Heal Bell (move): Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Littlmiget123 (talk | contribs)
m Pokemon Adventures: Miltank (um, this kinda seems retarded, the way they used heal bell :/
m Text replacement - "{{Template:" to "{{"
(233 intermediate revisions by 98 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
n=215 |
name=Heal Bell |
|name=Heal Bell
jname=いやしのすず |
jtrans=Heal Bell |
|jtrans=Heal Bell
desc=The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal the status problems of all the party Pokémon. |
|jtranslit=Iyashi no Suzu
gameimage=DPHeal bell.PNG |
|gameimage=Heal Bell IX.png
type=Normal |
damagecategory=Status |
basepp=5 |
maxpp=8 |
power=— |
accuracy=— |
bdesc=??? |
gen=II |
category=Beauty |
appeal=2 |
jam=0 |
cdesc=The appeal works great if performed last. |
|cdesc=The appeal works great if performed last.
appealsc=0 |
scdesc=Increased Voltage is added to the performance score. |
|scdesc=Increased Voltage is added to the performance score.
pokefordex=heal+bell |
touches=no |
protect=no |
magiccoat=no |
|cdesc6=Prevents the user from being startled until the turn ends.
snatch=yes |
brightpowder=no |
kingsrock=no |
flag7=yes |
flag8=no |
sound=yes |
target=team |
footnotes= }}
'''Heal Bell''' (Japanese: '''いやしのすず''' ''Heal Bell'') is a non-damaging {{type2|Normal}} move introduced in [[Generation II]].
'''Heal Bell''' (Japanese: '''いやしのすず''' ''Heal Bell'') is a non-damaging {{type|Normal}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation II]].

Heal Bell cures the user, all Pokémon in the user's party, and the user's allies, of all [[status condition]]s ({{status|sleep}}, {{status|poison}}, {{status|paralysis}}, {{status|freeze}}, and {{status|burn}}). Heal Bell affects Pokémon even if they are behind a {{OBP|substitute|doll}}.

===Generation II===
Heal Bell is a [[sound-based move]].
All Pokémon on the side of the user (both party Pokémon and double battle teammates) are cured of {{Status|sleep|sleep}}, {{status|poison|poison}}, {{status|paralysis|paralysis}}, {{status|freeze|freeze}}, and {{status|burn|burn}}.

===Generation III to IV===
===Generation II to IV===
Same as above, except it will not affect any Pokémon with the [[ability]] {{a|Soundproof}}.
Heal Bell does not affect Pokémon with the [[Ability]] {{a|Soundproof}}, including inactive Pokémon.

===Generation V===
===Generation V===
Heal Bell now lists Pokémon that are healed, and effects Pokémon with Soundproof.
Heal Bell now lists Pokémon that are healed.

Heal Bell can affect Pokémon with the Ability Soundproof.
===[[Generation II]]===
====By [[Level|leveling up]]====
===Generation VI to VII===
Heal Bell no longer affects active Pokémon with the Ability Soundproof. Inactive Pokémon are healed regardless of Abilities.
If powered up by a [[Normalium Z]] into Z-Heal Bell, the user regains all of its HP. {{m|Throat Chop}} cannot prevent a Pokémon from using Z-Heal Bell.
===Generation VIII onward===
Heal Bell now always affects the user, even if it has Soundproof; however, it still cannot affect other active Pokémon with Soundproof.

====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
{{Moveentry|113|Chansey|1|Normal||{{p|Snubbull}}, {{p|Granbull}}||*}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevss|Stad2}}|The soothing ringing of a bell that eliminates all status problems for the entire party.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev2|GSC}}|Eliminates all status problems.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|RSE}}{{gameabbrevss|Colo}}{{gameabbrevss|XD}}|Chimes soothingly to heal all status abnormalities.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|A soothing bell chimes to heal the status problems of all allies.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev4|DPPtHGSS}}{{gameabbrevss|PBR}}<br>{{gameabbrev5|BWB2W2}}|The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal the status problems of all the party Pokémon.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev6|XYORAS}}<br>{{gameabbrev7|SMUSUMPE}}<br>{{gameabbrev8|SwShBDSPLA}}|The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal the status conditions of all the party Pokémon.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev9|SV}}|The user makes a soothing bell chime to cure the status conditions of all its fellow party Pokémon and allies.}}
|}{{left clear}}

===[[Generation III]]===
====By [[Level|leveling up]]====
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
{{Moveentry/9|0251|Celebi|type=Psychic|type2=Grass|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1}}

====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
{{Movehead/Games|Normal|Egg Move|g1=none|g7=1|g7g={{gameabbrev7|SMUSUM}}|g8=1|g8g={{gameabbrev8|BDSP}}}}
{{Moveentry/8|0113|Chansey|type=Normal|1|Fairy|Fairy|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔||note=Chain breed in Gen II}}
{{Moveentry/8|0209|Snubbull|type=Fairy|2|Field|Fairy|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|−|note=Breed via Sketch in Gen II}}

====By [[purification]]====
===By [[Move Tutor]]===
{{Moveentry|131|Lapras|2|Water|Ice|[[Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|XD]]}}
{{Moveentry|144|Articuno|2|Ice|Flying|[[Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|XD]]}}
{{Moveentry|149|Dragonite|2|Dragon|Flying|[[Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|XD]]}}
{{Moveentry|179|Mareep|1|Electric||[[Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|XD]]}}
{{Moveentry|261|Poochyena|1|Dark||[[Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|XD]]}}
{{Moveentry|334|Altaria|2|Dragon|Flying|[[Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|XD]]}}
{{Moveentry/4|0037|formsig=A|Vulpix|type=Ice|1|Field|Field|form=Alolan Form||||✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0038|formsig=A|Ninetales|type=Ice|type2=Fairy|1|Field|Field|form=Alolan Form||||✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0131|Lapras|type=Water|type2=Ice|2|Monster|Water 1|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0151|Mew|type=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔||}}
{{Moveentry/4|0170|Chinchou|type=Water|type2=Electric|1|Water 2|Water 2||||}}
{{Moveentry/4|0171|Lanturn|type=Water|type2=Electric|1|Water 2|Water 2|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0174|Igglybuff|type=Normal|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0175|Togepi|type=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0238|Smoochum|type=Ice|type2=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0251|Celebi|type=Psychic|type2=Grass|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0433|Chingling|type=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0440|Happiny|type=Normal|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0480|Uxie|type=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0489|Phione|type=Water|2|Water 1|Fairy|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0490|Manaphy|type=Water|2|Water 1|Fairy|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0648|Meloetta|type=Normal|type2=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0669|Flabébé|type=Fairy|1|Fairy|Fairy|form=All forms|||✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0670|Floette|type=Fairy|1|Fairy|Fairy|form=All forms|||✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0670|formsig=E|Floette|type=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=Eternal Flower|||✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0671|Florges|type=Fairy|1|Fairy|Fairy|form=All forms|||✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0678|Meowstic|type=Psychic|1|Field|Field|form=All forms|||✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0719|Diancie|type=Rock|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/4|0801|Magearna|type=Steel|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms||||✔}}

====By {{pkmn2|event}}====
===Special move===
====[[Generation III]]====
{{Moveentryspecial|108|Lickitung|1|Normal||Wish Events||5}}
{{Moveentry/1|0131|Lapras|type=Water|type2=Ice|2|Monster|Water 1|[[Purification|Purified]] [[Shadow Pokémon]]{{sup/ss|XD}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0144|Articuno|type=Ice|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|[[Purification|Purified]] [[Shadow Pokémon]]{{sup/ss|XD}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0149|Dragonite|type=Dragon|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Dragon|[[Purification|Purified]] [[Shadow Pokémon]]{{sup/ss|XD}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0179|Mareep|type=Electric|2|Monster|Field|[[Purification|Purified]] [[Shadow Pokémon]]{{sup/ss|XD}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0261|Poochyena|type=Dark|1|Field|Field|[[Purification|Purified]] [[Shadow Pokémon]]{{sup/ss|XD}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0334|Altaria|type=Dragon|type2=Flying|2|Flying|Dragon|[[Purification|Purified]] [[Shadow Pokémon]]{{sup/ss|XD}}}}

===[[Generation IV]]===
====[[Generation IV]]====
====By [[Level|leveling up]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0440|Happiny|type=Normal|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|[[Pokéwalker]] - {{pw|Amity Meadow}}}}

====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
===By {{pkmn2|event}}===
====[[Generation III]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0108|Lickitung|type=Normal|1|Monster|Monster|[[List of PCNY event Pokémon distributions in Generation III#Lickitung|Wish Egg]]}}

====By [[move tutor]]====
==In other games==
=====In [[Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold and SoulSilver]]=====
===Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series===
Heal Bell cures the user and allies in the same room of all {{DL|Status condition (Mystery Dungeon)|bad status conditions}} (e.g. sleep, sealed). Being a sound-based move, it is blocked by {{a|Soundproof}}.

===[[Generation V]]===
====By [[Level|leveling up]]====
{{MDMoveRow|game=RB|pp=12|acc=—%|range=Entire room|target=Party|cuts=Yes}}
{{MDMoveRow|game=TDS|pp=12|acc=—%|range=Entire room|target=Party|cuts=Yes}}
{{MDMoveRow|game=BSL|pp=12|acc=—%|range=Entire room|target=Party|cuts=Yes}}
{{MDMoveRow|game=SMD|pp=13|ppmax=30|acc=—%|range=Entire room|target=Party|cuts=Yes}}

====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|RB}}|Heals all status problems of the user and team members in the room.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|TDS}}|Heals all status problems of the user and team members in the room.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|BSL}}|{{tt|おなじへやの なかまポケモンと じぶんの わるいじょうたいを すべてかいふくする|Heals all status problems of the user and team members in the room}}}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|SMD}}|If you and your teammates in the same room have any bad status conditions, all of the bad status conditions will be removed.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|RTDX}}|If you and your teammates in the same room have any bad statuses, all the bad statuses will be removed.}}
|}{{left clear}}

==In the anime==
==In the anime==
{{moveanime|type=normal|exp=yes|gen=The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal other Pokémon.|image1=Chimechohealbell.jpg|image1p=Chimecho|image2=Chimechohealbelljudges.jpg|image2p=Soothing the judges|image3=Chanseyhealbell1.jpg|image3p=Chansey|image4=Chanseyhealbell2.jpg|image4p=Sceptile being healed}}
{{moveanime|type=normal|exp=yes|gen=The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal other Pokémon.|image1=Celebi Heal Bell.png|image1p=Celebi|image2=Spenser Chansey.png|image2p=Chansey|image3=James Chimecho Heal Bell.png|image3p=Chimecho|image4=Miltank Heal Bell.png|image4p=Miltank}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=241|pkmn=Miltank|method=Miltank closes its eyes, puts its hand on where the target is hurt and shakes its tail. The orb at the end of its tail glows blue, makes a ringing noise, and its hand and the Pokémon glow blue, healing the injury, or Miltank shakes its tail and does a dance, making all of its targets calm.}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=241|pkmn=Miltank|method=Miltank closes her eyes, puts her hand on where the target is hurt and shakes her tail. The orb at the end of her tail glows blue, makes a ringing noise, and her hand and the Pokémon glow blue, healing the injury; or, Miltank shakes her tail and does a dance, making all of her targets calm.}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Miltank (Pokémon)|user1=A wild Miltank|startcode=EP207|startname=Got Miltank?|notes=Debut}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Miltank (Pokémon)|user1=A wild Miltank|startcode=EP207|startname=Got Miltank?|notes=Debut}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Harrison (Johto)|user1=Harrison's Miltank|startcode=EP268|startname=Tie One On!}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Harrison (Johto)|user1=Harrison's Miltank|startcode=EP268|startname=Tie One On!}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Solana|user1=A Miltank captured by Solana's Capture Styler|startcode=AG171|startname=Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys Crisis! (Part 1)}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Solana|user1=A Miltank captured by Solana's Capture Styler|startcode=AG171|startname=Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! (Part 1)}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=358|pkmn=Chimecho|method=Chimecho releases blue sound waves from its body, healing everyone around it.}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=358|pkmn=Chimecho|method=Chimecho releases blue sound waves from its body, healing everyone around it.}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=James's Chimecho|startcode=AG084|startname=Who's Flying Now?}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=James's Chimecho|startcode=AG084|startname=Who's Flying Now?}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=251|pkmn=Celebi|method=Celebi closes its eyes and waves of blue-green energy come off its body. The waves make a bell-like sound, and heal everything around it, or Celebi's body glows white and it releases a blue ring off its body, healing itself.}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=251|pkmn=Celebi|method=Celebi closes its eyes and waves of blue-green energy come off its body. The waves make a bell-like sound, and heal everything around it; or, Celebi's body glows white and it releases a blue ring off its body, healing itself.}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Celebi (Pokémon)|user1=A wild Celebi|startcode=AG155|startname=The Green Guardian}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Celebi (Pokémon)|user1=A wild Celebi|startcode=AG155|startname=The Green Guardian}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Celebi (movie 4)|startcode=M10|startname=The Rise of Darkrai}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Celebi (M04)|startcode=M10|startname=The Rise of Darkrai}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=113|pkmn=Chansey|method=Chansey's body glows blue-green, then blue-green waves come off its body, healing the target.}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=113|pkmn=Chansey|method=Chansey's body glows blue-green, then blue-green waves come off her body, healing the target.}}
{{movebtm|type=normal|user=Palace Maven Spenser|user1=Spenser's Chansey|startcode=AG163|startname=Cutting the Ties That Bind}}
{{movebtm|type=normal|user=Spenser|user1=Spenser's Chansey|startcode=AG163|startname=Cutting the Ties that Bind!}}

==In the manga==
==In the manga==
===Pokémon Adventures===
{{movemanga|type=normal|exp=yes|gen=The user makes a soothing bell chime to cure the status conditions of all its fellow party Pokémon and allies.|image1=Whitney Miltank Heal Bell Adventures.png|image1p=Miltank|image2=Crystal Blissey Heal Bell Adventures.png|image2p=Blissey}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=241|pkmn=Miltank|method=Miltank rings a bell that is somewhere on her body, which heals herself and others.}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Whitney's Miltank|user1=Whitney's Mil Mil|startcode=PS144|startname=Savvy Swinub|notes=Debut}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=242|pkmn=Blissey|method=Blissey shakes her body, causing a ringing sound to be heard throughout the battlefield, curing her and her allies of all status problems.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=normal|user=Crystal (Adventures)|user1=Crystal's Blissey|startcode=PS310|startname=Just My Luck...Shuckle}}

===Pokémon Adventures===
==In other generations==
{{movemanga|type=normal|exp=yes|gen=The user rings a bell it's holding, healing itself and others.}}
===Core series games===
{{movep|type=normal|ms=241|pkmn=Miltank|method=Miltank rings a bell that is somewhere on its body, which heals itself and others.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=normal|user=Whitney's Miltank|user1=Whitney's Mil Mil|startcode=PS144|startname=Ice-Skating Miltank|notes=Debut}}
|genII=Heal Bell II
|genIII=Heal Bell III
|genIV=Heal Bell IV
|genV=Heal Bell V
|genVI=Heal Bell VI
|genVII=Heal Bell VII
|genVIII=Heal Bell VIII

===Side series games===
*This is so far the only move with positive effects to be blocked by {{a|Soundproof}}.
*The only Ghost type Pokémon able to learn Heal Bell are the evolution family of {{p|Misdreavus}}.
|Stad2=Heal Bell Stad2
|Colo=Heal Bell Colo
|XD=Heal Bell XD
|PBR=Heal Bell PBR
===Spin-off series games===
|PSMD=Heal Bell PSMD

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
* French: '''Glas de Soin'''
{{Langtable|color={{normal color}}|bordercolor={{normal color dark}}
* German: '''Vitalglocke'''
|zh_yue=治癒鈴聲 ''{{tt|Jihyuh Lìhngsīng|Healing Ring}}''
* Greek:  '''Ιαματικός Κώδων'''
|zh_cmn=治癒鈴聲 / 治愈铃声 ''{{tt|Zhìyù Língshēng|Healing Ring}}''
* Italian: '''Rintoccasana'''
* Korean: '''치료방울''' ''Chiryo Bang'ul''
* Spanish: '''Campana Cura'''
|fr=Glas de Soin
|el=Ιαματικός Κώδων
|id=Bel Menyembuhkan
|ko=치료방울 ''Chiryobang-ul''
|pl=<!--Dzwonek Łagodności-->
|pt=Sino da Cura
|sr=Zvono za lečenje
|es_la=Campana Sanadora
|es_eu=Cascabel Cura<sup>{{gen|IX}}+</sup><br>Campana Cura<sup>{{gen|II}}–{{gen|VIII}}</sup>
|vi=Chuông Chữa Bệnh

{{Heal Bell}}
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}

{{Heal Bell}}
[[Category:Moves learned by purification]]
{{Project MoveDex notice}}
[[Category:Moves that can heal non-volatile status conditions]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Sword and Shield]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]

[[pt:Heal Bell]]
[[es:Cascabel cura]]
[[fr:Glas de Soin]]
[[fr:Glas de Soin]]

Latest revision as of 15:57, 22 August 2024

Heal Bell
いやしのすず Heal Bell
Type  Normal
Category  Status
PP  5 (max. 8)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by Mirror Move
  • Not affected by King's Rock
  • Is a sound-based move
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Your Party: Affects the user and all allies
Introduced  Generation II
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Jam  0  
The appeal works great if performed last.
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  0  
Increased Voltage is added to the performance score.
Condition  Beautiful
Appeal  1
Jamming  0  
Prevents the user from being startled until the turn ends.

Heal Bell (Japanese: いやしのすず Heal Bell) is a non-damaging Normal-type move introduced in Generation II.


Heal Bell cures the user, all Pokémon in the user's party, and the user's allies, of all status conditions (sleep, poison, paralysis, freeze, and burn). Heal Bell affects Pokémon even if they are behind a substitute.

Heal Bell is a sound-based move.

Generation II to IV

Heal Bell does not affect Pokémon with the Ability Soundproof, including inactive Pokémon.

Generation V

Heal Bell now lists Pokémon that are healed.

Heal Bell can affect Pokémon with the Ability Soundproof.

Generation VI to VII

Heal Bell no longer affects active Pokémon with the Ability Soundproof. Inactive Pokémon are healed regardless of Abilities.

If powered up by a Normalium Z into Z-Heal Bell, the user regains all of its HP. Throat Chop cannot prevent a Pokémon from using Z-Heal Bell.

Generation VIII onward

Heal Bell now always affects the user, even if it has Soundproof; however, it still cannot affect other active Pokémon with Soundproof.


Games Description
Stad2 The soothing ringing of a bell that eliminates all status problems for the entire party.
GSC Eliminates all status problems.
RSEColoXD Chimes soothingly to heal all status abnormalities.
FRLG A soothing bell chimes to heal the status problems of all allies.
The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal the status problems of all the party Pokémon.
The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal the status conditions of all the party Pokémon.
SV The user makes a soothing bell chime to cure the status conditions of all its fellow party Pokémon and allies.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0241 Miltank Field Field 53 53 48 48 48 48 20 20
0251 Celebi
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0300 Skitty Field Fairy 37 36DP
39 39XY
37 37
0301 Delcatty Field Fairy 1
0358 Chimecho Amorphous Amorphous 38 38 38 38XY
27 27 27
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Egg Move
0113 Chansey Fairy Fairy
0209 Snubbull Field Fairy
0440 Happiny Fairy Fairy
0531 Audino Fairy Fairy
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By Move Tutor

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Compatibility
0035 Clefairy Fairy Fairy
0036 Clefable Fairy Fairy
0037 Vulpix
Alolan Form
Field Field
0038 Ninetales
Alolan Form

Field Field
0039 Jigglypuff
Fairy Fairy
0040 Wigglytuff
Fairy Fairy
0113 Chansey Fairy Fairy
0124 Jynx
Human-Like Human-Like
0131 Lapras
Monster Water 1
0133 Eevee Field Field
0134 Vaporeon Field Field
0135 Jolteon Field Field
0136 Flareon Field Field
0151 Mew No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0170 Chinchou
Water 2 Water 2
0171 Lanturn
Water 2 Water 2
0174 Igglybuff
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0175 Togepi No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0176 Togetic
Flying Fairy
0179 Mareep Monster Field
0180 Flaaffy Monster Field
0181 Ampharos Monster Field
0196 Espeon Field Field
0197 Umbreon Field Field
0200 Misdreavus Amorphous Amorphous
0209 Snubbull Field Fairy
0210 Granbull Field Fairy
0238 Smoochum
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0241 Miltank Field Field
0242 Blissey Fairy Fairy
0251 Celebi
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0282 Gardevoir
Human-Like Amorphous
0300 Skitty Field Fairy
0301 Delcatty Field Fairy
0325 Spoink Field Field
0326 Grumpig Field Field
0333 Swablu
Flying Dragon
0334 Altaria
Flying Dragon
0358 Chimecho Amorphous Amorphous
0402 Kricketune Bug Bug
0427 Buneary Field Human-Like
0428 Lopunny Field Human-Like
0429 Mismagius Amorphous Amorphous
0433 Chingling No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0440 Happiny No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0468 Togekiss
Flying Fairy
0470 Leafeon Field Field
0471 Glaceon Field Field
0480 Uxie No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0489 Phione Water 1 Fairy
0490 Manaphy Water 1 Fairy
0517 Munna Field Field
0518 Musharna Field Field
0531 Audino Fairy Fairy
0542 Leavanny
Bug Bug
0548 Petilil Grass Grass
0549 Lilligant Grass Grass
0574 Gothita Human-Like Human-Like
0575 Gothorita Human-Like Human-Like
0576 Gothitelle Human-Like Human-Like
0648 Meloetta
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0669 Flabébé
All forms
Fairy Fairy
0670 Floette
All forms
Fairy Fairy
0670 Floette
Eternal Flower
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0671 Florges
All forms
Fairy Fairy
0677 Espurr Field Field
0678 Meowstic
All forms
Field Field
0682 Spritzee Fairy Fairy
0683 Aromatisse Fairy Fairy
0684 Swirlix Fairy Fairy
0685 Slurpuff Fairy Fairy
0700 Sylveon Field Field
0719 Diancie
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0764 Comfey Grass Grass
0801 Magearna
All forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Special move

Generation III

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0131 Lapras
Monster Water 1 Purified Shadow PokémonXD
0144 Articuno
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered Purified Shadow PokémonXD
0149 Dragonite
Water 1 Dragon Purified Shadow PokémonXD
0179 Mareep Monster Field Purified Shadow PokémonXD
0261 Poochyena Field Field Purified Shadow PokémonXD
0334 Altaria
Flying Dragon Purified Shadow PokémonXD
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation IV

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0440 Happiny No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered Pokéwalker - Amity Meadow
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By event

Generation III

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0108 Lickitung Monster Monster Wish Egg
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Heal Bell cures the user and allies in the same room of all bad status conditions (e.g. sleep, sealed). Being a sound-based move, it is blocked by Soundproof.

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDRB - - 12 - —% - Entire room Party Yes
MDTDS - - 12 - —% - Entire room Party Yes
BSL - - 12 - —% - Entire room Party Yes
SMD - - 13 30 —% - Entire room Party Yes
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:


Games Description
MDRB Heals all status problems of the user and team members in the room.
MDTDS Heals all status problems of the user and team members in the room.
BSL おなじへやの なかまポケモンと じぶんの わるいじょうたいを すべてかいふくする
SMD If you and your teammates in the same room have any bad status conditions, all of the bad status conditions will be removed.
MDRTDX If you and your teammates in the same room have any bad statuses, all the bad statuses will be removed.

In the anime




The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal other Pokémon.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Miltank Miltank closes her eyes, puts her hand on where the target is hurt and shakes her tail. The orb at the end of her tail glows blue, makes a ringing noise, and her hand and the Pokémon glow blue, healing the injury; or, Miltank shakes her tail and does a dance, making all of her targets calm.
A wild Miltank Got Miltank? Debut
Harrison's Miltank Tie One On! None
A Miltank captured by Solana's Capture Styler Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! (Part 1) None
Chimecho Chimecho releases blue sound waves from its body, healing everyone around it.
James's Chimecho Who's Flying Now? None
Celebi Celebi closes its eyes and waves of blue-green energy come off its body. The waves make a bell-like sound, and heal everything around it; or, Celebi's body glows white and it releases a blue ring off its body, healing itself.
A wild Celebi The Green Guardian None
Celebi (M04) The Rise of Darkrai None
Chansey Chansey's body glows blue-green, then blue-green waves come off her body, healing the target.
Spenser's Chansey Cutting the Ties that Bind! None

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 治癒鈴聲 Jihyuh Lìhngsīng
Mandarin 治癒鈴聲 / 治愈铃声 Zhìyù Língshēng
Dutch Geneesklok
Finnish Melikello
French Glas de Soin
German Vitalglocke
Greek Ιαματικός Κώδων
Indonesian Bel Menyembuhkan
Italian Rintoccasana
Korean 치료방울 Chiryobang-ul
Portuguese Sino da Cura
Serbian Zvono za lečenje
Spanish Latin America Campana Sanadora
Spain Cascabel CuraIX+
Campana CuraIIVIII
Swedish Botklocka
Vietnamese Chuông Chữa Bệnh

Variations of the move Heal Bell
Heal BellAromatherapy

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.