Appendix:Ruby and Sapphire walkthrough/Section 14: Difference between revisions

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TylerGray (talk | contribs)
m Sootopolis Gym: simplifying the ice puzzle
No edit summary
(38 intermediate revisions by 24 users not shown)
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==Sootopolis City cont.==
[[File:Sootopolis.png|right|thumb|Sootopolis City]]
==Route 128==
Once you have defeated  Groudon<sup style="color:#A00000">R</sup>/Kyogre<sup style="color:#0000A0">S</sup> the city will have clear skies now and you can enter peoples houses. After exiting the cave, head to nearest house from the cave entrance and talk to the man there to receive {{TM|31|Brick Break}}. The woman living in the house next to the [[Pokémon Center]] will give you a {{DL|Pokémon doll|Generation III|Wailmer Doll}}. The house above it has two brothers where they wish to compare the size of {{p|Shroomish}} and {{p|Barboach}} that will give you prizes if you bring them in. Once you are ready head to the Gym in the middle of the lake. [[Steven Stone]] will be there and thanks you for restoring the skies and gives the message the [[Wallace]] will challenge you now before leaving.
[[File:Hoenn Route 128 RSE.png|thumb|250px|Route 128]]
[[File:Hoenn Route 128 underwater RSE.png|thumb|250px|left|Route 128, Underwater]]

===Sootopolis Gym===
{{rt|128|Hoenn}} is situated between {{rt|127|Hoenn}} to the north, {{rt|129|Hoenn}} to the south, and [[Ever Grande City]] to the east. [[Captain Stern]] mentioned that he'd found an underwater cave here while exploring in his [[Submarine Explorer 1|submarine]]. [[Team Magma]]{{sup/3|Ru}}/[[Team Aqua]]{{sup/3|Sa}} has now breached that same cavern with their stolen sub.
[[File:Sootopolis Gym RS.png|right|thumb|260px|Sootopolis Gym]]
{{sign|E|title|LEADER: WALLACE}}
{{sign|E|"Artist and lover of WATER"}}

Once in the final gym you will find a giant ice block puzzle. To solve this puzzle you must step on every ice tile once to open a staircase, and you can only proceed by making sure the last tile you stand on is right next to the staircase. If you step on a ice tile twice it causes it to crumble and sent you to the basement where the gym's trainers are located. There are three puzzles in all, with the next puzzle being more difficult and with more trainers located below that section. It is possible to beat the Gym leader without facing the trainers, though you could still challenge them if you wish.
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Cooltrainer M.png|Cooltrainer|Ruben|1632|3|275|Shiftry|♂|34||075|Graveler|♂|34||294|Loudred|♂|34|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Cooltrainer F.png|Cooltrainer|Alexa|1680|2|044|Gloom|♀|35||184|Azumarill|♀|35|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Fisherman.png|Fisherman|Wayne|1280|4|072|Tentacool|♂|30||072|Tentacool|♂|30||320|Wailmer|♂|35||073|Tentacruel|♂|32|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Triathlete Swimmer M.png|Triathlete|Isaiah|1440|1|120|Staryu||36||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Triathlete Swimmer F.png|Triathlete|Katelyn|1440|1|120|Staryu||36||38=Nav}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|370|Luvdisc|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|no|Fish Super|30-45|45%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|370|Luvdisc|yes|yes|no|Fish Super|30-35|40%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|222|Corsola|yes|yes|no|Fish Super|30-35|15%|type1=Water|type2=Rock}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
|- align="center"
! Items
{{itemlist|Heart Scale|
* In the north-central sandbar, near Cooltrainer Alexa (hidden)
* On the sandbar to the east of the sand ring (hidden)
* On the south side of the southwest sandbar (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Heart Scale]] ×3}}
{{itemlist|Protein|Main area, on a small rock in the middle of the rocky ring (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Pearl|Eastern area, on a small rock (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{OBP|Pearl|item}}}}

The first puzzle is easy with starting from the staircase (↑1, →1, ←2, ↑1, →1). The second puzzle requires a little more skill (↑1, ←3, ↑2, →2, ↓1, →3, ↓1, →1, ↑2, ←3). The last puzzle is really hard and requires a lot of work to do (↑1, →2, ↑1, →2, ↓1, →1, ↑3, ←2, ↓1, ←1, ↑1, ←1, ↓2, ←2, ↓1, ←1, ↑1, ←1, ↓1, ←1, ↑1, ←1, ↑2, →1, ↓1, →1, ↑1, →1, ↓1, →1, ↑1, →1).

After going through the third tedious ice tile puzzle you should be right at Wallace, his most powerful Pokémon is {{p|Milotic}}. The only danger to watch out for is that Milotic knows how to use {{m|Ice Beam}}, so avoid using a {{type2|Grass}} against it and instead use an {{type2|Electric}}.
===Seafloor Cavern===
The long-forgotten [[Seafloor Cavern]] can only be reached from an underwater cave in the depths of {{rt|128|Hoenn}}. [[Maxie]]{{sup/3|Ru}}/[[Archie]]{{sup/3|Sa}} has gone to great lengths to breach the seal that has protected this place for ages, in the hope of awakening the super-ancient Pokémon rumored to dwell here. He believes this Pokémon has the power to bring about the great future he desires, but the risks seem far too great.

{| class="expandable" {{bluetable|background: #{{water color light}}; width: 50%}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|underwater}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|underwater}};"
|- style="background: #{{water color}};"
|- align="center"
! Name
! Trainers
! Pokémon
! Winnings
| Beauty Olivia
| Lv 41 Lombre{{female}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|underwater}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|underwater}};"
| {{pdollar}}3280
|- align="center"
! Ruby
| Lass Crissy
| Lv 40 Wailmer{{female}}, Lv 40 Wailmer{{female}}
| {{pdollar}}640
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt||740|2|261|Poochyena|♂|37||322|Numel|♂|37|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt||760|1|322|Numel|♂|38|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt||720|3|261|Poochyena|♂|36||041|Zubat|♂|36||322|Numel|♂|36|}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|underwater}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|underwater}};"
|- align="center"
! Sapphire
| Beauty Tiffany
| Lv 39 Carvanha{{female}}, Lv 39 Wailmer{{female}}, Lv 39 Sharpedo{{female}}
| {{pdollar}}3120
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Aqua Grunt M.png|Team Aqua Grunt||740|2|261|Poochyena|♂|37||318|Carvanha|♂|37|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Aqua Grunt M.png|Team Aqua Grunt||760|1|318|Carvanha|♂|38|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Aqua Grunt M.png|Team Aqua Grunt||720|3|261|Poochyena|♂|36||041|Zubat|♂|36||318|Carvanha|♂|36|}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|underwater}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|underwater}};"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
| PokéFan Marissa
| Lv 36 Azurill{{female}}, Lv 38 Marill{{female}}, Lv 40 Azumarill{{female}}
| {{pdollar}}3200
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|no|Fish Super|20-45|100%|type1=Water}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|underwater}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|underwater}};"
|- align="center"
! Items
| Beauty Bridget
| Lv 41 Azumarill{{female}}
| {{pdollar}}3280
{{itemlist|TM Ground|Deepest Room, east of the doorway|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{TM|26|Earthquake}}}}
| Lady Brianna
| Lv 41 Seaking{{female}}
| {{pdollar}}8200
| Beauty Connie
[[File:Seafloor Cavern entrance RS.png|thumb|left|Seafloor Cavern, Entrance]]
| Lv 40 Goldeen{{female}}, Lv 40 Wailmer{{female}}
When you first enter the cavern, you find [[Captain Stern]]'s sub moored beneath the waves. Rise to the surface and take the north doorway to the next room.
| {{pdollar}}3200
====Room 1====
| Lass Andrea
[[File:Seafloor Cavern R1 RS.png|thumb|right|Seafloor Cavern, Room 1]]
| Lv 41 Luvdisc{{female}}
This room features two boulders that hinder travel. Go northwest and clear the way with {{m|Rock Smash}}, then use {{m|Strength}} to move the first boulder southward. Head east and move the second boulder eastward. At this point, there are two paths forward. The northwest doorway leads directly to the southeast part of Room 4. The southeast doorway leads through Rooms 2 and 3 to the southwest part of Room 4.
| {{pdollar}}656
====Room 2====
[[File:Seafloor Cavern R2 RS.png|thumb|left|Seafloor Cavern, Room 2]]
Head south to a fork in the road. The eastern path has a cracked rock that can't be removed from this direction, so head through the doorway to the southwest instead.
====Room 3====
[[File:Seafloor Cavern R3 RS.png|thumb|right|Seafloor Cavern, Room 3]]
The doorway to the south merely leads back to the entrance. Instead, go through the northeast doorway.
====Room 4====
[[File:Seafloor Cavern R4 RS.png|thumb|left|Seafloor Cavern, Room 4]]
=====Via Room 1=====
Move the southeast boulder northward, then do the same to the eastern-most boulder. Push the east-central boulder westward and clear the cracked rock. Move the northeast boulder northward and clear the second cracked rock to the west. Push the northwest boulder westward and walk through the northwest doorway to Room 5.
=====Via Room 3=====
Move the southwest boulder northward and the west-central boulder eastward. Push the northwest boulder northward and clear the cracked rock. Move the northeast boulder eastward and walk through the northeast doorway to Room 6.
====Room 5====
[[File:Seafloor Cavern R5 RS.png|thumb|right|Seafloor Cavern, Room 5]]
This room has many strong water currents. {{m|Surf}} out into the water and ride the currents to a calm spot a short distance to the northeast. Sail east to ride the current to a patch of calm water to the northeast. Go east again to follow the current around the rock outcropping to the west side of the room. Surf westward and take the current to the northwest doorway.
====Room 6====
[[File:Seafloor Cavern R6 RS.png|thumb|left|Seafloor Cavern, Room 6]]
This room has many strong water currents. Surf eastward along the south wall to the second current, which leads a short distance northward. Go north from here to reach the west side of the room. Sail north once more to follow the current back and forth on the room's north side. Climb onto shore and go through the northwest doorway.
====Room 7====
[[File:Seafloor Cavern R7 RS.png|thumb|right|Seafloor Cavern, Room 7]]
This room has nine boulders that initially block any progress. If entering from the southwest, you'll need to move both southern-most boulders farther apart; if entering from the southeast, you only need to move the southeast boulder eastward. Next, push the middle boulder westward and the north-central boulder northward. After that, move the northeast boulder eastward and head north to run into one of the Admins, [[Courtney]]{{sup/3|Ru}}/[[Shelly]]{{sup/3|Sa}}. She's looking for payback for what happened in the [[Weather Institute]], and draws you into battle!
=====VS Courtney{{sup/3|Ru}}=====
{| style="margin: auto;"
|color={{omega ruby color}}
|bordercolor={{omega ruby color dark}}
|headcolor={{omega ruby color light}}
|sprite=Spr RS Courtney.png
|class=Magma Admin|name={{color2|000|Courtney}}
|game=Ru|location=Seafloor Cavern
|ability=Magma Armor
|move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock
|move4=Take Down|move4type=Normal}}
|move1=Take Down|move1type=Normal
|move2=Scary Face|move2type=Normal
=====VS Shelly{{sup/3|Sa}}=====
{| style="margin: auto;"
|color={{alpha sapphire color}}
|bordercolor={{alpha sapphire color dark}}
|headcolor={{alpha sapphire color light}}
|sprite=Spr RS Shelly.png
|class=Aqua Admin|name={{color2|000000|Shelly}}
|game=Sa|location=Seafloor Cavern
|ability=Rough Skin
|move1=Take Down|move1type=Normal
|move2=Scary Face|move2type=Normal
====Room 8====
[[File:Seafloor Cavern R8 RS.png|thumb|Seafloor Cavern, Room 8]]
There are a dozen boulders here to block progress. Start off by moving the south-central boulder one step northward and the other two southern-most boulders farther apart. Push the first boulder one step westward, then shove the middle boulder one step northward. Move the boulders on the left and right farther apart, then push both the north-northwest and north-northeast boulders to the north wall. Finally, push the middle boulder to either side to reach the doorway.
====Deepest Room====
[[File:Seafloor Cavern end R.png|thumb|left|Seafloor Cavern, Deepest Room{{sup/3|Ru}}]]
[[File:Seafloor Cavern end S.png|thumb|right|Seafloor Cavern, Deepest Room{{sup/3|Sa}}]]
Go east to find {{TM|26|Earthquake}} on the room's highest level before continuing along the downward-sloping corridor. At its end, the villainous team's driven leader, [[Maxie]]{{sup/3|Ru}}/[[Archie]]{{sup/3|Sa}} will run up to you. He has found the resting place of the super-ancient Pokémon, and is ready to awaken the creature with his stolen [[Blue Orb]]{{sup/3|Ru}}/[[Red Orb]]{{sup/3|Sa}}. Being close to success, he drags you into a battle.
=====VS Maxie{{sup/3|Ru}}=====
{| style="margin: auto;"
|color={{omega ruby color}}
|bordercolor={{omega ruby color dark}}
|headcolor={{omega ruby color light}}
|sprite=Spr RS Maxie.png
|class=Magma Leader|classlink=Maxie|name={{color2|000|Maxie}}
|game=Ru|location=Seafloor Cavern
|move3=Scary Face|move3type=Normal
|move4=Take Down|move4type=Normal}}
|ability=Inner Focus
|move2=Wing Attack|move2type=Flying
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost
|move4=Air Cutter|move4type=Flying}}
|ability=Magma Armor
|move1=Take Down|move1type=Normal
|move3=Rock Slide|move3type=Rock
=====VS Archie{{sup/3|Sa}}=====
{| style="margin: auto;"
|color={{alpha sapphire color}}
|bordercolor={{alpha sapphire color dark}}
|headcolor={{alpha sapphire color light}}
|sprite=Spr RS Archie.png
|class=Aqua Leader|classlink=Archie|name={{color2|000|Archie}}
|game=Sa|location=Seafloor Cavern
|move3=Scary Face|move3type=Normal
|move4=Take Down|move4type=Normal}}
|ability=Inner Focus
|move2=Wing Attack|move2type=Flying
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost
|move4=Air Cutter|move4type=Flying}}
|ability=Rough Skin
|color={{water color}}
|headcolor={{water color light}}
Even upon defeat, Maxie{{sup/3|Ru}}/Archie{{sup/3|Sa}} still intends to awaken the super-ancient Pokémon. When, he shows the [[Blue Orb]]{{sup/3|Ru}}/[[Red Orb]]{{sup/3|Sa}} however, {{p|Groudon}}{{sup/3|Ru}}/{{p|Kyogre}}{{sup/3|Sa}} unexpectedly awakes. It escapes the cavern with a loud cry and emerges at the water's surface. Maxie{{sup/3|Ru}}/Archie{{sup/3|Sa}} is surprised as he did not do anything. Suddenly, he receives an urgent call from his subordinates outside. The great energy generated by the legendary creature has altered and intensified [[Hoenn]]'s weather as expected, but to dangerous, unforeseen levels. The weather's dramatic shift to harsh sunlight{{sup/3|Ru}}/heavy rain{{sup/3|Sa}} influences any battles on the region's east side. The intense sunlight boosts all {{t|Fire}} moves and weakens all {{t|Water}} moves. The massive downpours boost all Water moves and weaken all Fire moves. Archie{{sup/3|Ru}}/Maxie{{sup/3|Sa}} and a pair of his Grunts enter a moment later. He condemns the villainous team's actions and tries to reason with its leader, who seems unwilling to believe that his plans are falling apart.
|bordercolor={{water color dark}}
==Route 128==
|prize={{Pdollar}}[[Pokémon Dollar|4300]]
The group returns to the surface, where they witness the extreme weather firsthand. The power of the super-ancient Pokémon has surpassed expectations, forcing Maxie{{sup/3|Ru}}/Archie{{sup/3|Sa}} to grudgingly agree to work with his rival to set things right. Once the others leave, {{steven}} swoops down to assess the situation. He informs you that the oppressive weather seems to originate in [[Sootopolis City]] to the northwest. He's headed there to investigate, and suggests you do the same.
|location=[[Sootopolis Gym]]
|ability=Swift Swim
|move1=Water Pulse
|move3=Sweet Kiss
|gamename=Ruby and Sapphire
|prevname=Mossdeep City, Route 125, Shoal Cave, Route 127
|nextname=Route 126, Sootopolis City, Cave of Origin
|move1=Rain Dance
|move2=Water Pulse
|ability=Thick Fat
|move2=Body Slam
|move3=Aurora Beam
|move4=Water Pulse
|ability=Swift Swim
|move1=Rain Dance
|move2=Water Pulse
|move3=Fury Attack
|move4=Horn Drill
|ability=Marvel Scale
|move1=Water Pulse
|move3=Ice Beam

After the battle Wallace will give you the {{badge|Rain}} that will allow for Pokémon of any level to obey you without question and allow for {{m|Waterfall}} to now be used outside of battle. He will also give you {{TM|03|Water Pulse}}.
Now that all the badges have been collected, you can enter [[Ever Grande City]] east of {{rt|128}} and compete against the {{DL|Elite Four|Hoenn Elite Four|Elite Four}}, but first we'll look at some sidequests. First you should explore the remaining sea routes to unlock the [[Legendary golems]]. The next destination is {{rt|129}}, which is south of Route 128.
{{WalkthroughPrevNext|game=Ruby|game2=Sapphire|prevsection=13|prevname=Route 128, Seafloor Cavern, Route 126, Sootopolis City, Cave of Origin|gamename=Ruby and Sapphire|nextname= ???|nextsection=15}}
{{Project Walkthroughs notice}}
{{Project Walkthroughs notice}}
[[Category: Ruby and Sapphire walkthrough]]
[[Category:Ruby and Sapphire walkthrough]]

Latest revision as of 12:10, 17 August 2024

This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.
These pages follow the original Game Boy Advance iteration, not Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. The guide for those games can be found here.

Route 128

Route 128
Route 128, Underwater

Route 128 is situated between Route 127 to the north, Route 129 to the south, and Ever Grande City to the east. Captain Stern mentioned that he'd found an underwater cave here while exploring in his submarine. Team MagmaR/Team AquaS has now breached that same cavern with their stolen sub.

Seafloor Cavern

The long-forgotten Seafloor Cavern can only be reached from an underwater cave in the depths of Route 128. MaxieR/ArchieS has gone to great lengths to breach the seal that has protected this place for ages, in the hope of awakening the super-ancient Pokémon rumored to dwell here. He believes this Pokémon has the power to bring about the great future he desires, but the risks seem far too great.


Seafloor Cavern, Entrance

When you first enter the cavern, you find Captain Stern's sub moored beneath the waves. Rise to the surface and take the north doorway to the next room.

Room 1

Seafloor Cavern, Room 1

This room features two boulders that hinder travel. Go northwest and clear the way with Rock Smash, then use Strength to move the first boulder southward. Head east and move the second boulder eastward. At this point, there are two paths forward. The northwest doorway leads directly to the southeast part of Room 4. The southeast doorway leads through Rooms 2 and 3 to the southwest part of Room 4.

Room 2

Seafloor Cavern, Room 2

Head south to a fork in the road. The eastern path has a cracked rock that can't be removed from this direction, so head through the doorway to the southwest instead.

Room 3

Seafloor Cavern, Room 3

The doorway to the south merely leads back to the entrance. Instead, go through the northeast doorway.

Room 4

Seafloor Cavern, Room 4
Via Room 1

Move the southeast boulder northward, then do the same to the eastern-most boulder. Push the east-central boulder westward and clear the cracked rock. Move the northeast boulder northward and clear the second cracked rock to the west. Push the northwest boulder westward and walk through the northwest doorway to Room 5.

Via Room 3

Move the southwest boulder northward and the west-central boulder eastward. Push the northwest boulder northward and clear the cracked rock. Move the northeast boulder eastward and walk through the northeast doorway to Room 6.

Room 5

Seafloor Cavern, Room 5

This room has many strong water currents. Surf out into the water and ride the currents to a calm spot a short distance to the northeast. Sail east to ride the current to a patch of calm water to the northeast. Go east again to follow the current around the rock outcropping to the west side of the room. Surf westward and take the current to the northwest doorway.

Room 6

Seafloor Cavern, Room 6

This room has many strong water currents. Surf eastward along the south wall to the second current, which leads a short distance northward. Go north from here to reach the west side of the room. Sail north once more to follow the current back and forth on the room's north side. Climb onto shore and go through the northwest doorway.

Room 7

Seafloor Cavern, Room 7

This room has nine boulders that initially block any progress. If entering from the southwest, you'll need to move both southern-most boulders farther apart; if entering from the southeast, you only need to move the southeast boulder eastward. Next, push the middle boulder westward and the north-central boulder northward. After that, move the northeast boulder eastward and head north to run into one of the Admins, CourtneyR/ShellyS. She's looking for payback for what happened in the Weather Institute, and draws you into battle!

VS CourtneyR

VS ShellyS

Room 8

Seafloor Cavern, Room 8

There are a dozen boulders here to block progress. Start off by moving the south-central boulder one step northward and the other two southern-most boulders farther apart. Push the first boulder one step westward, then shove the middle boulder one step northward. Move the boulders on the left and right farther apart, then push both the north-northwest and north-northeast boulders to the north wall. Finally, push the middle boulder to either side to reach the doorway.

Deepest Room

Seafloor Cavern, Deepest RoomR
Seafloor Cavern, Deepest RoomS

Go east to find TM26 (Earthquake) on the room's highest level before continuing along the downward-sloping corridor. At its end, the villainous team's driven leader, MaxieR/ArchieS will run up to you. He has found the resting place of the super-ancient Pokémon, and is ready to awaken the creature with his stolen Blue OrbR/Red OrbS. Being close to success, he drags you into a battle.

VS MaxieR

VS ArchieS

Even upon defeat, MaxieR/ArchieS still intends to awaken the super-ancient Pokémon. When, he shows the Blue OrbR/Red OrbS however, GroudonR/KyogreS unexpectedly awakes. It escapes the cavern with a loud cry and emerges at the water's surface. MaxieR/ArchieS is surprised as he did not do anything. Suddenly, he receives an urgent call from his subordinates outside. The great energy generated by the legendary creature has altered and intensified Hoenn's weather as expected, but to dangerous, unforeseen levels. The weather's dramatic shift to harsh sunlightR/heavy rainS influences any battles on the region's east side. The intense sunlight boosts all Fire moves and weakens all Water moves. The massive downpours boost all Water moves and weaken all Fire moves. ArchieR/MaxieS and a pair of his Grunts enter a moment later. He condemns the villainous team's actions and tries to reason with its leader, who seems unwilling to believe that his plans are falling apart.

Route 128

The group returns to the surface, where they witness the extreme weather firsthand. The power of the super-ancient Pokémon has surpassed expectations, forcing MaxieR/ArchieS to grudgingly agree to work with his rival to set things right. Once the others leave, Steven swoops down to assess the situation. He informs you that the oppressive weather seems to originate in Sootopolis City to the northwest. He's headed there to investigate, and suggests you do the same.

← Part 13 Mossdeep City, Route 125, Shoal Cave, Route 127
Ruby and Sapphire
Route 126, Sootopolis City, Cave of Origin Part 15 →

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.