Battle Pass: Difference between revisions

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Phantom (talk | contribs)
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This kinda feels like the unite should be the main maybe?
(37 intermediate revisions by 25 users not shown)
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In [[Pokémon Battle Revolution]], Battle passes must be used to compete and the Pokémon on your chosen pass act as your party Pokémon; All of the passes consist of at least one Pokémon, with a maximum of six, a Picture of the trainer & the trainers title. At the beginning of each Colosseum or battle you get to choose a pass from the passes you have gained, once chose you can only use the Pokémon on the pass until the completion (that may be a Colosseum or a single battle depending on what mode you’re playing in) is complete. There are three Kinds of passes that you can use during various parts of the game, they are Rental Passes, Custom Passes & Friend Passes.
{{search|Battle Pass in [[Pokémon Battle Revolution]]|the Battle Pass used in [[Pokémon Unite]]|Battle Pass (UNITE)}}

A '''Battle Pass''' (Japanese: '''バトルパス''' ''Battle Pass'') is an item used in [[Pokémon Battle Revolution]] that must be used to compete in Pokétopian Colosseums. Pokémon on the selected pass act as the player's party Pokémon for the duration of the current challenge. There are three kinds of passes, Rental Passes, Custom Passes, and Friend Passes. Each of these kinds of passes can be used in a free battle as the player (except for Friend Passes) or as the opponent.

== Rental Passes ==
==List of Passes==
===Rental Passes===
{{main|Rental Pass}}
These Passes are pre-set by the game, and come with predetermined rental Pokémon (usually ones in their middle evolutionary stage). However, once players unlock Trade Battles at the [[Gateway Colosseum]], the Pokémon may be traded with opponents. The {{player}} starts with only one, chosen at the start, but can earn more by borrowing them for a Rental Battle at the Gateway Colosseum. The choice of Rental Passes expands as the game progresses. These may be used if the player cannot upload Pokémon from their [[Generation IV]] games or in the case they do not own a Generation IV game, and must be used in Gateway Colosseum.

===Custom Passes===
{{main|Custom Pass}}
These Passes can be made by player using Pokémon from their Generation IV games. Each has a different background, which is selected when the Pass is created. Any Pokémon can be used on these, though Pokémon used on another Pass cannot be used. If the player's Pokémon are of varied [[level]]s, the opponent will use Pokémon at the level of the highest level Pokémon on the player's pass. If a player uploads a Pokémon onto one of these passes and then deletes it in the game, the Pokémon will appear shadowed. It can still be used, but if removed, it is gone for good. This also occurs if one uses certain [[Action Replay]] codes to make a Pokémon with [[statistic|stats]] that are too high. These passes can be used at almost every Colosseum in [[Pokétopia]] except [[Gateway Colosseum]].

These are pre set passes on the game, when you first start there are two to choose from but you get more as you progress through the game. The Pokémon, which are known as “Rental Pokemon”, on the passes are interchangeable between the rental passes only. This means that the more you unlock the better rental pass you can make. This is really the only thin you can change on these every thin else is fixed to the individual passes, you can’t put Pokémon from {{v|Diamond}} and {{v|Pearl}} on to these, nor can you put rental Pokémon onto your Custom Passes. You can use the rental passes in all areas of the game.
===Friend Passes===
These Passes are obtained after battling other players over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and trading Friend Passes. They contain the standard information about opponents, like name, location, and number of battles. They can also be stored on a Wii Remote and sent to other players by sharing data. However, Friend Passes can only be used during Free Battle mode; use during Colosseum Battle mode or Wi-Fi Connection is prohibited.

{| style="margin: auto; {{roundy|24px}}; border: 2px solid #{{pbr color dark}}; background: #{{pbr color}}; text-align: center;"
! style="{{roundytl|20px}}; background: #{{pbr color light}};" | Name
! style="background: #{{pbr color light}};" | Image
! style="{{roundytr|20px}}; background: #{{pbr color light}};" | Unlock criteria
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Ball Mosaic Red
| [[File:Battle Pass Ball Mosaic Red.png|170px]]
| Default
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Star Green
| [[File:Battle Pass Star Green.png|170px]]
| Default
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Stream Blue
| [[File:Battle Pass Stream Blue.png|170px]]
| Default
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Plus Minus
| [[File:Battle Pass Plus Minus.png|170px]]
| View all battle tutorials
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Gateway Colosseum
| [[File:Battle Pass Gateway Colosseum.png|170px]]
| Clear the [[Gateway Colosseum]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Main Street Colosseum
| [[File:Battle Pass Main Street Colosseum.png|170px]]
| Clear the [[Main Street Colosseum]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Waterfall Colosseum
| [[File:Battle Pass Waterfall Colosseum.png|170px]]
| Clear the [[Waterfall Colosseum]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Neon Colosseum
| [[File:Battle Pass Neon Colosseum.png|170px]]
| Clear the [[Neon Colosseum]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Crystal Colosseum
| [[File:Battle Pass Crystal Colosseum.png|170px]]
| Clear the [[Crystal Colosseum]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Sunny Park Colosseum
| [[File:Battle Pass Sunny Park Colosseum.png|170px]]
| Clear the [[Sunny Park Colosseum]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Magma Colosseum
| [[File:Battle Pass Magma Colosseum.png|170px]]
| Clear the [[Magma Colosseum]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Sunset Colosseum
| [[File:Battle Pass Sunset Colosseum.png|170px]]
| Clear the [[Sunset Colosseum]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Courtyard Colosseum
| [[File:Battle Pass Courtyard Colosseum.png|170px]]
| Clear the [[Courtyard Colosseum]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Stargazer Colosseum
| [[File:Battle Pass Stargazer Colosseum.png|170px]]
| Clear the [[Stargazer Colosseum]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Stream Pink
| [[File:Battle Pass Stream Pink.png|170px]]
| Clear Rank 1 of any Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Star Yellow
| [[File:Battle Pass Star Yellow.png|170px]]
| Clear Rank 2 of any Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Ball Mosaic Aqua
| [[File:Battle Pass Ball Mosaic Aqua.png|170px]]
| Clear Rank 3 of any Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Stream Green
| [[File:Battle Pass Stream Green.png|170px]]
| Clear Rank 4 of any Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Star Pink
| [[File:Battle Pass Star Pink.png|170px]]
| Clear Rank 5 of any Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Ball Mosaic Sepia
| [[File:Battle Pass Ball Mosaic Sepia.png|170px]]
| Clear Rank 6 of any Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Light Pastel
| [[File:Battle Pass Light Pastel.png|170px]]
| Clear Rank 7 of any Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Shiny Cobalt
| [[File:Battle Pass Shiny Cobalt.png|170px]]
| Clear Rank 8 of any Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Pokétopia Jet
| [[File:Battle Pass Pokétopia Jet.png|170px]]
| Clear the Stargazer Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Pokétopia Helicopter
| [[File:Battle Pass Pokétopia Helicopter.png|170px]]
| Clear the Stargazer Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Pokétopia Train
| [[File:Battle Pass Pokétopia Train.png|170px]]
| Clear the Stargazer Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Pokétopia Ship
| [[File:Battle Pass Pokétopia Ship.png|170px]]
| Clear the Stargazer Colosseum
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Groudon Red
| [[File:Battle Pass Groudon Red.png|170px]]
| Receive 20 Friend Passes
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Kyogre Blue
| [[File:Battle Pass Kyogre Blue.png|170px]]
| Receive 40 Friend Passes
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Rayquaza Green
| [[File:Battle Pass Rayquaza Green.png|170px]]
| Receive 60 Friend Passes
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Pearl Wave
| [[File:Battle Pass Pearl Wave.png|170px]]
| Defeat 50 opponents in the Courtyard Colosseum's Survival Challenge
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Diamond Dust
| [[File:Battle Pass Diamond Dust.png|170px]]
| Defeat 100 opponents in the Courtyard Colosseum's Survival Challenge
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Ball Collection
| [[File:Battle Pass Ball Collection.png|170px]]
| Clear all 8 sets in the Stargazer Colosseum's [[Masters Battle]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Gold Pass
| [[File:Battle Pass Gold Pass.png|170px]]
| Unlocked alongside the Shocking Secret Gift
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Silver Pass
| [[File:Battle Pass Silver Pass.png|170px]]
| Unlocked alongside the Heated Secret Gift
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Bronze Pass
| [[File:Battle Pass Bronze Pass.png|170px]]
| Unknown
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| White Pass
| [[File:Battle Pass White Pass.png|170px]]
| Unknown
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| Black Pass
| [[File:Battle Pass Black Pass.png|170px]]
| Unknown
! colspan="3" style="height: 20px; {{roundybottom|20px}}; background: #{{pbr color light}};" |

== Custom Passes ==
==In other languages==
{{Langtable|color={{pbr color light}}|bordercolor={{pbr color}}
|fr=Carte de combat
|it=Pass Lotta
|es=Pase de combate

{{Project ItemDex notice}}

This is where you basically start with a blank back round and make your own pass using Pokémon from Diamond and Pearl. You can use the rental passes in all areas of the game. 
[[Category:Pokémon Battle Revolution]]

[[es:Pase de combate (Pokémon Battle Revolution)]]
You can choose from a number of different backgrounds, as you play through you gain more choice such as backgrounds featuring one of the single player Colosseum. Also the codes that unlock the mystery gifts of {{P|Magmortar}} & {{P|Electivire}} get you two more backgrounds
Each pass will allow you to place up to 6 different Pokémon on it, as long as they are not being used on another custom pass. There is no restriction to which six other than the fact you can’t use rental Pokémon, for example you could put 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 {{P|Magikarp}} on one pass. You can move them from pass to pass however if you do want to change the pass with out destroying it
'''Personal Appearance'''
This is where most Custom Passes will differ from each other. Firstly you pick the basic look for your trainer, there are 6 base models 3 male & 3 Female and each model has 3 skin tones. At first that is all you can do. After you beat a Colosseum you get Poké Coupons, you get more Poké Coupons for winning at higher ranks and harder Colosseums. You can then, exchange these for “Gear” (which is basically various items of clothing) from the shop; some gear also becomes available without purchase more information in the gear section below. Finally you choose weather you pass displays a full boy image of your trainer or just the top half of there body. 
Although some items can fit everyone, each base model has its own set of clothing that only that model can ware. More & more items of clothing become available to purchase at the shop as you progress through the single player, and some items become available without purchase, they simply appear in as an option to put on your trainer. The following categories are available
Outfits (Not bought at the shop - they in the Edit appearance section of Custom Pass)
You can also alter what your trainer says in different situations, these will, however, default back when in a WiFi Battle. This is believed to be so no one can send obscene words or phrases to younger gamers. The situations are - Introduction before the battle, when sending out your first Pokémon, when calling a Pokémon back, when sending a new Pokémon out, winning a battle & losing a battle.
'''Trainer Titles'''
These are what they say they are - so for example if you choose your title to be Beginner Trainer and you name was Ash the custom pass your read Beginner Trainer Ash, if you change it to Advance Trainer you pass would read Advance Trainer Ash. The trainer titles also affect the default catchphrases which will be different depending on your trainer title. There are various ways to get these, some are gained in the normal manor of going through the single player Colosseum, others are gained through having different types of Pokémon on a pass and some need you to meet other requirements.
Titles I have seen so far are
Beginner Trainer
Advance Trainer
Sprout Trainer
Rain Dancer
Friend Recruiter
Dragon Trainer
Veteran Trainer
Pokétopia Master
== Friend Passes ==
These are Passes of other players. You cant alter these and you can only use them in Vs mode to fight against or use your self. You can not use them in WiFi battles or in the Colosseums..
There are two ways to get these - on is to battle against some one who has there custom pass on there Wiimote on your system. The only other way is to Battle a Wifi Battle. At the end it will ask you if you want a rematch - if one of you say no then it will ask if you want to exchange friend passes, as long as you both say yes, then Friend passes will be exchanged, you will get theirs and they will get yours.

Latest revision as of 09:56, 15 June 2024

This article is about the Battle Pass in Pokémon Battle Revolution. For the Battle Pass used in Pokémon Unite, see Battle Pass (UNITE).

A Battle Pass (Japanese: バトルパス Battle Pass) is an item used in Pokémon Battle Revolution that must be used to compete in Pokétopian Colosseums. Pokémon on the selected pass act as the player's party Pokémon for the duration of the current challenge. There are three kinds of passes, Rental Passes, Custom Passes, and Friend Passes. Each of these kinds of passes can be used in a free battle as the player (except for Friend Passes) or as the opponent.

List of Passes

Rental Passes

Main article: Rental Pass

These Passes are pre-set by the game, and come with predetermined rental Pokémon (usually ones in their middle evolutionary stage). However, once players unlock Trade Battles at the Gateway Colosseum, the Pokémon may be traded with opponents. The player starts with only one, chosen at the start, but can earn more by borrowing them for a Rental Battle at the Gateway Colosseum. The choice of Rental Passes expands as the game progresses. These may be used if the player cannot upload Pokémon from their Generation IV games or in the case they do not own a Generation IV game, and must be used in Gateway Colosseum.

Custom Passes

Main article: Custom Pass

These Passes can be made by player using Pokémon from their Generation IV games. Each has a different background, which is selected when the Pass is created. Any Pokémon can be used on these, though Pokémon used on another Pass cannot be used. If the player's Pokémon are of varied levels, the opponent will use Pokémon at the level of the highest level Pokémon on the player's pass. If a player uploads a Pokémon onto one of these passes and then deletes it in the game, the Pokémon will appear shadowed. It can still be used, but if removed, it is gone for good. This also occurs if one uses certain Action Replay codes to make a Pokémon with stats that are too high. These passes can be used at almost every Colosseum in Pokétopia except Gateway Colosseum.

Friend Passes

These Passes are obtained after battling other players over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and trading Friend Passes. They contain the standard information about opponents, like name, location, and number of battles. They can also be stored on a Wii Remote and sent to other players by sharing data. However, Friend Passes can only be used during Free Battle mode; use during Colosseum Battle mode or Wi-Fi Connection is prohibited.


Name Image Unlock criteria
Ball Mosaic Red Default
Star Green Default
Stream Blue Default
Plus Minus View all battle tutorials
Gateway Colosseum Clear the Gateway Colosseum
Main Street Colosseum Clear the Main Street Colosseum
Waterfall Colosseum Clear the Waterfall Colosseum
Neon Colosseum Clear the Neon Colosseum
Crystal Colosseum Clear the Crystal Colosseum
Sunny Park Colosseum Clear the Sunny Park Colosseum
Magma Colosseum Clear the Magma Colosseum
Sunset Colosseum Clear the Sunset Colosseum
Courtyard Colosseum Clear the Courtyard Colosseum
Stargazer Colosseum Clear the Stargazer Colosseum
Stream Pink Clear Rank 1 of any Colosseum
Star Yellow Clear Rank 2 of any Colosseum
Ball Mosaic Aqua Clear Rank 3 of any Colosseum
Stream Green Clear Rank 4 of any Colosseum
Star Pink Clear Rank 5 of any Colosseum
Ball Mosaic Sepia Clear Rank 6 of any Colosseum
Light Pastel Clear Rank 7 of any Colosseum
Shiny Cobalt Clear Rank 8 of any Colosseum
Pokétopia Jet Clear the Stargazer Colosseum
Pokétopia Helicopter Clear the Stargazer Colosseum
Pokétopia Train Clear the Stargazer Colosseum
Pokétopia Ship Clear the Stargazer Colosseum
Groudon Red Receive 20 Friend Passes
Kyogre Blue Receive 40 Friend Passes
Rayquaza Green Receive 60 Friend Passes
Pearl Wave Defeat 50 opponents in the Courtyard Colosseum's Survival Challenge
Diamond Dust Defeat 100 opponents in the Courtyard Colosseum's Survival Challenge
Ball Collection Clear all 8 sets in the Stargazer Colosseum's Masters Battle
Gold Pass Unlocked alongside the Shocking Secret Gift
Silver Pass Unlocked alongside the Heated Secret Gift
Bronze Pass Unknown
White Pass Unknown
Black Pass Unknown

In other languages

Language Title
French Carte de combat
German Kampfpass
Italian Pass Lotta
Spanish Pase de combate
This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.