Unbeatable: Difference between revisions

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ElectAbuzzzz (talk | contribs)
m Undo revision 1063607 by CamjChari (Talk) direct references only.
The theme when dubbed into other languages that follow the English version also had a runtime of 1 minute
(138 intermediate revisions by 64 users not shown)
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title=Unbeatable |
title=Unbeatable |
screenshot=OPE08.png |
artist=en |
artistname=[[David Rolfe]] |
artistname=[[David Rolfe]] |
lyricist=en |
lyricistname=[[John Siegler]] and [[David Rolfe]] |
lyricistname=[[John Siegler]] and [[David Rolfe]] |
composer=en |
composername= |
composername= |
composername_ro= |
arranger=en |
arrangername=[[John Siegler]] and [[David Rolfe]] |
arrangername=[[John Siegler]] and [[David Rolfe]] |
choreographer=none |
choreographername= |
choreographername_ro= |
album=en |
album=en |
albumtitle=[[Pokémon X]] |
albumtitle={{OBP|Pokémon X|CD}} |
catalognumber= |
catalognumber=KOC-CD-4185 |
recordcompany=KOCH Records |
recordcompany=KOCH Records |
colorscheme=Hoenn |
'''Unbeatable''' is the opening theme to the eighth season of the English-language Pokémon dub, [[Pokémon: Advanced Battle]]. It was used from [[AG093]] to [[AG145]] as well as in the movie ''[[M08|Lucario and the Mystery of Mew]]''. It was written and produced by [[John Siegler]] and [[David Rolfe]].
The opening animation featured footage from the eighth and ninth Japanese openings, ''[[Pokémon Symphonic Medley]]'' and ''{{so|Battle Frontier}}''. The inclusion of animation from ''Battle Frontier'' revealed three new Pokémon, {{p|Mime Jr.}}, {{p|Weavile}}, neither of whom had official English names yet at the time, and {{p|Lucario}}, to North American, United Kingdom, and Australian audiences.  However, all three were later removed in ''[[AG105|Once in a Mawile]]''. The shot of Lucario and Mew were replaced with a scene from ''[[AG100|Solid as a Solrock]]'' of {{AP|Pikachu}} using {{m|Iron Tail}}.

==Opening animation spoilers==
'''Unbeatable''' is the opening theme song for the English [[dub]] of the eighth [[season]], [[S08|Pokémon: Advanced Battle]]. It was used from ''[[AG093|Clamperl of Wisdom]]'' to ''[[AG145|Pasta La Vista!]]'', as well as in ''[[M08|Lucario and the Mystery of Mew]]''.
* The return of {{AP|Phanpy}}.
* The capture of {{TP|Misty|Azurill}}.
* The capture of {{TP|May|Munchlax}}.
* The capture of {{TP|May|Squirtle}}.
* The capture of {{TP|James|Mime Jr.}}

The opening animation is composed of clips from the eighth and ninth Japanese openings, [[Pokémon Symphonic Medley]] and {{so|Battle Frontier}}. It was written and produced by [[John Siegler]] and [[David Rolfe]].
* {{Ash}}
* [[Brock]]
* {{an|May}}
* [[Max]]
* [[Drew]]
* [[Harley]]
* [[Jessie]]
* [[James]]
* {{Delia}}
* [[Professor Oak]]
* [[Professor Birch]]
* {{Tracey}}
* [[Misty]]
* {{FB|Pike Queen|Lucy}} (shadow)
* {{FB|Dome Ace|Tucker}} (shadow)
* {{FB|Palace Maven|Spenser}} (shadow)
* {{FB|Factory Head|Noland}}
* {{FB|Arena Tycoon|Greta}} (shadow)
* {{FB|Pyramid King|Brandon}} (shadow)
* {{FB|Salon Maiden|Anabel}} (shadow)
* {{p|Corphish}} ({{OP|Ash|Corphish}})
* {{p|Torkoal}} ({{OP|Ash|Torkoal}})
* {{p|Grovyle}} ({{OP|Ash|Grovyle}})
* {{p|Swellow}} ({{OP|Ash|Swellow}})
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Munchlax}} ({{OP|May|Munchlax}})
* {{p|Combusken}} ({{OP|May|Combusken}})
* {{p|Squirtle}} ({{OP|May|Squirtle}})
* {{p|Mew}}
* {{p|Jirachi}}
* {{p|Groudon}}
* {{p|Kyogre}}
* {{p|Latios}}
* {{p|Latias}}
* {{p|Raikou}}
* {{p|Entei}}
* {{p|Suicune}}
* {{p|Rayquaza}}
* {{p|Celebi}}
* {{p|Venusaur}}
* {{p|Slowpoke}}
* {{p|Xatu}}
* {{p|Quagsire}}
* {{p|Ludicolo}}
* {{p|Zigzagoon}}
* {{p|Muk}}
* {{p|Dodrio}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Swablu}}
* {{p|Altaria}}
* {{p|Tropius}}
* {{p|Nosepass}}
* {{p|Shiftry}}
* {{p|Kecleon}}
* {{p|Machamp}}
* {{p|Mantine}}
* {{p|Seaking}}
* {{p|Sharpedo}}
* {{p|Wailord}}
* {{p|Gyarados}}
* {{p|Lapras}}
* {{p|Wingull}}
* {{p|Pelipper}}
* {{p|Growlithe}}
* {{p|Furret}}
* {{p|Mareep}}
* {{p|Raichu}}
* {{p|Camerupt}}
* {{p|Linoone}}
* {{p|Raticate}}
* {{p|Registeel}}
* {{p|Regice}}
* {{p|Regirock}}
* {{p|Chimecho}} ({{OP|James|Chimecho}})
* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})
* {{p|Seviper}} ({{OP|Jessie|Seviper}})
* {{p|Cacnea}} ({{OP|James|Cacnea}})
* {{p|Mime Jr.}} ({{OP|James|Mime Jr.}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Weavile}}
* {{p|Mewtwo}} ([[Mewtwo (anime)|anime]], shadow)
* {{p|Mr. Mime}} (Delia's, [[Mimey]])
* {{p|Azurill}} ({{OP|Misty|Azurill}})
* {{p|Deoxys}} (Normal and Speed Formes)
* {{p|Articuno}}
* {{p|Zapdos}}
* {{p|Moltres}}
* {{p|Ho-Oh}}
* {{p|Aron}}
* {{p|Lairon}}
* {{p|Phanpy}} ({{OP|Ash|Phanpy}})
* {{p|Lucario}}

===TV Version===
===TV version===
<ab>''Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
<ab>''Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable
I'm unbeatable

Walking down this endless highway
Walking down this endless highway
With nothing but [[Ash's friends|my friends]] beside me
With nothing but my friends beside me
We'll never give in, we'll never rest
We'll never give in, we'll never rest
[[Pokémon: Advanced Battle|Advanced Battle]] is the ultimate test
Advanced Battle is the ultimate test

From the earth, the land
From {{p|Groudon|the earth, the land}}
The sea and sky
{{p|Kyogre|The sea}} and {{p|Rayquaza|sky}}
They can never win, but they sure can try
They can never win, but they sure can try

Line 159: Line 46:
Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm undefeatable
I'm undefeatable
From the stars and the ancient past
From {{p|Jirachi|the}} {{p|Deoxys|stars}} and the [[Legendary giants|ancient past]]
They come to play, but they'll never last
They come to play, but they'll never last

Line 175: Line 62:

===Movie Version===
===Ending version===
<ab>''Walking down this endless highway
With nothing but my friends beside me
We'll never give in, we'll never rest
Advanced Battle is the ultimate test
Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable
(Advanced Battle!)
Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm undefeatable
Oh oh oh
(Advanced Battle!)
I'm unbeatable
===Movie version===
<ab>''Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
<ab>''Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable
I'm unbeatable

Walking down this endless highway
Walking down this endless highway
With nothing but [[Ash's friends|my friends]] beside me
Nothing but my friends beside me
We'll never give in, we'll never rest
We'll never give in, we'll never rest
[[Pokémon: Advanced Battle|Advanced Battle]] is the ultimate test
Advanced Battle is the ultimate test

From the earth, the land
From the earth, the land
Line 224: Line 130:
Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm undefeatable
I'm undefeatable
Every [[move]], each attack you choose
Every move, each attack you choose
You think you can win, but you'll always lose
You think you can win, but you'll always lose

Line 231: Line 137:
I'm unbeatable''</ab>
I'm unbeatable''</ab>

*The appearance of {{p|Deoxys}} in this opening flying with the [[legendary birds]] is reminiscent of the [[Pokémon Theme|first dub theme]], where {{p|Mewtwo}} was flying with the legendary birds. In a way this is almost fitting, as this would be the last dub theme produced by 4Kids.
*This opening has the most Pokémon species in it, with 72.
* {{Ash}}
** Also, this opening has the most Pokémon in it, counting the same species, with approximately 300.
* {{an|Misty}}
*As of 2009, this opening also has the most complete [[legendary trio]]s in it, as the only ones missing are the [[Generation IV]] [[lake guardians]] and the [[dragon trio]], and they weren't known to the public during that time.
* {{an|May}}
**This opening also has almost every legendary Pokémon released up to Generation III, only excluding {{p|Lugia}}.
* {{an|Brock}}
*Oddly, James's Mime Jr. appears. Mime Jr. was captured [[Pokémon: Battle Frontier|the following season.]]
* {{Tracey}}
**Because of this, Mime Jr. was painted out from ''[[AG105|Once in a Mawile]]'' onwards; making this the first dub opening to have a running change to it as its tenure progressed. Another running change would not occur until [[Battle Cry - (Stand Up!)]].
* [[Max]]
* [[Jessie]]
* [[James]]
* [[Drew]]
* [[Harley]]
* {{Delia}}
* {{an|Professor Oak}}
* [[Professor Birch]]
* [[Noland]]
* [[Greta]] (shadow)
* [[Tucker]] (shadow)
* [[Lucy]] (shadow)
* [[Spenser]] (shadow)
* [[Anabel]] (shadow)
* {{an|Brandon}} (shadow)
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})
* {{p|Phanpy}} ({{OP|Ash|Phanpy}})
* {{p|Swellow}} ({{OP|Ash|Swellow}})
* {{p|Grovyle}} ({{OP|Ash|Grovyle}})
* {{p|Corphish}} ({{OP|Ash|Corphish}})
* {{p|Torkoal}} ({{OP|Ash|Torkoal}})
* {{p|Azurill}} ({{OP|Misty|Azurill}})
* {{p|Combusken}} ({{OP|May|Combusken}})
* {{p|Munchlax}} ({{OP|May|Munchlax}})
* {{p|Squirtle}} ({{OP|May|Squirtle}})
* {{p|Seviper}} ({{OP|Jessie|Seviper}})
* {{p|Cacnea}} ({{OP|James|Cacnea}})
* {{p|Chimecho}} ({{OP|James|Chimecho}})
* {{p|Mime Jr.}} ({{OP|James|Mime Jr.}})
* {{p|Mr. Mime}} (Delia's; [[Mimey]])
* {{p|Mewtwo}} ({{OBP|Mewtwo|M01|M01}}; shadow)
* {{p|Mew}}
* {{p|Jirachi}}
* {{p|Groudon}}
* {{p|Kyogre}}
* {{p|Latios}}
* {{p|Latias}}
* {{p|Raikou}}
* {{p|Entei}}
* {{p|Suicune}}
* {{p|Rayquaza}}
* {{p|Celebi}}
* {{p|Venusaur}}
* {{p|Slowpoke}}
* {{p|Xatu}}
* {{p|Quagsire}}
* {{p|Ludicolo}}
* {{p|Zigzagoon}}
* {{p|Muk}}
* {{p|Dodrio}}
* {{p|Lickitung}}
* {{p|Swablu}}
* {{p|Altaria}}
* {{p|Tropius}}
* {{p|Nosepass}}
* {{p|Shiftry}}
* {{p|Kecleon}}
* {{p|Machamp}}
* {{p|Mantine}}
* {{p|Seaking}}
* {{p|Sharpedo}}
* {{p|Wailord}}
* {{p|Gyarados}}
* {{p|Lapras}}
* {{p|Wingull}}
* {{p|Pelipper}}
* {{p|Growlithe}}
* {{p|Furret}}
* {{p|Mareep}}
* {{p|Raichu}}
* {{p|Camerupt}}
* {{p|Linoone}}
* {{p|Raticate}}
* {{p|Registeel}}
* {{p|Regice}}
* {{p|Regirock}}
* {{p|Weavile}}
* {{p|Deoxys}} (Normal and Speed Formes)
* {{p|Articuno}}
* {{p|Zapdos}}
* {{p|Moltres}}
* {{p|Ho-Oh}}
* {{p|Aron}}
* {{p|Lairon}}
* {{p|Lucario}}
==Opening animation spoilers==
* The return of [[Ash's Phanpy]].
* The capture of [[Misty's Azurill]].
* The capture of [[May's Munchlax]].
* The capture of [[May's Squirtle]].
* The capture of [[James's Mime Jr.]]
# ''[[AG093|Clamperl of Wisdom]]'' - ''[[AG100|Solid as a Solrock]]'': The original animation.
# ''[[AG101|Vanity Affair]]'' - ''[[AG145|Pasta la Vista!]]'': {{TP|James|Mime Jr.}} and {{p|Weavile}} are removed from {{TRT}}'s scene; the shot of {{p|Lucario}} and {{p|Mew}} is replaced with [[AG100|a clip]] of {{AP|Pikachu}} using {{m|Iron Tail}}.
This is the first dub opening to have a running change to it as its tenure progressed. The reason for this is that the inclusion of animation from [[Battle Frontier (song)|the Japanese opening]] revealed three new Pokémon to western audiences: {{p|Mime Jr.}}, {{p|Weavile}} and {{p|Lucario}}. The former two did not even have official English names yet at the time, while on top of that, Mime Jr. was not captured by [[James]] until [[S09|the following season]].
Mime Jr. is simply painted out of the scene. Weavile, on the other hand, is removed by replacing the frames in which it appears with others from the same sequence, thus slightly changing the way Team Rocket dances. A particular frame, however, was created from scratch by mixing three different shots (the original one, plus one for Wobbuffet and one for James's upper body, as both of them were obscured by Weavile in the original), as shown below.

*The closing credits feature a shot of Zapdos and Moltres flying past Ash, which is not present in the opening credits.
*This is the only dub opening not to feature episode clips, prior to the change of animation.
File:Unbeatable - Weavile.png|From [[AG093]] to [[AG100]]
File:Unbeatable - No Weavile.png|From [[AG101]] to [[AG145]]
File:Battle Frontier - Mew and Lucario.png|From [[AG093]] to [[AG100]]
File:Unbeatable - Iron Tail.png|From [[AG101]] to [[AG145]]

==In other languages==
* Dutch: '''{{tt|Onoverwinnelijk|Unbeatable}}'''
* Danish: '''{{tt|Uovervindelig|Unbeatable}}'''
* French: '''{{tt|Je suis invaincible|I'm Unbeatable}}'''
* German: '''{{tt| Wir werden Sieger sein|We will be victorious}}'''
* Hebrew: '''הכי טוב בעולם''' ''{{tt|hakhi tov baolam|The Best in the World}}''
* Portugese (European): '''{{tt|Sou inbatível|I'm Unbeatable}}'''
* Spanish (Iberian & Latin American): '''{{tt|Invencible soy|I'm Unbeatable}}'''
* Swedish: '''{{tt|Jag är oslagbar|I am unbeatable}}'''

* This opening has the most Pokémon species in it, with 72.
** Also, this opening has the most Pokémon in it, counting the same species. The scenes featuring wild Pokémon in their natural habitats feature roughly 1,000 of them.
** This opening also has almost every Legendary Pokémon released up to [[Generation III]], excluding only {{p|Lugia}}.
* The closing credits feature a shot of {{p|Zapdos}} and {{p|Moltres}} flying past {{Ash}}, which is not present in the opening credits.
* This is the first opening to feature Pokémon that were from [[Generation IV]] and had not yet been revealed outside of Japan.
* This opening features the {{gdis|Battle Frontier|III}} symbol along with the [[Frontier Brain]]s, all of whom are shown as shadows with the exception of [[Noland]]. This is because it uses footage from the first variant of {{so|Battle Frontier|the Japanese opening}}, which had the Frontier Brains revealed in the sequence as they debuted in the episodes themselves.
** Coincidentally, Noland is the only Frontier Brain to appear in [[S08|Advanced Battle]], while the others did not appear until the [[S09|next season]].
* The first version of the dub opening was the first one not to use any episode clips.
* A karaoke version of the song was released on the {{pmin|Germany|German}} {{de|Anime Hits 5 (CD)|Anime Hits 5}} CD.
* This is the last [[dub]] opening theme song to have a runtime of 1 minute in its TV version.

==In other languages==
|da={{DL|List of Danish Pokémon themes|Uovervindelig}} <small>''Invincible''</small>
|nl={{DL|List of Dutch Pokémon themes|Onoverwinnelijk}} <small>''Unbeatable''</small>
|fi={{DL|List of Finnish Pokémon themes|Oon voittamaton}} <small>''I'm invincible''</small>
|fr={{DL|List of French Pokémon themes|Invincible}} <small>''Unbeatable''</small>
|de={{DL|List of German Pokémon themes|Wir werden Sieger sein}} <small>''We will be Winner''</small>
|he=הכי טוב בעולם {{tt|''hakhi tov baolam''|The Best in the World}}
|hi={{DL|List of Hindi Pokémon themes|Main Hoon Unbeatable (CN dub)|मैं हूँ अनबीटेबल्}} ''{{tt|Main Hoon Unbeatable|I'm Unbeatable}}''{{tt|*|CN Dub TV version}}<br>{{DL|List of Hindi Pokémon themes|Sikandar (Movie version)|मैं हूँ सिकंदर}} ''{{tt|Main Hoon Sikandar|I'm a Master}}''{{tt|*|CN Dub Movie version}}<br>{{DL|List of Hindi Pokémon themes|Jeetun Main Hi Sada (Disney dub)|जीतूँ मैं ही सदा}} ''{{tt|Jeetu Main Hi Sada| I Will Always Win}}''{{tt|*|Disney XD dub}}
|ta={{DL|List of Tamil Pokémon themes|Jaithukaatuvom (CN dub)|ஜெய்துகாட்டுவோம்}} ''{{tt|Jaithukaatuvom|We Will Win This}}''{{tt|*|CN Dub}}<br>{{DL|List of Tamil Pokémon themes|Naan Tholviyattravan (Disney dub)|நான் தோல்வியற்றவன்}} ''{{tt|Naan Tholviyattravan|I Am Successful}}''{{tt|*|Disney Dub}}
|te={{DL|List of Telugu Pokémon themes|Gelechi Chupista (CN Dub)|గెలిచి చూపిస్తా}} ''{{tt|Gelechi Chupista|I Will Win And Show}}''{{tt|*|CN Dub}}<br>{{DL|List of Telugu Pokémon themes|Edhureledhule (Disney Dub)|ఎదురెలెదులే}} ''{{tt|Edhureledhule|I'm Unbeatable}}''{{tt|*|Disney Dub}}
|it={{DL|List of Italian Pokémon themes|Sono invincibile}} <small>''I'm invincible''</small>
|no={{DL|List of Norwegian Pokémon themes|Uovervinnelig!}} <small>''Invincible!''</small>
|pt_br={{DL|List of Brazilian Portuguese Pokémon themes|Invencível}} <small>''I'm Invincible''</small>
|pt_eu={{DL|List of European Portuguese Pokémon themes|Sou Imbatível}} <small>''I'm Unbeatable''</small>
|ru={{DL|List of Russian Pokémon themes|Непобедимый}} <small>''Unbeatable''</small>
|es_la={{DL|List of Latin American Pokémon themes|Invencible soy}} <small>''I'm Unbeatable''</small>
|es_eu={{DL|List of European Spanish Pokémon themes|Invencible soy}} <small>''I'm Unbeatable''</small>
|sv={{DL|List of Swedish Pokémon themes|Jag är oslagbar}} <small>''I am unbeatable''</small>

{{English Opening Themes}}
{{English Opening Themes}}
Line 266: Line 303:
{{Project Music notice}}
{{Project Music notice}}
[[Category:English opening themes]]
[[Category:English opening themes]]
[[de:Wir werden Sieger sein]]
[[it:Sono invincibile]]

Latest revision as of 22:44, 3 March 2024

This Dream
English opening themes
Battle Frontier
Dub OP 8
Artist David Rolfe
Lyrics John Siegler and David Rolfe
Arrangement John Siegler and David Rolfe
KOCH Records
Title Pokémon X
Catalog no. KOC-CD-4185

Unbeatable is the opening theme song for the English dub of the eighth season, Pokémon: Advanced Battle. It was used from Clamperl of Wisdom to Pasta La Vista!, as well as in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.

The opening animation is composed of clips from the eighth and ninth Japanese openings, Pokémon Symphonic Medley and Battle Frontier. It was written and produced by John Siegler and David Rolfe.


TV version

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable

Walking down this endless highway
With nothing but my friends beside me
We'll never give in, we'll never rest
Advanced Battle is the ultimate test

From the earth, the land
The sea and sky
They can never win, but they sure can try

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable
(Advanced Battle!)

Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm undefeatable
From the stars and the ancient past
They come to play, but they'll never last

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable
(Advanced Battle!)

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm undefeatable

Oh oh oh
(Advanced Battle!)
I'm unbeatable

Ending version

Walking down this endless highway
With nothing but my friends beside me
We'll never give in, we'll never rest
Advanced Battle is the ultimate test

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable
(Advanced Battle!)

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm undefeatable

Oh oh oh
(Advanced Battle!)
I'm unbeatable

Movie version

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable

Walking down this endless highway
Nothing but my friends beside me
We'll never give in, we'll never rest
Advanced Battle is the ultimate test

From the earth, the land
The sea and sky
They can never win, but they sure can try

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable
(Advanced Battle!)

Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm undefeatable
From the stars and the ancient past
They come to play, but they'll never last

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable
(Advanced Battle!)

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm undefeatable
You think you'll win, but soon you'll see
You may beat some, but you can't beat me

I'm undefeatable

There's a feeling deep inside me
And it's always there to guide me
It's in my heart and in my soul
Leading me to the ultimate goal
You can try your best, this might be fun
You'll go down to defeat before you've begun

Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable
(Advanced Battle!)

Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm undefeatable
Every move, each attack you choose
You think you can win, but you'll always lose

Oh oh oh
(Advanced Battle!)
I'm unbeatable




Opening animation spoilers


  1. Clamperl of Wisdom - Solid as a Solrock: The original animation.
  2. Vanity Affair - Pasta la Vista!: Mime Jr. and Weavile are removed from Team Rocket's scene; the shot of Lucario and Mew is replaced with a clip of Pikachu using Iron Tail.

This is the first dub opening to have a running change to it as its tenure progressed. The reason for this is that the inclusion of animation from the Japanese opening revealed three new Pokémon to western audiences: Mime Jr., Weavile and Lucario. The former two did not even have official English names yet at the time, while on top of that, Mime Jr. was not captured by James until the following season.

Mime Jr. is simply painted out of the scene. Weavile, on the other hand, is removed by replacing the frames in which it appears with others from the same sequence, thus slightly changing the way Team Rocket dances. A particular frame, however, was created from scratch by mixing three different shots (the original one, plus one for Wobbuffet and one for James's upper body, as both of them were obscured by Weavile in the original), as shown below.


By Pokémon


  • This opening has the most Pokémon species in it, with 72.
    • Also, this opening has the most Pokémon in it, counting the same species. The scenes featuring wild Pokémon in their natural habitats feature roughly 1,000 of them.
    • This opening also has almost every Legendary Pokémon released up to Generation III, excluding only Lugia.
  • The closing credits feature a shot of Zapdos and Moltres flying past Ash, which is not present in the opening credits.
  • This is the first opening to feature Pokémon that were from Generation IV and had not yet been revealed outside of Japan.
  • This opening features the Battle Frontier symbol along with the Frontier Brains, all of whom are shown as shadows with the exception of Noland. This is because it uses footage from the first variant of the Japanese opening, which had the Frontier Brains revealed in the sequence as they debuted in the episodes themselves.
    • Coincidentally, Noland is the only Frontier Brain to appear in Advanced Battle, while the others did not appear until the next season.
  • The first version of the dub opening was the first one not to use any episode clips.
  • A karaoke version of the song was released on the German Anime Hits 5 CD.
  • This is the last dub opening theme song to have a runtime of 1 minute in its TV version.

In other languages

OS: Pokémon ThemePokémon WorldPokémon JohtoBorn to Be a WinnerBelieve in Me
AG: I Wanna Be a HeroThis DreamUnbeatableBattle Frontier
DP: Diamond and PearlWe Will Be HeroesBattle Cry - (Stand Up!)We Will Carry On!
BW: Black and WhiteRival DestiniesIt's Always You and Me
XY: Pokémon Theme (Version XY)Be a HeroStand Tall
SM: Under The Alolan SunUnder The Alolan MoonThe Challenge of Life
JN: The Journey Starts TodayJourney to Your HeartWith YouGotta Catch Em All
HZ: Becoming Me / We Go (English Ver.)
Other: Side by SidePokérap GS / Pokémon Chronicles themeAlways Safe
This Dream
English opening themes
Battle Frontier
This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.