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Bottle Cap
Silver Bottle Cap
Bottle Cap
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation VII
Generation VII Items
Generation VIII Treasures
Generation IX Other Items
Power 30

The Bottle Cap (Japanese: ぎんのおうかん Silver Bottle Cap) is a type of exchangeable item introduced in Generation VII. The Gold Bottle Cap is a more valuable version of it.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
N/A $2,500
SV N/A $5,000


Can be traded to Mr. HyperSMUSUMPE, a League Staff attendantSwSh or a VeteranBDSP to maximize one of a Pokémon's IVs in Hyper Training.


Games Description
A beautiful bottle cap that gives off a silver gleam. Some people are happy to receive one.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
SMUSUM Poni GauntletSM
Hau'oli City (held by QR Code Magearna)
Festival Plaza (Lottery shop: Treasure Hunt second prize, Haunted houses, Castle: trade for 30 Shards of one color)
Fishing in Poni Island (Seafolk Village, Poni WildsSM, Poni Breaker Coast, Poni Gauntlet, Poni Meadow)
Battle Tree (30 consecutive victories)
PE Vermilion City (from Mina after defeating her; daily)
Rocket Game Corner
SwSh Battle Tower (25 BP)
Bridge Field (Digging Duo)
Max Raid Battles
SwShIoA Cram-o-matic (All types: 142-150 points)
SwShCT Freezington Watt Trader's "Today's Highlight" (7,980 W)
BDSP Battle Park (25 BP)
Pickup (Lv. 71+) (1% chance)

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

In one of his possible Pokémon Center interactions in Pokémon Masters EX, James expresses his disappointment in Trainers using their Bottle Caps to Hyper Train their Pokémon instead of collecting them. This is a reference to James's habit of collecting bottle caps in the anime.

In the anime

James is shown to be an avid collector of Bottle Caps, which are shown in several episodes. Their prominence in the anime may have been the inspiration for their later inclusion in the games.

In Bad To The Bone, they appear among James's personal items.

In Meowth Rules!, silver and Gold Bottle Caps are seen in James's collection, and Jessie and James later throw them onto the battlefield to trick the villagers into thinking that Meowth is using Pay Day.

In Spinarak Attack, Team Rocket disguise themselves as imitations of the famous theif The Black Arachnid, who was known to have a Meowth that used Pay Day, but they use Gold Bottle Caps to imitate the move instead.

In A Ghost of a Chance and From Ghost to Ghost, Team Rocket finds several Bottle Caps using an Itemfinder.

In All That Glitters!, several of James's Bottle Caps are stolen by Murkrow.

In The Kecleon Caper, James attempts to perform a magic trick with a bottle cap, but Jessie is unimpressed.

In Fight for the Light!, Team Rocket attempts to enter the Battle Tower by passing off James Bottle Caps as Gym Badges.

In Love, Pokémon Style, Team Rocket opens a small concession stand at the Silver Conference, selling painted bottle caps as souvenirs.

In Training Daze, James finds a bottle cap from his training days that makes the trio reminisce about about being Team Rocket trainees.

In Whiscash and Ash, Team Rocket uses James's Bottle Caps as fishing lures.

In What I Did for Love!, Jessie uses James's Bottle Caps to make fake Ribbons.

In Aipom and Circumstance!, James offers Jessie a bottle cap to wear as a crown.

In Two Degrees of Separation!, James visits his family's summer cottage, and finds a box holding his first Bottle Cap collection.

In Gymbaliar!, Team Rocket start up a fake Gym, and give out Bottle Caps as Badges.

In Malice In Wonderland!, James finds several rare Bottle Caps in an illusion created by Mismagius.

In Got Meltan?, Piplup finds a bottle cap while looking for his lost ball.

In Flint Sparks the Fire!, James cries after one of his prized Bottle Caps gets swept up by the city’s automatic street sweepers.

In The Brockster Is In!, James finds a rare bottle cap underwater which is prized by a group of wild Tentacruel.

In Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!, Oshawott finds a Bottle Cap when he is searching for his lost Scalchop.

In Mending a Broken Spirit!, James recalls a childhood memory of when his mother threw away his precious Bottle Cap collection.

In Show Me the Metal! and Got Meltan?, a group of Meltan eat James's Bottle Cap collection, and he tries to get revenge.

In Radio Lulled the Mischievous Stars!, James creates badges made of Bottle Caps as memorabilia for their new radio show.


  • The Japanese name of おうかん ōkan can mean "crown" or "bottle cap". The Korean and Chinese translations retain the "crown" meaning despite having different words for "bottle cap".

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 銀色王冠 Ngàhnsīk Wòhnggūn
Mandarin 銀色王冠 / 银色王冠 Yínsè Wángguān
French Capsule d'Argent
German Silberkronkorken
Italian Tappo d'argento
Korean 은왕관 Eun Wanggwan
Russian Крышка от бутылки Krishka ot Butylki'
Spanish Chapa Plateada

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.