Silver (game): Difference between revisions

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(424 intermediate revisions by more than 100 users not shown)
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{{search|character|the game titled "Pokémon Silver Version"|Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions}}
color={{silver color}} |
corecolor={{silver color light}} |
bordercolor={{silver color dark}} |
|color={{silver color}}  
name=Silver |
|corecolor={{silver color light}}  
jname=シルバー |
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}  
tmname=Silver |
slogan=no |
image=HeartGold SoulSilver Silver.png|
size=140px |
caption=Art from {{2v2|HeartGold|SoulSilver}} |
|image=HeartGold SoulSilver Silver.png
colors=yes |
eyes=Black{{tt|*|Generation II}}, Gray{{tt|*|Generation IV artwork}}, Red{{tt|*|HeartGold and SoulSilver opening animation}} |
|caption=Art from {{2v2|HeartGold|SoulSilver}}  
hair=Red |
gender=Male |
|eyes=Black{{tt|*|Generation II}}, Gray{{tt|*|Generation IV artwork}}, Red{{tt|*|HeartGold and SoulSilver opening animation}}, Purple{{tt|*|Pokémon Masters EX}}
hometown=Unknown |
|hair=Dark red
region=[[Johto]] |
relatives=[[Giovanni]] (father) |
trainer=yes |
|region=[[Johto]] or originally [[Kanto]], then moved to Johto
trainerclass={{pkmn|Trainer}}, [[Rival]] |
|relatives=[[Giovanni]] (father)  
game=yes |
generation={{gen|II}}, {{gen|IV}} |
|trainerclass=N/A{{tt|*|Rival (in the internal game data, two separate Trainer classes sharing the same name)}}{{sup/2|GSC}}<br>Passerby, [[Rival]]{{sup/4|HGSS}}
games=[[Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|Gold, Silver]], {{v2|Crystal}}, {{pkmn|Stadium 2}}, [[Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold, SoulSilver]]|
type=Various |
|generation={{gen|II}}, {{gen|IV}}  
|games=[[Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|Gold, Silver]], {{v2|Crystal}}, [[Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold, SoulSilver]], {{pkmn|Stadium 2}}, {{pkmn|Masters EX}}
epnum=A New Oath|
manga=counterpart |
mangacounterpart=[[Ginjirō]], {{adv|Silver}} |
|epnum=A New Oath
roundname=Hoothoot Time |
|mangacounterpart={{OBP|Silver|Pocket Monsters}}, {{adv|Silver}}, {{OBP|Black|Golden Boys}}, [[Tsubaki (JBA)|Tsubaki]]
|roundname=Hoothoot Time  
|pvname=The Legacy
|envagame=[[Lucien Dodge]] <small>({{pkmn|Generations}})</small><br>Joe Zieja<ref name="Joe Zieja">[ Joe Zieja on Twitter]</ref> <small>({{pkmn|Masters EX}})</small>
|javagame=Ryōta Ōsaka <small>({{pkmn|Generations}})</small><br>Yūki Ono<ref>Nintendo DREAM (vol. 329)</ref> <small>({{pkmn|Masters EX}})</small>

'''Silver''' (Japanese: '''シルバー''' ''Silver'') is the [[rival]] character of the [[Generation II]] {{pkmn|games}} and their [[Generation IV]] remakes, playing opposite {{ga|Ethan}}, {{ga|Kris}}, or {{ga|Lyra}} in {{game|Gold and Silver|s}}, {{game|Crystal}}, and {{game|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s}}.
'''Silver''' (Japanese: '''シルバー''' ''Silver'') is the [[rival]] character of {{game2|Gold|Silver|Crystal}} and {{game|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s}}, playing opposite {{ga|Ethan}}, {{ga|Kris}}, or {{ga|Lyra}}. He is the son of [[Team Rocket]] Boss [[Giovanni]].

He is the son of [[Team Rocket]] Boss [[Giovanni]], and was long speculated as such due to the reference made toward Giovanni's red-haired child in {{game|FireRed and LeafGreen|s}}, as well as his {{adv|Silver|Pokémon Adventures counterpart}} also being Giovanni's son. His connection to Giovanni was finally revealed via an event in HeartGold and SoulSilver activated by taking a [[fateful encounter]] {{p|Celebi}} to the [[Ilex Forest Shrine]].
In [[Generation II]], he appears with no {{DL|Pokémon Trainer|Trainer class}} in all battles, although the '''Rival''' (Japanese: '''ライバル''' ''Rival'') Trainer class is associated with him in the game data. In [[Generation IV]], he uses the same Trainer class, except this time it appears normally in-game.

==In the games==
He was first named '''Silver''' (Japanese: '''シルバー''' ''Silver'') in Bandai's Pokémon Scale World collection,<ref>[ "Pokémon Scale World - Johto: Silver & Croconaw & Sneasel" on Bandai] (Japanese)</ref><ref>[ "Pokémon Scale World - Johto: Silver & Croconaw & Sneasel" on Bandai] (English)</ref><ref>[ "&#91;PREMIUM BANDAI Limited Edition "Pokémon Scale World" Vol.2!! Order Now!!" on the official Pokémon website in Singapore&#93; (English)]</ref> which was released in 2020 (21 years after his introduction in {{game|Gold and Silver|s}}). In 2021, he became available {{mas|Silver|with the same name}} in [[Pokémon Masters EX]], which was the first time he was named in-game. No definitive name has been given for him in the [[core series]] games and their manuals.
Silver first appears in the [[Generation II]] games, lurking outside of [[Professor Elm]]'s lab, looking through the window. When talked to, he will deny everything and push the player away. During the player's journey to [[Mr. Pokémon]]'s house, Silver makes his move, stealing one of Elm's two remaining [[starter Pokémon]] (coincidentally always the one that is strong against the player's choice). He will meet with the player on the outskirts of [[Cherrygrove City]], battling to get through. A policeman will later ask for the name of the rival, and the rival will be called the name the player gives for the rest of the game.

Silver shows a strong dislike of Team Rocket. He considers them to be weak, and vows to take them, as well as any other weak Trainer, down. He steals a {{p|Sneasel}} from a Trainer in [[Cianwood City]] and while {{ga|Ethan}}/{{ga|Kris}}/{{ga|Lyra}} attempts to take down Team Rocket in [[Mahogany Town]] and [[Goldenrod City]], he interferes to prove himself. It is in the Mahogany hideout that he meets with [[Lance]], {{pkmn|Champion}} of the [[Elite Four]] at the [[Indigo Plateau]]. Silver challenges Lance and is easily defeated by the dragon trainer, who then proceeds to berate Silver for his callous ways towards training Pokémon. Though Silver is outraged for losing to someone with such an attitude, the loss and Lance's words ultimately set him on the path to becoming a better person. When Team Rocket takes over the [[Goldenrod Radio Tower]], Silver first blows the player's Team Rocket disguise, unaware of the player's plan to sneak in by pretending to be a member of Team Rocket. He later follows the player to the Goldenrod underground and they battle Team Rocket, hoping that Lance will reappear and he can request a rematch.
In the core series games, he is temporarily known by a placeholder name in the first {{pkmn|battle}} before he is named by the player:
* '''???''' (Japanese: '''???''') in [[Generation II]]
* '''Passerby Boy''' (Japanese: '''とおりすがりの しょうねん''' ''Passerby Boy'') in [[Generation IV]], using the placeholder {{DL|Pokémon Trainer|Trainer class}} "Passerby" and placeholder name "Boy"

By the time the player reaches the Indigo Plateau, Silver battles against the player not out of malice, but to prove that he is a good Trainer. He is defeated and departs to continue training. The player battles Silver on [[Mt. Moon]], and though he loses he claims he can feel his Pokémon getting stronger, and resolves to train at [[Dragon's Den]]. When battled the seventh time at [[Indigo Plateau]], Silver seems to have finally learned to care for his Pokémon properly, as his {{p|Golbat}} has evolved to {{p|Crobat}}, which only occurs when Golbat is very [[Happiness|happy]]. This is further expressed in Generation IV when his [[starter Pokémon]] starts to [[Walking Pokémon|follow him around]], much like the player's Pokémon; Professor Elm even expressly states that Silver's Pokémon have come to trust him when Silver returns to the lab, presumably to return the starter he stole.
If the player attempts to leave his name blank, his default name refers to a game other than the current one: '''Gold'''{{sup/2|S}}, '''Silver'''{{sup/2|G}}{{sup/2|C}}, '''Heart'''{{sup/4|SS}}, or '''Soul'''{{sup/4|HG}} (Japanese: '''ゴールド''' ''Gold'', '''シルバー''' ''Silver'', '''ハート''' ''Heart'', or '''ソウル''' ''Soul'').

Following Silver's final encounter with the player and after the player has become Champion, Silver can be found training on Tuesday and Thursday in the [[Dragon's Den]], where he cannot be battled, and will appear at the Indigo Plateau on Monday and Wednesday to challenge the player to a battle, should he or she appear. He does not appear at all on the weekends, indicating that he may in fact take the day off, resting his Pokémon. In {{game|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s}}, Lance and [[Clair]] will appear in the Dragon's Den and challenge the player and Silver to a [[tag battle]] following the battle at [[Mt. Moon]].
In [[Pokémon Stadium 2]], he is simply known as '''Rival''' (Japanese: '''ライバル''' ''Rival''). In Pokémon battles, this is displayed as '''Rival Rival''' (Japanese: '''ライバル ライバル''' ''Rival Rival''), since the word "Rival" is repeatedly stored in the game data as both the Trainer class and the character name.

In terms of personality, Silver is the darkest of the rivals in the series. While most other rivals are generally good-natured, or at least zestful enough to crack a joke at the player, Silver is (at first) cruel, hateful, power-obsessed and even physically abusive, pushing the {{player}} character around several times. Even after he starts to become kinder, he remains a rather serious individual. He does, however, express genuine happiness when Elm allows him to keep the Pokémon he stole.
In the [[Pokémon Gold and Silver Spaceworld '97 demo]], his name is '''{{j|シゲル}}'''{{sup/2|G}} ''Shigeru'' or '''{{j|サトシ}}'''{{sup/2|S}} ''Satoshi''. These are {{Gary}}'s and {{Ash}}'s respective Japanese names, and correspond to the second entry in the list of optional names for {{ga|Blue}} and {{ga|Red}} in {{game|Red and Green|s}}.

Giovanni and Silver's relationship is revealed in HeartGold and SoulSilver when a [[fateful encounter]] {{p|Celebi}} is brought to [[Ilex Shrine]]. Celebi takes the player back in time three years to witness Giovanni abandoning Silver to go into seclusion because of his defeat at the hands of {{ga|Red}}. Silver's hate for Team Rocket apparently stems from the failure of his father.
Until the reveal of his official name, '''Silver''' (Japanese: '''シルバー''' ''Silver'') was almost universally used in [[fanon]] as the name for this character. Some fans instead called him '''Kamon''' (Japanese: '''カモン''' ''Kamon'') to discern him from {{adv|Silver|his Pokémon Adventures counterpart}} and {{OBP|Silver|HS18|an unrelated anime character}}. This name is taken from the suggested names for {{ga|Ethan}} in both the Japanese and English versions of {{game3|Gold and Silver|Pokémon Silver|s}}; this is similar to some fans calling {{ga|Blue}} "{{Gary}}", since the name is found as one of the options for the {{player}} in international {{game3|Red and Blue|Pokémon Blue|s}} and for the [[rival]] in international {{game3|Red and Blue|Pokémon Red|s}}.
==In the core series games==
Silver first appears in the [[Generation II]] {{pkmn|games}}, lurking outside of [[Professor Elm]]'s lab, looking through the window. When talked to, he will deny everything and push the player away. During the player's journey to [[Mr. Pokémon]]'s house, Silver makes his move, stealing one of Elm's two remaining [[first partner Pokémon]] (coincidentally always the one that is strong against the player's choice). He will meet with the player on the outskirts of [[Cherrygrove City]], battling to get through. A policeman will later ask for the name of the rival, and the rival will be called the name the player gives for the rest of the game.
Silver shows a strong dislike of [[Team Rocket]]. He considers them to be weak, and vows to take them, as well as any other weak Trainer, down. He steals a Pokémon (heavily implied to be {{p|Sneasel}}) from a Trainer in [[Cianwood City]] and while {{ga|Ethan}}/{{ga|Kris}}/{{ga|Lyra}} attempts to take down Team Rocket in [[Mahogany Town]] and [[Goldenrod City]], he interferes to prove himself. It is in the [[Team Rocket HQ]] in Mahogany that he meets with [[Lance]], {{pkmn|Champion}} of the [[Elite Four]] at [[Indigo Plateau]]. Silver challenges Lance and is easily defeated by the dragon Trainer, who then proceeds to berate Silver for his callous ways towards training Pokémon. Though Silver is outraged for losing to someone with such an attitude, the loss and Lance's words ultimately set him on the path to becoming a better person. In HeartGold and SoulSilver, when Team Rocket takes over the [[Goldenrod Radio Tower]], Silver first blows the player's Team Rocket disguise, unaware of the player's plan to sneak in by pretending to be a member of Team Rocket. He later follows the player to the Goldenrod underground and they battle Team Rocket, hoping that Lance will reappear and he can request a rematch.
By the time the player reaches {{ka|Victory Road}}, Silver battles against the player not out of malice, but to prove that he is a good Trainer. He is defeated and departs to continue training. The player battles Silver on [[Mt. Moon]], and though he loses he claims he can feel his Pokémon getting stronger, and resolves to train at [[Dragon's Den]].
After the player has become {{pkmn|Champion}}, Silver can indeed be found training in the Dragon's Den on Tuesday and Thursday, where he cannot be battled. On Monday and Wednesday, he will appear at [[Indigo Plateau]] and will challenge the player to a battle if they appear there. He does not appear at all on Friday or the weekends, indicating that he may in fact take the day off, resting his Pokémon. When battled this seventh and final time at Indigo Plateau, Silver seems to have finally learned to care for his Pokémon properly, as his {{p|Golbat}} has evolved to {{p|Crobat}}, which only occurs when Golbat is very [[friendship|friendly]]. This is further expressed in Generation IV when his [[first partner Pokémon]] starts to [[Walking Pokémon|follow him around]], much like the player's Pokémon; Professor Elm even expressly states that Silver's Pokémon have come to trust him when Silver returns to the lab, presumably to return the first partner Pokémon he stole. In {{game|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s}}, Lance and [[Clair]] will appear in the Dragon's Den and challenge the player and Silver to a [[Multi Battle]] following the battle at [[Mt. Moon]] giving him the chance to avenge his loss from earlier.
In terms of personality, Silver is initially the darkest of the rivals in the series. While most other rivals are generally good-natured, or at least zestful enough to crack a joke at the player, Silver is (at first) cruel, hateful, power-obsessed, and even physically abusive, pushing the {{player}} character around several times. Even after he starts to become kinder, he remains a rather serious individual. He does, however, express genuine happiness when Elm allows him to keep the Pokémon he stole.
Giovanni and Silver's relationship is first alluded to in {{game|FireRed and LeafGreen|s}}, when Team Rocket {{tc|Scientist}} [[Gideon]] at the [[Rocket Warehouse]] on [[Five Island]] asks Red if he is "Giovanni's kid" but concludes he is not, saying that "Giovanni's kid has red hair." More information is revealed in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver when a [[fateful encounter]] {{p|Celebi}} is brought to [[Ilex Forest shrine]]: Celebi takes the player [[Time travel|back in time]] three years to witness Giovanni abandoning Silver to go into seclusion because of his defeat at the hands of {{ga|Red}}. Silver's hate for Team Rocket apparently stems from the failure of his father.

The [[starter Pokémon]] that Silver has will depend on which Pokémon the player chose to bring on Professor Elm's errand at the beginning of the game. As with most [[rival]]s, it will be the Pokémon whose type weakens that of the player's starter.
The [[first partner Pokémon]] that Silver has will depend on which Pokémon the player chose to bring on Professor Elm's errand at the beginning of the game. As with most [[rival]]s, it will be the Pokémon whose type weakens that of the player's first partner Pokémon.
''For Silver's Pokémon in Gold, Silver, and Crystal Versions, see [[Silver (game)/Gold, Silver, and Crystal]].''
''For Silver's Pokémon in Gold, Silver, and Crystal Versions, see [[Silver (game)/Gold, Silver, and Crystal|here]].''

===Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver===
===={{game|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s}}====
====First battle====
=====First battle=====
{{MSP|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
Winning this battle is not mandatory. The player will not [[black out]] and the story will progress either way.
{{MSP/3|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|classlink=Silver (game)
|location=Cherrygrove City
|location=Cherrygrove City
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=155|pokemon=Cyndaquil
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/4

{{MSP|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:  
{{MSP/3|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|classlink=Silver (game)
|location=Cherrygrove City
|location=Cherrygrove City
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=158|pokemon=Totodile
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/4

{{MSP|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
{{MSP/3|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|classlink=Silver (game)
|location=Cherrygrove City
|location=Cherrygrove City
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=152|pokemon=Chikorita
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/4

====Second battle====
=====Second battle=====
{{MSP|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
{{MSP/3|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Azalea Town
|location=Azalea Town
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=092|pokemon=Gastly
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=041 m|pokemon=Zubat
|gender=male|level=16|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=041 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Leech Life|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Leech Life|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Physical
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=156|pokemon=Quilava
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}}}
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}

{{MSP|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:  
{{MSP/3|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Azalea Town
|location=Azalea Town
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=092|pokemon=Gastly
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=041 m|pokemon=Zubat
|gender=male|level=16|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=041 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Leech Life|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Leech Life|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Physical
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=159|pokemon=Croconaw
|move1=Water Gun|move1type=Water|move1cat=Special
|move1=Water Gun|move1type=Water|move1cat=Special
|move4=Scary Face|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}}}
|move4=Scary Face|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}

{{MSP|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
{{MSP/3|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Azalea Town
|location=Azalea Town
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=092|pokemon=Gastly
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=041 m|pokemon=Zubat
|gender=male|level=16|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=041 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Leech Life|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Leech Life|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Physical
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=153|pokemon=Bayleef
|move4=Razor Leaf|move4type=Grass|move4cat=Physical}}}}
|move4=Razor Leaf|move4type=Grass|move4cat=Physical}}

====Third battle====
=====Third battle=====
{{MSP|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
{{MSP/3|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Burned Tower
|location=Burned Tower
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=092|pokemon=Gastly
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=041 m|pokemon=Zubat
|gender=male|level=20|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=041 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Wing Attack|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Wing Attack|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=081|pokemon=Magnemite
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|gender=none|level=18|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=156|pokemon=Quilava
|move1=Flame Wheel|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Flame Wheel|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Physical
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}}}
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}

{{MSP|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:  
{{MSP/3|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Burned Tower
|location=Burned Tower
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=092|pokemon=Gastly
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=041 m|pokemon=Zubat
|gender=male|level=20|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=041 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Wing Attack|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Wing Attack|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=081|pokemon=Magnemite
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|gender=none|level=18|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=159|pokemon=Croconaw
|move1=Water Gun|move1type=Water|move1cat=Special
|move1=Water Gun|move1type=Water|move1cat=Special
|move2=Scary Face|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status
|move2=Scary Face|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status
|move3=Ice Fang|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Ice Fang|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Physical

{{MSP|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
{{MSP/3|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Burned Tower
|location=Burned Tower
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=092|pokemon=Gastly
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=041 m|pokemon=Zubat
|gender=male|level=20|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=041 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Wing Attack|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Wing Attack|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=081|pokemon=Magnemite
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|gender=none|level=18|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=153|pokemon=Bayleef
|move2=Magical Leaf|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Special
|move2=Magical Leaf|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Special

====Fourth battle====
=====Fourth battle=====
{{MSP|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
{{MSP/3|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Goldenrod Tunnel
|location=Goldenrod Tunnel
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=042 m|pokemon=Golbat
|gender=male|level=32|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=042 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Air Cutter|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Special
|move1=Air Cutter|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=093|pokemon=Haunter
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move1=Thunder Wave|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Status
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=081|pokemon=Magnemite
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|gender=none|level=30|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/4
|move1=Thunder Wave|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Status
|ndex=215 m
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=215 m|pokemon=Sneasel
|gender=male|level=34|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|ability=Inner Focus
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Quick Attack|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical
|move2=Quick Attack|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move4=Fury Swipes|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|move4=Fury Swipes|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|pokemon5={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=156|pokemon=Quilava
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/4
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Flame Wheel|move4type=Fire|move4cat=Physical}}}}
|move4=Flame Wheel|move4type=Fire|move4cat=Physical}}

{{MSP|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:  
{{MSP/3|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Goldenrod Tunnel
|location=Goldenrod Tunnel
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=042 m|pokemon=Golbat
|gender=male|level=32|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=042 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Air Cutter|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Special
|move1=Air Cutter|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=093|pokemon=Haunter
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move1=Thunder Wave|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Status
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=081|pokemon=Magnemite
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|gender=none|level=30|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/4
|move1=Thunder Wave|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Status
|ndex=215 m
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=215 m|pokemon=Sneasel
|gender=male|level=34|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|ability=Inner Focus
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Quick Attack|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical
|move2=Quick Attack|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move4=Fury Swipes|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|move4=Fury Swipes|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|pokemon5={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=160|pokemon=Feraligatr
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/4
|move1=Water Gun|move1type=Water|move1cat=Special
|move2=Ice Fang|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Physical
|move2=Ice Fang|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Physical
|move4=Water Gun|move4type=Water|move4cat=Special}}}}

{{MSP|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
{{MSP/3|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Goldenrod Tunnel
|location=Goldenrod Tunnel
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=042 m|pokemon=Golbat
|gender=male|level=32|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=042 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Air Cutter|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Special
|move1=Air Cutter|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=093|pokemon=Haunter
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move1=Thunder Wave|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Status
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=081|pokemon=Magnemite
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|gender=none|level=30|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/4
|move1=Thunder Wave|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Status
|ndex=215 m
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=215 m|pokemon=Sneasel
|gender=male|level=34|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|ability=Inner Focus
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Quick Attack|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical
|move2=Quick Attack|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move4=Fury Swipes|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|move4=Fury Swipes|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|pokemon5={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=154 m|pokemon=Meganium
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/4
|ndex=154 m
|move2=Petal Dance|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Special
|move2=Petal Dance|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Special

====Fifth battle====
=====Fifth battle=====
{{MSP|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
{{MSP/3|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Victory Road (Kanto)
|location=Victory Road (Kanto)
|locationname=Victory Road
|locationname=Victory Road
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=215 m|pokemon=Sneasel
|gender=male|level=36|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=215 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Icy Wind|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Special
|move2=Icy Wind|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Special
|move3=Fury Swipes|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Fury Swipes|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=042 m|pokemon=Golbat
|gender=male|level=38|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=042 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Air Cutter|move3type=Flying|move3cat=Special
|move3=Air Cutter|move3type=Flying|move3cat=Special
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=082|pokemon=Magneton
|level=37|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move4=Magnet Bomb|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical
|move4=Magnet Bomb|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=064 m|pokemon=Kadabra
|ndex=064 m
|pokemon5={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=093|pokemon=Haunter
|move2=Mean Look|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status
|move2=Mean Look|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}
|pokemon6={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=157|pokemon=Typhlosion
|move1=Lava Plume|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Special
|move1=Lava Plume|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Special
|move3=Flame Wheel|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Flame Wheel|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}

{{MSP|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:  
{{MSP/3|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Victory Road (Kanto)
|location=Victory Road (Kanto)
|locationname=Victory Road
|locationname=Victory Road
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=215 m|pokemon=Sneasel
|gender=male|level=36|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=215 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Icy Wind|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Special
|move2=Icy Wind|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Special
|move3=Fury Swipes|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Fury Swipes|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=042 m|pokemon=Golbat
|gender=male|level=38|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=042 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Air Cutter|move3type=Flying|move3cat=Special
|move3=Air Cutter|move3type=Flying|move3cat=Special
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=082|pokemon=Magneton
|level=37|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move4=Magnet Bomb|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical
|move4=Magnet Bomb|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=064 m|pokemon=Kadabra
|ndex=064 m
|pokemon5={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=093|pokemon=Haunter
|move2=Mean Look|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status
|move2=Mean Look|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}
|pokemon6={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=160|pokemon=Feraligatr
|move3=Ice Fang|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Ice Fang|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Physical

{{MSP|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
{{MSP/3|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Victory Road (Kanto)
|location=Victory Road (Kanto)
|locationname=Victory Road
|locationname=Victory Road
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=215 m|pokemon=Sneasel
|gender=male|level=36|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=215 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Icy Wind|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Special
|move2=Icy Wind|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Special
|move3=Fury Swipes|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Fury Swipes|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=042 m|pokemon=Golbat
|gender=male|level=38|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=042 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Air Cutter|move3type=Flying|move3cat=Special
|move3=Air Cutter|move3type=Flying|move3cat=Special
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=082|pokemon=Magneton
|level=37|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move4=Magnet Bomb|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical
|move4=Magnet Bomb|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=064 m|pokemon=Kadabra
|ndex=064 m
|pokemon5={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=093|pokemon=Haunter
|move2=Mean Look|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status
|move2=Mean Look|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}
|pokemon6={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=154_m|pokemon=Meganium
|ndex=154 m
|move2=Petal Dance|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Special
|move2=Petal Dance|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Special

====Sixth battle====
=====Sixth battle=====
{{MSP|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
{{MSP/3|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Mt. Moon
|location=Mt. Moon
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=215 m|pokemon=Sneasel
|gender=male|level=46|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=215 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Shadow Claw|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Physical
|move2=Shadow Claw|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=042 m|pokemon=Golbat
|gender=male|level=47|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=042 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Poison Fang|move1type=Poison|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Poison Fang|move1type=Poison|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Air Cutter|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Special
|move2=Air Cutter|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Special
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=082|pokemon=Magneton
|level=46|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move3=Magnet Bomb|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Magnet Bomb|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=065 m|pokemon=Alakazam
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|ndex=065 m
|pokemon5={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=094|pokemon=Gengar
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move4=Mean Look|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Mean Look|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
|pokemon6={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=157|pokemon=Typhlosion
|move2=Quick Attack|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical
|move2=Quick Attack|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Flame Wheel|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Flame Wheel|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Physical

{{MSP|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:  
{{MSP/3|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Mt. Moon
|location=Mt. Moon
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=215 m|pokemon=Sneasel
|gender=male|level=46|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=215 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Shadow Claw|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Physical
|move2=Shadow Claw|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=042 m|pokemon=Golbat
|gender=male|level=47|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=042 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Poison Fang|move1type=Poison|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Poison Fang|move1type=Poison|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Air Cutter|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Special
|move2=Air Cutter|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Special
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=082|pokemon=Magneton
|level=46|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move3=Magnet Bomb|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Magnet Bomb|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=065 m|pokemon=Alakazam
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|ndex=065 m
|pokemon5={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=094|pokemon=Gengar
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move4=Mean Look|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Mean Look|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
|pokemon6={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=160|pokemon=Feraligatr
|move2=Ice Fang|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Physical
|move2=Ice Fang|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Physical

{{MSP|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
{{MSP/3|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Mt. Moon
|location=Mt. Moon
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=215 m|pokemon=Sneasel
|gender=male|level=46|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=215 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Shadow Claw|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Physical
|move2=Shadow Claw|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=042 m|pokemon=Golbat
|gender=male|level=47|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|ndex=042 m
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Poison Fang|move1type=Poison|move1cat=Physical
|move1=Poison Fang|move1type=Poison|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Air Cutter|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Special
|move2=Air Cutter|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Special
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=082|pokemon=Magneton
|level=46|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|ability=Magnet Pull
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
|move3=Magnet Bomb|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Magnet Bomb|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=065 m|pokemon=Alakazam
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
|ndex=065 m
|pokemon5={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=094|pokemon=Gengar
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move4=Mean Look|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Mean Look|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
|pokemon6={{Pokémon/4|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=154 m|pokemon=Meganium
|ndex=154 m
|move1=Light Screen|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Status
|move1=Light Screen|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Status
|move2=Petal Dance|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Special
|move2=Petal Dance|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Special

====[[Tag battle]] with {{player}}====
=====[[Multi Battle]] with the {{player}}=====
[[File:Silver Dragons Den.png|thumb|220px|Silver in the Dragon's Den]]
[[File:Dragons Den Silver HGSS.png|thumb|Silver in the Dragon's Den]]
{{MSP|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
{{MSP/3|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
|color={{silver color}}|headcolor={{silver color light}}|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=HGSS Silver Back.png
|sprite=HGSS Silver Back.png
|location=Dragon's Den
|location=Dragon's Den
Line 786: Line 1,281:
Line 801: Line 1,295:
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
Line 816: Line 1,309:
|move3=Sludge Bomb|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Special
|move3=Sludge Bomb|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Special
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}

{{MSP|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:
{{MSP/3|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:
|color={{silver color}}|headcolor={{silver color light}}|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=HGSS Silver Back.png
|sprite=HGSS Silver Back.png
|location=Dragon's Den
|location=Dragon's Den
Line 840: Line 1,336:
|move3=Aqua Tail|move3type=Water|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Aqua Tail|move3type=Water|move3cat=Physical
Line 857: Line 1,351:
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
Line 872: Line 1,365:
|move3=Sludge Bomb|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Special
|move3=Sludge Bomb|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Special
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}

{{MSP|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
{{MSP/3|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
|color={{silver color}}|headcolor={{silver color light}}|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|color={{silver color}}|headcolor={{silver color light}}|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=HGSS Silver Back.png
|sprite=HGSS Silver Back.png
|location=Dragon's Den
|location=Dragon's Den
|ndex=154 m
|ndex=154 m
Line 897: Line 1,391:
|move3=Petal Dance|move3type=Grass|move3cat=Special
|move3=Petal Dance|move3type=Grass|move3cat=Special
|move4=Light Screen|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Light Screen|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}}
Line 912: Line 1,405:
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
Line 927: Line 1,419:
|move3=Sludge Bomb|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Special
|move3=Sludge Bomb|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Special
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}

====Seventh battle====
{{MSP|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
{{MSP/3|152|Chikorita}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Indigo Plateau
|location=Indigo Plateau
|ndex=215 m
|ndex=215 m
Line 957: Line 1,448:
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move4=Metal Claw|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
|move4=Metal Claw|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
Line 971: Line 1,460:
|move3=Mirror Shot|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Special
|move3=Mirror Shot|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Special
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
Line 984: Line 1,471:
|move1=Dark Pulse|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Special
|move1=Dark Pulse|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Sludge Bomb|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Special
|move3=Shadow Ball|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Special
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}
|move4=Sludge Bomb|move4type=Poison|move4cat=Special}}
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
Line 1,001: Line 1,487:
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|ndex=065 m
|ndex=065 m
Line 1,015: Line 1,499:
|move3=Focus Blast|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Special
|move3=Focus Blast|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Special
Line 1,029: Line 1,511:

{{MSP|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:
{{MSP/3|155|Cyndaquil}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Indigo Plateau
|location=Indigo Plateau
|ndex=215 m
|ndex=215 m
Line 1,058: Line 1,539:
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move4=Metal Claw|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
|move4=Metal Claw|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
Line 1,072: Line 1,551:
|move3=Mirror Shot|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Special
|move3=Mirror Shot|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Special
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
Line 1,083: Line 1,560:
|move1=Confuse Ray|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Status
|move1=Dark Pulse|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Special
|move2=Dark Pulse|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Shadow Ball|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Special
|move3=Shadow Ball|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Special
|move4=Sludge Bomb|move4type=Poison|move4cat=Special}}
|move4=Sludge Bomb|move4type=Poison|move4cat=Special}}
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
Line 1,102: Line 1,578:
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|ndex=065 m
|ndex=065 m
Line 1,116: Line 1,590:
|move3=Focus Blast|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Special
|move3=Focus Blast|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Special
Line 1,130: Line 1,602:
|move3=Aqua Tail|move3type=Water|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Aqua Tail|move3type=Water|move3cat=Physical

{{MSP|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
{{MSP/3|158|Totodile}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
|color={{silver color}}
|color={{silver color}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=Spr HGSS Silver.png
|location=Indigo Plateau
|location=Indigo Plateau
|ndex=215 m
|ndex=215 m
Line 1,159: Line 1,630:
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move4=Metal Claw|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
|move4=Metal Claw|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
Line 1,173: Line 1,642:
|move3=Mirror Shot|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Special
|move3=Mirror Shot|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Special
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
Line 1,186: Line 1,653:
|move1=Dark Pulse|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Special
|move1=Dark Pulse|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Special
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Sludge Bomb|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Special
|move3=Shadow Ball|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Special
|move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}
|move4=Sludge Bomb|move4type=Poison|move4cat=Special}}
{{Party/Div|color={{silver color}}}}
Line 1,203: Line 1,669:
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status
|ndex=065 m
|ndex=065 m
Line 1,217: Line 1,681:
|move3=Focus Blast|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Special
|move3=Focus Blast|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Special
|ndex=154 m
|ndex=154 m
Line 1,231: Line 1,693:
|move3=Petal Dance|move3type=Grass|move3cat=Special
|move3=Petal Dance|move3type=Grass|move3cat=Special
|move4=Light Screen|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}}
|move4=Light Screen|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}}
==In the side series games==
===[[Pokémon Stadium 2]]===
Silver appears in [[Pokémon Stadium 2]], where he's simply called "Rival". He can be battled in [[White City]] once the player has cleared every [[Stadium Mode]] and both [[Gym Leader Castle]]s, acting as the final opponent of the game. His [[party]] consists of three [[Legendary Pokémon]] {{cat|Pokémon with a base stat total of 680|with a base stat total of 680}}, which the player is allowed to face with up to six Pokémon. Defeating Silver ends the game, and, in Round 1, also unlocks Round 2.
During the game's end credits, he is seen having a battle with {{ga|Kris}}, facing her {{p|Suicune}} with his {{p|Ho-Oh}}.

====[[Pokémon Stadium 2]]====
=====Round 1=====
=====Round 1=====
{{Party|color={{silver color}}|headcolor={{silver color light}}|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}|sprite=Silverface1.jpg|prize=None|name={{tccolor|Rival|000000}}|game=Pokémon Stadium 2|location=White City|pokemon=3|
pokemon1={{Pokémon/2|gen=2|ndex=249|pokemon=Lugia|level=100|type1=Psychic|type2=Flying|held=Sharp Beak|move1=Aeroblast|move1type=Flying|move2=Psychic|move2type=Psychic|move3=Surf|move3type=Water|move4=Safeguard|move4type=Normal}}|
|color={{silver color}}
pokemon2={{Pokémon|gen=2|ndex=250|pokemon=Ho-Oh|level=100|type1=Fire|type2=Flying|held=Charcoal|move1=Sacred Fire|move1type=Fire|move2=Steel Wing|move2type=Steel|move3=Earthquake|move3type=Ground|move4=Safeguard|move4type=Normal
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
pokemon3={{Pokémon/2|gen=2|ndex=150|pokemon=Mewtwo|level=100|type1=Psychic|held=Twisted Spoon|move1=Psychic|move1type=Psychic|move2=ThunderPunch|move2type=Electric|move3=Hidden Power|move3type=Normal|move4=Safeguard|move4type=Normal}}
|sprite=S2 Rival Silver.png
|location=White City
|move3=Hidden Power|move3type=Fighting
|move1=Sacred Fire|move1type=Fire
|move2=Steel Wing|move2type=Steel
|held=Sharp Beak

=====Round 2=====
=====Round 2=====
{{Party|color={{silver color}}|headcolor={{silver color light}}|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}|sprite=Silverface1.jpg|prize=None|name={{tccolor|Rival|000000}}|game=Pokémon Stadium 2|location=White City|pokemon=3|
|color={{silver color}}
pokemon2={{Pokémon|gen=2|ndex=250|pokemon=Ho-Oh|level=100|type1=Fire|type2=Flying|held=Quick Claw|move1=Sacred Fire|move1type=Fire|move2=Thunder|move2type=Electric|move3=Earthquake|move3type=Ground|move4=Giga Drain|move4type=Grass}}|
|headcolor={{silver color light}}
pokemon3={{Pokémon|gen=2|ndex=150|pokemon=Mewtwo|level=100|type1=Psychic|held=King's Rock|move1=Psychic|move1type=Psychic|move2=Thunderbolt|move2type=Electric|move3=Submission|move3type=Fighting|move4=Recover|move4type=Normal}}
|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|sprite=S2 Rival Silver.png
|location=White City
|held=Quick Claw
|move1=Sacred Fire|move1type=Fire
|move4=Giga Drain|move4type=Grass}}
|held=King's Rock
==In the spin-off games==
===[[Pokémon Masters EX]]===
{{main|Silver (Masters)}}
Silver forms a [[sync pair]] with {{p|Ho-Oh}}, {{p|Feraligatr}}, {{p|Sneasel}}, {{Shiny}} {{p|Tyranitar}}, and {{p|Crobat}} in [[Pokémon Masters EX]]. His Tyranitar is capable of [[Mega Evolution|Mega Evolving]]. Silver became a playable sync pair on April 30, 2020.
Silver has also made notable appearances in the game's Main Stories, [[Legendary Adventures]] and the [[Villain Arc]].
{{PairDex|091|Silver|trainerlink=Silver (Masters)#Ho-Oh|trainerimg=Silver|0250|Ho-Oh|Fire|Water|Physical Strike|6|Legendary Adventures<br>''Pure Hearts and Rainbow Wings''}}
{{PairDex|091|Silver|trainerlink=Silver (Masters)#Feraligatr|trainerimg=Silver|0160|Feraligatr|gender=male|Water|Electric|Tech|4EX|Trainer Lodge Friendship Level 100}}
{{PairDex|091|Silver|trainerlink=Silver (Masters)#Sneasel|trainerimg=Silver Sygna|sygna=[[Sygna suit|Sygna Suit]]|0215|Sneasel|buddy=yes|gender=male|Ice|Fighting|Tech|exrole=Support|6|Poké Fair Sync Pair Scout}}
{{PairDex|091|Silver|trainerlink=Silver (Masters)#Tyranitar|trainerimg=Silver Champion|sygna={{pkmn|Champion}}|0248M s|Tyranitar|form=[[Mega Evolution|Mega Tyranitar]]|mega=Tyranitarite|shiny=yes|master=yes|buddy=yes|gender=male|Rock|Fighting|Physical Strike|exrole=Sprint|6|Master Fair Sync Pair Scout}}
{{PairDex|091|Silver|trainerlink=Silver (Masters)#Crobat|trainerimg=Silver|0169|Crobat|gender=male|Flying|Rock|Field|6|Training Ticket Exchange}}
===Core series artwork===
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; {{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color}}; font-size:80%;"
| style="{{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:Gold Silver Silver.png|x250px]]
| style="{{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:HeartGold SoulSilver Silver.png|x250px]]
| Official art from<br>{{color2|000|Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|Gold and Silver}}
| Official art from<br>{{color2|000|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold and SoulSilver}}

===Core series game assets===
{| align="center" style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color}};"
{|style="font-size:80%; margin:auto; text-align:center; {{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color}}; color:#000"
|- align=center
| colspan="4" style="{{roundy|20px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color dark}}; font-size:125%; color:white" | '''{{color2|fff|Generation II}}'''
|style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:Gold Silver Silver.png|100px]]
|style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:Rival.jpg|130px]]
| style="{{roundy|80px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; | [[File:Spr GS Silver 1.png]]
|style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:GameFreak Silver.png|200px]]
| style="{{roundy|80px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; | [[File:Spr GS Silver 2.png]]
|style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:SilvePS2.png|200px]]
| colspan="2" style="{{roundy|80px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; | [[File:Silver II OD.png]]
|- align=center style="font-size: 80%;"
| Official artwork from <br>{{color2|000|Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|Gold and Silver}}.
| Trainer sprite
| Artwork from the {{color2|000|Game Freak}} website.
| Trainer sprite used<br>after Victory Road
| {{color2|000|Ken Sugimori}}'s design of Silver for the {{color2|000|Pokémon anime|anime}}.
| colspan="2" | Overworld sprite
| Artwork from Pokemon Stadium 2.
| colspan="4" style="{{roundy|20px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color dark}}; font-size:125%; color:white" | '''{{color2|fff|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver|HeartGold and SoulSilver}}'''
| style="{{roundy|80px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; | [[File:Spr HGSS Silver Beta.png]]
| style="{{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; | [[File:Silver OD Pokemon Sunday Reveal.png|80px]]
| style="{{roundy|80px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; | [[File:Spr HGSS Silver.png]]
| style="{{roundy|80px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; | [[File:Silver OD.png]]
| {{color2|000|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver beta|Prototype}}<br>sprite
| Reveal trailer<br>overworld sprite<ref></ref>
| Trainer sprite
| Overworld<br>sprite
| style="{{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; | [[File:HGSS Silver Back.png]]
| style="{{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; | [[File:VSSilver.png]]
| colspan="2" style="{{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; |[[File:Silver opening.png|x80px]]
| Back sprite
| VS sprite
| colspan="2" | Opening sprite

===Other game assets===
{| align="center" style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color}};"
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; {{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color}}; font-size:80%;"
|- align=center
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:GSC Silver Johto.png]]
| colspan="4" style="{{roundy|20px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color dark}}; font-size:125%; color:white" | '''{{color2|fff|Pokémon Stadium 2|Stadium 2}}'''
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:GSC Silver Kanto.png]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:SilverHGSS.gif]]
| style="{{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:S2 Silver artwork.png|x250px]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:HGSS Silver Back.png]]
| style="{{roundy|20px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; width:190px" | [[File:S2 Rival Silver.png]][[File:S2 Rival Silver alt.png]][[File:S2 Rival Silver alt2.png]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:VSSilver.png]]
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:Silverface1.jpg]]
| In-game art
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:Silverface2.jpg]]
| Portraits
|style="{{roundy|80px}} border: 2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background: #{{silver color light}}; width:80px"| [[File:Silverface3.jpg]]
|- align=center style="font-size: 80%;"
| Silver sprite from <br>{{color2|000|Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|Gold, Silver}} and {{color2|000|Pokémon Crystal Version|Crystal}} <br> ({{color2|000|Johto}})
| Silver sprite from <br>{{color2|000|Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|Gold, Silver}} and {{color2|000|Pokémon Crystal Version|Crystal}} <br> ({{color2|000|Kanto}})
| Silver sprite from <br>{{color2|000|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold and SoulSilver}}
| Silver back sprite from <br>{{color2|000|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold and SoulSilver}}
| Silver VS sprite from<br>{{color2|000|Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|HeartGold and SoulSilver}}
| Silver's portrait from<br> {{color2|000|Pokémon Stadium 2}}
| Silver's second portrait from<br> {{color2|000|Pokémon Stadium 2}}
| Silver's third portrait from<br> {{color2|000|Pokémon Stadium 2}}

==In other media==
[[File:Silver anime.png‎|thumb|left|Silver in the anime]]
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; {{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color}}; font-size:80%;"
Like {{ga|Brendan}}, {{ga|Lucas}} and {{ga|Ethan}}, he played no role in the anime, despite being a main character in the games. Similarly, his only appearance in the anime is a brief cameo, in the original Japanese opening of ''[[The Legend of Thunder!]]'' ([[A New Oath]]), where he was shown defeating {{jo|Jimmy}} with his {{p|Nidoking}}, only to be defeated later on when Jimmy's Cyndaquil evolves into Typhlosion.
| style="{{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; overflow:hidden; width:80px"| [[File:GameFreak Silver.png|x250px]]
| ''{{color2|000|The Legend of Thunder!}}'' concept art by<br>{{color2|000|Ken Sugimori}}

While Silver did not appear in the main series, he was considered by many people to have a close counterpart in the character of [[Paul]], who made his debut in [[DP002|the second episode]] of the ''[[Diamond and Pearl series]]'' and was {{Ash}}'s main rival throughout that series. Like Silver, Paul believed in raising the power of his Pokémon through harsh training as opposed to forming a trusting relationship which put him at odds with Ash throughout the series. Also, Paul's official art shows him in the same pose as Silver does in one of his official [[Sugimori Art]].
===Other artwork===
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; {{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color}}; font-size:80%;"
| style="{{roundy|10px}} border:2px solid #{{silver color dark}}; background:#{{silver color light}}; overflow:hidden; width:80px"| [[File:Rival.jpg|x250px]]
| {{color2|000|Game Freak}} website artwork

While not appearing directly, he has a counterpart in the [[Pokémon Adventures]] manga, {{adv|Silver}}. They share several similarities, such as stealing a starter from Professor Elm (in the manga's case, Totodile), owning a Sneasel, and being [[Giovanni]]'s son.
{{main|Silver (game)/Quotes}}

Silver also has a counterpart in the [[Pokémon Pocket Monsters]] manga named [[Ginjirō]] and a counterpart in the [[Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys]] manga named {{OBP|Black|Golden Boys}}.
===In the anime===
[[File:Silver anime.png|thumb|250px|Silver in the {{pkmn|anime}}]]
====Main series====
Silver's only appearance in the anime was a brief cameo, in the [[A New Oath|original Japanese opening]] of ''[[The Legend of Thunder!]]''. In this opening, he was shown defeating {{jo|Jimmy}} with his {{p|Nidoking}}, only to be defeated later on when Jimmy's {{p|Cyndaquil}} fully evolved into {{TP|Jimmy|Typhlosion}}.

{| style="float:left; width: 96px"
| {{ActivePoké|Silver|Nidoking|034Nidoking.png|poison|ground|size=100px|link=no}} ♂
{{left clear}}
{{left clear}}
====Pokémon Generations====
[[File:Silver PG.png|thumb|left|250px|Silver in [[Pokémon Generations]]]]
[[File:Young Silver PG.png|thumb|250px|Young Silver in Pokémon Generations]]
Silver appeared in ''[[PG05|The Legacy]]''. He was seen meeting up with [[Looker]] outside the [[Indigo Plateau]], discussing his relationship and last meeting with [[Giovanni]] that ultimately led to their estrangement. During the conversation, Silver asserted that he decided to stay out of his father's affairs, telling Looker that it is his job to find Giovanni, before going off to face the [[Elite Four]].
=====Voice actors=====
{{vatable|color={{silver color}}|bordercolor={{silver color light}}
|ja=逢坂良太 ''Ryōta Ōsaka''
|en=[[Lucien Dodge]]
|it=Mosè Singh
|pt_br=Eduardo Drummond
|es_eu=Ángel de Gracia}}
Silver briefly appeared in [[GOTCHA!]], with all three of the [[Johto first partner Pokémon]].
===In the manga===
====Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys====
[[File:Silver HGSS Adventures 2.png|thumb|150px|Silver in Pokémon Adventures]]
{{main|Black (Golden Boys)}}
The character {{GnB|Black}} who appears in [[Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys]] manga is based on Silver.
====Pokémon Adventures====
{{main|Silver (Adventures)}}
Silver's counterpart in the [[Pokémon Adventures]] manga is also named {{adv|Silver}}. They share several similarities, such as stealing a first partner Pokémon from [[Professor Elm]], in the manga's case, {{TP|Silver|Totodile}}, owning a {{TP|Silver|Sneasel}}, and being {{adv|Giovanni}}'s son. Unlike his game counterpart, however, he was initially unaware of his father's identity, due to being taken away from him at a young age.
====Pocket Monsters HGSS Jō's Big Adventure====
{{main|Tsubaki (JBA)}}
{{OBP|Tsubaki|JBA}} from [[Pocket Monsters HGSS Jō's Big Adventure]] is based on Silver.
====Pokémon Pocket Monsters====
{{main|Silver (Pocket Monsters)}}
Silver has a counterpart in the [[Pokémon Pocket Monsters]] manga named {{OBP|Silver|Pocket Monsters}}.
==In the TCG==
This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Silver or his Pokémon in the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]].
{{cardlist/header|Silver's Pokémon|Darkness|char=yes}}
{{cardlist/entry|cardname=[[Crobat V (Darkness Ablaze 104)|Crobat]]{{TCGV}}|type=Darkness|expanded=yes|enset=Lost Origin|enrarity=TGV|ennum=TG20/TG30|jpset=VMAX Climax|jprarity=CSR|jpnum=243/184}}

[[File:Rediba Silver Title Cutscene Concept.png|thumb|220px|Concept art depicting Silver]]
* In the Generation II [[core series]] games, Silver is the only [[Pokémon Trainer]] [[non-player character]] who appears to have no {{DL|Pokémon Trainer|Trainer class}}. For instance, simply "<name> wants to battle!".
* A 1997 pamphlet describing {{2v2|Gold|Silver}} mentions that the rival character lives in the same town as {{ga|Ethan|the protagonist}}. This aspect of his character was apparently discarded by the time of the final release, as his hometown was not elaborated upon in the games and it is implied to not be New Bark Town since he seems unfamiliar with Professor Elm's lab at the beginning of the game.
** However, in the game data, there are two separate Trainer classes sharing the same name: <sc>Rival</sc> (Japanese: ライバル ''Rival''). Each of these Trainer classes corresponds to a different sprite used in-game. The {{pkmn|Champion}} battle theme music plays when the player is battling the latter.
* In Generation IV, Silver is depicted with two different eye colors. His eyes are gray in his Generation IV artwork while they are red inside the HeartGold and SoulSilver games, as seen in the opening animation.
* A 1997 pamphlet describing {{2v2|Gold|Silver}} mentions that the [[rival]] character lives in the same town as {{ga|Ethan|the protagonist}}. This aspect of his character was apparently discarded by the time of the final release, as his [[hometown]] was not elaborated upon in the {{pkmn|games}} and it is implied to not be [[New Bark Town]] since he seems to be unfamiliar with [[Professor Elm]]'s lab at the beginning of the game.
* In the original Gold, Silver, and Crystal games, when battled at the Indigo Plateau the Champion theme is played instead of his rival theme.
* In [[Generation IV]], Silver is depicted with two different eye colors. His eyes are gray in his Generation IV artwork while they are red in the HeartGold and SoulSilver games, as seen in the opening animation.
* The English script of the Celebi event in HeartGold and SoulSilver never states that Silver is Giovanni's son, unlike the Japanese script.
* In the original Gold, Silver, and Crystal games, when battled at Indigo Plateau, the Champion theme is played instead of his rival theme.
* The English script of the {{p|Celebi}} event in {{game|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s}} never states that Silver is Giovanni's son, unlike the Japanese script.
* Silver has achieved a high score of 2000 at [[Pal Park]], which serves as the default high score.
* Silver has achieved a high score of 2000 at [[Pal Park]], which serves as the default high score.
* In the battle in the Goldenrod Tunnel in the remakes, his team when the player starts with Cyndaquil are all two levels lower than the same team he uses if the player were to start with another first partner Pokémon. This is presumably to make up for the player's Quilava likely not being fully evolved.
* In the original games, at level 16, Silver's Croconaw is {{pkmn2|underleveled}} in the second battle, when Totodile usually does not evolve into Croconaw until level 18. This is fixed in the remakes.
**His Haunter was also underleveled at level 20 in the third battle, when Gastly usually does not evolve until level 25. This is fixed in the remakes where instead his Haunter remains a Gastly.
* Silver is the first rival whose team does not change in accordance to his first partner Pokémon, nor does he have any types that cover for his first partner Pokémon's initial type.
* Art of Silver on [[Game Freak]]'s website depicts him with a {{p|Houndoom}}, despite not owning one within the games.
* While Silver did not appear in the main anime series, he shares many similarities to [[Paul]], who was {{Ash}}'s main rival throughout ''[[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl]]''. Like Silver, Paul believed in raising the power of his Pokémon through harsh training as opposed to forming a trusting relationship, which put him at odds with Ash throughout the series.

Silver is almost universally used in the fandom as the official name for this character, since it is his default name (the name the game chooses when the player doesn't enter a name of his own) in {{game3|Gold and Silver|Gold|s}} and {{game3|Crystal|Crystal}}, and is also his name in placeholder data in {{2v2|HeartGold|SoulSilver}}. However, his default name differs on other games, and he's also named '''Gold''' (in Silver), '''Soul''' (in HeartGold), and '''Heart''' (in SoulSilver). Of course, he can be called almost anything, since his name is chosen by the player.
{| class="roundtable" style="background:#{{silver color light}}; border: 3px solid #{{silver color dark}}"
! Language
! Name
! Origin
| Japanese
| シルバー {{tt|''Shirubā''|Silver}}
| From ''{{game3|Gold and Silver|Pokémon Silver|s}}''
| English, French
| Silver
| From ''Pokémon Silver''
| German
| Silber
| From ''Pokémon Silberne Edition'' (Pokémon Silver)
| Spanish
| Plata
| From ''Pokémon Edición Plata'' (Pokémon Silver)
| Italian
| Argento
| From ''Pokémon Versione Argento'' (Pokémon Silver)
| Korean
| 실버 {{tt|''Silbeo''|Silver}}
| Transcription of his Japanese name
| Chinese ({{tt|Mandarin|Taiwan and Mainland China}})
| 小銀 ''Xiǎo Yín''
| rowspan="2" | From 銀 ''yín / ngàhn'' (silver)
| Chinese ({{tt|Cantonese|Hong Kong}})
| 小銀 ''Síu Ngàhn''

Some [[fanon|fans]] call him '''Kamon''' to discern him from {{adv|Silver|his Pokémon Adventures counterpart}} and {{an|Silver|an unrelated anime character}}. This name is taken from the suggested names for the {{ga|Ethan|player}} in Silver, much as some call {{ga|Blue}} "Gary", where the name is found as one of the options for the player in {{game3|Red and Blue|Blue|s}}, and the rival in {{game3|Red and Blue|Red|s}}.
''Passerby Boy''
{{langtable|color={{soulsilver color}}|bordercolor={{soulsilver color dark}}
|fr=Passant Garçon
|de=Passant Junge
|it=Ragazzino Passante
|ko=나그네 소년 ''Nageune Sonyeon''
|es=Transeúnte Chico

{{Rival characters}}
{{Rival characters|silver}}
{{Project CharacterDex notice}}
{{Project CharacterDex notice}}

[[Category:Game characters]]
[[Category:Rival characters]]
[[Category:Rival characters]]
[[Category:Gold, Silver and Crystal characters]]
[[Category:Gold, Silver and Crystal characters]]
[[Category:HeartGold and SoulSilver characters]]
[[Category:HeartGold and SoulSilver characters]]
[[Category:Male characters]]
[[Category:Stadium 2 characters]]
[[Category:Multi Battle partners]]
[[Category:Trainers with unique classes]]
[[Category:Pokémon Generations characters]]
[[Category:Trainers with Legendary Pokémon]]

[[de:Silber (Spielcharakter)]]
[[de:Silber (Spielcharakter)]]
[[es:Rival OP]]
[[es:Plata (personaje)]]
[[fr:Silver (jeux vidéo)]]
[[fr:Silver (jeux vidéo)]]
[[it:Argento (gioco)]]

Latest revision as of 11:50, 10 September 2024

This article is about the character. For the game titled "Pokémon Silver Version", see Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions.

シルバー Silver

Art from HeartGold and SoulSilver
Gender Male
Eye color Black*, Gray*, Red*, Purple*
Hair color Dark red
Hometown Unknown
Region Johto or originally Kanto, then moved to Johto
Relatives Giovanni (father)
Trainer class N/A*GSC
Passerby, RivalHGSS
Generation II, IV
Games Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Stadium 2, Masters EX
Game animation debut The Legacy
English voice actor Lucien Dodge (Generations)
Joe Zieja[1] (Masters EX)
Japanese voice actor Ryōta Ōsaka (Generations)
Yūki Ono[2] (Masters EX)
Anime cameos A New Oath
Manga counterpart(s) Silver, Silver, Black, Tsubaki

Silver (Japanese: シルバー Silver) is the rival character of Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, playing opposite Ethan, Kris, or Lyra. He is the son of Team Rocket Boss Giovanni.

In Generation II, he appears with no Trainer class in all battles, although the Rival (Japanese: ライバル Rival) Trainer class is associated with him in the game data. In Generation IV, he uses the same Trainer class, except this time it appears normally in-game.


He was first named Silver (Japanese: シルバー Silver) in Bandai's Pokémon Scale World collection,[3][4][5] which was released in 2020 (21 years after his introduction in Pokémon Gold and Silver). In 2021, he became available with the same name in Pokémon Masters EX, which was the first time he was named in-game. No definitive name has been given for him in the core series games and their manuals.

In the core series games, he is temporarily known by a placeholder name in the first battle before he is named by the player:

  • ??? (Japanese: ???) in Generation II
  • Passerby Boy (Japanese: とおりすがりの しょうねん Passerby Boy) in Generation IV, using the placeholder Trainer class "Passerby" and placeholder name "Boy"

If the player attempts to leave his name blank, his default name refers to a game other than the current one: GoldS, SilverGC, HeartSS, or SoulHG (Japanese: ゴールド Gold, シルバー Silver, ハート Heart, or ソウル Soul).

In Pokémon Stadium 2, he is simply known as Rival (Japanese: ライバル Rival). In Pokémon battles, this is displayed as Rival Rival (Japanese: ライバル ライバル Rival Rival), since the word "Rival" is repeatedly stored in the game data as both the Trainer class and the character name.

In the Pokémon Gold and Silver Spaceworld '97 demo, his name is シゲルG Shigeru or サトシS Satoshi. These are Gary's and Ash's respective Japanese names, and correspond to the second entry in the list of optional names for Blue and Red in Pokémon Red and Green.

Until the reveal of his official name, Silver (Japanese: シルバー Silver) was almost universally used in fanon as the name for this character. Some fans instead called him Kamon (Japanese: カモン Kamon) to discern him from his Pokémon Adventures counterpart and an unrelated anime character. This name is taken from the suggested names for Ethan in both the Japanese and English versions of Pokémon Silver; this is similar to some fans calling Blue "Gary", since the name is found as one of the options for the player in international Pokémon Blue and for the rival in international Pokémon Red.

In the core series games

Silver first appears in the Generation II games, lurking outside of Professor Elm's lab, looking through the window. When talked to, he will deny everything and push the player away. During the player's journey to Mr. Pokémon's house, Silver makes his move, stealing one of Elm's two remaining first partner Pokémon (coincidentally always the one that is strong against the player's choice). He will meet with the player on the outskirts of Cherrygrove City, battling to get through. A policeman will later ask for the name of the rival, and the rival will be called the name the player gives for the rest of the game.

Silver shows a strong dislike of Team Rocket. He considers them to be weak, and vows to take them, as well as any other weak Trainer, down. He steals a Pokémon (heavily implied to be Sneasel) from a Trainer in Cianwood City and while Ethan/Kris/Lyra attempts to take down Team Rocket in Mahogany Town and Goldenrod City, he interferes to prove himself. It is in the Team Rocket HQ in Mahogany that he meets with Lance, Champion of the Elite Four at Indigo Plateau. Silver challenges Lance and is easily defeated by the dragon Trainer, who then proceeds to berate Silver for his callous ways towards training Pokémon. Though Silver is outraged for losing to someone with such an attitude, the loss and Lance's words ultimately set him on the path to becoming a better person. In HeartGold and SoulSilver, when Team Rocket takes over the Goldenrod Radio Tower, Silver first blows the player's Team Rocket disguise, unaware of the player's plan to sneak in by pretending to be a member of Team Rocket. He later follows the player to the Goldenrod underground and they battle Team Rocket, hoping that Lance will reappear and he can request a rematch.

By the time the player reaches Victory Road, Silver battles against the player not out of malice, but to prove that he is a good Trainer. He is defeated and departs to continue training. The player battles Silver on Mt. Moon, and though he loses he claims he can feel his Pokémon getting stronger, and resolves to train at Dragon's Den.

After the player has become Champion, Silver can indeed be found training in the Dragon's Den on Tuesday and Thursday, where he cannot be battled. On Monday and Wednesday, he will appear at Indigo Plateau and will challenge the player to a battle if they appear there. He does not appear at all on Friday or the weekends, indicating that he may in fact take the day off, resting his Pokémon. When battled this seventh and final time at Indigo Plateau, Silver seems to have finally learned to care for his Pokémon properly, as his Golbat has evolved to Crobat, which only occurs when Golbat is very friendly. This is further expressed in Generation IV when his first partner Pokémon starts to follow him around, much like the player's Pokémon; Professor Elm even expressly states that Silver's Pokémon have come to trust him when Silver returns to the lab, presumably to return the first partner Pokémon he stole. In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Lance and Clair will appear in the Dragon's Den and challenge the player and Silver to a Multi Battle following the battle at Mt. Moon giving him the chance to avenge his loss from earlier.

In terms of personality, Silver is initially the darkest of the rivals in the series. While most other rivals are generally good-natured, or at least zestful enough to crack a joke at the player, Silver is (at first) cruel, hateful, power-obsessed, and even physically abusive, pushing the player character around several times. Even after he starts to become kinder, he remains a rather serious individual. He does, however, express genuine happiness when Elm allows him to keep the Pokémon he stole.

Giovanni and Silver's relationship is first alluded to in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, when Team Rocket Scientist Gideon at the Rocket Warehouse on Five Island asks Red if he is "Giovanni's kid" but concludes he is not, saying that "Giovanni's kid has red hair." More information is revealed in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver when a fateful encounter Celebi is brought to Ilex Forest shrine: Celebi takes the player back in time three years to witness Giovanni abandoning Silver to go into seclusion because of his defeat at the hands of Red. Silver's hate for Team Rocket apparently stems from the failure of his father.


The first partner Pokémon that Silver has will depend on which Pokémon the player chose to bring on Professor Elm's errand at the beginning of the game. As with most rivals, it will be the Pokémon whose type weakens that of the player's first partner Pokémon.

Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal

For Silver's Pokémon in Gold, Silver, and Crystal Versions, see here.

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

First battle

Winning this battle is not mandatory. The player will not black out and the story will progress either way.

Chikorita If the player chose Chikorita:

Cyndaquil If the player chose Cyndaquil:

Totodile If the player chose Totodile:

Second battle

Chikorita If the player chose Chikorita:

Cyndaquil If the player chose Cyndaquil:

Totodile If the player chose Totodile:

Third battle

Chikorita If the player chose Chikorita:

Cyndaquil If the player chose Cyndaquil:

Totodile If the player chose Totodile:

Fourth battle

Chikorita If the player chose Chikorita:

Cyndaquil If the player chose Cyndaquil:

Totodile If the player chose Totodile:

Fifth battle

Chikorita If the player chose Chikorita:

Cyndaquil If the player chose Cyndaquil:

Totodile If the player chose Totodile:

Sixth battle

Chikorita If the player chose Chikorita:

Cyndaquil If the player chose Cyndaquil:

Totodile If the player chose Totodile:

Multi Battle with the player
Silver in the Dragon's Den

Chikorita If the player chose Chikorita:

Cyndaquil If the player chose Cyndaquil:

Totodile If the player chose Totodile:


Chikorita If the player chose Chikorita:

Cyndaquil If the player chose Cyndaquil:

Totodile If the player chose Totodile:

In the side series games

Pokémon Stadium 2

Silver appears in Pokémon Stadium 2, where he's simply called "Rival". He can be battled in White City once the player has cleared every Stadium Mode and both Gym Leader Castles, acting as the final opponent of the game. His party consists of three Legendary Pokémon with a base stat total of 680, which the player is allowed to face with up to six Pokémon. Defeating Silver ends the game, and, in Round 1, also unlocks Round 2.

During the game's end credits, he is seen having a battle with Kris, facing her Suicune with his Ho-Oh.


Round 1

Round 2

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Silver (Masters)

Silver forms a sync pair with Ho-Oh, Feraligatr, Sneasel, Shiny Tyranitar, and Crobat in Pokémon Masters EX. His Tyranitar is capable of Mega Evolving. Silver became a playable sync pair on April 30, 2020.

Silver has also made notable appearances in the game's Main Stories, Legendary Adventures and the Villain Arc.

Dex Trainer NDex Pokémon Type Weakness Role EX role Base potential Availability
#091 Silver #0250 Ho-Oh
★★★★★☆EX Legendary Adventures
Pure Hearts and Rainbow Wings
#091 Silver #0160 Feraligatr
★★★★☆☆EX Trainer Lodge Friendship Level 100
#091 Sygna Suit
#0215 Sneasel
★★★★★☆EX Poké Fair Sync Pair Scout
#091 Champion
#0248 TyranitarShiny
Mega Tyranitar
★★★★★☆EX Master Fair Sync Pair Scout
#091 Silver #0169 Crobat
★★★★★☆EX Training Ticket Exchange


Core series artwork

Official art from
Gold and Silver
Official art from
HeartGold and SoulSilver

Core series game assets

Generation II
Trainer sprite Trainer sprite used
after Victory Road
Overworld sprite
HeartGold and SoulSilver
Reveal trailer
overworld sprite[6]
Trainer sprite Overworld
Back sprite VS sprite Opening sprite

Other game assets

Stadium 2
In-game art Portraits


The Legend of Thunder! concept art by
Ken Sugimori

Other artwork

Game Freak website artwork


Main article: Silver (game)/Quotes


In the anime

File:Silver anime.png
Silver in the anime

Main series

Silver's only appearance in the anime was a brief cameo, in the original Japanese opening of The Legend of Thunder!. In this opening, he was shown defeating Jimmy with his Nidoking, only to be defeated later on when Jimmy's Cyndaquil fully evolved into Typhlosion.



Pokémon Generations

Silver in Pokémon Generations
Young Silver in Pokémon Generations

Silver appeared in The Legacy. He was seen meeting up with Looker outside the Indigo Plateau, discussing his relationship and last meeting with Giovanni that ultimately led to their estrangement. During the conversation, Silver asserted that he decided to stay out of his father's affairs, telling Looker that it is his job to find Giovanni, before going off to face the Elite Four.

Voice actors
Language Voice actor
Japanese 逢坂良太 Ryōta Ōsaka
English Lucien Dodge
Italian Mosè Singh
Brazilian Portuguese Eduardo Drummond
European Spanish Ángel de Gracia


Silver briefly appeared in GOTCHA!, with all three of the Johto first partner Pokémon.

In the manga

Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys

Silver in Pokémon Adventures
Main article: Black (Golden Boys)

The character Black who appears in Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys manga is based on Silver.

Pokémon Adventures

Main article: Silver (Adventures)

Silver's counterpart in the Pokémon Adventures manga is also named Silver. They share several similarities, such as stealing a first partner Pokémon from Professor Elm, in the manga's case, Totodile, owning a Sneasel, and being Giovanni's son. Unlike his game counterpart, however, he was initially unaware of his father's identity, due to being taken away from him at a young age.

Pocket Monsters HGSS Jō's Big Adventure

Main article: Tsubaki (JBA)

Tsubaki from Pocket Monsters HGSS Jō's Big Adventure is based on Silver.

Pokémon Pocket Monsters

Main article: Silver (Pocket Monsters)

Silver has a counterpart in the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga named Silver.

In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Silver or his Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Silver's Pokémon
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
CrobatV Darkness Lost Origin TGV TG20/TG30 VMAX Climax CSR 243/184


  • In the Generation II core series games, Silver is the only Pokémon Trainer non-player character who appears to have no Trainer class. For instance, simply "<name> wants to battle!".
    • However, in the game data, there are two separate Trainer classes sharing the same name: Rival (Japanese: ライバル Rival). Each of these Trainer classes corresponds to a different sprite used in-game. The Champion battle theme music plays when the player is battling the latter.
  • A 1997 pamphlet describing Gold and Silver mentions that the rival character lives in the same town as the protagonist. This aspect of his character was apparently discarded by the time of the final release, as his hometown was not elaborated upon in the games and it is implied to not be New Bark Town since he seems to be unfamiliar with Professor Elm's lab at the beginning of the game.
  • In Generation IV, Silver is depicted with two different eye colors. His eyes are gray in his Generation IV artwork while they are red in the HeartGold and SoulSilver games, as seen in the opening animation.
  • In the original Gold, Silver, and Crystal games, when battled at Indigo Plateau, the Champion theme is played instead of his rival theme.
  • The English script of the Celebi event in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver never states that Silver is Giovanni's son, unlike the Japanese script.
  • Silver has achieved a high score of 2000 at Pal Park, which serves as the default high score.
  • In the battle in the Goldenrod Tunnel in the remakes, his team when the player starts with Cyndaquil are all two levels lower than the same team he uses if the player were to start with another first partner Pokémon. This is presumably to make up for the player's Quilava likely not being fully evolved.
  • In the original games, at level 16, Silver's Croconaw is underleveled in the second battle, when Totodile usually does not evolve into Croconaw until level 18. This is fixed in the remakes.
    • His Haunter was also underleveled at level 20 in the third battle, when Gastly usually does not evolve until level 25. This is fixed in the remakes where instead his Haunter remains a Gastly.
  • Silver is the first rival whose team does not change in accordance to his first partner Pokémon, nor does he have any types that cover for his first partner Pokémon's initial type.
  • Art of Silver on Game Freak's website depicts him with a Houndoom, despite not owning one within the games.
  • While Silver did not appear in the main anime series, he shares many similarities to Paul, who was Ash's main rival throughout Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl. Like Silver, Paul believed in raising the power of his Pokémon through harsh training as opposed to forming a trusting relationship, which put him at odds with Ash throughout the series.


Language Name Origin
Japanese シルバー Shirubā From Pokémon Silver
English, French Silver From Pokémon Silver
German Silber From Pokémon Silberne Edition (Pokémon Silver)
Spanish Plata From Pokémon Edición Plata (Pokémon Silver)
Italian Argento From Pokémon Versione Argento (Pokémon Silver)
Korean 실버 Silbeo Transcription of his Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) 小銀 Xiǎo Yín From 銀 yín / ngàhn (silver)
Chinese (Cantonese) 小銀 Síu Ngàhn

Passerby Boy

Language Title
French Passant Garçon
German Passant Junge
Italian Ragazzino Passante
Korean 나그네 소년 Nageune Sonyeon
Spanish Transeúnte Chico


Rival and friend characters
Core series BlueSilverBrendan/MayWallyBarryLucas/DawnEthan/LyraCherenBianca
Spin-off games RonaldKeithLucaSharonPauloLearTina
Non-player characters in the core series games
Johto Professor ElmProfessor OakMomEthanLyraSilverMr. PokémonEusineLanceRedKiyoBaobaMagnusEarlKurtCarrieDude
MaryBuenaRadio DirectorHaircut brothersWebsterMasterLiWilmaPrimoMaximoJetCaitlinCynthiaCameronMr. GameFelicityTeala
Team RocketGym guideGym LeadersFrontier BrainsKimono GirlsWeek SiblingsName RaterPoké SeerDay-Care CoupleProfessor's aides
Trainer classes in the Pokémon core series
Johto Ace Trainer*BeautyBikerBird KeeperBlack Belt*BoarderBug CatcherBurglarCamper
ChampionExecutive*FirebreatherFisherman*GentlemanGuitaristHikerJugglerKimono GirlLass
LeaderMediumPicnickerPokéfanPoké Maniac*PKMN TrainerPoliceman*PsychicRivalHGSSSage
SailorSchool Kid*ScientistSkierSuper NerdSwimmerTeacherTeam Rocket Grunt*TwinsYoungster
Mystery Man*CHGSSDouble TeamHGSSElderHGSSPasserbyHGSSYoung CoupleHGSS
Battle Frontier only:HGSS

Aroma LadyArtistBattle GirlCameramanClownCollectorCowgirlCyclistDragon TamerIdol
JoggerLadyNinja BoyParasol LadyPIPoké KidPKMN BreederPKMN RangerRancherReporter
Rich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSocialiteTuberVeteranWaiterWaitressWorker
Arcade StarCastle ValetFactory HeadHall MatronTower Tycoon

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.