Politoed (Pokémon): Difference between revisions

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m Text replacement - "{{DL|Trade|Pokémon that evolve when traded|traded}}" to "traded"
(368 intermediate revisions by more than 100 users not shown)
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{{PokémonPrevNextHead | species=Politoed | type=water | prevnum=185 | nextnum=187 | prev=Sudowoodo | next=Hoppip}}
name=Politoed |
jname=ニョロトノ |
tmname=Nyorotono |
art=HGSS |
{{Pokémon Infobox
size=115px |
pron=<sc>poh-lee-''toad''</sc> |
ndex=186 |
jdex=075 |
hdex=331 |
fbrow=055 |
obrow=239 |
opbrow=125 |
typen=1 |
type1=Water |
type2= |
species=Frog |
|ability1=Water Absorb
height-ftin=3'07" |
height-m=1.1 |
weight-lbs=74.7 |
weight-kg=33.9 |
|egggroup1=Water 1
abilityn=2 |
ability1=Water Absorb |
ability2=Damp |
abilityd=Drizzle |
egggroupn=1 |
egggroup1=Water 1 |
egggroup2= |
eggcycles=20 |
evsd=3 |
expyield=185 |
lv100exp=1,059,860 |
gendercode=127 |
color=Green |
catchrate=45 |
body=12 |
'''Politoed''' ([[List of Japanese Pokémon names|Japanese]]: '''ニョロトノ''' ''Nyorotono'') is a {{type|Water}} {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} introduced in [[Generation II]].
pokefordex=politoed |
generation=2 |
It [[Evolution|evolves]] from {{p|Poliwhirl}} when [[Trade Evolution|traded]] while holding a [[King's Rock]]. It is one of {{p|Poliwag}}'s final forms, the other being {{p|Poliwrath}}.
'''Politoed''' ([[List of Japanese Pokémon names|Japanese]]: '''ニョロトノ''' ''Nyorotono'') is a {{type2|Water}} Pokémon.

It [[Evolution|evolves]] from {{p|Poliwhirl}} when [[Trade#Pokémon which evolve when traded|traded]] holding a {{DL|Evolution-inducing held item|King's Rock}}. It is one of {{p|Poliwag}}'s final forms, the other being {{p|Poliwrath}}.
(Specifics may differ in past games. Refer to [[#Evolution data|Game data&rarr;Evolution data]] for these details.)

Politoed is a green, bipedal, {{wp|amphibian}} {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} with yellow hands, belly, throat, and toes that resembles a frog. It has a long, curled hair on top of its head and pink cheek spots that are smaller on the female than on the male. There is a green swirl on its belly. Its legs are well developed and it has bulbous toes and fingers.
Politoed are very different physically from the rest of their evolutionary family as they now resemble a frog much more than previous forms. They are now green with yellow hands, belly, throat, and toes. Their legs have become well developed for jumping and they now sport pink cheek spots similar to those of {{p|Pikachu}}. Their head is now distinct from the rest of their torso and their mouth is now visible. They also have a long curled hair on top of their head, which is used as a status symbol among their kind. For all these differences, there's one feature that Politoed still posses: the swirl that the rest of their family has, though now in green and yellow.

====Gender differences====
Politoed acts as a leader to {{p|Poliwag}} and {{p|Poliwhirl}}, which gather from afar upon hearing its cry. Politoed likes to expand its throat and sing. When three or more assemble, they sing in a chorus with a loud, bellowing voice. The curled hair on Politoed's head is considered proof of its status as a king. The longer and curlier Politoed's hair is, the more Poliwag and Poliwhirl will obey it, and the more it is respected by other Politoed. Politoed is rarely found in the wild, though it is usually seen living [[List of Pokémon by habitat#Water's-edge Pokémon|by the water's edge]].
The pink spots on a female's cheeks are smaller.

====Special abilities====
At nightfall, Politoed appears near lakes to make territorial claims through cries that sound like shouting. A male Politoed's cry is said to be louder than a female Politoed's cry. A male Politoed with a deep, menacing voice will become more popular with the opposite gender.
Politoed have the standard {{type2|Water}} abilities, but also gain impressive vocal abilities which can be used in battle in the forms {{m|Perish Song}} and {{m|Hyper Voice}}. They have also gained {{m|Bounce|hopping}} abilities. Politoed has lower Attack and Defense stats than Poliwrath however in exchange it has greater Special Attack and Special Defense.

Politoed lure other members of their evolution family near to them by croaking. They form a group of Poliwag and Poliwhirl with their self as the leader. When more than three Politoed assemble, they begin to sing in a chorus. Although rarely displayed, Politoed are capable of stretching out their tongue to some length in a similar manner to actual frogs. It is unknown if they use it to hunt in the wild.
Politoed evolves from {{p|Poliwhirl}} and is one of the final forms of {{p|Poliwag}}, the other being {{p|Poliwrath}}.

(For specifics on this Pokémon's Evolution in the games, refer to [[#Evolution data|Game data&rarr;Evolution data]].)
[[File:Watersedge.gif|right|frame|{{DL|List of Pokémon by habitat|Water's-edge Pokémon}}]]
<div style="float:center; display:flex; flex-flow:row wrap;">
Politoed live in small freshwater ponds and lakes, usually ones that have an abundance of lily pads.
{{main|Pokémon food}}
==In the anime==
[[File:Politoed.png|thumb|240px|right|Politoed in the anime]]
===Major appearances===
====[[Misty's Politoed]]====
{{an|Misty}}'s {{p|Poliwhirl}} evolved into a Politoed in ''[[EP247|Outrageous Fortunes]]''. This Politoed is very cheerful up to the point where it would occasionally lose focus in a battle and start clapping.
{{jo|Tammy}}, a young girl who used Pokémon for cheerleading, mistook Misty's Politoed for her own in ''[[EP249|I Politoed Ya So]]''. She asked Misty to lend it to her for a while since she and her Politoed were angry at each other; later, they make amends and Tammy gives Misty's Politoed back to her.
===Minor appearances===
{{an|May}} battled against a Politoed in the [[Wisteria Town]] Contest in ''[[AG160|Harley Rides Again]]''.
Another Politoed appeared in ''[[DP139|A Faux Oak Finish!]]'', where [[Brock's Croagunk]] battled it.
===Pokédex entries===
{{Animedexbody|EP247|Politoed|Ash's Pokédex|Politoed, the Frog Pokémon. Politoed likes to expand its throat and sing out, drawing in {{p|Poliwag}} and {{p|Poliwhirl}} from all around.}}
{{Animedexbody|DP139|Politoed|Ash's Pokedéx|Politoed, the Frog Pokémon. It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make {{p|Poliwag}} obey.}}
{{Animedexfooter/Pokémon|''Diamond & Pearl''|Sinnoh}}
==In the manga==
===Pokémon Adventures===
In the [[Pokémon Adventures volume 9|9th volume]], {{adv|Silver}} "borrowed" {{adv|Gold}}'s Poliwhirl in exchange for his own {{p|Seadra}}. Due to the effects of the {{DL|Evolution-inducing held item|King's Rock}} Poliwhirl was holding, plus the effects of both Gold and Silver's communication devices, Poliwhirl evolved into Politoed, and Seadra evolved into a {{p|Kingdra}}. After its {{m|Whirlpool}} defeated the Rocket Grunts that surrounded them, the two Pokémon were then returned to their rightful owners.
==In the TCG==
{{main|Politoed (TCG)}}

==Game data==
==Game data==
===Pokédex entries===
===Pokédex entries===
|golddex=If {{p|Poliwag}} and {{p|Poliwhirl}} hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Gold|entry=If <sc>{{p|Poliwag}}</sc> and <sc>{{p|Poliwhirl}}</sc> hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.}}
|silverdex=Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Silver|entry=Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.}}
|crystaldex=When it expands its throat to croak out a tune, nearby {{p|Poliwag}} and {{p|Poliwhirl}} gather immediately.
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Crystal|entry=When it expands its throat to croak out a tune, nearby <sc>{{p|Poliwag}}</sc> and <sc>{{p|Poliwhirl}}</sc> gather immediately.}}
|rsdex=The curled hair on Politoed's head is proof of its status as a king. It is said that the longer and more curled the hair, the more respect this Pokémon earns from its peers.
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Stadium 2|t=FFF|color=000|entry=If <sc>Poliwag</sc> and <sc>Poliwhirl</sc> hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide. <small>''(Pokémon Red, Silver, or Crystal inserted)''</small><br>Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing. <small>''(Pokémon Blue, Gold, or Yellow inserted)''</small>}}
|emeralddex=The curled hair on its head proves its status as a king. It is said that the longer and curlier the hair, the more respect it earns from its peers.
|firereddex=Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.
|leafgreendex=If {{p|Poliwag}} and {{p|Poliwhirl}} hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.
|stadium2dex=If {{p|Poliwag}} and {{p|Poliwhirl}} hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.
{{Dex/Entry2|v=Ruby|v2=Sapphire|t=FFF|t2=FFF|entry=The curled hair on <sc>Politoed</sc>'s head is proof of its status as a king. It is said that the longer and more curled the hair, the more respect this {{ScPkmn}} earns from its peers.}}
|dpptdex=It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make {{p|Poliwag}} obey.
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Emerald|t=FFF|entry=The curled hair on its head proves its status as a king. It is said that the longer and curlier the hair, the more respect it earns from its peers.}}
|heartgolddex=If {{p|Poliwag}} and {{p|Poliwhirl}} hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.
{{Dex/Entry1|v=FireRed|entry=Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.}}
|soulsilverdex=Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.
{{Dex/Entry1|v=LeafGreen|entry=If <sc>Poliwag</sc> and <sc>Poliwhirl</sc> hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.}}
|bwdex=It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make {{p|Poliwag}} obey.
{{Dex/Entry3|v=Diamond|v2=Pearl|v3=Platinum|entry=It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make <sc>Poliwag</sc> obey.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=HeartGold|entry=If <sc>Poliwag</sc> and <sc>Poliwhirl</sc> hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=SoulSilver|entry=Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.}}
{{Dex/Entry2|v=Black|v2=White|t=FFF|entry=It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make {{p|Poliwag}} obey.}}
{{Dex/Entry2|v=Black 2|v2=White 2|t=FFF|entry=It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make {{p|Poliwag}} obey.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=X|t=FFF|entry=Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Y|t=FFF|entry=If {{p|Poliwag}} and {{p|Poliwhirl}} hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.}}
{{Dex/Entry2|v=Omega Ruby|v2=Alpha Sapphire|t=FFF|t2=FFF|entry=The curled hair on Politoed's head is proof of its status as a king. It is said that the longer and more curled the hair, the more respect this Pokémon earns from its peers.}}
{{Dex/NE|[[Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!|Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!]]}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Sun|entry=They gather on moonlit nights to form a large chorus. Their cries sound angry and not at all pleasant, but they are certainly distinctive.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Moon|entry=It's the leader of Poliwag and Poliwhirl. When Politoed roars, they all cower in fear.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Ultra Sun|t=FFF|entry=Although its cries sound like screams, a composer created a beautiful ballad that was influenced by the sounds.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Ultra Moon|t=FFF|entry=The longer and more luxurious the curled hair on its head, the greater the number of Poliwag and Poliwhirl that will obey it.}}
{{Dex/Gen/3|gen=VIII|reg1=Galar|label1=Isle of Armor|num1=145|reg2=Sinnoh|reg3=Hisui}}
{{Dex/NE|[[Pokémon Legends: Arceus|Legends: Arceus]]}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Sword|t=FFF|entry=At nightfall, these Pokémon appear on the shores of lakes. They announce their territorial claims by letting out cries that sound like shouting.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Shield|t=FFF|entry=The cry of a male is louder than that of a female. Male Politoed with deep, menacing voices find more popularity with the opposite gender.}}
{{Dex/Entry2|v=Brilliant Diamond|v2=Shining Pearl|entry=A group of Poliwag and Poliwhirl will form with a Politoed as the leader. Politoed's cries make the Pokémon of the group obey.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Scarlet|t=FFF|entry=If Poliwag and Poliwhirl hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.}}
{{Dex/Entry1|v=Violet|t=FFF|entry=It's the leader of Poliwag and Poliwhirl. When Politoed roars, they all cower in fear.}}
{|style="margin:auto; text-align:center; border:3px solid #{{water color dark}}; background:#{{water color}}; font-size:80%; border-radius: 10px"
| style="{{roundy|20px}} border:2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background:#{{water color light}}| [[File:Pokédex Image Politoed SM.png|x200px]]
|style="border:2px solid #{{water color light}}; background:#{{water color light}} | [[File:Pokédex Image Politoed SV Kitakami.png|x200px]]
| Politoed in the {{color2|000|List of Pokémon by Alola Pokédex number|Alola Pokédex}}
| Politoed in the {{color2|000|List of Pokémon by Kitakami Pokédex number|Kitakami Pokédex}}

===Game locations===
===Game locations===
type=water |
gen=2 |
gsarea=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}} |
{{Availability/Entry2|v=Gold|v2=Silver|area=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}}}}
carea=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}} |
{{Availability/Entry1|v=Crystal|area=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}}}}
frlgarea=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}} |
dparea=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}} |
ptarea=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}} |
palarea=Pond |
bwarea={{rt|6|Unova}} (Rippling Water)|
{{Availability/Entry2|v=FireRed|v2=LeafGreen|2|area=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}}}}
{{Availability/Entry1/None|v=XD|link=Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness}}
{{Availability/Entry2|v=Diamond|v2=Pearl|area=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}}}}
{{Availability/Entry1|v=Platinum|area=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}}}}
{{Availability/Entry2|v=HeartGold|v2=SoulSilver|area=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}}}}
{{Availability/Entry1|v=Pal Park|color=9DB7F5|link=Pal Park|area={{DL|List of Pokémon by Pal Park location|Pond}}}}
{{Availability/Entry2|v=Black|v2=White|t=fff|area={{rt|6|Unova}} ([[Fishing]] in {{DL|Phenomenon|rippling water}})}}
{{Availability/Entry2|v=Black 2|v2=White 2|t=fff|area=[[Route]]s {{rtn|6|Unova}}, {{rtn|19|Unova}}, and {{rtn|20|Unova}}, [[Floccesy Ranch]], [[Lostlorn Forest]], {{OBP|Victory Road|Black 2 and White 2}}{{tt|*|Cave entrance}} ([[Fishing]] in {{DL|Phenomenon|rippling water}})}}
{{Availability/Entry2|v=X|v2=Y|t=FFF|t2=FFF|area={{rt|19|Kalos}} ([[Super Rod]])}}
{{Availability/Entry2/None|v=Omega Ruby|v2=Alpha Sapphire}}
{{Availability/Entry2|v=Sun|v2=Moon|area=[[Malie Garden]] ([[SOS Battle]] in {{weather|rain}}){{sup/t|N}}}}
{{Availability/Entry2|v=Ultra Sun|v2=Ultra Moon|t=FFF|t2=FFF|area=[[Malie Garden]] ([[SOS Battle]] in {{weather|rain}}){{sup/t|N}}}}
{{Availability/Entry2/None|v=Let's Go Pikachu|v2=Let's Go Eevee|area=Unobtainable}}
{{Availability/Entry2/None|v=Sword|v2=Shield|area=[[Trade]]<sup>Version 1.2.0+</sup>}}
{{Availability/Entry1|v=Expansion Pass|color={{Isle of Armor color}}|t={{Crown Tundra color}}|link=Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass|area=[[Soothing Wetlands]] ([[Wanderer]])<br>[[Max Lair]] ([[Dynamax Adventure]])}}
{{Availability/Entry2|v=Brilliant Diamond|v2=Shining Pearl|area=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}}}}
{{Availability/Entry1/None|v=Legends: Arceus|area=Unobtainable}}
{{Availability/Entry2/None|v=Scarlet|v2=Violet|area=[[Trade]]<sup>Version 2.0.1+</sup>}}
{{Availability/Entry1|v=The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero|color={{Teal Mask color}}|t={{Indigo Disk color}}|link=The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero|area=[[Tera Raid Battle]]s ({{DL|List of 5★ Tera Raid Battles (Kitakami)|Politoed|5★}}, {{DL|List of 6★ Tera Raid Battles (Kitakami)|Politoed|6★}})}}

====In side games====
====In side games====
|trozei=Endless Level 61<br>Forever Level 11<br>Pair Trozei<br>[[Mr. Who's Den]]
|md=Evolve from {{p|Poliwhirl}}
|ranger=[[Lyra Forest]] (during Net mission) <br>[[Jungle Relic]] (during mission)
|md2=[[Lake Afar]] (B1-B24)
|ranger3=[[Canal Ruins]]<br>[[Ice Temple]]
{{Availability/Entry1|v=Trozei!|color={{yellow color}}|area=Endless Level 61, Forever Level 11, Pair Trozei, [[Mr. Who's Den]]}}
{{Availability/Entry2|v=MD Red|v2=MD Blue|t=FFF|t2=FFF|link=Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|area=[[Evolution|Evolve]] {{p|Poliwhirl}}}}
{{Availability/Entry1|v=Ranger|link=Pokémon Ranger (video game)|area=[[Lyra Forest]] (during Net mission), [[Jungle Relic]] (during mission)}}
{{Availability/Entry2|v=MD Time|v2=MD Darkness|t2=FFF|link=Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness|area=[[Lake Afar]] (B1F-B24F)}}
{{Availability/Entry1|v=MD Sky|link=Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky|area=[[Lake Afar]] (B1F-B24F)}}
{{Availability/Entry1|v=Ranger: GS|color={{GS color}}|link=Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs|area=[[Canal Ruins]], [[Ice Temple]]}}
{{Availability/Entry1|1|v=Rumble Blast|color={{fire color}}|area=Lake: [[Everspring Valley]] (post-ending)}}
{{Availability/Entry1|1|v=Rumble U|color={{fire color}}|area=[[Verdant Plaza#Four Seasons in the Forest|Verdant Plaza: Four Seasons in the Forest]], [[Entranceway#Battle Royale - Cage Match|Entranceway: Battle Royale - Cage Match]]}}
{{Availability/Entry1|1|v=Battle Trozei|color={{defense color}}|area=[[Safari Jungle#Wednesday Stage 3|Safari Jungle: Stage 3]]{{dotw|We}}}}
{{Availability/Entry1|1|v=Rumble World|color={{fire color}}|area=[[Gold Plateau#Purifying Pond|Gold Plateau: Purifying Pond]] <small>(Center Boss, Back, Special)</small>}}
{{Availability/Entry1|1|v=Rumble Rush|color={{fire color}}|area=[[Charizard Sea]]<sup>2019</sup>, [[Castform Sea]], [[Lugia Sea]], [[Charizard Sea]]<sup>2020</sup>, [[Charizard Sea]]<sup>Final</sup>}}
{{Availability/Entry1|1|v=MD DX|t=FFF|link=Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX|color={{MD Red color}}|area=[[Northwind Field]] (26F-29F)<br/>Mystery House: [[Silver Trench]]}}
{{Availability/Entry1|1|v=Shuffle|color={{beauty color}}|area=Event: ''[[Great Challenge|Politoed Appears]]''}}
====In events====
{{eventAvail|{{gameabbrev5|BWB2W2}}|Yamamoto's Tournament Politoed|Japanese|Japan|50|September 29 to October 6, 2013|link=List of local Japanese event Pokémon distributions in Generation V#Politoed}}
===Held items===
{{HeldItems/Games2|Black|White|tcolor1=FFF|Pokémon Black and White Versions}}
{{HeldItems/Items1|King's Rock|5|rows=5}}
{{HeldItems/Games2|Black 2|White 2|tcolor1=FFF|Pokémon Black and White Versions 2}}
{{HeldItems/Games2|X|Y|tcolor1=FFF|tcolor2=FFF|Pokémon X and Y}}
{{HeldItems/Games2|Sun|Moon|Pokémon Sun and Moon}}
{{HeldItems/Games2|Ultra Sun|Ultra Moon|tcolor1=FFF|tcolor2=FFF|Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon}}
{{HeldItems/Games2|Sword|Shield|tcolor1=FFF|tcolor2=FFF|Pokémon Sword and Shield}}
{{HeldItems/Items1|King's Rock|5|availNote=[[Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass|Expansion Pass]] required,&#32;}}

====Base stats====
====Base stats====
type=water |
HP=     90 |
Attack= 75 |
Defense=75 |
SpAtk= 90 |
SpDef= 100 |
Speed= 70 }}

====Pokéathlon stats====
====Pokéathlon stats====
Line 164: Line 276:

===Type effectiveness===
===Type effectiveness===
{{Type effectiveness|
Normal=  100 |
|Normal=  100
Fighting=100 |
Flying=  100 |
|Flying=  100
Poison=  100 |
|Poison=  100
Ground=  100 |
|Ground=  100
Rock=    100 |
|Rock=    100
Bug=    100 |
|Bug=    100
Ghost=  100 |
|Ghost=  100
Steel=    50 |
|Steel=    50
|Fire=    50
Fire=    50 |
|Water=    50
Water=    50 |
|Grass=  200
Grass=  200 |
Electric=200 |
|Psychic= 100
Psychic= 100 |
|Ice=      50
Ice=      50 |
|Dragon=  100
Dragon=  100 |
|Dark=    100
Dark=    100 |
|Fairy=  100

====By [[Level|leveling up]]====
====By [[Level|leveling up]]====
{{learnlist/level9|1|Rain Dance|Water|Status|—|—|5||}}
{{learnlist/level9|1|Hydro Pump|Water|Special|110|80|5||'''}}
{{learnlist/level9|1|Belly Drum|Normal|Status|—|—|10||}}
{{learnlist/level5|Start|Perish Song|Normal|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|5}}
{{learnlist/level9|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|Body Slam|Normal|Physical|85|100|15}}
{{learnlist/level9|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|Double-Edge|Normal|Physical|120|100|15}}
{{learnlist/level5|48|Hyper Voice|Normal|Special|90|100|10}}
{{learnlist/level9|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|Water Gun|Water|Special|40|100|25||'''}}
{{learnlist/level9|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|Bubble Beam|Water|Special|65|100|20||'''}}
{{learnlist/level9|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|Hypnosis|Psychic|Status|—|60|20}}
{{learnlist/level9|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|Perish Song|Normal|Status|||5}}
{{learnlist/level9|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|Swagger|Normal|Status|—|85|15}}
{{learnlist/level9|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|Hyper Voice|Normal|Special|90|100|10}}
{{learnlist/level9|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|Mud Shot|Ground|Special|55|95|15}}
{{learnlist/level9|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|Earth Power|Ground|Special|90|100|10}}
{{learnlist/level9|{{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}|Bounce|Flying|Physical|85|85|5||}}

====By [[TM]]/[[HM]]====
====By [[TM]]====
{{learnlist/tm9|TM001|Take Down|Normal|Physical|90|85|20||}}
{{learnlist/tm5|TM10|Hidden Power|Normal|Special|&mdash;|100|15}}
{{learnlist/tm5|TM13|Ice Beam|Ice|Special|95|100|10}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM011|Water Pulse|Water|Special|60|100|20||'''}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM012|Low Kick|Fighting|Physical|—|100|20||}}
{{learnlist/tm5|TM15|Hyper Beam|Normal|Special|150|90|5}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM022|Chilling Water|Water|Special|50|100|20||'''}}
{{learnlist/tm5|TM18|Rain Dance|Water|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|5}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM034|Icy Wind|Ice|Special|55|95|15||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM035|Mud Shot|Ground|Special|55|95|15||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM039|Low Sweep|Fighting|Physical|65|100|20||}}
{{learnlist/tm5|TM31|Brick Break|Fighting|Physical|75|100|15}}
{{learnlist/tm5|TM32|Double Team|Normal|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|15}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM050|Rain Dance|Water|Status|—|—|5||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM058|Brick Break|Fighting|Physical|75|100|15||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM066|Body Slam|Normal|Physical|85|100|15||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM069|Ice Punch|Ice|Physical|75|100|15||}}
{{learnlist/tm5|TM49|Echoed Voice|Normal|Special|40|100|15}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM070|Sleep Talk|Normal|Status|—|—|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm5|TM52|Focus Blast|Fighting|Special|120|70|5}}
{{learnlist/tm5|TM68|Giga Impact|Normal|Physical|150|90|5}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM117|Hyper Voice|Normal|Special|90|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm5|TM94|Rock Smash|Fighting|Physical|40|100|15}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM130|Helping Hand|Normal|Status|—|—|20||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM133|Earth Power|Ground|Special|90|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM135|Ice Beam|Ice|Special|90|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM142|Hydro Pump|Water|Special|110|80|5||'''}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM152|Giga Impact|Normal|Physical|150|90|5||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM158|Focus Blast|Fighting|Special|120|70|5||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM163|Hyper Beam|Normal|Special|150|90|5||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM171|Tera Blast|Normal|Special|80|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM192|Focus Punch|Fighting|Physical|150|100|20||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM193|Weather Ball|Normal|Special|50|100|10||}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM203|Psych Up|Normal|Status|—||10}}
{{learnlist/tm9|TM209|Muddy Water|Water|Special|90|85|10||'''}}

====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
====By {{pkmn|breeding}}====
{{learnlist/breed9|{{MSP/H|0194|Wooper}}{{MSP/H|0195|Quagsire}}{{MSP/H|0258|Mudkip}}{{MSP/H|0259|Marshtomp}}{{MSP/H|0260|Swampert}}{{MSP/H|0422|Shellos}}{{MSP/H|0423|Gastrodon}}{{MSP/H|0692|Clauncher}}{{MSP/H|0693|Clawitzer}}|Muddy Water|Water|Special|90|85|10||'''}}
{{learnlist/breed9|{{MSP/H|0007|Squirtle}}{{MSP/H|0008|Wartortle}}{{MSP/H|0009|Blastoise}}{{MSP/H|0054|Psyduck}}{{MSP/H|0055|Golduck}}{{MSP/H|0079|Slowpoke}}{{MSP/H|0079|Slowpoke|form=-Galar}}{{MSP/H|0080|Slowbro}}{{MSP/H|0080|Slowbro|form=-Galar}}{{MSP/H|0199|Slowking}}{{MSP/H|0199|Slowking|form=-Galar}}{{MSP/H|0116|Horsea}}{{MSP/H|0117|Seadra}}{{MSP/H|0230|Kingdra}}{{MSP/H|0131|Lapras}}{{MSP/H|0258|Mudkip}}{{MSP/H|0259|Marshtomp}}{{MSP/H|0260|Swampert}}{{MSP/H|0278|Wingull}}{{MSP/H|0279|Pelipper}}{{MSP/H|0350|Milotic}}{{MSP/H|0422|Shellos}}{{MSP/H|0423|Gastrodon}}{{MSP/H|0580|Ducklett}}{{MSP/H|0581|Swanna}}{{MSP/H|0594|Alomomola}}{{MSP/H|0656|Froakie}}{{MSP/H|0657|Frogadier}}{{MSP/H|0658|Greninja}}{{MSP/H|0690|Skrelp}}{{MSP/H|0691|Dragalge}}{{MSP/H|0692|Clauncher}}{{MSP/H|0693|Clawitzer}}{{MSP/H|0816|Sobble}}{{MSP/H|0817|Drizzile}}{{MSP/H|0818|Inteleon}}{{MSP/H|0913|Quaxwell}}{{MSP/H|0914|Quaquaval}}|Water Pulse|Water|Special|60|100|20||'''}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|363|Spheal}}{{MSP|364|Sealeo}}{{MSP|365|Walrein}}|Ice Ball|Ice|Physical|30|90|20|Beauty|2}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|062|Poliwrath}}|Mind Reader|Normal|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|5|Smart|1}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|060|Poliwag}}{{MSP|061|Poliwhirl}}{{MSP|062|Poliwrath}}{{MSP|186|Politoed}}{{MSP|138|Omanyte}}{{MSP|139|Omastar}}<br>{{MSP|140|Kabuto}}{{MSP|141|Kabutops}}{{MSP|194|Wooper}}{{MSP|195|Quagsire}}{{MSP|259|Marshtomp}}{{MSP|260|Swampert}}<br>{{MSP|535|Tympole}}{{MSP|536|Palpitoad}}{{MSP|537|Seismitoad}}{{MSP|618|Stunfisk}}|Mud Shot|Ground|Special|55|95|15|Tough|2}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|007|Squirtle}}{{MSP|008|Wartortle}}{{MSP|009|Blastoise}}{{MSP|054|Psyduck}}{{MSP|055|Golduck}}{{MSP|079|Slowpoke}}<br>{{MSP|080|Slowbro}}{{MSP|199|Slowking}}{{MSP|131|Lapras}}{{MSP|223|Remoraid}}{{MSP|224|Octillery}}{{MSP|226|Mantine}}<br>{{MSP|278|Wingull}}{{MSP|279|Pelipper}}{{MSP|350|Milotic}}{{MSP|367|Huntail}}{{MSP|368|Gorebyss}}{{MSP|422|Shellos}}<br>{{MSP|422E|Shellos}}{{MSP|423|Gastrodon}}{{MSP|423E|Gastrodon}}{{MSP|580|Ducklett}}{{MSP|581|Swanna}}{{MSP|594|Alomomola}}|Water Pulse|Water|Special|60|100|20|Beauty|2||'''}}
{{learnlist/breed5|{{MSP|054|Psyduck}}{{MSP|055|Golduck}}{{MSP|086|Seel}}{{MSP|087|Dewgong}}{{MSP|271|Lombre}}{{MSP|272|Ludicolo}}<br>{{MSP|279|Pelipper}}{{MSP|283|Surskit}}{{MSP|284|Masquerain}}{{MSP|350|Milotic}}{{MSP|393|Piplup}}{{MSP|394|Prinplup}}<br>{{MSP|395|Empoleon}}{{MSP|418|Buizel}}{{MSP|419|Floatzel}}{{MSP|580|Ducklett}}{{MSP|581|Swanna}}{{MSP|594|Alomomola}}|Water Sport|Water|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|15|Cute|2}}{{learnlist/breedf|Politoed|Water|Water|5|1}}

====By [[Move tutor|tutoring]]====
====By a prior [[Evolution]]====

====By a prior [[evolution]]====
====[[Animated series move errors|Animated series-only moves]]====
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{water color}}; border:3px solid #{{water color dark}}"
{{Learnlist/prevo5|060|Poliwag||061|Poliwhirl||Water Gun|Water|Special|40|100|25|'''}}
! style="background: #{{water color light}}; {{roundytl|5px}}" | Move
{{Learnlist/prevo5|060|Poliwag||061|Poliwhirl||Body Slam|Normal|Physical|85|100|15}}
! style="background: #{{water color light}}" | Type
{{Learnlist/prevo5|060|Poliwag||061|Poliwhirl||Belly Drum|Normal|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|10}}
! style="background: #{{water color light}}; {{roundytr|5px}}" | Episode
{{Learnlist/prevo5|060|Poliwag||061|Poliwhirl||Wake-Up Slap|Fighting|Physical|60|100|10}}
{{Learnlist/prevo5|060|Poliwag||061|Poliwhirl||Hydro Pump|Water|Special|120|80|5|'''}}
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybl|5px}}" | {{m|Jump Kick}}
{{Learnlist/prevo5|060|Poliwag||061|Poliwhirl||Mud Bomb|Ground|Special|65|85|10}}
| style="background:#{{Fighting color}}" | {{typecolor|Fighting}}
{{Learnlist/prevo5|060|Poliwag|d||||Sleep Talk|Normal|Status|&mdash;|&mdash;|10}}
| style="background:#fff; {{roundybr|5px}}" | ''[[DP139|A Faux Oak Finish!]]''
====Special moves====

===Side game data===
===Side game data===
type=water |
ndex=186 |
Trozei=yes |
rarity=Rare |
Dungeon=yes |
body=1 |
|area=Tadpole Pond
rate=Evolve |
|P1=I like to sing in a big chorus for a good time~♪
area=Tadpole Pond |
|P2=Already~♪ Half my HP~♪ Has gone away~♪ From me-ee-ee-eeh~♪
P1=I like to sing in a big chorus for a good time~♪ |
|P3=I'm gonna croak... Because I can't sing anymore...
P2=Already~♪ Half my HP~♪ Has gone away~♪ From me-ee-ee-eeh~♪ |
|PL=Level uh-uh-uh-up~♪ My singing skills went up, lalalalala~♪
P3=I'm gonna croak... Because I can't sing anymore... |
PL=Level uh-uh-uh-up~♪ My singing skills went up, lalalalala~♪ |
Partner=no |
Ranger=yes |
group=Water |
assist=Water |
fieldpower=3 |
field=Soak |
loop=7 |
browser=Politoed rhythmically hops about and squirts water vigorously. |
Dungeon2=yes |
body2=1 |
rate2=-12 |
iq=F |
Ranger3=yes |
group3=Water |
assist3=Water |
field3=Soak |
field3power=3 |
browser3=It attacks by spitting bubbles that makes Pokémon Slowed. |
|recruitment=Introduced by {{p|Ludicolo}}
|P1=I'll do my best! I'm pumped up!
|P2=This is...too much...
|browser=Politoed rhythmically hops about and squirts water vigorously.
{{Spindata/Ranger GS|col=6|type=Water
|browser=It attacks by spitting bubbles that makes Pokémon Slowed.
{{Spindata/RumbleRush|col=6|type=Water|ndex=186 f
{{Spindata/Battle Trozei|col=3|type=Water|ndex=186
|skill=Crowd Control
|skilldesc=Increases damage when there are more Politoed in the puzzle area.
|fast={{m|Mud Shot}}, {{m|Bubble}}
|special={{m|Hydro Pump}}, {{m|Blizzard}}, {{m|Surf}}{{tt|*|From December 8, 2017 onward}}, {{m|Weather Ball}} (Water){{tt|*|From January 11, 2021 onward}}, {{m|Scald}}{{tt|*|From December 1, 2023 onward}}, {{m|Earthquake}}{{tt|†|Prior to December 8, 2017}}, {{m|Ice Beam}}{{tt|†|Event-exclusive from Poliwag Community Day}}, {{m|Frustration}}[[File:GO Shadow icon.png|24px|link=Shadow Pokémon (GO)|As Shadow Pokémon]], {{m|Return}}[[File:GO Purified icon.png|24px|link=Shadow Pokémon (GO)|As Purified Pokémon]]

===Evolution data===
Politoed [[Evolution|evolves]] from {{p|Poliwhirl}} when [[Trade Evolution|traded]] while holding a [[King's Rock]]. Poliwhirl cannot evolve into Politoed in {{game|FireRed and LeafGreen|s}} before the player obtains the [[National Pokédex]], as its evolution will be interupted. Poliwhirl also cannot evolve into Politoed in {{LGPE}}, as Politoed is not present in those games.
|evo1={{Bag/s|Rare Candy|SV}}<br>{{color2|000|Level|Level 25}}
|evo2=[[File:Link Trade icon SV.png|40px|link=Trade]] + {{Bag/s|King's Rock|SV}}<br>{{color2|000|Trade}}<br>holding {{color2|000|King's Rock}}
|held2=King's Rock

====Japanese sprites====
{| align="center" style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color}};"
|- align=center
| style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}}; background: #{{water color light}}; width:160px"| [[File:Spr b 2g 186 jp.png]]<br>[[File:Spr b 2g 186 s jp.png]]
|- align=center style="font-size: 80%;"
| Gold and Silver back sprites
==In the anime==
[[File:Misty Politoed.png|thumb|250px|Politoed in ''[[Pokémon the Series]]'']]
===Major appearances===
====[[Misty's Politoed]]====
{{an|Misty}} has a Politoed that debuted in ''[[EP247|Outrageous Fortunes]]'' upon evolving from her {{p|Poliwhirl}}, thus marking the species' debut. It is very cheerful to the point where it would occasionally lose focus in a {{pkmn|battle}} and start clapping.
In ''[[EP249|I Politoed Ya So]]'', {{OBP|Tammy|EP249}} owns a Politoed [[nickname]]d Bean and uses it and other Pokémon for a cheerleading squad. Bean is distinctive from other Politoed by the red band it wears around its head. It had a falling-out with Tammy, prompting her to ask Misty to lend her own Politoed to her for a while. Later, she and her Politoed made amends, and Tammy returned Misty's Politoed to her.
In ''[[DP139|A Faux Oak Finish!]]'', a Politoed was the leader of a group of swamp Pokémon. It battled [[Brock's Croagunk]] and acquired {{an|Professor Oak}}'s assistance in cheering up a sad {{p|Lombre}} by giving it a [[Water Stone]] to [[Evolution|evolve]] into {{p|Ludicolo}}.
In ''[[XY065|Good Friends, Great Training!]]'', {{an|Tierno}} was revealed to have {{pkmn2|caught}} a Politoed to {{Ash}}, {{an|Serena}}, and {{an|Bonnie}}.
In ''[[PK27|Pikachu and the Pokémon Music Squad]]'', a Politoed was living in the forest.
===Minor appearances===
A Politoed appeared in a flashback in ''[[AG055|Poetry Commotion!]]''.
In ''[[AG160|Harley Rides Again]]'', a {{pkmn|Coordinator}}'s Politoed battled [[May's Munchlax]] during the [[Contest Battle|Battle Stage]] of the {{to|Wisteria}} {{pkmn|Contest}}.
In ''[[M09|Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea]]'', [[the Marina Group]] uses a Politoed in their water show. It was later borrowed by [[Jack Walker]] to help him reach an ancient ruin site.
A Politoed appeared in [[BWS01]].
Two Politoed appeared in ''[[XY001|Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!]]''.
A Politoed appeared in ''[[XY002|Lumiose City Pursuit!]]''.
A Politoed appeared in ''[[XY008|Grooming Furfrou!]]''.
A Politoed appeared in ''[[XY016|A Jolting Switcheroo!]]''.
A Politoed appeared in ''[[M21|The Power of Us]]''.
In ''[[SM129|Battle Royal 151!]]'', a Trainer's Politoed competed in the [[Battle Royal]] preliminary round of the [[Manalo Conference]], but it was defeated by {{TP|Sophocles|Togedemaru}}.
In ''[[SM131|The Battlefield of Truth and Love!]]'' and ''[[SM133|Battling on the Wing!]]'', a Trainer's Politoed watched the battles during the Manalo Conference.
From ''[[SM141|Exhibition Unmasked!]]'' to ''[[SM144|From Z to Shining Z!]]'', a Trainer's Politoed watched the {{wp|exhibition game|exhibition match}} between Ash and {{an|Professor Kukui}}.
A Politoed appeared in a flashback in ''[[JN032|Time After Time!]]''.
===Pokédex entries===
{{Animedexbody|EP247|Politoed|Ash's Pokédex|Politoed, the Frog Pokémon. Politoed likes to expand its throat and sing out, drawing in {{p|Poliwag}} and {{p|Poliwhirl}} from all around.}}
{{Animedexbody|DP139|Politoed|Ash's Pokedéx|Politoed, the Frog Pokémon. It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make Poliwag obey.}}
==In the manga==
[[File:Polibo.png|thumb|150px|Politoed in [[Pokémon Adventures]]]]
===Pokémon Adventures===
In ''[[PS109|Ampharos Amore]]'', {{adv|Silver}} borrowed {{adv|Gold}}'s Poliwhirl, Polibo, in exchange for his {{p|Seadra}}. Due to the effects of the [[King's Rock]] Polibo was holding, along with the [[trade]] between Silver and Gold, Polibo [[Evolution|evolved]] into a Politoed. Later, he was returned to his original {{pkmn|Trainer}}.
===Pokémon: Yeah! I Got Pokémon!===
[[Rin and Ran|Ran]] had a Politoed in [[GDZ66]].
==In the TCG==
{{main|Politoed (TCG)}}

* Politoed has the smallest level-up learnset of all Pokémon who evolve by [[Trade|trading]].
* Prior to [[Generation VI]], Politoed and its [[Branched evolution|evolutionary counterpart]] {{p|Poliwrath}} shared the same [[base stats]]. This changed in Generation VI when Poliwrath received a ten-point increase to its Attack, but Politoed did not receive a stat increase. It shares this counterpart difference with {{p|Dustox}}.
* Politoed's swirl is the same direction as Poliwag's, but opposite direction to Poliwhirl's and Poliwrath's.
* Politoed was [[List of references to Pokémon in science|the inspiration for the naming]] of ''Parapharyngodon politoedi'', a species of {{wp|Nematode|roundworm}}.<ref>[https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-helminthology/article/abs/new-species-of-parapharyngodon-chatterji-1933-oxyuroidea-pharyngodonidae-parasitic-in-osteocephalus-taurinus-anura-hylidae-from-brazil/EF3628BCF9F39DE5F9FF8C60E9CFD00F A new species of Parapharyngodon Chatterji, 1933 (Oxyuroidea: Pharyngodonidae), parasitic in Osteocephalus taurinus (Anura: Hylidae) from Brazil]</ref>
* In [[Generation V]], Politoed can have the hidden ability {{a|Drizzle}}. This makes it the only non-legendary Pokémon to have this ability. Previously the only Pokémon to have this ability was {{p|Kyogre}}.
** Due to this, Politoed is the only non-legendary Pokémon to have Drizzle as an abilty

Politoed is likely based on a {{wp|tree frog}}, possibly the {{wp|European tree frog}}.
Politoed appears to be based on a {{wp|frog}}. The swirl on its stomach may represent visible internal {{wp|Organ (anatomy)|organs}} like those of {{wp|tadpole}}s that can sometimes be seen through their transparent skin. Politoed's status as a king to {{p|Poliwag}} and {{p|Poliwhirl}} and its evolution method using the [[King's Rock]] may be based on the story of {{wp|The Frog Prince}}, where the prince or the king is enchanted into a frog.
Politoed's Hidden Ability {{a|Drizzle}} likely alludes to the association between frogs and rain in Japan. Japanese frogs come out of hibernation during the {{wp|East Asian rainy season}} (梅雨 ''tsuyu''), which is an important period for farming; thus, they're seen as harbingers of rain and good fortune.

====Name origin====
====Name origin====
Politoed is a combination of the word ''{{wp|polliwog}}'' and a corruption of the word ''{{wp|toad}}''. The misspelling may be a a play on the term 'poly-toed', meaning 'possessing toes' (the feet were digitless as {{p|Poliwhirl}}). Its Japanese name may be a combination of ニョロニョロ ''nyoronyoro'', the sound of slithering, and 殿 ''tono'', lord. This name is possibly inspired by the トノサマガエル ''tonosamagaeru'', {{wp|dark-spotted frog}}, whose name literally means lord-frog in Japanese.
Politoed may be a combination of ''{{wp|tadpole|polliwog}}'' (outdated term for tadpole) and ''toad''. It may also involve ''poly-'' (prefix for many) and ''toed''.
Nyorotono may be a combination of ニョロニョロ ''nyoronyoro'' (onomatopoeia for wriggling) and 殿 ''tono'' (lord), as well as 殿様蛙 ''tonosama-gaeru'' ({{wp|Pelophylax nigromaculatus|dark-spotted frog}}).

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
{| align="left" class="roundy" style="border: 3px solid #{{Water color dark}}; background: #{{Water color}};"
{{Other languages|type=water|type2=water
|ja=ニョロトノ ''Nyorotono''|jameaning=From {{tt|ニョロニョロ ''nyoronyoro''|onomatopoeia for wriggling}}, {{tt|殿 ''tono''|lord}}, and {{tt|殿様蛙 ''tonosama-gaeru''|dark-spotted frog}}
|fr=Tarpaud|frmeaning=From ''{{tt|têtard|tadpole}}'' and ''{{tt|crapaud|toad}}''
{| class="roundy" style="background: #{{Water color light}};"
|es=Politoed|esmeaning=Same as English name
|- align=center
|de=Quaxo|demeaning=From {{tt|''Kaulquappe''|tadpole}}, ''{{tt|quaken|to croak}}'', and ''{{tt|Ach so!|I see!}}''
! class="roundytl" | Language
|it=Politoed|itmeaning=Same as English name
! Name
|ko=왕구리 ''Wangguri''|komeaning=From {{tt|왕 (王) ''wang''|king}} and {{tt|개구리 ''gaeguri''|frog}}
! class="roundytr" | Name Origin
|zh_cmn=蚊香蛙皇 ''Wénxiāngwāhuáng''{{tt|*|Games}}<br>牛蛙君 ''Niúwājūn''{{tt|*|Pre-Gen VII media}}|zh_cmnmeaning=From 蚊香 ''{{wp|Mosquito coil|wénxiāng}}'', {{tt|蛙 ''wā''|frog}}, and {{tt|''huáng''|emperor}}<br>From {{tt|牛蛙 ''niúwā''|bullfrog}} and {{tt|君 ''jūn''|monarch}}
|- style="background:#FFF;"
|zh_yue=蚊香蛙皇 ''Mānhēungwāwòhng''{{tt|*|Games}}<br>牛蛙君 ''Ngàuhwāgwān''{{tt|*|Pre-Gen VII media}}|zh_yuemeaning=From {{tt|蚊香 ''mānhēung''|mosquito coil}}, {{tt|蛙 ''wā''|frog}}, and {{tt|皇 ''wòhng''|emperor}}<br>From {{tt|牛蛙 ''ngàuhwā''|bullfrog}} and {{tt|''gwān''|monarch}}
| [[List of German Pokémon names|German]]
|hi=बैंगचीकिंग ''Bangchiking''|himeaning=From {{tt|बैंग/बेँग ''bang''|uncommonly used word for frog}} and ''King''
| Quaxo
|ru=Политоед ''Politoyed''|rumeaning=Transcription of English name
| From ''{{tt|quaken|to croak}}''; also the "Qua-" prefix of its previous forms' German names is kept.
|th=เนียวโรโทโนะ ''Niaorothono''|thmeaning=Transcription of Japanese name
|- style="background:#FFF;"
| [[List of French Pokémon names|French]]
| Tarpaud
| From ''{{tt|têtard|tadpole}}'' and ''{{tt|crapaud|toad}}''.
|- style="background:#FFF;"
| [[List of Korean Pokémon names|Korean]]
| 왕구리 ''Wangguri''
| From ''{{tt|wang|king}}'' and ''{{tt|gaeguri|frog}}''.
|- style="background:#FFF;"
| [[List of Chinese Pokémon names|Chinese]] ({{tt|Mandarin|Taiwan and mainland China}})
| 牛蛙君 ''Niú Wā Jūn''
| Literally "Bullfrog monarch".
<br clear="left">
<br clear="left">

==Related articles==
==Related articles==
* [[Misty's Politoed]]
* [[Misty's Politoed]]
* [[Polibo]]

==External links==
==External links==

{{PokémonPrevNextFoot | type=water | prevnum=185 | nextnum=187 | prev=Sudowoodo | next=Hoppip}}
{{Project Pokédex notice}}
{{Project Pokédex notice}}
[[Category:Pokémon with cross-generational evolutions]]
[[Category:Pokémon with cross-generational Evolutions]]

Line 397: Line 627:
[[pt:Politoed (pokémon)]]

Latest revision as of 15:24, 17 September 2024

For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section.
#0185: Sudowoodo
#0187: Hoppip
This article is about the species. For a specific instance of this species, see Politoed (disambiguation).
Frog Pokémon

Images on the Bulbagarden Archives
Water Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Water Absorb or Damp Cacophony
Hidden Ability
Hidden Ability
Gender ratio
50% male, 50% female
Catch rate
45 (11.9%)
Egg Group
Water 1
Hatch time
20 cycles
3'07" 1.1 m
0'0" 0 m
0'0" 0 m
0'0" 0 m
74.7 lbs. 33.9 kg
0 lbs. 0 kg
0 lbs. 0 kg
0 lbs. 0 kg
Mega Stone
[[|]] [[|]]
Base experience yield
Gen. II-IV
Leveling rate
Medium Slow
EV yield
Total: 3

Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links

Politoed (Japanese: ニョロトノ Nyorotono) is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in Generation II.

It evolves from Poliwhirl when traded while holding a King's Rock. It is one of Poliwag's final forms, the other being Poliwrath.

(Specifics may differ in past games. Refer to Game data→Evolution data for these details.)


Politoed is a green, bipedal, amphibian Pokémon with yellow hands, belly, throat, and toes that resembles a frog. It has a long, curled hair on top of its head and pink cheek spots that are smaller on the female than on the male. There is a green swirl on its belly. Its legs are well developed and it has bulbous toes and fingers.

Politoed acts as a leader to Poliwag and Poliwhirl, which gather from afar upon hearing its cry. Politoed likes to expand its throat and sing. When three or more assemble, they sing in a chorus with a loud, bellowing voice. The curled hair on Politoed's head is considered proof of its status as a king. The longer and curlier Politoed's hair is, the more Poliwag and Poliwhirl will obey it, and the more it is respected by other Politoed. Politoed is rarely found in the wild, though it is usually seen living by the water's edge.

At nightfall, Politoed appears near lakes to make territorial claims through cries that sound like shouting. A male Politoed's cry is said to be louder than a female Politoed's cry. A male Politoed with a deep, menacing voice will become more popular with the opposite gender.


Politoed evolves from Poliwhirl and is one of the final forms of Poliwag, the other being Poliwrath.

(For specifics on this Pokémon's Evolution in the games, refer to Game data→Evolution data.)


First Evolution

Second Evolution

Game data

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Generation II Johto
Gold If Poliwag and Poliwhirl hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.
Silver Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.
Crystal When it expands its throat to croak out a tune, nearby Poliwag and Poliwhirl gather immediately.
Stadium 2 If Poliwag and Poliwhirl hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide. (Pokémon Red, Silver, or Crystal inserted)
Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing. (Pokémon Blue, Gold, or Yellow inserted)
Generation III Hoenn
Ruby The curled hair on Politoed's head is proof of its status as a king. It is said that the longer and more curled the hair, the more respect this Pokémon earns from its peers.
Emerald The curled hair on its head proves its status as a king. It is said that the longer and curlier the hair, the more respect it earns from its peers.
FireRed Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.
LeafGreen If Poliwag and Poliwhirl hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.
Generation IV Sinnoh
Diamond It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make Poliwag obey.
HeartGold If Poliwag and Poliwhirl hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.
SoulSilver Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.
Generation V Unova
Black It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make Poliwag obey.
Black 2 It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make Poliwag obey.
White 2
Generation VI Kalos
Mountain #036
X Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.
Y If Poliwag and Poliwhirl hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.
Omega Ruby The curled hair on Politoed's head is proof of its status as a king. It is said that the longer and more curled the hair, the more respect this Pokémon earns from its peers.
Alpha Sapphire
Generation VII Alola
 S  M : #152
 US  UM : #185
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.
Sun They gather on moonlit nights to form a large chorus. Their cries sound angry and not at all pleasant, but they are certainly distinctive.
Moon It's the leader of Poliwag and Poliwhirl. When Politoed roars, they all cower in fear.
Ultra Sun Although its cries sound like screams, a composer created a beautiful ballad that was influenced by the sounds.
Ultra Moon The longer and more luxurious the curled hair on its head, the greater the number of Poliwag and Poliwhirl that will obey it.
Generation VIII Galar
Isle of Armor #145
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Legends: Arceus.
Sword At nightfall, these Pokémon appear on the shores of lakes. They announce their territorial claims by letting out cries that sound like shouting.
Shield The cry of a male is louder than that of a female. Male Politoed with deep, menacing voices find more popularity with the opposite gender.
Brilliant Diamond A group of Poliwag and Poliwhirl will form with a Politoed as the leader. Politoed's cries make the Pokémon of the group obey.
Shining Pearl
Generation IX Paldea
Scarlet If Poliwag and Poliwhirl hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.
Violet It's the leader of Poliwag and Poliwhirl. When Politoed roars, they all cower in fear.

Politoed in the Alola Pokédex Politoed in the Kitakami Pokédex

Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Generation II
Gold Silver
Evolve Poliwhirl
Evolve Poliwhirl
Generation III
Ruby Sapphire
FireRed LeafGreen
Evolve Poliwhirl
Generation IV
Diamond Pearl
Evolve Poliwhirl
Evolve Poliwhirl
HeartGold SoulSilver
Evolve Poliwhirl
Pal Park
Generation V
Black White
Route 6 (Fishing in rippling water)
Black 2 White 2
Routes 6, 19, and 20, Floccesy Ranch, Lostlorn Forest, Victory Road* (Fishing in rippling water)
Generation VI
Route 19 (Super Rod)
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Generation VII
Sun Moon
Malie Garden (SOS Battle in rain)Night
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Malie Garden (SOS Battle in rain)Night
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee
Generation VIII
Sword Shield
TradeVersion 1.2.0+
Expansion Pass
Soothing Wetlands (Wanderer)
Max Lair (Dynamax Adventure)
Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Evolve Poliwhirl
Legends: Arceus
Generation IX
Scarlet Violet
TradeVersion 2.0.1+
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero
Tera Raid Battles (5★, 6★)

In side games

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Generation II
This Pokémon is unavailable in Generation II side games.
Generation III
Endless Level 61, Forever Level 11, Pair Trozei, Mr. Who's Den
MD Red MD Blue
Evolve Poliwhirl
Lyra Forest (during Net mission), Jungle Relic (during mission)
Generation IV
MD Time MD Darkness
Lake Afar (B1F-B24F)
MD Sky
Lake Afar (B1F-B24F)
Ranger: GS
Canal Ruins, Ice Temple
Generation V
Rumble Blast
Lake: Everspring Valley (post-ending)
Rumble U
Verdant Plaza: Four Seasons in the Forest, Entranceway: Battle Royale - Cage Match
Generation VI
Battle Trozei
Safari Jungle: Stage 3We
Rumble World
Gold Plateau: Purifying Pond (Center Boss, Back, Special)
Generation VII
Rumble Rush
Charizard Sea2019, Castform Sea, Lugia Sea, Charizard Sea2020, Charizard SeaFinal
Generation VIII
Northwind Field (26F-29F)
Mystery House: Silver Trench
Event: Politoed Appears

In events

Games Event Language Location Level Distribution period
BWB2W2 Yamamoto's Tournament Politoed Japanese Japan 50 September 29 to October 6, 2013

Held items

Games Held items
Black White
Black 2 White 2
Sun Moon
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Sword Shield
King's Rock King's Rock (Expansion Pass required, 5%)


Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
150 - 197 290 - 384
72 - 139 139 - 273
72 - 139 139 - 273
85 - 156 166 - 306
94 - 167 184 - 328
67 - 134 130 - 262
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.

Pokéathlon stats

3/3 ★★★
3/4 ★★★
3/4 ★★★
3/4 ★★★
4/4 ★★★★
16/19 ★★★

Type effectiveness

Under normal battle conditions in Generation IX, this Pokémon is:
normally by:
Steel ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Ice ½×
Weak to:
Steel ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Ice ½×
Immune to:
Steel ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Ice ½×
Resistant to:
Steel ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Ice ½×


By leveling up

Generation IX
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII
 Level   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP
011 Rain Dance Water Status 0000 00——% 5
011 Hydro Pump Water Special 110110 08080% 5
011 Belly Drum Normal Status 0000 00——% 10
011 Pound Normal Physical 04040 100100% 35
Rem.Rem. Body Slam Normal Physical 08585 100100% 15
Rem.Rem. Double-Edge Normal Physical 120120 100100% 15
Rem.Rem. Water Gun Water Special 04040 100100% 25
Rem.Rem. Bubble Beam Water Special 06565 100100% 20
Rem.Rem. Hypnosis Psychic Status 0000 06060% 20
Rem.Rem. Perish Song Normal Status 0000 00——% 5
Rem.Rem. Swagger Normal Status 0000 08585% 15
Rem.Rem. Hyper Voice Normal Special 09090 100100% 10
Rem.Rem. Mud Shot Ground Special 05555 09595% 15
Rem.Rem. Earth Power Ground Special 09090 100100% 10
Evo.Evo. Bounce Flying Physical 08585 08585% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Politoed
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Politoed
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations


Generation IX
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII
   TM   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
TM001 TM001 Take Down Normal Physical 09090 085}}85% 20
TM005 TM005 Mud-Slap Ground Special 02020 100}}100% 10
TM007 TM007 Protect Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM011 TM011 Water Pulse Water Special 06060 100}}100% 20
TM012 TM012 Low Kick Fighting Physical 0000 100}}100% 20
TM018 TM018 Thief Dark Physical 06060 100}}100% 25
TM022 TM022 Chilling Water Water Special 05050 100}}100% 20
TM025 TM025 Facade Normal Physical 07070 100}}100% 20
TM028 TM028 Bulldoze Ground Physical 06060 100}}100% 20
TM032 TM032 Swift Normal Special 06060 00—}}—% 20
TM034 TM034 Icy Wind Ice Special 05555 095}}95% 15
TM035 TM035 Mud Shot Ground Special 05555 095}}95% 15
TM039 TM039 Low Sweep Fighting Physical 06565 100}}100% 20
TM043 TM043 Fling Dark Physical 0000 100}}100% 10
TM047 TM047 Endure Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM050 TM050 Rain Dance Water Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM055 TM055 Dig Ground Physical 08080 100}}100% 10
TM058 TM058 Brick Break Fighting Physical 07575 100}}100% 15
TM066 TM066 Body Slam Normal Physical 08585 100}}100% 15
TM069 TM069 Ice Punch Ice Physical 07575 100}}100% 15
TM070 TM070 Sleep Talk Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM077 TM077 Waterfall Water Physical 08080 100}}100% 15
TM080 TM080 Metronome Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM085 TM085 Rest Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM103 TM103 Substitute Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM110 TM110 Liquidation Water Physical 08585 100}}100% 10
TM117 TM117 Hyper Voice Normal Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TM120 TM120 Psychic Psychic Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TM122 TM122 Encore Normal Status 0000 100}}100% 5
TM123 TM123 Surf Water Special 09090 100}}100% 15
TM128 TM128 Amnesia Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
TM130 TM130 Helping Hand Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
TM133 TM133 Earth Power Ground Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TM135 TM135 Ice Beam Ice Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TM142 TM142 Hydro Pump Water Special 110110 080}}80% 5
TM143 TM143 Blizzard Ice Special 110110 070}}70% 5
TM149 TM149 Earthquake Ground Physical 100100 100}}100% 10
TM152 TM152 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150150 090}}90% 5
TM158 TM158 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120120 070}}70% 5
TM163 TM163 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150150 090}}90% 5
TM171 TM171 Tera Blast Normal Special 08080 100}}100% 10
TM174 TM174 Haze Ice Status 0000 00—}}—% 30
TM192 TM192 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150150 100}}100% 20
TM193 TM193 Weather Ball Normal Special 05050 100}}100% 10
TM203 TM203 Psych Up Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM204 TM204 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120120 100}}100% 15
TM205 TM205 Endeavor Normal Physical 0000 100}}100% 5
TM208 TM208 Whirlpool Water Special 03535 085}}85% 15
TM209 TM209 Muddy Water Water Special 09090 085}}85% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Politoed
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution or an alternate form of Politoed
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations

By breeding

Generation IX
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII
 Parent   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Endeavor Normal Physical 100% 5
Mist Ice Status —% 30
Muddy Water Water Special 90 85% 10
Splash Normal Status —% 40
Water Pulse Water Special 60 100% 20
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Politoed
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Politoed
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Politoed
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations

By a prior Evolution

Generation IX
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII
 Stage   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
This Pokémon has no moves exclusive to prior Evolutions.
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Politoed
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Politoed
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see moves from other generations

Animated series-only moves

Move Type Episode
Jump Kick  Fighting  A Faux Oak Finish!

Side game data

Pokémon Trozei!
Rarity: Rare
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team
Body size: 1
Recruit rate: Evolve
Friend Area: Tadpole Pond
51%-100% HP I like to sing in a big chorus for a good time~♪
26%-50% HP Already~♪ Half my HP~♪ Has gone away~♪ From me-ee-ee-eeh~♪
1%-25% HP I'm gonna croak... Because I can't sing anymore...
Level up Level uh-uh-uh-up~♪ My singing skills went up, lalalalala~♪
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky
Body size: 1
Recruit rate: -12%
IQ group: F
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon

Body size: Standard (1 tile)
How to Recruit: Introduced by Ludicolo
Connected to: Ludicolo
Connection Orb Set: 10

Normal I'll do my best! I'm pumped up!
Low HP (< 50%) This is...too much...
Pokémon Ranger
Poké Assist:
Field move:
(Soak ×3)
Loops: 7 Min. exp.: 0 Max. exp.: 0
Browser entry R-055
Politoed rhythmically hops about and squirts water vigorously.
Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Poké Assist:

Field move:

(Soak ×3)
Poké Assist:

Field move:

(Soak ×1)
Browser entry R-239/N-125
It attacks by spitting bubbles that makes Pokémon Slowed.
Pokémon Rumble Blast
Attack ●●●
Defense ●●●
Speed ●●●
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Walking Speed: 1.67 seconds Base HP: 57
Base Attack: 79 Base Defense: 57 Base Speed: 60
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Attack Power: ★★★★★

Pokémon Shuffle
Attack Power: 70 - 110 5


Crowd Control
Increases damage when there are more Politoed in the puzzle area.
Swappable Skill(s): Relentless

Pokémon GO
Base HP: 207 Base Attack: 174 Base Defense: 179
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 3 km Evolution Requirement: N/A
Fast Attacks: Mud Shot, Bubble
Charged Attacks: Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Surf*, Weather Ball (Water)*, Scald*, Earthquake, Ice Beam, FrustrationAs Shadow Pokémon, ReturnAs Purified Pokémon

Evolution data

Politoed evolves from Poliwhirl when traded while holding a King's Rock. Poliwhirl cannot evolve into Politoed in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen before the player obtains the National Pokédex, as its evolution will be interupted. Poliwhirl also cannot evolve into Politoed in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, as Politoed is not present in those games.

Rare Candy
Level 25
First Evolution
+ King's Rock
holding King's Rock
Second Evolution


This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Generation II
Gold Silver Crystal
Front Back Front Back Front Back
Gold (Japan) Silver (Japan)
Front Back Front Back
Generation III
Ruby Sapphire Emerald FireRed LeafGreen
Front Back Front Back Front Back
Generation IV
Diamond Pearl Platinum HeartGold SoulSilver
Male Male Male Male Male Male
Female Female Female Female Female Female
Shiny Male Shiny Male Shiny Male Shiny Male Shiny Male Shiny Male
Shiny Female Shiny Female Shiny Female Shiny Female Shiny Female Shiny Female
Front Back Front Back Front Back
Generation V
Black White Black 2 White 2
Male Male Male Male
Female Female Female Female
Shiny Male Shiny Male Shiny Male Shiny Male
Shiny Female Shiny Female Shiny Female Shiny Female
Front Back Front Back
Generation VI
X Y Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Shiny Male
Shiny Male
Shiny Male
Shiny Male
Shiny Female
Shiny Female
Shiny Female
Shiny Female
Front Back Front Back
Generation VII
Sun Moon Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Shiny Male
Shiny Male
Shiny Male
Shiny Male
Shiny Female
Shiny Female
Shiny Female
Shiny Female
Front Back Front Back
Male Shiny Male
Female Shiny Female
For other sprites and images, please see Politoed images on the Bulbagarden Archives.

In the anime

Politoed in Pokémon the Series

Major appearances

Misty's Politoed

Misty has a Politoed that debuted in Outrageous Fortunes upon evolving from her Poliwhirl, thus marking the species' debut. It is very cheerful to the point where it would occasionally lose focus in a battle and start clapping.


In I Politoed Ya So, Tammy owns a Politoed nicknamed Bean and uses it and other Pokémon for a cheerleading squad. Bean is distinctive from other Politoed by the red band it wears around its head. It had a falling-out with Tammy, prompting her to ask Misty to lend her own Politoed to her for a while. Later, she and her Politoed made amends, and Tammy returned Misty's Politoed to her.

In A Faux Oak Finish!, a Politoed was the leader of a group of swamp Pokémon. It battled Brock's Croagunk and acquired Professor Oak's assistance in cheering up a sad Lombre by giving it a Water Stone to evolve into Ludicolo.

In Good Friends, Great Training!, Tierno was revealed to have caught a Politoed to Ash, Serena, and Bonnie.

In Pikachu and the Pokémon Music Squad, a Politoed was living in the forest.

Minor appearances

A Politoed appeared in a flashback in Poetry Commotion!.

In Harley Rides Again, a Coordinator's Politoed battled May's Munchlax during the Battle Stage of the Wisteria Contest.

In Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea, the Marina Group uses a Politoed in their water show. It was later borrowed by Jack Walker to help him reach an ancient ruin site.

A Politoed appeared in BWS01.

Two Politoed appeared in Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!.

A Politoed appeared in Lumiose City Pursuit!.

A Politoed appeared in Grooming Furfrou!.

A Politoed appeared in A Jolting Switcheroo!.

A Politoed appeared in The Power of Us.

In Battle Royal 151!, a Trainer's Politoed competed in the Battle Royal preliminary round of the Manalo Conference, but it was defeated by Togedemaru.

In The Battlefield of Truth and Love! and Battling on the Wing!, a Trainer's Politoed watched the battles during the Manalo Conference.

From Exhibition Unmasked! to From Z to Shining Z!, a Trainer's Politoed watched the exhibition match between Ash and Professor Kukui.

A Politoed appeared in a flashback in Time After Time!.

Pokédex entries

Episode Pokémon Source Entry
EP247 Politoed Ash's Pokédex Politoed, the Frog Pokémon. Politoed likes to expand its throat and sing out, drawing in Poliwag and Poliwhirl from all around.
Episode Pokémon Source Entry
DP139 Politoed Ash's Pokedéx Politoed, the Frog Pokémon. It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make Poliwag obey.

In the manga

Politoed in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Main article: Polibo

In Ampharos Amore, Silver borrowed Gold's Poliwhirl, Polibo, in exchange for his Seadra. Due to the effects of the King's Rock Polibo was holding, along with the trade between Silver and Gold, Polibo evolved into a Politoed. Later, he was returned to his original Trainer.

Pokémon: Yeah! I Got Pokémon!

Ran had a Politoed in GDZ66.

In the TCG

Main article: Politoed (TCG)



Politoed appears to be based on a frog. The swirl on its stomach may represent visible internal organs like those of tadpoles that can sometimes be seen through their transparent skin. Politoed's status as a king to Poliwag and Poliwhirl and its evolution method using the King's Rock may be based on the story of The Frog Prince, where the prince or the king is enchanted into a frog.

Politoed's Hidden Ability Drizzle likely alludes to the association between frogs and rain in Japan. Japanese frogs come out of hibernation during the East Asian rainy season (梅雨 tsuyu), which is an important period for farming; thus, they're seen as harbingers of rain and good fortune.

Name origin

Politoed may be a combination of polliwog (outdated term for tadpole) and toad. It may also involve poly- (prefix for many) and toed.

Nyorotono may be a combination of ニョロニョロ nyoronyoro (onomatopoeia for wriggling) and 殿 tono (lord), as well as 殿様蛙 tonosama-gaeru (dark-spotted frog).

In other languages

Language Title Meaning
Japanese ニョロトノ Nyorotono From ニョロニョロ nyoronyoro, 殿 tono, and 殿様蛙 tonosama-gaeru
French Tarpaud From têtard and crapaud
Spanish Politoed Same as English name
German Quaxo From Kaulquappe, quaken, and Ach so!
Italian Politoed Same as English name
Korean 왕구리 Wangguri From 왕 (王) wang and 개구리 gaeguri
Mandarin Chinese 蚊香蛙皇 Wénxiāngwāhuáng*
牛蛙君 Niúwājūn*
From 蚊香 wénxiāng, , and huáng
From 牛蛙 niúwā and jūn
Cantonese Chinese 蚊香蛙皇 Mānhēungwāwòhng*
牛蛙君 Ngàuhwāgwān*
From 蚊香 mānhēung, , and wòhng
From 牛蛙 ngàuhwā and gwān

Related articles


External links

#0185: Sudowoodo
#0187: Hoppip
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.