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:''"Please ffffvforgive my previous transmission. There seems to be some signal interference."''
:''"Please ffffvforgive my previous transmission. There seems to be some signal interference."''
:''"... ... ... The locks have all been disabled at last. Please make your way now to the Zero Lab—which lies at the very bottom of Area Zero."''
:''"... ... ... The locks have all been disabled at last. Please make your way now to the Zero Lab—which lies at the very bottom of Area Zero."''
;[[Area Zero]]
*Reaching the entrance to the Zero Lab
:''"Hello, children. You've done well to make it here."''
:''"The structure you see before you is the Zero Lab."''
:''"The crystals here in Area Zero possess a peculiar energy. This energy can alter the functions of living things and optimize the performance of machinery. It is the same energy that allows Pokémon to Terastallize."''
:''"Indeed. Though not many know it."''
:''"Since you have disabled all four locks, the gate to the Zero Lab should now open for you. But once you open the gate, you will quickly be confronted with the dangerous Pokémon inside. They will likely make a break for freedom."''
:''"With the four of you working together, you should be able to best them."''
:''"Prepare yourselves well, then open the gate."''
;[[Zero Lab]]
:''"Human presence detected within the Zero Lab."''
:''"Deactivating sleep mode."''
:''"Hello, <player>. Thank you for coming."''
:''"No. Back to your ball."''
:''"That one is far less tractable and far more aggressive than the one you've traveled with. Your Miraidon fled Area Zero because it lost to the other one in a territorial struggle."''
:''"I'm afraid there is something for which I must apologize. I am not the true Professor Turo."''
:''"I am an artificial intelligence the professor created, imbued with his memories and knowledge. In short, I am an AI-powered robot. The real professor passed away during the incident that destroyed Research Station No. 4."''
:''"The Pokémon was not to be blamed. It was the original professor who failed to accurately judge its full power. I believe the professor wanted nothing more than for the Miraidon to survive and thrive. That is why he threw himself in front of your Miraidon in an attempt to protect it."''
:''"From the time I first reached out to Director Clavell and asked to be put in contact with you...I was never more than an AI. <player>. The reason I asked you to come to me is because I have one last thing to do here at the Zero Lab, and I desire your help."''
:''"In short...I wish for you to put a stop to the time machine the original professor created."''
:''"Any questions can be addressed as we make our descent. Follow me."''
:''"This elevator will take us down to the lower level. Step inside."''
:''"<player>. It is truly a great relief to me that you came. I will answer any questions you may have. Is there anything you wish to know?"''
::'''What is an AI, really?''': ''"An AI is an artificial intelligence created by a human being. A computer draws on the original professor's knowledge and memories to calculate all of my thoughts and actions. The results of those calculations are expressed by this mechanical body, built to resemble the professor in every way. Humanity does not, in fact, possess the knowledge to develop such a sophisticated AI at present. But the crystals that make up the Zero Lab have made such a thing possible here. They are also why I cannot leave this place. Is there anything else you wish to ask?"''
::'''What happened to the real professor?''': ''"As I explained to you before, the original professor no longer exists. During the destruction of the research station, his physical body received grievous injuries that left it unable to sustain life. I am afraid that this may be difficult for his son, Arven, to accept. I now manage the Zero Lab in the original professor's place. Is there anything else you wish to ask?"''
::'''What is this time machine?''': ''"The time machine is a device that the original professor and I worked on together. It sends Poké Balls to a different point on the timeline to catch Pokémon there, and it can then draw them back here to the present. When he was alive, Professor Turo had a great fascination with Pokémon from another age—what you might call future Pokémon. Even as we speak, the time machine continues to automatically draw future Pokémon to this time. Is there anything else you wish to ask?"''
::'''What is it you really want?''': ''"The original professor had a dream...of a world in which future Pokémon might live alongside present-day Pokémon in harmony. But these Pokémon have gained a strange power due to their adaptations in the distant future...and this power has proved too terrible. Their very existence brings destruction to the ecological balance of this current age. The original professor would say that such destruction is a natural part of life. At present, the barrier around Area Zero is still working to keep the future Pokémon from escaping into the rest of Paldea. But we've begun to see Pokémon appear that can break the barrier—such as Iron Treads. Eventually they will break free of this walled garden known as Area Zero and run rampant across the Paldea region. And when they do, the rich and varied ecosystem of Paldea will be trampled beneath their coming. I may have been created as a copy of the professor, and yet...I cannot seem to find the logic in allowing such a tragedy to occur. But any hope of preventing it would require overcoming the greatest AI that the original professor ever devised."''
:''"<player>. You have become a formidable Trainer. Now use that strength you have gained to destroy...the dream Turo once cherished."''
::'''Yes''': ''"I...appreciate your willingness to help."''
::'''No''': ''"This task cannot be done without your strength. Please. I beg you."''
:''"We have reached the lowest level."''
;Inside the time machine
:''"Behold. This is the time machine we perfected using the power of the Terastal phenomenon."''
:''"To stop the time machine, you will need to use the professor's ID, which has been embedded within the Violet Book. It was very like the professor to put the final key we would need in that book, of all places. He loved that volume since childhood."''
:''"If you place the Violet Book upon the pedestal here, you will be able to stop the time machine."''
:''"There is just one issue."''
:''"If you try to stop the machine, I will most likely attack you. Artificial being that I am, my own desires can be overridden by the system's programming."''
:''"Once that happens, I'm afraid I will become no more than a battle machine, bound to defeat anyone identified as an obstacle by my code. My battling abilities are peerless. They are built upon analysis of all the battles carried out by the various Champions of the Paldea region."''
:''"Having seen the bond between you and your Pokémon, however, I believe you can prevail."''
:''"Once you have readied yourself for this fight, please place the Violet Book upon the pedestal."''
:''"It is up to you now, <player>."''
:''"Please. Defeat me."''
:''"... ... ... At...ɑt |ɑst..."''
:''"∧t |ɑst ⅿy drəaⅿ ıs withın reaɔh...ɑnd you’re no7 gətting ın the way!"''
*Initiating battle
:''"I d₀n’t know wh₀ you thınk you ɑrə, but |’m not about t₀ let ɑnyonə get ın the way of ⅿy goɑls."''
*Upon first using a move in battle
:''"Thıs is thə power thə dis7ɑnt futurə h₀|ds. 5plendıd, isn’t ıt?"''
*After using a supereffective move
:''"D₀ you imɑgine you cɑn best thə wealth ₀f dɑta at my dısposɑl with your huⅿan braın?"''
*When causing a critical hit in battle
:''"Just ɑs calculatəd: a critica| hit t₀ your Pokémon. It’s tıme you simply gɑve up, chi|d."''
*When hit by a supereffective move in battle
:''"N0w, thıs is ıntere5ting... Chi|d, d₀ you aɔtually nunderstɑnd futurə Pokéⅿon’s weaknəsses?"''
*When the player causes a critical hit
:''"Whɑt?! Some sort of ərror has occurred here... Recɑ|culatıng for crıticɑl damagə..."''
*When sending out his last Pokéⅿon
:''"Evərything is proceədin6 wıthin my expectati₀ns. I’m afraid thə probabılity ₀f you wınning is zero."''
*Upon being defeated
:''"I-Impossible (search for this later)"''
:''"Th-thɑnk you...f₀r...everythıng..."''
:''"The tıme mɑchinə...hɑs fınal|y..."''
:''"Hə hɑs...fına|ly...bəen st₀ppəd..."''
:''"Oh... ⎣ook...h₀w bıg you’və gr₀wn..."''
:''"5o...p-pr₀ud ₀f you...ⅿy..."''
:''"...s₀ wəre ɑlone s-s₀...|ong...Arvə—"''
:''"|t...cɑnnot bə—!"''
:''"Wha—?! Wɑs kəəping the time maɔhıne\nrunnıng truly all thə profəssor cɑred about?!"''
:''"|’ⅿ s₀rry, chıldrən..."''
:''"This ıs t₀o much f₀r you..."''
:''"Y₀u ⅿust run!"''
:''"Y₀u ɑre no7 gettıng ın my wɑy!"''
*In battle with Paradise Protection Protocol
:''"You wıll fal| herə, withın this gɑrden paradisə—and aɔhiəve n■thıng in the ənd."''
:''"Yo∪ wıll not be ɑllowed to dəstroy ⅿy parɑdise. Obstacləs t■ my goɑls WILL be elıminatəd."''
:''"The dɑta say I am the suÞerior. Fɑl|, and beɔome a foundɑtıon upon vvhıch my dreɑm may be bµilt."''
*Upon being defeated
:''"How...How very astounding! To think that you would manage to defy even the original professor's final protections!"''
:''"Yes... A completely unforeseen outcome, even for an AI possessing the most sophisticated technology ever conceived. Even on the brink of despair, you children did not give in and instead proved your worthiness: showing the wisdom to think for yourselves, the courage to hold faith in your friends, and the fortitude to do what had to be done."''
:''"No matter how challenging of a future may await you...I believe you will be capable of walking whatever paths you choose for yourselves now. With pride. I thank you, <player>. I thank you of you children."''
:''"But I am afraid that the time machine cannot be put to a complete stop so long as I am here. It appears I myself am part of the system that ensures the machine reboots when stopped."''
:''"I am sorry."''
:''"You know, when I was watching you all on your adventures from down here, I felt a sense of...jealousy. I envied you your freedom."''
:''"The way that you came together, working in league with your fellows and caring for them..."''
:''"The way that you sought strength and to better yourself, throwing all you are into your battles..."''
:''"The way that you would face down even the greatest enemies to save that which you loved..."''
:''"The way that you never ceased to seek—nor to fight for—a treasure all your own..."''
:''"Ah, and the way that you soared free through the very skies on those wings of yours."''
:''"I wish that I, too, might be as free as you all—free to seek out that which I might treasure above all else. Not...bound. As long as I remain here, the time machine will not stop—for I am inextricably connected to it."''
:''"So I've made a decision. I will use the time machine to journey to the world of the future that I have dreamed of."''
:''"I am not going only so that the time machine can be stopped. I also cannot deny my desire to see that future world for myself. Is this what it feels like to have your heart race with the thrill of adventure...?"''
:''"Arven. I am sorry that I kept the truth from you for so long. I inherited all the thoughts and wishes of the professor, and so I understand better than any..."''
:''"Your father truly loved you."''
:''"No? I suppose you're right. I am sorry."''
:''"Arven. Miraidon. <player>. It is a little sad, but I'm afraid this is good-bye."''
:''"Farewell, my free adventurers!"''
:''"I bid you adieu!"''

Revision as of 06:58, 7 December 2022

These are Professor Turo's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Uva Academy
"Hello, <player>. It is nice to meet you."
"My name is Professor Turo. I carry out Pokémon research within the Great Crater of Paldea—at a site known as Area Zero."
"Well. Allow me to get straight to the point. <player>, student ID number 805C393... You are the student who travels with the unusual Pokémon Miraidon, is that correct?"
Yes: "Thank you. I appreciate that you were honest in confirming the facts."
No: "Why would you attempt to lie? You appear in any number of clips from security camera footage together with Miraidon."
"Ah, not that I— I do not mean to offend you. In fact, I wish to ask for your assistance."
"Oh. How good to see that you are well. It has been quite a while since we last met. Miraidon was once in my care, you see."
"Its Poké Ball was also originally mine. I assume you received it from a young man called Arven. I am no longer in any position to be able to manage that Pokémon myself. This is what I would ask of you: Will you continue looking after Miraidon on my behalf?"
Yes: "I do appreciate your agreement."
No: "And yet, it is clear to see from the way Miraidon reacts to you that you must be a kind Trainer. Your bond seems quite undeniable."
"Miraidon has been greatly weakened and is currently incapable of battle. It can, however, take on a form specialized for mobility. In all likelihood, it will require some time to fully regain the capabilities it once had."
"I will provide you with my contact information. If you would please get out your phone?"
"I will be in regular contact going forward to keep tabs on your status. Until then."
South Province (Area Three)
  • After defeating Klawf the Stony Cliff Titan
"Hello, <player>. This is Turo."
"I detect that Miraidon has regained some of its original power. It seems it will now be able to dash at high speeds while you're riding upon it."
West Province (Area One)
  • After defeating Bombirdier the Open Sky Titan
"Hello, <player>. This is Turo."
"I detect that Miraidon has regained some of its original power. While you're riding upon it, it seems you should now be able to move across water."
East Province (Area Three)
  • After defeating Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan
"Hello, <player>. This is Turo."
"I detect that Miraidon has regained some of its original power. While you're riding upon it, it seems it can now jump higher if you press and hold the B button."
Asado Desert
  • Confronting Iron Treads the Quaking Earth Titan
"Hello, <player>. This is Professor Turo."
"Iron Treads is a Pokémon that came from the Great Crater of Paldea. I ask that you do whatever is needed to subdue it for me—with all due caution, of course."
  • After defeating Iron Treads the Quaking Earth Titan
"Hello, <player>. This is Turo."
"I detect that Miraidon has regained some of its original power. After it has jumped into the air, you should try pressing the B button again. It should glide now."
Casseroya Lake
  • After defeating Tatsugiri the False Dragon Titan
"Hello, <player>. This is Turo."
"I detect that Miraidon has regained some of its original power. It should now be able to climb up any vertical surfaces it grabs on to while you're riding upon it."
After defeating the first Titan
"I hope you will continue to explore Paldea with Miraidon, as you have done here. Your route is not fixed but open before you. Seek out your own path, using your map and the tools you have at hand. Whenever you find your curiosity piqued, you should go and explore as your heart desires. All that you experience will help you grow in some way, great or small."
"Go forth on your journey...and take good care of Miraidon for me."
After defeating the second Titan
"I am relying on you to continue taking good care of Miraidon."
After defeating the third Titan
"Please continue to take good care of Miraidon."
After defeating the fourth Titan
"You must continue helping Miraidon recover."
After defeating the fifth Titan
"It seems that Miraidon has regained all of its powers, except for the power to battle."
"I knew you were the right one to entrust it to, <player>."
"That voice... Arven? Are you there?"
"I have been searching so long...for a way to reach you. Because... Because no one else can get into my lab but you."
"Please take <player> back to the lighthouse with you. To the lab on Poco Path. I will reach out once more when you arrive there."
Poco Path Lighthouse
"I need your help."
"I am currently at the deepest point of Area Zero, in the Great Crater of Paldea. I have been researching the unique Pokémon here for a very long time. I'm asking the two of you to lend a hand—to help carry out the final step of the great Professor Turo's glorious research."
"But there is something we need first. Something that can be found within that lab. What we the Violet Book."
"Ah. So you took it from the lab, did you, Arven? This expedites things. Bring the Violet Book to the deepest depths of Area Zero. I promise that it will be an experience worth treasuring if you come."
"I must note, however, that Area Zero is both home to vicious Pokémon and outfitted with powerful cybernetic security systems. It seems to me that you might struggle if the two of you were to enter alone. You may take the time to gather some reliable allies before you come, if you feel the need."
"I will be awaiting you in the deepest part of Area Zero, whenever you arrive."
Zero Gate
"Hello, <player>. I have been expecting you."
"And it seems you have gathered a group of formidable allies as well."
"Nemona. Student ID number 805C001. And Penny. Student ID number 803B121. I thank you for coming."
"To begin with, I'd like to ask you all to make your way down into the Great Crater of Paldea. You can read the lower chamber using the elevator you can see to your right."
"...Please proceed below."
"Biometric identification in progress... Identities confirmed. Access granted to lower level."
"Once you step through, you will be above Area Zero. <player>... You have brought Miraidon with you?"
Yes: "I thank you for bringing it with you on your many adventures."
No: "I do not believe that can be the case. I identified its biometrics at your current location."
"If you utilize Miraidon's gliding capabilities, you should be able to descend into the depths to reach Area Zero."
"When you reach the bottom, I will get in touch once again. I hope your trip is uneventful."
Area Zero
"Biometric identification in progress... Four humans identified. Condition satisfactory. Vital signs all within normal range. It appears you were able to make the descent without being harmed."
"That is good. I had concerns you might fail, given the crudeness of the only available access method."
"You should now make your way to me at the Zero Lab, in the deepest part of Area Zero. However...the entrance to the lab is barred by four locks, installed on the exterior, which I cannot unlock."
"On your way to me, you must visit four research stations that were constructed inside the crater. At each station, you will be able to disable one of the locks. Do so as you make your way down."
"I hope you succeed."
Research Station No. 1
"It appears you have reached your first research station without incident. This facility was constructed 87 years ago as a way station for those surveying Area Zero."
"<player>, if you would be so kind as to disable the first lock on the lab using that central panel."
"Well done. Please continue your efforts at the remaining research stations."
Research Station No. 2
"I suppose the time has come for an explanation."
"Some of the life-forms that you see residing now within Area Zero...are future Pokémon that lived in a distant day we have yet to see."
"The Zero Lab, where I am located, contains a time machine. It summons the future Pokémon to this place."
"...Indeed. Though the cost was catastrophic."
"It is theoretically possible to travel to the future. However...for a being such as a human, it would not be possible to return to the present."
"Arven, I..."
"... ... ... If possible, I would like us to speak when we can meet face to face. It will be easier for you to understand once you can see the situation for yourself."
"Now then, <player>. Please use the central panel here, and disable another lock on my lab."
"Well done. Please continue your efforts at the remaining research stations."
Research Station No. 3
"I believe it would be best for me to take over the explanations at this point."
"Miraidon, which I entrusted to <player>...was the first Pokémon that was successfully retrieved from the future by the time machine."
"Through analysis of its genetic makeup, as well as its behavioral patterns...I came to realize that what I had discovered was in fact a futuristic form of Cyclizar, the Pokémon commonly ridden in this region."
"Many other Pokémon also came to this place from across the boundaries of time. But I was never able to bring over more than two specimens of Miraidon."
"If we could proceed, <player>?"
"Please disable the next lock using the central panel there."
"Well done. Only one remains now..."
"Please continue on to the final research station."
Research Station No. 4
"Hello, children."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry. Hello, children."
"I’m s-s-s-s-s-sorry. Sorry. S-s-s-s-s-sorry. I-I-I I-I-I’m sssssssssorrrrrrrrrrrr-rrrrrry-eeeeee— Hello, children. Hello. Hello."
"Hello, child. Childrenen. Childnen. Childeren. Children."
"...Initiating restart."
"Ah, ah, ɑh. Hel|o. Can you hear me now?"
"Please ffffvforgive my previous transmission. There seems to be some signal interference."
"... ... ... The locks have all been disabled at last. Please make your way now to the Zero Lab—which lies at the very bottom of Area Zero."
Area Zero
  • Reaching the entrance to the Zero Lab
"Hello, children. You've done well to make it here."
"The structure you see before you is the Zero Lab."
"The crystals here in Area Zero possess a peculiar energy. This energy can alter the functions of living things and optimize the performance of machinery. It is the same energy that allows Pokémon to Terastallize."
"Indeed. Though not many know it."
"Since you have disabled all four locks, the gate to the Zero Lab should now open for you. But once you open the gate, you will quickly be confronted with the dangerous Pokémon inside. They will likely make a break for freedom."
"With the four of you working together, you should be able to best them."
"Prepare yourselves well, then open the gate."
Zero Lab
"Human presence detected within the Zero Lab."
"Deactivating sleep mode."
"Hello, <player>. Thank you for coming."
"No. Back to your ball."
"That one is far less tractable and far more aggressive than the one you've traveled with. Your Miraidon fled Area Zero because it lost to the other one in a territorial struggle."
"I'm afraid there is something for which I must apologize. I am not the true Professor Turo."
"I am an artificial intelligence the professor created, imbued with his memories and knowledge. In short, I am an AI-powered robot. The real professor passed away during the incident that destroyed Research Station No. 4."
"The Pokémon was not to be blamed. It was the original professor who failed to accurately judge its full power. I believe the professor wanted nothing more than for the Miraidon to survive and thrive. That is why he threw himself in front of your Miraidon in an attempt to protect it."
"From the time I first reached out to Director Clavell and asked to be put in contact with you...I was never more than an AI. <player>. The reason I asked you to come to me is because I have one last thing to do here at the Zero Lab, and I desire your help."
"In short...I wish for you to put a stop to the time machine the original professor created."
"Any questions can be addressed as we make our descent. Follow me."
"This elevator will take us down to the lower level. Step inside."
"<player>. It is truly a great relief to me that you came. I will answer any questions you may have. Is there anything you wish to know?"
What is an AI, really?: "An AI is an artificial intelligence created by a human being. A computer draws on the original professor's knowledge and memories to calculate all of my thoughts and actions. The results of those calculations are expressed by this mechanical body, built to resemble the professor in every way. Humanity does not, in fact, possess the knowledge to develop such a sophisticated AI at present. But the crystals that make up the Zero Lab have made such a thing possible here. They are also why I cannot leave this place. Is there anything else you wish to ask?"
What happened to the real professor?: "As I explained to you before, the original professor no longer exists. During the destruction of the research station, his physical body received grievous injuries that left it unable to sustain life. I am afraid that this may be difficult for his son, Arven, to accept. I now manage the Zero Lab in the original professor's place. Is there anything else you wish to ask?"
What is this time machine?: "The time machine is a device that the original professor and I worked on together. It sends Poké Balls to a different point on the timeline to catch Pokémon there, and it can then draw them back here to the present. When he was alive, Professor Turo had a great fascination with Pokémon from another age—what you might call future Pokémon. Even as we speak, the time machine continues to automatically draw future Pokémon to this time. Is there anything else you wish to ask?"
What is it you really want?: "The original professor had a dream...of a world in which future Pokémon might live alongside present-day Pokémon in harmony. But these Pokémon have gained a strange power due to their adaptations in the distant future...and this power has proved too terrible. Their very existence brings destruction to the ecological balance of this current age. The original professor would say that such destruction is a natural part of life. At present, the barrier around Area Zero is still working to keep the future Pokémon from escaping into the rest of Paldea. But we've begun to see Pokémon appear that can break the barrier—such as Iron Treads. Eventually they will break free of this walled garden known as Area Zero and run rampant across the Paldea region. And when they do, the rich and varied ecosystem of Paldea will be trampled beneath their coming. I may have been created as a copy of the professor, and yet...I cannot seem to find the logic in allowing such a tragedy to occur. But any hope of preventing it would require overcoming the greatest AI that the original professor ever devised."
"<player>. You have become a formidable Trainer. Now use that strength you have gained to destroy...the dream Turo once cherished."
Yes: "I...appreciate your willingness to help."
No: "This task cannot be done without your strength. Please. I beg you."
"We have reached the lowest level."
Inside the time machine
"Behold. This is the time machine we perfected using the power of the Terastal phenomenon."
"To stop the time machine, you will need to use the professor's ID, which has been embedded within the Violet Book. It was very like the professor to put the final key we would need in that book, of all places. He loved that volume since childhood."
"If you place the Violet Book upon the pedestal here, you will be able to stop the time machine."
"There is just one issue."
"If you try to stop the machine, I will most likely attack you. Artificial being that I am, my own desires can be overridden by the system's programming."
"Once that happens, I'm afraid I will become no more than a battle machine, bound to defeat anyone identified as an obstacle by my code. My battling abilities are peerless. They are built upon analysis of all the battles carried out by the various Champions of the Paldea region."
"Having seen the bond between you and your Pokémon, however, I believe you can prevail."
"Once you have readied yourself for this fight, please place the Violet Book upon the pedestal."
"It is up to you now, <player>."
"Please. Defeat me."
"... ... ... At...ɑt |ɑst..."
"∧t |ɑst ⅿy drəaⅿ ıs withın reaɔh...ɑnd you’re no7 gətting ın the way!"
  • Initiating battle
"I d₀n’t know wh₀ you thınk you ɑrə, but |’m not about t₀ let ɑnyonə get ın the way of ⅿy goɑls."
  • Upon first using a move in battle
"Thıs is thə power thə dis7ɑnt futurə h₀|ds. 5plendıd, isn’t ıt?"
  • After using a supereffective move
"D₀ you imɑgine you cɑn best thə wealth ₀f dɑta at my dısposɑl with your huⅿan braın?"
  • When causing a critical hit in battle
"Just ɑs calculatəd: a critica| hit t₀ your Pokémon. It’s tıme you simply gɑve up, chi|d."
  • When hit by a supereffective move in battle
"N0w, thıs is ıntere5ting... Chi|d, d₀ you aɔtually nunderstɑnd futurə Pokéⅿon’s weaknəsses?"
  • When the player causes a critical hit
"Whɑt?! Some sort of ərror has occurred here... Recɑ|culatıng for crıticɑl damagə..."
  • When sending out his last Pokéⅿon
"Evərything is proceədin6 wıthin my expectati₀ns. I’m afraid thə probabılity ₀f you wınning is zero."
  • Upon being defeated
"I-Impossible (search for this later)"
"Th-thɑnk you...f₀r...everythıng..."
"The tıme mɑchinə...hɑs fınal|y..."
"Hə hɑs...fına|ly...bəen st₀ppəd..."
"Oh... ⎣ook...h₀w bıg you’və gr₀wn..."
"5o...p-pr₀ud ₀f you...ⅿy..."
"...s₀ wəre ɑlone s-s₀...|ong...Arvə—"
"|t...cɑnnot bə—!"
"Wha—?! Wɑs kəəping the time maɔhıne\nrunnıng truly all thə profəssor cɑred about?!"
"|’ⅿ s₀rry, chıldrən..."
"This ıs t₀o much f₀r you..."
"Y₀u ⅿust run!"
"Y₀u ɑre no7 gettıng ın my wɑy!"
  • In battle with Paradise Protection Protocol
"You wıll fal| herə, withın this gɑrden paradisə—and aɔhiəve n■thıng in the ənd."
"Yo∪ wıll not be ɑllowed to dəstroy ⅿy parɑdise. Obstacləs t■ my goɑls WILL be elıminatəd."
"The dɑta say I am the suÞerior. Fɑl|, and beɔome a foundɑtıon upon vvhıch my dreɑm may be bµilt."
  • Upon being defeated
"How...How very astounding! To think that you would manage to defy even the original professor's final protections!"
"Yes... A completely unforeseen outcome, even for an AI possessing the most sophisticated technology ever conceived. Even on the brink of despair, you children did not give in and instead proved your worthiness: showing the wisdom to think for yourselves, the courage to hold faith in your friends, and the fortitude to do what had to be done."
"No matter how challenging of a future may await you...I believe you will be capable of walking whatever paths you choose for yourselves now. With pride. I thank you, <player>. I thank you of you children."
"But I am afraid that the time machine cannot be put to a complete stop so long as I am here. It appears I myself am part of the system that ensures the machine reboots when stopped."
"I am sorry."
"You know, when I was watching you all on your adventures from down here, I felt a sense of...jealousy. I envied you your freedom."
"The way that you came together, working in league with your fellows and caring for them..."
"The way that you sought strength and to better yourself, throwing all you are into your battles..."
"The way that you would face down even the greatest enemies to save that which you loved..."
"The way that you never ceased to seek—nor to fight for—a treasure all your own..."
"Ah, and the way that you soared free through the very skies on those wings of yours."
"I wish that I, too, might be as free as you all—free to seek out that which I might treasure above all else. Not...bound. As long as I remain here, the time machine will not stop—for I am inextricably connected to it."
"So I've made a decision. I will use the time machine to journey to the world of the future that I have dreamed of."
"I am not going only so that the time machine can be stopped. I also cannot deny my desire to see that future world for myself. Is this what it feels like to have your heart race with the thrill of adventure...?"
"Arven. I am sorry that I kept the truth from you for so long. I inherited all the thoughts and wishes of the professor, and so I understand better than any..."
"Your father truly loved you."
"No? I suppose you're right. I am sorry."
"Arven. Miraidon. <player>. It is a little sad, but I'm afraid this is good-bye."
"Farewell, my free adventurers!"
"I bid you adieu!"