Feint (move): Difference between revisions

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{{samename|other feinting attack|Feint Attack (move)}}
n=364 |
name=Feint |
jname=フェイント |
jtrans=Feint |
desc=An attack that hits a foe using Protect or Detect. It also lifts the effects of those moves. |
gameimage=Feint.png |
type=Normal |
|gameimage=Feint IX.png
damagecategory=Physical |
|gameimage2=Feint IX 2.png
basepp=10 |
maxpp=16 |
power=30{{tt|*|50 in Generation IV}} |
accuracy=100 |
priority=+2 |
gen=IV |
|power={{tt|30|50 in Generation IV}}
category=Beauty |
appeal=0 |
jam=0 |
cdesc=Points awarded = 4 minus Current judge voltage |
appealsc=0 |
scdesc=Raises the score if the Voltage is low. |
pokefordex=feint |
|cdesc=Points awarded = 4 minus Current judge voltage
touches=no |
protect=no |
|scdesc=Raises the score if the Voltage is low.
magiccoat=no |
snatch=no |
brightpowder=no |
kingsrock=no |
|cdesc6=Causes the user to move earlier on the next turn.
flag7=no |
flag8=no |
sound=no |
target=any |
footnotes= }}
'''Feint''' (Japanese: '''フェイント''' ''Feint'') is a damage-dealing {{type2|Normal}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation IV]].
'''Feint''' (Japanese: '''フェイント''' ''Feint'') is a damage-dealing {{type|Normal}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation IV]].

Feint inflicts damage, but only strikes a target that has used {{m|Protect}} or {{m|Detect}} during that turn, lifting the effects of Protect or Detect for the remainder of the turn in a [[double battle]]. In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon however, it will strike regardless. Feint is an increased [[priority]] move, and attacks after Protect and Detect, but before other increased priority attacks.
===Generation IV===
Feint inflicts damage but only strikes a target that has used {{m|Protect}} or {{m|Detect}} during that turn, lifting the effects of Protect or Detect for the remainder of the turn. Feint cannot remove the effects of protecting moves if it misses or does not affect the target (such as if the target is {{type|Ghost}}).
Feint has an increased [[priority]] of +2, so is used after Protect or Detect, but before other increased priority attacks.

===Generation V===
===Generation V===
Feint can now inflict damage even if the target has not used {{m|Protect}} or {{m|Detect}} and had its power changed from 50 to 30, possibly to avoid overuse of this move with {{a|Technician}}. Feint will not hit an opponent protected by [[Fast Guard]].
Feint can now inflict damage even if the target has not used {{m|Protect}} or {{m|Detect}}, and its power has changed from 50 to 30.
Despite being an increased priority move, Feint will lift the effects of {{m|Wide Guard}} and {{m|Quick Guard}} for the remainder of the turn only if they are used on an opposing team. Feint is not blocked by an opponent's Quick Guard, but it is blocked by an ally's if it targets an ally.
===Generation VI onwards===
Feint will now lift the effects of Quick Guard and Wide Guard when used on allies, and it is no longer blocked by an ally's Quick Guard.
Feint can now be copied by {{m|Mirror Move}}.
Feint hits a target even if it is protected by {{m|Mat Block}}, {{m|Spiky Shield}}, {{m|King's Shield}}, {{m|Baneful Bunker}}, {{m|Obstruct}}, {{m|Silk Trap}}, or {{m|Burning Bulwark}} and removes that protection for the rest of the turn. Additionally, the user of Feint does not suffer the negative effects of these moves.
Feint hits a target even if it is protected by {{m|Max Guard}} but does not remove the protection.
Feint removes {{m|Crafty Shield}} and Mat Block from the target's team.
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev4|DPPtHGSS}}{{gameabbrevss|PBR}}|An attack that hits a foe using Protect or Detect. It also lifts the effects of those moves.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev5|BWB2W2}}|An attack that hits a target using Protect or Detect. It also lifts the effects of those moves.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev6|XYORAS}}|An attack that hits a target using Protect or Detect. This also lifts the effects of those moves.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev7|SMUSUM}}<br>{{gameabbrev8|SwShBDSPLA}}|This attack hits a target using a move such as Protect or Detect. This also lifts the effects of those moves.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev7|PE}}|This attack hits a target using Protect. This also lifts the effects of the move.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev9|SV}}|This attack can hit a target using a move such as Protect or Detect. This also lifts the effects of those moves.}}
|}{{left clear}}

===Generation IV===
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
====By [[Level|leveling up]]====
{{Moveentry/8|0026|formsig=A|Raichu|type=Electric|type2=Psychic|2|Field|Fairy|form=Alolan Form||||−|−|1||1}}
{{Moveentry/8|0052|formsig=A|Meowth|type=Dark|1|Field|Field|form=Alolan Form||||50|15|4||4}}
{{Moveentry/8|0053|formsig=A|Persian|type=Dark|1|Field|Field|form=Alolan Form||||65|16|1||1}}
{{Moveentry/8|0141|Kabutops|type=Rock|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3|1{{sup/4|PtHGSS}}|1|1|1|1|1|1}}
{{Moveentry/8|0212|Scizor|type=Bug|type2=Steel|1|Bug|Bug|61{{sup/4|PtHGSS}}|61|1, 61|1, 61|||−|−}}
{{Moveentry/8|0319|Sharpedo|type=Water|type2=Dark|1|Water 2|Water 2|1{{sup/4|PtHGSS}}|1|1|1|||}}
{{Moveentry/8|0328|Trapinch|type=Ground|2|Bug|Dragon|81|81{{sup/5|BW}}<br>61{{sup/5|B2W2}}|1, 61{{sup/6|XY}}<br>29{{sup/6|ORAS}}|29||−|−|−}}
{{Moveentry/8|0330|Flygon|type=Ground|type2=Dragon|2|Bug|Dragon|−|−|−|−||1|1|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}}}
{{Moveentry/8|0335|Zangoose|type=Normal|1|Field|Field|−|−|−|−|||−|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}}}
{{Moveentry/8|0447|Riolu|type=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|15|15{{sup/5|BW}}<br>11{{sup/5|B2W2}}|11|11||4|4|4}}
{{Moveentry/8|0706|formsig=H|Goodra|type=Steel|type2=Dragon|1|Dragon|Dragon|form=Hisuian Form||||||||1}}
{{Moveentry/8|0795|Pheromosa|type=Bug|type2=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||19||1}}
{{Moveentry/8|0802|Marshadow|type=Fighting|type2=Ghost|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||11||1}}
{{Moveentry/8|0852|Clobbopus|type=Fighting|2|Water 1|Human-Like||||||5}}
{{Moveentry/8|0853|Grapploct|type=Fighting|2|Water 1|Human-Like||||||1}}
{{Moveentry/8|1006|Iron Valiant|type=Fairy|type2=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||||||14}}
===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
{{Movehead/Games|Normal|Egg Move|g1=none|g2=none|g3=none|g7=1|g7g={{gameabbrev7|SMUSUM}}|g8=2}}
{{Moveentry/7|0083|formsig=G|Farfetch'd|type=Fighting|2|Flying|Field|form=Galarian Form|||||✔}}
{{Moveentry/7|0215|formsig=H|Sneasel|type=Fighting|type2=Poison|1|Field|Field|form=Hisuian Form|||||||✔}}
===Special move===
====[[Generation V]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0193|Yanma|type=Bug|type2=Flying|1|Bug|Bug|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Windswept Sky}}|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0207|Gligar|type=Ground|type2=Flying|1|Bug|Bug|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Windswept Sky}}|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0228|Houndour|type=Dark|type2=Fire|1|Field|Field|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Spooky Manor}}|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0236|Tyrogue|type=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Rugged Mountain}}}}
===By {{pkmn2|event}}===
====[[Generation VI]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0127|Pinsir|type=Bug|1|Bug|Bug|{{DL|List of local event Pokémon distributions in Generation VI|Pinsir|2014 Korean World Championship Series Pinsir}}}}
====[[Generation VII]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0766|Passimian|type=Fighting|1|Field|Field|[[List of local event Pokémon distributions in Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon#Easter Eggs|Easter Egg Passimian]]<br>[[List of local event Pokémon distributions in Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon#Korean Pokémon Eggs|Korean Egg Passimian]]}}
==In other games==
==={{g|Mystery Dungeon series}}===
Feint inflicts damage, and can hit through the {{DL|Status condition (Mystery Dungeon)|Protect}} status condition and ends it early.
{{MDMoveRow|game=GTI|pow=3|powmax=99|pp=13|ppmax=50|acc=95%|accmax=98%|range=2 tiles away|target=Enemy|cuts=No}}
{{MDMoveRow|game=SMD|pow=3|powmax=99|pp=13|ppmax=30|acc=95%|accmax=98%|range=2 tiles away|target=Enemy|cuts=No}}
==={{g|Rumble Rush}}===
|range=Arc (melee)

====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
In Pokémon UNITE, Feint is {{p|Absol}}'s first move and {{p|Cinderace}}'s second move.
{{Moveentry|127|Pinsir||Bug||{{p|Scyther}}, {{p|Scizor}}<br>{{p|Heracross}}<br>{{p|Trapinch}}, {{p|Vibrava}}, {{p|Flygon}}<br>{{p|Yanmega}}|}}
{{Moveentry|193|Yanma|2|Bug|Flying|{{p|Scyther}}, {{p|Scizor}}<br>{{p|Heracross}}<br>{{p|Trapinch}}, {{p|Vibrava}}, {{p|Flygon}}<br>{{p|Yanmega}}|}}
{{Moveentry|207|Gligar|2|Ground|Flying|{{p|Scyther}}, {{p|Scizor}}<br>{{p|Heracross}}<br>{{p|Trapinch}}, {{p|Vibrava}}, {{p|Flygon}}<br>{{p|Yanmega}}|}}
{{Moveentry|228|Houndour|2|Dark|Fire|{{p|Meowth}}, {{p|Persian}}<br>{{p|Farfetch'd}}<br>{{p|Kecleon}}<br>{{p|Absol}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Stunky}}, {{p|Skuntank}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}|||HGSS}}
{{Moveentry|239|Elekid|1|Electric||{{p|Hitmonlee}}<br>{{p|Hitmonchan}}<br>{{p|Hitmontop}}<br>{{p|Meditite}}, {{p|Medicham}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}|||HGSS}}
{{Moveentry|255|Torchic||Fire||{{p|Pikachu}}, {{p|Raichu}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}}}
{{Moveentry|296|Makuhita|1|Fighting||{{p|Hitmonlee}}<br>{{p|Hitmonchan}}<br>{{p|Hitmontop}}<br>{{p|Meditite}}, {{p|Medicham}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}|||HGSS}}
{{Moveentry|302|Sableye|2|Dark|Ghost|{{p|Hitmonlee}}<br>{{p|Hitmonchan}}<br>{{p|Hitmontop}}<br>{{p|Meditite}}, {{p|Medicham}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}|||HGSS}}
{{Moveentry|453|Croagunk|2|Poison|Fighting|{{p|Hitmonlee}}<br>{{p|Hitmonchan}}<br>{{p|Hitmontop}}<br>{{p|Meditite}}, {{p|Medicham}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}}}

===Generation V===
Absol starts with the move. The user dashes in an arc, damaging any Pokémon hit. The move deals damage as if all hit Pokémon have 0 Defense, and bypasses shields. At level 5 it is replaced by either {{m|Night Slash}} or {{m|Pursuit}}.
====By [[Level|leveling up]]====

====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
Cinderace can obtain the move by reaching level 8 and upgrading {{m|Low Sweep}} into it instead of {{m|Flame Charge}}. The user dodges, increasing their movement speed and becoming briefly invincible. At level 13, the next 3 basic attacks after dodging restore HP.
{{Moveentry|127|Pinsir||Bug||{{p|Scyther}}, {{p|Scizor}}<br>{{p|Heracross}}<br>{{p|Trapinch}}, {{p|Vibrava}}, {{p|Flygon}}<br>{{p|Yanmega}}|}}
{{Moveentry|193|Yanma|2|Bug|Flying|{{p|Scyther}}, {{p|Scizor}}<br>{{p|Heracross}}<br>{{p|Trapinch}}, {{p|Vibrava}}, {{p|Flygon}}<br>{{p|Yanmega}}|}}
{{Moveentry|207|Gligar|2|Ground|Flying|{{p|Scyther}}, {{p|Scizor}}<br>{{p|Heracross}}<br>{{p|Trapinch}}, {{p|Vibrava}}, {{p|Flygon}}<br>{{p|Yanmega}}|}}
{{Moveentry|215|Sneasel|2|Dark|Ice|{{p|Pikachu}}, {{p|Raichu}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}}}
{{Moveentry|228|Houndour|2|Dark|Fire|{{p|Meowth}}, {{p|Persian}}<br>{{p|Farfetch'd}}<br>{{p|Kecleon}}<br>{{p|Absol}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Stunky}}, {{p|Skuntank}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}||}}
{{Moveentry|236|Tyrogue|1|Fighting||{{p|Hitmonlee}}, {{p|Hitmonchan}}, {{p|Hitmontop}}||}}
{{Moveentry|239|Elekid|1|Electric||{{p|Hitmonlee}}<br>{{p|Hitmonchan}}<br>{{p|Hitmontop}}<br>{{p|Meditite}}, {{p|Medicham}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}||}}
{{Moveentry|255|Torchic||Fire||{{p|Pikachu}}, {{p|Raichu}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}}}
{{Moveentry|296|Makuhita|1|Fighting||{{p|Hitmonlee}}<br>{{p|Hitmonchan}}<br>{{p|Hitmontop}}<br>{{p|Meditite}}, {{p|Medicham}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}||}}
{{Moveentry|302|Sableye|2|Dark|Ghost|{{p|Hitmonlee}}<br>{{p|Hitmonchan}}<br>{{p|Hitmontop}}<br>{{p|Meditite}}, {{p|Medicham}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}||}}
{{Moveentry|335|Zangoose||Normal||{{p|Pikachu}}, {{p|Raichu}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}|'''}}
{{Moveentry|453|Croagunk|2|Poison|Fighting|{{p|Hitmonlee}}<br>{{p|Hitmonchan}}<br>{{p|Hitmontop}}<br>{{p|Meditite}}, {{p|Medicham}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}}}
{{Moveentry|616|Chobomaki||Bug||{{p|Scyther}}, {{p|Scizor}}<br>{{p|Heracross}}<br>{{p|Trapinch}}, {{p|Vibrava}}, {{p|Flygon}}<br>{{p|Yanmega}}|}}
{{Moveentry|619|Kojofu||Fighting||{{p|Pikachu}}, {{p|Raichu}}<br>{{p|Hitmonlee}}<br>{{p|Hitmonchan}}<br>{{p|Hitmontop}}<br>{{p|Meditite}}, {{p|Medicham}}<br>{{p|Monferno}}, {{p|Infernape}}<br>{{p|Lucario}}||}}

====By {{pkmn2|event}}====
{{Moveentryspecial|193|Yanma|2|Bug|Flying|[[Dream World]]|}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|TDS}}|Breaks through the enemy's Protect status to inflict damage.}}
{{Moveentryspecial|207|Gligar|2|Ground|Flying|[[Dream World]]|}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|BSL}}|{{tt|まもりじょうたいを うちやぶり てきポケモンに ダメージをあたえる|Breaks through the enemy's Protect status to inflict damage}}}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|GTI}}|It breaks through the enemy's Protect, Wide Guard, or Quick Guard status to damage the enemy. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|SMD}}|It breaks through the enemy's Protect, Wide Guard, Quick Guard, Mat Block, King's Shield, or Spiky Shield to damage the enemy. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|RTDX}}|It breaks through the enemy's Protect, Wide Guard, Quick Guard, or Spiky Shield to damage the enemy. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.}}
|}{{left clear}}

==In the anime==
==In the anime==
{{moveanime|type=normal|exp=yes|gen=The user attacks the foe, ending its Protect or Detect.|image1=Heracross Feint.png|image1p=Heracross}}
{{moveanime|type=normal|exp=yes|gen=The user strikes a target using a protection move. This also lifts the effects of those moves.|image1=Matori Meowth Feint.png|image1p=Alolan Meowth|image2=Rinto Gallade Feint.png|image2p=Gallade|image3=Conway Heracross Feint.png|image3p=Heracross}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=214|pkmn=Heracross|method=Heracross's horn glows white and it slams its horn into a opponent using Protect or Detect, destroying the barrier. It then tosses the opponent with its horn.}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=214|pkmn=Heracross|method=Heracross's horn glows white and it slams it into an opponent using {{mcolor|Protect|000}}, destroying the barrier. It then tosses the opponent with its horn.}}
{{movebtm|type=normal|user=Conway|user1=Conway's Heracross|startcode=DP052|startname=Smells Like Team Spirit!|notes=Debut}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Conway|user1=Conway's Heracross|startcode=DP052|startname=Smells Like Team Spirit!|notes=Debut}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=052A|pkmn=Meowth|method=Alolan Meowth disappears and then reappears in front of the opponent. It then flicks the opponent with one of its fingers.}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Matori's Meowth|startcode=SM062|startname=Acting True to Form!}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=475|pkmn=Gallade|method=When the opponent uses {{mcolor|Detect|000}}, one of Gallade's arm blades glows orange and he slashes the opponent with it.}}
{{movebtm|type=normal|user=Rinto|user1=Rinto's Gallade|startcode=JN060|startname=Beyond Chivalry… Aiming to be a Leek Master!}}

==In the manga==
* Despite being a Normal-type move, no Normal-type Pokémon were able to learn it by leveling up until the release of {{game|Platinum}}.
===Pokémon Adventures===
{{movemanga|type=normal|exp=yes|gen=The user catches the target off guard with a feint. This attack hits a target using a protection move. This also lifts the effects of those moves.|image1=Darach Gallade Feint Adventures.png|image1p=Gallade|image2=Rute Feint.png|image2p=Mega Pinsir}}
{{movep|type=normal|ms=475|pkmn=Gallade|method=When the opponent tries to use a protection move, Gallade pulls one of his fists back and dashes from side to side in front of the opponent to confuse it. He then appears on the opponent's side and strikes it with his fist.}}
{{movemid|type=normal|user=Darach|user1=Darach's Gallade|startcode=PS420|startname=Getting the Drop on Gallade II|notes=Debut}}
{{movep|type=flying|ms=127M|pkmn=Pinsir|method=When the opponent tries to use a protection move, Mega Pinsir flies down towards the opponent and slashes it with its pincers.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=flying|user=X (Adventures)|user1=X's Rute|startcode=PS586|startname=Zygarde Appears|notes=Enhanced by {{acolor|Aerilate|000}}}}

==In other generations==
===Core series games===
|genIV=Feint IV
|genV=Feint V
|genVI=Feint VI
|genVII=Feint VII
|genVIII=Feint VIII
|genVIII2=Feint VIII 2
===Side series games===
|PBR=Feint PBR
===Spin-off series games===
==In other languages==
==In other languages==
* French: '''Ruse'''
{{Langtable|color={{normal color}}|bordercolor={{normal color light}}
* German: '''Offenlegung'''
|zh_yue=佯攻 ''{{tt|Yèuhnggūng|Feint}}''
* Greek:  '''Προσποίηση'''
|zh_cmn=佯攻 ''{{tt|Yánggōng|Feint}}''
* Italian: '''Fintoattacco'''
* Korean: '''페인트''' ''Feint''
* Spanish: '''Amago'''
|el=Προσποίηση ''Prospoíisi''
|ko=페인트 {{tt|''Peinteu''|Feint}}
|pt_br=Fintar ({{pkmn|UNITE}}, [[JN060]]–present, {{TCG|Diamond & Pearl}}, {{TCG|Plasma Storm}}–present)<br>Fingimento ({{TCG|Noble Victories}})<br>Quebra-telha{{tt|*|Likely mixed up with Brick Break}} ([[DP052]])
|sr=Prividan Napad
|vi=Động Tác Giả

{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}

{{Project MoveDex notice}}
[[Category:Increased priority moves]]
[[Category:Increased priority moves]]
[[Category:Moves that break protection]]
[[Category:Moves in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Sword and Shield]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]


Latest revision as of 04:37, 27 August 2024

If you were looking for the other feinting attack, see Feint Attack (move).
フェイント Feint
Type  Normal
Category  Physical
PP  10 (max. 16)
Power  30
Accuracy  100%
Priority  +2
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Affected by Mirror Move
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation IV
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  0  
Jam  0  
Points awarded = 4 minus Current judge voltage
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  0  
Raises the score if the Voltage is low.
Condition  Clever
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
Jamming  0  
Causes the user to move earlier on the next turn.

Feint (Japanese: フェイント Feint) is a damage-dealing Normal-type move introduced in Generation IV.


Generation IV

Feint inflicts damage but only strikes a target that has used Protect or Detect during that turn, lifting the effects of Protect or Detect for the remainder of the turn. Feint cannot remove the effects of protecting moves if it misses or does not affect the target (such as if the target is Ghost-type).

Feint has an increased priority of +2, so is used after Protect or Detect, but before other increased priority attacks.

Generation V

Feint can now inflict damage even if the target has not used Protect or Detect, and its power has changed from 50 to 30.

Despite being an increased priority move, Feint will lift the effects of Wide Guard and Quick Guard for the remainder of the turn only if they are used on an opposing team. Feint is not blocked by an opponent's Quick Guard, but it is blocked by an ally's if it targets an ally.

Generation VI onwards

Feint will now lift the effects of Quick Guard and Wide Guard when used on allies, and it is no longer blocked by an ally's Quick Guard.

Feint can now be copied by Mirror Move.

Feint hits a target even if it is protected by Mat Block, Spiky Shield, King's Shield, Baneful Bunker, Obstruct, Silk Trap, or Burning Bulwark and removes that protection for the rest of the turn. Additionally, the user of Feint does not suffer the negative effects of these moves.

Feint hits a target even if it is protected by Max Guard but does not remove the protection.

Feint removes Crafty Shield and Mat Block from the target's team.


Games Description
DPPtHGSSPBR An attack that hits a foe using Protect or Detect. It also lifts the effects of those moves.
BWB2W2 An attack that hits a target using Protect or Detect. It also lifts the effects of those moves.
XYORAS An attack that hits a target using Protect or Detect. This also lifts the effects of those moves.
This attack hits a target using a move such as Protect or Detect. This also lifts the effects of those moves.
PE This attack hits a target using Protect. This also lifts the effects of the move.
SV This attack can hit a target using a move such as Protect or Detect. This also lifts the effects of those moves.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0025 Pikachu Field Fairy 29 34 34XY
21 16 16 16
0026 Raichu Field Fairy 1 1 1
0026 Raichu
Alolan Form

Field Fairy 1 1
0052 Meowth Field Field 54PtHGSS 54 50 50 15 4 4 4
0052 Meowth
Alolan Form
Field Field 50 15 4 4
0053 Persian Field Field 68PtHGSS 68 65 65 15 1 1 1
0053 Persian
Alolan Form
Field Field 65 16 1 1
0083 Farfetch'd
Flying Field 43PtHGSS 43 43 43 1
0106 Hitmonlee Human-Like Human-Like 25 25 25 25 15 1 1 28
0107 Hitmonchan Human-Like Human-Like 21 21 21 21 15 1 1 1
0123 Scyther
Bug Bug 61PtHGSS 61 61 61 12
0141 Kabutops
Water 1 Water 3 1PtHGSS 1 1 1 1 1 1
0212 Scizor
Bug Bug 61PtHGSS 61 1, 61 1, 61
0214 Heracross
Bug Bug 49 49BW
0227 Skarmory
Flying Flying 20PtHGSS 20 20 20
0237 Hitmontop Human-Like Human-Like 33 33 33 24 1 1 1
0286 Breloom
Fairy Grass 19ORAS 19 19 19
0307 Meditite
Human-Like Human-Like 22 22 22XY
15 15 15
0308 Medicham
Human-Like Human-Like 22 22 22XY
15 15 15
0319 Sharpedo
Water 2 Water 2 1PtHGSS 1 1 1
0328 Trapinch Bug Dragon 81 81BW
1, 61XY
0330 Flygon
Bug Dragon 1 1 Rem.
0335 Zangoose Field Field Rem.
0336 Seviper Field Dragon 11 11 11
0352 Kecleon Field Field 14PtHGSS 14 14XY
10 10
0359 Absol Field Field 1PtHGSS 1 1 1
0391 Monferno
Field Human-Like 26 26 26 26 26 26
0392 Infernape
Field Human-Like 29 26 26 26 26 26
0434 Stunky
Field Field 18PtHGSS 18 18 15 3 3 3
0435 Skuntank
Field Field 18PtHGSS 18 18 15 1 1 1
0447 Riolu No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 15 15BW
11 11 4 4 4
0448 Lucario
Field Human-Like 15 15BW
11 11 1 1 1
0469 Yanmega
Bug Bug 38PtHGSS 38 38 38 38 38
0475 Gallade
Human-Like Amorphous 39 45 45XY
40 12 12 12
0652 Chesnaught
Field Field 1 1 1
0662 Fletchinder
Flying Flying 1 1
0663 Talonflame
Flying Flying 1 1
0706 Goodra Dragon Dragon 1 1 1 1
0706 Goodra
Hisuian Form

Dragon Dragon 1
0795 Pheromosa
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 19 1
0802 Marshadow
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 11 1
0815 Cinderace Field Human-Like 1 1
0852 Clobbopus Water 1 Human-Like 5
0853 Grapploct Water 1 Human-Like 1
0917 Tarountula Bug Bug 11
0918 Spidops Bug Bug 11
0919 Nymble Bug Bug 26
0920 Lokix
Bug Bug 26
0973 Flamigo
Flying Flying 21
1006 Iron Valiant
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 14
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Egg Move
0083 Farfetch'd
Flying Field
0083 Farfetch'd
Galarian Form
Flying Field
0123 Scyther
Bug Bug
0127 Pinsir Bug Bug
0193 Yanma
Bug Bug
0207 Gligar
Bug Bug
0214 Heracross
Bug Bug
0215 Sneasel
Field Field
0215 Sneasel
Hisuian Form

Field Field
0227 Skarmory
Flying Flying
0228 Houndour
Field Field HGSS
0236 Tyrogue Human-Like Human-Like
0239 Elekid Human-Like Human-Like HGSS
0255 Torchic Field Field
0296 Makuhita Human-Like Human-Like HGSS
0302 Sableye
Human-Like Human-Like HGSS
0328 Trapinch Bug Dragon
0335 Zangoose Field Field
0359 Absol Field Field
0453 Croagunk
Human-Like Human-Like
0522 Blitzle Field Field USUM
0616 Shelmet Bug Bug
0619 Mienfoo Field Human-Like
0701 Hawlucha
Flying Human-Like USUM
0761 Bounsweet Grass Grass
0766 Passimian Field Field
0924 Tandemaus Field Fairy
0957 Tinkatink
Fairy Fairy
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Special move

Generation V

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0193 Yanma
Bug Bug Dream World - Windswept Sky
0207 Gligar
Bug Bug Dream World - Windswept Sky
0228 Houndour
Field Field Dream World - Spooky Manor
0236 Tyrogue No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered Dream World - Rugged Mountain
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By event

Generation VI

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0127 Pinsir Bug Bug 2014 Korean World Championship Series Pinsir
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation VII

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0766 Passimian Field Field Easter Egg Passimian
Korean Egg Passimian
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Feint inflicts damage, and can hit through the Protect status condition and ends it early.

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDTDS 5 - 12 - 88% - Front Enemy No
BSL 5 - 12 - 88% - Front Enemy No
MDGtI 3 99 13 50 95% 98% 2 tiles away Enemy No
SMD 3 99 13 30 95% 98% 2 tiles away Enemy No
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:

Pokémon Rumble Rush

Attack power 21.82032
Charge time 0.5 seconds
Range type Arc (melee)
Number of hits 1
Number of projectiles 1
Critical hit rate 1.5%
Additional effect None

Pokémon UNITE

In Pokémon UNITE, Feint is Absol's first move and Cinderace's second move.

Absol starts with the move. The user dashes in an arc, damaging any Pokémon hit. The move deals damage as if all hit Pokémon have 0 Defense, and bypasses shields. At level 5 it is replaced by either Night Slash or Pursuit.

Cinderace can obtain the move by reaching level 8 and upgrading Low Sweep into it instead of Flame Charge. The user dodges, increasing their movement speed and becoming briefly invincible. At level 13, the next 3 basic attacks after dodging restore HP.


Games Description
MDTDS Breaks through the enemy's Protect status to inflict damage.
BSL まもりじょうたいを うちやぶり てきポケモンに ダメージをあたえる
MDGtI It breaks through the enemy's Protect, Wide Guard, or Quick Guard status to damage the enemy. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.
SMD It breaks through the enemy's Protect, Wide Guard, Quick Guard, Mat Block, King's Shield, or Spiky Shield to damage the enemy. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.
MDRTDX It breaks through the enemy's Protect, Wide Guard, Quick Guard, or Spiky Shield to damage the enemy. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.

In the anime


Alolan Meowth

The user strikes a target using a protection move. This also lifts the effects of those moves.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Heracross Heracross's horn glows white and it slams it into an opponent using Protect, destroying the barrier. It then tosses the opponent with its horn.
Conway's Heracross Smells Like Team Spirit! Debut
Meowth Alolan Meowth disappears and then reappears in front of the opponent. It then flicks the opponent with one of its fingers.
Matori's Meowth Acting True to Form! None
Gallade When the opponent uses Detect, one of Gallade's arm blades glows orange and he slashes the opponent with it.
Rinto's Gallade Beyond Chivalry… Aiming to be a Leek Master! None

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 佯攻 Yèuhnggūng
Mandarin 佯攻 Yánggōng
Dutch List
French Ruse
German Offenlegung
Greek Προσποίηση Prospoíisi
Indonesian Feint
Italian Fintoattacco
Korean 페인트 Peinteu
Polish Symulacja
Portuguese Brazil Fintar (UNITE, JN060–present, Diamond & Pearl, Plasma Storm–present)
Fingimento (Noble Victories)
Quebra-telha* (DP052)
Portugal Finta
Serbian Prividan Napad
Spanish Latin America Táctica
Spain Amago
Turkish Yanıltma
Vietnamese Động Tác Giả

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.