Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
AppelX (talk | contribs)
m Text replacement - "{{-}}↵{{Project Merchandise notice}}" to "{{Project Merchandise notice}}"
(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 15: Line 15:
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
| French
| French
| [[File:Pokémon Lamincards Series - 386.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced - 148 french.jpeg|120px]]
| 150 cards
| 150 cards
| [[File:Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Series 1 - back 6.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced - 148 french back.jpeg|120px]]
|- style="background:#fff"
|- style="background:#fff"
| German
| German
| [[File:Pokémon Lamincards Series - 386.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced - 15 german.jpg|120px]]
| 150 cards
| 150 cards
| [[File:Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Series 1 - back 6.jpg|120px]]
| [[File:Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Series 1 - back 6.jpg|120px]]
Line 792: Line 792:
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybl|5px}}" | 150
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybl|5px}}" | 150
| style="background:#fff" | [[File:Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced - 150.jpg|235px]]
| style="background:#fff" | [[File:Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced - 150.jpg|235px]]
| style="background:#fff" | {{p|Pokédex}}
| style="background:#fff" | [[Pokédex]]
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybr|5px}}" | [[File:Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced - back 150.jpg|235px]]
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybr|5px}}" | [[File:Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced - back 150.jpg|235px]]

==Sealed items of Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced==
==Sealed items of Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced==
Booster boxes have 24 packs inside with each pack having 6 cards.
Booster boxes have 24 packs inside with each pack having 5 cards.
How to distinguish what set is in a booster box or pack is not yet known.
How to distinguish what set is in a booster box or pack is not yet known.

Line 823: Line 823:
background={{colorschemedark|Orange}} |
background={{colorschemedark|Orange}} |
border={{colorschemelight|Orange}} |
border={{colorschemelight|Orange}} |
image1=Pokémon Lamincards Series - album front.jpeg |
image1=Pokémon Lamincards Rainbow Advanced - album front.jpeg |
caption1=Pokémon Vertical Lamincards Advanced Album front |
caption1=Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced Album front |
{{TCGMerchGallery |
{{TCGMerchGallery |
background={{colorschemedark|Orange}} |
background={{colorschemedark|Orange}} |
border={{colorschemelight|Orange}} |
border={{colorschemelight|Orange}} |
image1=Pokémon Lamincards Series - album first page.jpeg |
image1=Pokémon Lamincards Rainbow Advanced - album first page.jpeg |
caption1=Pokémon Vertical Lamincards Advanced Album first page |
caption1=Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced Album first page |
{{TCGMerchGallery |
{{TCGMerchGallery |
background={{colorschemedark|Orange}} |
background={{colorschemedark|Orange}} |
border={{colorschemelight|Orange}} |
border={{colorschemelight|Orange}} |
image1=Pokémon Lamincards Series - album last page.jpeg |
image1=Pokémon Lamincards Rainbow Advanced - album last page.jpeg |
caption1=Pokémon Vertical Lamincards Advanced Album last page |
caption1=Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced Album last page |
{{TCGMerchGallery |
{{TCGMerchGallery |
background={{colorschemedark|Orange}} |
background={{colorschemedark|Orange}} |
border={{colorschemelight|Orange}} |
border={{colorschemelight|Orange}} |
image1=Pokémon Lamincards Series - album back.jpeg |
image1=Pokémon Lamincards Rainbow Advanced - album back.jpeg |
caption1=Pokémon Vertical Lamincards Advanced Album backside |
caption1=Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced Album backside |

{{Project Merchandise notice}}
{{Project Merchandise notice}}

[[Category:Collectible cards]]
[[Category:Collectible cards]]

Latest revision as of 04:48, 15 September 2024

A booster pack of Lamincards

Pokémon Lamincards are officially licensed Pokémon cards manufactured in 2005 by Italian Publishing Company Edibas. These Pokemon cards had most Pokémon from Generation III, with several trainers and Generation I for a total of 150 cards.

Collecting summary

Set Example No. of cards Backside
Spanish 150 cards
French 150 cards
German 150 cards


A comparison between the Series and Rainbow versions

The Series 1, 2 & 3 Lamincards were part of the same set produced by Edibas. This is highly irregular when comparing to other Pokémon card sets. So all cards from series 1, 2 & 3 could be found mixed in the same booster packs and booster boxes.

The same as with the vertical lamincards the text are in Italian for this set. This corresponds with the home country of Edibas.

These cards can easily be distinguished from other Lamincards sets due to the striking Rounded background used in the cards. The Pokémon artworks are unique for this set. These had the horizontal background on them. An other easy way to distinguish the difference is the blue versus the rainbow backside of the cards.

Cards in Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced

Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced consists of most Pokémon from Generation III. A complete list can be found in List of Pokémon by National Pokédex number. Also some Trainer cards, a Pokedex & some from Generation I.

Set # Front Pokémon Back
1 Bulbasaur
2 Ash
3 Brock
4 Prof. Birch
5 May
6 Max
7 Team Magma
8 Team Rocket
9 Team Aqua
10 Treecko
11 Grovyle
12 Sceptile
13 Torchic
14 Combusken
15 Blaziken
16 Mudkip
17 Marshtomp
18 Swampert
19 Poochyena
20 Mightyena
21 Zigzagoon
22 Linoone
23 Wurmple
24 Silcoon
25 Beautifly
26 Cascoon
27 Dustox
28 Lotad
29 Lombre
30 Ludicolo
31 Seedot
32 Nuzleaf
33 Shiftry
34 Taillow
35 Swellow
36 Wingull
37 Pelipper
38 Ralts
39 Kirlia
40 Gardevoir
41 Surskit
42 Masquerain
43 Shroomish
44 Breloom
45 Slakoth
46 Vigoroth
47 Slaking
48 Nincada
49 Ninjask
50 Shedinja
51 Whismur
52 Loudred
53 Exploud
54 Makuhita
55 Hariyama
56 Azurill
57 Marill
58 Azumarill
59 Nosepass
60 Skitty
61 Delcatty
62 Sableye
63 Mawile
64 Aron
65 Lairon
66 Aggron
67 Meditite
68 Medicham
69 Electrike
70 Manectric
71 Plusle
72 Minun
73 Volbeat
74 Illumise
75 Roselia
76 Gulpin
77 Swalot
78 Carvanha
79 Sharpedo
80 Wailmer
81 Wailord
82 Numel
83 Camerupt
84 Magcargo
85 Torkoal
86 Spoink
87 Grumpig
88 Spinda
89 Trapinch
90 Vibrava
91 Flygon
92 Cacnea
93 Cacturne
94 Swablu
95 Altaria
96 Zangoose
97 Seviper
98 Lunatone
99 Solrock
100 Barboach
101 Whiscash
102 Corphish
103 Crawdaunt
104 Baltoy
105 Claydol
106 Lileep
107 Cradily
108 Anorith
109 Armaldo
110 Feebas
111 Milotic
112 Castform
113 Kecleon
114 Shuppet
115 Banette
116 Duskull
117 Dusclops
118 Tropius
119 Chimecho
120 Absol
121 Pichu
122 Pikachu
123 Raichu
124 Wynaut
125 Snorunt
126 Glalie
127 Spheal
128 Sealeo
129 Walrein
130 Clamperl
131 Huntail
132 Gorebyss
133 Relicanth
134 Luvdisc
135 Bagon
136 Shelgon
137 Salamence
138 Beldum
139 Metang
140 Metagross
141 Regirock
142 Regice
143 Registeel
144 Latias
145 Latios
146 Kyogre
147 Groudon
148 Rayquaza
149 Meowth
150 Pokédex

Sealed items of Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced

Booster boxes have 24 packs inside with each pack having 5 cards. How to distinguish what set is in a booster box or pack is not yet known.

Booster Pack front
Booster pack back
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Booster box front
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Promotional items of Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced

For this set there was made a promotional Album to collect all the 150 cards. This was made for the Spanish market with 9 cards on each page.

Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced Album front
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced Album first page
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced Album last page
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins

Pokémon Rainbow Lamincards Advanced Album backside
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

This article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.