nito sent it out to battle Ash and Goh alongside his henchmen's Pokémon, only to be defeated by the arrival of Quillon and Danika.

After the battle, Professor Amaranth rescued the Pokémon to return it to the wild.

Krokorok's known moves are Sludge Bomb and Crunch*.

Nito's Zweilous

Zweilous is one of Nito's henchmen's former Pokémon. It was used to battle Ash and Goh, only to be defeated by the arrival of Quillon and Danika.

After the battle, Professor Amaranth rescued the Pokémon to return it to the wild.

Zweilous's only known move is Crunch*.

Nito's Conkeldurr

Conkeldurr is one of Nito's henchmen's former Pokémon. It was used to battle Ash and Goh, only to be defeated by the arrival of Quillon and Danika.

After the battle, Professor Amaranth rescued the Pokémon to return it to the wild.

Conkeldurr's only known move is Poison Jab*.

Nito's Eelektross

Eelektross is one of Nito's henchmen's former Pokémon. It was used to battle Ash and Goh, only to be defeated by the arrival of Quillon and Danika.

After the battle, Professor Amaranth rescued the Pokémon to return it to the wild.

Eelektross's only known move is Crunch*.


  • Project Mew's mission and reward system is similar to Pokémon GO's Field Research.
  • Project Mew's work of rescuing Pokémon and returning them to wildlife is similar to the work of some real life non-governmental organizations such as WWF or Animal Rescue Corps.

In other languages

Language Title
Finnish Projekti Mew
Polish Projekt Mew

Leader: Professor Amaranth
Chasers: QuillonDanikaGaryHoraceGoh
Challengers: LylaSterling

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.