Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 7: Difference between revisions

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(43 intermediate revisions by 17 users not shown)
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<<center> ''This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for {{game|Gold and Silver|s}}. This walkthrough follows the original [[Game Boy Color]] version, '''not''' {{game|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s}}.  <br>The guide for those can be found '''[[Appendix:HeartGold and SoulSilver walkthrough|here]].''''' </center>
==Route 35==
[[File:Johto Route 35 GSC.png|thumb|Route 35]]

{{rt|35|Johto}} is a short, pleasant path that leads northward from [[Goldenrod City]]. The main road leads to the [[National Park]], while a smaller trail acts as a shortcut to {{rt|36|Johto}}.

{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
== Route 35 ==
|- align="center"
! Trainers
[[Image:Route 35.png|thumb|right|Route 35]]
The guard in the guardhouse has a favor to ask.  Take his {{p|Spearow}} and its piece of [[mail]] to the man by the pond on {{rt|31}}, and the man will reward you with {{TM|50|Nightmare}}.  Return here and speak to the guard again, and he will give you an {{DL|Vitamin|HP Up}}.<br>
{{rt|35}} is a small path leading from {{ci|Goldenrod}} to the [[National Park]]. Trainers with a Pokémon that can {{m|cut}} down the tree blocking the narrow trail and bypass the park altogether on their way to [[Ecruteak City]].  Don't forget to grab {{TM|04|Rollout}} behind the fence!
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Picnicker.png|Picnicker|Kim|300|1|037|Vulpix||15|None}}
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{johto color light}}; width: 50%}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Camper.png|Camper|Elliot|300|2|027|Sandshrew||13|None|183|Marill|♂|15|None}}
|- style="background: #{{johto color}};"
! Name
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Picnicker.png|Picnicker|Brooke|320|1|025|Pikachu|♀|16|None}}
! Pokémon
! Winnings
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Camper.png|Camper|Ivan|280|3|050|Diglett|♂|10|None|041|Zubat|♂|10|None|050|Diglett|♂|14|None}}
| [[Picnicker]] Kim
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Juggler.png|Juggler|Irwin|560|4|100|Voltorb||2|None|100|Voltorb||6|None|100|Voltorb||10|None|100|Voltorb||14|None|38=phone}}
| Lv 15 Vulpix
| {{pdollar}}300
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Firebreather.png|Firebreather|Walt|624|2|126|Magmar|♂|11|None|126|Magmar|♂|13|None}}
| [[Camper]] Elliot
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Officer.png|Officer|Dirk|560<br><small>[[Time#Times of day|Night]] only</small>|2|058|Growlithe|♂|14|None|058|Growlithe|♂|14|None}}
| Lv 13 Sandshrew, Lv 15 Marill
| {{pdollar}}300
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Bug Catcher.png|Bug Catcher|Arnie|240|1|048|Venonat|♂|15|None|38=phone}}
| Picnicker Brooke
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Bird Keeper.png|Bird Keeper|Bryan|336|2|016|Pidgey|♂|12|None|017|Pidgeotto|♂|14|None}}
| Lv 16 Pikachu
| {{pdollar}}320
| Camper Ivan
| Lv 10 Diglett, Lv 10 Zubat, Lv 14 Diglett
| {{pdollar}}280
| [[Juggler]] Irwin
| Lv 2 Voltorb, Lv 6 Voltorb, Lv 10 Voltorb, <br> Lv 14 Voltorb
| {{pdollar}}560
| [[Firebreather]] Walt
| Lv 11 Magmar, Lv 13 Magmar
| {{pdollar}}624
| [[Bug Catcher]] Arnie{{tt|*|Trade phone numbers for Yanma swarm alerts}}
| Lv 15 Venonat
| {{pdollar}}240
| [[Bird Keeper]] Bryan
| Lv 12 Pidgey, Lv 14 Pidgeotto
| {{pdollar}}336
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{gold color light}}; width: 30%}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- style="background: #{{gold color}};"
|- align="center"
! Pokémon
! Available Pokémon
! Time of day, Encounter rate
| Nidoran♀
| All times, 30%
| Nidoran♂
| All times, 30%
| Abra
| All times, 10%
| Drowzee
| All times, 20%
{{Catch/entry2|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|10|all=85%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry2|060|Poliwag|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|10|all=15%|type1=Water}}
| Ditto
{{Catch/div|land|{{color2|000|Headbutt tree}}<br><small>(Moderate chances of battle)</small>}}
| All times, 4%
| {{p|Yanma}}
| All times, 1%
| Poliwag
| All times, {{tt|15%|Old Rod}}
{{Catch/div|land|{{color2|000|Headbutt tree}}<br><small>(Low chances of battle)</small>}}
| Magikarp
| All times, {{tt|85%|Old Rod}}
| Pidgey
| Morning 5%, Day 5%
| Hoothoot
{{Catch/div|land|During a Yanma swarm}}
| Night 5%
{{Catch/div|land|Gift Pokémon}}
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{silver color light}}; width: 30%}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- style="background: #{{silver color}};"
|- align="center"
! Pokémon
! Items
! Time of day, Encounter rate
| Nidoran♀
| All times, 30%
{{Itemlist|None|Held by Kenya, a {{p|Spearow}} received from [[Webster (Johto)|the guard]] in the southern gate|G=yes|S=yes|display=[[Flower Mail]]}}
{{Itemlist|TM Rock|West of the tall grass, in a corner of the grove of trees|G=yes|S=yes|display={{TM|04|Rollout}}}}
| Nidoran♂
{{catch/div|land|Later visit}}
| All times, 30%
{{Itemlist|HP Up|From the guard in the southern gate, after delivering his Spearow with its Mail to {{rt|31|Johto}}|G=yes|S=yes}}
{{Itemlist|None|West of the pond, on a tree (daily; requires {{m|Surf}})|G=yes|S=yes|display=[[MysteryBerry]]}}
| Abra
| All times, 10%
| Drowzee
| All times, 20%
| Ditto
| All times, 4%
| {{p|Yanma}}
| All times, 1%
| Poliwag
| All times, {{tt|15%|Old Rod}}
| Magikarp
| All times, {{tt|85%|Old Rod}}
| Pidgey
| Morning 5%, Day 5%
| Hoothoot
| Night 5%

=== The National Park ===
===Mail Delivery===
[[Image:NationalPark.png|thumb|left|National Park]]
Speak to {{jo|Webster|the guard}} in the southern gate, and he asks for a favor. Deliver his {{p|Spearow}}, named Kenya, and the piece of [[Mail]] it holds to his friend on {{rt|31|Johto}}. It is intended for the man dozing near the pond there. Complete the delivery, and he wakes up just long enough to give you {{TM|50|Nightmare}}. Return here and speak to the guard afterward to receive an [[HP Up]] as a reward.
===Attack of the Dragonflies!===
The [[National Park]], slightly similar to the {{ka|Safari Zone}} in Kanto, is a haven for {{t|Bug}}- and {{t|Grass}}-types.  However, the park is much smaller and has less of a variety of rare Pokémon. Trainers visiting on [[Days of the week|Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday]] may participate in the [[Bug-Catching Contest]].
Defeat Bug Catcher Arnie near the {{m|Cut|thin tree}} in the northeast, then be sure to trade phone numbers with him. He will call occasionally to alert you about a {{DL|Mass outbreak|Generation II|swarm}} of a certain Pokémon species. {{p|Yanma}} are usually difficult to find, but will be more likely to appear along {{rt|35|Johto}} for a short time. The swarm only lasts until midnight, so be quick!

Entering from the south, walk east and speak to the woman on a bench with her {{p|Persian}}.  She will give you a {{DL|In-battle effect item|Quick Claw}}, a held item that allows slower Pokémon to sometimes attack first. Near the eastern entrance is a break in the fence; walk to the right for a Parlyz Heal, and go left around the main area of the park to find {{TM|28|Dig}} near the south entrance.  Backtrack to the hole in the fence and leave through the east exit to {{rt|36}}.
==National Park==
[[File:National Park GS.png|thumb|National Park]]

The [[National Park]] is a beautiful recreational space between {{rt|35|Johto}} to the south and {{rt|36|Johto}} to the east. A haven for {{t|Bug}} and {{t|Grass}} Pokémon, a [[Bug-Catching Contest]] is held here every [[Days of the week|Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday]].

{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{johto color light}}; width: 50%}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- style="background: #{{johto color}};"
|- align="center"
! Name
! Trainers
! Pokémon
! Winnings
| [[PokéFan]] Beverly
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Pokéfan F.png|Pokéfan|Beverly|1120|1|209|Snubbull|♀|14|Berry|38=phone}}
| Lv 14 Snubbull
| {{pdollar}}1120
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Pokéfan M.png|Pokéfan|William|1120|1|026|Raichu|♂|14|Berry}}
| [[Lass]] Krise
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Schoolboy.png|Schoolboy|Jack|480|2|043|Oddish|♂|12|None|100|Voltorb||15|None|38=phone}}
| Lv 12 Oddish, Lv 15 Cubone
| {{pdollar}}360
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Lass.png|Lass|Krise|360|2|043|Oddish|♀|12|None|104|Cubone|♀|15|None}}
| PokéFan William
| Lv 14 Raichu
| {{pdollar}}1120
| [[Schoolboy]] Jack
| Lv 12 Oddish, Lv 15 Voltorb
| {{pdollar}}480
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{gold color light}}; width: 30%}}
|- align="center"
|- style="background: #{{gold color}};"
! Available Pokémon
! Pokémon
! Time of day, Encounter rate
| Caterpie
| Morning 50%, Day 30%
| Metapod
| Morning 30%, Day 30%
| Pidgey
| Morning 20%, Day 15%
| {{p|Sunkern}}
| Day 25%
{{Catch/div|land|Bug-Catching Contest}}
| {{p|Hoothoot}}
| Night 100%
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{silver color light}}; width: 30%}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- style="background: #{{silver color}};"
|- align="center"
! Pokémon
! Items
! Time of day, Encounter rate
| Weedle
| Morning 50%, Day 30%
{{Itemlist|Quick Claw|Southeast area, from a woman sitting with her {{p|Persian}}|G=yes|S=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Paralyze Heal|Outside the fence, north of the eastern gate|G=yes|S=yes|display=[[Paralyze Heal|Parlyz Heal]]}}
| Kakuna
{{Itemlist|TM Ground|Outside the fence, end of the tree-lined path in the southwest|G=yes|S=yes|display={{TM|28|Dig}}}}
| Morning 30%, Day 30%
{{Itemlist|Full Heal|Outside the fence, end of narrow path northwest of the southern gate ''(hidden)''|G=yes|S=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Sport Ball|Loaned for use in the Bug-Catching Contest; leftovers are returned when the game ends|G=yes|S=yes|display=[[Sport Ball|Park Ball]] ×20}}
| Pidgey
| Morning 20%, Day 15%
| {{p|Sunkern}}
| Day 25%
| {{p|Hoothoot}}
| Night 100%

==== Bug-Catching Contest ====
====Bug-Catching Contest====
There is no entry fee for the [[Bug-Catching Contest]]. Anyone may enter once per day, every [[Days of the week|Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday]].
To compete, Trainers must catch the single best {{type|Bug}} Pokémon they can find. To do this, Trainers are given 20 [[Sport Ball|Park Balls]] and are only allowed to use a single Pokémon from their party. The others remain with the contest officials until the competition is over. Any Pokémon caught will be recorded in the Pokédex, but only one Pokémon may be kept to be judged. The Pokémon selected to be judged may be kept after the competition.

The contest is free to enter, and the objective is to [[Caught Pokémon|catch]] the one best {{t|Bug}}-type Pokémon you can find.  Trainers are given 20 {{DL|Poké Ball|Generation II Poké Balls|Park Balls}} and allowed to use a single Pokémon from their [[party]].  The rest of a Trainer's party Pokémon are held temporarily until the competition is over.  Any Pokémon caught during the contest will be recorded by the [[Pokédex]], though only one can be kept to be judged. The {{t|Bug}}-type that was judged may be kept after the competition.
The competition ends when 20 minutes have passed, all [[Sport Ball|Park Balls]] have been used, or the Trainer [[Black out|blacks out]], leaves the park, or chooses to quit. After that, the judging will occur, in which Trainers are scored on their skills of capturing rare and powerful Pokémon.

{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{bug color light}}; width: 25%}}
|- style="background: #{{bug color}};"
{| class="roundy" style="text-align: center; margin: auto; background: #{{bug color}}; border: 2px solid #{{bug color dark}}" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4"
! Pokémon
! style="background: #{{bug color light}}; {{roundytl|5px}};" | Place
! Encounter rate
! style="background: #{{bug color light}}; {{roundytr|5px}}" | Prize
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| style="background: #{{gold color light}}" | 1st || {{bag2|Sun Stone}}
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| style="background: #{{silver color light}}" | 2nd || {{bag2|Everstone}}
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| style="background: #{{bronze color light}}" | 3rd || [[Gold Berry]]
| Caterpie
| style="background: #{{white 2 color light}}; {{roundybl|5px}}" | Runner-Up
| 20%
| style="background: #FFF; {{roundybr|5px}};" | {{i|Berry}}
| Metapod
| 10%
| Butterfree
| 5%
| Weedle
| 20%
| Kakuna
| 10%
| Beedrill
| 5%
| Paras
| 10%
| Venonat
| 10%
| Scyther
| 5%
| Pinsir
| 5%

== Route 36 ==
==Route 36==
[[File:Johto Route 36 GS.png|thumb|400px|Route 36]]

[[Image:Route 36.png|thumb|right|400px|Route 36]]
{{rt|36|Johto}} is a densely wooded path that branches off in several directions. It connects the [[National Park]] and {{rt|35|Johto}} in the west with the [[Ruins of Alph]] to the south, [[Violet City]] to the east, and {{rt|37|Johto}} to the north.
Leaving from the [[National Park]] guardhouse, check the Berry tree nearby for an {{DL|Berry|Generation II 2|Ice Berry}}.  Battle past the two Trainers and you will come to a T-intersection, with the weird tree blocking the narrow trail.  Try watering it with the {{DL|List of key items in Generation II|Squirtbottle}} and it will attack!  It turns out to be a {{p|Sudowoodo}}, a Pokémon that has more in common with a {{t|rock}} than a {{t|Grass|tree}}.  After battling the Sudowoodo, head to the right and talk to the man nearby.  That "{{p|Sudowoodo|wretched tree}}" wasn't very popular, and for clearing it out, he gives you {{TM|08|Rock Smash}}. <br>
Now head northwest to {{rt|37}}.

{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{johto color light}}; width: 50%}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- style="background: #{{johto color}};"
|- align="center"
! Name
! Trainers
! Pokémon
! Winnings
| [[Psychic]] Mark
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Psychic.png|Psychic|Mark|544|3|063|Abra|♂|13|None|063|Abra|♂|13|None|064|Kadabra|♂|15|None}}
| Lv 13 Abra, Lv 13 Abra, Lv 15 Kadabra
| {{pdollar}}480
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Schoolboy.png|Schoolboy|Alan|512|1|114|Tangela|♂|16|None|38=phone}}
| [[Schoolboy]] Alan
| Lv 16 Tangela
| {{pdollar}}512
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{gold color light}}; width: 30%}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- style="background: #{{gold color}};"
|- align="center"
! Pokémon
! Available Pokémon
! Time of day, Encounter rate
| Nidoran♀
| All times, 30%
| Nidoran♂
| All times, 30%
| {{p|Sudowoodo}}
| Only one
| {{p|Stantler}}
| All times, 5%
{{Catch/div|land|{{color2|000|Headbutt tree}}<br><small>(Moderate chances of battle)</small>}}
| Pidgey
| Morning 25%, Day 20%
| Growlithe
| Morning 10%, Day 15%, Night 10%
| Hoothoot
| Night 25%
{{Catch/div|land|{{color2|000|Headbutt tree}}<br><small>(Low chances of battle)</small>}}
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{silver color light}}; width: 30%}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- style="background: #{{silver color}};"
|- align="center"
! Pokémon
! Items
! Time of day, Encounter rate
| Nidoran♀
| All times, 30%
{{Itemlist|None|Northeast of the National Park gate, on a tree (daily)|G=yes|S=yes|display=[[Ice Berry]]}}
{{Itemlist|TM Fighting|From the man to the east of {{p|Sudowoodo}}'s location, after removing it|G=yes|S=yes|display={{TM|08|Rock Smash}}}}
| Nidoran♂
{{Itemlist|Hard Stone|Northeast area; from Arthur{{dotw|Th}}|G=yes|S=yes}}
| All times, 30%
| {{p|Sudowoodo}}
| Only one
| {{p|Stantler}}
| All times, 5%
| Pidgey
| Morning 25%, Day 20%
| Vulpix
| Morning 10%, Day 15%, Night 10%
| Hoothoot
| Night 25%

=== Later... ===
===An Inconvenient Tree===
The odd tree mentioned by the women in [[Goldenrod City]]'s flower shop can be found in the middle of the route, blocking travel from every direction. Despite its tree-like appearance, this oddity actually tries to avoid water. Use the [[Squirt Bottle|SquirtBottle]] to splash a bit of water on it, and it attacks! It turns out to be a {{p|Sudowoodo}}, a rare Pokémon that is more similar to a rock than a tree.
====VS Sudowoodo====
{| style="margin: auto;"
|move1=Rock Throw|move1type=Rock
|move4=Low Kick|move4type=Fighting}}

Return here on a Thursday, and [[Week Siblings|Arthur]] will be standing near the {{m|Rock Smash}} guy.  He hands out a {{DL|Type-enhancing held item|Hard Stone}} to Trainers, an item that strengthens {{t|Rock}}-type moves.

Once the path is clear, speak with the man to the east to receive {{TM|08|Rock Smash}} as thanks dealing with the troublesome Pokémon.

== Route 37 ==
==Route 37==
[[File:Johto Route 37 GSC.png|thumb|Route 37]]

[[Image:Route 37.png|thumb|left|Route 37]]
{{rt|37|Johto}} is a short road that leads north from {{rt|36|Johto}} to [[Ecruteak City]]. A secluded grove of [[Apricorn]] trees stands on the east side.
{{rt|37}} is the smallest route in all of Johto, but that doesn't mean that there's nothing of interest here! <br>
Besides a few Trainers, this route is also home to a group of [[Apricorn]] trees. The secluded grove produces [[Apricorn|Red, Blu, and Blk Apricorns]], which [[Kurt]] can use to create a Level Ball, Lure Ball, and Heavy Ball. <br>
Continue north to [[Ecruteak City]].

{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{johto color light}}; width: 50%}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- style="background: #{{johto color}};"
|- align="center"
! Name
! Trainers
! Pokémon
! Winnings
| [[Twins]] Ann & Anne
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Twins.png|Twins|Ann & Anne|320|2|035|Clefairy|♀|16|None|039|Jigglypuff|♀|16|None}}
| Lv 16 Clefairy, Lv 16 Jigglypuff
| {{pdollar}}320
{{Trainerentry|Spr GS Psychic.png|Psychic|Greg|544|1|096|Drowzee|♂|17|None}}
| [[Psychic]] Greg
| Lv 17 Drowzee
| {{pdollar}}544
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{gold color light}}; width: 30%}}
|- align="center"
|- style="background: #{{gold color}};"
! Available Pokémon
! Pokémon
! Time of day, Encounter rate
| {{p|Stantler}}
| All times, 30%
| Pidgey
| Morning 60%, Day 50%
| Pidgeotto
| Day 5%
| Growlithe
| Morning 10%, Day 15%, Night 10%
| Hoothoot
| Night 20%
{{Catch/div|land|{{color2|000|Headbutt tree}}<br><small>(Moderate chances of battle)</small>}}
| Spinarak
| Night 40%
{{Catch/div|land|{{color2|000|Headbutt tree}}<br><small>(Low chances of battle)</small>}}
{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{silver color light}}; width: 30%}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- style="background: #{{silver color}};"
|- align="center"
! Pokémon
! Items
! Time of day, Encounter rate
| {{p|Stantler}}
| All times, 30%
{{Itemlist|Red Apricorn|Eastern grove, on the northwest tree (daily)|G=yes|S=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Blue Apricorn|Eastern grove, on the northeast tree (daily)|G=yes|S=yes|display=[[Blue Apricorn|Blu Apricorn]]}}
| Pidgey
{{Itemlist|Black Apricorn|Eastern grove, on the southern tree (daily)|G=yes|S=yes|display=[[Black Apricorn|Blk Apricorn]]}}
| Morning 20%, Day 50%
{{Itemlist|Ether|Northwest of the sign outside Ecruteak City ''(hidden)''|G=yes|S=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Magnet|East side; from [[Week Siblings|Sunny]]{{dotw|Su}}|G=yes|S=yes}}
| Pidgeotto
| Day 5%
| Vulpix
| Morning 10%, Day 15%, Night 10%
| Hoothoot
| Night 60%
| Ledyba
| Morning 40%

=== Later... ===
Stop back here on a Sunday, and [[Week Siblings|Sunny]] will give you a {{DL|Type-enhancing held item|Magnet}}, which powers-up {{t|Electric}} moves.
|gamename=Gold and Silver
|prevname=Goldenrod City
|nextname=Ecruteak City, Route 38, Route 39

'''<center>[[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough|Intro]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 1|Part 1]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 2|Part 2]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 3|Part 3]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 4|Part 4]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 5|Part 5]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 6|Part 6]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 7|Part 7]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 8|Part 8]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 9|Part 9]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 10|Part 10]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 11|Part 11]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 12|Part 12]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 13|Part 13]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 14|Part 14]] | [[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 15|Part 15]]</center>'''
{{Project Walkthroughs notice}}
{{Project Walkthroughs notice}}
[[Category:Gold and Silver walkthrough]]
[[Category:Gold and Silver walkthrough]]

Latest revision as of 16:38, 13 July 2024

This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pokémon Gold and Silver.
These pages follow the original Game Boy Color iteration, not Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. The guide for those games can be found here.

Route 35

Route 35

Route 35 is a short, pleasant path that leads northward from Goldenrod City. The main road leads to the National Park, while a smaller trail acts as a shortcut to Route 36.

Mail Delivery

Speak to the guard in the southern gate, and he asks for a favor. Deliver his Spearow, named Kenya, and the piece of Mail it holds to his friend on Route 31. It is intended for the man dozing near the pond there. Complete the delivery, and he wakes up just long enough to give you TM50 (Nightmare). Return here and speak to the guard afterward to receive an HP Up as a reward.

Attack of the Dragonflies!

Defeat Bug Catcher Arnie near the thin tree in the northeast, then be sure to trade phone numbers with him. He will call occasionally to alert you about a swarm of a certain Pokémon species. Yanma are usually difficult to find, but will be more likely to appear along Route 35 for a short time. The swarm only lasts until midnight, so be quick!

National Park

National Park

The National Park is a beautiful recreational space between Route 35 to the south and Route 36 to the east. A haven for Bug and Grass Pokémon, a Bug-Catching Contest is held here every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Bug-Catching Contest

There is no entry fee for the Bug-Catching Contest. Anyone may enter once per day, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

To compete, Trainers must catch the single best Bug-type Pokémon they can find. To do this, Trainers are given 20 Park Balls and are only allowed to use a single Pokémon from their party. The others remain with the contest officials until the competition is over. Any Pokémon caught will be recorded in the Pokédex, but only one Pokémon may be kept to be judged. The Pokémon selected to be judged may be kept after the competition.

The competition ends when 20 minutes have passed, all Park Balls have been used, or the Trainer blacks out, leaves the park, or chooses to quit. After that, the judging will occur, in which Trainers are scored on their skills of capturing rare and powerful Pokémon.

Place Prize
1st Sun Stone Sun Stone
2nd Everstone Everstone
3rd Gold Berry
Runner-Up Berry

Route 36

Route 36

Route 36 is a densely wooded path that branches off in several directions. It connects the National Park and Route 35 in the west with the Ruins of Alph to the south, Violet City to the east, and Route 37 to the north.

An Inconvenient Tree

The odd tree mentioned by the women in Goldenrod City's flower shop can be found in the middle of the route, blocking travel from every direction. Despite its tree-like appearance, this oddity actually tries to avoid water. Use the SquirtBottle to splash a bit of water on it, and it attacks! It turns out to be a Sudowoodo, a rare Pokémon that is more similar to a rock than a tree.

VS Sudowoodo

Rock Unknown
Held item:
Sudowoodo/ Lv.20
Rock Throw
Low Kick

Once the path is clear, speak with the man to the east to receive TM08 (Rock Smash) as thanks dealing with the troublesome Pokémon.

Route 37

Route 37

Route 37 is a short road that leads north from Route 36 to Ecruteak City. A secluded grove of Apricorn trees stands on the east side.

← Part 6 Goldenrod City
Gold and Silver
Ecruteak City, Route 38, Route 39 Part 8 →

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.