* Applin is the only Pokémon introduced in [[Generation VIII]] to have a [[List of Pokémon with branched Evolutions|branched Evolution]].
* Applin is the only Pokémon introduced in [[Generation VIII]] to have a [[List of Pokémon with branched Evolutions|branched Evolution]].
** Furthermore, Applin is the first Pokémon since {{p|Tyrogue}} in [[Generation II]] to have a branched Evolution path with more than two possible different species it can evolve into.
** Furthermore, Applin is the first Pokémon since {{p|Tyrogue}} in [[Generation II]] to have a branched Evolution path with more than two possible different species it can evolve into.
** Applin's evolutionary line (2 branches of a two-stage evolutionary line and 1 branch of a three-stage evolutionary line) is unique.
** Applin's evolutionary line (2 branches of a two-stage evolutionary line and 1 branch of a three-stage evolutionary line) is unique. It and Mime Jr. are the only Pokémon with different number of evolution stages in each branch of a branched evolutionary line (Kantonian Mr Mime does not evolve while Galarian Mr Mime does.)
* Applin and its evolved forms:
* Applin and its evolved forms:
** are the only Pokémon that are in the {{egg|Grass}} and {{egg|Dragon}} [[Egg Group]]s.
** are the only Pokémon that are in the {{egg|Grass}} and {{egg|Dragon}} [[Egg Group]]s.
Applin is a small, worm-like Pokémon with a light green body and a dark green underside. Its head is round with two pink nostrils. Above its head are two large leaf-like eyestalks which house its two small black eyes. These eyestalks give the apple it lives in the appearance of having a stem with leaves. Applin also has two thin hairs on the tip of its tail, as well as two stubby forelimbs which are usually hidden inside its apple.
Applin is both the lightest and shortestDragon-type Pokémon, and also one of the shortest Grass-type Pokémon. As soon as it is born, it burrows into an apple that looks like a Leppa Berry, which serves as a home, food source, and protection against preying bird Pokémon. The apple is prevented from rotting thanks to Applin's body fluid, which also strengthens the fruit's rind. The flavor of the apple determines which evolution Applin will evolve into. If Applin runs out of apples to eat or if it is separated from its apple, its body will lose moisture, and it will become dehydrated and weak.[1] Since Applin hides inside an apple, it is sometimes mistaken by the frugivorous Noibat for food. In Galar, it is a custom to give an Applin as a romantic gesture.
As soon as it's born, it burrows into an apple. Not only does the apple serve as its food source, but the flavor of the fruit determines its evolution.
An Applin appeared in Tim Goodman's fridge after he mistook it for an apple while shopping for groceries. It was revealed as the culprit of the titular case, having eaten Tim's flan.
Furthermore, Applin is the first Pokémon since Tyrogue in Generation II to have a branched Evolution path with more than two possible different species it can evolve into.
Applin's evolutionary line (2 branches of a two-stage evolutionary line and 1 branch of a three-stage evolutionary line) is unique. It and Mime Jr. are the only Pokémon with different number of evolution stages in each branch of a branched evolutionary line (Kantonian Mr Mime does not evolve while Galarian Mr Mime does.)
require only 600,000 experience points to reach level 100, the lowest among Generation VIII Pokémon, and the lowest among Dragon-type Pokémon along with Altaria.
Applin has the lowest base Speed stat of all Dragon-type Pokémon.
Applin appears to be based on the popular image of a worm burrowing into an apple; perhaps specifically the larvae of various moths, such as the geometer moth larvae (also known as the inchworm) and the codling moth larvae, who burrow into apples and feed on their cores, inhibiting growth and ripening them earlier. It may also be based on the mole lizard, which has two forelimbs and closely resembles an earthworm, but is actually a type of reptile related to snakes known as an amphisbaenia.
Its Dragon typing, combined with its worm-like appearance, may be a pun on the wyrm, a type of dragon. It may also reference specific dragons in various mythologies, such as the Lindworm (a serpentine dragon often depicted with only two forelimbs), Ladon (a dragon from Greek mythology that guarded the golden apples in the Garden of the Hesperides), or the Biblical serpent who persuaded Eve to eat the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge, which is often depicted as an apple.
Name origin
Applin may be a combination of apple and in.
Kajicchu may be a combination of 齧る kajiru (to gnaw), 果実 kajitsu (fruit), and 虫 chū (bug; worm).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.