Aquapolis (TCG): Difference between revisions

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{{ExpansionPrevNext | prev=Expedition Base Set | next=Skyridge}}
{{ExpansionPrevNext|prev=Expedition Base Set|next=Skyridge}}
|jasetname=地図にない町 / 海からの風
|jasetname=地図にない町 海からの風
|transsetname=The Town on No Map / Wind from the Sea
|transsetname=The Town on No Map Wind from the Sea
|setlogo=E2 Logo EN.png
|encards={{tt|186|4 'b' variations cards with different e-Reader codes included}}
|enrelease=January 15, 2003
|enrelease=January 15, 2003
|jacards=92 / 90
|jacards={{tt|92|The Town on No Map}} / {{tt|90|Wind from the Sea}}
|jasetnum=14 / 15
|jasetnum={{tt|14|The Town on No Map}} / {{tt|15|Wind from the Sea}}
|jarelease=March 8 / May 24, 2002
|jarelease={{tt|March 8|The Town on No Map}} / {{tt|May 24|Wind from the Sea}}, 2002
|deck1={{TCG|Rock Garden}}
|deck1=Rock Garden
|prevset=Expedition Base Set|japrevset=Expedition Base Set|japrevsetname=Base Expansion Pack
|prevset=Base Expansion Pack
|nextset=Skyridge|janextset=Skyridge|janextsetname=Split Earth / Mysterious Mountains
|japrevset=Base Expansion Pack
|japrevsetname=Base Expansion Pack
|nextset=Split Earth • Mysterious Mountains
|janextset=Split Earth/Mysterious Mountains
|janextsetname=Split Earth Mysterious Mountains
'''Aquapolis''' is the name given to the second expansion of cards of the e-Card era of the {{pkmn|Trading Card Game}}. It was the second set to be compatible with Nintendo's [[e-Reader]] peripheral.
'''Pokémon-e: Aquapolis''' (Japanese: '''地図にない町''' ''The Town on No Map'' and '''海からの風''' ''Wind from the Sea'') is the name given to the second main expansion of cards from the e-Card Series of the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]]. It is the second and third main expansions from the e-Card Era of the Pokémon Card Game in Japan.
<i>Take Your Opponents the Sea.
The Pokémon®-e: Aquapolis™ set is the scene for big-time battles. With 186 cards—the largest set ever—only the best Pokémon Master Trainers will conquer this mysterious coastal city.</i>

Aquapolis is an amalgamation of the Japanese sets e-Card 2 and e-Card 3, officially named ''The Town on No Map'' and ''Wind from the Sea'' respectively. It is speculated that [[Wizards of the Coast]] wanted to rush out as many sets as they could before they lost their license. It is the second largest set in the history of the TCG, with an impressive 186 cards. Including the reverse-holographics and box toppers, it stands at a colossal 340 cards.
'''Aquapolis''' is the name given to the second main expansion of the ''e-Card Series'' of the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]]. In Japan, it was released as '''The Town on No Map''', the second expansion and '''Wind from the Sea''', the third expansion, in the Pokémon Card Game e-Card Era. The English expansion was released on January 15, 2003, while the Japanese expansions were released on March 8, 2002 and May 24, 2002 respectively.

Aquapolis was the first set to separate the holographic cards from the rest of the set; the cards are numbered with an H (H##). This avoided confusion brought about in [[Expedition Base Set (TCG)|Expedition]], where the reverse-holographic counterparts of the holographic and non-holographic rare cards were the same. Wizards did not produce reverse-holographic cards for the holographic rares in this set.
Aquapolis introduced {{TCG|Crystal Pokémon}}, a type of Pokémon. Crystal Pokémon have the Crystal Type Poké-Body, which changes the Pokémon's type to the type of Energy that was attached until the end of their current turn. The color of the Energy that could be attached were reflected in the card's background highlight.
*The symbol for Aquapolis is adopted from the theme of the Japanese e-Card 2 and e-Card 3 sets, which focus on a secluded coastal town and mysterious undersea ruins respectively.
*Some cards were numbered with letters (##a/##b). The two versions are identical apart from the Dot-Code strip, which contains different data for that particular Pokémon. This is the only set in the TCG to feature this.
Aquapolis have a separate card collection number for Rare Holo cards; numbered with an H (H##). Some cards were also numbered with letters (##a/##b). They featured different Dot-Code strip, which contained different data for the Pokémon.
*Aquapolis is the first set to introduce {{TCG|Crystal Pokémon}} to the TCG.
*Aquapolis includes [[box topper]]s #5-#8.
*Out of all released TCG sets, Aquapolis has the second greatest amount of cards, succeeded by {{TCG|Lost Thunder}} which boasts 236 cards.

==Set lists==
==Set lists==
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="multicol" style="background:transparent; width:100%"
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="multicol" style="background:transparent; width:100%"
{{Setlist/entry|H1/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Ampharos|H1}}|Lightning||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|H1/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Ampharos|H1}}|Lightning||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|H2/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Arcanine|H2}}|Fire||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|H2/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Arcanine|H2}}|Fire||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|H3/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Ariados|H3}}|Grass||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|H3/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Ariados|H3}}|Grass||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|H4/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Azumarill|H4}}|Water||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|H4/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Azumarill|H4}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|H5/H32|{{TCG ID|
{{Setlist/nmentry|H5/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Bellossom|H5}}|Grass||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|H6/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Blissey|H6}}|Colorless||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|H7/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Electrode|H7}}|Lightning||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|H8/H32|{{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Entei|H8}
{{Setlist/header|title=Box toppers|tablecol=6890F0|bordercol=445E9C|cellcol=9DB7F5|rarity=yes|symbol=yes|image=SetSymbolBox Topper.png}}
{{Setlist/nmheader|title=Wind from the Sea|tablecol=4781BC|bordercol=B3A33B|cellcol=BB6D52|rarity=yes|symbol=yes|image=SetSymbolWind from the Sea.png}}
{{Setlist/entry|5/12|{{TCG ID|Box Topper|Entei|5}}|Fire||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|001/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Oddish|1}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|6/12|{{TCG ID|Box Topper|Espeon|6}}|Psychic||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|002/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Gloom|2}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|7/12|{{TCG ID|Box Topper|Scizor|7}}|Metal||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|003/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Vileplume|3}}|Grass||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|8/12|{{TCG ID|Box Topper|Suicune|8}}|Water||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|004/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Vileplume|4}}|Grass||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|005/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Paras|5}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|006/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Parasect|6}}|Grass||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/header|title=The Town on No Map|tablecol=73B6A5|bordercol=B3A33B|cellcol=B7D9E7|rarity=yes|symbol=yes|image=SetSymbolThe Town on No Map.png}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|007/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Bellsprout|7}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|001/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Nidoran♂|1}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|008/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Bellsprout|8}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|002/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Nidorino|2}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|009/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Weepinbell|9}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|003/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Grimer|3}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|010/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Victreebel|10}}|Grass||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|004/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Muk|4}}|Grass||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|011/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Victreebel|11}}|Grass||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|005/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Muk|5}}|Grass||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|012/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Exeggcute|12}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|006/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Spinarak|6}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|013/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Exeggutor|13}}|Grass||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|007/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Spinarak|7}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|014/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Exeggutor|14}}|Grass||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|008/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Ariados|8}}|Grass||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|015/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tangela|15}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|009/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Ariados|9}}|Grass||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|016/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Scyther|16}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|010/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Hoppip|10}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|017/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Scyther|17}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|011/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Skiploom|11}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|018/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Pinsir|18}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|012/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Jumpluff|12}}|Grass||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|019/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Bellossom|19}}|Grass||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|013/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Jumpluff|13}}|Grass||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|020/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Bellossom|20}}|Grass||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|014/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Growlithe|14}}|Fire||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|021/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Vulpix|21}}|Fire||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|015/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Growlithe|15}}|Fire||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|022/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Ninetales|22}}|Fire||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|016/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Arcanine|16}}|Fire||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|023/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Ninetales|23}}|Fire||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|017/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Arcanine|17}}|Fire||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|024/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Ponyta|24}}|Fire||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|018/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Houndour|18}}|Fire||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|025/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Rapidash|25}}|Fire||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|019/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Houndoom|19}}|Fire||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|026/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Entei|26}}|Fire||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|020/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Psyduck|20}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|027/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Entei|27}}|Fire||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|021/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Golduck|21}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|028/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tentacool|28}}|Water||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|022/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Goldeen|22}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|029/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tentacruel|29}}|Water||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|023/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Seaking|23}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|030/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tentacruel|30}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|024/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Marill|24}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|031/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Slowpoke|31}}|Water||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|025/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Azumarill|25}}|Water||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|032/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Slowbro|32}}|Water||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|026/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Azumarill|26}}|Water||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|033/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Horsea|33}}|Water||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|027/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Wooper|27}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|034/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Horsea|34}}|Water||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|028/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Wooper|28}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|035/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Seadra|35}}|Water||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|029/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Quagsire|29}}|Water||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|036/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Chinchou|36}}|Water||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|030/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Suicune|30}}|Water||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|037/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Lanturn|37}}|Water||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|031/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Suicune|31}}|Water||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|038/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Remoraid|38}}|Water||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|032/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Magnemite|32}}|Lightning||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|039/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Octillery|39}}|Water||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|033/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Voltorb|33}}|Lightning||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|040/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Octillery|40}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|034/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Voltorb|34}}|Lightning||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|041/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Kingdra|41}}|Water||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|035/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Electrode|35}}|Lightning||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|042/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Kingdra|42}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|036/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Electrode|36}}|Lightning||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|043/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Chinchou|43}}|Lightning||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|037/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Zapdos|37}}|Lightning||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|044/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Lanturn|44}}|Lightning||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|038/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Zapdos|38}}|Lightning||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|045/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Lanturn|45}}|Lightning||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|039/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Elekid|39}}|Lightning||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|046/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Mareep|46}}|Lightning||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|040/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Drowzee|40}}|Psychic||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|047/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Flaaffy|47}}|Lightning||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|041/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Hypno|41}}|Psychic||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|048/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Ampharos|48}}|Lightning||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|042/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Hypno|42}}|Psychic||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|049/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Ampharos|49}}|Lightning||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|043/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Mr. Mime|43}}|Psychic||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|050/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Exeggcute|50}}|Psychic||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|044/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Jynx|44}}|Psychic||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|051/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Exeggutor|51}}|Psychic||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|045/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Espeon|45}}|Psychic||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|052/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Slowking|52}}|Psychic||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|046/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Espeon|46}}|Psychic||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|053/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Slowking|53}}|Psychic||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|047/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Smoochum|47}}|Psychic||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|054/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Mankey|54}}|Fighting||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|048/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Nidoking|48}}|Fighting||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|055/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Primeape|55}}|Fighting||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|049/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Nidoking|49}}|Fighting||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|056/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Onix|56}}|Fighting||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|050/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Cubone|50}}|Fighting||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|057/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Sudowoodo|57}}|Fighting||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|051/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Marowak|51}}|Fighting||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|058/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Sudowoodo|58}}|Fighting||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|052/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Hitmonchan|52}}|Fighting||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|059/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Larvitar|59}}|Fighting||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|053/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Phanpy|53}}|Fighting||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|060/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Pupitar|60}}|Fighting||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|054/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Donphan|54}}|Fighting||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|061/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Doduo|61}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|055/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Tyrogue|55}}|Fighting||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|062/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Dodrio|62}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|056/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Hitmontop|56}}|Fighting||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|063/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Lickitung|63}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|057/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Chansey|57}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|064/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Kangaskhan|64}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|058/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Eevee|58}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|065/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Sentret|65}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|059/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Porygon|59}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|066/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Furret|66}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|060/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Togepi|60}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|067/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Aipom|67}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|061/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Togetic|61}}|Colorless||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|068/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Miltank|68}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|062/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Togetic|62}}|Colorless||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|069/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Sneasel|69}}|Darkness||Common}}
{{Setlist/entry|063/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Porygon2|63}}|Colorless||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|070/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tyranitar|70}}|Darkness||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|064/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Smeargle|64}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|071/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tyranitar|71}}|Darkness||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|065/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Blissey|65}}|Colorless||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|072/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Steelix|72}}|Metal||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|066/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Blissey|66}}|Colorless||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|073/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Steelix|73}}|Metal||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|067/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Umbreon|67}}|Darkness||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|074/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Scizor|74}}|Metal||Rare}}
{{Setlist/entry|068/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Umbreon|68}}|Darkness||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|075/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Scizor|75}}|Metal||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|069/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Houndour|69}}|Darkness||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|076/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Energy Switch|76}}|Trainer||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|070/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Houndoom|70}}|Darkness||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|077/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Traveling Salesman|77}}|Trainer|Supporter|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|071/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Houndoom|71}}|Darkness||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|078/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Juggler|78}}|Trainer|Supporter|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|072/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Magnemite|72}}|Metal||Common|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|079/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Forest Guardian|79}}|Trainer|Supporter|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|073/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Magneton|73}}|Metal||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|080/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Memory Berry|80}}|Trainer|Pokémon Tool|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|074/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Magneton|74}}|Metal||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|081/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Healing Berry|81}}|Trainer|Pokémon Tool|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|075/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Weakness Guard|75}}|Trainer||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|082/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Time Shard|82}}|Trainer|Pokémon Tool|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|076/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Super Energy Removal|76}}|Trainer||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|083/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Undersea Ruins|83}}|Trainer|Stadium|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|077/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Seer|77}}|Trainer|Supporter|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|084/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Apricorn Forest|84}}|Trainer|Stadium|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|078/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Pokémon Fan Club|78}}|Trainer|Supporter|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|085/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Crystal Energy|85}}|Energy|Colorless|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|079/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Town Volunteers|79}}|Trainer|Supporter|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|086/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Boost Energy|86}}|Energy|Colorless|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|080/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Grass Cube 01|80}}|Trainer|Technical Machine|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|087/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Warp Energy|87}}|Energy|Colorless|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/entry|081/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Fire Cube 01|81}}|Trainer|Technical Machine|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|088/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Nidoking|88}}|Colorless||SuperRare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|082/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Water Cube 01|82}}|Trainer|Technical Machine|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|089/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Kingdra|89}}|Colorless||SuperRare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|083/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Lightning Cube 01|83}}|Trainer|Technical Machine|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|090/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Lugia|90}}|Colorless||SuperRare Holo}}
{{Setlist/entry|084/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Psychic Cube 01|84}}|Trainer|Technical Machine|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|085/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Fighting Cube 01|85}}|Trainer|Technical Machine|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|086/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Darkness Cube 01|86}}|Trainer|Technical Machine|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|087/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Metal Cube 01|87}}|Trainer|Technical Machine|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|088/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Pokémon Park|88}}|Trainer|Stadium|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|089/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Power Plant|89}}|Trainer|Stadium|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|090/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Darkness Energy|90}}|Energy|Darkness|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|091/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Metal Energy|91}}|Energy|Metal|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|092/092|{{TCG ID|The Town on No Map|Rainbow Energy|92}}|Energy|Rainbow|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/header|title=Wind from the Sea|tablecol=4781BC|bordercol=B3A33B|cellcol=BB6D52|rarity=yes|symbol=yes|image=SetSymbolWind from the Sea.png}}
{{Setlist/entry|001/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Oddish|1}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|002/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Gloom|2}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|003/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Vileplume|3}}|Grass||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|004/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Vileplume|4}}|Grass||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|005/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Paras|5}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|006/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Parasect|6}}|Grass||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|007/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Bellsprout|7}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|008/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Bellsprout|8}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|009/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Weepinbell|9}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|010/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Victreebel|10}}|Grass||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|011/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Victreebel|11}}|Grass||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|012/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Exeggcute|12}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|013/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Exeggutor|13}}|Grass||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|014/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Exeggutor|14}}|Grass||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|015/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tangela|15}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|016/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Scyther|16}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|017/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Scyther|17}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|018/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Pinsir|18}}|Grass||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|019/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Bellossom|19}}|Grass||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|020/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Bellossom|20}}|Grass||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|021/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Vulpix|21}}|Fire||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|022/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Ninetales|22}}|Fire||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|023/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Ninetales|23}}|Fire||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|024/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Ponyta|24}}|Fire||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|025/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Rapidash|25}}|Fire||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|026/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Entei|26}}|Fire||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|027/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Entei|27}}|Fire||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|028/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tentacool|28}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|029/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tentacruel|29}}|Water||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|030/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tentacruel|30}}|Water||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|031/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Slowpoke|31}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|032/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Slowbro|32}}|Water||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|033/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Horsea|33}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|034/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Horsea|34}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|035/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Seadra|35}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|036/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Chinchou|36}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|037/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Lanturn|37}}|Water||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|038/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Remoraid|38}}|Water||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|039/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Octillery|39}}|Water||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|040/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Octillery|40}}|Water||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|041/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Kingdra|41}}|Water||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|042/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Kingdra|42}}|Water||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|043/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Chinchou|43}}|Lightning||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|044/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Lanturn|44}}|Lightning||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|045/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Lanturn|45}}|Lightning||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|046/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Mareep|46}}|Lightning||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|047/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Flaaffy|47}}|Lightning||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|048/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Ampharos|48}}|Lightning||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|049/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Ampharos|49}}|Lightning||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|050/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Exeggcute|50}}|Psychic||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|051/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Exeggutor|51}}|Psychic||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|052/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Slowking|52}}|Psychic||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|053/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Slowking|53}}|Psychic||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|054/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Mankey|54}}|Fighting||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|055/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Primeape|55}}|Fighting||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|056/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Onix|56}}|Fighting||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|057/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Sudowoodo|57}}|Fighting||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|058/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Sudowoodo|58}}|Fighting||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|059/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Larvitar|59}}|Fighting||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|060/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Pupitar|60}}|Fighting||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|061/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Doduo|61}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|062/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Dodrio|62}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|063/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Lickitung|63}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|064/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Kangaskhan|64}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|065/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Sentret|65}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|066/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Furret|66}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|067/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Aipom|67}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|068/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Miltank|68}}|Colorless||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|069/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Sneasel|69}}|Darkness||Common|}}
{{Setlist/entry|070/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tyranitar|70}}|Darkness||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|071/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Tyranitar|71}}|Darkness||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|072/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Steelix|72}}|Metal||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|073/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Steelix|73}}|Metal||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|074/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Scizor|74}}|Metal||Rare|}}
{{Setlist/entry|075/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Scizor|75}}|Metal||Rare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|076/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Energy Switch|76}}|Trainer||Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|077/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Traveling Salesman|77}}|Trainer|Supporter|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|078/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Juggler|78}}|Trainer|Supporter|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|079/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Forest Guardian|79}}|Trainer|Supporter|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|080/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Memory Berry|80}}|Trainer|Pokémon Tool|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|081/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Healing Berry|81}}|Trainer|Pokémon Tool|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|082/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Time Shard|82}}|Trainer|Pokémon Tool|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|083/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Undersea Ruins|83}}|Trainer|Stadium|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|084/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Apricorn Forest|84}}|Trainer|Stadium|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|085/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Crystal Energy|85}}|Energy|Colorless|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|086/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Boost Energy|86}}|Energy|Colorless|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|087/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Warp Energy|87}}|Energy|Colorless|Uncommon|}}
{{Setlist/entry|088/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Nidoking|88}}|Colorless||SuperRare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|089/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Kingdra|89}}|Colorless||SuperRare Holo|}}
{{Setlist/entry|090/087|{{TCG ID|Wind from the Sea|Lugia|90}}|Colorless||SuperRare Holo|}}

==Pack artwork==
{{TCGMerchGallery |
background=6890F0 |
border=445E9C |
image1=E2 Booster Arcanine.jpg |
|image1=E2 Booster Arcanine.jpg
caption1=English Arcanine Pack |
|caption1=English Arcanine pack
image2=E2 Booster Entei.jpg |
|image2=E2 Booster Scizor.jpg
caption2=English Entei Pack |
|caption2=English Scizor pack
image3=E2 Booster Scizor.jpg |
|image3=E2 Booster Entei.jpg
caption3=English Scizor Pack |
|caption3=English Entei pack
image4=E2 Booster Tyranitar.jpg |
|image4=E2 Booster Tyranitar.jpg
caption4=English Tyranitar Pack |
|caption4=English Tyranitar pack
image5=Aquapolis box.jpg |
|image5=E2 The Town on No Map pack.jpg
caption5=Aquapolis Booster Box |
|caption5=Japanese The Town on No Map<br>pack
image6=E2 The Town with no Map - Booster Pack front.jpg |
|image6=E3 Wind from the Sea pack.jpg
caption6=The Town on No Map Pack |
|caption6=Japanese Wind from the Sea<br>pack
image7=E3 Wind from the Sea - Booster Pack front.jpg |
|image7=Aquapolis Booster Box.jpg
caption7=Wind from the Sea Pack |
|caption7=English Aquapolis<br>booster box
|image8=The Town On No Map JP set.jpg
|caption8= Promotional artwork for the set featuring the [[Puzzle Continent]]

==Languages this set is released in==
* This expansion has the most cards of any English set.
The Town on No Map and Wind from the Sea sets are only released in Japanese, in both 1st and unlimited edition. The Aquapolis set is released in English, German, French, and Italian, with all cards except the "H/32" and secret rare cards also available as Reverse Holos. The German, French, and Italian release for Aquapolis contain all of the exact same cards, as well as listing them in the identical order for both primary and secondary Holo sets.

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
Line 446: Line 447:
==External links==
* [ Set checklist (Archive)]
{{Project TCG notice}}
{{Project TCG notice}}
Line 457: Line 462:
[[it:Aquapolis (GCC)]]
[[it:Aquapolis (GCC)]]

Latest revision as of 05:15, 13 April 2024

← Expedition Base Set
TCG expansions
Skyridge →
地図にない町 • 海からの風
Cards in set English: 186
Japanese: 92 / 90
Set number English: 14
Japanese: 14 / 15
Release date English: January 15, 2003
Japanese: March 8 / May 24, 2002
Theme Decks

Rock Garden (FightingGrass)
Abyss (FireWater)

Base Expansion Pack
The Town on No Map • Wind from the Sea
Split Earth • Mysterious Mountains

Pokémon-e: Aquapolis (Japanese: 地図にない町 The Town on No Map and 海からの風 Wind from the Sea) is the name given to the second main expansion of cards from the e-Card Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is the second and third main expansions from the e-Card Era of the Pokémon Card Game in Japan.


Take Your Opponents the Sea.

The Pokémon®-e: Aquapolis™ set is the scene for big-time battles. With 186 cards—the largest set ever—only the best Pokémon Master Trainers will conquer this mysterious coastal city.


Aquapolis is the name given to the second main expansion of the e-Card Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as The Town on No Map, the second expansion and Wind from the Sea, the third expansion, in the Pokémon Card Game e-Card Era. The English expansion was released on January 15, 2003, while the Japanese expansions were released on March 8, 2002 and May 24, 2002 respectively.

Aquapolis introduced Crystal Pokémon, a type of Pokémon. Crystal Pokémon have the Crystal Type Poké-Body, which changes the Pokémon's type to the type of Energy that was attached until the end of their current turn. The color of the Energy that could be attached were reflected in the card's background highlight.

Aquapolis have a separate card collection number for Rare Holo cards; numbered with an H (H##). Some cards were also numbered with letters (##a/##b). They featured different Dot-Code strip, which contained different data for the Pokémon.

Set lists

No. Image Card name Type Rarity
H1/H32 Ampharos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
H2/H32 Arcanine Fire Rare Holo Promotion
H3/H32 Ariados Grass Rare Holo Promotion
H4/H32 Azumarill Water Rare Holo Promotion
H5/H32 Bellossom Grass Rare Holo Promotion
H6/H32 Blissey Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
H7/H32 Electrode Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
H8/H32 Entei Fire Rare Holo Promotion
H9/H32 Espeon Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
H10/H32 Exeggutor Grass Rare Holo Promotion
H11/H32 Houndoom Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
H12/H32 Hypno Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
H13/H32 Jumpluff Grass Rare Holo Promotion
H14/H32 Kingdra Water Rare Holo Promotion
H15/H32 Lanturn Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
H16/H32 Magneton Metal Rare Holo Promotion
H17/H32 Muk Grass Rare Holo Promotion
H18/H32 Nidoking Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
H19/H32 Ninetales Fire Rare Holo Promotion
H20/H32 Octillery Water Rare Holo Promotion
H21/H32 Scizor Metal Rare Holo Promotion
H22/H32 Slowking Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
H23/H32 Steelix Metal Rare Holo Promotion
H24/H32 Sudowoodo Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
H25/H32 Suicune Water Rare Holo Promotion
H26/H32 Tentacruel Water Rare Holo Promotion
H27/H32 Togetic Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
H28/H32 Tyranitar Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
H29/H32 Umbreon Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
H30/H32 Victreebel Grass Rare Holo Promotion
H31/H32 Vileplume Grass Rare Holo Promotion
H32/H32 Zapdos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
1/147 Ampharos Lightning Rare Promotion
2/147 Arcanine Fire Rare Promotion
3/147 Ariados Grass Rare Promotion
4/147 Azumarill Water Rare Promotion
5/147 Bellossom Grass Rare Promotion
6/147 Blissey Colorless Rare Promotion
7/147 Donphan Fighting Rare Promotion
8/147 Electrode Lightning Rare Promotion
9/147 Elekid Lightning Rare Promotion
10/147 Entei Fire Rare Promotion
11/147 Espeon Psychic Rare Promotion
12/147 Exeggutor Grass Rare Promotion
13/147 Exeggutor Psychic Rare Promotion
14/147 Houndoom Fire Rare Promotion
15/147 Houndoom Darkness Rare Promotion
16/147 Hypno Psychic Rare Promotion
17/147 Jumpluff Grass Rare Promotion
18/147 Jynx Psychic Rare Promotion
19/147 Kingdra Water Rare Promotion
20/147 Lanturn Water Rare Promotion
21/147 Lanturn Lightning Rare Promotion
22/147 Magneton Metal Rare Promotion
23/147 Muk Grass Rare Promotion
24/147 Nidoking Fighting Rare Promotion
25/147 Ninetales Fire Rare Promotion
26/147 Octillery Water Rare Promotion
27/147 Parasect Grass Rare Promotion
28/147 Porygon2 Colorless Rare Promotion
29/147 Primeape Fighting Rare Promotion
30/147 Quagsire Water Rare Promotion
31/147 Rapidash Fire Rare Promotion
32/147 Scizor Metal Rare Promotion
33/147 Slowbro Water Rare Promotion
34/147 Slowking Psychic Rare Promotion
35/147 Steelix Metal Rare Promotion
36/147 Sudowoodo Fighting Rare Promotion
37/147 Suicune Water Rare Promotion
38/147 Tentacruel Water Rare Promotion
39/147 Togetic Colorless Rare Promotion
40/147 Tyranitar Darkness Rare Promotion
41/147 Umbreon Darkness Rare Promotion
42/147 Victreebel Grass Rare Promotion
43/147 Vileplume Grass Rare Promotion
44/147 Zapdos Lightning Rare Promotion
45/147 Bellsprout Grass Uncommon Promotion
46/147 Dodrio Colorless Uncommon Promotion
47/147 Flaaffy Lightning Uncommon Promotion
48/147 Furret Colorless Uncommon Promotion
49/147 Gloom Grass Uncommon Promotion
50a/147 Golduck Water Uncommon Promotion
50b/147 Golduck Water Uncommon Promotion
51/147 Growlithe Fire Uncommon Promotion
52/147 Magnemite Metal Uncommon Promotion
53/147 Marill Water Uncommon Promotion
54/147 Marowak Fighting Uncommon Promotion
55/147 Nidorino Grass Uncommon Promotion
56/147 Pupitar Fighting Uncommon Promotion
57/147 Scyther Grass Uncommon Promotion
58/147 Seadra Water Uncommon Promotion
59/147 Seaking Water Uncommon Promotion
60/147 Skiploom Grass Uncommon Promotion
61/147 Smoochum Psychic Uncommon Promotion
62/147 Spinarak Grass Uncommon Promotion
63/147 Tyrogue Fighting Uncommon Promotion
64/147 Voltorb Lightning Uncommon Promotion
65/147 Weepinbell Grass Uncommon Promotion
66/147 Wooper Water Uncommon Promotion
67/147 Aipom Colorless Common Promotion
68/147 Bellsprout Grass Common Promotion
69/147 Chansey Colorless Common Promotion
70/147 Chinchou Water Common Promotion
71/147 Chinchou Lightning Common Promotion
72/147 Cubone Fighting Common Promotion
73/147 Doduo Colorless Common Promotion
74a/147 Drowzee Psychic Common Promotion
74b/147 Drowzee Psychic Common Promotion
75/147 Eevee Colorless Common Promotion
76/147 Exeggcute Grass Common Promotion
77/147 Exeggcute Psychic Common Promotion
78/147 Goldeen Water Common Promotion
79/147 Grimer Grass Common Promotion
80/147 Growlithe Fire Common Promotion
81/147 Hitmonchan Fighting Common Promotion
82/147 Hitmontop Fighting Common Promotion
83/147 Hoppip Grass Common Promotion
84/147 Horsea Water Common Promotion
85/147 Horsea Water Common Promotion
86/147 Houndour Fire Common Promotion
87/147 Houndour Darkness Common Promotion
88/147 Kangaskhan Colorless Common Promotion
89/147 Larvitar Fighting Common Promotion
90/147 Lickitung Colorless Common Promotion
91/147 Magnemite Lightning Common Promotion
92/147 Mankey Fighting Common Promotion
93/147 Mareep Lightning Common Promotion
94/147 Miltank Colorless Common Promotion
95a/147 Mr. Mime Psychic Common Promotion
95b/147 Mr. Mime Psychic Common Promotion
96/147 Nidoran♂ Grass Common Promotion
97/147 Oddish Grass Common Promotion
98/147 Onix Fighting Common Promotion
99/147 Paras Grass Common Promotion
100/147 Phanpy Fighting Common Promotion
101/147 Pinsir Grass Common Promotion
102/147 Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
103a/147 Porygon Colorless Common Promotion
103b/147 Porygon Colorless Common Promotion
104/147 Psyduck Water Common Promotion
105/147 Remoraid Water Common Promotion
106/147 Scyther Grass Common Promotion
107/147 Sentret Colorless Common Promotion
108/147 Slowpoke Water Common Promotion
109/147 Smeargle Colorless Common Promotion
110/147 Sneasel Darkness Common Promotion
111/147 Spinarak Grass Common Promotion
112/147 Tangela Grass Common Promotion
113/147 Tentacool Water Common Promotion
114/147 Togepi Colorless Common Promotion
115/147 Voltorb Lightning Common Promotion
116/147 Vulpix Fire Common Promotion
117/147 Wooper Water Common Promotion
118/147 Apricorn Forest T [St] Rare Promotion
119/147 Darkness Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
120/147 Energy Switch T Uncommon Promotion
121/147 Fighting Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
122/147 Fire Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
123/147 Forest Guardian T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
124/147 Grass Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
125/147 Healing Berry T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
126/147 Juggler T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
127/147 Lightning Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
128/147 Memory Berry T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
129/147 Metal Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
130/147 Pokémon Fan Club T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
131/147 Pokémon Park T [St] Uncommon Promotion
132/147 Psychic Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
133/147 Seer T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
134/147 Super Energy Removal 2 T Uncommon Promotion
135/147 Time Shard T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
136/147 Town Volunteers T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
137/147 Traveling Salesman T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
138/147 Undersea Ruins T [St] Uncommon Promotion
139/147 Power Plant T [St] Uncommon Promotion
140/147 Water Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
141/147 Weakness Guard T Uncommon Promotion
142/147 Darkness Energy Darkness E Rare Promotion
143/147 Metal Energy Metal E Rare Promotion
144/147 Rainbow Energy Rainbow E Rare Promotion
145/147 Boost Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
146/147 Crystal Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
147/147 Warp Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
148/147 Kingdra Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
149/147 Lugia Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
150/147 Nidoking Colorless Rare Holo Promotion

The Town on No Map
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/092 Nidoran♂ Grass Common Promotion
002/092 Nidorino Grass Common Promotion
003/092 Grimer Grass Common Promotion
004/092 Muk Grass Rare Promotion
005/092 Muk Grass Rare Holo Promotion
006/092 Spinarak Grass Common Promotion
007/092 Spinarak Grass Common Promotion
008/092 Ariados Grass Rare Promotion
009/092 Ariados Grass Rare Holo Promotion
010/092 Hoppip Grass Common Promotion
011/092 Skiploom Grass Common Promotion
012/092 Jumpluff Grass Rare Promotion
013/092 Jumpluff Grass Rare Holo Promotion
014/092 Growlithe Fire Common Promotion
015/092 Growlithe Fire Common Promotion
016/092 Arcanine Fire Rare Promotion
017/092 Arcanine Fire Rare Holo Promotion
018/092 Houndour Fire Common Promotion
019/092 Houndoom Fire Uncommon Promotion
020/092 Psyduck Water Common Promotion
021/092 Golduck Water Common Promotion
022/092 Goldeen Water Common Promotion
023/092 Seaking Water Common Promotion
024/092 Marill Water Common Promotion
025/092 Azumarill Water Rare Promotion
026/092 Azumarill Water Rare Holo Promotion
027/092 Wooper Water Common Promotion
028/092 Wooper Water Common Promotion
029/092 Quagsire Water Uncommon Promotion
030/092 Suicune Water Rare Promotion
031/092 Suicune Water Rare Holo Promotion
032/092 Magnemite Lightning Common Promotion
033/092 Voltorb Lightning Common Promotion
034/092 Voltorb Lightning Common Promotion
035/092 Electrode Lightning Rare Promotion
036/092 Electrode Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
037/092 Zapdos Lightning Rare Promotion
038/092 Zapdos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
039/092 Elekid Lightning Uncommon Promotion
040/092 Drowzee Psychic Common Promotion
041/092 Hypno Psychic Rare Promotion
042/092 Hypno Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
043/092 Mr. Mime Psychic Common Promotion
044/092 Jynx Psychic Uncommon Promotion
045/092 Espeon Psychic Rare Promotion
046/092 Espeon Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
047/092 Smoochum Psychic Common Promotion
048/092 Nidoking Fighting Rare Promotion
049/092 Nidoking Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
050/092 Cubone Fighting Common Promotion
051/092 Marowak Fighting Common Promotion
052/092 Hitmonchan Fighting Common Promotion
053/092 Phanpy Fighting Common Promotion
054/092 Donphan Fighting Uncommon Promotion
055/092 Tyrogue Fighting Common Promotion
056/092 Hitmontop Fighting Common Promotion
057/092 Chansey Colorless Common Promotion
058/092 Eevee Colorless Common Promotion
059/092 Porygon Colorless Common Promotion
060/092 Togepi Colorless Common Promotion
061/092 Togetic Colorless Rare Promotion
062/092 Togetic Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
063/092 Porygon2 Colorless Uncommon Promotion
064/092 Smeargle Colorless Common Promotion
065/092 Blissey Colorless Rare Promotion
066/092 Blissey Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
067/092 Umbreon Darkness Rare Promotion
068/092 Umbreon Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
069/092 Houndour Darkness Common Promotion
070/092 Houndoom Darkness Rare Promotion
071/092 Houndoom Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
072/092 Magnemite Metal Common Promotion
073/092 Magneton Metal Rare Promotion
074/092 Magneton Metal Rare Holo Promotion
075/092 Weakness Guard T Uncommon Promotion
076/092 Super Energy Removal T Uncommon Promotion
077/092 Seer T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
078/092 Pokémon Fan Club T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
079/092 Town Volunteers T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
080/092 Grass Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
081/092 Fire Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
082/092 Water Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
083/092 Lightning Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
084/092 Psychic Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
085/092 Fighting Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
086/092 Darkness Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
087/092 Metal Cube 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
088/092 Pokémon Park T [St] Uncommon Promotion
089/092 Power Plant T [St] Uncommon Promotion
090/092 Darkness Energy Darkness E Uncommon Promotion
091/092 Metal Energy Metal E Uncommon Promotion
092/092 Rainbow Energy Rainbow E Uncommon Promotion

Wind from the Sea
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/087 Oddish Grass Common Promotion
002/087 Gloom Grass Common Promotion
003/087 Vileplume Grass Rare Promotion
004/087 Vileplume Grass Rare Holo Promotion
005/087 Paras Grass Common Promotion
006/087 Parasect Grass Uncommon Promotion
007/087 Bellsprout Grass Common Promotion
008/087 Bellsprout Grass Common Promotion
009/087 Weepinbell Grass Common Promotion
010/087 Victreebel Grass Rare Promotion
011/087 Victreebel Grass Rare Holo Promotion
012/087 Exeggcute Grass Common Promotion
013/087 Exeggutor Grass Rare Promotion
014/087 Exeggutor Grass Rare Holo Promotion
015/087 Tangela Grass Common Promotion
016/087 Scyther Grass Common Promotion
017/087 Scyther Grass Common Promotion
018/087 Pinsir Grass Common Promotion
019/087 Bellossom Grass Rare Promotion
020/087 Bellossom Grass Rare Holo Promotion
021/087 Vulpix Fire Common Promotion
022/087 Ninetales Fire Rare Promotion
023/087 Ninetales Fire Rare Holo Promotion
024/087 Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
025/087 Rapidash Fire Uncommon Promotion
026/087 Entei Fire Rare Promotion
027/087 Entei Fire Rare Holo Promotion
028/087 Tentacool Water Common Promotion
029/087 Tentacruel Water Rare Promotion
030/087 Tentacruel Water Rare Holo Promotion
031/087 Slowpoke Water Common Promotion
032/087 Slowbro Water Uncommon Promotion
033/087 Horsea Water Common Promotion
034/087 Horsea Water Common Promotion
035/087 Seadra Water Common Promotion
036/087 Chinchou Water Common Promotion
037/087 Lanturn Water Uncommon Promotion
038/087 Remoraid Water Common Promotion
039/087 Octillery Water Rare Promotion
040/087 Octillery Water Rare Holo Promotion
041/087 Kingdra Water Rare Promotion
042/087 Kingdra Water Rare Holo Promotion
043/087 Chinchou Lightning Common Promotion
044/087 Lanturn Lightning Rare Promotion
045/087 Lanturn Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
046/087 Mareep Lightning Common Promotion
047/087 Flaaffy Lightning Common Promotion
048/087 Ampharos Lightning Rare Promotion
049/087 Ampharos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
050/087 Exeggcute Psychic Common Promotion
051/087 Exeggutor Psychic Uncommon Promotion
052/087 Slowking Psychic Rare Promotion
053/087 Slowking Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
054/087 Mankey Fighting Common Promotion
055/087 Primeape Fighting Uncommon Promotion
056/087 Onix Fighting Common Promotion
057/087 Sudowoodo Fighting Rare Promotion
058/087 Sudowoodo Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
059/087 Larvitar Fighting Common Promotion
060/087 Pupitar Fighting Common Promotion
061/087 Doduo Colorless Common Promotion
062/087 Dodrio Colorless Common Promotion
063/087 Lickitung Colorless Common Promotion
064/087 Kangaskhan Colorless Common Promotion
065/087 Sentret Colorless Common Promotion
066/087 Furret Colorless Common Promotion
067/087 Aipom Colorless Common Promotion
068/087 Miltank Colorless Common Promotion
069/087 Sneasel Darkness Common Promotion
070/087 Tyranitar Darkness Rare Promotion
071/087 Tyranitar Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
072/087 Steelix Metal Rare Promotion
073/087 Steelix Metal Rare Holo Promotion
074/087 Scizor Metal Rare Promotion
075/087 Scizor Metal Rare Holo Promotion
076/087 Energy Switch T Uncommon Promotion
077/087 Traveling Salesman T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
078/087 Juggler T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
079/087 Forest Guardian T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
080/087 Memory Berry T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
081/087 Healing Berry T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
082/087 Time Shard T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
083/087 Undersea Ruins T [St] Uncommon Promotion
084/087 Apricorn Forest T [St] Uncommon Promotion
085/087 Crystal Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
086/087 Boost Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
087/087 Warp Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
088/087 Nidoking Colorless SuperRare Holo Promotion
089/087 Kingdra Colorless SuperRare Holo Promotion
090/087 Lugia Colorless SuperRare Holo Promotion


English Arcanine pack
English Scizor pack
English Entei pack
English Tyranitar pack
Japanese The Town on No Map
Japanese Wind from the Sea
English Aquapolis
booster box
Promotional artwork for the set featuring the Puzzle Continent
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Town on No Map and Wind from the Sea sets are only released in Japanese, in both 1st and unlimited edition. The Aquapolis set is released in English, German, French, and Italian, with all cards except the "H/32" and secret rare cards also available as Reverse Holos. The German, French, and Italian release for Aquapolis contain all of the exact same cards, as well as listing them in the identical order for both primary and secondary Holo sets.

In other languages

Language Title
French Aquapolis
German Aquapolis
Italian Aquapolis

External links

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
e-Card Series
Sample Set
Expedition Base Set: Box TopperEchoElectric Garden
Best of Game
Aquapolis: Rock GardenAbyss
Skyridge: EeveelutionMind Machine
e-Card Era
P Promotional cardsJ Promotional cardsT Promotional cards
Base Expansion Pack: Pokémon-e Starter Deck
McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack
The Town on No Map
Wind from the Sea
Theater Limited VS Pack
Split Earth
Mysterious Mountains