TM Material: Difference between revisions

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Myvh (talk | contribs)
Added Pokédollar/LP selling price comparison
Unowninator (talk | contribs)
{{incomplete|2=Needs the Indigo Disc materials and possibly the Item Printer percentages}}
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'''TM Materials''' are a category of [[item]]s introduced in [[Generation IX]]. They are primarily used to create [[TM]]s, each of which require a specific set of TM Materials to be made.
'''TM Materials''' are a category of [[item]]s introduced in [[Generation IX]]. They are primarily used to create [[TM]]s, each of which require a specific set of TM Materials to be made.
{{incomplete|2=Needs the Indigo Disc materials and possibly the Item Printer percentages}}
==In the core series games==
==In the core series games==

Revision as of 21:03, 15 December 2023

Sprite from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

TM Materials are a category of items introduced in Generation IX. They are primarily used to create TMs, each of which require a specific set of TM Materials to be made.

This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Needs the Indigo Disc materials and possibly the Item Printer percentages

In the core series games


TM Machine

In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, TM Materials can be used in combination with each other and League Points at the TM Machine in a Pokémon Center to create TMs. They can also be exchanged at the TM Machine for League Points.

Some TM Materials are not included in any TM recipes; with the exception of the Gimmighoul Coin, they serve no practical purpose other than to be sold. These include all materials acquired from version-exclusive Pokémon, as well as those acquired from Ditto, Rotom, Cyclizar, Gimmighoul, and various Pokémon native to Kitakami:

  • Aipom Hair
  • Bagon Scales
  • Clauncher Claw
  • Cramorant Down
  • Cutiefly Powder
  • Cyclizar Scales
  • Deino Scales
  • Ditto Goo
  • Dreepy Powder
  • Drifloon Gas
  • Eiscue Down
  • Gimmighoul Coin
  • Gligar Fang
  • Grubbin Thread
  • Gulpin Mucus
  • Hoothoot Feather
  • Illumise Fluid
  • Larvitar Claw
  • Mienfoo Claw
  • Misdreavus Tears
  • Morpeko Snack
  • Oranguru Fur
  • Passimian Fur
  • Poliwag Slime
  • Rotom Sparks
  • Sentret Fur
  • Skrelp Kelp
  • Spinarak Thread
  • Stonjourner Stone
  • Stunky Fur
  • Volbeat Fluid

Other uses

Some TM Materials have other uses, beyond being used to create TMs.


All TM Materials, except Gimmighoul Coins, share the same description.

Games Description
SV Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It can be used to make TMs.

Description for Gimmighoul Coins:

Games Description
SV Material accidentally dropped by a Pokémon. It seems that Gimmighoul treasure and hoard these.


In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, TM Materials are dropped by wild Pokémon upon being defeated or captured, with the type of TM Material being based on the Pokémon's corresponding evolutionary family (or the evolutionary family of the Pokémon it has transformed into, unless the Pokémon was from a Tera Raid Battle). The amount dropped can be increased for a specific type of Pokémon by eating a food item with the Item Drop Power.

Gimmighoul Coins can also be obtained by interacting with Roaming Gimmighoul in the overworld. If the player collects more Gimmighoul Coins after the cap of 999, the extras will be transferred to a Janitor in Medali who will give the player the coins once the player has room.

Additionally, some TM Materials can be obtained as gifts in-game.

There are no corresponding materials for starter Pokémon, Legendary Pokémon, Paradox Pokémon, and Pokémon not in the Paldea or Kitakami Pokédex, except for regional forms and Hisuian evolutions, which are technically able to drop TM Materials, despite not appearing in the wild.


Material Dropped by Selling price TMs used for
Paldea Pokédex
Venonat Fang VenonatVenomoth $20 or 40 LP TM095 (Leech Life) ×3
TM162 (Bug Buzz) ×3
Diglett Dirt DiglettDugtrio $20 or 40 LP TM055 (Dig) ×3
TM149 (Earthquake) ×3
TM176 (Sand Tomb) ×2
Meowth Fur MeowthPersian $20 or 40 LP TM087 (Taunt) ×3
TM140 (Nasty Plot) ×3
Psyduck Down PsyduckGolduck $15 or 30 LP TM016 (Psybeam) ×3
TM022 (Chilling Water) ×3
Mankey Fur MankeyPrimeapeAnnihilape $20 or 40 LP TM012 (Low Kick) ×3
TM039 (Low Sweep) ×3
TM073 (Drain Punch) ×3
TM134 (Reversal) ×3
Growlithe Fur GrowlitheArcanine $20 or 40 LP TM024 (Fire Spin) ×3
TM118 (Heat Wave) ×5
TM153 (Blast Burn) ×3
TM165 (Flare Blitz) ×5
Slowpoke Claw SlowpokeSlowbroSlowking $20 or 40 LP TM070 (Sleep Talk) ×3
TM128 (Amnesia) ×3
TM138 (Psychic Terrain) ×3
TM188 (Scald) ×3
Magnemite Screw MagnemiteMagnetonMagnezone $20 or 40 LP TM075 (Light Screen) ×3
TM170 (Steel Beam) ×8
Grimer Toxin GrimerMuk $20 or 40 LP TM102 (Gunk Shot) ×3
TM148 (Sludge Bomb) ×3
Shellder Pearl ShellderCloyster $35 or 70 LP TM135 (Ice Beam) ×3
TM145 (Water Pledge) ×3
Gastly Gas GastlyHaunterGengar $20 or 40 LP TM017 (Confuse Ray) ×3
TM042 (Night Shade) ×3
TM114 (Shadow Ball) ×5
TM177 (Spite) ×2
Drowzee Fur DrowzeeHypno $15 or 30 LP TM054 (Psyshock) ×3
TM074 (Reflect) ×3
TM085 (Rest) ×3
TM138 (Psychic Terrain) ×3
Voltorb Sparks VoltorbElectrode $20 or 40 LP TM072 (Electro Ball) ×3
TM075 (Light Screen) ×3
TM096 (Eerie Impulse) ×3
Scyther Claw ScytherScizor $25 or 50 LP TM060 (U-turn) ×3
TM088 (Swords Dance) ×3
Tauros Hair TaurosTaurosTauros $25 or 50 LP TM152 (Giga Impact) ×8
TM163 (Hyper Beam) ×3
Magikarp Scales MagikarpGyarados $10 or 20 LP TM011 (Water Pulse) ×3
TM077 (Waterfall) ×5
Ditto Goo Ditto $75 or 150 LP
Eevee Fur EeveeVaporeonJolteonFlareon
$50 or 100 LP TM130 (Helping Hand) ×1
TM132 (Baton Pass) ×3
Dratini Scales DratiniDragonairDragonite $50 or 100 LP TM044 (Dragon Tail) ×3
TM156 (Outrage) ×3
TM163 (Hyper Beam) ×8
Pichu Fur PichuPikachuRaichu $25 or 50 LP TM126 (Thunderbolt) ×3
TM147 (Wild Charge) ×3
TM166 (Thunder) ×3
TM173 (Charge) ×3
Igglybuff Fluff IgglybuffJigglypuffWigglytuff $15 or 30 LP TM037 (Draining Kiss) ×3
TM080 (Metronome) ×3
TM139 (Misty Terrain) ×3
Mareep Wool MareepFlaaffyAmpharos $15 or 30 LP TM017 (Confuse Ray) ×3
TM023 (Charge Beam) ×3
TM082 (Thunder Wave) ×3
TM101 (Power Gem) ×3
Hoppip Leaf HoppipSkiploomJumpluff $15 or 30 LP TM020 (Trailblaze) ×3
TM056 (Bullet Seed) ×3
TM111 (Giga Drain) ×3
Sunkern Leaf SunkernSunflora $15 or 30 LP TM049 (Sunny Day) ×3
TM056 (Bullet Seed) ×3
TM137 (Grassy Terrain) ×3
Wooper Slime WooperClodsireWooperQuagsire $15 or 30 LP TM005 (Mud-Slap) ×3
TM013 (Acid Spray) ×3
TM035 (Mud Shot) ×3
Murkrow Bauble MurkrowHonchkrow $25 or 50 LP TM042 (Night Shade) ×3
TM062 (Foul Play) ×3
Misdreavus Tears MisdreavusMismagius $20 or 40 LP
Girafarig Fur GirafarigFarigiraf $25 or 50 LP TM059 (Zen Headbutt) ×3
TM098 (Skill Swap) ×3
TM132 (Baton Pass) ×3
Pineco Husk PinecoForretress $20 or 40 LP TM091 (Toxic Spikes) ×3
TM104 (Iron Defense) ×3
TM106 (Drill Run) ×5
Dunsparce Scales DunsparceDudunsparce $30 or 60 LP TM059 (Zen Headbutt) ×3
TM106 (Drill Run) ×3
Qwilfish Spines Qwilfish $20 or 40 LP TM090 (Spikes) ×3
TM154 (Hydro Cannon) ×8
Heracross Claw Heracross $25 or 50 LP TM053 (Smart Strike) ×3
TM134 (Reversal) ×3
Sneasel Claw SneaselWeavile $20 or 40 LP TM043 (Fling) ×3
TM087 (Taunt) ×3
Teddiursa Claw TeddiursaUrsaring $20 or 40 LP TM002 (Charm) ×3
TM003 (Fake Tears) ×3
TM031 (Metal Claw) ×3
Delibird Parcel Delibird $60 or 120 LP TM052 (Snowscape) ×3
TM135 (Ice Beam) ×3
Houndour Fang HoundourHoundoom $20 or 40 LP TM008 (Fire Fang) ×3
TM018 (Thief) ×3
TM125 (Flamethrower) ×3
TM153 (Blast Burn) ×8
TM172 (Roar) ×2
Phanpy Nail PhanpyDonphan $20 or 40 LP TM084 (Stomping Tantrum) ×3
TM149 (Earthquake) ×5
Stantler Hair Stantler $30 or 60 LP TM006 (Scary Face) ×3
TM025 (Facade) ×3
TM129 (Calm Mind) ×3
Larvitar Claw LarvitarPupitarTyranitar $50 or 100 LP
Wingull Feather WingullPelipper $15 or 30 LP TM065 (Air Slash) ×3
TM160 (Hurricane) ×3
Ralts Dust RaltsKirliaGardevoirGallade $20 or 40 LP TM019 (Disarming Voice) ×3
TM041 (Stored Power) ×3
TM112 (Aura Sphere) ×5
TM120 (Psychic) ×3
Surskit Syrup SurskitMasquerain $15 or 30 LP TM022 (Chilling Water) ×3
TM095 (Leech Life) ×3
TM182 (Bug Bite) ×2
Shroomish Spores ShroomishBreloom $20 or 40 LP TM071 (Seed Bomb) ×5
TM081 (Grass Knot) ×3
Slakoth Fur SlakothVigorothSlaking $15 or 30 LP TM122 (Encore) ×3
TM128 (Amnesia) ×3
TM152 (Giga Impact) ×3
Makuhita Sweat MakuhitaHariyama $20 or 40 LP TM058 (Brick Break) ×3
TM064 (Bulk Up) ×3
TM167 (Close Combat) ×3
Azurill Fur AzurillMarillAzumarill $15 or 30 LP TM002 (Charm) ×3
TM050 (Rain Dance) ×3
TM103 (Substitute) ×3
Sableye Gem Sableye $50 or 100 LP TM087 (Taunt) ×3
TM101 (Power Gem) ×3
TM109 (Trick) ×3
Meditite Sweat MedititeMedicham $20 or 40 LP TM054 (Psyshock) ×3
TM067 (Fire Punch) ×3
TM068 (Thunder Punch) ×3
TM069 (Ice Punch) ×3
TM158 (Focus Blast) ×3
Gulpin Mucus GulpinSwalot $20 or 40 LP
Numel Lava NumelCamerupt $20 or 40 LP TM125 (Flamethrower) ×3
TM141 (Fire Blast) ×5
TM144 (Fire Pledge) ×3
TM157 (Overheat) ×3
Torkoal Coal Torkoal $35 or 70 LP TM024 (Fire Spin) ×3
TM038 (Flame Charge) ×3
TM049 (Sunny Day) ×3
TM118 (Heat Wave) ×3
TM141 (Fire Blast) ×3
Spoink Pearl SpoinkGrumpig $35 or 70 LP TM054 (Psyshock) ×3
TM101 (Power Gem) ×3
Cacnea Needle CacneaCacturne $20 or 40 LP TM081 (Grass Knot) ×3
TM155 (Frenzy Plant) ×3
Swablu Fluff SwabluAltaria $25 or 50 LP TM079 (Dazzling Gleam) ×3
TM115 (Dragon Pulse) ×3
TM160 (Hurricane) ×5
Zangoose Claw Zangoose $30 or 60 LP TM088 (Swords Dance) ×3
TM152 (Giga Impact) ×5
Seviper Fang Seviper $30 or 60 LP TM026 (Poison Tail) ×3
TM083 (Poison Jab) ×3
Barboach Slime BarboachWhiscash $15 or 30 LP TM133 (Earth Power) ×3
TM149 (Earthquake) ×3
Shuppet Scrap ShuppetBanette $20 or 40 LP TM107 (Will-O-Wisp) ×3
TM109 (Trick) ×3
TM151 (Phantom Force) ×3
Tropius Leaf Tropius $35 or 70 LP TM155 (Frenzy Plant) ×8
TM159 (Leaf Storm) ×3
TM168 (Solar Beam) ×3
Snorunt Fur SnoruntGlalieFroslass $20 or 40 LP TM046 (Avalanche) ×3
TM143 (Blizzard) ×5
TM187 (Icicle Spear) ×3
Luvdisc Scales Luvdisc $40 or 80 LP TM142 (Hydro Pump) ×3
TM145 (Water Pledge) ×3
TM154 (Hydro Cannon) ×3
Bagon Scales BagonShelgonSalamence $50 or 100 LP
Starly Feather StarlyStaraviaStaraptor $15 or 30 LP TM027 (Aerial Ace) ×3
TM164 (Brave Bird) ×5
Kricketot Shell KricketotKricketune $10 or 20 LP TM057 (False Swipe) ×3
TM095 (Leech Life) ×3
TM105 (X-Scissor) ×3
TM131 (Pollen Puff) ×3
TM162 (Bug Buzz) ×5
TM185 (Lunge) ×3
Shinx Fang ShinxLuxioLuxray $15 or 30 LP TM009 (Thunder Fang) ×3
TM048 (Volt Switch) ×3
TM096 (Eerie Impulse) ×3
TM147 (Wild Charge) ×5
Combee Honey CombeeVespiquen $25 or 50 LP TM040 (Air Cutter) ×3
TM162 (Bug Buzz) ×3
Pachirisu Fur Pachirisu $25 or 50 LP TM072 (Electro Ball) ×3
TM126 (Thunderbolt) ×5
Buizel Fur BuizelFloatzel $20 or 40 LP TM011 (Water Pulse) ×3
TM110 (Liquidation) ×3
Shellos Mucus ShellosGastrodonShellosGastrodon $20 or 40 LP TM050 (Rain Dance) ×3
TM133 (Earth Power) ×3
Drifloon Gas DrifloonDrifblim $20 or 40 LP
Stunky Fur StunkySkuntank $20 or 40 LP
Bronzor Fragment BronzorBronzong $20 or 40 LP TM092 (Imprison) ×3
TM104 (Iron Defense) ×3
TM121 (Heavy Slam) ×3
TM161 (Trick Room) ×3
TM180 (Gyro Ball) ×2
Bonsly Tears BonslySudowoodo $20 or 40 LP TM003 (Fake Tears) ×3
TM086 (Rock Slide) ×3
Happiny Dust HappinyChanseyBlissey $75 or 150 LP TM043 (Fling) ×3
TM080 (Metronome) ×3
Spiritomb Fragment Spiritomb $60 or 120 LP TM094 (Dark Pulse) ×3
TM140 (Nasty Plot) ×3
Gible Scales GibleGabiteGarchomp $50 or 100 LP TM078 (Dragon Claw) ×3
TM088 (Swords Dance) ×3
TM100 (Dragon Dance) ×3
TM200 (Scale Shot) ×2
Riolu Fur RioluLucario $40 or 80 LP TM112 (Aura Sphere) ×3
TM167 (Close Combat) ×5
TM184 (Vacuum Wave) ×3
Hippopotas Sand HippopotasHippowdon $20 or 40 LP TM051 (Sandstorm) ×3
TM070 (Sleep Talk) ×3
Croagunk Poison CroagunkToxicroak $20 or 40 LP TM039 (Low Sweep) ×3
TM073 (Drain Punch) ×5
TM102 (Gunk Shot) ×3
TM148 (Sludge Bomb) ×5
TM184 (Vacuum Wave) ×2
Finneon Scales FinneonLumineon $20 or 40 LP TM123 (Surf) ×5
TM142 (Hydro Pump) ×3
Snover Berries SnoverAbomasnow $15 or 30 LP TM034 (Icy Wind) ×3
TM052 (Snowscape) ×3
TM143 (Blizzard) ×3
Rotom Sparks Rotom $50 or 100 LP
Petilil Leaf PetililLilligant $15 or 30 LP TM020 (Trailblaze) ×3
TM033 (Magical Leaf) ×3
TM131 (Pollen Puff) ×3
TM193 (Weather Ball) ×3
Basculin Fang BasculinBasculinBasculinBasculegionBasculegion $20 or 40 LP TM063 (Psychic Fangs) ×3
TM077 (Waterfall) ×3
TM196 (Flip Turn) ×2
Sandile Claw SandileKrokorokKrookodile $20 or 40 LP TM006 (Scary Face) ×3
TM035 (Mud Shot) ×3
TM044 (Dragon Tail) ×3
TM062 (Foul Play) ×3
Zorua Fur ZoruaZoroark $35 or 70 LP TM092 (Imprison) ×3
TM094 (Dark Pulse) ×3
Gothita Eyelash GothitaGothoritaGothitelle $20 or 40 LP TM041 (Stored Power) ×3
TM161 (Trick Room) ×3
Deerling Hair DeerlingSawsbuckDeerlingSawsbuck
$15 or 30 LP TM119 (Energy Ball) ×5
TM146 (Grass Pledge) ×3
Foongus Spores FoongusAmoonguss $20 or 40 LP TM148 (Sludge Bomb) ×3
TM168 (Solar Beam) ×3
Alomomola Mucus Alomomola $30 or 60 LP TM066 (Body Slam) ×3
TM145 (Water Pledge) ×3
Tynamo Slime TynamoEelektrikEelektross $20 or 40 LP TM147 (Wild Charge) ×3
TM166 (Thunder) ×3
Axew Scales AxewFraxureHaxorus $50 or 100 LP TM064 (Bulk Up) ×3
TM078 (Dragon Claw) ×5
TM156 (Outrage) ×5
Cubchoo Fur CubchooBeartic $20 or 40 LP TM010 (Ice Fang) ×3
TM069 (Ice Punch) ×3
Cryogonal Ice Cryogonal $25 or 50 LP TM135 (Ice Beam) ×5
TM143 (Blizzard) ×3
Pawniard Blade PawniardBisharpKingambit $20 or 40 LP TM089 (Body Press) ×3
TM099 (Iron Head) ×3
TM199 (Lash Out) ×2
Rufflet Feather RuffletBraviary $20 or 40 LP TM097 (Fly) ×3
TM113 (Tailwind) ×3
TM164 (Brave Bird) ×3
Deino Scales DeinoZweilousHydreigon $50 or 100 LP
Larvesta Fuzz LarvestaVolcarona $50 or 100 LP TM118 (Heat Wave) ×3
TM141 (Fire Blast) ×3
Fletchling Feather FletchlingFletchinderTalonflame $15 or 30 LP TM004 (Agility) ×3
TM027 (Aerial Ace) ×3
TM032 (Swift) ×3
TM038 (Flame Charge) ×3
TM165 (Flare Blitz) ×3
Scatterbug Powder ScatterbugSpewpaVivillon $10 or 20 LP TM007 (Protect) ×3
TM047 (Endure) ×3
Litleo Tuft LitleoPyroarPyroar $20 or 40 LP TM049 (Sunny Day) ×3
TM117 (Hyper Voice) ×5
TM125 (Flamethrower) ×5
TM157 (Overheat) ×5
Flabébé Pollen FlabébéFloetteFlorges $20 or 40 LP TM037 (Draining Kiss) ×3
TM137 (Grassy Terrain) ×3
TM139 (Misty Terrain) ×3
Skiddo Leaf SkiddoGogoat $20 or 40 LP TM111 (Giga Drain) ×3
TM155 (Frenzy Plant) ×5
Skrelp Kelp SkrelpDragalge $25 or 50 LP
Clauncher Claw ClauncherClawitzer $25 or 50 LP
Hawlucha Down Hawlucha $25 or 50 LP TM058 (Brick Break) ×3
TM089 (Body Press) ×3
TM122 (Encore) ×3
Dedenne Fur Dedenne $25 or 50 LP TM023 (Charge Beam) ×3
TM048 (Volt Switch) ×3
TM166 (Thunder) ×5
Goomy Goo GoomySliggooGoodra $35 or 70 LP TM115 (Dragon Pulse) ×5
TM163 (Hyper Beam) ×5
TM169 (Draco Meteor) ×8
Klefki Key Klefki $25 or 50 LP TM093 (Flash Cannon) ×3
TM139 (Misty Terrain) ×3
Bergmite Ice BergmiteAvalugg $20 or 40 LP TM046 (Avalanche) ×3
TM124 (Ice Spinner) ×3
Noibat Fur NoibatNoivern $20 or 40 LP TM065 (Air Slash) ×3
TM078 (Dragon Claw) ×3
TM100 (Dragon Dance) ×3
Yungoos Fur YungoosGumshoos $15 or 30 LP TM001 (Take Down) ×3
TM108 (Crunch) ×3
Crabrawler Shell CrabrawlerCrabominable $25 or 50 LP TM058 (Brick Break) ×3
TM073 (Drain Punch) ×3
TM167 (Close Combat) ×3
Oricorio Feather OricorioOricorioOricorioOricorio $25 or 50 LP TM004 (Agility) ×3
TM160 (Hurricane) ×3
Rockruff Rock RockruffLycanrocLycanrocLycanroc $20 or 40 LP TM036 (Rock Tomb) ×3
TM086 (Rock Slide) ×3
TM116 (Stealth Rock) ×3
TM150 (Stone Edge) ×3
Mareanie Spike MareanieToxapex $20 or 40 LP TM083 (Poison Jab) ×3
TM091 (Toxic Spikes) ×3
Mudbray Mud MudbrayMudsdale $20 or 40 LP TM028 (Bulldoze) ×3
TM084 (Stomping Tantrum) ×3
TM186 (High Horsepower) ×4
Fomantis Leaf FomantisLurantis $20 or 40 LP TM105 (X-Scissor) ×3
TM137 (Grassy Terrain) ×3
Salandit Gas SalanditSalazzle $20 or 40 LP TM045 (Venoshock) ×3
TM107 (Will-O-Wisp) ×3
TM144 (Fire Pledge) ×3
Bounsweet Sweat BounsweetSteeneeTsareena $20 or 40 LP TM159 (Leaf Storm) ×5
TM168 (Solar Beam) ×5
Oranguru Fur Oranguru $30 or 60 LP
Passimian Fur Passimian $30 or 60 LP
Sandygast Sand SandygastPalossand $20 or 40 LP TM028 (Bulldoze) ×3
TM051 (Sandstorm) ×3
TM114 (Shadow Ball) ×3
Komala Claw Komala $25 or 50 LP TM025 (Facade) ×3
TM061 (Shadow Claw) ×3
Mimikyu Scrap Mimikyu $10 or 20 LP TM029 (Hex) ×3
TM061 (Shadow Claw) ×3
TM103 (Substitute) ×3
TM195 (Burning Jealousy) ×2
Bruxish Tooth Bruxish $25 or 50 LP TM063 (Psychic Fangs) ×5
TM108 (Crunch) ×3
Chewtle Claw ChewtleDrednaw $20 or 40 LP TM053 (Smart Strike) ×3
TM057 (False Swipe) ×3
TM066 (Body Slam) ×3
TM076 (Rock Blast) ×3
Skwovet Fur SkwovetGreedent $15 or 30 LP TM066 (Body Slam) ×3
TM117 (Hyper Voice) ×3
Arrokuda Scales ArrokudaBarraskewda $20 or 40 LP TM077 (Waterfall) ×3
TM106 (Drill Run) ×3
TM110 (Liquidation) ×5
TM200 (Scale Shot) ×2
Rookidee Feather RookideeCorvisquireCorviknight $20 or 40 LP TM099 (Iron Head) ×3
TM113 (Tailwind) ×3
TM164 (Brave Bird) ×3
Toxel Sparks ToxelToxtricityToxtricity $20 or 40 LP TM013 (Acid Spray) ×3
TM045 (Venoshock) ×3
TM068 (Thunder Punch) ×3
Falinks Sweat Falinks $30 or 60 LP TM103 (Substitute) ×3
TM134 (Reversal) ×3
Cufant Tarnish CufantCopperajah $20 or 40 LP TM099 (Iron Head) ×5
TM121 (Heavy Slam) ×3
TM170 (Steel Beam) ×3
Rolycoly Coal RolycolyCarkolCoalossal $20 or 40 LP TM116 (Stealth Rock) ×3
TM150 (Stone Edge) ×5
Silicobra Sand SilicobraSandaconda $20 or 40 LP TM051 (Sandstorm) ×3
TM133 (Earth Power) ×5
Indeedee Fur IndeedeeIndeedee $30 or 60 LP TM120 (Psychic) ×3
TM129 (Calm Mind) ×3
TM138 (Psychic Terrain) ×3
Pincurchin Spines Pincurchin $25 or 50 LP TM090 (Spikes) ×3
TM136 (Electric Terrain) ×3
Snom Thread SnomFrosmoth $20 or 40 LP TM034 (Icy Wind) ×3
TM052 (Snowscape) ×3
Impidimp Hair ImpidimpMorgremGrimmsnarl $20 or 40 LP TM094 (Dark Pulse) ×3
TM158 (Focus Blast) ×3
Applin Juice ApplinFlappleAppletunDipplin $25 or 50 LP TM119 (Energy Ball) ×3
TM146 (Grass Pledge) ×3
TM169 (Draco Meteor) ×3
Sinistea Chip SinisteaPolteageist $20 or 40 LP TM109 (Trick) ×3
TM114 (Shadow Ball) ×3
TM151 (Phantom Force) ×5
Hatenna Dust HatennaHattremHatterene $20 or 40 LP TM079 (Dazzling Gleam) ×3
TM161 (Trick Room) ×3
Stonjourner Stone Stonjourner $30 or 60 LP
Eiscue Down Eiscue $30 or 60 LP
Dreepy Powder DreepyDrakloakDragapult $50 or 100 LP
Lechonk Hair LechonkOinkologneOinkologne $15 or 30 LP TM001 (Take Down) ×3
TM007 (Protect) ×3
Tarountula Thread TarountulaSpidops $15 or 30 LP TM015 (Struggle Bug) ×3
TM021 (Pounce) ×3
TM105 (X-Scissor) ×3
Nymble Claw NymbleLokix $15 or 30 LP TM021 (Pounce) ×3
TM060 (U-turn) ×3
Pawmi Fur PawmiPawmoPawmot $25 or 50 LP TM082 (Thunder Wave) ×3
TM136 (Electric Terrain) ×3
Tandemaus Fur TandemausMausholdMaushold $20 or 40 LP TM117 (Hyper Voice) ×3
TM127 (Play Rough) ×3
TM183 (Super Fang) ×3
Fidough Fur FidoughDachsbun $20 or 40 LP TM079 (Dazzling Gleam) ×3
TM127 (Play Rough) ×5
Smoliv Oil SmolivDollivArboliva $20 or 40 LP TM033 (Magical Leaf) ×3
TM071 (Seed Bomb) ×3
Squawkabilly Feather SquawkabillySquawkabillySquawkabillySquawkabilly $20 or 40 LP TM030 (Snarl) ×3
TM097 (Fly) ×3
Nacli Salt NacliNaclstackGarganacl $20 or 40 LP TM076 (Rock Blast) ×3
TM086 (Rock Slide) ×3
Charcadet Soot CharcadetArmarougeCeruledge $40 or 80 LP TM067 (Fire Punch) ×3
TM112 (Aura Sphere) ×3
TM153 (Blast Burn) ×5
TM165 (Flare Blitz) ×3
Tadbulb Mucus TadbulbBellibolt $20 or 40 LP TM072 (Electro Ball) ×3
TM126 (Thunderbolt) ×3
TM136 (Electric Terrain) ×3
Wattrel Feather WattrelKilowattrel $30 or 60 LP TM014 (Acrobatics) ×3
TM050 (Rain Dance) ×3
Maschiff Fang MaschiffMabosstiff $20 or 40 LP TM030 (Snarl) ×3
TM108 (Crunch) ×5
Shroodle Ink ShroodleGrafaiai $20 or 40 LP TM018 (Thief) ×3
TM026 (Poison Tail) ×3
TM083 (Poison Jab) ×3
Bramblin Twig BramblinBrambleghast $20 or 40 LP TM071 (Seed Bomb) ×3
TM119 (Energy Ball) ×3
Toedscool Flaps ToedscoolToedscruel $25 or 50 LP TM146 (Grass Pledge) ×3
TM159 (Leaf Storm) ×3
Klawf Claw Klawf $50 or 100 LP TM036 (Rock Tomb) ×3
TM150 (Stone Edge) ×3
Capsakid Seed CapsakidScovillain $20 or 40 LP TM111 (Giga Drain) ×5
TM144 (Fire Pledge) ×3
TM157 (Overheat) ×3
Rellor Mud RellorRabsca $20 or 40 LP TM120 (Psychic) ×5
TM131 (Pollen Puff) ×5
Flittle Down FlittleEspathra $20 or 40 LP TM074 (Reflect) ×3
TM098 (Skill Swap) ×3
Tinkatink Hair TinkatinkTinkatuffTinkaton $20 or 40 LP TM025 (Facade) ×3
TM093 (Flash Cannon) ×3
TM127 (Play Rough) ×3
Wiglett Sand WiglettWugtrio $20 or 40 LP TM110 (Liquidation) ×3
TM123 (Surf) ×3
Bombirdier Feather Bombirdier $50 or 100 LP TM014 (Acrobatics) ×3
TM097 (Fly) ×3
TM113 (Tailwind) ×3
TM197 (Dual Wingbeat) ×3
Finizen Mucus FinizenPalafin $25 or 50 LP TM123 (Surf) ×3
TM142 (Hydro Pump) ×5
TM196 (Flip Turn) ×2
Varoom Fume VaroomRevavroom $20 or 40 LP TM093 (Flash Cannon) ×3
TM102 (Gunk Shot) ×3
Cyclizar Scales Cyclizar $30 or 60 LP
Orthworm Tarnish Orthworm $50 or 100 LP TM055 (Dig) ×3
TM170 (Steel Beam) ×5
Glimmet Crystal GlimmetGlimmora $30 or 60 LP TM171 (Tera Blast) ×8
Greavard Wax GreavardHoundstone $20 or 40 LP TM029 (Hex) ×3
TM055 (Dig) ×3
TM151 (Phantom Force) ×3
Flamigo Down Flamigo $20 or 40 LP TM065 (Air Slash) ×3
TM158 (Focus Blast) ×5
Cetoddle Grease CetoddleCetitan $20 or 40 LP TM089 (Body Press) ×5
TM124 (Ice Spinner) ×5
Veluza Fillet Veluza $35 or 70 LP TM059 (Zen Headbutt) ×3
TM063 (Psychic Fangs) ×3
TM196 (Flip Turn) ×2
Dondozo Whisker Dondozo $40 or 80 LP TM121 (Heavy Slam) ×3
TM154 (Hydro Cannon) ×5
Tatsugiri Scales TatsugiriTatsugiriTatsugiri $50 or 100 LP TM100 (Dragon Dance) ×3
TM115 (Dragon Pulse) ×3
TM140 (Nasty Plot) ×3
Frigibax Scales FrigibaxArctibaxBaxcalibur $50 or 100 LP TM124 (Ice Spinner) ×3
TM156 (Outrage) ×3
TM169 (Draco Meteor) ×5
Gimmighoul Coin GimmighoulGimmighoulGholdengo $200 or 10 LP
Kitakami Pokédex
Ekans Fang EkansArbok $15 or 30 LP TM175 (Toxic) ×3
Sandshrew Claw SandshrewSandslash $10 or 20 LP TM176 (Sand Tomb) ×3
TM183 (Super Fang) ×3
Vulpix Fur VulpixNinetales $35 or 70 LP TM193 (Weather Ball) ×3
TM195 (Burning Jealousy) ×2
Poliwag Slime PoliwagPoliwhirlPoliwrathPolitoed $35 or 70 LP
Bellsprout Vine BellsproutWeepinbellVictreebel $25 or 50 LP TM194 (Grassy Glide) ×3
Geodude Fragment GeodudeGravelerGolem $30 or 60 LP TM179 (Smack Down) ×3
Koffing Gas KoffingWeezing $25 or 50 LP TM175 (Toxic) ×3
Sentret Fur SentretFurret $10 or 20 LP
Hoothoot Feather HoothootNoctowl $15 or 30 LP
Spinarak Thread SpinarakAriados $10 or 20 LP
Cleffa Fur CleffaClefairyClefable $25 or 50 LP TM178 (Gravity) ×2
TM201 (Misty Explosion) ×3
Aipom Hair AipomAmbipom $30 or 60 LP
Yanma Spike YanmaYanmega $35 or 70 LP TM182 (Bug Bite) ×2
Gligar Fang GligarGliscor $40 or 80 LP
Slugma Lava SlugmaMagcargo $20 or 40 LP TM189 (Heat Crash) ×4
Swinub Hair SwinubPiloswineMamoswine $35 or 70 LP TM186 (High Horsepower) ×2
TM187 (Icicle Spear) ×3
Poochyena Fang PoochyenaMightyena $15 or 30 LP TM172 (Roar) ×3
TM199 (Lash Out) ×2
Lotad Leaf LotadLombreLudicolo $20 or 40 LP TM191 (Uproar) ×4
Seedot Stem SeedotNuzleafShiftry $20 or 40 LP TM181 (Knock Off) ×4
TM190 (Solar Blade) ×4
TM194 (Grassy Glide) ×3
Nosepass Fragment NosepassProbopass $40 or 80 LP TM178 (Gravity) ×4
TM180 (Gyro Ball) ×4
Volbeat Fluid Volbeat $10 or 20 LP
Illumise Fluid Illumise $10 or 20 LP
Corphish Shell CorphishCrawdaunt $10 or 20 LP TM181 (Knock Off) ×4
Feebas Scales FeebasMilotic $35 or 70 LP TM174 (Haze) ×2
Duskull Fragment DuskullDusclopsDusknoir $40 or 80 LP TM177 (Spite) ×2
TM198 (Poltergeist) ×2
Chingling Fragment ChinglingChimecho $20 or 40 LP TM191 (Uproar) ×2
Munchlax Fang MunchlaxSnorlax $40 or 80 LP TM189 (Heat Crash) ×2
Timburr Sweat TimburrGurdurrConkeldurr $30 or 60 LP TM192 (Focus Punch) ×3
Sewaddle Leaf SewaddleSwadloonLeavanny $20 or 40 LP TM182 (Bug Bite) ×2
TM185 (Lunge) ×3
TM190 (Solar Blade) ×2
Ducklett Feather DucklettSwanna $15 or 30 LP TM197 (Dual Wingbeat) ×3
Litwick Soot LitwickLampentChandelure $30 or 60 LP TM195 (Burning Jealousy) ×2
TM198 (Poltergeist) ×2
Mienfoo Claw MienfooMienshao $40 or 80 LP
Vullaby Feather VullabyMandibuzz $35 or 70 LP TM199 (Lash Out) ×3
Carbink Jewel Carbink $50 or 100 LP TM179 (Smack Down) ×3
TM201 (Misty Explosion) ×2
Phantump Twig PhantumpTrevenant $20 or 40 LP TM198 (Poltergeist) ×2
Grubbin Thread GrubbinCharjabugVikavolt $25 or 50 LP
Cutiefly Powder CutieflyRibombee $25 or 50 LP
Jangmo-o Scales Jangmo-oHakamo-oKommo-o $50 or 100 LP TM192 (Focus Punch) ×3
TM200 (Scale Shot) ×2
Cramorant Down Cramorant $30 or 60 LP
Morpeko Snack Morpeko $15 or 30 LP
Poltchageist Powder PoltchageistSinistcha $30 or 60 LP TM188 (Scald) ×3


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