Appendix:HeartGold and SoulSilver walkthrough/Section 7: Difference between revisions

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(51 intermediate revisions by 23 users not shown)
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<center><i> This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for [[Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions]]. This walkthrough follows the remade [[Nintendo DS]] versions, <b>not</b> {{game|Gold and Silver|s}}. <br> The guide for those can be found <b>[[Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough|here]]</b>.</i></center>
==Route 35==
[[File:Johto Route 35 HGSS.png|thumb|Route 35]]

{{rt|35|Johto}} is a short, pleasant path that leads northward from [[Goldenrod City]]. The main road leads to a gate that serves as the entrance to both the [[National Park]] and the [[Pokéathlon Dome]], while a smaller trail acts as a shortcut to {{rt|36|Johto}}.

== Ecruteak City ==
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
[[File:Ecruteak City HGSS.png|thumb|300px|right|Ecruteak City]]
|- align="center"
! Trainers
Welcome to {{ci|Ecruteak}}. The city has an air of mystery surrounding it, with all but one of Johto's legendary Pokémon having ties to the area.  Upon entering the local Poké Center, Trainers will run into [[Bill]], the inventor of the PC Storage System. The city holds a few unique attractions; the Kimono Dance Theater, and what remains of the twin towers: the [[Burned Tower]] in the west, and the [[Bell Tower]] in the east.
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{soulsilver color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{heartgold color light}};"
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Picnicker.png|Picnicker|Kim|240|1|037|Vulpix|♀|15|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Camper.png|Camper|Elliot|240|2|027|Sandshrew|♂|13|None|183|Marill|♂|15|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Picnicker.png|Picnicker|Brooke|256|1|025|Pikachu|♀|16|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Camper.png|Camper|Ivan|224|3|050|Diglett|♂|10|None|050|Diglett|♂|14|None|041|Zubat|♂|10|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr HGSS Juggler.png|Juggler|Irwin|448|4|100|Voltorb||2|None|100|Voltorb||6|None|100|Voltorb||10|None|100|Voltorb||14|None|38=phone}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr HGSS Firebreather.png|Firebreather|Walt|512|2|126|Magmar|♂|11|None|126|Magmar|♂|16|None|38=phone}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Officer.png|Policeman|Dirk|560
<small>[[Time#Times of day|Night]] only</small>|2|058|Growlithe|♂|14|None|058|Growlithe|♂|14|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr HGSS Bug Catcher.png|Bug Catcher|Arnie|240|1|048|Venonat|♂|15|None|38=phone}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr HGSS Bird Keeper.png|Bird Keeper|Bryan|448|2|016|Pidgey|♂|12|None|017|Pidgeotto|♂|14|None}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/entryhs|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|10|all=85%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entryhs|060|Poliwag|yes|yes|Fish Old|10|all=15%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/div|land|Headbutt<br/><small>Group A</small>}}
{{Catch/div|land|Headbutt<br/><small>Group B</small>}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
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|- align="center"
! Items
! Items
{{Itlistbod|Dowsing MCHN|In the house between the Poké Center and the Gym|HGSS|sprite=Bag Dowsing MCHN IV Sprite}}
{{Itemlist|Grass Mail|Held by Kenya, a {{p|Spearow}} received from [[Webster (Johto)|the guard]] in the southern gate|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itlistbod|HM Water|From the audience member in the Kimono Dance Theater|HGSS|display={{HM|03|Surf}}}}
{{Itemlist|Paralyze Heal|West of the tall grass, in a corner of the grove of trees|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itlistbod|Hyper Potion|In the center of the city (hidden)|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|TM Dark|In the clearing in the southeast corner|HG=yes|SS=yes|display={{TM|66|Payback}}}}
{{Itlistbod|Rare Candy|Southeast of the fountain pond (hidden)|HGSS}}
{{catch/div|land|Later visit}}
{{Itlistbod|Ultra Ball|On a postlight near the western gate (hidden)|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|HP Up|From the guard in the southern gate, after delivering his Spearow with its Mail to {{rt|31|Johto}}|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itlistbod|Ether|Just outside of the Burned Tower, in the pile of scorched timbers (hidden)|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|Green Apricorn|Northwest of the pond, on a tree (daily; requires {{m|Surf}})|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[Green Apricorn|Grn Apricorn]]}}
{{Itemlist|Nugget|North of the Apricorn tree; west-northwest of Juggler Irwin (hidden; requires {{m|Surf}})|HG=yes|SS=yes}}

=== Bill to the Rescue! ===
===Mail Delivery===
Speak to {{jo|Webster|the guard}} in the southern gate, and he asks for a favor. Deliver his {{p|Spearow}}, named Kenya, and the piece of [[Mail]] it holds to his friend on {{rt|31|Johto}}. It is intended for the man dozing near the pond there. Complete the delivery, and he wakes up just long enough to give you {{TM|44|Rest}}. Return here and speak to the guard afterward to receive an [[HP Up]] as a reward.
Stop by the Poké Center and you will find [[Bill]].  It seems that he has just enabled Wi-Fi capabilities for every Poké Center in Johto. He leaves on his way home to {{ci|Goldenrod}}, but pay him a visit sometime to receive an {{p|Eevee}}, a rare Pokémon that can evolve into one of seven variations.
=== Find that Treasure! ===
Stop inside the house between the Poké Center and the Gym. Talk to the guy inside, and he'll give you the {{DL|List of key items in Generation IV|Dowsing MCHN}}. This handy machine shows up on the touch screen, and reacts to hidden objects nearby with lights and rapid noise.  Use it all over the region, because you never know where you'll find a treasure!
=== Kimono Dance Theater ===
As you enter the building, one of the [[Kimono Girl]]s is on the stage yelling at [[Team Rocket|an intruder]] that's harassing her.  Step up onto the stage and beat the Rocket grunt to scare him off.  As you step down from the stage, a member of the audience thanks you for getting rid of the Rocket, and gives you {{HM|03|Surf}}. This allows you to swim across any body of water, small or large, after obtaining Ecruteak's Gym badge.
=== Detour for an HM ===

Take a quick detour and head east from the city.  Grab the {{TM|65|Shadow Claw}} to the north, and walk east towards [[Mt Mortar]]'s western entrance. When you approach the mountain, a Hiker will run out of the cave, and give you {{HM|04|Strength}}, which lets you move small boulders around.  You can actually go across Mt Mortar now and reach Mahogany Town. There you can face of Team Rocket earlier than before, but the real benefit is at the Lake of Rage north of here. This is covered in a later part of the walkthrough. If you go to the Lake of Rage, you will get a Level 30 Red Gyarados 3 Gym Leaders early. Don't miss out on this opportunity to add power to your team. Now return to Ecruteak.
===Cameron the Photographer===
Enter the north gate and go left. If you speak to the first man, he introduces himself as {{jo|Cameron}} the Photographer. He asks if you would like to have your photo taken, and if so, proceeds to take a snapshot of you alongside your party Pokémon.

=== The Burned Tower ===
==Pokéathlon Dome==
[[File:Pokéathlon Dome HGSS.png|thumb|Pokéathlon Dome]]

The site of the charred, crumbling ruins of the Brass Tower is located in the city's northwest district.  Now known as the [[Burned Tower]], it was once as majestic as its counterpart, the [[Bell Tower]] in the east.  Built 700 years ago, it was said to be the roost of {{p|Lugia|an immense, silver-colored Pokémon}}.  However, 150 years ago, a lightning bolt struck the tower, igniting an intense fire that raged for three days.  The silver Pokémon that roosted here, and {{p|Ho-Oh|the glorious, rainbow-colored Pokémon}} that roosted on the Bell Tower, escaped to the skies unharmed, and a sudden downpour quenched the fire. The silver Pokémon was chased off by the inferno, while the rainbow Pokémon resurrected [[Legendary beasts|three nameless Pokémon]] that perished in the blaze before flying off as well.
The [[Pokéathlon Dome]] is a venue where [[Pokéathlon]] competitions are held. Only the most athletic Pokémon will win the gold!

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! Items
! Items
{{Itlistbod|Antidote|1F, near the Firebreathers|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|PP Up|East side of the building, in front of the smaller bit of fence (hidden)|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itlistbod|HP Up|1F, near the entrance (requires {{m|Rock Smash}})|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|Protein|South of the Aprijuice stand, in the southernmost field of grass (hidden)|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itlistbod|Ultra Ball|1F, near the entrance (hidden)|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|None|From the attendant at the Aprijuce stand|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[Apriblender]]}}
{{Itlistbod|Ether|1F, northwest area (hidden)|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|None|Interior; from [[Whitney]] upon approaching the reception desk for the first time|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=Jersey}}
{{Itlistbod|Antidote|B1F, on a rock near the northwest pillar (hidden)|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|Rare Candy|
{{Itlistbod|TM Dark|B1F, lying behind the northwest pillar|HGSS|display={{TM|12|Taunt}}}}
* Exterior; from the woman running with her {{p|Pidgey}}, after dashing 1,000 times in the Pokéathlon
{{Itlistbod|Revive|B1F, on a rock near the south end of the floor|HGSS}}
* Interior; from an elderly man on the west side, after jumping 1,000 times in the Pokéathlon
* Interior; from a blond man on the east side, after tackling 2,000 times in the Pokéathlon|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[Rare Candy]] ×3}}

Immediately upon entering the tower, you will see two people investigating the ruins. One is [[Morty]], the Ecruteak Gym Leader, and the other is [[Eusine]], Morty's friend. Both are very knowledgeable of the legends that surround the city.  Eusine, an expert researcher on the legendary beasts, has even dedicated his life to tracking and meeting {{p|Suicune}} face-to-face.  He would appear to be close to his goal, as [[Legendary beasts|three regal-looking Pokémon]] are visible through the charred hole in the floor, standing motionless on the lower level.  After the two explain the city's legend, walk to the north to find [[Silver (game)|your rival]] again.
====Meet the Master====
After exiting the gate, move north along the path to be met by an old man and his {{p|Poliwrath}}. He believes that your lead Pokémon is ready to participate in the [[Pokéathlon]], and leads the way to the [[Pokéathlon Dome]] building. He invites you to take part in the athletic competitions held here, and introduces himself as [[Magnus]], the venue's founder, before heading inside.

{| align="center"
====Aprijuice Stand====
!{{MS|152|Chikorita (Pokémon)}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Chikorita}}:
[[File:Apricorn Box use.png|thumb|Using the Apriblender]]
!{{MS|155|Cyndaquil (Pokémon)}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Cyndaquil}}:
[[File:Pokéthlon stats.png|thumb|A Typhlosion's performance]]
!{{MS|158|Totodile (Pokémon)}} If the {{player}} chose {{p|Totodile}}:
|{{Party|color={{silver color}}|headcolor={{silver color light}}|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
|prize={{pdollar}} 1408
|location=Burned Tower
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=092|pokemon=Gastly
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=041 m|pokemon=Zubat
|gender=male|level=20|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Wing Attack|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=081|pokemon=Magnemite
|gender=none|level=18|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=156|pokemon=Quilava
|move1=Flame Wheel|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Physical
|move4=Quick Attack|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}}}

|{{Party|color={{silver color}}|headcolor={{silver color light}}|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
In the plaza to the west, there is a stand that offers Aprijuice for sale. Seeing a confused look on your face, the attendant gives you an [[Apriblender]] so that you may familiarize yourself with the beverage. This device is stored in the [[Apricorn Box]] and is used to blend Apricorns into Aprijuice, a type of drink that improves a Pokémon's athletic [[performance]]. Up to five Apricorns may be added to the Apriblender at once, after which the user must walk 100 steps in order to mix up the drink. Each cycle produces enough Aprijuice for three servings. Attributes including flavor level, mildness level, and taste all influence the drink's effect on a Pokémon. These effects are temporary, and wear off when the Pokémon is stored in the [[PC]].
|prize={{pdollar}} 1408
|location=Burned Tower
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=092|pokemon=Gastly
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon|/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=041 m|pokemon=Zubat
|gender=male|level=20|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Wing Attack|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=081|pokemon=Magnemite
|gender=none|level=18|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=159|pokemon=Croconaw
|move1=Water Gun|move1type=Water|move1cat=Special
|move2=Scary Face|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status
|move3=Ice Fang|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Physical

|{{Party|color={{silver color}}|headcolor={{silver color light}}|bordercolor={{silver color dark}}
The stand's selection of Aprijuice includes three of five varieties, each having been developed by a popular Pokéathlete. Availability varies by the day.
|prize={{pdollar}} 1408
{| style="margin: auto; background: #88A; border: 3px solid #{{locationcolor/dark|building}}; {{roundy|15px}};" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
|- valign="top"
{| align="left" style="{{roundy|10px}} border: 2px solid #0066FF; background: #66BBFF; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;"
|location=Burned Tower
| colspan="2" |  
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=092|pokemon=Gastly
|- align="center"
| width="33%" valign="top" |  
{| class="roundy blacklinks" style="border: 2px solid #777; background: #CCC; margin: auto; width: 100%" valign="top"
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
| rowspan="3" style="width: 32px; text-align: center; {{roundyleft|5px}};" | [[File:Pokéthlonstarm.png|link=]]
| style="background: #EEE; width: 128px; {{roundytr|6px}}" | Gilmore's Skill Juice
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=041 m|pokemon=Zubat
|gender=male|level=20|type1=Poison|type2=Flying|ability=Inner Focus
| style="background: #EEE;" | <small>Richness: 48,<br>Smoothness: 125</small>
|move1=Wing Attack|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical
| style="background: #EEE; {{roundybr|6px}}" | {{pdollar}}150
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=081|pokemon=Magnemite
|gender=none|level=18|type1=Electric|type2=Steel|ability=Magnet Pull
|move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}}
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=153|pokemon=Bayleef
|move2=Magical Leaf|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Special
| width="33%" valign="top" |
{| class="roundy blacklinks" style="border: 2px solid #777; background: #CCC; margin: auto; width: 100%"
| rowspan="3" style="width: 32px; text-align: center" | [[File:Pokéthlonstarm.png|link=]]
| style="background: #EEE; width: 128px; {{roundytr|6px}}" | Victor's Speed Juice
| style="background: #EEE;" | <small>Richness: 32,<br>Smoothness: 104</small>
| style="background: #EEE; {{roundybr|6px}}" | {{pdollar}}100
| width="34%" valign="top" |
{| class="roundy blacklinks" style="border: 2px solid #777; background: #CCC; margin: auto; width: 100%"
| rowspan="3" style="width: 32px; text-align: center" | [[File:Pokéthlonstarm.png|link=]]
| style="background: #EEE; width: 128px; {{roundytr|6px}}" | Elaine's Stamina Juice
| style="background: #EEE;" | <small>Richness: 34,<br>Smoothness: 120</small>
| style="background: #EEE; {{roundybr|6px}}" | {{pdollar}}100

[[File:Pokéathlon Dome 1F HGSS.png|thumb|Pokéathlon Dome, 1F]]
[[File:Pokéathlon Dome 2F HGSS.png|thumb|Pokéathlon Dome, 2F]]
====Dress the Part====
When you reach the front desk, you are approached by [[Whitney]], who is also here to participate in the [[Pokéathlon]]. She is excited to enter the competition but is surprised at your outfit, and runs off for a moment before returning with a Jersey so that you may look your best. She suddenly remembers that she left her Pokémon behind, and leaves for [[Goldenrod City]] to retrieve them.

After battling the rival, you are free to explore the rest of the tower.  Fight the two Firebreathers and grab the handful of items on the first floor, and then climb downstairs to the basement.  The legendary beasts will awaken when you try to step down the stairs near the ladder.  {{p|Raikou}} and {{p|Entei}} leap quickly around the room before running off, and {{p|Suicune}}, pausing a moment to examine your character, follows the others a short time later.  [[Eusine]] hurries down the ladder and marvels at seeing Suicune, as he's been chasing it for so long.  Now that the beasts are awake, you can track down Raikou and Entei by using the PokéGear's Map function. With the {{m|Rock Smash}} and {{m|Strength}} moves at your disposal, take a few minutes to fully explore the tower for items.  This area is the only area in the game where you can find wild {{p|Magmar}}, so don't miss out.
There are five courses to enter, with each prioritizing a single [[performance]] stat. Each course includes three events.

=== Bell Tower ===
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; text-align:center; background: #{{thlon color dark}}; border: 3px solid #{{thlon color}};" cellpadding="5"
! style="background:#{{thlon color light}}; {{roundytl|5px}};" | Course
! style="background:#{{thlon color light}};" | Medal
! style="background:#{{thlon color light}}; {{roundytr|5px}};" | Events
|- style="background: #{{cuteness color light}};"
| Speed || [[File:Pokéathlon Speed Medal.png]] || Hurdle Dash, Pennant Capture, and Relay Run
|- style="background: #{{power color light}};"
| Power || [[File:Pokéathlon Power Medal.png]] || Block Smash, Circle Push, and Goal Roll
|- style="background: #{{skill color light}};"
| Skill || [[File:Pokéathlon Skill Medal.png]] || Snow Throw, Goal Roll, and Pennant Capture
|- style="background: #{{stamina color light}};"
| Stamina || [[File:Pokéathlon Stamina Medal.png]] || Ring Drop, Relay Run, and Block Smash
|- style="background: #{{jump color light}};"
| style="{{roundybl|5px}};" | Jump
| [[File:Pokéathlon Jump Medal.png]]
| style="{{roundybr|5px}};" | Lamp Jump, Disc Catch, and Hurdle Dash

Previously known as the Tin Tower, the [[Bell Tower]] is off-limits to everyone without Ecruteak's Gym badge.  Having the badge grants you access to the tower, but the monk inside won't let you above the first floor. <br> You'll have to wait until you have all eight badges{{sup|HGSS}}, the {{DL|List of key items in Generation IV|Rainbow Wing}}{{sup|HGSS}}, and the {{DL|List of key items in Generation IV|Clear Bell}}{{sup|HG}} to find {{p|Ho-Oh}} atop the tower.

=== Ecruteak Gym ===
By winning courses, the participating Pokémon will earn medals for their species. Trainers earn points based on how well their team did and if they qualified for any bonuses. The Trainer with the highest score wins, with a tie settled with a random draw by the Pokéathlon host. A win will earn the Trainer an additional 100 points, which can be spent on prizes at the {{DL|Pokéathlon Dome|Athlete Shop}}, or [[Data Card]]s that may be used to see records of various actions, course wins and losses, and other statistics. Beating the records for all 10 of the events in the Pokéathlon increases the [[Trainer Card]] level.
[[File:Ecruteak Gym HGSS.png|thumb|Ecruteak Gym]]

{{sign|DPcity|title|Ecruteak City Pokémon Gym <br> Leader: Morty}}
==National Park==
{{sign|DPcity|The Mystic Seer of the Future}}
[[File:National Park HGSS.png|thumb|National Park]]

The [[Ecruteak Gym]] specializes in {{type|Ghost}}s, so {{type|Dark}} attacks are the most effective here.  Pure {{type|Normal}}s, like {{p|Sentret}} or {{p|Raticate}}, are immune to Ghost-type moves, so teaching them non-Normal moves (like {{m|Surf}}) will allow them to damage the ghosts without much fear of retaliation. Be careful of {{m|Mean Look}}, which prevents the target Pokémon from switching; not a real problem by itself, but a Pokémon that is trapped due to that is a perfect target for a {{m|Curse}}.  The Gym's puzzle remains the same, though updated, as it was in Gold & Silver: you have to navigate across the secret path over a dark void.  [[Morty]]'s junior Trainers are all holding small candles that illuminate parts of the path around them so that you can see.  There are four Mediums on the path, and Morty waits at the end.
The [[National Park]] is a beautiful recreational space between {{rt|35|Johto}} to the south and {{rt|36|Johto}} to the east. A haven for {{t|Bug}} and {{t|Grass}} Pokémon, a [[Bug-Catching Contest]] is held here every [[Days of the week|Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday]].

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{| align="center" style="background: #{{ghost color}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{ghost color light}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Ecruteak Gym <br> [[File:Fog Badge.png|35px|The Fog Badge]] <br><br>
! Trainers
{| align="center" class="expandable" style="background: #{{ghost color}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{ghost color light}};"
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Pokéfan F.png|Pokéfan|Beverly|1024|1|209|Snubbull|♀|16|38=phone}}
{{trainerentry|Spr DP Pokéfan M.png|Pokéfan|William|1024|1|026|Raichu|♂|16|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr HGSS School Kid.png|School Kid|Jack|300|2|043|Oddish|♂|12||100|Voltorb||15||38=phone}}
{{trainerentry|Spr HGSS Lass.png|Lass|Krise|272|2|043|Oddish|♀|14||104|Cubone|♀|17||38=phone}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/entryhs|010|Caterpie|yes|no|Grass|10, 12|50%|0%|0%|type1=Bug}}
{{Catch/entryhs|013|Weedle|no|yes|Grass|10, 12|50%|0%|0%|type1=Bug|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entryhs|016|Pidgey|yes|yes|Grass|10, 12, 14|20%|0%|0%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entryhs|016|Pidgey|yes|yes|Grass|12, 14|0%|15%|0%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entryhs|163|Hoothoot|yes|yes|Grass|10, 12, 14|0%|0%|100%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entryhs|191|Sunkern|yes|yes|Grass|10, 12|0%|25%|0%|type1=Grass}}
{{catch/div|land|Headbutt<br><small>Group A</small>}}
{{catch/div|land|Headbutt<br><small>Group B</small>}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
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! Items
{{Trainerentry|HGSS Medium.png|Medium|Georgina|768|5|092|Gastly|♀|16|None|092|Gastly|♀|16|None|092|Gastly|♀|16|None|092|Gastly|♀|16|None|092|Gastly|♀|16|None|36=スズコ|37=Suzuko}}
{{Itemlist|Quick Claw|Southeast area, from a woman sitting with her {{p|Persian}}|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Soothe Bell|Outside the fence, north of the eastern gate|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Trainerentry|HGSS Medium.png|Medium|Grace|960|2|093|Haunter||20|None|093|Haunter|♀|20|None|36=タエコ|37=Taeko}}
{{Itemlist|TM Ground|Outside the fence, end of the tree-lined path in the southwest|HG=yes|SS=yes|display={{TM|28|Dig}}}}
{{Itemlist|Full Heal|
{{Trainerentry|HGSS Medium.png|Medium|Edith|1056|1|093|Haunter|♀|22|None|36=ウメコ|37=Umeko}}
* Two steps north, one step east of the smaller southern fountain (hidden)
* Outside the fence, end of narrow path north of the southern gate (hidden)|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[Full Heal]] ×2}}
{{Trainerentry|HGSS Medium.png‎|Medium|Martha|960|3|092|Gastly|♀|18|None|093|Haunter|♀|20|None|092|Gastly|♀|20|None|36=ヨネコ|37=Yoneko}}
{{Itemlist|Nugget|Sometimes given out by Poké Fan Beverly, after registering her phone number|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Sport Ball|Loaned for use in the Bug-Catching Contest; leftovers are returned when the game ends|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[Sport Ball]] ×20}}
{{catch/div|land|Later visit}}
{{Itemlist|Shiny Stone|Northeast area, on a cliff outside the fence (requires {{m|Rock Climb}})|HG=yes|SS=yes}}

====Bug-Catching Contest====
There is no entry fee for the [[Bug-Catching Contest]]. Anyone may enter once per day, every [[Days of the week|Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday]].

{{Party|color={{ghost color}}|headcolor={{ghost color light}}|bordercolor={{ghost color dark}}
To compete, Trainers must catch the single best {{type|Bug}} Pokémon they can find. To do this, Trainers are given 20 [[Sport Ball]]s and are only allowed to use a single Pokémon from their party. The others remain with the contest officials until the competition is over. Any Pokémon caught will be recorded in the Pokédex, but only one Pokémon may be kept to be judged. The Pokémon selected to be judged may be kept after the competition.
The competition ends when 20 minutes have passed, all [[Sport Ball]]s have been used, or the Trainer [[Black out|blacks out]], leaves the park, or chooses to quit. After that, the judging will occur, in which Trainers are scored on their skills of capturing rare and powerful Pokémon.
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
|location=Ecruteak Gym
! Available Pokémon
|pokemon1={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=092|pokemon=Gastly
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|pokemon2={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=093|pokemon=Haunter
|move2=Dream Eater|move2type=Psychic|move2cat=Special
|pokemon3={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=093|pokemon=Haunter
|move2=Mean Look|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status
|move3=Sucker Punch|move3type=Dark|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Night Shade|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}
|pokemon4={{Pokémon/4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=094|pokemon=Gengar
|move2=Shadow Ball|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Special
|move3=Mean Look|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|move4=Sucker Punch|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical|held=Sitrus Berry}}}}

[[Morty]] hands over the {{badge|Fog}}, which ensures that all Pokémon up to level 50 obey without question, and allows the use of {{m|Surf}} outside of battle.  He also gives you {{TM|30|Shadow Ball}} as a prize. <br><br>
Now head west to {{rt|38|Johto}}.
{| class="roundy" style="margin: auto; text-align: center; background: #{{bug color}}; border: 2px solid #{{bug color dark}}" cellpadding="5"
! style="background: #{{bug color light}}; {{roundytl|5px}};" | Place
! style="background: #{{bug color light}}; {{roundytr|5px}}" | Prize
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| rowspan="2" style="background: #{{gold color light}}" | 1st
| style="background: #FFF;" | {{bag2|Sun Stone}}<br><small>(pre-National Pokédex)</small>
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| {{bag|Fire Stone}} {{bag|Thunder Stone}} {{bag|Water Stone}} {{bag|Leaf Stone}} {{bag|Moon Stone}}<br>{{bag|Sun Stone}} {{bag|Shiny Stone}} {{bag|Dusk Stone}} {{bag|Dawn Stone}} {{bag|Oval Stone}}<br>Random [[evolution stone]]<br><small>(post-National Pokédex)</small>
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| style="background: #{{silver color light}}" | 2nd || {{bag2|Everstone}}
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| style="background: #{{bronze color light}}" | 3rd || {{bag2|Sitrus Berry}}
| style="background: #{{white 2 color light}}; {{roundybl|5px}}" | Runner-Up
| style="background: #FFF; {{roundybr|5px}};" | {{bag2|Shed Shell}}

== Route 38 ==
[[File:Johto Route 38 Map.png|thumb|Route 38]]

{{rt|38|Johto}} is a short route that connects to {{rt|39|Johto}} in the west, near the [[MooMoo Farm]].  The farmers there are troubled by their {{p|Miltank}}'s recent lack of energy.  Lass Dana asks for your phone number; she may call occasionally for a rematch, or to give you Thunderstones.  Trade numbers with Schoolboy Chad to be alerted when {{p|Snubbull}} are swarming here.
==Route 36==
[[File:Johto Route 36 HGSS.png|thumb|400px|Route 36]]

Continue west to Route 39.
{{rt|36|Johto}} is a densely wooded path that branches off in several directions. It connects the [[National Park]] and {{rt|35|Johto}} in the west with the [[Ruins of Alph]] to the south, [[Violet City]] to the east, and {{rt|37|Johto}} to the north.

{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{soulsilver color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{heartgold color light}};"
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
! Trainers
{{Trainerentry|DP Sailor.png|Sailor|Harry|640|1|194|Wooper|♂|20|None|36=マサヒロ|37=Masahiro}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Psychic M.png|Psychic|Mark|512|3|063|Abra|♂|14|None|063|Abra|♂|14|None|064|Kadabra|♂|16|None}}
{{Trainerentry|HGSS Lass.png|Lass|Dana [[File:PhoneSprite.png]]|304|2|180|Flaaffy|♀|19|None|054|Psyduck|♀|19|None|36=リカ|37=Rica}}
{{Trainerentry|spr HGSS School Kid.png|School Kid|Alan|340|1|114|Tangela|♂|17|None|38=phone}}
{{Trainerentry|HGSS Bird Keeper.png|Bird Keeper|Toby|576|3|084|Doduo|♂|16|None|084|Doduo|♂|17|None|084|Doduo|♂|18|None|36=ハルキ|37=Haruki}}
{{Trainerentry|HGSS Schoolboy.png|School Kid{{!}}Schoolboy|Chad [[File:PhoneSprite.png]]|400|1|122|Mr. Mime|♂|20|None|36=クリオ|37=Curio}}
{{Trainerentry|HGSS Beauty.png|Beauty|Valerie|1008|2|187|Hoppip|♀|18|None|188|Skiploom|♀|18|None|36=ユリカ|37=Yurika}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{soulsilver color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{heartgold color light}};"
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/entryhs|016|Pidgey|yes|no|Grass|13, 15|25%|0%|0%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entryhs|016|Pidgey|no|yes|Grass|12, 15|25%|0%|0%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entryhs|058|Growlithe|yes|no|Grass|13, 15|0%|15%|0%|type1=Fire}}
{{Catch/div|land|Headbutt<br/><small>Group A</small>}}
{{Catch/div|land|Headbutt<br/><small>Group B</small>}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{soulsilver color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{heartgold color light}};"
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Items
! Items
{{Itlistbod|Max Potion|Southwest of the Ecruteak gate|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|Blue Apricorn|Northeast of the National Park gate, on a tree (daily)|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[Blu Apricorn]]}}
{{Itlistbod|Wht Apricorn|From the lone Apricorn tree|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|Awakening|North of the tall grass; southwest side of the third tree from the west (hidden)|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itlistbod|Thunderstone|From Lass Dana after beating her in a rematch|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|Berry Pots|From Floria, after removing {{p|Sudowoodo}}|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itlistbod|Lax Incense|Behind the fence near Route 39 (requires {{m|Rock Climb}})|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|Oran Berry|From Floria, after removing {{p|Sudowoodo}}|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[Oran Berry]] ×3}}
{{Itemlist|Pecha Berry|From Floria, after removing {{p|Sudowoodo}}|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[Pecha Berry]] ×3}}
{{Itemlist|HM Fighting|From the man to the east of {{p|Sudowoodo}}'s location|HG=yes|SS=yes|display={{HM|06|Rock Smash}}}}
{{Itemlist|Hard Stone|Northeast area; from Arthur{{dotw|Th}}|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itemlist|None|Northeast area; from Arthur{{dotw|Th}}, after meeting all of the Week Siblings|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[List of Ribbons in the games|Careless Ribbon]]|sprite=Careless Ribbon}}
{{Itemlist|Hyper Potion|Northwest of Sudowoodo's location, southwest of the grove|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itemlist|Fire Stone|Sometimes given out by School Kid Alan, after registering his phone number|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
===An Inconvenient Tree===
The odd tree mentioned by the woman in [[Goldenrod City]]'s flower shop can be found in the middle of the route, blocking travel from every direction. Despite its tree-like appearance, this oddity actually tries to avoid water. The woman's sister, Floria, is here to investigate, and urges you to sprinkle it with the [[Squirt Bottle|SquirtBottle]]. Splash a bit of water on it, and it attacks! It turns out to be a {{p|Sudowoodo}}, a rare Pokémon that is more similar to a rock than a tree.
====VS Sudowoodo====
{| style="margin: auto;"
|ability=Sturdy|ability2=Rock Head
|move2=Low Kick|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Rock Throw|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical

== Route 39 ==
[[File:Johto Route 39 Map.png|thumb|Route 39]]

{{rt|39|Johto}} is another short route, connecting {{rt|38|Johto}} and [[Olivine City]]. As you head west towards the farm, you'll meet the [[Johto Safari Zone|Safari Zone Warden]] [[Baoba]]. He is opening his latest Safari Zone location near [[Cianwood City]], across the sea to the southwest.  Swap phone numbers with him, and he'll call you when it's done.
Afterward, Floria gives you the [[Berry Pots]] as thanks for entertaining her. This portable planter allows a Trainer to plant, water, and grow Berry plants while traveling. She also gives out three [[Oran Berry|Oran Berries]] and three [[Pecha Berry|Pecha Berries]] so that you may try it out. Hearing that your next destination is [[Ecruteak City]], she directs you northward before leaving to return to [[Goldenrod City]].
Once the path is clear, speak with the man to the east to receive {{HM|06|Rock Smash}}.

The [[MooMoo Farm]] is located here, but one of their {{p|Miltank}} has recently fallen ill, and has stopped producing milk.  It needs to be fed seven [[Oran Berry]]s to restore its health, and you can grow them easily in the {{DL|List of key items in Generation IV|Berry Pots}}.  You can make as many return trips as you need to in order to complete the task.  Once you do, the girl on the left will give you the {{DL|List of key items in Generation IV|Seal Case}}, and the girl on the right will give you three Seals.  Speak to the farmer's wife, and she'll reward you with {{TM|83|Natural Gift}}.  With the Miltank back to normal, the farmer will offer to sell you {{DL|Potion|MooMoo Milk}}, which restores 100 HP, for {{pdollar}}500.  You can also buy milk by the dozen.
==Route 37==
[[File:Johto Route 37 HGSS.png|thumb|Route 37]]

{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{soulsilver color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{heartgold color light}};"
{{rt|37|Johto}} is a short road that leads north from {{rt|36|Johto}} to [[Ecruteak City]]. A secluded grove of [[Apricorn]] trees stands on the east side.
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
! Trainers
{{Trainerentry|DP Psychic M.png|Psychic|Nelson|36=カイ|640|2|079|Slowpoke||17|None|079|Slowpoke||20|None|37=Kai}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr HGSS Twins.png|Twins|Tori & Til|512|2|183|Marill||16|None|179|Mareep||16|None}}
{{Trainerentry|DP Sailor.png|Sailor|Eugene|36=ミツオ|608|3|061|Poliwhirl|♂|17|None|098|Krabby||19|None|020|Raticate|♂|17|None|37=Mitsuo}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr HGSS Beauty.png|Beauty|Callie|896
{{Trainerentry|DP Pokéfan M.png|Pokéfan|Derek|36=ミエハル|1152|1|025|Pikachu||18|None|37=Mieharu}}
<small>[[Double Battle]] with Kassandra</small>|2|036|Clefable||16|None|040|Wigglytuff||16|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr HGSS Beauty.png|Beauty|Kassandra|896
{{Trainerentry|DP Pokéfan F.png|Pokéfan|Ruth|36=トモコ|1088|1|025|Pikachu||17|None|37=Tomoko}}
<small>[[Double Battle]] with Callie</small>|2|040|Wigglytuff||16|None|036|Clefable||16|None}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr DP Psychic M.png|Psychic|Greg|544|1|096|Drowzee||17|None}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{soulsilver color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{heartgold color light}};"
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/entryhs|016|Pidgey|yes|no|Grass|13, 15|60%|50%|0%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entryhs|016|Pidgey|no|yes|Grass|13, 15|0%|50%|0%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entryhs|163|Hoothoot|no|yes|Grass|13, 15|0%|0%|60%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entryhs|165|Ledyba|no|yes|Grass|13, 15|40%|0%|0%|type1=Bug|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entryhs|167|Spinarak|yes|no|Grass|13, 15|0%|0%|40%|type1=Bug|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/div|land|Headbutt<br/><small>Group A</small>}}
{{Catch/div|land|Headbutt<br/><small>Group B</small>}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{soulsilver color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{heartgold color light}};"
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Items
! Items
{{Itlistbod|Grn Apricorn|From the tree near MooMoo Farm|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|Red Apricorn|Eastern grove, on the northwest tree (daily)|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itlistbod|TM Fighting|Sitting near the MooMoo Farm's silo|HGSS|display={{TM|60|Drain Punch}}}}
{{Itemlist|Blue Apricorn|Eastern grove, on the northeast tree (daily)|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[Blue Apricorn|Blu Apricorn]]}}
{{Itlistbod|Seal Case|From one of the farmer's girls after healing Miltank|HGSS}}
{{Itemlist|Black Apricorn|Eastern grove, on the southern tree (daily)|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[Black Apricorn|Blk Apricorn]]}}
{{Itlistbod|TM Normal|From the farmer's wife after healing Miltank|HGSS|display={{TM|83|Natural Gift}}}}
{{Itemlist|Magnet|East side; from [[Week Siblings|Sunny]]{{dotw|Su}}|HG=yes|SS=yes}}
{{Itemlist|None|East side; from [[Week Siblings|Sunny]]{{dotw|Su}}, after meeting all of the Week Siblings|HG=yes|SS=yes|display=[[List of Ribbons in the games|Smile Ribbon]]|sprite=Smile Ribbon}}

Follow the route south to [[Olivine City]].

|gamename=HeartGold and SoulSilver
|prevname=Goldenrod City
|nextname=Ecruteak City, Route 38, Route 39
prevname=Route 35, National Park, Pokéathlon, Route 36, Route 37|
gamename=HeartGold and SoulSilver|
nextname=Olivine City, Route 40, Route 41|

{{Project Walkthroughs notice}}
{{Project Walkthroughs notice}}
[[Category:HeartGold and SoulSilver walkthrough]]
[[Category:HeartGold and SoulSilver walkthrough]]

Latest revision as of 12:02, 2 September 2024

This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
These pages follow the remade Nintendo DS iteration, not Pokémon Gold and Silver. The guide for those games can be found here.

Route 35

Route 35

Route 35 is a short, pleasant path that leads northward from Goldenrod City. The main road leads to a gate that serves as the entrance to both the National Park and the Pokéathlon Dome, while a smaller trail acts as a shortcut to Route 36.

Mail Delivery

Speak to the guard in the southern gate, and he asks for a favor. Deliver his Spearow, named Kenya, and the piece of Mail it holds to his friend on Route 31. It is intended for the man dozing near the pond there. Complete the delivery, and he wakes up just long enough to give you TM44 (Rest). Return here and speak to the guard afterward to receive an HP Up as a reward.

Cameron the Photographer

Enter the north gate and go left. If you speak to the first man, he introduces himself as Cameron the Photographer. He asks if you would like to have your photo taken, and if so, proceeds to take a snapshot of you alongside your party Pokémon.

Pokéathlon Dome

Pokéathlon Dome

The Pokéathlon Dome is a venue where Pokéathlon competitions are held. Only the most athletic Pokémon will win the gold!


Meet the Master

After exiting the gate, move north along the path to be met by an old man and his Poliwrath. He believes that your lead Pokémon is ready to participate in the Pokéathlon, and leads the way to the Pokéathlon Dome building. He invites you to take part in the athletic competitions held here, and introduces himself as Magnus, the venue's founder, before heading inside.

Aprijuice Stand

Using the Apriblender
A Typhlosion's performance

In the plaza to the west, there is a stand that offers Aprijuice for sale. Seeing a confused look on your face, the attendant gives you an Apriblender so that you may familiarize yourself with the beverage. This device is stored in the Apricorn Box and is used to blend Apricorns into Aprijuice, a type of drink that improves a Pokémon's athletic performance. Up to five Apricorns may be added to the Apriblender at once, after which the user must walk 100 steps in order to mix up the drink. Each cycle produces enough Aprijuice for three servings. Attributes including flavor level, mildness level, and taste all influence the drink's effect on a Pokémon. These effects are temporary, and wear off when the Pokémon is stored in the PC.

The stand's selection of Aprijuice includes three of five varieties, each having been developed by a popular Pokéathlete. Availability varies by the day.


Pokéathlon Dome, 1F
Pokéathlon Dome, 2F

Dress the Part

When you reach the front desk, you are approached by Whitney, who is also here to participate in the Pokéathlon. She is excited to enter the competition but is surprised at your outfit, and runs off for a moment before returning with a Jersey so that you may look your best. She suddenly remembers that she left her Pokémon behind, and leaves for Goldenrod City to retrieve them.


There are five courses to enter, with each prioritizing a single performance stat. Each course includes three events.

Course Medal Events
Speed Hurdle Dash, Pennant Capture, and Relay Run
Power Block Smash, Circle Push, and Goal Roll
Skill Snow Throw, Goal Roll, and Pennant Capture
Stamina Ring Drop, Relay Run, and Block Smash
Jump Lamp Jump, Disc Catch, and Hurdle Dash

By winning courses, the participating Pokémon will earn medals for their species. Trainers earn points based on how well their team did and if they qualified for any bonuses. The Trainer with the highest score wins, with a tie settled with a random draw by the Pokéathlon host. A win will earn the Trainer an additional 100 points, which can be spent on prizes at the Athlete Shop, or Data Cards that may be used to see records of various actions, course wins and losses, and other statistics. Beating the records for all 10 of the events in the Pokéathlon increases the Trainer Card level.

National Park

National Park

The National Park is a beautiful recreational space between Route 35 to the south and Route 36 to the east. A haven for Bug and Grass Pokémon, a Bug-Catching Contest is held here every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Bug-Catching Contest

There is no entry fee for the Bug-Catching Contest. Anyone may enter once per day, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

To compete, Trainers must catch the single best Bug-type Pokémon they can find. To do this, Trainers are given 20 Sport Balls and are only allowed to use a single Pokémon from their party. The others remain with the contest officials until the competition is over. Any Pokémon caught will be recorded in the Pokédex, but only one Pokémon may be kept to be judged. The Pokémon selected to be judged may be kept after the competition.

The competition ends when 20 minutes have passed, all Sport Balls have been used, or the Trainer blacks out, leaves the park, or chooses to quit. After that, the judging will occur, in which Trainers are scored on their skills of capturing rare and powerful Pokémon.

Place Prize
1st Sun Stone Sun Stone
(pre-National Pokédex)
Fire Stone Thunder Stone Water Stone Leaf Stone Moon Stone
Sun Stone Shiny Stone Dusk Stone Dawn Stone Oval Stone
Random evolution stone
(post-National Pokédex)
2nd Everstone Everstone
3rd Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry
Runner-Up Shed Shell Shed Shell

Route 36

Route 36

Route 36 is a densely wooded path that branches off in several directions. It connects the National Park and Route 35 in the west with the Ruins of Alph to the south, Violet City to the east, and Route 37 to the north.

An Inconvenient Tree

The odd tree mentioned by the woman in Goldenrod City's flower shop can be found in the middle of the route, blocking travel from every direction. Despite its tree-like appearance, this oddity actually tries to avoid water. The woman's sister, Floria, is here to investigate, and urges you to sprinkle it with the SquirtBottle. Splash a bit of water on it, and it attacks! It turns out to be a Sudowoodo, a rare Pokémon that is more similar to a rock than a tree.

VS Sudowoodo

Rock Unknown
Sturdy or Rock Head
Held item:
Sudowoodo/ Lv.20
Normal Physical
Low Kick
Fighting Physical
Rock Throw
Rock Physical
Normal Status

Afterward, Floria gives you the Berry Pots as thanks for entertaining her. This portable planter allows a Trainer to plant, water, and grow Berry plants while traveling. She also gives out three Oran Berries and three Pecha Berries so that you may try it out. Hearing that your next destination is Ecruteak City, she directs you northward before leaving to return to Goldenrod City.

Once the path is clear, speak with the man to the east to receive HM06 (Rock Smash).

Route 37

Route 37

Route 37 is a short road that leads north from Route 36 to Ecruteak City. A secluded grove of Apricorn trees stands on the east side.

← Part 6 Goldenrod City
HeartGold and SoulSilver
Ecruteak City, Route 38, Route 39 Part 8 →

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.