User:Oneofthosedf/Pokémon that could still evolve: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Oneofthosedf (talk | contribs)
Oneofthosedf (talk | contribs)
Line 565: Line 565:
! style="background:#{{Pokémon color light}}; {{roundytr|5px}}" | Notes
! style="background:#{{Pokémon color light}}; {{roundytr|5px}}" | Notes
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 515
! rowspan="2" | 515
| {{MSP|0073|Tentacruel}}{{MSP|0142|Aerodactyl}}{{MSP|0469|Yanmega}}{{MSP|0615|Cryogonal}}{{MSP|0949|Toedscruel}}
| 2
| rowspan="2" |
| rowspan="2" |
|- style="background:#fff"
| {{MSP|0463|Lickilicky}}
| 3
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 517
! 517
| {{MSP|0781|Dhelmise}}
| 2
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 520
! rowspan="2" | 520
| {{MSP|0121|Starmie}}{{MSP|0479R|Rotom}}{{MSP|0479F|Rotom}}{{MSP|0479L|Rotom}}{{MSP|0479O|Rotom}}{{MSP|0479W|Rotom}}{{MSP|0982|Dudunsparce}}
| 2
| rowspan="2" |
| rowspan="2" |  
|- style="background:#fff"
| {{MSP|0981|Farigiraf}}
| 3
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 521
! 521
| {{MSP|0697|Tyrantrum}}{{MSP|0699|Aurorus}}{{MSP|0975|Cetitan}}
| 2
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 525
! rowspan="2" | 525
| {{MSP|0134|Vaporeon}}{{MSP|0135|Jolteon}}{{MSP|0136|Flareon}}{{MSP|0196|Espeon}}{{MSP|0197|Umbreon}}{{MSP|0470|Leafeon}}{{MSP|0471|Glaceon}}{{MSP|0700|Sylveon}}<br>{{MSP|0448|Lucario}}{{MSP|0450|Hippowdon}}{{MSP|0851|Centiskorch}}{{MSP|0899|Wyrdeer}}{{MSP|0936|Armarouge}}{{MSP|0937|Ceruledge}}{{MSP|0970|Glimmora}}
| 2
| rowspan="2" |  
| rowspan="2" |
|- style="background:#fff"
| {{MSP|0476|Probopass}}
| 3
|- style="background:#fff"
! rowspan="2" | 530
| {{MSP|0103|Exeggutor}}{{MSP|0103A|Exeggutor}}{{MSP|0902|Basculegion}}{{MSP|0902F|Basculegion}}
| 2
| rowspan="2" |
| rowspan="2" |  
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 530
| {{MSP|0977|Dondozo}}
| 3
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 531
! 531
| {{MSP|0673|Gogoat}}
| 2
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 535
! 535
| {{MSP|0131|Lapras}}{{MSP|0465|Tangrowth}}{{MSP|0715|Noivern}}
| 2
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 540
! rowspan="2" | 540
| {{MSP|0130|Gyarados}}{{MSP|0143|Snorlax}}{{MSP|0350|Milotic}}{{MSP|0555Z|Darmanitan}}{{MSP|0555GZ|Darmanitan}}
| 2
| rowspan="2" |  
| rowspan="2" |
|- style="background:#fff"
| {{MSP|0804|Naganadel}}
| 3
|- style="background:#fff"
! rowspan="2" | 550
| {{MSP|1000|Gholdengo}}
| 2
| rowspan="2" |
| rowspan="2" |  
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 550
| {{MSP|0637|Volcarona}}{{MSP|0892|Urshifu}}
| 3
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 555
! 555
| {{MSP|0059|Arcanine}}{{MSP|0059H|Arcanine}}
| 2
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 567
! 567
| {{MSP|0567|Archeops}}
| 2
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 570
! 570
| {{MSP|0773|Silvally}}
| 3
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 600
! 600
| {{MSP|0809|Melmetal}}
| 3
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 620
! 620
| {{MSP|0746Sc|Wishiwashi}}
| 1
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
! 650
! 650
| {{MSP|0964H|Palafin}}
| 2

Revision as of 17:35, 4 November 2023

Below 400 BST

BST Pokémon EV Unevolved Pokémon with similar BST Notes
236 Shedinja 2 Wonder Guard
250 Smeargle 1 Sketch
330 DelibirdLuvdisc 1 Iron Bundle
Heart Scale
336 Unown 2 28 forms
360 Spinda 1 3,945,136,128 patterns
377 Farfetch'd 1 Galarian Farfetch'd
380 SableyeMawile 2 Mega Evolution
384 Kricketune 2
390 Ledian 2

Between 400 and 449 BST

BST Pokémon EV Unevolved Pokémon with similar BST Notes
400 AriadosDelcatty 2 +10 BST in Generation VII
+20 BST in Generation VII
404 Spidops 2
405 PlusleMinunPachirisu 1
WobbuffetShiinotic 2
Parasect 3
410 SudowoodoCorsolaMedichamBibarelPyukumuku 2
411 Chatot 1
413 RaticateRaticate 2
415 Furret 2
417 Squawkabilly 1
418 Gumshoos 2
423 Diggersby 2
420 Castform 1
MightyenaLinooneWatchog 2
424 WormadamWormadamWormadamMothim 2
425 DugtrioDugtrioMarowakMarowakSunfloraSwoobatWugtrio 2
428 Emolga 2
430 VolbeatIllumise 1
QuagsireClodsireMagcargo 2
431 Dedenne 2
435 TogedemaruPincurchin 2
436 Morpeko 2
440 QwilfishKecleon 1
PersianPersianPerrserkerPelipper 2
442 Fearow 2
445 Audino 2
446 Liepard 2
448 Arbok 2

Between 450 and 474 BST

BST Pokémon EV Unevolved Pokémon with similar BST Notes
450 SandslashSandslashVenomothSeakingGranbullCherrimLokixKlawf 2
452 NoctowlPurugly 2
454 MasquerainCarnivineAraquanid 2
455 HitmonleeHitmonchanHitmontopJynxSwellowBanetteChimechoThievul 2
456 Ninjask 2
458 ZangooseSeviper 2
460 Mr. MimeLanturnBreloomSharpedoCameruptLunatoneSolrockTropius
461 Maractus 2
462 Aromatisse 2
464 AmoongussRibombee 2
465 ForretressSkarmoryAbsolThrohSawk 2
466 MeowsticMeowstic 2
467 Swalot 2
468 WhiscashCrawdaunt 2
470 Klefki 1
Falinks 3
471 StunfiskStunfisk 2
472 Furfrou 1
Galvantula 2
473 Swanna 2
474 HariyamaVespiquenGarbodorTrevenant 2

Between 475 and 489 BST

BST Pokémon EV Unevolved Pokémon with similar BST Notes
475 DewgongKinglerManectricCacturneGastrodonSawsbuckBruxishCramorant
476 OricorioMimikyu 2
477 Dachsbun 2
478 CrabominableVeluza 2
479 Skuntank 2
480 Phione 1
481 HelioliskEspathra 2
482 AmbipomMalamar 2
483 HypnoCofagrigusRunerigusGolurk 2
484 HeatmorDurant 2
485 MantineHuntailGorebyssRelicanthSpiritombCrustleBeheeyemDruddigon
486 Scovillain 2
487 MusharnaLycanrocLycanrocLycanroc 2
488 ScraftyHoundstone 2
489 FerrothornOinkologneOinkologne 2

Between 490 and 514 BST

BST Pokémon EV Unevolved Pokémon with similar BST Notes
490 SlowbroSlowbroSlowkingSlowkingElectrodeElectrodeWeezingWeezingTaurosTaurosTaurosTaurosMiltankAltariaToxicroakSigilyphBouffalantOranguruPassimianDubwoolBoltundBarraskewdaKilowattrel 2
494 AbomasnowDragalgeGourgeist 2
495 OmastarKabutopsCradilyArmaldoRampardosBastiodonFloatzelMismagiusCarracostaEscavalierAccelgorPangoroToxapexAlcremieBellibolt 2
497 Zebstrika 2
498 DrifblimSimisageSimisearSimipour 2
500 GolduckRapidashRapidashMukMukPinsirScizorKleavorHeracrossHoundoomDonphanWailordClaydolBronzongDrapionClawitzerHawluchaCarbinkMudsdaleBewearMiniorCopperajahRevavroomFlamigo 2
501 Cyclizar 2
502 ToxtricityToxtricity 2
505 NinetalesNinetalesShuckleHonchkrowBearticMabosstiff 2
507 PyroarSirfetch'd 2
508 ExcadrillPolteageistSinistcha 2
510 SteelixWeavileGliscorZoroarkZoroarkMienshaoBraviaryBraviaryMandibuzzSandacondaCursolaSneaslerOverqwil 2
514 AvaluggAvalugg 2

Between 510 and 650 BST

BST Pokémon EV Unevolved Pokémon with similar BST Notes
515 TentacruelAerodactylYanmegaCryogonalToedscruel 2
Lickilicky 3
517 Dhelmise 2
520 StarmieRotomRotomRotomRotomRotomDudunsparce 2
Farigiraf 3
521 TyrantrumAurorusCetitan 2
525 VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveon
Probopass 3
530 ExeggutorExeggutorBasculegionBasculegion 2
Dondozo 3
531 Gogoat 2
535 LaprasTangrowthNoivern 2
540 GyaradosSnorlaxMiloticDarmanitanDarmanitan 2
Naganadel 3
550 Gholdengo 2
VolcaronaUrshifu 3
555 ArcanineArcanine 2
567 Archeops 2
570 Silvally 3
600 Melmetal 3
620 Wishiwashi 1
650 Palafin 2