DP080: Difference between revisions

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m Robot: Automated text replacement (-Brock +{{an|Brock}}, -Misty +{{an|Misty}})
m Text replacement - "episode of the Pokémon anime" to "episode of the Pokémon animated series"
(115 intermediate revisions by 55 users not shown)
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prevcode=DP079 |
prevtitle=Strategy With a Smile! |
|prevtitle=Strategy With a Smile!
nextcode=DP081 |
nexttitle=Chim - Charred! |
|nexttitle=Chim - Charred!
series=Diamond & Pearl series |
|series=Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
epcode=DP080 |
altepcode=EP546 |
title_en=The Thief That Keeps on Thieving! |
|title_en=The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!
title_ja_trans=Yanyanma! Capture Operation!! |
|title_ja_trans=Yanyanma! Capture Operation!!
broadcast_jp=May 22, 2008 |
|broadcast_jp=May 22, 2008
broadcast_us=October 18, 2008 |
|broadcast_us=October 18, 2008
en_series= |
en_op=[[We Will Be Heroes]] |
|en_op=[[We Will Be Heroes]]
ja_op=[[Together|Together2008]] |
ja_ed=[[Message of the Wind|風のメッセージ]] (PokaPoka Version) |
|ja_ed=[[Message of the Wind|風のメッセージ]] (PokaPoka Version)
olmteam=Team Iguchi |
|olmteam=Team Iguchi
scenario=大橋志吉 |
storyboardn=1 |
storyboard=小山賢 |
directorn=1 |
artn=1 |
art=田口広一 |
morecredits=yes |
epstaffpage=DP071-DP080 |
footnotes=*[[filb-eppics:dp080|Screenshots on Filb.de]]
|footnotes=* {{filb-eppics|dp|080}}
'''The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!''' (Japanese: '''ヤンヤンマ!ゲット作戦!!''' ''{{tt|Yanyanma|Yanma}}! Capture Operation!!'') is the 80th episode of the {{series|Diamond & Pearl}}, and the 546th episode of the [[Pokémon anime]]. It first aired in Japan on May 22, 2008 and in the United States on October 18, 2008.
'''The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!''' (Japanese: '''ヤンヤンマ!ゲット作戦!!''' ''{{tt|Yanyanma|Yanma}}! Capture Operation!!'') is the 80th episode of ''[[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl]]'', and the 546th episode of the [[Pokémon animated series]]. It first aired in Japan on May 22, 2008 and in the United States on October 18, 2008.

The episode begins with {{Ash}} and co. walking by a lake. {{an|Dawn}} admires her new ribbon and Ash is excited for his [[DP083|next gym battle]]. A {{p|Yanma}} flies by and lands on Dawn's head. It flies over to Ash's head and Dawn checks it on her [[Pokédex]]. Yanma flies over to {{an|Brock}}'s head and lands briefly before flying away. A trainer named Tyler comes running and asks the gang if they'd seen a Yanma. Ash tells him it went across the lake and Tyler starts running. Ash and co. decide to follow him.

Tyler catches up with the Yanma and sends out Pippy, his {{p|Piplup}}. Pippy uses {{m|Peck}} but Yanma dodges. Ash and co. arrive and the Yanma uses {{m|SonicBoom}}. Pippy is knocked backwards but gets up and uses {{m|Pound}}. Yanma dodges and uses {{m|Wing Attack}}. Pippy is knocked down and Yanma flies away. Tyler falls on his knees after his failure at catching the Yanma and Pippy feels the same way.
<i>On the way to Pastoria City, Ash and his friends meet Tyler and his Piplup, Pippy. The pair is hot on the trail of a Yanma; Tyler's only been a Trainer for a week, but he's already spent three days trying to catch that Yanma! Ash and the gang help Tyler track the Yanma down, and Pippy battles it to wear it down. Now Tyler is ready to throw his Poké Ball and complete the capture—except Team Rocket slips in, nabs Yanma, and makes a quick getaway! Unable to find Team Rocket, our heroes can only cheer Tyler up and encourage him to find another Yanma to catch.

Ash and co. sit with Tyler and start talking. Tyler's Pippy and [[Dawn's Piplup]] begin playing and Tyler begins how he first saw a Yanma and wanted it. Dawn mentions her story of catching {{TP|Dawn|Buneary}}, her first Pokémon, and Ash continues on with his first, {{AP|Caterpie|Butterfree}}. The group decides to help Tyler catch Yanma. The group look for Yanma and [[Ash's Staravia]] flies down pointing its wing to where it is. Tyler and Pippy prepare to battle. Pippy makes the first move with {{m|Bubble}} which Yanma dodges. Pippy goes on to use Peck which makes contact with Yanma. Pippy uses Pound and hits Yanma again. Yanma flies up and charges at Pippy with {{m|Quick Attack}}. Pippy charges with Peck and Yanma is sent backwards seeming unable to battle further. Tyler is ready to throw a [[Poké Ball]], but Team Rocket comes up from the lake and performs their motto. [[Jessie]] throws a Poké Ball and captures Yanma without any effort. The group is shocked and Team Rocket leaves. Tyler is sad and falls on his knees again, crying.
Team Rocket sends the purloined Yanma to Team Rocket headquarters, eagerly anticipating a reward from the Boss. But Team Rocket already has plenty of Yanma, so Giovanni sends it back without comment. Team Rocket thinks the Boss is just being generous, so Jessie takes charge of their new Yanma and sets out to catch another Yanma for Giovanni. It's not long before Team Rocket crosses paths with Tyler, who's just found another wild Yanma.

Piplup comes out of the water, not finding Team Rocket's Magikarp submarine. Tyler remains sad but Ash encourages him and telling him not to give up. Dawn and Brock exchange words with Tyler and he regains his confidence. Another Yanma flies by and everyone agrees that Tyler can catch this one.
Jessie sends out her new Yanma, which evolves into a surprisingly tough Yanmega. Team Rocket is delighted by Yanmega's powerful Sonic Boom and Ancient Power moves, except the fight with Tyler and Ash scares off the wild Yanma. Team Rocket might not have won this round, but Tyler is dismayed at losing out on another Yanma and Ash and his friends have to urge him not to give up. So when Tyler finds another Yanma and Team Rocket again shows up to spoil the show, Ash has Buizel and Pikachu put Team Rocket in their place. At last, Tyler catches a Yanma without any further interruption, and our heroes congratulate him before they resume their trip to Pastoria City.</i>

Team Rocket are excited to see what [[Giovanni]] will do when they give him Yanma. They meet up with {{TR|Delibird|Team Rocket's Delibird}} and give it Yanma's Poké Ball. Team Rocket, in tears for their first capture, waves at an equally shocked Delibird, as it flies off.
As {{Ash}} and {{ashfr}} are walking by a lake, {{an|Dawn}} admires her new [[Ribbon]] and Ash is excited for his [[DP083|next Gym Battle]]. A {{p|Yanma}} flies by and momentarily lands on Dawn's head, prompting Dawn to check her [[Pokédex]] for information. As Yanma flies away, a keen Trainer named {{OBP|Tyler|DP080}} comes running and asks the group if they'd seen a Yanma. Ash tells him it went across the lake and Tyler starts running. Ash and his friends decide to follow him.

The group is searching for the Yanma but have no luck. They set up a table and Ash shows Tyler his badges and Dawn shows him her ribbons. Tyler is impressed with them and becomes inspired to catch Yanma.
Tyler catches up to the Yanma and sends out Pippy, his [[gender|female]] {{p|Piplup}}. Pippy uses {{m|Peck}} but Yanma dodges. Yanma knocks Pippy backwards with {{m|Sonic Boom}}. Pippy tries a {{m|Pound}} attack, though Yanma dodges and knocks her down with {{m|Wing Attack}} before flying off. Tyler falls on his knees after his latest failure at catching the Yanma and Pippy feels the same way.

Team Rocket is sleeping and Jessie, [[James]], and {{MTR}} are thinking about what the boss will say, believing he'll be happy with Yanma. Meanwhile, Giovanni receives Jessie's Yanma, delivered to his office by two Team Rocket grunts. He uses a special extention arm from his laptop to scan the Poké Ball, revealing the species inside and the attacks it knows. He asks about their current supply, and one of the grunts reports that Team Rocket has recently captured a large number of Yanma, and therefore there is no need for the Yanma they've just received. As he scratches his {{TP|Giovanni|Persian}} behind the ears, Giovanni is asked what he wants to do with the Yanma...
Tyler sits down with group, revealing that he has only been traveling for a week. He promised himself that he would catch the first Pokémon he saw, hence his determination to catch a Yanma. After Dawn and Ash recall catching their firsts, {{TP|Dawn|Buneary}} and {{AP|Caterpie}} respectively, they offer to help Tyler out. They soon locate Yanma thanks to [[Ash's Staravia]]. Tyler and Pippy prepare to battle, however her {{m|Bubble}} is evaded. Pippy lands two consecutive hits on Yanma. Yanma dives down with {{m|Quick Attack}}, though Pippy counters this Peck and Yanma is sent backwards seeming unable to battle further. Tyler is ready to throw a {{i|Poké Ball}}, but {{TRT}} comes up from the lake and performs their {{motto}}, after which [[Jessie]] throws a Poké Ball and catches Yanma without any effort. The group is shocked and {{TRT}} escapes with their catch, leaving Tyler distraught again.

The next day the group is ready to catch Yanma and Brock has set up Pokémon food for it. Team Rocket is freshening up and Delibird returns. It gives them Yanma back without telling Meowth what it is. They open the box and see it's a Poké Ball. Meowth thinks Giovanni has sent them a new, powerful Pokémon which makes his, James's, and Jessie's eyes sparkle imagining the Poké Ball containing a {{p|Lucario}} or a {{p|Rampardos}}. Jessie throws the Poké Ball only to have Yanma come out, and from the way it sits on Jessie's head the trio realize it's not just a Yanma... it's the ''same'' Yanma they caught earlier. Jessie is disappointed and Meowth and James are surprised. Jessie and James start crying as think Giovanni decided to reward them for catching a powerful Pokémon by returning said Pokémon to them. The two agree that Jessie should be Yanma's trainer and also decide to catch another Yanma for Giovanni in return.
{{TP|Dawn|Piplup}} comes out of the water, not finding Team Rocket's {{p|Magikarp}} [[Team Rocket's mechas|submarine]]. Tyler remains sad, but Ash encourages him to not give up. Tyler regains his confidence just as another Yanma flies by and everyone agrees that Tyler can catch this one. By evening, the search ends with no sight of a Yanma. They set up camp and enjoy a meal prepared by Brock. Ash impresses Tyler with his [[Sinnoh League]] [[Badge]]s while Dawn shows off her Ribbons.  

Meanwhile Pippy uses Peck on another Yanma and knocks it out. Ash tells him to throw a Poké Ball. Tyler is about to, but Team Rocket steps in front of the Yanma. Jessie sends out her Yanma. and Ash sends out {{AP|Chimchar}}. Yanma uses Wing Attack but Chimchar dodges and uses {{M|Flamethrower}}. Team Rocket shouts out and Meowth uses {{M|Fury Swipes}} on Chimchar. James sends out {{TP|James|Carnivine}} which {{m|bite}}s him on the head as usual. James throws Carnivine and Carnivine uses {{M|Bullet Seed}}. Yanma uses {{m|SonicBoom}} and Chimchar dodges both the attacks. While in midair, Chimchar uses {{M|Flame Wheel}} and hits both Carnivine and Yanma. Jessie is shocked but Yanma recovers and uses {{m|AncientPower}}. Chimchar is hit but recovers quick. Yanma glows white and begins to [[Evolution|evolve]]. Jessie and Meowth are surprised and Yanma becomes a {{TP|Jessie|Yanmega}}. Dawn checks out Yanmega on her Pokédex and Yanmega uses SonicBoom. Power and momentum are on Yanmega's side and Chimchar is hit and sent flying back. Yanmega shoots several more SonicBooms at the group knocking them all off their feet. Team Rocket is happy that they beat the twerps but the wild Yanma gets up and flies away. Team Rocket notice and recall their Pokémon. They set off after the Yanma.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket have since delivered their caught Yanma to {{an|Giovanni}} via {{OBP|Delibird|Team Rocket}}. That night the trio dreams of their promotions, having finally delivered a Pokémon to the boss. Meanwhile, at {{an|Team Rocket HQ|Team Rocket's headquarters}}, Giovanni receives Jessie's Yanma, delivered to his office by two {{tc|Team Rocket Grunt}}s. He uses his laptop to scan the Poké Ball, revealing the {{OBP|Pokémon|species|species}} inside and the [[move]]s it knows, one of which is {{m|Ancient Power}}. He asks about their current supply, and one of the grunts reports that Team Rocket has recently caught a large number of Yanma. The next morning, Delibird returns to the Rocket trio and delivers Yanma back to them. {{MTR}} suggests the Poké Ball contains a powerful Pokémon as a reward from HQ. Jessie and James aren't disappointed to see the very same Yanma, instead they believe Giovanni decided to reward them for catching a powerful Pokémon by returning said Pokémon to them. The two agree that Jessie should be Yanma's Trainer and also decide to catch another Yanma for Giovanni in return.

Team Rocket is looking for Yanma and excited about Jessie's new Yanmega. It annoys her, however, when it comes out of its Poké Ball and lands on her head. James checks a card to see what new Pokémon they've obtained. They are convinced that it was Giovanni that taught Yanma AncientPower to evolve it (though Yanma already knew AncientPower when Giovanni received it). They decide to capture thousands of Yanma with the help of Yanmega for him in return.
Meanwhile, the group is ready to catch Yanma and Brock has set up [[Pokémon food]] for it. Pippy uses Peck on another Yanma and knocks it out. Ash tells Tyler to throw a Poké Ball. Tyler is about to, but Team Rocket steps in front of the Yanma. Jessie sends out her {{TP|Jessie|Yanma}}, and Ash sends out {{AP|Chimchar}}. Yanma approaches with Wing Attack, but Chimchar dodges and uses {{m|Flamethrower}}. Meowth defends Giovanni’s gift and {{m|Fury Swipes}} on Chimchar. James sends out {{TP|James|Carnivine}}, who greets its Trainer with a friendly {{m|Bite}} before rushing into battle with a {{m|Bullet Seed}}. Yanma uses {{m|Sonic Boom}}. Chimchar dodges both the attacks and scorches Team Rocket’s Pokémon with a {{m|Flame Wheel}}. Yanma recovers and after unleashing an Ancient Power on Chimchar, Yanma [[Evolution|evolve]]s into a {{p|Yanmega}}. Jessie is pleasantly surprised and calls for a Sonic Boom. Power and momentum are on Yanmega's side and Chimchar is sent flying back. Yanmega knocks the [[twerp]]s around with several more Sonic Booms. Team Rocket is happy that they beat the twerps, but switch targets after the wild Yanma soars away.

Brock sets out the Pokémon food again and another Yanma takes the bait. Pippy starts the battle with Pound and hits Yanma. Team Rocket appears and Ash sends out {{AP|Buizel}}. Jessie has Yanmega use AncientPower, but Buizel dodges and uses {{m|Aqua Jet}}. Yanmega gets hit then Buizel continues with a SonicBoom. Yanmega is thrown backwards and Ash finishes it off with {{AP|Pikachu}}'s {{m|Thunderbolt}}. Team Rocket is sent blasting off and out of sight.
Brock sets out the Pokémon food again and another Yanma takes the bait. Pippy ambushes Yanma with a Pound attack. Team Rocket reappears in their sub, so Ash sends out {{AP|Buizel}} to deal with them. Jessie has Yanmega use Ancient Power, but Buizel dodges and strikes back with {{m|Aqua Jet}}. Yanmega is struck down by a Sonic Boom from Buizel, and {{AP|Pikachu}} uses {{m|Thunderbolt}} to send Team Rocket blasting off.

Meanwhile, Yanma is eating the Pokémon food and Pippy uses Bubble. Yanma dodges and uses Wing Attack. Pippy dodges and Yanma goes over the lake. Pippy dives into the lake and swims to gain on Yanma, Dawn commending its speed. When it catches up, Pippy launches out of the water to use Peck and hits Yanma. Yanma responds with SonicBoom but Pippy ducks under the water to dodge. Pippy surfaces and uses Bubble which hits Yanma directly, as it struggles to escape by flying to shore. Pippy launches for one more Peck and just having reached the lakeside, Yanma falls to the ground. Tyler throws a Poké Ball but Yanma pops out. However, Tyler doesn't give up and Pippy uses Peck once more. Tyler throws the Poké Ball again and captures Yanma. Tyler does a pose like Ash and Dawn whenever they catch a Pokémon. Pippy dances as Dawn's Piplup congratulates it. Tyler thanks Ash and co. for all their help. The day is near over, and Tyler is about to separate from Ash and his friends. The group exchanges words, Brock gives Tyler some of his Pokémon food, and Tyler leaves. Ash and co. continue on to [[Pastoria City]]...
Meanwhile, Yanma is eating the Pokémon food and Pippy uses Bubble. Yanma dodges and tries a Wing Attack. After Pippy dodges, Yanma goes over the lake. Pippy immediately dives in and swims to gain on Yanma before landing a hit with Peck. Pippy ducks under the water to dodge Yanma’s retaliation, and resurfaces to attack with Bubble and Peck. Yanma crashes onto the shore. Tyler throws a Poké Ball, but Yanma pops out. However, Tyler doesn't give up and Pippy uses Peck once more. Tyler throws his Poké Ball again and successfully catches Yanma. Ash and his friends congratulate Tyler on his first catch. By evening, Tyler and the group prepare to part ways. Tyler plans on heading towards [[Lake Valor]], and Brock gifts him some Pokémon food for his journey. Meanwhile, Ash and his friends continue on to [[Pastoria City]].

==Major events==
==Major events==
* [[Jessie]] captures a {{p|Yanma}}.  
[[File:Jessie Captures Yanma.png|thumb|220px|Yanma being caught]]
* Jessie's Yanma evolves into {{TP|Jessie|Yanmega}}.
* [[Jessie]] {{pkmn2|caught|catches}} a {{p|Yanma}}.
* {{TRT}} sends Yanma to {{an|Giovanni}}, who sends her back after deciding he does not need her.
* Jessie's Yanma [[Evolution|evolves]] into {{TP|Jessie|Yanmega}}.
====Pokémon debuts====
====Pokémon debuts====
Line 71: Line 76:
* {{Ash}}
* {{Ash}}
* {{an|Dawn}}
* {{an|Brock}}
* {{an|Brock}}
* {{an|Dawn}}
* [[Jessie]]
* [[Jessie]]
* [[James]]
* [[James]]
* [[Tyler]]
* {{an|Giovanni}}
* [[Giovanni]]
* {{OBP|Tyler|DP080}}
* [[Team Rocket grunts]] (two; one voiced by ''[[Kiyotaka Furushima]]'')
* {{tc|Team Rocket Grunt}}s

* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Caterpie}} ({{OP|Ash|Caterpie}}; flashback)
* {{p|Piplup}} ({{OP|Dawn|Piplup}})
* {{p|Caterpie}} ({{OP|Ash|Butterfree}}; flashback)
* {{p|Staravia}} ({{OP|Ash|Staravia}})
* {{p|Chimchar}} ({{OP|Ash|Chimchar}})
* {{p|Chimchar}} ({{OP|Ash|Chimchar}})
* {{p|Buizel}} ({{OP|Ash|Buizel}})
* {{p|Buizel}} ({{OP|Ash|Buizel}})
* {{p|Piplup}} ({{OP|Dawn|Piplup}})
* {{p|Buneary}} ({{OP|Dawn|Buneary}}; flashback)
* {{p|Buneary}} ({{OP|Dawn|Buneary}}; flashback)
* {{p|Yanma}} ({{OP|Jessie|Yanma}}; new; evolves)
* {{p|Yanma}} ({{OP|Jessie|Yanmega}}; new; evolves)
* {{p|Yanmega}} ({{OP|Jessie|Yanmega}}; newly evolved; debut)
* {{p|Yanmega}} ({{OP|Jessie|Yanmega}}; newly evolved)
* {{p|Carnivine}} ({{OP|James|Carnivine}})
* {{p|Carnivine}} ({{OP|James|Carnivine}})
* {{p|Delibird}} ({{TR|Delibird|Team Rocket}})
* {{p|Persian}} ({{OP|Giovanni|Persian}})
* {{p|Persian}} ({{OP|Giovanni|Persian}})
* {{p|Piplup}} ([[Tyler]]'s, nicknamed ''Pippy'' Seiyū: こおろぎさとみ ''[[Satomi Kōrogi]]'', ''Emily Jenness in the dub'')
* {{p|Piplup}} ({{OBP|Tyler|DP080}}'s; Pippy)
* {{p|Yanma}} ([[Tyler]]'s; new)
* {{p|Yanma}} ({{OBP|Tyler|DP080}}'s; new)
* {{p|Delibird}} ({{OBP|Delibird|Team Rocket|Team Rocket}})

* This episode has a similar premise to the episode ''[[EP177|Wings n' Things]]'', though in that episode the younger Trainer wanted to ''re''capture {{p|Yanma}}.
* This episode has a similar premise to ''[[EP177|Wings 'N' Things]]'', though in that episode, the younger Trainer wanted to [[Caught Pokémon|recapture]] {{p|Yanma}} instead.
* This is one of the very few episodes in which Team Rocket successfully capture a Pokémon for [[Giovanni]], although he sends it back to them. However, Yanma was a wild Pokémon at the time of capture, so it hadn't been stolen.
* This is one of the very few episodes in which {{TRT}} successfully catches a Pokémon for {{an|Giovanni}}, although he sends it back to them. However, Yanma was a wild Pokémon at the time of her catch, so she hadn't been stolen.
*Jessie capturing {{TP|Jessie|Yanma|Yanmega}} after someone else weakened it echoes how she captured her {{DL|List of Pokémon temporarily owned by Team Rocket|Shellder}} (although in that case, it was James and his {{TP|James|Weezing}} that weakened the Pokémon).
* Jessie catching {{TP|Jessie|Yanma}} after someone else weakened it echoes how she caught her {{DL|List of Pokémon temporarily owned by the Team Rocket trio|Shellder}} (although in that case, it was James and his {{TP|James|Weezing}} that weakened the Pokémon).
*Yanma is captured and evolves in this episode. The only other main character's Pokémon to do this is {{AP|Ash's Caterpie|Butterfree}}, who is referred by Ash in this episode. [[Ash's Primeape]] also evolved in its debut episode, though in that case, it evolved prior to being captured.
* Yanma is caught and evolves in this episode. The only Pokémon belonging to a main character to do this before is [[Ash's Caterpie]], who is coincidentally referred by {{Ash}} in this episode. [[Ash's Primeape]] also evolved in its debut episode, though in that case, it evolved prior to being caught. This would not occur again until [[JN035|''Gotta Catch a'' What?!]], 574 episodes later.
*Two background tracks from ''[[M09|Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea]]'' are used as music for this episode.
* Two background tracks from ''[[M09|Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea]]'' are used as music for this episode.
*This episode is one of the few episodes since its trade in which [[Jessie's Wobbuffet]] does not appear.
* This episode is one of the few episodes in which [[Jessie's Wobbuffet]] does not appear.
*During the second encounter with Team Rocket, ''[[Face Forward Team Rocket!]]'' was played.
* During the second encounter with Team Rocket, [[Face Forward Team Rocket!]] was played.
*This episode contains flashbacks to ''[[EP003|Ash Catches a Pokémon]]'' and ''[[DP009|Setting the World on its Buneary]]'', the first captures of Ash and Dawn.
* This episode contains flashbacks to ''[[EP003|Ash Catches a Pokémon]]'' and ''[[DP009|Setting the World on its Buneary!]]'', the first catches of Ash and Dawn, respectively.
[[Image:AshCaterpiesinnoh.jpg|thumb|right|{{AP|Ash's Caterpie|Butterfree}}]]
* This is one of the few times Meowth fought alongside Jessie's and James's Pokémon, using {{m|Fury Swipes}} on Ash's Chimchar.
*This was one of the few times Meowth fought alongside Jessie's and James's Pokémon, using {{m|Fury Swipes}} on Ash's Chimchar. Meowth normally fights alone or with Jessie and James.
* Instead of [[Professor Oak's Big Pokémon Encyclopedia]], the end of the episode featured a memorial to ''[[M06|Jirachi: Wish Maker]]'' called [[Pikachu the Movie Memorial]]. This is part of a countdown to ''[[M11|Giratina and the Sky Warrior]]''.
*Instead of [[Professor Oak]]'s Pokémon lecture, the end of the episode featured a memorial to ''[[M06|Jirachi: Wish Maker]]''. This is part of a countdown to ''[[M11|Giratina and the Sky Warrior]]''.
[[File:Ash Caterpie Sinnoh.png|thumb|220px|[[Ash's Caterpie]]]]
*This episode marks the first time one of the main character's previous Pokémon got a design change from its original appearance to the updated Sugimori art ({{AP|Ash's Caterpie's|Butterfree}} mouth is green, as Caterpie have in the official art from {{game|FireRed and LeafGreen|s}}, while Caterpie's mouth was yellow in the original episode).
* This episode marks the first time one of the main characters' previous Pokémon got a design change from its original appearance. In this case, {{AP|Ash's Caterpie|Butterfree}}'s mouth is changed from yellow to green to match Caterpie's official art.
*The dub title is loosely based on the phrase "the gift that keeps on giving."
* This episode features the [[List of moves by animated series debut|first use]] of {{m|Ancient Power}} in the {{pkmn|anime}}, even though it was introduced [[Generation II|two generations earlier]].
*This is one of the rare episodes where the ''TO BE CONTINUED...'' sign appears on the top-right corner of the screen.
* The English dub title is loosely based on the phrase "the gift that keeps on giving."
*[[Ed Paul]] (who went under the name of Ted Lewis under [[4Kids Entertainment|4Kids]]) reprises his role as [[Giovanni]], making him the first returning voice actor to regain one of his roles since the dubbing of the show switched from 4Kids to {{PUSA}}.  
* This is one of the rare episodes where the ''TO BE CONTINUED...'' sign appears on the top-right corner of the screen.
*This episode, along with [[DP081|the next episode]], is rather infamous for a hoax put up on [[Pokéani]] in regards to episode titles and summaries. This episode's hoax summary was that May or Dawn, whoever won against each other, got to battle Wallace, and they also had to stop an out of control Yanmega.  
* [[Ted Lewis|Ed Paul]] (who was credited under his real name of Ted Lewis in season 1) reprises his role as {{an|Giovanni}}, making him the first returning voice actor to regain one of his roles since the dubbing of the show switched from 4Kids to {{TPCi|Pokémon USA}}.
* This episode was adapted into a book titled ''[[Triple Trouble]]'' by author [[Simcha Whitehill]].

*Ash is angry that Team Rocket would be so cruel as to steal a trainer's first-captured Pokémon. However, Tyler hadn't captured the {{TP|Jessie|Yanma|Yanmega}} in question, so it technically was never his.
* Ash is upset that Team Rocket would be so cruel as to steal a Trainer's first-caught Pokémon. However, {{OBP|Tyler|DP080}} hadn't caught the {{TP|Jessie|Yanma|Yanmega}} in question, so it technically was never his.
*Before the second battle with Team Rocket, Tyler's Yanma is knocked out. However, at the end of the battle, Yanma is back at the food stand completely recovered.  
* Before the second battle with Team Rocket, Tyler's Yanma is knocked out. However, at the end of the battle, Yanma is back at the food stand completely recovered.
*During the second battle with Team Rocket, Brock's food stand disappears.
* During the second battle with Team Rocket, {{an|Brock}}'s food stand disappears.

===Dub edits===
===Dub edits===

===In other languages===
==In other languages==
* German: '''{{tt|Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen!|No one is born a master!}}'''
* Korean: '''{{tt|왕자리 잡기 대작전|Yanma Catching Operation}}'''
|zh_cmn={{tt|陽陽瑪收服大作戰!|Yanma Capture Operation!}}
* Polish: '''{{tt|Złodziej, który ciągle kradł|The Thief That Keeps on Thieving}}'''
|cs={{tt|Nenapravitelní zloději|The incorrigible thieves}}
* Italian: '''{{tt|Una cattura difficile!|A difficult capture!}}'''
|da={{tt|En gang tyv, altid tyv!|Once a thief, always a thief!}}
* Latin American Spanish: '''{{tt|¡Los ladrones que se la pasan robando!|The thieves that keep on thieving!}}'''
|de={{tt|Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen!|No one is born a master!}}
* Iberian Spanish: '''{{tt|¡Los Ladrones Nunca Paran de Robar!|The Thieves Steal Never Stop!}}'''
|nl={{tt|De dief die maar blijft stelen!|The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!}}
* Dutch: '''{{tt|De dief die maar blijft stelen!|The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!}}'''
|fi={{tt|Kerran varas, aina varas!|Once a thief, always a thief!}}
* Czech: '''{{tt|Nenapravitelní zloději|The incorrigible thieves}}'''
|it={{tt|Una cattura difficile!|A difficult capture!}}
* Brazilian Portuguese: '''{{tt|Achado não é roubado|Found isn't stole}}'''
|ko={{tt|왕자리 잡기 대작전!|Yanma Catching Operation!}}
* French: '''{{tt|Un air de déjà vu !|A smell of déjà vu!}}'''
|no={{tt|Tyven som fortsetter å stjele!|The thief that keeps stealing!}}
|pl={{tt|Złodziej, który ciągle kradł|The thief that keeps on thieving}}
|pt_br={{tt|Achado não é roubado|Finders Keepers}}'''
|pt_eu={{tt|Uma Vez Ladrão Sempre Ladrão!|Once Thief Always Thief!}}
|es_la={{tt|¡Los ladrones que se la pasan robando!|The thieves that keep on thieving!}}
|es_eu={{tt|¡Los Ladrones Nunca Paran de Robar!|The Thieves Steal Never Stop!}}
|sv={{tt|Tjuven som fortsätter stjäla!|The thief that keeps stealing!}}
|ru={{tt|Вечно ворующие воры!|The thiefs that always steal}}}}
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[[Category:Diamond & Pearl series episodes|080]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Yukiyoshi Ōhashi|546]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded and directed by Masaru Koyama|546]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Kōichi Taguchi|546]]
[[Category:Episodes in which a main character's Pokémon evolves|546]]
[[Category:Episodes in which a main character obtains a new Pokémon|546]]

[[de:Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen! (Episode)]]
[[Category:Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl episodes|080]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Yukiyoshi Ōhashi]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded and directed by Masaru Koyama]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Masaru Koyama]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Masaru Koyama]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Kōichi Taguchi]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Team Rocket]]
[[Category:Episodes in which a main character's Pokémon evolves]]
[[Category:Episodes in which a main character obtains a new Pokémon]]
[[de:Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen!]]
[[zh:宝可梦 钻石&珍珠 第79集]]

Latest revision as of 05:04, 3 September 2024

DP079 : Strategy With a Smile!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP081 : Chim - Charred!
The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!
DP080   EP546
Yanyanma! Capture Operation!!
First broadcast
Japan May 22, 2008
United States October 18, 2008
English themes
Opening We Will Be Heroes
Japanese themes
Opening Together2008
Ending 風のメッセージ (PokaPoka Version)
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 大橋志吉 Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Storyboard 小山賢 Masaru Koyama
Assistant director 小山賢 Masaru Koyama
Animation director 田口広一 Kōichi Taguchi
Additional credits

The Thief That Keeps on Thieving! (Japanese: ヤンヤンマ!ゲット作戦!! Yanyanma! Capture Operation!!) is the 80th episode of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, and the 546th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It first aired in Japan on May 22, 2008 and in the United States on October 18, 2008.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


On the way to Pastoria City, Ash and his friends meet Tyler and his Piplup, Pippy. The pair is hot on the trail of a Yanma; Tyler's only been a Trainer for a week, but he's already spent three days trying to catch that Yanma! Ash and the gang help Tyler track the Yanma down, and Pippy battles it to wear it down. Now Tyler is ready to throw his Poké Ball and complete the capture—except Team Rocket slips in, nabs Yanma, and makes a quick getaway! Unable to find Team Rocket, our heroes can only cheer Tyler up and encourage him to find another Yanma to catch.

Team Rocket sends the purloined Yanma to Team Rocket headquarters, eagerly anticipating a reward from the Boss. But Team Rocket already has plenty of Yanma, so Giovanni sends it back without comment. Team Rocket thinks the Boss is just being generous, so Jessie takes charge of their new Yanma and sets out to catch another Yanma for Giovanni. It's not long before Team Rocket crosses paths with Tyler, who's just found another wild Yanma.

Jessie sends out her new Yanma, which evolves into a surprisingly tough Yanmega. Team Rocket is delighted by Yanmega's powerful Sonic Boom and Ancient Power moves, except the fight with Tyler and Ash scares off the wild Yanma. Team Rocket might not have won this round, but Tyler is dismayed at losing out on another Yanma and Ash and his friends have to urge him not to give up. So when Tyler finds another Yanma and Team Rocket again shows up to spoil the show, Ash has Buizel and Pikachu put Team Rocket in their place. At last, Tyler catches a Yanma without any further interruption, and our heroes congratulate him before they resume their trip to Pastoria City.


As Ash and his friends are walking by a lake, Dawn admires her new Ribbon and Ash is excited for his next Gym Battle. A Yanma flies by and momentarily lands on Dawn's head, prompting Dawn to check her Pokédex for information. As Yanma flies away, a keen Trainer named Tyler comes running and asks the group if they'd seen a Yanma. Ash tells him it went across the lake and Tyler starts running. Ash and his friends decide to follow him.

Tyler catches up to the Yanma and sends out Pippy, his female Piplup. Pippy uses Peck but Yanma dodges. Yanma knocks Pippy backwards with Sonic Boom. Pippy tries a Pound attack, though Yanma dodges and knocks her down with Wing Attack before flying off. Tyler falls on his knees after his latest failure at catching the Yanma and Pippy feels the same way.

Tyler sits down with group, revealing that he has only been traveling for a week. He promised himself that he would catch the first Pokémon he saw, hence his determination to catch a Yanma. After Dawn and Ash recall catching their firsts, Buneary and Caterpie respectively, they offer to help Tyler out. They soon locate Yanma thanks to Ash's Staravia. Tyler and Pippy prepare to battle, however her Bubble is evaded. Pippy lands two consecutive hits on Yanma. Yanma dives down with Quick Attack, though Pippy counters this Peck and Yanma is sent backwards seeming unable to battle further. Tyler is ready to throw a Poké Ball, but Team Rocket comes up from the lake and performs their motto, after which Jessie throws a Poké Ball and catches Yanma without any effort. The group is shocked and Team Rocket escapes with their catch, leaving Tyler distraught again.

Piplup comes out of the water, not finding Team Rocket's Magikarp submarine. Tyler remains sad, but Ash encourages him to not give up. Tyler regains his confidence just as another Yanma flies by and everyone agrees that Tyler can catch this one. By evening, the search ends with no sight of a Yanma. They set up camp and enjoy a meal prepared by Brock. Ash impresses Tyler with his Sinnoh League Badges while Dawn shows off her Ribbons.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket have since delivered their caught Yanma to Giovanni via Delibird. That night the trio dreams of their promotions, having finally delivered a Pokémon to the boss. Meanwhile, at Team Rocket's headquarters, Giovanni receives Jessie's Yanma, delivered to his office by two Team Rocket Grunts. He uses his laptop to scan the Poké Ball, revealing the species inside and the moves it knows, one of which is Ancient Power. He asks about their current supply, and one of the grunts reports that Team Rocket has recently caught a large number of Yanma. The next morning, Delibird returns to the Rocket trio and delivers Yanma back to them. Meowth suggests the Poké Ball contains a powerful Pokémon as a reward from HQ. Jessie and James aren't disappointed to see the very same Yanma, instead they believe Giovanni decided to reward them for catching a powerful Pokémon by returning said Pokémon to them. The two agree that Jessie should be Yanma's Trainer and also decide to catch another Yanma for Giovanni in return.

Meanwhile, the group is ready to catch Yanma and Brock has set up Pokémon food for it. Pippy uses Peck on another Yanma and knocks it out. Ash tells Tyler to throw a Poké Ball. Tyler is about to, but Team Rocket steps in front of the Yanma. Jessie sends out her Yanma, and Ash sends out Chimchar. Yanma approaches with Wing Attack, but Chimchar dodges and uses Flamethrower. Meowth defends Giovanni’s gift and Fury Swipes on Chimchar. James sends out Carnivine, who greets its Trainer with a friendly Bite before rushing into battle with a Bullet Seed. Yanma uses Sonic Boom. Chimchar dodges both the attacks and scorches Team Rocket’s Pokémon with a Flame Wheel. Yanma recovers and after unleashing an Ancient Power on Chimchar, Yanma evolves into a Yanmega. Jessie is pleasantly surprised and calls for a Sonic Boom. Power and momentum are on Yanmega's side and Chimchar is sent flying back. Yanmega knocks the twerps around with several more Sonic Booms. Team Rocket is happy that they beat the twerps, but switch targets after the wild Yanma soars away.

Brock sets out the Pokémon food again and another Yanma takes the bait. Pippy ambushes Yanma with a Pound attack. Team Rocket reappears in their sub, so Ash sends out Buizel to deal with them. Jessie has Yanmega use Ancient Power, but Buizel dodges and strikes back with Aqua Jet. Yanmega is struck down by a Sonic Boom from Buizel, and Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to send Team Rocket blasting off.

Meanwhile, Yanma is eating the Pokémon food and Pippy uses Bubble. Yanma dodges and tries a Wing Attack. After Pippy dodges, Yanma goes over the lake. Pippy immediately dives in and swims to gain on Yanma before landing a hit with Peck. Pippy ducks under the water to dodge Yanma’s retaliation, and resurfaces to attack with Bubble and Peck. Yanma crashes onto the shore. Tyler throws a Poké Ball, but Yanma pops out. However, Tyler doesn't give up and Pippy uses Peck once more. Tyler throws his Poké Ball again and successfully catches Yanma. Ash and his friends congratulate Tyler on his first catch. By evening, Tyler and the group prepare to part ways. Tyler plans on heading towards Lake Valor, and Brock gifts him some Pokémon food for his journey. Meanwhile, Ash and his friends continue on to Pastoria City.

Major events

Yanma being caught
For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts

TV episode debuts





Ash's Caterpie
  • This episode marks the first time one of the main characters' previous Pokémon got a design change from its original appearance. In this case, Ash's Caterpie's mouth is changed from yellow to green to match Caterpie's official art.
  • This episode features the first use of Ancient Power in the anime, even though it was introduced two generations earlier.
  • The English dub title is loosely based on the phrase "the gift that keeps on giving."
  • This is one of the rare episodes where the TO BE CONTINUED... sign appears on the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Ed Paul (who was credited under his real name of Ted Lewis in season 1) reprises his role as Giovanni, making him the first returning voice actor to regain one of his roles since the dubbing of the show switched from 4Kids to Pokémon USA.
  • This episode was adapted into a book titled Triple Trouble by author Simcha Whitehill.


  • Ash is upset that Team Rocket would be so cruel as to steal a Trainer's first-caught Pokémon. However, Tyler hadn't caught the Yanma in question, so it technically was never his.
  • Before the second battle with Team Rocket, Tyler's Yanma is knocked out. However, at the end of the battle, Yanma is back at the food stand completely recovered.
  • During the second battle with Team Rocket, Brock's food stand disappears.

Dub edits

In other languages

DP079 : Strategy With a Smile!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP081 : Chim - Charred!
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.