Appendix:Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky walkthrough/Chapter 6: Difference between revisions

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When you try to go upstairs, Croagunk will call you over (for the first time).  He asks what you and Sunflora and her friends were doing back in the room...but that's not what he called you for. He called you for the Croagunk Swap Shop.  He then explains what it is. For now, you can't really do anything at Croagunk's shop.
When you try to go upstairs, Croagunk will call you over (for the first time).  He asks what you and Sunflora and her friends were doing back in the room...but that's not what he called you for. He called you for the Croagunk Swap Shop.  He then explains what it is. For now, you can't really do anything at Croagunk's shop.
== Electivire's Link Shop ==

After clearing Apple Woods, a new place in the shop will open up. At Electivire's you can do two things:
*Remember level-up moves free of charge. This does not include moves exclusive to previous evolved forms ''unless'' you have stalled the evolution and had the prompt to learn.
*Link moves for 500 Poké a session. This lets you use multiple moves as one action, from top to bottom (though certain moves will behave odd while linked, or can't be linked at all). A good example is linking Skitty's Tail Whip and Tackle so that each enemy's Defense is lowered and then it gets immediately attacked; there are some particularly strong combinations of moves on certain Pokémon. If an enemy is attacked with a linked move, it will yield 50% more experience on defeat, compared to just using a regular move (which is triple the experience when defeated without using any moves at all); however, linked moves drain Belly faster and additionally will be delinked if a move reaches 0PP.

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Revision as of 11:07, 4 July 2024

Team Skull on B2F

After the morning cheer, you and your partner go up to the Job Bulletin Board to get a job. However...there is Koffing and Zubat there. Aren't they familiar?

Your partner gets aggravated at the fact that they are here and Koffing and Zubat taunt your partner again, making him/her back down a bit. However, he/she comes up with a comeback on how you and your partner easily defeated Koffing and Zubat. Koffing and Zubat are undaunted and say they didn't have the "Chief" with them. You and your partner get puzzled, but Zubat could "smell him coming now"!

The Chief turns out to be a Skuntank, who is the leader of Koffing and Zubat, who are part of a team called Team Skull. Skuntank appears to have a bad personality, attacking you with what appears to be a Poison Gas, knocking you out. After several taunts and remarks, the team goes away. After this, your partner goes up to you and says that Team Skull is right...he/she really is a chicken. Your two answers could be "No, you're not," or "BOK BOK BOK!". The second answer is slightly odd.

New Services in the Town

Once you exit the Guild, you will be notified that a new place has opened in the town: the Spinda's Café, a place exclusive to Sky version. In this place, you can either turn consumable items into drinks that can further boost stats, or recycle unneeded items for other items.

An item that boosts stats will always give a stat boost if turned into a drink, but certain items can become good or miraculous drinks. Good drinks boost either HP or IQ, depending on the item (for example, Gummis will give 2 IQ, while Apple will give 2 HP). Miraculous drinks boost a random stat by 2-5 points. Sometimes, instead of that, an event will happen; for now, a Pokémon might want to join your team (it will come at level 1, however). The chances vary from item to item, and some items are effectively high-risk, high reward; for example, the lookalike items have high chances for good or miracle drinks or a Pokémon joining your team, but equally likely to instead give out a bad drink which lowers a stat by 1-3 points.

The following Pokémon can be obtained this way. Most of these can be found in dungeons found at various points of the main story; Pokémon marked with a dagger (†) can be recruited only after the credits roll.

Wynaut's service is exchanging items for other ones.

At the beginning you don't have much choice; only Oran Berry for 2 Apples and Prize Ticket for 4 items. As you recycle more and more items, you will have access to better deals (the number of recycles can be checked from the main menu's Adventure Log.), although the Ticket availability is instead tied to your team's progress. At this point, since you're likely Bronze Rank at best, only the basic Prize Ticket is available. Sometimes after recycling, you might be awarded a bonus of a Ticket, this includes recycling for tickets themselves if you don't claim them immediately.

Item Number of recycles Traded for
Oran Berry 0 2 Apples
Escape Orbs 2 Apple and Big Apple
Heal Seed 4 2 Big Apples
Cleanse Orb 8 3 Grimy Food
Reviver Seed 10 2 Escape Orbs
Eyedrop Seed 12 3 Max Elixirs
Power Band 14 Apple, Max Elixir, and Escape Orb
Def. Scarf 16
Special Band 18
Zinc Band 20

After 22 recycles, the game will start unlocking special offers, which are rare recycling deals that refresh every 3 days. As you can see, all of them require Oran Berries, plus some other item; Plain Seeds are items that used up Reviver Seeds turn into. While Life Seed and Joy Seed, which increase HP and level, will likely won't be unlocked well into postgame unless you dedicate yourself to recycling, the other stat boosters at 22-28 recycles should come more naturally.

Item Number of recycles Traded for
Protein 22 3 Oran Berry and 1 X-Eye Seed
Calcium 24 3 Oran Berry and 1 Sleep Seed
Iron 26 3 Oran Berry and 1 Blinker Seed
Zinc 28 3 Oran Berry and 1 Totter Seed
Link Box 30 3 of Oran Berry, Cheri Berry, Pecha Berry and Rawst Berry each
Life Seed 50 3 Oran Berry and 1 Plain Seed
Curve Band 80 2 Oran Berry and 1 Apple
No-Aim Scope 90 2 Oran Berry and 1 Apple
Patsy Band 95 3 Oran Berry and 1 Apple
Joy Seed 100 3 Oran Berry and 2 Plain Seed

Prize Ticket lets you draw in a lottery, which is guaranteed to give you something; either a consolatory prize, a normal reward or a big reward. The color you pick does not matter, as the game instead picks outcome afterward. While it's technically possible to win better ones as the lottery reward, for now let's focus on the normal one.

Loss (65%) Win (30%) Big Win (5%)
Heal Seed Power Band Silver Spike
Oran Berry Def. Scarf Twist Band
Scanner Orb Special Band Joy Ribbon
Radar Orb Zinc Band Gold Ribbon
Eyedrop Seed Sitrus Berry
Max Elixir Reviver Seed
Big Apple Joy Seed
Silver Ticket White Gummi
Cleanse Orb Red Gummi
Blue Gummi
Grass Gummi
Yellow Gummi
Clear Gummi
Orange Gummi
Pink Gummi
Brown Gummi
Sky Gummi
Gold Gummi
Green Gummi
Gray Gummi
Purple Gummi
Royal Gummi
Black Gummi
Silver Gummi
Gold Ticket

As you can see, even the basic Prize Ticket's big reward pool contains valuable items such as Sitrus Berry or Joy Seed if you are lucky enough to get them.

To continue with the story, you will have to perform some more board jobs and then a sentry duty, becoming Bronze Rank team in process. Ranking up your team will increase your Kangshkan Storage size and grant you one copy of a stat boosting item, but some ranks will also grant certain hidden benefits, such as unlocking new mission types (some of which may lead to further unlocks) or aforementioned better lottery tickets.

Since this isn't your first Sentry Duty, the reward are unfortunately less impressive. In fact, since you get better reward for setting a high score (which will get harder and harder to do over time), it might better to not play as optimally as possible on purpose!

Bad Adequate Good Perfect
Regular Nothing
New high score

Afte that, you'll gain access to Apple Woods. Chatot asks you to go to Apple Woods to get some more of Wigglytuff's favorite food, Perfect Apples. You two go quietly, but you won't leave Team Skull is planning to cause you some trouble!

Apple Woods

Much bigger and much harder than Waterfall Cave, the main type here appears to be Bug and Grass-type, with some Poison-types. There are 12 floors in this dungeon. Most notably, this is the first dungeon that can have TMs lying on the ground, which is a good alternative to saving up money and hoping they show up in Treasure Town's shop (though they aren't particularly common and some are more rare than the others, like with the mission rewards). This is also the first dungeon that features special floor layout: floor 7 will always have one long corridor around the edges of the floor, with rooms in middle, whereas floor 8 will be opposite of that.

  • Caterpie/Butterfree: A IQ Group. Notably, Metapod isn't available until the credits roll, unlike Kakuna. While Caterpie is nothing much to say about as expected, Butterfree has amazing niche of having many useful moves and Compoundeyes to boost their accuracy: right now it has access to Confusion and both Stun Spore and Sleep Powder, and will eventually learn Supersonic, Tailwind and Silver Wind. It can also have some type coverage via TMs if needed, such as Energy Ball or Shadow Ball. This is on top of the useful IQ skills its group has: PP Saver, Survivalist, Coin Watcher, Multitalent, Haggler, Collector (makes Treasure Boxes more common, although this type of item isn't available quite yet), All Terrain Hiker, Stair Sensor, Map Surveyor and Pierce Hurler, meaning it can become not only more useful in battle with more PP, but also help traverse the dungeon.
  • Hoppip: H IQ Group. Similarly to Tangela in previous dungeon, it has both Chlorophyll and Leaf Guard, meaning it can become quite powerful in the sunlight, especially since it is compatible with Silver Wind TM. However, the moves it starts with are rather lackluster and will require some leveling, but within main story levels it gains access to the powder moves, Leech Seed and natural Bullet Seed. However, the real niche of this Pokémon will be revealed during postgame, where it will learn Memento - a move that massively reduces attacking stats of every enemy in the room, reduces user's HP to 1 and then teleports them to a random place in the room. This move, combined with it learning Synthesis, a self-healing move, is useful for debuffing bosses.
  • Budew: H IQ Group. Unfortunately, being a baby Pokémon, it doesn't learn many moves until it evolves, which won't be possible for quite the while.
  • Burmy (Sandy): E IQ Group. Similarly to Caterpie, it doesn't have much use due to its limited moveset before evolving (though it does naturally learn Protect, which here is much more powerful). Notably, while in main games, Burmy's cloak is a temporary form that changes with battles, here it is a permanent variant, akin to the Shellos colors. Each of the Burmy forms can be found only in one specific dungeon.
  • Oddish/Gloom: B IQ Group. Another Chlorophyll user. Its moveset isn't too varied, mostly being Normal and Grass moves with some Poison ones (though it does learn the powder moves); however, it eventually learns Moonlight, which heals the entire team for fixed, weather-dependent amount, regardless of where they are on the floor.
  • Paras: A IQ Group. Similarly to Butterfree, this is a Pokémon more suited for support, learning Stun Spore, Spore (which is basically Sleep Powder that targets every enemy in the entire room, rather than just adjacent to the user), and at high level, Aromatherapy and even X-Scissor. It is compatible with Dig, Aerial Ace and Sludge Bomb for type coverage. Unfortunately its Dry Skin Ability combined with its typing makes it incredibly weak to Fire attacks (as well as sunlight, though thankfully Fire-types aren't very common during main story, in contrast to Water-types it will be healed by, which are more plentiful during the main story), as well as few other types.
  • Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill: A IQ Group. Like with Butterfree, the not fully evolved forms aren't really useful, but Beedrill does learn some useful moves; at the levels it is met it will have Fury Attack, Focus Energy and Twineedle, learning Pursuit within main story and then later on Pin Missile and Agility.
  • Exeggutor: B IQ Group. Yet another Chlorophyll user. Unfortunately being a stone evolution, it does not learn many moves on its own and doesn't have too useful moves via TMs (aside from typical Grass-type tools), with the most notable moves being the ones it starts with: Barrage (a multi-hit move), Confusion and Hypnosis.
  • Combee: A IQ Group. Combee suffers from terrible moveset until it evolves, but thankfully it does have niche. Its Honey Gather will make it possible to find Nectar, the potent IQ boosting item, in Treasure Boxes (though right now you do not have access to them). Additionally, if you ever think of acquiring its evolved form by evolution rather than recruiting it directly, it is much easier to find female Combee in this game, as the gender is instead dictated by whether the floor is even or odd (unless the species is one gender only).

Pokémon encountered

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Caterpie (Pokémon) Caterpie 1-4 10 8.2%
Hoppip (Pokémon) Hoppip 1-5 11 8.2%
Budew (Pokémon) Budew 1-5 11-12 8.2%
Burmy (Pokémon) Burmy
Sandy Cloak
1-5 11 8.2%
Oddish (Pokémon) Oddish 1-6 11-12 8.2%
Butterfree (Pokémon) Butterfree 1-7 14-17 5.5%
Paras (Pokémon) Paras 1-12 11-13 8.2%
Weedle (Pokémon) Weedle 4-9 12 8.2%
Exeggutor (Pokémon) Exeggutor 4-12 12 0.5%
Combee (Pokémon) Combee 6-12 12-13 6.4%
Gloom (Pokémon) Gloom 7-12 12-13 0.1%
Kakuna (Pokémon) Kakuna 8-12 14 5%
Beedrill (Pokémon) Beedrill 8-12 11-12 5%

The boss here is Team Skull, who were hiding in the trees. However you don't have an official fight, as Koffing and Skuntank simply send a Noxious Special Gas Combo at you, knocking you out. After that happens, Koffing and Skuntank leave, but there's another member left who hasn't...Zubat! He also got knocked out by the Noxious Special Gas Combo, and he hurries after his fellow team members. Oh'll just have to admit it to Chatot--you couldn't get any Perfect Apples.



Item Floors
2-80 Poké 1-12F
Power Band 1-12F
Special Band 1-12F
Twist Band 1-12F
4-5 Stick 1-12F
Apple 1-12F
Big Apple 1-12F
Blue Gummi 1-12F
Grass Gummi 1-12F
Orange Gummi 1-12F
White Gummi 1-12F
Clear Gummi 1-12F
Pink Gummi 1-12F
Red Gummi 1-12F
Yellow Gummi 1-12F
Cheri Berry 1-12F
Oran Berry 1-12F
Oren Berry 1-12F
Pecha Berry 1-12F
Blast Seed 1-12F
Dough Seed 1-12F
Dropeye Seed 1-12F
Heal Seed 1-12F
Reviser Seed 1-12F
Reviver Seed 1-12F
Sleep Seed 1-12F
Slip Seed 1-12F
Stun Seed 1-12F
Via Seed 1-12F
Warp Seed 1-12F
X-Eye Seed 1-12F
Max Elixir 1-12F
Mix Elixir 1-12F
Aerial Ace 1-12F
Attract 1-12F
Brick Break 1-12F
Brine 1-12F
Bullet Seed 1-12F
Calm Mind 1-12F
Dig 1-12F
Dive 1-12F
Dragon Claw 1-12F
Embargo 1-12F
Energy Ball 1-12F
Explosion 1-12F
False Swipe 1-12F
Flash 1-12F
Focus Blast 1-12F
Focus Punch 1-12F
Giga Drain 1-12F
Giga Impact 1-12F
Hidden Power 1-12F
Hyper Beam 1-12F
Iron Tail 1-12F
Light Screen 1-12F
Natural Gift 1-12F
Payback 1-12F
Poison Jab 1-12F
Protect 1-12F
Recycle 1-12F
Reflect 1-12F
Rest 1-12F
Roar 1-12F
Rock Slide 1-12F
Roost 1-12F
Safeguard 1-12F
Shadow Claw 1-12F
Shock Wave 1-12F
SolarBeam 1-12F
Stealth Rock 1-12F
Steel Wing 1-12F
Swords Dance 1-12F
Taunt 1-12F
Thunder Wave 1-12F
Thunderbolt 1-12F
Torment 1-12F
Vacuum-Cut 1-12F
Water Pulse 1-12F
Wide Slash 1-12F
All-Hit Orb 1-12F
Blowback Orb 1-12F
Decoy Orb 1-12F
Drought Orb 1-12F
Escape Orb 1-12F
Foe-Fear Orb 1-12F
Foe-Seal Orb 1-12F
Hurl Orb 1-12F
Luminous Orb 1-12F
Petrify Orb 1-12F
Radar Orb 1-12F
Rollcall Orb 1-12F
Scanner Orb 1-12F
Slumber Orb 1-12F
Spurn Orb 1-12F
Switcher Orb 1-12F
Totter Orb 1-12F
Transfer Orb 1-12F
Warp Orb 1-12F

Kecleon Shop

Item Floors
Cheri Berry 1-12F
Oran Berry 1-12F
Pecha Berry 1-12F
Rawst Berry 1-12F
Blast Seed 1-12F
Heal Seed 1-12F
Reviver Seed 1-12F
Max Elixir 1-12F
Apple 1-12F
Big Apple 1-12F
Blue Gummi 1-12F
Grass Gummi 1-12F
Orange Gummi 1-12F
White Gummi 1-12F
Clear Gummi 1-12F
Gray Gummi 1-12F
Pink Gummi 1-12F
Red Gummi 1-12F
Yellow Gummi 1-12F
Blowback Orb 1-12F
Drought Orb 1-12F
Hurl Orb 1-12F
One-Shot Orb 1-12F
Petrify Orb 1-12F
Rollcall Orb 1-12F
Warp Orb 1-12F

B2F and Wigglytuff's Room

There you are again, explaining to Chatot how you couldn't get the Perfect Apples. Your partner tries to blame Team Skull, only to receive a yelling Chatot. Chatot then looks to the bad side, having to face Wigglytuff alone...but then has a better idea for punishment: you're going with him!

So Wigglytuff doesn't seem at all disappointed. He then asks for some Perfect Apples. Chatot then says that Team ____ has failed to receive the Perfect Apples, making Wigglytuff go on a slight rampage. However, just when it was going to get really bad for you and your partner, Team Skull arrives! He gives Wigglytuff a Perfect Apple.

As you had no dinner that night, both of your stomachs rumble and have a hard time going to sleep. Oh well. The punishment could have been more severe, as Chatot said.

Team Skull isn't asleep; they're discussing what happened in Wigglytuff's Room. Zubat and Koffing wonder why Skuntank stepped in just when it was looking worst for Team ____. Skuntank says they're trying to grow on Wigglytuff, trying to make him choose them for an upcoming expedition.

Croagunk's Swap Shop

An addition that's not that important. When you're done with the morning cheers, Chatot says that Team ____ shouldn't get their hopes up about being chosen for the Expedition, as the incident between Wigglytuff and the Perfect Apple was very severe and Wigglytuff is probably not going to pick them.

After this, your partner tells you how he/she was already sick from hunger...and now he/she is even more sick now that Chatot told them that. There is suddenly a voice calling to you. It's Sunflora and her friends! She calls you to your own room, where her friends give you an Apple. After that, you and your partner explain what Chatot said. Sunflora, Chimecho, Corphish, and Bidoof comfort you.

When you try to go upstairs, Croagunk will call you over (for the first time). He asks what you and Sunflora and her friends were doing back in the room...but that's not what he called you for. He called you for the Croagunk Swap Shop. He then explains what it is. For now, you can't really do anything at Croagunk's shop.

Electivire's Link Shop

After clearing Apple Woods, a new place in the shop will open up. At Electivire's you can do two things:

  • Remember level-up moves free of charge. This does not include moves exclusive to previous evolved forms unless you have stalled the evolution and had the prompt to learn.
  • Link moves for 500 Poké a session. This lets you use multiple moves as one action, from top to bottom (though certain moves will behave odd while linked, or can't be linked at all). A good example is linking Skitty's Tail Whip and Tackle so that each enemy's Defense is lowered and then it gets immediately attacked; there are some particularly strong combinations of moves on certain Pokémon. If an enemy is attacked with a linked move, it will yield 50% more experience on defeat, compared to just using a regular move (which is triple the experience when defeated without using any moves at all); however, linked moves drain Belly faster and additionally will be delinked if a move reaches 0PP.
This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.