Battle Dome: Difference between revisions

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Luan (talk | contribs)
(18 intermediate revisions by 10 users not shown)
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{{samename|the 2005 board game by Hasbro and Milton Bradley|Pokémon Battle Dome}}
{{samename|2005 board game by Hasbro and Milton Bradley|Pokémon Battle Dome}}
{{Facility infobox
{{Facility infobox
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:''See more:''
:''See more:''
::''[[List of Battle Frontier Trainers (Generation III)]]
::''[[List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation III]]

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====Move description====
====Move description====
{{incomplete|section|needs=Expansion based on [ Emerald decompilation]}}
The game's description of Trainer style is determined by looking at flags assigned to the moves, which are as follows:<ref></ref>
{| class="roundtable" style="text-align:center; background: #{{frontier color}}; border: 3px solid #{{frontier color dark}};"
! style="background-color: #{{frontier color light}}" | Category
! style="background-color: #{{frontier color light}}" | Moves
|Moves that deal damage, except for {{m|Covet}}, {{m|Overheat}}, {{m|Luster Purge}}, {{m|Mist Ball}}, {{m|Heat Wave}}, {{m|Mirror Coat}}, {{m|Magnitude}}, {{m|Sacred Fire}}, {{m|Snore}}, {{m|Thief}}, {{m|Dream Eater}} and {{m|Counter}}.
|{{m|Explosion}}, {{m|Spite}}, {{m|Perish Song}}, and {{m|Destiny Bond}}
|[[:Category:Status moves that heal the user immediately|Status moves that heal the user immediately]] (except {{m|Recover}}), {{m|Ingrain}}, {{m|Leech Life}}, {{m|Dream Eater}}, {{m|Refresh}}, {{m|Swallow}}, and {{m|Wish}}
|{{m|Counter}}, {{m|Double Team}}, {{m|Harden}}, {{m|Minimize}}, {{m|SmokeScreen}}, {{m|Withdraw}}, {{m|Defense Curl}}, {{m|Barrier}}, {{m|Light Screen}}, {{m|Reflect}}, {{m|Amnesia}}, {{m|Acid Armor}}, {{m|Sharpen}}, {{m|Conversion}}, {{m|Substitute}}, {{m|Protect}}, {{m|Detect}}, {{m|Endure}}, {{m|Safeguard}}, {{m|Mirror Coat}}, {{m|Ingrain}}, {{m|Magic Coat}}, and {{m|Iron Defense}}
|{{m|Bind}} and {{m|Constrict}}, as well as status moves that inflict status conditions on opponent, except for {{m|Perish Song}}, {{m|Confuse Ray}}, {{m|Teeter Dance}}, {{m|Imprison}}, {{m|Glare}}, {{m|Swagger}}, {{m|Flatter}}, {{m|Sweet Kiss}}, {{m|GrassWhistle}}, and {{m|Hypnosis}}
|{{m|Swords Dance}}, {{m|Whirlwind}}, {{m|Hydro Pump}}, {{m|Surf}}, {{m|Leech Seed}}, {{m|Solar Beam}}, {{m|Hypnosis}}, {{m|Meditate}}, {{m|Focus Energy}}, {{m|Dream Eater}}, {{m|Rest}}, {{m|Nightmare}}, {{m|Snore}}, {{m|Reversal}}, {{m|Belly Drum}}, {{m|Spikes}}, {{m|Lock-On}}, {{m|Sleep Talk}}, {{m|Baton Pass}}, {{m|Morning Sun}}, {{m|Synthesis}}, {{m|Moonlight}}, {{m|Rain Dance}}, {{m|Sunny Day}}, {{m|Stockpile}}, {{m|Spit Up}}, {{m|Swallow}}, {{m|Charge}}, {{m|Ingrain}}, {{m|Yawn}}, {{m|Bulk Up}}, {{m|Calm Mind}}, {{m|Dragon Dance}}
|Stat raising
|{{m|Psych Up}}, as well as status moves that raise user's stats (except {{m|Barrier}}, {{m|Bulk Up}}, {{m|Curse}}, {{m|Cosmic Power}}, {{m|Howl}}, {{m|Iron Defense}}, and {{m|Tail Glow}})
|Stat lowering
|{{m|Spider Web}}, {{m|Glare}}, {{m|Mud-Slap}}, as well as status moves that reduce target's stats (except {{m|Tickle}}, {{m|Charm}}, {{m|Memento}}, {{m|Fake Tears}}, {{m|Metal Sound}}, {{m|Scary Face}}, and {{m|Flash}}).
|{{m|Pay Day}}, {{m|Mimic}}, {{m|Metronome}}, {{m|Mirror Move}}, {{m|Dream Eater}}, {{m|Transform}}, {{m|Splash}}, {{m|Substitute}}, {{m|Sketch}}, {{m|Thief}}, {{m|Spite}}, {{m|Pain Split}}, {{m|Baton Pass}}, {{m|Hidden Power}}, {{m|Future Sight}}, {{m|Beat Up}}, {{m|Memento}}, {{m|Follow Me}}, {{m|Helping Hand}}, {{m|Trick}}, {{m|Assist}}, {{m|Skill Swap}}, {{m|Imprison}}, {{m|Snatch}}, {{m|Secret Power}}, {{m|Camouflage}}, and {{m|Doom Desire}}
|{{m|Counter}}, {{m|Fissure}}, {{m|Metronome}}, {{m|Mirror Move}}, {{m|Sketch}}, {{m|Zap Cannon}}, {{m|Sleep Talk}}, {{m|Present}}, {{m|DynamicPunch}}, {{m|Assist}}, {{m|Magic Coat}}, {{m|Revenge}}, {{m|Imprison}}, {{m|Snatch}}, and {{m|Sheer Cold}}
|{{m|Swords Dance}}, {{m|Flamethrower}}, {{m|Surf}}, {{m|Ice Beam}}, {{m|Hyper Beam}}, {{m|Solar Beam}}, {{m|Thunderbolt}}, {{m|Earthquake}}, {{m|Psychic}}, {{m|Explosion}}, and {{m|Protect}}
|{{m|Flamethrower}}, {{m|Surf}}, {{m|Ice Beam}}, {{m|Hyper Beam}}, {{m|SolarBeam}}, {{m|Thunderbolt}}, {{m|Thunder}}, {{m|Psychic}}, {{m|Selfdestruct}}, {{m|Egg Bomb}}, {{m|Fire Blast}}, {{m|Skull Bash}}, {{m|Dream Eater}}, {{m|Sky Attack}}, and {{m|Crabhammer}}
|Low PP
|Moves with default max PP of 5 or 1.
|{{m|Soft-Boiled}}, {{m|Follow Me}}, {{m|Charge}}, {{m|Wish}}, {{m|Assist}}, {{m|Ingrain}}, {{m|Recycle}}, {{m|Refresh}}, {{m|Camouflage}}, {{m|Tail Glow}}, {{m|Slack Off}}, as well as moves that target other Pokémon and have 100% accuracy or ignore accuracy checks (except for {{m|Psych Up}} and damaging moves that ignore accuracy checks).
|{{m|Hydro Pump}}, {{m|Blizzard}}, {{m|Hyper Beam}}, {{m|SolarBeam}}, {{m|Thunder}}, {{m|Earthquake}}, {{m|Selfdestruct}}, {{m|Egg Bomb}}, {{m|Fire Blast}}, {{m|Sky Attack}}, {{m|Explosion}}, {{m|Aeroblast}}, {{m|Zap Cannon}}, {{m|Sacred Fire}}, {{m|Eruption}}, {{m|Blast Burn}}, {{m|Hydro Cannon}}, {{m|Meteor Mash}}, {{m|Overheat}}, {{m|Frenzy Plant}}, {{m|Volt Tackle}}, {{m|Doom Desire}}, and {{m|Psycho Boost}}
|Added effects
|{{m|Pay Day}}, {{m|Toxic}}, {{m|Thief}}, {{m|Swagger}}, {{m|Uproar}}, {{m|Knock Off}}, {{m|Covet}}, and {{m|Psycho Boost}}, as well as [[:Category:Moves that confuse the user due to fatigue|moves that confuse the user due to fatigue]], [[:Category:Binding moves|binding moves]], and damaging moves with secondary effect of status condition, raising user's stats or lowering target's stats
|{{m|Mist}}, {{m|Teleport}}, {{m|Recover}}, {{m|Haze}}, {{m|Flash}}, {{m|Sweet Kiss}}, {{m|Sandstorm}}, {{m|Hail}}, {{m|Metal Sound}}, {{m|GrassWhistle}}, {{m|Cosmic Power}}, {{m|Howl}}
After checking for the move flags, the game reads the following list from top to bottom.
{| class="roundtable" style="text-align:center; background: #{{frontier color}}; border: 3px solid #{{frontier color dark}};"
! style="background-color: #{{frontier color light}}" | Quote
! style="background-color: #{{frontier color light}}" | Requirement
| Willing to risk total disaster at times.
| At least one risky move
| Skilled at enduring long battles.
| At least two healing moves, one status moves and two defensive moves
| Varies tactics to suit the opponent.
| At least one of combo move, stat raising, stat lowering, healing, status and defensive move each
| Has a tough winning pattern.
| At least three combo moves
| Occasionally uses a very rare move.
| At least two rare moves <!--- this and below seem to be swapped !--->
| Uses startling and disruptive moves.
| At least one rare move
| Constantly watches HP in battle.
| At least three healing moves
| Good at storing then loosing power.
| At least one stat raising and healing move each
| Skilled at enfeebling foes.
| At least one stat lowering and status move each
| Prefers tactics that rely on luck.
| At least two lucky moves
| Attacks with a regal atmosphere.
| At least one of stat raising, healing, defensive, popular and strong move each
| Attacks with powerful, low-PP moves.
| At least three low PP moves.
| Skilled at enfeebling, then attacking.
| At least one stat raising and one status move each
| Battles while enduring all attacks.
| At least two of healing and defensive moves each
| Skilled at upsetting foes emotionally.
| At least two status moves
| Uses strong and straightforward moves.
| At least three of strong and accurate moves each
| Aggressively uses strong moves.
| At least four strong moves
| Battles while cleverly dodging attacks.
| At least three defensive moves
| style="background: #aaaaaa"| Skilled at using upsetting attacks.
| style="background: #aaaaaa"| At least two of stat lowering and status moves each
| Uses many popular moves.
| At least three of popular and powerful moves each
| Has moves for powerful combinations.
| At least two combo moves
| Uses high-probability attacks.
| At least one healing move and three accurate moves
| Aggressively uses spectacular moves.
| At least four powerful moves
| Emphasizes offense over defense.
| At least seven damaging moves
| style="background: #aaaaaa"|  Emphasizes defense over offense.
| style="background: #aaaaaa"|  At least four defensive moves
| Attacks quickly with strong moves.
| At least two popular moves and four strong moves
| Often uses moves with added effects.
| At least four moves with added effects
| Uses a well-balanced mix of moves.
| None of the above
The two styles in gray will never appear in-game, as a style above them will always meet the requirement first.

====Stat description====
====Stat description====
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If there are any emphasized stats, they are shown (if there are three emphasized stats, only the two that make up the most of the team's EV are shown). Otherwise, if there are any neglected stats, they are shown (if there are more than two, only two are shown—stats with hindering Natures among the team Pokémon are preferred for the listing). Otherwise, the Trainer is said to "raise Pokémon in a well-balanced way."
If there are any emphasized stats, they are shown (if there are three emphasized stats, only the two that make up the most of the team's EV are shown). Otherwise, if there are any neglected stats, they are shown (if there are more than two, only two are shown—stats with hindering Natures among the team Pokémon are preferred for the listing). Otherwise, the Trainer is said to "raise Pokémon in a well-balanced way."

===CPU Battles===
===CPU battles===
Note that the game does not simulate battles between two CPU Trainers. Instead, the outcome between two CPU Trainers is broken down as follows: each Trainer is scored based upon the sum of the following:
Note that the game does not simulate battles between two CPU Trainers. Instead, the outcome between two CPU Trainers is broken down as follows: each Trainer is scored based upon the sum of the following:
* The type affinity of damaging attacks: each attack dealing damage on the team is compared against each Pokémon on the opposing team. 4 points are awarded if the attack is normally effective, 12 if super effective, and 20 if 4× super effective. No points are awarded if the attack is resisted. 8 points are deducted if the attack is 4× resisted, and 16 points are deducted if the attack is ineffective. For the purposes of calculating this, {{type|Ground}} attacks are considered to be neutral against Pokémon with {{a|Levitate}}. Against Pokémon with {{a|Wonder Guard}}, type matchups that are not super effective do not award nor deduct points.
* The type affinity of damaging attacks: each attack dealing damage on the team is compared against each Pokémon on the opposing team. 4 points are awarded if the attack is normally effective, 12 if super effective, and 20 if 4× super effective. No points are awarded if the attack is resisted. 8 points are deducted if the attack is 4× resisted, and 16 points are deducted if the attack is ineffective. For the purposes of calculating this, {{type|Ground}} attacks are considered to be neutral against Pokémon with {{a|Levitate}}. Against Pokémon with {{a|Wonder Guard}}, type matchups that are not super effective do not award nor deduct points.
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The Trainer with the higher score advances; if this is a tie, then the higher-seeded Trainer advances. During tournaments in which he may be challenged by the player, Tucker always appears as the #2 seeded contestant, and will always win his battles against CPU opponents.
The Trainer with the higher score advances; if this is a tie, then the higher-seeded Trainer advances. During tournaments in which he may be challenged by the player, Tucker always appears as the #2 seeded contestant, and will always win his battles against CPU opponents.

===CPU Pokémon Selection===
===CPU Pokémon selection===
To determine the Pokémon sent out by a CPU Trainer against the player, each of the CPU Trainer's three Pokémon is given a score. There are two scoring methods, which are chosen at random: the offensive method and defensive method. Both methods compare the type affinity of the Pokémon's damaging attacks against each of the three Pokémon on the player's team. In the offensive method, 2 points are awarded if the attack is normally effective, 4 if super effective, and 8 if 4× super effective. In the defensive method, 2 points are awarded if the attack is resisted, 4 if 4× resisted, and 8 if ineffective. 2 points are deducted if super effective, and 4 are deducted if 4× super effective. No points are awarded or deducted in any other scenario. For the purposes of this calculation, type matchups that are not super effective against Pokémon with {{a|Wonder Guard}} are ignored (no points are awarded or deducted), and {{type|Ground}} attacks are considered to be neutral against Pokémon with {{a|Levitate}}.
To determine the Pokémon sent out by a CPU Trainer against the player, each of the CPU Trainer's three Pokémon is given a score. There are two scoring methods, which are chosen at random: the offensive method and defensive method. Both methods compare the type affinity of the Pokémon's damaging attacks against each of the three Pokémon on the player's team. In the offensive method, 2 points are awarded if the attack is normally effective, 4 if super effective, and 8 if 4× super effective. In the defensive method, 2 points are awarded if the attack is resisted, 4 if 4× resisted, and 8 if ineffective. 2 points are deducted if super effective, and 4 are deducted if 4× super effective. No points are awarded or deducted in any other scenario. For the purposes of this calculation, type matchups that are not super effective against Pokémon with {{a|Wonder Guard}} are ignored (no points are awarded or deducted), and {{type|Ground}} attacks are considered to be neutral against Pokémon with {{a|Levitate}}.

If all three Pokémon tie in one method, the other method is used. If all three Pokémon tie in the second method, then two Pokémon and the order they appear are chosen at random. Otherwise, the two highest-scoring Pokémon is chosen (if there is a tie for the second selection, the second selection of Pokémon is chosen at random). There is a 40% chance that the CPU Trainer will lead off with the higher-scoring Pokémon, and a 60% chance of leading off with the lower-scoring Pokémon.
If all three Pokémon tie in one method, the other method is used. If all three Pokémon tie in the second method, then two Pokémon and the order they appear are chosen at random. Otherwise, the two highest-scoring Pokémon are chosen (if there is a tie for the second selection, the second selection of Pokémon is chosen at random). There is a 40% chance that the CPU Trainer will lead off with the higher-scoring Pokémon, and a 60% chance of leading off with the lower-scoring Pokémon.

===Battle Points===
===Battle Points===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! BP per round !! 1 !! 2 !! 3 !! 4 !! 5 !! 6 !! 7 !! 8 !! 9 !! 10 !! 11 !! 12 !! 13 !! 14 !! 15 !! 16 !! 17 !! 18 !! 19 !! 20 !! 21 !! 22 !! 23 !! 24 !! 25 !! 26 !! 27 !! 28 !! 29 !! 30
| Any level mode || 1 || 1 || 2 || 2 || 13 || 3 || 4 || 4 || 5 || 15 || 6 || 6 || 7 || 7 || 18 || 8 || 9 || 9 || 10 || 20 || 11 || 11 || 12 || 12 || 23 || 13 || 14 || 14 || 15 || 25

===Dome Ace===
===Dome Ace===
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|class=Dome Ace
|class=Dome Ace
|location=Battle Dome
|location=Battle Dome
}}{{lop/facility/head|{{frontier color light}}|{{frontier color dark}}|{{frontier color}}}}
|ability=Torrent|level={{tt|50|Level 50}}, {{tt|60-100|Open Level}}|type1=Water|type2=Ground|held=Focus Band
{{lop/facility|game=3|260|Swampert|Focus Band|Surf|Water|Earthquake|Ground|Ice Beam|Ice|Counter|Fighting|Brave|152|152|106|100}}
{{lop/facility|game=3|373|Salamence|Lum Berry|Earthquake|Ground|Brick Break|Fighting|Dragon Claw|Dragon|Aerial Ace|Flying|Adamant|152|152|106|||100}}
|move2=Ice Beam|move2type=Ice
{{lop/facility|game=3|006|Charizard|White Herb|Overheat|Fire|Rock Slide|Rock|Aerial Ace|Flying|Earthquake|Ground|Quiet|100|152|106|||152}}
|ability=Intimidate|level={{tt|50|Level 50}}, {{tt|60-100|Open Level}}|type1=Dragon|type2=Flying|held=Lum Berry
|move1=Dragon Claw|move1type=Dragon
|move2=Aerial Ace|move2type=Flying
|move4=Brick Break|move4type=Fighting}}
|ability=Blaze|level={{tt|50|Level 50}}, {{tt|60-100|Open Level}}|type1=Fire|type2=Flying|held=White Herb
|move2=Aerial Ace|move2type=Flying
|move4=Rock Slide|move4type=Rock}}

Line 109: Line 248:
|class=Dome Ace
|class=Dome Ace
|location=Battle Dome
|location=Battle Dome
}}{{lop/facility/head|{{frontier color light}}|{{frontier color dark}}|{{frontier color}}}}
|ability=Torrent|level={{tt|50|Level 50}}, {{tt|60-100|Open Level}}|type1=Water|type2=Ground|held=Leftovers
{{lop/facility|game=3|260|Swampert|Leftovers|Surf|Water|Earthquake|Ground|Ice Beam|Ice|Mirror Coat|Psychic|Brave|252|252|6}}
{{lop/facility|game=3|376|Metagross|Quick Claw|Psychic|Psychic|Meteor Mash|Steel|Earthquake|Ground|Protect|Normal|Brave|252|252|6}}
|move2=Ice Beam|move2type=Ice
{{lop/facility|game=3|380|Latias|Chesto Berry|Thunderbolt|Electric|Psychic|Psychic|Calm Mind|Psychic|Rest|Psychic|Modest|252||252|||6}}
|move4=Mirror Coat|move4type=Psychic}}
|ability=Clear Body|level={{tt|50|Level 50}}, {{tt|60-100|Open Level}}|type1=Steel|type2=Psychic|held=Quick Claw
|move1=Meteor Mash|move1type=Steel
|ability=Levitate|level={{tt|50|Level 50}}, {{tt|60-100|Open Level}}|type1=Dragon|type2=Psychic|held=Chesto Berry
|move2=Calm Mind|move2type=Psychic

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[[File:Battle Dome anime.png|thumb|left|220px|The Battle Dome in the {{pkmn|anime}}]]
[[File:Battle Dome anime.png|thumb|left|220px|The Battle Dome in the {{pkmn|anime}}]]
[[File:Battle Dome battlefield.png|thumb|220px|The Battle Dome's battlefield in the anime]]
[[File:Battle Dome battlefield.png|thumb|220px|The Battle Dome's battlefield in the anime]]
The Battle Dome appeared in ''[[AG153|Tactics Theatrics!!]]''. In the anime, it is located south of [[Lavender Town]], possibly on {{rt|12|Kanto}} and was the third {{gdis|Battle Frontier|III}} facility challenged by {{Ash}}. {{ashfr|The group}} discovered its location in ''[[AG149|Wheel of Frontier]]'', following Ash's victory against [[Greta]] at the [[Battle Arena]]. The facility is run by [[Tucker]] and the battles are [[Battle judge|refereed]] by {{OBP|Victor|AG153}}.
===Main series===
====''[[Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire]]''====
The Battle Dome appeared in ''[[AG153|Tactics Theatrics!!]]''. In the anime, it is located south of [[Lavender Town]], possibly on {{rt|12|Kanto}}, and was the third {{gdis|Battle Frontier|III}} facility challenged by {{Ash}}. {{ashfr|The group}} discovered its location in ''[[AG149|Wheel of Frontier]]'', following Ash's victory against [[Greta]] at the [[Battle Arena]]. The facility is run by [[Tucker]] and the battles are [[Battle judge|refereed]] by {{OBP|Victor|AG153}}.

In the Battle Dome, challengers have to defeat the Dome Ace in a [[Double Battle]]. They are given the possibility of swapping their [[party]] Pokémon with ones they have in storage after the [[Frontier Brain]] has revealed his Pokémon. After a tough match, Ash managed to defeat Tucker using his {{AP|Corphish}} and {{AP|Swellow}}. This victory gave Ash the [[Symbol|Tactics Symbol]], his third Frontier Symbol overall.
In the Battle Dome, challengers have to defeat the Dome Ace in a [[Double Battle]]. They are given the possibility of swapping their [[party]] Pokémon with ones they have in storage after the [[Frontier Brain]] has revealed his Pokémon. After a tough match, Ash managed to defeat Tucker using his {{AP|Corphish}} and {{AP|Swellow}}. This victory gave Ash the [[Symbol|Tactics Symbol]], his third Frontier Symbol overall.

===Pokémon used in the Battle Dome===
====Pokémon used in the Battle Dome====
The following is a list of {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} used in the Battle Dome:
The following is a list of {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} used in the Battle Dome:
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In [[Pokémon Adventures]], the Trainer who wins the Battle Dome challenge always earns the Tactics Symbol, regardless of whether Tucker makes it to the finals or not.
In [[Pokémon Adventures]], the Trainer who wins the Battle Dome challenge always earns the Tactics Symbol, regardless of whether Tucker makes it to the finals or not.

The Battle Dome first appeared in ''[[PS319|Verily Vanquishing Vileplume I]]'', where {{adv|Emerald}} challenged it as his fifth Battle Frontier facility during the Battle Frontier's seven-day opening ceremony. Due to the tournament-style structure of the challenge, {{pkmn|Trainer}}s were shipped from the [[Hoenn]] mainland over to the Battle Frontier to participate in it to avoid endless {{pkmn|battle}}s between computer-controlled virtual Trainers. Amongst the participating Trainers were {{adv|Ruby}} and {{adv|Sapphire}}, who tried to make friends with Emerald, much to his annoyance.
The Battle Dome first appeared in ''[[PS319|Verily Vanquishing Vileplume I]]'', where {{adv|Emerald}} challenged it as his fifth Battle Frontier facility during the Battle Frontier's seven-day opening ceremony. Due to the tournament-style structure of the challenge, {{pkmn|Trainer}}s were shipped from the [[Hoenn]] mainland over to the Battle Frontier to participate in it to avoid endless {{pkmn|battle}}s between computer-controlled virtual Trainers. Amongst the participating Trainers were {{adv|Ruby}} and {{adv|Sapphire}}, who tried to make friends with Emerald, much to his annoyance.

During the semifinal battle between Ruby and Emerald, Ruby revealed that [[Emerald's Sceptile]] was the very same {{p|Treecko}} that Emerald had once been supposed to receive from [[Professor Birch]]. As Emerald defeated Ruby and Sapphire was defeated by Tucker, Emerald and Tucker were set to face each other in the finals. However, Emerald abruptly requested the permission to swap his [[party]] Pokémon with ones from {{adv|Crystal}}. Although this was against the rules, Tucker allowed it. However, Emerald's borrowed {{p|Alakazam}} and {{p|Metagross}} both wound up getting defeated by Tucker's {{p|Charizard}}, resulting in Emerald's first loss at the Battle Frontier.
During the semifinal battle between Ruby and Emerald, Ruby revealed that [[Emerald's Sceptile]] was the very same {{p|Treecko}} that Emerald had once been supposed to receive from [[Professor Birch]]. As Emerald defeated Ruby and Sapphire was defeated by Tucker, Emerald and Tucker were set to face each other in the finals. However, Emerald abruptly requested the permission to swap his [[party]] Pokémon with ones from {{adv|Crystal}}. Although this was against the rules, Tucker allowed it. However, Emerald's borrowed {{p|Alakazam}} and {{p|Metagross}} both wound up getting defeated by Tucker's {{p|Charizard}}, resulting in Emerald's first loss at the Battle Frontier.

The battle was observed by most of the other Frontier Brains. As soon as it had ended and Emerald had headed off to challenge the [[Battle Palace]], Tucker noticed [[Guile Hideout]] outside the window, and [[Noland]] was informed that {{adv|Jirachi}} had been sighted on the Battle Dome rooftop. The Frontier Brains rushed to the rooftop, but arrived too late to stop Guile from {{pkmn2|caught|capturing}} Jirachi for his evil schemes.
The final battle was observed by most of the other Frontier Brains. As soon as it had ended and Emerald had headed off to challenge the [[Battle Palace]], Tucker noticed [[Guile Hideout]] outside the window, and [[Noland]] was informed that {{adv|Jirachi}} had been sighted on the Battle Dome rooftop. The Frontier Brains rushed to the rooftop, but arrived too late to stop Guile from {{pkmn2|caught|capturing}} Jirachi for his evil schemes.

In ''[[PS337|Epilogue]]'', after Emerald had managed to obtain all six other [[Symbol]]s, he realized that he only had one day left to earn the Tactics Symbol. While the Battle Dome was still operable, despite the damage that Guile Hideout had caused to the Battle Frontier, the challenge required a group of Trainers to form a tournament. To everyone's surprise, {{adv|Red}} suggested a tournament between the ten [[Pokédex holder]]s, which [[Scott]] happily accepted. By the end of the round, Emerald was shown to have earned the Tactics Symbol, indicating that he had won the tournament and thus successfully completed his seven-day Battle Frontier challenge.
In ''[[PS337|Epilogue]]'', after Emerald had managed to obtain all six other [[Symbol]]s, he realized that he only had one day left to earn the Tactics Symbol. While the Battle Dome was still operable, despite the damage that Guile Hideout had caused to the Battle Frontier, the challenge required a group of Trainers to form a tournament. To everyone's surprise, {{adv|Red}} suggested a tournament between the ten [[Pokédex holder]]s, which [[Scott]] happily accepted. At the end of the chapter, Emerald was shown to have earned the Tactics Symbol, indicating that he had won the tournament and thus successfully completed his seven-day Battle Frontier challenge.

===Pokémon Battle Frontier===
===Pokémon Battle Frontier===
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The Battle Dome appeared in ''[[CBF4|Introducing the Frontier Brains!]]''. After learning about [[Frontier Brain]]s, {{OBP|Enta|CBF}} decided to challenge each of them, starting at the Battle Dome. After achieving a long-enough win streak, Enta came face to face with Tucker, who challenged him to a [[Double Battle]]. After a tough match, Enta was able to defeat Tucker with his {{TP|Enta|Vulpix}} and {{p|Feebas}}. At first, Tucker was unwilling to admit that Enta could've beaten him with a Pokémon as ugly as Feebas, but he changed his mind when Feebas evolved into {{p|Milotic}}.
The Battle Dome appeared in ''[[CBF4|Introducing the Frontier Brains!]]''. After learning about [[Frontier Brain]]s, {{OBP|Enta|CBF}} decided to challenge each of them, starting at the Battle Dome. After achieving a long-enough win streak, Enta came face to face with Tucker, who challenged him to a [[Double Battle]]. After a tough match, Enta was able to defeat Tucker with his {{TP|Enta|Vulpix}} and {{p|Feebas}}. At first, Tucker was unwilling to admit that Enta could've beaten him with a Pokémon as ugly as Feebas, but he changed his mind when Feebas evolved into {{p|Milotic}}.
* Due to a programming bug, the {{IV}}s of Pokémon belonging to NPC Trainers in the Battle Dome do not increase based on the player's win streak. As a result, all Pokémon fought in this facility will have 3 IVs in each stat.
** This excludes Tucker's Pokémon, who have 20 IVs in each stat for the Silver Symbol challenge, and 31 IVs in each stat for the Gold Symbol challenge.

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
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|th=แบทเทิลโดม ''Battle Dome''
|th=แบทเทิลโดม ''Battle Dome''
|vi=Nhà vòm giao đấu}}
|vi=Nhà vòm giao đấu}}

Latest revision as of 11:37, 14 September 2024

If you were looking for the 2005 board game by Hasbro and Milton Bradley, see Pokémon Battle Dome.
Battle Dome
バトルドーム Battle Dome
"Your path to the invincible superstar!"
Battles per round
Participating Pokémon
Dome Ace Tucker
Dome Ace Tucker
Tactics Symbol
Tactics Symbol
Wins to obtain the Tactics Symbol

The Battle Dome (Japanese: バトルドーム Battle Dome) is a facility located within the Hoenn Battle Frontier in Pokémon Emerald.


Each challenge at the Battle Dome is a tournament between 16 Trainers.

Before each battle, the player can find out about their opponent, such as the Pokémon they use, their battle style, and how they train. Then, both Trainers choose two Pokémon from their three-Pokémon party to use in battle. Competitors can find out who was eliminated in each round by looking at the tournament bracket.

See more:
List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation III


The tournament bracket is organized as follows:

  • Left Bracket: 1 vs 9, 13 vs 5, 8 vs 16, 12 vs 4
  • Right Bracket: 3 vs 11, 15 vs 7, 6 vs 14, 10 vs 2

Seedings are determined by their ranking: the sum of the combined base stat totals of all Pokémon, plus 1/20 of the product of the number of different types represented by the Pokémon and the highest level among the Pokémon. If two Trainers tie in ranking, the higher internal Trainer number will win the tiebreaker; the player will always win the tiebreaker against any CPU Trainer, while Dome Ace Tucker will win any tiebreaker against other CPU Trainers. In the event of a tie battle, the higher seed advances and the lower seed is eliminated.

Opponent Trainer card

Before each battle, the player is shown a Trainer card with some information about their opponent. It includes their Trainer class and name, Trainer sprite, the Pokémon in their party, and three lines describing the Trainer.

The first line of the description is based on the Trainer's seed in the tournament tree. Trainers with higher seeds are described as having more potential. Dome Ace Tucker has a unique potential description.

The second line of the description is based on the Trainer's Pokémon's moves. Every move in the game has a series of flags for this check, and the moves across the Trainer's party are aggregated to determine what this line should be.

The third line of the description is based on the Trainer's Pokémon's stats—specifically, their effort values (EVs) and nature.

Move description

The game's description of Trainer style is determined by looking at flags assigned to the moves, which are as follows:[1]

Category Moves
Damaging Moves that deal damage, except for Covet, Overheat, Luster Purge, Mist Ball, Heat Wave, Mirror Coat, Magnitude, Sacred Fire, Snore, Thief, Dream Eater and Counter.
Risky Explosion, Spite, Perish Song, and Destiny Bond
Healing Status moves that heal the user immediately (except Recover), Ingrain, Leech Life, Dream Eater, Refresh, Swallow, and Wish
Defensive Counter, Double Team, Harden, Minimize, SmokeScreen, Withdraw, Defense Curl, Barrier, Light Screen, Reflect, Amnesia, Acid Armor, Sharpen, Conversion, Substitute, Protect, Detect, Endure, Safeguard, Mirror Coat, Ingrain, Magic Coat, and Iron Defense
Status Bind and Constrict, as well as status moves that inflict status conditions on opponent, except for Perish Song, Confuse Ray, Teeter Dance, Imprison, Glare, Swagger, Flatter, Sweet Kiss, GrassWhistle, and Hypnosis
Combo Swords Dance, Whirlwind, Hydro Pump, Surf, Leech Seed, Solar Beam, Hypnosis, Meditate, Focus Energy, Dream Eater, Rest, Nightmare, Snore, Reversal, Belly Drum, Spikes, Lock-On, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Morning Sun, Synthesis, Moonlight, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, Charge, Ingrain, Yawn, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Dragon Dance
Stat raising Psych Up, as well as status moves that raise user's stats (except Barrier, Bulk Up, Curse, Cosmic Power, Howl, Iron Defense, and Tail Glow)
Stat lowering Spider Web, Glare, Mud-Slap, as well as status moves that reduce target's stats (except Tickle, Charm, Memento, Fake Tears, Metal Sound, Scary Face, and Flash).
Rare Pay Day, Mimic, Metronome, Mirror Move, Dream Eater, Transform, Splash, Substitute, Sketch, Thief, Spite, Pain Split, Baton Pass, Hidden Power, Future Sight, Beat Up, Memento, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Trick, Assist, Skill Swap, Imprison, Snatch, Secret Power, Camouflage, and Doom Desire
Lucky Counter, Fissure, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sketch, Zap Cannon, Sleep Talk, Present, DynamicPunch, Assist, Magic Coat, Revenge, Imprison, Snatch, and Sheer Cold
Popular Swords Dance, Flamethrower, Surf, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Psychic, Explosion, and Protect
Strong Flamethrower, Surf, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam, SolarBeam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Psychic, Selfdestruct, Egg Bomb, Fire Blast, Skull Bash, Dream Eater, Sky Attack, and Crabhammer
Low PP Moves with default max PP of 5 or 1.
Accurate Soft-Boiled, Follow Me, Charge, Wish, Assist, Ingrain, Recycle, Refresh, Camouflage, Tail Glow, Slack Off, as well as moves that target other Pokémon and have 100% accuracy or ignore accuracy checks (except for Psych Up and damaging moves that ignore accuracy checks).
Powerful Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, SolarBeam, Thunder, Earthquake, Selfdestruct, Egg Bomb, Fire Blast, Sky Attack, Explosion, Aeroblast, Zap Cannon, Sacred Fire, Eruption, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon, Meteor Mash, Overheat, Frenzy Plant, Volt Tackle, Doom Desire, and Psycho Boost
Added effects Pay Day, Toxic, Thief, Swagger, Uproar, Knock Off, Covet, and Psycho Boost, as well as moves that confuse the user due to fatigue, binding moves, and damaging moves with secondary effect of status condition, raising user's stats or lowering target's stats
N/A Mist, Teleport, Recover, Haze, Flash, Sweet Kiss, Sandstorm, Hail, Metal Sound, GrassWhistle, Cosmic Power, Howl

After checking for the move flags, the game reads the following list from top to bottom.

Quote Requirement
Willing to risk total disaster at times. At least one risky move
Skilled at enduring long battles. At least two healing moves, one status moves and two defensive moves
Varies tactics to suit the opponent. At least one of combo move, stat raising, stat lowering, healing, status and defensive move each
Has a tough winning pattern. At least three combo moves
Occasionally uses a very rare move. At least two rare moves
Uses startling and disruptive moves. At least one rare move
Constantly watches HP in battle. At least three healing moves
Good at storing then loosing power. At least one stat raising and healing move each
Skilled at enfeebling foes. At least one stat lowering and status move each
Prefers tactics that rely on luck. At least two lucky moves
Attacks with a regal atmosphere. At least one of stat raising, healing, defensive, popular and strong move each
Attacks with powerful, low-PP moves. At least three low PP moves.
Skilled at enfeebling, then attacking. At least one stat raising and one status move each
Battles while enduring all attacks. At least two of healing and defensive moves each
Skilled at upsetting foes emotionally. At least two status moves
Uses strong and straightforward moves. At least three of strong and accurate moves each
Aggressively uses strong moves. At least four strong moves
Battles while cleverly dodging attacks. At least three defensive moves
Skilled at using upsetting attacks. At least two of stat lowering and status moves each
Uses many popular moves. At least three of popular and powerful moves each
Has moves for powerful combinations. At least two combo moves
Uses high-probability attacks. At least one healing move and three accurate moves
Aggressively uses spectacular moves. At least four powerful moves
Emphasizes offense over defense. At least seven damaging moves
Emphasizes defense over offense. At least four defensive moves
Attacks quickly with strong moves. At least two popular moves and four strong moves
Often uses moves with added effects. At least four moves with added effects
Uses a well-balanced mix of moves. None of the above

The two styles in gray will never appear in-game, as a style above them will always meet the requirement first.

Stat description

The stat description is determined by the effort values of the Trainer's Pokémon. A stat is considered to be emphasized if it makes up at least 30% of the team's total EVs, and neglected if it makes up less than 1% of the team's total EVs in that stat among the entered Pokémon. Natures are taken into account for this calculation, such that EVs on a Pokémon with a beneficial Nature are worth 10% more, while EVs on a Pokémon with a hindering Nature are worth 10% less.

If there are any emphasized stats, they are shown (if there are three emphasized stats, only the two that make up the most of the team's EV are shown). Otherwise, if there are any neglected stats, they are shown (if there are more than two, only two are shown—stats with hindering Natures among the team Pokémon are preferred for the listing). Otherwise, the Trainer is said to "raise Pokémon in a well-balanced way."

CPU battles

Note that the game does not simulate battles between two CPU Trainers. Instead, the outcome between two CPU Trainers is broken down as follows: each Trainer is scored based upon the sum of the following:

  • The type affinity of damaging attacks: each attack dealing damage on the team is compared against each Pokémon on the opposing team. 4 points are awarded if the attack is normally effective, 12 if super effective, and 20 if 4× super effective. No points are awarded if the attack is resisted. 8 points are deducted if the attack is 4× resisted, and 16 points are deducted if the attack is ineffective. For the purposes of calculating this, Ground-type attacks are considered to be neutral against Pokémon with Levitate. Against Pokémon with Wonder Guard, type matchups that are not super effective do not award nor deduct points.
  • The sum of the base stats of all Pokémon, divided by 10
  • The seeding of the Trainer, minus 1
  • A random value from 0 to 31

The Trainer with the higher score advances; if this is a tie, then the higher-seeded Trainer advances. During tournaments in which he may be challenged by the player, Tucker always appears as the #2 seeded contestant, and will always win his battles against CPU opponents.

CPU Pokémon selection

To determine the Pokémon sent out by a CPU Trainer against the player, each of the CPU Trainer's three Pokémon is given a score. There are two scoring methods, which are chosen at random: the offensive method and defensive method. Both methods compare the type affinity of the Pokémon's damaging attacks against each of the three Pokémon on the player's team. In the offensive method, 2 points are awarded if the attack is normally effective, 4 if super effective, and 8 if 4× super effective. In the defensive method, 2 points are awarded if the attack is resisted, 4 if 4× resisted, and 8 if ineffective. 2 points are deducted if super effective, and 4 are deducted if 4× super effective. No points are awarded or deducted in any other scenario. For the purposes of this calculation, type matchups that are not super effective against Pokémon with Wonder Guard are ignored (no points are awarded or deducted), and Ground-type attacks are considered to be neutral against Pokémon with Levitate.

If all three Pokémon tie in one method, the other method is used. If all three Pokémon tie in the second method, then two Pokémon and the order they appear are chosen at random. Otherwise, the two highest-scoring Pokémon are chosen (if there is a tie for the second selection, the second selection of Pokémon is chosen at random). There is a 40% chance that the CPU Trainer will lead off with the higher-scoring Pokémon, and a 60% chance of leading off with the lower-scoring Pokémon.

Battle Points

BP per round 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Any level mode 1 1 2 2 13 3 4 4 5 15 6 6 7 7 18 8 9 9 10 20 11 11 12 12 23 13 14 14 15 25

Dome Ace

After the player has won five and ten championships, Tucker will challenge them. On his defeat, he awards the Tactics Symbol.

Tucker uses two of these Pokémon when battling the player.

Silver Symbol challenge

Gold Symbol challenge


Inside the Battle Dome Trainers can view info on their opponents Before battle in the Battle Dome

In the anime

The Battle Dome in the anime
The Battle Dome's battlefield in the anime

Main series

Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire

The Battle Dome appeared in Tactics Theatrics!!. In the anime, it is located south of Lavender Town, possibly on Route 12, and was the third Battle Frontier facility challenged by Ash. The group discovered its location in Wheel of Frontier, following Ash's victory against Greta at the Battle Arena. The facility is run by Tucker and the battles are refereed by Victor.

In the Battle Dome, challengers have to defeat the Dome Ace in a Double Battle. They are given the possibility of swapping their party Pokémon with ones they have in storage after the Frontier Brain has revealed his Pokémon. After a tough match, Ash managed to defeat Tucker using his Corphish and Swellow. This victory gave Ash the Tactics Symbol, his third Frontier Symbol overall.

Pokémon used in the Battle Dome

The following is a list of Pokémon used in the Battle Dome:

Tucker's Swampert
Debut Tactics Theatrics!!
Voice actors
Japanese Kōichi Sakaguchi
English Bill Rogers

Swampert was one of the two Pokémon that battled against Ash's Corphish and Ash's Swellow. Swampert and Arcanine seemed like a perfect combination, taking advantage of Arcanine's speed and its defense as stated by Brock in the episode. In the Double Battle, Swampert's main target was Corphish. Even though it looked bad for Ash, after Tucker used the Fusion of Fire and Water, Corphish and Swellow gained their fighting spirit and came back to win the match for Ash. Swampert was defeated by an Aerial Ace from Swellow.

Swampert's known moves are Protect, Mud Shot, Dynamic Punch, Water Gun, and Water Pulse.

Tucker's Arcanine
Debut Tactics Theatrics!!
Voice actors
Japanese Chie Satō
English Chie Satō

The other Pokémon Tucker used was Arcanine. Swampert and Arcanine were a perfect combination, taking advantage of Arcanine's speed and Swampert's defense. Even though it looked bad for Ash, after Tucker's Fusion of Fire and Water, Corphish and Swellow gained their fighting spirit and with the help of some strategy of Ash's, they were able to win the match. Arcanine was defeated by a Crabhammer from Ash's Corphish.

Arcanine's known moves are Extreme Speed, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, and Aerial Ace.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

The Battle Dome in Pokémon Adventures

In Pokémon Adventures, the Trainer who wins the Battle Dome challenge always earns the Tactics Symbol, regardless of whether Tucker makes it to the finals or not.

Emerald arc

The Battle Dome first appeared in Verily Vanquishing Vileplume I, where Emerald challenged it as his fifth Battle Frontier facility during the Battle Frontier's seven-day opening ceremony. Due to the tournament-style structure of the challenge, Trainers were shipped from the Hoenn mainland over to the Battle Frontier to participate in it to avoid endless battles between computer-controlled virtual Trainers. Amongst the participating Trainers were Ruby and Sapphire, who tried to make friends with Emerald, much to his annoyance.

During the semifinal battle between Ruby and Emerald, Ruby revealed that Emerald's Sceptile was the very same Treecko that Emerald had once been supposed to receive from Professor Birch. As Emerald defeated Ruby and Sapphire was defeated by Tucker, Emerald and Tucker were set to face each other in the finals. However, Emerald abruptly requested the permission to swap his party Pokémon with ones from Crystal. Although this was against the rules, Tucker allowed it. However, Emerald's borrowed Alakazam and Metagross both wound up getting defeated by Tucker's Charizard, resulting in Emerald's first loss at the Battle Frontier.

The final battle was observed by most of the other Frontier Brains. As soon as it had ended and Emerald had headed off to challenge the Battle Palace, Tucker noticed Guile Hideout outside the window, and Noland was informed that Jirachi had been sighted on the Battle Dome rooftop. The Frontier Brains rushed to the rooftop, but arrived too late to stop Guile from capturing Jirachi for his evil schemes.

In Epilogue, after Emerald had managed to obtain all six other Symbols, he realized that he only had one day left to earn the Tactics Symbol. While the Battle Dome was still operable, despite the damage that Guile Hideout had caused to the Battle Frontier, the challenge required a group of Trainers to form a tournament. To everyone's surprise, Red suggested a tournament between the ten Pokédex holders, which Scott happily accepted. At the end of the chapter, Emerald was shown to have earned the Tactics Symbol, indicating that he had won the tournament and thus successfully completed his seven-day Battle Frontier challenge.

Pokémon Battle Frontier

The Battle Dome in Pokémon Battle Frontier

The Battle Dome appeared in Introducing the Frontier Brains!. After learning about Frontier Brains, Enta decided to challenge each of them, starting at the Battle Dome. After achieving a long-enough win streak, Enta came face to face with Tucker, who challenged him to a Double Battle. After a tough match, Enta was able to defeat Tucker with his Vulpix and Feebas. At first, Tucker was unwilling to admit that Enta could've beaten him with a Pokémon as ugly as Feebas, but he changed his mind when Feebas evolved into Milotic.


  • Due to a programming bug, the IVs of Pokémon belonging to NPC Trainers in the Battle Dome do not increase based on the player's win streak. As a result, all Pokémon fought in this facility will have 3 IVs in each stat.
    • This excludes Tucker's Pokémon, who have 20 IVs in each stat for the Silver Symbol challenge, and 31 IVs in each stat for the Gold Symbol challenge.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 對戰巨蛋 Deuijin Geuihdáan
Mandarin 對戰巨蛋 / 对战巨蛋 Duìzhàn Jùdàn
Danish Kampkuplen
Dutch Strijdstadion (AG149, AG153)
Strijdarena (AG150-AG152) *
Finnish Ottelukupu
French Dôme de Combat
German Kampfstadion
Indonesian Kubah Pertarungan
Italian Cupola Lotta
Korean 배틀돔 Battle Dome
Brazilian Portuguese Cúpula da Batalha
Spanish Latin America Domo de Batalla
Spain Cúpula Batalla
Thai แบทเทิลโดม Battle Dome
Vietnamese Nhà vòm giao đấu


Hoenn Battle Frontier
Ability Symbol Battle Tower Ability Symbol
Salon Maiden
Spirits Symbol Battle Palace Spirits Symbol
Palace Maven
Knowledge Symbol Battle Factory Knowledge Symbol
Factory Head
Brave Symbol Battle Pyramid Brave Symbol
Pyramid King
Tactics Symbol Battle Dome Tactics Symbol
Dome Ace
Guts Symbol Battle Arena Guts Symbol
Arena Tycoon
Luck Symbol Battle Pike Luck Symbol
Pike Queen

Littleroot TownOldale TownPetalburg CityRustboro CityDewford TownSlateport CityMauville CityVerdanturf Town
Fallarbor TownLavaridge TownFortree CityLilycove CityMossdeep CitySootopolis CityPacifidlog TownEver Grande City
Battle FrontierBattle Resort
Petalburg WoodsRusturf TunnelIsland CaveGranite CaveAbandoned ShipSea MauvilleOceanic Museum
Seaside Cycling RoadTrick HouseMauville Game CornerNew MauvilleTrainer HillDesert RuinsMirage TowerFiery Path
Jagged PassMt. ChimneyDesert UnderpassMeteor FallsWeather InstituteScorched SlabAncient TombSafari ZoneMt. Pyre
Lilycove MuseumShoal CaveTeam Aqua Hideout • Team Magma Hideout (LilycoveJagged Pass) • Mossdeep Space CenterSeafloor Cavern
Cave of OriginMirage IslandSky PillarVictory RoadPokémon LeagueSealed ChamberArtisan CaveAltering CaveSouthern Island
Marine CaveTerra CaveContest HallBattle MaisonBattle TowerBattle TentSecret IsletSecret MeadowSecret Shore
Mirage spots

Mirage CavesMirage ForestsMirage IslandsMirage Mountains
Crescent IsleFabled CaveGnarled DenNameless CavernPathless PlainTrackless Forest

Access to
Birth IslandFaraway IslandNavel RockSky

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.