BW029: Difference between revisions

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m Text replacement - "episode of the Pokémon anime" to "episode of the Pokémon animated series"
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(135 intermediate revisions by 65 users not shown)
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<!-- fill in the title links with dub titles only -->
prevcode=BW031 |
prevcode=BW028 |
<!--prevtitle= |-->
prevtitle=Oshawott's Lost Scalchop! |
nextcode=BW033 |
nextcode=BW030 |
<!--nexttitle= |-->
nexttitle=A UFO for Elgyem! |
series=Best Wishes series |
series=Pokémon the Series: Black & White |
epcode=BW032 |
epcode=BW029 |
altepcode=EP689 |
altepcode=EP686 |
title_en=Cottonee in Love!|
title_ja_trans=The Adored Monmen Rides the Wind |
title_ja_trans=The Monmen in Love Rides the Wind! |
broadcast_jp=April 28, 2011 |
broadcast_jp=April 28, 2011 |
broadcast_us=<!--Do not assume an air date. If you have an air date you should also provide a title.--> |
broadcast_us=August 20, 2011 |
en_series= |
en_series= |
en_op=<!--[[UNKNOWN]]--> |
en_op={{so|Black and White}} |
ja_op= [[Best Wishes! (song)|ベストウイッシュ!]] |
ja_op= {{so|Best Wishes!|ベストウイッシュ!}} |
ja_ed= [[Fanfare of the Heart|心のファンファーレ]] |
ja_ed= [[Can You Name All the Pokémon? BW|ポケモン言えるかな?BW]] |
olmteam=Team Kato |
olmteam=Team Kato |
scenario= |
scenario=大橋志吉  |
storyboardn=1 |
storyboardn=1 |
storyboard= |
storyboard=山田浩之 |
directorn=1 |
directorn=1 |
director= |
director=西田健一 |
artn=1 |
artn=1 |
art= |
art=田島瑞穂 |
morecredits=no |<!--please don't change to "yes" until the corresponding staff page has been updated-->
morecredits=yes |
(Japanese: '''恋するモンメン風に乗って''' ''The Adored Monmen Rides the Wind'') is the 32nd episode of the {{series|Best Wishes}}, and the 689th episode of the [[Pokémon anime]]. It is scheduled to air in Japan on April 28, 2011<!-- and is scheduled to air in the United States on *day*-->.
'''Cottonee in Love!''' (Japanese: '''恋するモンメンは風に乗って!''' ''The {{tt|Monmen|Cottonee}} in Love Rides the Wind!'') is the 29th episode of ''[[Pokémon the Series: Black & White]]'', and the 686th episode of the [[Pokémon animated series]]. It first aired in Japan on April 28, 2011, and first aired in the United States on August 20, 2011.
<!-- Detailed synopsis goes here. -->
<i>Ash and his friends are doing a little training on their way to Nimbasa City when they are interrupted by a lone Cottonee. Cilan explains that this is pretty unusual, because it’s the time of year when large groups of Cottonee visit the nearby Rainbow Valley to pair up and ride away on the Diamond Breeze. It turns out that this Cottonee wandered away from its group to pursue a prospective partner, but was rebuffed!
Our heroes offer to teach the rejected Cottonee the art of battling so it can gain some much-needed confidence. After some intense training, Cottonee is ready for courting once more. But the Pokémon’s plan is soon delayed—Team Rocket has been planning to take advantage of this gathering to swipe all the Cottonee at once!
With the aid of Pikachu’s Thunderbolt, all the Cottonee break free, overwhelming Jessie, James, and Meowth in the process. Team Rocket escapes and vows to fight another day.
With newfound confidence, Cottonee again approaches the object of its affection—who is already being wooed by several others! The battle training really pays off, as “our” Cottonee manages to fend off its rivals, and the Cottonee couple float off on the Diamond Breeze to live happily ever after!</i>
{{Ash}} and {{an|Iris}} have a {{pkmn|battle}}, using {{AP|Scraggy}} and {{TP|Iris|Axew|Axew}}, respectively. Ash calls a {{m| Headbutt}}, which Axew dodges, and Iris orders a {{m|Scratch}}, which hits, which makes Scraggy take major damage. Seeing that Scraggy has been incapacitated, Iris tells Axew to use {{m|Dragon Rage}} to finish it off. Axew begins to charge up, and the newly mastered Dragon Rage hits Scraggy full on the face, knocking him out.
Axew becomes happy, while Ash gets down as he looks at the knocked-out Scraggy. Suddenly, a {{p|Cottonee}} comes up and rests on Scraggy's head. Scraggy wakes up and looks at Cottonee, while Cottonee becomes scared and uses {{m|Cotton Spore}} which distracts Scraggy. Suddenly, another Cottonee comes up, and the first Cottonee looks up at the new Cottonee admiringly. Ash scans it on the Pokédex, while {{an|Cilan}} remarks that it was strange to see a Cottonee alone at this time of year since this is the season when all Cottonee come together and start a life together. Iris says that it is quite romantic.
Suddenly, the first Cottonee goes up to the second Cottonee and begins to talk, while Cilan exclaims it is "heart-to-heart time". However, the second Cottonee, a female, does not return the male's feelings and attacks him with {{m|Stun Spore}}. The male Cottonee becomes very upset as the female continues to attack him with {{m|Energy Ball}} and {{m|Razor Leaf}}. The male begins to attack the female with Razor Leaf, which she easily dodges, and then follows up with an Energy Ball, which misses completely. Cilan says that the female was testing the male in order to see if he was worthy, but the male did not exceed expectations. Eventually, the female leaves, leaving the male heartbroken. Cilan puts a bandage on Cottonee's bruise, and he becomes very grateful. In the meantime, Ash decides to help him out, to see if they can make Cottonee's battling style better. As a result, Ash decides that Scraggy should be the one to battle Cottonee.
The practice battle begins. Ash calls for a {{m|Leer}}, and Scraggy leers intimidatingly at Cottonee. Cottonee, frightened, sweats and runs, going behind a tree stump. Ash is very supportive and tells Cottonee that he cannot run away; instead, he has to dodge or protect himself. Scraggy tries to use Headbutt, but Cottonee guards himself with {{m|Cotton Guard}}. Ash then gives him tips on how to dodge, saying that he needs to watch the opponent closely and dodge when the moment comes. They try, and though Cottonee stares at Scraggy, he gets hit by the Headbutt. However, the second time is more successful, with Cottonee guarding himself with Cotton Guard. Meanwhile, {{TRT}} is discussing how they are going to steal the Cottonee at [[Rainbow Valley]].
Iris then helps Cottonee works on his aim, saying that he needs to focus his mind on the target, and Axew is willing to help Cottonee out. They select the tree stump Cottonee hid behind earlier as their target, and Iris tells Axew to use Dragon Rage. Axew charges up, and then releases all of the stored power, hitting the tree stump perfectly as well as making it explode and break. Axew becomes very happy by this and then places a small stone on top of the stump so it could serve as Cottonee's target. Cottonee focuses all of its attention on the small stump and uses Energy Ball, which misses. Iris encourages him to try again, and he uses Energy Ball, which successfully hits the tree stump.
Cottonee then has practice battles with all of them. Iris's Axew lays some damage on him, but the battle ends in a draw. Cilan becomes the last opponent, using {{TP|Cilan|Dwebble}}. Cilan orders a {{m|Slash}} while Ash, acting as Cottonee's Trainer, tells Cottonee to dodge, and Cottonee dodges all of the repeated Slashes. Cilan then calls for an {{m|X-Scissor}} attack which Cottonee dodges and Ash orders a Razor Leaf attack, which hits Dwebble hard. Cilan then sends out {{TP|Cilan|Pansage}}, and the battle continues.
The group then thinks that Cottonee is ready, though they need to find the female that they have been training for. Ash tries to [[recall]] Scraggy, though Scraggy becomes angry, exclaiming that he wants to help Cottonee out. Ash sends out {{AP|Tranquill}} to go and look for her. Ash recalls Tranquill to her Poké Ball as they ponder over how they are going to look for the Cottonee. Cilan then comes up with an idea: Cottonee cannot fly by themselves, and instead, they have to ride the wind. Iris then says they will have to sense the wind's movements, which she confirms are going south. The trio then heads in that direction with the hopes of finding the female. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has been looking for the Cottonee too, using [[Jessie's Woobat]]. Unfortunately for them, Woobat doesn't find anything, so {{MTR}} suggests some devices that fly up in the air to look for Rainbow Valley.
Later, the path of the wind changes northwest, according to Iris. They all head in that direction and eventually find Rainbow Valley. There are hundreds of Cottonee around, flying and looking for a partner. Cottonee then spots the female he had been looking for and attempts to talk to her. However, when Cottonee talks, a sudden gust of wind blows, wrapping all of them up in a huge bag. At that moment, Team Rocket reveals themselves. Iris becomes upset and accuses them of ruining the moment, but Team Rocket performs their {{motto}}.
Ash tries to stop them, but Team Rocket mocks him. While they continue to argue, the bag containing the Cottonee begins to bulge, and they all manage to break out. Team Rocket is surprised, but the trio becomes extremely happy with this development. All of the Cottonee use Cotton Spore, which covers the trio's faces, blinding them. Because of this, the car carrying the bag begins to go out of control, and they crash into a tree. Sensing defeat, they flee on their jetpacks, swearing revenge.
With Team Rocket gone, Cottonee is free to express his feelings to the female. Just when Cottonee starts, two other male Cottonee take him away and begin to battle him. They start off the battle with a simultaneous Razor Leaf, which this Cottonee avoids by using Cotton Guard, and the female and the trio watch on. Then, the opposing Cottonee both use Energy Ball, which Cottonee easily dodges, causing the female to look at him admiringly. Then, Cottonee uses Razor Leaf, which hits the other two Cottonee. He then follows up with Energy Ball, which explodes on impact and knocks them out.
Cottonee goes back to the female and explains its feelings uninterrupted. The female reciprocates, and they begin holding hands before blowing away. Later, the trio goes to where the Diamond Wind is blowing, and they see all of the land sparkling. Cilan explains that it was because the location is full of minerals. As they are enjoying the view, Iris suddenly notes that the sun is rising, and the Cottonee blow away with the Diamond Wind, leaving the trio mesmerized. The Cottonee they had been taking care of bids them goodbye, and the trio continues on their journey.
==Major events==
==Major events==
<!-- This is not for summarizing everything that happens in this episode. Only events pertaining to the series as a whole, such as catching and releasing Pokémon and obtaining badge, go here. -->
<!-- This is not for summarizing everything that happens in this episode. Only events pertaining to the series as a whole, such as catching and releasing Pokémon and obtaining badge, go here. -->
====Pokémon debuts====
====Pokémon debuts====
<!--=====TV episode debuts=====-->
* {{p|Cottonee}}
Line 49: Line 82:
* {{an|Iris}}
* {{an|Iris}}
* {{an|Cilan}}
* {{an|Cilan}}
<!--* [[Jessie]]-->
* [[Jessie]]
<!--* [[James]]-->
* [[James]]
<!--* [[Nurse Joy]]-->
<!--* [[Officer Jenny]]-->
<!--* [[Don George]]-->

[[File:WTP BW029.png|200px|thumb|right|Who's That Pokémon?]]
[[Who's That Pokémon?]]: {{p|Cottonee}}
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Axew}} ({{OP|Iris|Axew}})
* {{p|Axew}} ({{OP|Iris|Axew}})
<!--* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})-->
* {{p|Tranquill}} ({{OP|Ash|Tranquill}})
<!--* {{p|Tranquill}} ({{OP|Ash|Tranquill}})-->
* {{p|Scraggy}} ({{OP|Ash|Scraggy}})
<!--* {{p|Oshawott}} ({{OP|Ash|Oshawott}})-->
* {{p|Pansage}} ({{OP|Cilan|Pansage}})  
<!--* {{p|Tepig}} ({{OP|Ash|Tepig}})-->
* {{p|Dwebble}} ({{OP|Cilan|Dwebble}})
<!--* {{p|Snivy}} ({{OP|Ash|Snivy}})-->
* {{p|Woobat}} ({{OP|Jessie|Woobat}})
<!--* {{p|Scraggy}} ({{OP|Ash|Scraggy}})-->
* {{p|Cottonee}} (multiple; debut)
<!--* {{p|Swadloon}} ({{OP|Ash|Swadloon}})-->
<!--* {{p|Excadrill}} ({{OP|Iris|Excadrill}})-->
<!--* {{p|Emolga}} ({{OP|Iris|Emolga}})-->
<!--* {{p|Pansage}} ({{OP|Cilan|Pansage}})-->
<!--* {{p|Dwebble}} ({{OP|Cilan|Dwebble}})-->
<!--* {{p|Woobat}} ({{OP|Jessie|Woobat}})-->
<!--* {{p|Yamask}} ({{OP|James|Yamask}})-->
<!--* {{p|Audino}} ({{OP|Nurse Joy|Audino}})-->

<!--* [[Professor Oak's lecture|Professor Oak's Pokémon Live Caster]]: {{p|Pokémon}}-->
* [[Professor Oak's Pokémon Live Caster]]: {{p|Woobat}}
* In the {{pmin|Poland|Polish}} [[dub]], the audio for the title screen is erroneously taken from the {{pmin|Sweden|Swedish}} dub.
===Dub edits===
===Dub edits===

==In other languages==
<!-- fill in the title links with dub titles only -->
|zh_cmn={{tt|戀愛中的木棉球乘風飛翔!|The Cottonee in Love Rides the Wind!}}
|fi={{tt|Rakastunut Cottonee!|A Cottonee in love!}}
|fr_eu={{tt|Doudouvet est amoureux !|Cottonee is in love !}}
|hi=Cottonee पड़ गया प्यार मे! {{tt|''Cottonee pad gaya Pyar me!|Cottonee fell in Love!}}
|de={{tt|Waumboll - zweisam in Einall!|Cottonee - twosome in Unova!}}
|nl={{tt|Cottonee is verliefd!|Cottonee is in love!}}
|el={{tt|Το Ερωτευμένο Cottonee!|Cottonee in Love!}}
|da={{tt|Cottonee bliver Forelsket!|Cottonee Falls in Love!}}
|id={{tt|Cottonee Jatuh Cinta Terbawa Angin!|The Cottonee in Love Rides the Wind!}}
|it={{tt|Un Cottonee innamorato!|A Cottonee in love!}}
|no={{tt|Forelsket Cottonee!|Cottonee in love!}}
|pl={{tt|Zakochany Cottonee!|Cottonee in love!}}
|es_la={{tt|¡Cottonee enamorado!|Cottonee in love!}}
|es_eu={{tt|¡Cottonee enamorado!|Cottonee in love!}}
|pt_br={{tt|Um Cottonee Apaixonado!|A Cottonee in love!}}
|pt_eu={{tt|O Cottonee Apaixonado!|Cottonee in Love}}
|sv={{tt|Cottonee blir förälskad!|Cottonee falls in love!}}
|ko={{tt|소미안! 사랑은 바람을 타고!|Cottonee! Love Rides the Wind!}}
|ru={{tt|Влюблённый Котони!|Cottonee in love!}}
|th={{tt|โมนเม็น ล่องลอยตามลม!|The Monmen in Love Rides the Wind!}}
|sr={{tt|Zaljubljeni Kotoni!|Cottonee in Love!}}
prevcode=BW031 |
prevcode=BW028 |
<!--prevtitle= |-->
prevtitle=Oshawott's Lost Scalchop! |
nextcode=BW033 |
nextcode=BW030 |
<!--nexttitle= |-->
nexttitle=A UFO for Elgyem!  |
series=Best Wishes series |
series=Pokémon the Series: Black & White |
{{Project Anime notice}}
{{Project Anime notice}}
[[Category:Best Wishes series episodes|032]]
[[Category:Episodes written by |689]]
[[Category:Pokémon the Series: Black & White episodes|029]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded and directed by |689]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Yukiyoshi Ōhashi]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by |689]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Hiroyuki Yamada]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by |689]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Ken'ichi Nishida]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by |689]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Mizuho Tajima]]
[[de:Waumboll – zweisam in Einall!]]
[[zh:宝可梦 超级愿望 第29集]]

Latest revision as of 05:27, 3 September 2024

BW028 : Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!
Pokémon the Series: Black & White
BW030 : A UFO for Elgyem!
Cottonee in Love!
BW029   EP686
The Monmen in Love Rides the Wind!
First broadcast
Japan April 28, 2011
United States August 20, 2011
English themes
Opening Black and White
Japanese themes
Opening ベストウイッシュ!
Ending ポケモン言えるかな?BW
Animation Team Kato
Screenplay 大橋志吉 Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Storyboard 山田浩之 Hiroyuki Yamada
Assistant director 西田健一 Ken'ichi Nishida
Animation director 田島瑞穂 Mizuho Tajima
Additional credits

Cottonee in Love! (Japanese: 恋するモンメンは風に乗って! The Monmen in Love Rides the Wind!) is the 29th episode of Pokémon the Series: Black & White, and the 686th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It first aired in Japan on April 28, 2011, and first aired in the United States on August 20, 2011.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Ash and his friends are doing a little training on their way to Nimbasa City when they are interrupted by a lone Cottonee. Cilan explains that this is pretty unusual, because it’s the time of year when large groups of Cottonee visit the nearby Rainbow Valley to pair up and ride away on the Diamond Breeze. It turns out that this Cottonee wandered away from its group to pursue a prospective partner, but was rebuffed!

Our heroes offer to teach the rejected Cottonee the art of battling so it can gain some much-needed confidence. After some intense training, Cottonee is ready for courting once more. But the Pokémon’s plan is soon delayed—Team Rocket has been planning to take advantage of this gathering to swipe all the Cottonee at once!

With the aid of Pikachu’s Thunderbolt, all the Cottonee break free, overwhelming Jessie, James, and Meowth in the process. Team Rocket escapes and vows to fight another day.

With newfound confidence, Cottonee again approaches the object of its affection—who is already being wooed by several others! The battle training really pays off, as “our” Cottonee manages to fend off its rivals, and the Cottonee couple float off on the Diamond Breeze to live happily ever after!


Ash and Iris have a battle, using Scraggy and Axew, respectively. Ash calls a Headbutt, which Axew dodges, and Iris orders a Scratch, which hits, which makes Scraggy take major damage. Seeing that Scraggy has been incapacitated, Iris tells Axew to use Dragon Rage to finish it off. Axew begins to charge up, and the newly mastered Dragon Rage hits Scraggy full on the face, knocking him out.

Axew becomes happy, while Ash gets down as he looks at the knocked-out Scraggy. Suddenly, a Cottonee comes up and rests on Scraggy's head. Scraggy wakes up and looks at Cottonee, while Cottonee becomes scared and uses Cotton Spore which distracts Scraggy. Suddenly, another Cottonee comes up, and the first Cottonee looks up at the new Cottonee admiringly. Ash scans it on the Pokédex, while Cilan remarks that it was strange to see a Cottonee alone at this time of year since this is the season when all Cottonee come together and start a life together. Iris says that it is quite romantic.

Suddenly, the first Cottonee goes up to the second Cottonee and begins to talk, while Cilan exclaims it is "heart-to-heart time". However, the second Cottonee, a female, does not return the male's feelings and attacks him with Stun Spore. The male Cottonee becomes very upset as the female continues to attack him with Energy Ball and Razor Leaf. The male begins to attack the female with Razor Leaf, which she easily dodges, and then follows up with an Energy Ball, which misses completely. Cilan says that the female was testing the male in order to see if he was worthy, but the male did not exceed expectations. Eventually, the female leaves, leaving the male heartbroken. Cilan puts a bandage on Cottonee's bruise, and he becomes very grateful. In the meantime, Ash decides to help him out, to see if they can make Cottonee's battling style better. As a result, Ash decides that Scraggy should be the one to battle Cottonee.

The practice battle begins. Ash calls for a Leer, and Scraggy leers intimidatingly at Cottonee. Cottonee, frightened, sweats and runs, going behind a tree stump. Ash is very supportive and tells Cottonee that he cannot run away; instead, he has to dodge or protect himself. Scraggy tries to use Headbutt, but Cottonee guards himself with Cotton Guard. Ash then gives him tips on how to dodge, saying that he needs to watch the opponent closely and dodge when the moment comes. They try, and though Cottonee stares at Scraggy, he gets hit by the Headbutt. However, the second time is more successful, with Cottonee guarding himself with Cotton Guard. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is discussing how they are going to steal the Cottonee at Rainbow Valley.

Iris then helps Cottonee works on his aim, saying that he needs to focus his mind on the target, and Axew is willing to help Cottonee out. They select the tree stump Cottonee hid behind earlier as their target, and Iris tells Axew to use Dragon Rage. Axew charges up, and then releases all of the stored power, hitting the tree stump perfectly as well as making it explode and break. Axew becomes very happy by this and then places a small stone on top of the stump so it could serve as Cottonee's target. Cottonee focuses all of its attention on the small stump and uses Energy Ball, which misses. Iris encourages him to try again, and he uses Energy Ball, which successfully hits the tree stump.

Cottonee then has practice battles with all of them. Iris's Axew lays some damage on him, but the battle ends in a draw. Cilan becomes the last opponent, using Dwebble. Cilan orders a Slash while Ash, acting as Cottonee's Trainer, tells Cottonee to dodge, and Cottonee dodges all of the repeated Slashes. Cilan then calls for an X-Scissor attack which Cottonee dodges and Ash orders a Razor Leaf attack, which hits Dwebble hard. Cilan then sends out Pansage, and the battle continues.

The group then thinks that Cottonee is ready, though they need to find the female that they have been training for. Ash tries to recall Scraggy, though Scraggy becomes angry, exclaiming that he wants to help Cottonee out. Ash sends out Tranquill to go and look for her. Ash recalls Tranquill to her Poké Ball as they ponder over how they are going to look for the Cottonee. Cilan then comes up with an idea: Cottonee cannot fly by themselves, and instead, they have to ride the wind. Iris then says they will have to sense the wind's movements, which she confirms are going south. The trio then heads in that direction with the hopes of finding the female. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has been looking for the Cottonee too, using Jessie's Woobat. Unfortunately for them, Woobat doesn't find anything, so Meowth suggests some devices that fly up in the air to look for Rainbow Valley.

Later, the path of the wind changes northwest, according to Iris. They all head in that direction and eventually find Rainbow Valley. There are hundreds of Cottonee around, flying and looking for a partner. Cottonee then spots the female he had been looking for and attempts to talk to her. However, when Cottonee talks, a sudden gust of wind blows, wrapping all of them up in a huge bag. At that moment, Team Rocket reveals themselves. Iris becomes upset and accuses them of ruining the moment, but Team Rocket performs their motto.

Ash tries to stop them, but Team Rocket mocks him. While they continue to argue, the bag containing the Cottonee begins to bulge, and they all manage to break out. Team Rocket is surprised, but the trio becomes extremely happy with this development. All of the Cottonee use Cotton Spore, which covers the trio's faces, blinding them. Because of this, the car carrying the bag begins to go out of control, and they crash into a tree. Sensing defeat, they flee on their jetpacks, swearing revenge.

With Team Rocket gone, Cottonee is free to express his feelings to the female. Just when Cottonee starts, two other male Cottonee take him away and begin to battle him. They start off the battle with a simultaneous Razor Leaf, which this Cottonee avoids by using Cotton Guard, and the female and the trio watch on. Then, the opposing Cottonee both use Energy Ball, which Cottonee easily dodges, causing the female to look at him admiringly. Then, Cottonee uses Razor Leaf, which hits the other two Cottonee. He then follows up with Energy Ball, which explodes on impact and knocks them out.

Cottonee goes back to the female and explains its feelings uninterrupted. The female reciprocates, and they begin holding hands before blowing away. Later, the trio goes to where the Diamond Wind is blowing, and they see all of the land sparkling. Cilan explains that it was because the location is full of minerals. As they are enjoying the view, Iris suddenly notes that the sun is rising, and the Cottonee blow away with the Diamond Wind, leaving the trio mesmerized. The Cottonee they had been taking care of bids them goodbye, and the trio continues on their journey.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts




Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Cottonee



  • In the Polish dub, the audio for the title screen is erroneously taken from the Swedish dub.

Dub edits

In other languages

BW028 : Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!
Pokémon the Series: Black & White
BW030 : A UFO for Elgyem!
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.