Call of Legends (TCG): Difference between revisions

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Salmancer (talk | contribs)
New paragraph for the occasional page saying this is a HGSS set.
(74 intermediate revisions by 26 users not shown)
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{{ExpansionPrevNext | prev=Triumphant | next=Black & White Collection }}
{{ExpansionPrevNext|prev=Triumphant|next=Black & White}}
{{redirect|CL|the release that this abbreviation can also refer to|Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic (TCG)}}
|setname=Call of Legends
|setlogo=COL1 Logo EN.png
|release=February 9, 2011
'''Pokémon TCG: ''Call of Legends''''' is the name given to the only main expansion of cards from the Call of Legends Series of the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]]. It does not have a main expansion as a Japanese equivalent.

<i>Joining of Powers, Battle of Forces, Call of Legends

{{TCG Single Set Infobox
Their names are legend: Raikou. Entei. Suicune. Lugia. Ho-Oh. Kyogre. Groudon. Rayquaza. Deoxys. Dialga. Palkia. And when Legendary Pokémon come together, only the greatest Trainers can control their might. In the Pokémon TCG: Call of Legends expansion, not only will you discover incredibly powerful Pokémon—including very rare "Shiny" versions of some of them—but you'll also find exciting new Lost Zone effects to expand your gameplay choices. The Legendary Pokémon have gathered—are you ready to answer the call?</i>
| setname = Call of Legends
| setsymbol = no
| setlogo = Call of Legends logo.png
| cards =
| setnum =
| release = February 9, 2011
| numdecks =0 <!--
| deck1 = None
| deck1type =
| deck2 =
| deck2type = -->
'''Pokémon TCG: ''Call of Legends''''' is the name given to the transitional expansion of cards between the HeartGold & SoulSilver era and the Black & White era of the Trading Card Game.

== Information ==
Much like {{TCG|EX Power Keepers}} with {{game|Diamond and Pearl|s}}, this set is a transition to fill in the time until the release of {{game|Black and White|s}} for English users. The set will likely include remaining cards from {{TCG|Lost Link}}, as well as unreleased promotional cards and reprints of old cards from the three Generation IV eras. Japanese Promotional cards to be printed in this set are to include the "shiny" versions of [[Legendary Pokémon]]. New cards, including English exclusive {{TCG|Pokémon Prime}}, will be created for the release of Call of Legends.
'''Call of Legends''' is the name given to the only main expansion of the ''Call of Legends Series'' of the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]]. It does not have a main expansion as a Japanese equivalent. It was released on February 9, 2011.

<!--==Theme decks==
Call of Legends featured [[Legendary Pokémon]] that appeared as {{TCG|Pokémon LEGEND}} throughout the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series, they also received {{Shiny}} {{TCG|Secret card|Secret}} prints that originated from the Japanese {{TCG|L-P Promotional cards}}.
===English decks===

==Card list==
Several cards from throughout the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series were reprinted with new English exclusive artwork. All {{TCG|Basic Energy card}}s were only included as Reverse Holofoil.
===Call of Legends===-->

{{TCG Expansions}}
Call of Legends is sometimes treated as a member of the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series, such as on [[Poké]].<ref>[ Call of Legends Overview]</ref> <ref>[ Favorite Pokémon TCG Cards from the Johto Era]</ref> It is possible for this to have been done in error.
[[Category:TCG expansion sets]]
{{Setlist/nmheader|title=Additional cards|tablecol=58ABDF|bordercol=3D63AE|cellcol=E1E1E1|promo=yes|symbol=no}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|6/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Groudon|6}}|Fighting|||Non Holo {{TCG|Retort}} Theme Deck exclusive}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|8/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Hitmontop|8}}|Fighting|||Non Holo {{TCG|Retort}} Theme Deck exclusive}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|14/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Lucario|14}}|Fighting|||Cracked Ice Holo {{TCG|Retort}} Theme Deck exclusive}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|14/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Lucario|14}}|Fighting|||Non Holo {{TCG|Retort}} Theme Deck exclusive}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|16/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Magmortar|16}}|Fire|||Non Holo {{TCG|Recon}} Theme Deck exclusive}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|17/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Ninetales|17}}|Fire|||Non Holo {{TCG|Recon}} Theme Deck exclusive}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|33/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Snorlax|33}}|Colorless|||"Call of Legends" stamp {{TCG|Prerelease cards|Prerelease promo}}}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|33/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Snorlax|33}}|Colorless|||Staff "Call of Legends" stamp {{TCG|Prerelease cards|Prerelease promo}}}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|34/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Tangrowth|34}}|Grass|||Cracked Ice Holo {{TCG|Recon}} Theme Deck exclusive}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|88/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Grass Energy|88}}|Energy|Grass||Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|89/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Fire Energy|89}}|Energy|Fire||Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|90/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Water Energy|90}}|Energy|Water||Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|91/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Lightning Energy|91}}|Energy|Lightning||Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|92/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Psychic Energy|92}}|Energy|Psychic||Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|93/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Fighting Energy|93}}|Energy|Fighting||Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|94/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Darkness Energy|94}}|Energy|Darkness||Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|95/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Metal Energy|95}}|Energy|Metal||Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)}}
{{Setlist/nmheader|title=Corrected error cards|tablecol=58ABDF|bordercol=3D63AE|cellcol=E1E1E1|promo=yes|symbol=no}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|66/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Phanpy|66}}|Fighting|||Phanpy was misspelled as Phanphy in Ultra-Thick Skin Poké-Body}}
==Set list==
{{Setlist/nmheader|title=Call of Legends|tablecol=58ABDF|bordercol=3D63AE|cellcol=E1E1E1|rarity=yes|symbol=yes|image=SetSymbolCall of Legends.png}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|1/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Clefable|1}}|Colorless||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|2/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Deoxys|2}}|Psychic||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|3/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Dialga|3}}|Metal||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|4/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Espeon|4}}|Psychic||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|5/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Forretress|5}}|Metal||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|6/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Groudon|6}}|Fighting||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|7/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Gyarados|7}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|8/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Hitmontop|8}}|Fighting||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|9/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Ho-Oh|9}}|Fire||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|10/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Houndoom|10}}|Darkness||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|11/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Jirachi|11}}|Psychic||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|12/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Kyogre|12}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|13/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Leafeon|13}}|Grass||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|14/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Lucario|14}}|Fighting||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|15/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Lugia|15}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|16/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Magmortar|16}}|Fire||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|17/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Ninetales|17}}|Fire||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|18/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Pachirisu|18}}|Lightning||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|19/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Palkia|19}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|20/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Rayquaza|20}}|Colorless||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|21/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Smeargle|21}}|Colorless||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|22/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Umbreon|22}}|Darkness||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|23/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Ampharos|23}}|Lightning||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|24/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Cleffa|24}}|Colorless||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|25/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Feraligatr|25}}|Water||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|26/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Granbull|26}}|Colorless||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|27/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Meganium|27}}|Grass||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|28/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Mismagius|28}}|Psychic||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|29/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Mr. Mime|29}}|Psychic||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|30/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Pidgeot|30}}|Colorless||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|31/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Skarmory|31}}|Metal||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|32/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Slowking|32}}|Psychic||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|33/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Snorlax|33}}|Colorless||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|34/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Tangrowth|34}}|Grass||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|35/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Typhlosion|35}}|Fire||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|36/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Tyrogue|36}}|Fighting||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|37/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Ursaring|37}}|Colorless||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|38/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Weezing|38}}|Psychic||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|39/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Zangoose|39}}|Colorless||Rare}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|40/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Bayleef|40}}|Grass||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|41/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Croconaw|41}}|Water||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|42/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Donphan|42}}|Fighting||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|43/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Flaaffy|43}}|Lightning||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|44/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Flareon|44}}|Fire||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|45/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Jolteon|45}}|Lightning||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|46/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Magby|46}}|Fire||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|47/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Mime Jr.|47}}|Psychic||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|48/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Pidgeotto|48}}|Colorless||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|49/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Quilava|49}}|Fire||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|50/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Riolu|50}}|Fighting||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|51/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Seviper|51}}|Psychic||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|52/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Vaporeon|52}}|Water||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|53/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Chikorita|53}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|54/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Clefairy|54}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|55/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Cyndaquil|55}}|Fire||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|56/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Eevee|56}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|57/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Hitmonchan|57}}|Fighting||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|58/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Hitmonlee|58}}|Fighting||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|59/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Houndour|59}}|Darkness||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|60/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Koffing|60}}|Psychic||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|61/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Magikarp|61}}|Water||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|62/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Magmar|62}}|Fire||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|63/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Mareep|63}}|Lightning||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|64/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Mawile|64}}|Metal||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|65/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Misdreavus|65}}|Psychic||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|66/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Phanpy|66}}|Fighting||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|67/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Pidgey|67}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|68/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Pineco|68}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|69/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Relicanth|69}}|Water||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|70/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Slowpoke|70}}|Water||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|71/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Snubbull|71}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|72/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Tangela|72}}|Grass||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|73/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Teddiursa|73}}|Colorless||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|74/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Totodile|74}}|Water||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|75/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Vulpix|75}}|Fire||Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|76/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Cheerleader's Cheer|76}}|Supporter||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|77/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Copycat|77}}|Supporter||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|78/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Dual Ball|78}}|Trainer||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|79/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Interviewer's Questions|79}}|Supporter||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|80/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Lost Remover|80}}|Trainer||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|81/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Lost World|81}}|Stadium||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|82/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Professor Elm's Training Method|82}}|Supporter||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|83/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Professor Oak's New Theory|83}}|Supporter||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|84/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Research Record|84}}|Trainer||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|85/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Sage's Training|85}}|Supporter||Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|86/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Darkness Energy|86}}|Energy|Darkness|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|87/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Metal Energy|87}}|Energy|Metal|Uncommon}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|88/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Grass Energy|88}}|Energy|Grass|Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|89/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Fire Energy|89}}|Energy|Fire|Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|90/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Water Energy|90}}|Energy|Water|Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|91/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Lightning Energy|91}}|Energy|Lightning|Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|92/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Psychic Energy|92}}|Energy|Psychic|Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|93/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Fighting Energy|93}}|Energy|Fighting|Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|94/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Darkness Energy|94}}|Energy|Darkness|Common}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|95/95|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Metal Energy|95}}|Energy|Metal|Common}}
{{Setlist/nmheader|title=Shiny Legendary cards|tablecol=58ABDF|bordercol=3D63AE|cellcol=E1E1E1|rarity=yes|symbol=yes|image=SetSymbolCall of Legends.png}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|SL1|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Deoxys|SL1}}|Psychic||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|SL2|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Dialga|SL2}}|Metal||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|SL3|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Entei|SL3}}|Fire||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|SL4|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Groudon|SL4}}|Fighting||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|SL5|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Ho-Oh|SL5}}|Fire||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|SL6|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Kyogre|SL6}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|SL7|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Lugia|SL7}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|SL8|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Palkia|SL8}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|SL9|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Raikou|SL9}}|Lightning||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|SL10|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Rayquaza|SL10}}|Colorless||Rare Holo}}
{{Setlist/nmentry|SL11|{{TCG ID|Call of Legends|Suicune|SL11}}|Water||Rare Holo}}
|image1=CL Booster Lugia.jpg
|caption1=English Lugia pack
|image2=CL Booster Kyogre.jpg
|caption2=English Kyogre pack
|image3=CL Booster Groudon.jpg
|caption3=English Groudon pack
|image4=CL Booster Deoxys.jpg
|caption4=English Deoxys pack
==Languages this set is released in==
The Call of Legends set is released in English, German, French, and Italian, with cards also available as Reverse Holos.
==In other languages==
|fr=L'Appel des Légendes
|de=Ruf der Legenden
|it=Richiamo delle Leggende
|pt_br=Chamado das Lendas
|ru=Зов Легенды ''Zov Legendy''
|es=Llamada de las Leyendas {{tt|*|Pokémon Trading Card Game Online}}
==External links==
* [ Set checklist]
{{Project TCG notice}}
{{TCG Releases|HS}}
[[de:Ruf der Legenden (TCG)]]
[[es:Llamada de las Leyendas (TCG)]]
[[fr:L'Appel des Légendes]]
[[it:Richiamo delle Leggende (GCC)]]
[[ja:Call of Legends]]

Latest revision as of 07:46, 27 May 2024

← Triumphant
TCG expansions
Black & White →
CL redirects here. For the release that this abbreviation can also refer to, see Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic (TCG).
Call of Legends
Cards in set 106
Set number 47
Release date February 9, 2011
Theme Decks

Recon (GrassFire)
Retort (FightingLightning)

Pokémon TCG: Call of Legends is the name given to the only main expansion of cards from the Call of Legends Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It does not have a main expansion as a Japanese equivalent.


Joining of Powers, Battle of Forces, Call of Legends

Their names are legend: Raikou. Entei. Suicune. Lugia. Ho-Oh. Kyogre. Groudon. Rayquaza. Deoxys. Dialga. Palkia. And when Legendary Pokémon come together, only the greatest Trainers can control their might. In the Pokémon TCG: Call of Legends expansion, not only will you discover incredibly powerful Pokémon—including very rare "Shiny" versions of some of them—but you'll also find exciting new Lost Zone effects to expand your gameplay choices. The Legendary Pokémon have gathered—are you ready to answer the call?


Call of Legends is the name given to the only main expansion of the Call of Legends Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It does not have a main expansion as a Japanese equivalent. It was released on February 9, 2011.

Call of Legends featured Legendary Pokémon that appeared as Pokémon LEGEND throughout the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series, they also received Shiny Secret prints that originated from the Japanese L-P Promotional cards.

Several cards from throughout the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series were reprinted with new English exclusive artwork. All Basic Energy cards were only included as Reverse Holofoil.

Call of Legends is sometimes treated as a member of the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series, such as on Poké[1] [2] It is possible for this to have been done in error.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
6/95 Groudon Fighting Non Holo Retort Theme Deck exclusive
8/95 Hitmontop Fighting Non Holo Retort Theme Deck exclusive
14/95 Lucario Fighting Cracked Ice Holo Retort Theme Deck exclusive
14/95 Lucario Fighting Non Holo Retort Theme Deck exclusive
16/95 Magmortar Fire Non Holo Recon Theme Deck exclusive
17/95 Ninetales Fire Non Holo Recon Theme Deck exclusive
33/95 Snorlax Colorless "Call of Legends" stamp Prerelease promo
33/95 Snorlax Colorless Staff "Call of Legends" stamp Prerelease promo
34/95 Tangrowth Grass Cracked Ice Holo Recon Theme Deck exclusive
88/95 Grass Energy Grass E Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)
89/95 Fire Energy Fire E Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)
90/95 Water Energy Water E Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)
91/95 Lightning Energy Lightning E Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)
92/95 Psychic Energy Psychic E Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)
93/95 Fighting Energy Fighting E Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)
94/95 Darkness Energy Darkness E Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)
95/95 Metal Energy Metal E Crosshatch Holo 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 1)

Corrected error cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
66/95 Phanpy Fighting Phanpy was misspelled as Phanphy in Ultra-Thick Skin Poké-Body

Set list

Call of Legends
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/95 Clefable Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
2/95 Deoxys Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
3/95 Dialga Metal Rare Holo Promotion
4/95 Espeon Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
5/95 Forretress Metal Rare Holo Promotion
6/95 Groudon Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
7/95 Gyarados Water Rare Holo Promotion
8/95 Hitmontop Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
9/95 Ho-Oh Fire Rare Holo Promotion
10/95 Houndoom Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
11/95 Jirachi Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
12/95 Kyogre Water Rare Holo Promotion
13/95 Leafeon Grass Rare Holo Promotion
14/95 Lucario Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
15/95 Lugia Water Rare Holo Promotion
16/95 Magmortar Fire Rare Holo Promotion
17/95 Ninetales Fire Rare Holo Promotion
18/95 Pachirisu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
19/95 Palkia Water Rare Holo Promotion
20/95 Rayquaza Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
21/95 Smeargle Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
22/95 Umbreon Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
23/95 Ampharos Lightning Rare Promotion
24/95 Cleffa Colorless Rare Promotion
25/95 Feraligatr Water Rare Promotion
26/95 Granbull Colorless Rare Promotion
27/95 Meganium Grass Rare Promotion
28/95 Mismagius Psychic Rare Promotion
29/95 Mr. Mime Psychic Rare Promotion
30/95 Pidgeot Colorless Rare Promotion
31/95 Skarmory Metal Rare Promotion
32/95 Slowking Psychic Rare Promotion
33/95 Snorlax Colorless Rare Promotion
34/95 Tangrowth Grass Rare Promotion
35/95 Typhlosion Fire Rare Promotion
36/95 Tyrogue Fighting Rare Promotion
37/95 Ursaring Colorless Rare Promotion
38/95 Weezing Psychic Rare Promotion
39/95 Zangoose Colorless Rare Promotion
40/95 Bayleef Grass Uncommon Promotion
41/95 Croconaw Water Uncommon Promotion
42/95 Donphan Fighting Uncommon Promotion
43/95 Flaaffy Lightning Uncommon Promotion
44/95 Flareon Fire Uncommon Promotion
45/95 Jolteon Lightning Uncommon Promotion
46/95 Magby Fire Uncommon Promotion
47/95 Mime Jr. Psychic Uncommon Promotion
48/95 Pidgeotto Colorless Uncommon Promotion
49/95 Quilava Fire Uncommon Promotion
50/95 Riolu Fighting Uncommon Promotion
51/95 Seviper Psychic Uncommon Promotion
52/95 Vaporeon Water Uncommon Promotion
53/95 Chikorita Grass Common Promotion
54/95 Clefairy Colorless Common Promotion
55/95 Cyndaquil Fire Common Promotion
56/95 Eevee Colorless Common Promotion
57/95 Hitmonchan Fighting Common Promotion
58/95 Hitmonlee Fighting Common Promotion
59/95 Houndour Darkness Common Promotion
60/95 Koffing Psychic Common Promotion
61/95 Magikarp Water Common Promotion
62/95 Magmar Fire Common Promotion
63/95 Mareep Lightning Common Promotion
64/95 Mawile Metal Common Promotion
65/95 Misdreavus Psychic Common Promotion
66/95 Phanpy Fighting Common Promotion
67/95 Pidgey Colorless Common Promotion
68/95 Pineco Grass Common Promotion
69/95 Relicanth Water Common Promotion
70/95 Slowpoke Water Common Promotion
71/95 Snubbull Colorless Common Promotion
72/95 Tangela Grass Common Promotion
73/95 Teddiursa Colorless Common Promotion
74/95 Totodile Water Common Promotion
75/95 Vulpix Fire Common Promotion
76/95 Cheerleader's Cheer Su Uncommon Promotion
77/95 Copycat Su Uncommon Promotion
78/95 Dual Ball T Uncommon Promotion
79/95 Interviewer's Questions Su Uncommon Promotion
80/95 Lost Remover T Uncommon Promotion
81/95 Lost World St Uncommon Promotion
82/95 Professor Elm's Training Method Su Uncommon Promotion
83/95 Professor Oak's New Theory Su Uncommon Promotion
84/95 Research Record T Uncommon Promotion
85/95 Sage's Training Su Uncommon Promotion
86/95 Darkness Energy Darkness E Uncommon Promotion
87/95 Metal Energy Metal E Uncommon Promotion
88/95 Grass Energy Grass E Common Promotion
89/95 Fire Energy Fire E Common Promotion
90/95 Water Energy Water E Common Promotion
91/95 Lightning Energy Lightning E Common Promotion
92/95 Psychic Energy Psychic E Common Promotion
93/95 Fighting Energy Fighting E Common Promotion
94/95 Darkness Energy Darkness E Common Promotion
95/95 Metal Energy Metal E Common Promotion

Shiny Legendary cards
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
SL1 Deoxys Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
SL2 Dialga Metal Rare Holo Promotion
SL3 Entei Fire Rare Holo Promotion
SL4 Groudon Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
SL5 Ho-Oh Fire Rare Holo Promotion
SL6 Kyogre Water Rare Holo Promotion
SL7 Lugia Water Rare Holo Promotion
SL8 Palkia Water Rare Holo Promotion
SL9 Raikou Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
SL10 Rayquaza Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
SL11 Suicune Water Rare Holo Promotion


English Lugia pack
English Kyogre pack
English Groudon pack
English Deoxys pack
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Call of Legends set is released in English, German, French, and Italian, with cards also available as Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
French L'Appel des Légendes
German Ruf der Legenden
Italian Richiamo delle Leggende
Brazilian Portuguese Chamado das Lendas
Russian Зов Легенды Zov Legendy
Spanish Llamada de las Leyendas *

External links


This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
HeartGold & SoulSilver Series
HGSS Black Star Promos
HeartGold & SoulSilver: Growth ClashEmber SparkMind Flood
HS Trainer Kit
Unleashed: Chaos ControlSteel Sentinel
Undaunted: NightfallDaybreak
Pokémon Surprise Calendar
Triumphant: Royal GuardVerdant Frost
Pikachu World Collection 2010
Call of Legends Series
Call of Legends: ReconRetort
L-P Promotional cards
HeartGold CollectionSoulSilver Collection: Random Basic Pack
Battle Starter DecksLeafeon vs Metagross Expert Deck
Reviving Legends: Steelix Constructed Standard DeckTyranitar Constructed Standard Deck
Lost LinkPikachu World Collection 2010
Clash at the Summit