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{{incomplete|2=Check prerequisites for Pokédex evalution dialogue}}
These are [[Cyllene]]'s quotes in the [[Pokémon games]].
These are [[Cyllene]]'s quotes in the [[Pokémon games]].

==In the core series==
==In the core series games==
===[[Pokémon Legends: Arceus]]===
===[[Pokémon Legends: Arceus]]===
;Jubilife Village - Floaro Main Street
;Mission 1 - "In an Unfamiliar Land"
:''"I’ll allow it."''
:;[[Jubilife Village]] (Floaro Main Street)
:''"Assuming the individual can contribute to the Survey Corps, that is."''
::''"I'll allow it."''
:''"I am the captain of the [[Galaxy Team]]’s Survey Corps. You may call me Cyllene. [[Professor Laventon]] has told me how you helped secure his Pokémon when they slipped his control. And now it seems he would like us to feed and house you in exchange for your ongoing labor. Hmm. You look to be 15 or so. Quite old enough to work for your keep. But we can’t simply take on a stranger who wanders in among us, without any idea of their skills or origins. Tomorrow we shall see if you can prove yourself worthy."''
::''"Assuming the individual can contribute to the Survey Corps, that is."''
:''"That’s quite alright. I prefer to eat alone so I might appreciate my meals without distraction."''
::''"I am the captain of the [[Galaxy Team]]'s Survey Corps. You may call me Cyllene. [[Professor Laventon]] has told me how you helped secure his Pokémon when they slipped his control. And now it seems he would like us to feed and house you in exchange for your ongoing labor. Hmm. You look to be 15 or so. Quite old enough to work for your keep. But we can't simply take on a stranger who wanders in among us, without any idea of their skills or origins. Tomorrow we shall see if you can prove yourself worthy."''
:''"Let’s hope it is not misplaced. <player>, was it? For tonight, at least, we will provide you with a place to sleep. You may use our quarters there. But if you fail to pass the trial we put you to tomorrow, you must move on. You will be expelled from the village to meet your fate—and perhaps your death—in the wilds."''
::''"That's quite alright. I prefer to eat alone so I might appreciate my meals without distraction."''
::''"Let's hope it is not misplaced. <player>, was it? For tonight, at least, we will provide you with a place to sleep. You may use our quarters there. But if you fail to pass the trial we put you to tomorrow, you must move on. You will be expelled from the village to meet your fate—and perhaps your death—in the wilds."''

;Galaxy Hall - Her Office
:;[[Galaxy Hall]] (Her office)
:''"You may enter."''
::''"You may enter."''
:''"Let us get straight to it. If you wish to join the Galaxy Expedition Team, prove yourself capable by going out into the [[Obsidian Fieldlands]] and catching three different species of Pokémon: {{p|Bidoof}}, {{p|Starly}}, and {{p|Shinx}}."''
::''"Let us get straight to it. If you wish to join the Galaxy Expedition Team, prove yourself capable by going out into the [[Obsidian Fieldlands]] and catching three different species of Pokémon: {{p|Bidoof}}, {{p|Starly}}, and {{p|Shinx}}."''
:''"Did this stranger not catch three different Pokémon only yesterday? My trial should be simple enough for him/her—if the professor wasn’t exaggerating things, that is. The Galaxy Team does not have the means to provide for those who only take without giving. If you wish to stay, you must prove yourself beyond any doubt that you’ll be an asset to our cause. I will lend you one of our Survey Corps satchels to carry whatever you may need in the field."''
::''"Did this stranger not catch three different Pokémon only yesterday? My trial should be simple enough for him/her—if the [[Professor Laventon|professor]] wasn't exaggerating things, that is. The Galaxy Team does not have the means to provide for those who only take without giving. If you wish to stay, you must prove yourself beyond any doubt that you'll be an asset to our cause. I will lend you one of our Survey Corps [[satchel]]s to carry whatever you may need in the field."''
:''"{{ga|Akari}}/{{ga|Rei}}. I’ll expect you to step in if anything goes awry."''
::''"{{ga|Akari}}/{{ga|Rei}}. I'll expect you to step in if anything goes awry."''

*If talked to before starting the trial
;Mission 2 - "The Galaxy Team's Entry Trial"
:''"You know what is expected of you. Now it is up to you to see things through."''
:;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
:*If talked to before starting the trial
::''"You know what is expected of you. Now it is up to you to see things through."''

*After completing the trial
:*After the player completes the trial
:''"It seems we won’t have to leave you to die, after all. Congratulations. You’ve passed your trial. You can hold onto that satchel. I must admit you’ve impressed me. I set a high hurdle to judge whether a stranger like yourself could be worthy, but you cleared it. This is yours—the official uniform of the Survey Corps. Get changed in the room you used last night. Then you’re to report at once to the third floor."''
::''"It seems we won't have to leave you to die, after all. Congratulations. You've passed your trial. You can hold onto that satchel. I must admit you've impressed me. I set a high hurdle to judge whether a stranger like yourself could be worthy, but you cleared it. This is yours—the official uniform of the Survey Corps. Get changed in the room you used last night. Then you're to report at once to the third floor."''
:''"Present yourself in uniform to our [[Kamado|commander]]. This is your first official order from your captain!"''
::''"Present yourself in uniform to our [[Kamado|commander]]. This is your first official order from your captain!"''

*If talked to again
:*If talked to again
:''"Get changed in the room you used last night. Than you're to report at once to the third floor."''
::''"Get changed in the room you used last night. Than you're to report at once to the third floor."''

*After changing into uniform
:*After the player changes into uniform
:''"I see you’ve changed. Regarding your accommodations, you may continue to use the room you slept in last night. You may wear this as well. Now present yourself to the commander!"''
::''"I see you've changed. Regarding your accommodations, you may continue to use the room you slept in last night. You may wear this as well. Now present yourself to the commander!"''

*After visiting Kamado
;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
:''"So the commander has also accepted you. But understand this… You begin as a No Star recruit among our ranks. In other words, you have no rank at all. Perform well as a member of the Survey Corps, and you will move up through the ranks."''
*After the player reports to Kamado
:''"Here. You will need this. And {{pdollar}}3,000 as well. You will have to buy the necessary materials. Akari/Rei, you are an expert at crafting, yourself. Teach our new recruit what he/she needs to know."''
:''"So the commander has also accepted you. But understand this... You begin as a No Star recruit among our [[Rank (Galaxy Team)|ranks]]. In other words, you have no rank at all. Perform well as a member of the Survey Corps, and you will move up through the ranks."''
:''"Here. You will need this. And {{pdollar}}3,000 as well. You will have to buy the necessary materials. {{tt|Akari|If the player is male}}/{{tt|Rei|If the player is female}}, you are an expert at crafting, yourself. Teach our new recruit what he/she needs to know."''

*After reaching First Star rank
;Mission 4 - "Getting to Work on Research Tasks"
:''"If you have progress to report, I will judge its worthiness. Show me your Pokédex."''
:;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
:''"Hm. You have made progress. It seems you have earned yourself a star. With this, you have officially attained the rank of First Star in the Galaxy Expedition Team. Have these as well. They are further recipes you’ll need for crafting."''
:*After reaching First Star rank
:''"That a stranger like you should fall from the sky and yet flourish among us like this is a testament to your native talent and hard work. Most people prefer it when things are simple enough to be judged on face value alone. And proving your worth by moving up through our ranks is something anyone can understand. Keep at it, and even if you did fall from the sky, people may be more willing to accept you. Working your way through the ranks will also be a help if you wish to make a life for yourself here. A higher rank will grant you access to more types of [[Poké Ball]]s and greater rewards."''
::''"If you have progress to report, I will judge its worthiness. Show me your [[Pokédex]]."''
:''"For today, at least, you’ve earned yourself a meal at the Wallflower and a good night’s rest."''
::''"Hm. You have made progress. It seems you have earned yourself a star. With this, you have officially attained the rank of First Star in the Galaxy Expedition Team. Have these as well. They are further recipes you'll need for crafting."''
::''"That a stranger like you should fall from the sky and yet flourish among us like this is a testament to your native talent and hard work. Most people prefer it when things are simple enough to be judged on face value alone. And proving your worth by moving up through our ranks is something anyone can understand. Keep at it, and even if you did fall from the sky, people may be more willing to accept you. Working your way through the ranks will also be a help if you wish to make a life for yourself here. A higher rank will grant you access to more types of [[Poké Ball]]s and greater rewards."''
::''"For today, at least, you've earned yourself a meal at the Wallflower and a good night's rest."''

*After meeting with Kamado and the Clan Leaders during Mission 7
;Mission 7 - "The Frenzy of the Lord of the Woods"
:''"Professor Laventon. The briefing, if you please."''
:;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
:''"I’d like to be perfectly clear on this point. This mission will put you in extreme danger. Do you believe you can handle it?
:*After the player meets with [[Adaman]], [[Irida]], and Kamado
::'''Of course!''':''"Very well. Let us go over the particulars."''
::''"Professor Laventon. The briefing, if you please."''
::'''Not particularly''': ''"Well, you’ve no choice in the matter. Let us go over the details you need to know. You have a mission to carry out."''
::''"I'd like to be perfectly clear on this point. This mission will put you in extreme danger. Do you believe you can handle it?
:''"The [[Diamond Clan|Diamond]] and [[Pearl Clan]]s revere their nobles because they believe these Pokémon serve their “almighty Sinnoh”. They leave offerings to express their gratitude to these Pokémon in locations they call the nobles’ seats."''
:::'''Of course!''':''"Very well. Let us go over the particulars."''
:::'''Not particularly''': ''"Well, you've no choice in the matter. Let us go over the details you need to know. You have a mission to carry out."''
::''"The [[Diamond Clan|Diamond]] and [[Pearl Clan]]s revere their nobles because they believe these Pokémon serve their “almighty Sinnoh”. They leave offerings to express their gratitude to these Pokémon in locations they call the nobles' seats."''

*If talked to again
:*If talked to again
:''"Our investigation for the commander will grind to a halt if you become incapacitated, recruit. I should like to avoid that outcome. I imagine you would as well, since it would mean losing the food and shelter we provide for you."''
::''"Our investigation for the commander will grind to a halt if you become incapacitated, recruit. I should like to avoid that outcome. I imagine you would as well, since it would mean losing the food and shelter we provide for you."''

*After meeting with [[Arezu]]
;Mission 8 - "Arezu's Predicament"
:''"The next area you will be sent to investigate is the [[Crimson Mirelands]]. You will find the Pokémon living there to be more fearsome than those living in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Even the landscape itself is harsher, with steep ravines and seaside cliffs. It is not welcoming."''
:;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
::'''If the player is not at least Second Star rank''': ''"You must be a Second Star to face the mirelands. Complete research tasks to help fill in the Pokédex if you hope to move up in the ranks. Do so by catching Pokémon and conducting your survey work in areas you currently have access to."''
:*After the player meets with [[Arezu]] and Kamado
::'''If the player is Second Star rank or above''': ''"At your current rank, you should be able to handle the Crimson Mirelands on your own. Here is what you need to know. Your destination is a place within the mirelands known as the [[Solaceon Ruins]]. That is where you’ll find {{p|Ursaluna}}’s [[Calaba|warden]]."''
::''"The next area you will be sent to investigate is the [[Crimson Mirelands]]. You will find the Pokémon living there to be more fearsome than those living in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Even the landscape itself is harsher, with steep ravines and seaside cliffs. It is not welcoming."''
:::'''If the player is not at least Second Star rank''': ''"You must be a Second Star to face the mirelands. Complete research tasks to help fill in the Pokédex if you hope to move up in the ranks. Do so by catching Pokémon and conducting your survey work in areas you currently have access to."''
:::'''If the player is Second Star rank or above''': ''"At your current rank, you should be able to handle the Crimson Mirelands on your own. Here is what you need to know. Your destination is a place within the mirelands known as the [[Solaceon Ruins]]. That is where you'll find {{p|Ursaluna}}'s [[Calaba|warden]]."''

*After meeting with [[Irida]] and Kamado
;Mission 10 - "The Lordless Island"
:''"The next area for you to investigate will be the [[Cobalt Coastlands]]. It is farther afield than the Crimson Mirelands—much farther—and the path is long and trying."''
:;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
::'''If the player is not at least Third Star rank''': ''"You must be a Third Star in our ranks to be able to tackle the coastlands. Strive to defeat Pokémon battles, and observe them using particular moves in your survey work. Work on such tasks to ready yourself. And help with any requests that may have been posted on the professor’s blackboard in his lab."''
:*After the player meets with Irida and Kamado
::'''If the player is Third Star rank or above''': ''"With your current rank, you should be capable of braving the Cobalt Coastlands. You know your mission. Investigate [[Firespit Island]]."''
::''"The next area for you to investigate will be the [[Cobalt Coastlands]]. It is farther afield than the Crimson Mirelands—much farther—and the path is long and trying."''
:::'''If the player is not at least Third Star rank''': ''"You must be a Third Star in our ranks to be able to tackle the coastlands. Strive to defeat Pokémon battles, and observe them using particular moves in your survey work. Work on such tasks to ready yourself. And help with any requests that may have been posted on the professor's blackboard in his lab."''
:::'''If the player is Third Star rank or above''': ''"With your current rank, you should be capable of braving the Cobalt Coastlands. You know your mission. Investigate [[Firespit Island]]."''

;Jubilife Village - Floaro Main Street
;Mission 11 - "Scaling Perilous Heights"
:''"<player>. Join me in the Survey Corps office. We’ll go over the particulars of your new mission."''
:;Jubilife Village (Floaro Main Street)
::''"<player>. Join me in the Survey Corps office. We'll go over the particulars of your new mission."''

;Galaxy Hall - Her Office
:;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
:''"Your survey work will take you to the [[Coronet Highlands]] next. You’ll be on the rift's doorstep. There’s no telling what perils await."''
::''"Your survey work will take you to the [[Coronet Highlands]] next. You'll be on the rift's doorstep. There's no telling what perils await."''
::'''If the player is not at least Fourth Star rank''': ''"To take on the highlands, you must achieve the rank of Fourth Star or higher. You know how. Evolve Pokémon into other Pokémon. Use items to stun them or induce other effects in the wild. Complete such research tasks to raise your rank. And aid with any requests that might be found on the professor’s blackboard."''
:::'''If the player is not at least Fourth Star rank''': ''"To take on the highlands, you must achieve the rank of Fourth Star or higher. You know how. Evolve Pokémon into other Pokémon. Use items to stun them or induce other effects in the wild. Complete such research tasks to raise your rank. And aid with any requests that might be found on the professor's blackboard."''
::'''If the player is Fourth Star rank or above''': ''"Your current rank qualifies you to conduct research in the Coronet Highlands. But you will need help from a [[Ingo|particular person]] to survey and ultimately quell this {{p|Electrode}}. Go to the [[training grounds]]. You should find them there."''
:::'''If the player is Fourth Star rank or above''': ''"Your current rank qualifies you to conduct research in the Coronet Highlands. But you will need help from a [[Ingo|particular person]] to survey and ultimately quell this {{p|Electrode}}. Go to the [[training grounds]]. You should find them there."''

*After meeting with Kamado and the Clan leaders
;Mission 12 - "The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra"
:''"Gyah! A-abra! Teleport this {{p|Wurmple}} outside! At once!"''
:;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
:''"Ahem. So. You’re to survey the [[Alabaster Icelands]] next. This is the most treacherous clime you’ll face in all [[Hisui]]."''
:*After the player meets with Kamado and the Clan leaders
::'''If the player is not at least Fifth Star rank''': ''"If you intend to go, show me you’re equal to the challenge by earning your Fifth Star. Witness Pokémon using moves in various styles. Catch Pokémon at different times. Complete such research tasks to raise your rank. And aid with any requests that might be found on the professor’s blackboard."''
::''"Gyah! A-abra! Teleport this {{p|Wurmple}} outside! At once!"''
::'''If the player is Fifth Star rank or above''': ''"It would not be an exaggeration to say that you might be the only one among the Survey Corps I can task with surveying the Alabaster Icelands. You know your orders. See your mission through."''
::''"Ahem. So. You're to survey the [[Alabaster Icelands]] next. This is the most treacherous clime you'll face in all [[Hisui]]."''
:::'''If the player is not at least Fifth Star rank''': ''"If you intend to go, show me you're equal to the challenge by earning your Fifth Star. Witness Pokémon using moves in various styles. Catch Pokémon at different times. Complete such research tasks to raise your rank. And aid with any requests that might be found on the professor's blackboard."''
:::'''If the player is Fifth Star rank or above''': ''"It would not be an exaggeration to say that you might be the only one among the Survey Corps I can task with surveying the Alabaster Icelands. You know your orders. See your mission through."''

*After receiving Mission 13
;Mission 13 - "Disaster Looming"
:''"I’ve word from the commander. You’re to report to his office at once."''
:;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
::''"I've word from the commander. You're to report to his office at once."''

;Galaxy Hall - Kamado's Office
:;Galaxy Hall (Kamado's office)
:''"Yes, sir."''
::''"Yes, sir."''

;Jubilife Village - Floaro Main Street
:;Jubilife Village (Floaro Main Street)
:''"Orders are orders. Let’s go. This way."''
::''"Orders are orders. Let's go."''
:''"Understood. However, the decision was mine to accept this stranger as a member of the Survey Corps. It is only right that I should personally escort him/her from the village and to the [[Base camp|Fieldlands Camp]]."''
:''"I’ll allow it."''

;Obsidian Fieldlands - Fieldlands Camp
:*If the player tries to walk away
:''"You must not."''
::''"This way."''
:''"You will only cause <player> more pain if you are driven out as well for defending him/her."''
:''"However, there are others who might offer help. You’ve been an aid to both the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan."''
:''"Don’t die alone out there, that’s an order. I will ensure you have all you need to complete the survey the commander has tasked you with. If I might offer my advice. In this life, you will meet with both admiration and abuse from others. How others choose to view you is a choice only they can make. You cannot make it for them. All that truly matters is that you hold firm to your own values."''

;Galaxy Hall - Her Office
:;Jubilife Village (Front gate)
::''"Understood. However, the decision was mine to accept this stranger as a member of the Survey Corps. It is only right that I should personally escort him/her from the village and to the [[Fieldlands Camp]]."''
::''"I'll allow it."''
:;Obsidian Fieldlands (Fieldlands Camp)
::''"You must not."''
::''"You will only cause <player> more pain if you are driven out as well for defending him/her."''
::''"However, there are others who might offer help. You've been an aid to both the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan."''
::''"Don't die alone out there, that's an order. I will ensure you have all you need to complete the survey the commander has tasked you with. If I might offer my advice. In this life, you will meet with both admiration and abuse from others. How others choose to view you is a choice only they can make. You cannot make it for them. All that truly matters is that you hold firm to your own values."''
;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
*After the player forges the Red Chain
:''"So you managed to not die. Just as I ordered. Well done."''
:''"So you managed to not die. Just as I ordered. Well done."''
::'''Thanks to you, Captain''': ''"I have no idea what you’re implying. All I know is {{p|Abra}} vanished of its own accord—inconveniencing me greatly."''
::'''Thanks to you, Captain''': ''"I have no idea what you're implying. All I know is {{p|Abra}} vanished of its own accord—inconveniencing me greatly."''
::'''I owe it to Irida/Adaman''': ''"No doubt your own past deeds earned you any help you may have received."''
::'''I owe it to Irida/Adaman''': ''"No doubt your own past deeds earned you any help you may have received."''
:''"Before moving forward, I must ask... I assume you are here again because you’ve managed to learn something of use?"''
:''"Before moving forward, I must ask... I assume you are here again because you've managed to learn something of use?"''
::'''Regardless of answer''': ''"Go on…"''
::'''Regardless of answer''': ''"Go on…"''
:''"A [[Red Chain|legendary tool said to bind the very world...]]"''
:''"A [[Red Chain|legendary tool said to bind the very world...]]"''
:''"Commander Kamado is no longer here in Jubilife Village. The Security Corps has been scouting the area near the space-time rift...and they reported sightings of something on the other side of it. Something that resembled a Pokémon. The commander made the decision to take the Security Corps to the mountain so as to prepare to fend off any possible threat. They were to make for the temple at the peak."''
:''"Commander Kamado is no longer here in Jubilife Village. The Security Corps has been scouting the area near the space-time rift...and they reported sightings of something on the other side of it. Something that resembled a Pokémon. The commander made the decision to take the Security Corps to the mountain so as to prepare to fend off any possible threat. They were to make for the temple at the peak."''
:''"As the captain of the Survey Corps, I hereby order you to proceed as follows. <player>! Take that Red Chain to [[Mount Coronet]], make your way to the peak, and put an end to all of this. You are officially reinstated at your former rank."''
:''"As the captain of the Survey Corps, I hereby order you to proceed as follows. <player>! Take that Red Chain to [[Mount Coronet]], make your way to the peak, and put an end to all of this. You are officially reinstated at your former rank."''
:''"If he didn’t wish for me to decide things in his place, then he should not have left me in charge here!"''
:''"Naturally. No one suggested you should not."''

;Jubilife Village - Front Gate
;Mission 17 - "Atop Mount Coronet"
:''"The commander is already at Mount Coronet."''
:;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
:''"Hmph. Who is the reckless one?"''
::''"If he didn't wish for me to decide things in his place, then he should not have left me in charge here!"''
:''"Your orders are three. One: Make for the Summit Camp and, from there, the [[Temple of Sinnoh]]. Two: Use the Red Chain to resolve this mess. And three: Return here...alive!"''
::''"Naturally. No one suggested you should not."''

;Galaxy Hall - Her Office
:;Jubilife Village (Front gate)
*After completing Mission 18
::''"The commander is already at Mount Coronet."''
:''"So. I trust you enjoyed yourself at the festival."''
::''"Hmph. Who is the reckless one?"''
::'''Regardless of answer''': ''"Indeed. That only seems natural, given the crowd."''
::''"Your orders are three. One: Make for the Summit Camp and, from there, the [[Temple of Sinnoh]]. Two: Use the Red Chain to resolve this mess. And three: Return here...alive!"''
:''"I believe you must be imagining things. Now, Professor Laventon, to business. What is the current state of progress on the Pokédex?"''
:''"Listen well, <player>. You are to learn all you can from the merchant Volo and work together as needed. For the sake of the Pokédex. We, in the meanwhile, will also continue to gather intelligence on Pokémon by other means."''

;Jubilife Village - Floaro Main Street
;Mission 19 - "A New Day Dawns"
:;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
::''"So. I trust you enjoyed yourself at the festival."''
:::'''Regardless of answer''': ''"Indeed. That only seems natural, given the crowd."''
::''"I believe you must be imagining things. Now, Professor Laventon, to business. What is the current state of progress on the Pokédex?"''
::''"Listen well, <player>. You are to learn all you can from the merchant Volo and work together as needed. For the sake of the Pokédex. We, in the meanwhile, will also continue to gather intelligence on Pokémon by other means."''
;Request 95 - "A New Anomaly"
:;Galaxy Hall - Her Office
::''"A gathering of {{p|Zorua}} in a place other than their natural habitat... Could this also have been caused by the space-time rift? I suppose we don't know enough yet to say for certain. At any rate, thank you for the report."''
::''"Simultaneously in multiple locations?"''
::''"These must be somehow different from the mass outbreaks we know. Why don't we call this new phenomenon... a {{color|ffb6c1|massive mass outbreak}}?"''
::''"Your new orders are to investigate this [[massive mass outbreak]]!"''
;Jubilife Village (Floaro Main Street)
*After completing Mission 25
*After completing Mission 25
:''"<player>. Would you come with me for a moment?"''
:''"<player>. Would you come with me for a moment?"''

;Galaxy Hall - Third Floor
;Galaxy Hall (Third floor)
:''"Hearing this, one of our patrons said to him, "I see you have yourself a veritable galaxy, then." Perhaps to curry favor, the commander then said he would name us the Galaxy Expedition Team."''   
:''"Hearing this, one of our patrons said to him, "I see you have yourself a veritable galaxy, then." Perhaps to curry favor, the commander then said he would name us the Galaxy Expedition Team."''   
:''"I promise you... I will pass down the name of our team, and tales of its accomplishments, to all my descendants."''
:''"I promise you... I will pass down the name of our team, and tales of its accomplishments, to all my descendants."''

;Jubilife Village - Photography Studio
;Jubilife Village (Photography studio)
:''"Let me confirm. Are we taking a photo together?"''
:''"Let me confirm. Are we taking a photo together?"''

;Request 95 - "A New Anomaly"
;Pokédex evaluation
:;Galaxy Hall - Her Office
:;Galaxy Hall (Her office)
::''"A gathering of {{p|Zorua}} in a place other than their natural habitat... Could this also have been caused by the space-time rift? I suppose we don't know enough yet to say for certain. At any rate, thank you for the report."''
:*If talked to
::''"Simultaneously in multiple locations?"''
::{{tt|''"Yes? Have you made progress on your research tasks?"''|If the player has new tasks to be reported}}
::''"These must be somehow different from the mass outbreaks we know. Why don't we call this new phenomenon... a {{color|ffb6c1|massive mass outbreak}}?"''
::''"If you have progress to report, I will judge its worthiness. Show me your Pokédex."''
::''"Your new orders are to investigate this [[massive mass outbreak]]!"''
;Pokédex Evaluation
*When talked to
:{{tt|''"Yes? Have you made progress on your research tasks?"''|If the player has new tasks to be reported}}
:''"If you have progress to report, I will judge its worthiness. Show me your Pokédex."''

*If the player does not rank up <!--as of the start of Mission 7-->
:*If no progress was made
:''"You have your orders. Survey and research the Pokémon that live in the areas you currently have access to."''
::''"Our main duty in the Survey Corps is to study the Pokémon of this land. Catch Pokémon, and create a more complete Pokédex for us."''

*If the player is halfway to ranking up
:*If the player does not rank up <!--as of the start of Mission 7-->
:''"Work together with Professor Laventon to bring the Pokédex closer to completion. It is key that you complete his research tasks."''
::''"You have your orders. Survey and research the Pokémon that live in the areas you currently have access to."''

*If the player is close to ranking up <!--With 500 research points until rank-up-->
:*If the player is halfway to ranking up
:''"I see you're making good progress with your work on the Pokédex. I expect you'll earn a promotion in rank soon."''
::''"Work together with Professor Laventon to bring the Pokédex closer to completion. It is key that you complete his research tasks."''

:*If the player is close to ranking up <!--With 500 research points until rank-up-->
:''"Our main duty in the Survey Corps is to study the Pokémon of this land. Catch Pokémon, and create a more complete Pokédex for us."''
::''"I see you're making good progress with your work on the Pokédex. I expect you'll earn a promotion in rank soon."''

*If the player ranks up
:*If the player ranks up
:''"Hm. You have made progress. It seems you have earned yourself a star. With this, you have officially attained the rank of <Second-Full> Star in the Galaxy Expedition Team."''
::''"Hm. You have made progress. It seems you have earned yourself a star. With this, you have officially attained the rank of <Second-Full> Star in the Galaxy Expedition Team."''
:{{tt|''"Have these as well. They are further recipes you’ll need for crafting."''|After receiving Second Star rank through Eighth Star rank}} / {{tt|And I present you with these.|After receiving Ninth Star rank and Full Star rank}}
::{{tt|''"Have these as well. They are further recipes you'll need for crafting."''|After receiving Second Star rank through Eighth Star rank}} / {{tt|''"And I present you with these."''|After receiving Ninth Star rank and Full Star rank}}
:{{tt|''"Continue to dedicate yourself to completing the Pokédex if you hope to rise higher in the ranks."''|After receiving Second Star rank through Ninth Star rank}} / {{tt|''"You have reached the highest possible rank within the Galaxy Expedition Team! Continue to carry out all your duties with the dignity expected from one of your rank!"''|After receiving Full Star rank}}
::{{tt|''"Continue to dedicate yourself to completing the Pokédex if you hope to rise higher in the ranks."''|After receiving Second Star rank through Ninth Star rank}} / {{tt|''"You have reached the highest possible rank within the Galaxy Expedition Team! Continue to carry out all your duties with the dignity expected from one of your rank!"''|After receiving Full Star rank}}

[[Category:Quote pages]]
[[Category:Quote pages]]

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Reason: Check prerequisites for Pokédex evalution dialogue

These are Cyllene's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Mission 1 - "In an Unfamiliar Land"
Jubilife Village (Floaro Main Street)
"I'll allow it."
"Assuming the individual can contribute to the Survey Corps, that is."
"I am the captain of the Galaxy Team's Survey Corps. You may call me Cyllene. Professor Laventon has told me how you helped secure his Pokémon when they slipped his control. And now it seems he would like us to feed and house you in exchange for your ongoing labor. Hmm. You look to be 15 or so. Quite old enough to work for your keep. But we can't simply take on a stranger who wanders in among us, without any idea of their skills or origins. Tomorrow we shall see if you can prove yourself worthy."
"That's quite alright. I prefer to eat alone so I might appreciate my meals without distraction."
"Let's hope it is not misplaced. <player>, was it? For tonight, at least, we will provide you with a place to sleep. You may use our quarters there. But if you fail to pass the trial we put you to tomorrow, you must move on. You will be expelled from the village to meet your fate—and perhaps your death—in the wilds."
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
"You may enter."
"Let us get straight to it. If you wish to join the Galaxy Expedition Team, prove yourself capable by going out into the Obsidian Fieldlands and catching three different species of Pokémon: Bidoof, Starly, and Shinx."
"Did this stranger not catch three different Pokémon only yesterday? My trial should be simple enough for him/her—if the professor wasn't exaggerating things, that is. The Galaxy Team does not have the means to provide for those who only take without giving. If you wish to stay, you must prove yourself beyond any doubt that you'll be an asset to our cause. I will lend you one of our Survey Corps satchels to carry whatever you may need in the field."
"Akari/Rei. I'll expect you to step in if anything goes awry."
Mission 2 - "The Galaxy Team's Entry Trial"
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
  • If talked to before starting the trial
"You know what is expected of you. Now it is up to you to see things through."
  • After the player completes the trial
"It seems we won't have to leave you to die, after all. Congratulations. You've passed your trial. You can hold onto that satchel. I must admit you've impressed me. I set a high hurdle to judge whether a stranger like yourself could be worthy, but you cleared it. This is yours—the official uniform of the Survey Corps. Get changed in the room you used last night. Then you're to report at once to the third floor."
"Present yourself in uniform to our commander. This is your first official order from your captain!"
  • If talked to again
"Get changed in the room you used last night. Than you're to report at once to the third floor."
  • After the player changes into uniform
"I see you've changed. Regarding your accommodations, you may continue to use the room you slept in last night. You may wear this as well. Now present yourself to the commander!"
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
  • After the player reports to Kamado
"So the commander has also accepted you. But understand this... You begin as a No Star recruit among our ranks. In other words, you have no rank at all. Perform well as a member of the Survey Corps, and you will move up through the ranks."
"Here. You will need this. And $3,000 as well. You will have to buy the necessary materials. Akari/Rei, you are an expert at crafting, yourself. Teach our new recruit what he/she needs to know."
Mission 4 - "Getting to Work on Research Tasks"
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
  • After reaching First Star rank
"If you have progress to report, I will judge its worthiness. Show me your Pokédex."
"Hm. You have made progress. It seems you have earned yourself a star. With this, you have officially attained the rank of First Star in the Galaxy Expedition Team. Have these as well. They are further recipes you'll need for crafting."
"That a stranger like you should fall from the sky and yet flourish among us like this is a testament to your native talent and hard work. Most people prefer it when things are simple enough to be judged on face value alone. And proving your worth by moving up through our ranks is something anyone can understand. Keep at it, and even if you did fall from the sky, people may be more willing to accept you. Working your way through the ranks will also be a help if you wish to make a life for yourself here. A higher rank will grant you access to more types of Poké Balls and greater rewards."
"For today, at least, you've earned yourself a meal at the Wallflower and a good night's rest."
Mission 7 - "The Frenzy of the Lord of the Woods"
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
"Professor Laventon. The briefing, if you please."
"I'd like to be perfectly clear on this point. This mission will put you in extreme danger. Do you believe you can handle it?
Of course!:"Very well. Let us go over the particulars."
Not particularly: "Well, you've no choice in the matter. Let us go over the details you need to know. You have a mission to carry out."
"The Diamond and Pearl Clans revere their nobles because they believe these Pokémon serve their “almighty Sinnoh”. They leave offerings to express their gratitude to these Pokémon in locations they call the nobles' seats."
  • If talked to again
"Our investigation for the commander will grind to a halt if you become incapacitated, recruit. I should like to avoid that outcome. I imagine you would as well, since it would mean losing the food and shelter we provide for you."
Mission 8 - "Arezu's Predicament"
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
  • After the player meets with Arezu and Kamado
"The next area you will be sent to investigate is the Crimson Mirelands. You will find the Pokémon living there to be more fearsome than those living in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Even the landscape itself is harsher, with steep ravines and seaside cliffs. It is not welcoming."
If the player is not at least Second Star rank: "You must be a Second Star to face the mirelands. Complete research tasks to help fill in the Pokédex if you hope to move up in the ranks. Do so by catching Pokémon and conducting your survey work in areas you currently have access to."
If the player is Second Star rank or above: "At your current rank, you should be able to handle the Crimson Mirelands on your own. Here is what you need to know. Your destination is a place within the mirelands known as the Solaceon Ruins. That is where you'll find Ursaluna's warden."
Mission 10 - "The Lordless Island"
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
  • After the player meets with Irida and Kamado
"The next area for you to investigate will be the Cobalt Coastlands. It is farther afield than the Crimson Mirelands—much farther—and the path is long and trying."
If the player is not at least Third Star rank: "You must be a Third Star in our ranks to be able to tackle the coastlands. Strive to defeat Pokémon battles, and observe them using particular moves in your survey work. Work on such tasks to ready yourself. And help with any requests that may have been posted on the professor's blackboard in his lab."
If the player is Third Star rank or above: "With your current rank, you should be capable of braving the Cobalt Coastlands. You know your mission. Investigate Firespit Island."
Mission 11 - "Scaling Perilous Heights"
Jubilife Village (Floaro Main Street)
"<player>. Join me in the Survey Corps office. We'll go over the particulars of your new mission."
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
"Your survey work will take you to the Coronet Highlands next. You'll be on the rift's doorstep. There's no telling what perils await."
If the player is not at least Fourth Star rank: "To take on the highlands, you must achieve the rank of Fourth Star or higher. You know how. Evolve Pokémon into other Pokémon. Use items to stun them or induce other effects in the wild. Complete such research tasks to raise your rank. And aid with any requests that might be found on the professor's blackboard."
If the player is Fourth Star rank or above: "Your current rank qualifies you to conduct research in the Coronet Highlands. But you will need help from a particular person to survey and ultimately quell this Electrode. Go to the training grounds. You should find them there."
Mission 12 - "The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra"
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
  • After the player meets with Kamado and the Clan leaders
"Gyah! A-abra! Teleport this Wurmple outside! At once!"
"Ahem. So. You're to survey the Alabaster Icelands next. This is the most treacherous clime you'll face in all Hisui."
If the player is not at least Fifth Star rank: "If you intend to go, show me you're equal to the challenge by earning your Fifth Star. Witness Pokémon using moves in various styles. Catch Pokémon at different times. Complete such research tasks to raise your rank. And aid with any requests that might be found on the professor's blackboard."
If the player is Fifth Star rank or above: "It would not be an exaggeration to say that you might be the only one among the Survey Corps I can task with surveying the Alabaster Icelands. You know your orders. See your mission through."
Mission 13 - "Disaster Looming"
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
"I've word from the commander. You're to report to his office at once."
Galaxy Hall (Kamado's office)
"Yes, sir."
Jubilife Village (Floaro Main Street)
"Orders are orders. Let's go."
  • If the player tries to walk away
"This way."
Jubilife Village (Front gate)
"Understood. However, the decision was mine to accept this stranger as a member of the Survey Corps. It is only right that I should personally escort him/her from the village and to the Fieldlands Camp."
"I'll allow it."
Obsidian Fieldlands (Fieldlands Camp)
"You must not."
"You will only cause <player> more pain if you are driven out as well for defending him/her."
"However, there are others who might offer help. You've been an aid to both the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan."
"Don't die alone out there, that's an order. I will ensure you have all you need to complete the survey the commander has tasked you with. If I might offer my advice. In this life, you will meet with both admiration and abuse from others. How others choose to view you is a choice only they can make. You cannot make it for them. All that truly matters is that you hold firm to your own values."
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
  • After the player forges the Red Chain
"So you managed to not die. Just as I ordered. Well done."
Thanks to you, Captain: "I have no idea what you're implying. All I know is Abra vanished of its own accord—inconveniencing me greatly."
I owe it to Irida/Adaman: "No doubt your own past deeds earned you any help you may have received."
"Before moving forward, I must ask... I assume you are here again because you've managed to learn something of use?"
Regardless of answer: "Go on…"
"A legendary tool said to bind the very world..."
"Commander Kamado is no longer here in Jubilife Village. The Security Corps has been scouting the area near the space-time rift...and they reported sightings of something on the other side of it. Something that resembled a Pokémon. The commander made the decision to take the Security Corps to the mountain so as to prepare to fend off any possible threat. They were to make for the temple at the peak."
"As the captain of the Survey Corps, I hereby order you to proceed as follows. <player>! Take that Red Chain to Mount Coronet, make your way to the peak, and put an end to all of this. You are officially reinstated at your former rank."
Mission 17 - "Atop Mount Coronet"
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
"If he didn't wish for me to decide things in his place, then he should not have left me in charge here!"
"Naturally. No one suggested you should not."
Jubilife Village (Front gate)
"The commander is already at Mount Coronet."
"Hmph. Who is the reckless one?"
"Your orders are three. One: Make for the Summit Camp and, from there, the Temple of Sinnoh. Two: Use the Red Chain to resolve this mess. And three: Return here...alive!"
Mission 19 - "A New Day Dawns"
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
"So. I trust you enjoyed yourself at the festival."
Regardless of answer: "Indeed. That only seems natural, given the crowd."
"I believe you must be imagining things. Now, Professor Laventon, to business. What is the current state of progress on the Pokédex?"
"Listen well, <player>. You are to learn all you can from the merchant Volo and work together as needed. For the sake of the Pokédex. We, in the meanwhile, will also continue to gather intelligence on Pokémon by other means."
Request 95 - "A New Anomaly"
Galaxy Hall - Her Office
"A gathering of Zorua in a place other than their natural habitat... Could this also have been caused by the space-time rift? I suppose we don't know enough yet to say for certain. At any rate, thank you for the report."
"Simultaneously in multiple locations?"
"These must be somehow different from the mass outbreaks we know. Why don't we call this new phenomenon... a massive mass outbreak?"
"Your new orders are to investigate this massive mass outbreak!"
Jubilife Village (Floaro Main Street)
  • After completing Mission 25
"<player>. Would you come with me for a moment?"
Galaxy Hall (Third floor)
"Hearing this, one of our patrons said to him, "I see you have yourself a veritable galaxy, then." Perhaps to curry favor, the commander then said he would name us the Galaxy Expedition Team."
"I promise you... I will pass down the name of our team, and tales of its accomplishments, to all my descendants."
Jubilife Village (Photography studio)
"Let me confirm. Are we taking a photo together?"
Pokédex evaluation
Galaxy Hall (Her office)
  • If talked to
"Yes? Have you made progress on your research tasks?"
"If you have progress to report, I will judge its worthiness. Show me your Pokédex."
  • If no progress was made
"Our main duty in the Survey Corps is to study the Pokémon of this land. Catch Pokémon, and create a more complete Pokédex for us."
  • If the player does not rank up
"You have your orders. Survey and research the Pokémon that live in the areas you currently have access to."
  • If the player is halfway to ranking up
"Work together with Professor Laventon to bring the Pokédex closer to completion. It is key that you complete his research tasks."
  • If the player is close to ranking up
"I see you're making good progress with your work on the Pokédex. I expect you'll earn a promotion in rank soon."
  • If the player ranks up
"Hm. You have made progress. It seems you have earned yourself a star. With this, you have officially attained the rank of <Second-Full> Star in the Galaxy Expedition Team."
"Have these as well. They are further recipes you'll need for crafting." / "And I present you with these."
"Continue to dedicate yourself to completing the Pokédex if you hope to rise higher in the ranks." / "You have reached the highest possible rank within the Galaxy Expedition Team! Continue to carry out all your duties with the dignity expected from one of your rank!"