Appendix:Pokémon Colosseum walkthrough/Section 9: Difference between revisions

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m PyWikiBot: relinking pages moved per new MoS guidelines for article titles, replaced "List of Key Items (Orre)" → "List of Key Items in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD"
(23 intermediate revisions by 14 users not shown)
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==Finding Johto Starter 2==
==Finding Johto First Partner Evolution 2==

You start in the Outskirt Sands. You'll get an e-mail. Head to the Under and talk to Nett. Go to Pyrite Town and talk to a kid behind the bookcase. It says that Cail fought a Pokémon Trainer with a Shadow Pokémon. Talk to Cail who will battle you. If you didn't snag his Furret he'll have it. After you battle him, he says it's in the Snagem Hideout, which is now on the map. Head there.
You start in the Outskirt Sands. You'll get an e-mail. Head to the Under and talk to Nett. Go to Pyrite Town and talk to a kid behind the bookcase. It says that Cail fought a Pokémon Trainer with a Shadow Pokémon. Talk to Cail who will battle you. If you didn't snag his Furret he'll have it. After you battle him, he says it's in the Snagem Hideout, which is now on the map. Head there.
Line 5: Line 5:
Up to six Pokémon Trainers with Shadow Pokémon that you failed to capture will appear. They won't let you by until you've snagged all their Pokémon. This includes Skrub with Hitmontop and many other minor Peons.
Up to six Pokémon Trainers with Shadow Pokémon that you failed to capture will appear. They won't let you by until you've snagged all their Pokémon. This includes Skrub with Hitmontop and many other minor Peons.

Why are you here? You're looking for one of the other Shadow Pokémon starters.
Why are you here? You're looking for one of the other second-stage Shadow [[first partner Pokémon]] evolutions.

All trainers here don't have Shadow Pokémon and are optional. Search the base until you find him. He's below a Snag Machine.
All Trainers here don't have Shadow Pokémon and are optional. Search the base until you find him. He's below a Snag Machine.

'''Cipher Peon Verde/Rosso/Bluno'''<br>
'''Cipher Peon Verde/Rosso/Bluno'''<br>
[[Image:319.png]] Level 53 Sharpedo (Verde only)<br>
[[File:Box Colo 319.png]] Level 53 Sharpedo (Verde only)<br>
[[Image:286.png]] Level 53 Breloom (Rosso only)<br>
[[File:Box Colo 286.png]] Level 53 Breloom (Rosso only)<br>
[[Image:323.png]] Level 53 Camerupt (Bluno only)<br>
[[File:Box Colo 323.png]] Level 53 Camerupt (Bluno only)<br>
[[Image:326.png]] Level 54 Grumpig<br>
[[File:Box Colo 326.png]] Level 54 Grumpig<br>
[[Image:089.png]] Level 51 Muk<br>
[[File:Box Colo 089.png]] Level 51 Muk<br>
[[Image:153.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Bayleef (Verde only)<br>
[[File:Box Colo 153.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Bayleef (Verde only)<br>
[[Image:156.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Quilava (Rosso only)<br>
[[File:Box Colo 156.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Quilava (Rosso only)<br>
[[Image:159.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Croconaw (Bluno only)
[[File:Box Colo 159.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Croconaw (Bluno only)

Snag the starter he has and leave the base. Next up is the last one.
Snag the first partner evolution he has and leave the base. Next up is the last one.

==Finding Johto Starter 3==
==Finding Johto First Partner Evolution 3==
This one is simple. The third Johto starter is where Ein was. Just look through the Shadow Pokémon Lab part of the walkthrough. It's the same guy essentially, just a different Shadow Pokémon.
You'll get an e-mail from Nett, so go to The Under and talk to him. Nett will tell you that a guy named Gurks has more information about shadow Pokémon. Gurks is located on the second floor of the junk shop, on the outside balcony. Gurks tells you he battled a colored peon in The Under, but don't bother looking for him there. Instead just go to the Shadow Pokemon Lab. You'll get an e-mail telling you that the colored peon is inside.
This one is simple. The third Johto first partner evolution is where Ein was. Just look through the Shadow Pokémon Lab part of the walkthrough. It's the same guy essentially, just a different Shadow Pokémon.

'''Cipher Peon Verde/Rosso/Bluno'''<br>
'''Cipher Peon Verde/Rosso/Bluno'''<br>
[[Image:319.png]] Level 53 Sharpedo (Verde only)<br>
[[File:Box Colo 319.png]] Level 53 Sharpedo (Verde only)<br>
[[Image:286.png]] Level 53 Breloom (Rosso only)<br>
[[File:Box Colo 286.png]] Level 53 Breloom (Rosso only)<br>
[[Image:323.png]] Level 53 Camerupt (Bluno only)<br>
[[File:Box Colo 323.png]] Level 53 Camerupt (Bluno only)<br>
[[Image:326.png]] Level 54 Grumpig<br>
[[File:Box Colo 326.png]] Level 54 Grumpig<br>
[[Image:089.png]] Level 51 Muk<br>
[[File:Box Colo 089.png]] Level 51 Muk<br>
[[Image:153.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Bayleef (Verde only)<br>
[[File:Box Colo 153.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Bayleef (Verde only)<br>
[[Image:156.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Quilava (Rosso only)<br>
[[File:Box Colo 156.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Quilava (Rosso only)<br>
[[Image:159.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Croconaw (Bluno only)
[[File:Box Colo 159.png]] Level 30 '''Shadow''' Croconaw (Bluno only)

==Finding Smeargle and Ursaring==
==Finding Smeargle and Ursaring==
Back in Snagem Hideout are two trainers with Shadow Pokémon that weren't anywhere before. You'll find them.
Back in Snagem Hideout are two Trainers with Shadow Pokémon that weren't anywhere before. You'll find them.

'''Team Snagem Biden'''<br>
'''Team Snagem Biden'''<br>
[[Image:235.png]] Level 50 Smeargle<br>
[[File:Box Colo 235.png]] Level 50 Smeargle<br>
[[Image:235.png]] Level 50 Smeargle<br>
[[File:Box Colo 235.png]] Level 50 Smeargle<br>
[[Image:235.png]] Level 51 Smeargle<br>
[[File:Box Colo 235.png]] Level 51 Smeargle<br>
[[Image:235.png]] Level 45 '''Shadow''' Smeargle
[[File:Box Colo 235.png]] Level 45 '''Shadow''' Smeargle

'''Team Snagem Agrev'''<br>
'''Team Snagem Agrev'''<br>
[[Image:275.png]] Level 50 Shiftry<br>
[[File:Box Colo 275.png]] Level 50 Shiftry<br>
[[Image:259.png]] Level 55 Marshtomp<br>
[[File:Box Colo 259.png]] Level 55 Marshtomp<br>
[[Image:067.png]] Level 52 Machoke<br>
[[File:Box Colo 067.png]] Level 52 Machoke<br>
[[Image:217.png]] Level 45 '''Shadow''' Ursaring
[[File:Box Colo 217.png]] Level 45 '''Shadow''' Ursaring
==Gonzap and Deep Colosseum==
Throughout the Snagem Hideout with Smeargle and Ursaring now are a bunch of Trainers who have Shadow Pokémon you missed. And deep inside is Gonzap with his Skarmory, provided you didn't catch it.
|color={{cologne color}}
|headcolor={{cologne color light}}
|bordercolor={{cologne color dark}}
|sprite=Colo Gonzap.png{{!}}80px
|class=Snagem Head
|location=Snagem Hideout
|ability=Effect Spore
|move1=Hyper Beam|move1type=Normal
|move2=Bulk Up|move2type=Fighting
|move3=Sky Uppercut|move3type=Fighting
|move4=Iron Tail|move4type=Steel}}
|ability=Hyper Cutter
|move1=Hyper Beam|move1type=Normal
|move2=Swords Dance|move2type=Normal
|move3=Aerial Ace|move3type=Flying
|move4=Brick Break|move4type=Fighting}}
|move1=Hyper Beam|move1type=Normal
|move2=Bulk Up|move2type=Fighting
|move3=Shadow Ball|move3type=Ghost
|move4=Brick Break|move4type=Fighting}}
{{Party/Div|color={{cologne color}}}}
|ability=Battle Armor
|move1=Hyper Beam|move1type=Normal
|move2=Swords Dance|move2type=Normal
|move4=Brick Break|move4type=Fighting}}
|move1=Hyper Beam|move1type=Normal
|move2=Bulk Up|move2type=Fighting
|move1=Hyper Beam|move1type=Normal
|move2=Dragon Dance|move2type=Dragon
You get a {{DL|List of Key Items in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD|D-Disk}} for beating him. If you enter it into the UFO in The Under, you can go down. This will take you to Deep Colosseum, where 20 opponents are: 15 miscellaneous, 4 Cipher Admins, and the fabled Deep King.
'''Hunter Dewig'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 274.png]] Level 60 Nuzleaf<br>
[[File:Box Colo 357.png]] Level 61 Tropius<br>
[[File:Box Colo 335.png]] Level 60 Zangoose
'''Bodybuilder Palen'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 288.png]] Level 61 Vigoroth<br>
[[File:Box Colo 157.png]] Level 61 Typhlosion<br>
[[File:Box Colo 297.png]] Level 62 Hariyama

==Rematching earlier Shadow Pokémon trainers==
'''Worker Toway'''<br>
Inside the Snagem Hideout now are a bunch of trainers who have Shadow Pokémon you missed. Deep inside is Gonzap with his Skarmory and a D-Disk for beating him. If you enter it into the UFO in The Under. You can go down. This will take you to Deep Colosseum, where you can rematch...
[[File:Box Colo 203.png]] Level 62 Girafarig<br>
[[File:Box Colo 166.png]] Level 63 Ledian<br>
[[File:Box Colo 228.png]] Level 62 Houndour<br>
[[File:Box Colo 085.png]] Level 62 Dodrio

Miror B. and his Sudowoodo<br>
Dakim and his Entei<br>
|color={{cool color}}
Venus and her Suicune<br>
|headcolor={{shadow color light}}
Ein and his Raikou
|bordercolor={{cool color dark}}
|sprite=Colo Miror B.png
|class=Cipher Admin
|name=Miror B.
|location=Deep Colosseum
|ability=Swift Swim
|move1=Hydro Pump|move1type=Water
|move2=Giga Drain|move2type=Grass
|move3=Ice Beam|move3type=Ice
|move4=Rain Dance|move4type=Water}}
|ability=Swift Swim
|move1=Rain Dance|move1type=Water
|move2=Giga Drain|move2type=Grass
|move3=Hydro Pump|move3type=Water
|move4=Nature Power|move4type=Normal}}
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost
|move3=Take Down|move3type=Normal
{{Party/Div|color={{cool color}}}}
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/3
|ability=Rain Dish
|move1=Rain Dance|move1type=Water
|move2=Giga Drain|move2type=Grass
|move4=Leech Seed|move4type=Grass}}
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/3
|ability=Battle Armor
|move1=Aerial Ace|move1type=Flying
|move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock
|move3=Metal Claw|move3type=Steel

At the very end of this tournament is the Deep King Agnol. He has a Shadow Shuckle. Catch it!
'''St. Performer Regol'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 189.png]] Level 61 Jumpluff<br>
[[File:Box Colo 215.png]] Level 60 Sneasel<br>
[[File:Box Colo 101.png]] Level 60 Electrode

'''Deep King Agnol'''<br>
'''Fun Old Man Gorbel'''<br>
[[Image:227.png]] Level 68 Skarmory<br>
[[File:Box Colo 225.png]] Level 62 Delibird<br>
[[Image:203.png]] Level 68 Girafarig<br>
[[File:Box Colo 259.png]] Level 61 Marshtomp<br>
[[Image:302.png]] Level 69 Sableye<br>
[[File:Box Colo 365.png]] Level 61 Walrein
[[Image:230.png]] Level 70 Kingdra<br>
[[Image:292.png]] Level 68 Shedinja<br>
[[Image:213.png]] Level 45 '''Shadow''' Shuckle

==Rematching Realgam Tower trainers==
'''Bandana Guy Lobert'''<br>
Simply head back to where they were in Realgam Tower. You can reface all six trainers atop it as well, including Nascour and Evice.
[[File:Box Colo 184.png]] Level 62 Azumarill<br>
[[File:Box Colo 178.png]] Level 62 Xatu<br>
[[File:Box Colo 264.png]] Level 63 Linoone<br>
[[File:Box Colo 308.png]] Level 62 Medicham
|color={{tough color}}
|headcolor={{shadow color light}}
|bordercolor={{tough color dark}}
|sprite=Colo Dakim.png
|class=Cipher Admin
|location=Deep Colosseum
|move3=Sunny Day|move3type=Fire
|move1=Fire Blast|move1type=Fire
|move3=Sunny Day|move3type=Fire
|move1=Muddy Water|move1type=Water
|move3=Ice Beam|move3type=Ice
{{Party/Div|color={{tough color}}}}
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/3
|move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock
|move3=Sunny Day|move3type=Fire
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/3
|ability=Early Bird
|move2=Fire Blast|move2type=Fire
|move3=Sunny Day|move3type=Fire
'''Bodybuilder Varug'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 066.png]] Level 60 Machop<br>
[[File:Box Colo 217.png]] Level 61 Ursaring<br>
[[File:Box Colo 067.png]] Level 60 Machoke
'''Rider Shatol'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 040.png]] Level 62 Wigglytuff<br>
[[File:Box Colo 075.png]] Level 61 Graveler<br>
[[File:Box Colo 320.png]] Level 63 Wailmer<br>
[[File:Box Colo 232.png]] Level 61 Donphan
'''Researcher Zogo'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 327.png]] Level 62 Spinda<br>
[[File:Box Colo 301.png]] Level 62 Delcatty<br>
[[File:Box Colo 210.png]] Level 62 Granbull
|color={{beauty color}}
|headcolor={{shadow color light}}
|bordercolor={{beauty color dark}}
|sprite=Colo Venus.png{{!}}80px
|class=Cipher Admin
|location=Deep Colosseum
|ability=Serene Grace
|move2=Water Pulse|move2type=Water
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost
|move4=Shadow Punch|move4type=Ghost}}
|move3=Thunder Wave|move3type=Electric
|move4=Sweet Kiss|move4type=Normal}}
{{Party/Div|color={{beauty color}}}}
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/3
|move1=Leech Seed|move1type=Grass
|move2=Giga Drain|move2type=Grass
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/3
|ability=Marvel Scale
|move2=Ice Beam|move2type=Ice
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost
|move4=Hydro Pump|move4type=Water}}
'''Chaser Drook'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 274.png]] Level 60 Nuzleaf<br>
[[File:Box Colo 189.png]] Level 61 Jumpluff<br>
[[File:Box Colo 313.png]] Level 60 Volbeat<br>
[[File:Box Colo 267.png]] Level 60 Beautifly
'''Roller Boy Dult'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 171.png]] Level 60 Lanturn<br>
[[File:Box Colo 305.png]] Level 60 Lairon<br>
[[File:Box Colo 224.png]] Level 61 Octillery<br>
[[File:Box Colo 295.png]] Level 61 Exploud
'''Hunter Ophel'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 259.png]] Level 63 Marshtomp<br>
[[File:Box Colo 277.png]] Level 62 Swellow<br>
[[File:Box Colo 342.png]] Level 62 Crawdaunt
|color={{smart color}}
|headcolor={{shadow color light}}
|bordercolor={{smart color dark}}
|sprite=Colo Ein.png
|class=Cipher Admin
|location=Deep Colosseum
|ability=Swift Swim
|move1=Rain Dance|move1type=Water
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost
|move1=Rock Blast|move1type=Rock
|move1=Hydro Pump|move1type=Water
|move4=Rain Dance|move4type=Water}}
{{Party/Div|color={{smart color}}}}
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/3
|ability=Inner Focus
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/3
'''Rider Nelon'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 290.png]] Level 64 Nincada<br>
[[File:Box Colo 353.png]] Level 63 Shuppet<br>
[[File:Box Colo 116.png]] Level 63 Horsea
'''Athlete Lorge'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 064.png]] Level 64 Kadabra<br>
[[File:Box Colo 352.png]] Level 65 Kecleon<br>
[[File:Box Colo 200.png]] Level 64 Misdreavus<br>
[[File:Box Colo 117.png]] Level 65 Seadra
'''Hunter Grons'''<br>
[[File:Box Colo 369.png]] Level 67 Relicanth<br>
[[File:Box Colo 198.png]] Level 68 Murkrow<br>
[[File:Box Colo 303.png]] Level 66 Mawile
|color={{shadow color}}
|headcolor={{colo color dark}}
|bordercolor={{shadow color dark}}
|sprite=Colo Deep King Agnol.png{{!}}80px
|class=Deep King
|location=Deep Colosseum
|move1=Steel Wing|move1type=Steel
|move2=Drill Peck|move2type=Flying
|ability=Early Bird
|move3=Light Screen|move3type=Psychic
|ability=Keen Eye
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark
|move2=Shadow Ball|move2type=Ghost
|move3=Aerial Ace|move3type=Flying
|move4=Confuse Ray|move4type=Ghost}}
{{Party/Div|color={{colo color}}}}
|ability=Swift Swim
|move1=Hydro Pump|move1type=Water
|move3=Ice Beam|move3type=Ice
|ability=Wonder Guard
|move1=Silver Wind|move1type=Bug
|move2=Shadow Ball|move2type=Ghost
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost
|move1=Shadow Rush|move1type=Shadow
==Rematching Realgam Tower Trainers==
Simply head back to where they were in Realgam Tower. You can reface all six Trainers atop it as well, including Nascour and Evice. You can't rematch the three Cipher Peons who had Shadow Pokémon in the first part of the Tower with the rails.

==The Final Shadow Pokémon==
==The Final Shadow Pokémon==
Once you have seemingly every Pokémon you'll start getting tons of e-mails. It'll lead you to the Outskirt Sands, where one last trainer is...
Once you have seemingly every Pokémon you'll start getting tons of e-mails. It'll lead you to the Outskirt Sands, where one last Trainer is...

'''Shady Guy [your name]'''<br>
'''Shady Guy [your name]'''<br>
[[Image:348.png]] Level 68 Armaldo<br>
[[Image:350.png]] Level 68 Milotic<br>
[[Image:310.png]] Level 68 Manectric<br>
[[Image:229.png]] Level 68 Houndoom<br>
[[Image:130.png]] Level 68 Gyarados<br>
[[Image:176.png]] Level 20 '''Shadow''' Togetic

Upon defeating him, he'll reveal he's the Cipher Peon Fein, master of disguises. You should now try to purify every last Shadow Pokémon and complete the game entirely.
|color={{colo color dark}}
|headcolor={{shadow color light}}
|bordercolor={{colo color light}}
|sprite=Colo Fein.png{{!}}80px
|prize={{PDollar}}{{tt|2,720|1,360 if Togetic was in the last slot of the party}}
|class=Shady Guy
|location=Outskirt Stand
|ability=Battle Armor
|move1=Aerial Ace|move1type=Flying
|move2=Rock Blast|move2type=Rock
|ability=Marvel Scale
|move1=Hydro Pump|move1type=Water
|move2=Ice Beam|move2type=Ice
|move1=Thunder Wave|move1type=Electric
{{Party/Div|color={{colo color dark}}}}
|ability=Early Bird
|move4=Hydro Pump|move4type=Water}}
|ability=Hustle|ability2=Serene Grace
|move1=Shadow Rush|move1type=Shadow
|move3=Sweet Kiss|move3type=Normal
Upon defeating him, he'll reveal he's the Cipher Peon Fein, master of disguises. Your next goal should be to purify all remaining Shadow Pokémon in the game. After doing so, one final challenge remains.
{{p|Ho-Oh}} can be acquired by obtaining a 100-win streak in Battle Mode (either Single or Double Battle) with your Story Mode party after purifying all 48 [[Shadow Pokémon]] in Story Mode. Ho-Oh will then be placed in an open spot in the PC's Pokémon Storage.
balllink=Poké Ball (item)|
nnote={{tt|*|The name depends on which language it was obtained in}}|
type2=Fire|move2=Fire Blast|
type3=Fire|move3=Sunny Day|
country=all regions|
Congratulations, you have completed Pokémon Colosseum!
|gamename=Pokémon Colosseum
|prevname=Realgam Tower, Nascour, Evice
{{Project Walkthroughs notice}}

*[[Appendix:Pokémon Colosseum walkthrough|Main]]
[[Category:Pokémon Colosseum walkthrough|C09]]
*[[Appendix:Pokémon Colosseum walkthrough/8|Previous]]

Latest revision as of 19:00, 8 July 2024

Finding Johto First Partner Evolution 2

You start in the Outskirt Sands. You'll get an e-mail. Head to the Under and talk to Nett. Go to Pyrite Town and talk to a kid behind the bookcase. It says that Cail fought a Pokémon Trainer with a Shadow Pokémon. Talk to Cail who will battle you. If you didn't snag his Furret he'll have it. After you battle him, he says it's in the Snagem Hideout, which is now on the map. Head there.

Up to six Pokémon Trainers with Shadow Pokémon that you failed to capture will appear. They won't let you by until you've snagged all their Pokémon. This includes Skrub with Hitmontop and many other minor Peons.

Why are you here? You're looking for one of the other second-stage Shadow first partner Pokémon evolutions.

All Trainers here don't have Shadow Pokémon and are optional. Search the base until you find him. He's below a Snag Machine.

Cipher Peon Verde/Rosso/Bluno
Level 53 Sharpedo (Verde only)
Level 53 Breloom (Rosso only)
Level 53 Camerupt (Bluno only)
Level 54 Grumpig
Level 51 Muk
Level 30 Shadow Bayleef (Verde only)
Level 30 Shadow Quilava (Rosso only)
Level 30 Shadow Croconaw (Bluno only)

Snag the first partner evolution he has and leave the base. Next up is the last one.

Finding Johto First Partner Evolution 3

You'll get an e-mail from Nett, so go to The Under and talk to him. Nett will tell you that a guy named Gurks has more information about shadow Pokémon. Gurks is located on the second floor of the junk shop, on the outside balcony. Gurks tells you he battled a colored peon in The Under, but don't bother looking for him there. Instead just go to the Shadow Pokemon Lab. You'll get an e-mail telling you that the colored peon is inside.

This one is simple. The third Johto first partner evolution is where Ein was. Just look through the Shadow Pokémon Lab part of the walkthrough. It's the same guy essentially, just a different Shadow Pokémon.

Cipher Peon Verde/Rosso/Bluno
Level 53 Sharpedo (Verde only)
Level 53 Breloom (Rosso only)
Level 53 Camerupt (Bluno only)
Level 54 Grumpig
Level 51 Muk
Level 30 Shadow Bayleef (Verde only)
Level 30 Shadow Quilava (Rosso only)
Level 30 Shadow Croconaw (Bluno only)

Finding Smeargle and Ursaring

Back in Snagem Hideout are two Trainers with Shadow Pokémon that weren't anywhere before. You'll find them.

Team Snagem Biden
Level 50 Smeargle
Level 50 Smeargle
Level 51 Smeargle
Level 45 Shadow Smeargle

Team Snagem Agrev
Level 50 Shiftry
Level 55 Marshtomp
Level 52 Machoke
Level 45 Shadow Ursaring

Gonzap and Deep Colosseum

Throughout the Snagem Hideout with Smeargle and Ursaring now are a bunch of Trainers who have Shadow Pokémon you missed. And deep inside is Gonzap with his Skarmory, provided you didn't catch it.

You get a D-Disk for beating him. If you enter it into the UFO in The Under, you can go down. This will take you to Deep Colosseum, where 20 opponents are: 15 miscellaneous, 4 Cipher Admins, and the fabled Deep King.

Hunter Dewig
Level 60 Nuzleaf
Level 61 Tropius
Level 60 Zangoose

Bodybuilder Palen
Level 61 Vigoroth
Level 61 Typhlosion
Level 62 Hariyama

Worker Toway
Level 62 Girafarig
Level 63 Ledian
Level 62 Houndour
Level 62 Dodrio

St. Performer Regol
Level 61 Jumpluff
Level 60 Sneasel
Level 60 Electrode

Fun Old Man Gorbel
Level 62 Delibird
Level 61 Marshtomp
Level 61 Walrein

Bandana Guy Lobert
Level 62 Azumarill
Level 62 Xatu
Level 63 Linoone
Level 62 Medicham

Bodybuilder Varug
Level 60 Machop
Level 61 Ursaring
Level 60 Machoke

Rider Shatol
Level 62 Wigglytuff
Level 61 Graveler
Level 63 Wailmer
Level 61 Donphan

Researcher Zogo
Level 62 Spinda
Level 62 Delcatty
Level 62 Granbull

Chaser Drook
Level 60 Nuzleaf
Level 61 Jumpluff
Level 60 Volbeat
Level 60 Beautifly

Roller Boy Dult
Level 60 Lanturn
Level 60 Lairon
Level 61 Octillery
Level 61 Exploud

Hunter Ophel
Level 63 Marshtomp
Level 62 Swellow
Level 62 Crawdaunt

Rider Nelon
Level 64 Nincada
Level 63 Shuppet
Level 63 Horsea

Athlete Lorge
Level 64 Kadabra
Level 65 Kecleon
Level 64 Misdreavus
Level 65 Seadra

Hunter Grons
Level 67 Relicanth
Level 68 Murkrow
Level 66 Mawile

Rematching Realgam Tower Trainers

Simply head back to where they were in Realgam Tower. You can reface all six Trainers atop it as well, including Nascour and Evice. You can't rematch the three Cipher Peons who had Shadow Pokémon in the first part of the Tower with the rails.

The Final Shadow Pokémon

Once you have seemingly every Pokémon you'll start getting tons of e-mails. It'll lead you to the Outskirt Sands, where one last Trainer is...

Shady Guy [your name]

Upon defeating him, he'll reveal he's the Cipher Peon Fein, master of disguises. Your next goal should be to purify all remaining Shadow Pokémon in the game. After doing so, one final challenge remains.


Ho-Oh can be acquired by obtaining a 100-win streak in Battle Mode (either Single or Double Battle) with your Story Mode party after purifying all 48 Shadow Pokémon in Story Mode. Ho-Oh will then be placed in an open spot in the PC's Pokémon Storage.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
HO-OH* Dex No. 0250 Random nature. Normal Recover None
Lv70 Type Met in a fateful encounter when Fire Fire Blast
Fire Flying at Lv 70. Fire Sunny Day
OT MATTLE   Normal Swift
ID No. 10048 There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in all regions.
Item Ability
None None Pressure
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: R S FR LG E
Obtained from: Colo XD Box Chn Distribution

Congratulations, you have completed Pokémon Colosseum!

← Part 8 Realgam Tower, Nascour, Evice
Pokémon Colosseum

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.