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| 8888 8888888
| | '''Public information''' is information related to a [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]] match that is readily accessible by either player at any time (as long as such requests are not used for stalling). Public information includes: |
| 888888888888888888888888
| | |
| 8888:::8888888888888888888888888
| | *All cards in play: |
| 8888::::::8888888888888888888888888888
| | **{{TCG|Pokémon}} (including any [[evolution]]ary stages underneath) |
| 88::::::::888:::8888888888888888888888888
| | **{{TCG|Energy card}}s |
| 88888888::::8:::::::::::88888888888888888888
| | **{{TCG|Trainer card}}s (including [[Supporter card (TCG)|Supporters]], [[Stadium card (TCG)|Stadiums]], [[Pokémon Tool card (TCG)|Tools]], and any regular Trainers in play) |
| 888 8::888888::::::::::::::::::88888888888 888
| | *The cards in each player's discard pile. |
| 88::::88888888::::m::::::::::88888888888 8
| | *The number of cards in a player's hand, deck or remaining Prize cards |
| 888888888888888888:M:::::::::::8888888888888
| | |
| 88888888888888888888::::::::::::M88888888888888
| | This becomes particularly relevant when cards like {{TCG|Cedric Juniper}} and {{TCG|Blaine's Quiz 3}} sre played. These cards ask the opponent to guess a property of an unknown card. When these cards are played, the opponent can freely access any public information, which may provide hints to the property of the unknown card.<ref>[https://compendium.pokegym.net/ruling/961/ Compendium ruling], Compendium VMAX, Team Compendium</ref> This is even easier if a different copy of the card happens to be visible. For cards that specifically reference [[List of Pokémon by height|height or length]], like {{TCG|Blaine's Quiz 1}}, a correct guess can be all but guaranteed if a second copy of the card is available for reference. |
| 8888888888888888888888:::::::::M8888888888888888
| | |
| 8888888888888888888888:::::::M888888888888888888
| | ==References== |
| 8888888888888888::88888::::::M88888888888888888888
| | <references/> |
| 88888888888888888:::88888:::::M888888888888888 8888
| | |
| 88888888888888888:::88888::::M::;o*M*o;888888888 88
| | [[Category:Pokémon Trading Card Game mechanics]] |
| 88888888888888888:::8888:::::M:::::::::::88888888 8
| |
| 88888888888888888::::88::::::M:;:::::::::::888888888
| |
| 8888888888888888888:::8::::::M::aAa::::::::M8888888888 8
| |
| 88 8888888888::88::::8::::M:::::::::::::888888888888888 8888
| |
| 88 88888888888:::8:::::::::M::::::::::;::88:88888888888888888
| |
| 8 8888888888888:::::::::::M::"@@@@@@@"::::8w8888888888888888
| |
| 88888888888:888::::::::::M:::::"@a@":::::M8i888888888888888
| |
| 8888888888::::88:::::::::M88:::::::::::::M88z88888888888888888
| |
| 8888888888:::::8:::::::::M88888:::::::::MM888!888888888888888888
| |
| 888888888:::::8:::::::::M8888888MAmmmAMVMM888*88888888 88888888
| |
| 888888 M:::::::::::::::M888888888:::::::MM88888888888888 8888888
| |
| 8888 M::::::::::::::M88888888888::::::MM888888888888888 88888
| |
| 888 M:::::::::::::M8888888888888M:::::mM888888888888888 8888
| |
| 888 M::::::::::::M8888:888888888888::::m::Mm88888 888888 8888
| |
| 88 M::::::::::::8888:88888888888888888::::::Mm8 88888 888
| |
| 88 M::::::::::8888M::88888::888888888888:::::::Mm88888 88
| |
| 8 MM::::::::8888M:::8888:::::888888888888::::::::Mm8 4
| |
| 8M:::::::8888M:::::888:::::::88:::8888888::::::::Mm 2
| |
| 88MM:::::8888M:::::::88::::::::8:::::888888:::M:::::M
| |
| 8888M:::::888MM::::::::8:::::::::::M::::8888::::M::::M
| |
| 88888M:::::88:M::::::::::8:::::::::::M:::8888::::::M::M
| |
| 88 888MM:::888:M:::::::::::::::::::::::M:8888:::::::::M:
| |
| 8 88888M:::88::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MM:88::::::::::::M
| |
| 88888M:::88::M::::::::::*88*::::::::::M:88::::::::::::::M
| |
| 888888M:::88::M:::::::::88@@88:::::::::M::88::::::::::::::M
| |
| 888888MM::88::MM::::::::88@@88:::::::::M:::8::::::::::::::*8
| |
| 88888 M:::8::MM:::::::::*88*::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::88@@
| |
| 8888 MM::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::::::::::::88@@
| |
| 888 M:::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::MM::M::::::::::::::::*8
| |
| 888 MM:::::::MMM::::::::::::::::MM:::MM:::::::::::::::M
| |
| 88 M::::::::MMMM:::::::::::MMMM:::::MM::::::::::::MM
| |
| 88 MM:::::::::MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM::::::::MMM::::::::MMM
| |
| 88 MM::::::::::::MMMMMMM::::::::::::::MMMMMMMMMM
| |
| 88 8MM::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMMMMM
| |
| 8 88MM::::::::::::::::::::::M:::M::::::::MM
| |
| 888MM::::::::::::::::::MM::::::MM::::::MM
| |
| 88888MM:::::::::::::::MMM:::::::mM:::::MM
| |
| 888888MM:::::::::::::MMM:::::::::MMM:::M
| |
| 88888888MM:::::::::::MMM:::::::::::MM:::M
| |
| 88 8888888M:::::::::MMM::::::::::::::M:::M
| |
| 8 888888 M:::::::MM:::::::::::::::::M:::M:
| |
| 888888 M::::::M:::::::::::::::::::M:::MM
| |
| 888888 M:::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::M:M
| |
| 888888 M:::::M:::::::::@::::::::::::::M::M
| |
| 88888 M::::::::::::::@@:::::::::::::::M::M
| |
| 88888 M::::::::::::::@@@::::::::::::::::M::M
| |
| 88888 M:::::::::::::::@@::::::::::::::::::M::M
| |
| 88888 M:::::m::::::::::@::::::::::Mm:::::::M:::M
| |
| 8888 M:::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::M:::M
| |
| 8888 M:::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MMM::::::::M:::M
| |
| 888 M:::::Mm::::::::::::::::::::::MMM:::::::::M::::M
| |
| 8888 MM::::Mm:::::::::::::::::::::MMMM:::::::::m::m:::M
| |
| 888 M:::::M::::::::::::::::::::MMM::::::::::::M::mm:::M
| |
| 8888 MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::::::::mM::MM:::M:
| |
| M:::::::::::::::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::mM::MM:::Mm
| |
| MM::::::m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M::MM:::MM
| |
| M::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M::M:::MM
| |
| MM:::::::::M:::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::M:M:::MM
| |
| M:::::::::::M88:::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MM::MMM
| |
| M::::::::::::8888888888M::::::::::::::::::::::::MM::MM
| |
| M:::::::::::::88888888M:::::::::::::::::::::::::M::MM
| |
| M::::::::::::::888888M:::::::::::::::::::::::::M::MM
| |
| M:::::::::::::::88888M:::::::::::::::::::::::::M:MM
| |
| M:::::::::::::::::88M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| M:::::::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM:::::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| M:::::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM:::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| M:::::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM:::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| M:::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM:::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| M:::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM:::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| M:::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM:::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM:::::M:::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM::::M::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM:::M::::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
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| |
| MM:M:::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MMM::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM::::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| M:::::::::::::::::MMM
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| MM::::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM:::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MM::::M:::::::::MMM:
| |
| mMM::::MM:::::::MMMM
| |
| MMM:::::::::::MMM:M
| |
| mMM:::M:::::::M:M:M
| |
| MM::MMMM:::::::M:M
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| MM::MMM::::::::M:M
| |
| mMM::MM::::::::M:M
| |
| MM::MM:::::::::M:M
| |
| MM::MM::::::::::M:m
| |
| MM:::M:::::::::::MM
| |
| MMM:::::::::::::::M:
| |
| MMM:::::::::::::::M:
| |
| MMM::::::::::::::::M
| |
| MMM::::::::::::::::M
| |
| MMM::::::::::::::::Mm
| |
| MM::::::::::::::::MM
| |
| MMM:::::::::::::::MM
| |
| MMM:::::::::::::::MM
| |
| MMM:::::::::::::::MM
| |
| MMM:::::::::::::::MM
| |
| MM::::::::::::::MMM
| |
| MMM:::::::::::::MM
| |
| MMM:::::::::::::MM
| |
| MMM::::::::::::MM
| |
| MM::::::::::::MM
| |
| MM::::::::::::MM
| |
| MM:::::::::::MM
| |
| MMM::::::::::MM
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| MMM::::::::::MM
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| MM:::::::::MM
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| MMM::::::MM
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| |
| MM:::::MM
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| MM:::::MM:
| |
| MM:::::M:M
| |
| MM:::::M:M
| |
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| |
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| |
| M:::M::::::M
| |
| M::::M::::::M
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| M:::::M:::::::M
| |
| M::::::MM:::::::M
| |
| M:::::::M::::::::M
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| M;:;::::M:::::::::M
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| M:m:;:::M::::::::::M
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| MM:m:m::M::::::::;:M
| |
| MM:m::MM:::::::;:;M
| |
| MM::MMM::::::;:m:M
| |
| MMMM MM::::m:m:MM
| |
| MM::::m:MM
| |
| MM::::MM
| |
| MM::MM
| |
Public information is information related to a Pokémon Trading Card Game match that is readily accessible by either player at any time (as long as such requests are not used for stalling). Public information includes:
- All cards in play:
- The cards in each player's discard pile.
- The number of cards in a player's hand, deck or remaining Prize cards
This becomes particularly relevant when cards like Cedric Juniper and Blaine's Quiz 3 sre played. These cards ask the opponent to guess a property of an unknown card. When these cards are played, the opponent can freely access any public information, which may provide hints to the property of the unknown card.[1] This is even easier if a different copy of the card happens to be visible. For cards that specifically reference height or length, like Blaine's Quiz 1, a correct guess can be all but guaranteed if a second copy of the card is available for reference.