Appendix:Emerald walkthrough/Section 14: Difference between revisions

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{{incomplete|needs=how to get through Sky Pillar}}
==Route 124==
==Sootopolis City==
[[File:Hoenn Route 124 E.png|thumb|Route 124, Surface]]
Teams [[Team Magma|Magma]] and [[Team Aqua|Aqua]] have awoken {{p|Kyogre}} and {{p|Groudon}}, and the two [[Weather Trio|super-ancient Pokémon]] are fighting in the middle of the city, tearing nature itself apart! There must be a way to stop their titanic battle! [[Steven]] will take you to the [[Cave of Origin]] to see [[Wallace]], a former Gym Leader who will tell you that only one Pokémon is powerful enough to bring peace. That Pokémon is {{p|Rayquaza}}, and Wallace is unsure where it might be. When he asks, the correct answer is "[[Sky Pillar]]." Now, you must exit Sootopolis City and traverse {{rt|130|hoenn}}. The Sky Pillar is on the northern half of {{rt|131|hoenn}}, and you will need to navigate around some rocks to get to it. '''First, stop by [[Rydel's Cycles]] in [[Mauville City]] to get the Mach Bike if necessary!'''

==Route 130, Route 131==
{{rt|124|Hoenn}} holds all sorts of treasure, but most lie on the ocean floor far below. It's not possible to fully explore the area without {{m|Dive|a certain field move}}, so for now the route simply serves as a connector between {{ci|Lilycove}} to the west, {{rt|126|Hoenn}} to the south, and [[Mossdeep City]] to the east.
[[File:Route 131.png|right|180px|thumb|Route 131]]
{{m|Surf}} west on Route 130 to {{rt|131|Hoenn}}. The next trick is to find the entrance to the [[Sky Pillar]]— it looks like the entrance to a cave. Once you've found it, go up the stairs and exit the tunnel. Wallace will arrive and say that he's opened the locked door to the tower. Enter it.

==Sky Pillar==
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
[[Image:Sky Pillar.png|thumb|left|180px|The Sky Pillar's exterior]]
|- align="center"
[[Image:Sky Pillar 3F E.png|right|thumb|180px|Sky Pillar 3F]]
! Trainers
[[Image:Sky Pillar 4F E.png|right|thumb|180px|Sky Pillar 4F]]
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{emerald color light}}; {{roundy}} border: 5px solid #{{emerald color}};"
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer F.png|Swimmer|Grace|272<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Declan</small>|1|183|Marill|♀|34|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer M.png|Swimmer|Declan|272<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Grace</small>|1|130|Gyarados|♂|34|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Sis and Bro.png|Sis and Bro|Lila & Roy|792|2|170|Chinchou|♂|34||318|Carvanha|♂|33||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer M.png|Swimmer|Spencer|264|2|072|Tentacool|♂|33||278|Wingull|♂|33|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer F.png|Swimmer|Jenny|272|1|320|Wailmer|♀|34||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer M.png|Swimmer|Chad|264|2|072|Tentacool||33||320|Wailmer|♂|33|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Triathlete Swimmer F.png|Triathlete|Isabella|1360<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Roland</small>|1|120|Staryu||34|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer M.png|Swimmer|Roland|272<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Isabella</small>|1|318|Carvanha|♂|34|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Sis and Bro.png|Sis and Bro|Lila & Roy{{tt|*|First rematch}}|960|2|170|Chinchou|♂|42||318|Carvanha|♂|40||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Sis and Bro.png|Sis and Bro|Lila & Roy{{tt|*|Second rematch}}|1032|2|171|Lanturn|♂|45||318|Carvanha|♂|43||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Sis and Bro.png|Sis and Bro|Lila & Roy{{tt|*|Third and fourth rematch onwards}}|{{tt|1104|Third rematch}}/{{tt|1176|Fourth rematch onwards}}|2|171|Lanturn|♂|{{tt|48|Third rematch}}/{{tt|51|Fourth rematch onwards}}||319|Sharpedo|♂|{{tt|46|Third rematch}}/{{tt|49|Fourth rematch onwards}}||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer F.png|Swimmer|Jenny{{tt|*|First and second rematch}}|{{tt|304|First rematch}}/{{tt|328|Second rematch}}|1|320|Wailmer|♀|{{tt|38|First rematch}}/{{tt|41|Second rematch}}||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer F.png|Swimmer|Jenny{{tt|*|Third rematch}}|344|2|120|Staryu||43||320|Wailmer|♀|43||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer F.png|Swimmer|Jenny{{tt|*|Fourth rematch onwards}}|360|3|370|Luvdisc|♀|45||320|Wailmer|♀|45||121|Starmie||45||38=Nav}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
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! Available Pokémon
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/entry3|042|Golbat|no|no|yes|1F, 3F, 5F|34-35|30%|type1=Poison|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entry3|302|Sableye|no|no|yes|1F, 3F, 5F|33-34|30%|type1=Dark|type2=Ghost}}
{{Catch/entry3|344|Claydol|no|no|yes|1F, 3F|36-38|25%|type1=Ground|type2=Psychic}}
{{Catch/entry3|354|Banette|no|no|yes|1F, 3F, 5F|37-38|15%|type1=Ghost}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|no|no|yes|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|no|no|yes|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|no|no|yes|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|no|no|yes|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|no|no|yes|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
===Treasure Hunter's House===
[[File:Diving Treasure Hunter.png|thumb|left|240px|Interior]]
The [[Treasure Hunter]]'s house stands on a small island to the southeast. He loves to collect [[Shard]]s, and is happy to trade for them with certain [[Evolution stone]]s. The kind of Shard you trade him determines the kind of stone you get in return.
{| style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 2px solid #{{locationcolor/dark|ocean}};" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4"
! colspan="2" style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}}; {{roundytl|5px}};" | Shard Given
! colspan="2" style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}}; {{roundytr|5px}};" | Stone Received
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| {{bag|Red Shard}} || [[Red Shard]] || {{bag|Fire Stone}} || [[Fire Stone]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| {{bag|Yellow Shard}} || [[Yellow Shard]] || {{bag|Thunder Stone|Thunderstone}} || [[Thunder Stone|Thunderstone]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| {{bag|Blue Shard}} || [[Blue Shard]] || {{bag|Water Stone}} || [[Water Stone]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| {{bag|Green Shard}} || [[Green Shard]] || {{bag|Leaf Stone}} || [[Leaf Stone]]
| colspan="4" style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}}; {{roundybottom|5px}};" |

The first floor is very straightforward— go through the doorway and up the stairs. The second floor is also obvious.
==Mossdeep City==
[[File:Mossdeep City E.png|thumb|Mossdeep City]]

The third floor is where things get slightly trickier. Go around the central hole in the floor to the stairs that aren't blocked by rocks, up to the fourth floor. You need to ride your Mach Bike across the southwesternmost [[Hole#Generation III|cracked tile]], but ''fall down the next one over'', back to the third floor. (Look at the pictures carefully if this is confusing.) Now, go up the stairs directly north of you, and then go up the westernmost stairs on the fourth floor. The fifth floor is simple again— just run around to the next set of stairs, and you're on top of the Sky Pillar!
[[Mossdeep City]] stands perched on an island near [[Hoenn]]'s eastern edge, where the winds are mild and the weather conditions are stable. This makes it the perfect place for launching rockets, and a perfect home for the [[Mossdeep Space Center]]. The [[Mossdeep Gym|seventh Gym]] in the [[Hoenn League]], run by twin Gym Leaders, is located on the north side of the island, and {{steven}}'s house can be found on the island's northwest corner. [[Scott]] appears in front of the Space Center.
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #F0A7B6; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #FAAFBE;"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|no|no|yes|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|no|no|yes|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|no|no|yes|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|no|no|yes|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|no|no|yes|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|no|no|yes|Fish Super|25-45|60%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|319|Sharpedo|no|no|yes|Fish Super|30-35|40%|type1=Water|type2=Dark}}
{{Catch/div|road|Gift Pokémon}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #F0A7B6; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #FAAFBE;"
|- align="center"
! Items
{{itemlist|Net Ball|Southeast corner of the island|E=yes}}
{{itemlist|King's Rock|From the boy in front of Steven's house|E=yes}}
{{itemlist|Super Rod III|From the Fisherman in the house east of the Gym|E=yes|display=[[Super Rod]]}}
{{itemlist|Sun Stone|From a Sailor inside the Space Center|E=yes}}
{{catch/div|sand|After defeating the Mossdeep Gym}}
{{itemlist|TM Psychic|From Liza and Tate upon their defeat|E=yes|display={{TM|04|Calm Mind}}}}
{{catch/div|sand|After defeating Team Magma at the Space Center}}
{{itemlist|HM Water|From Steven in his house|E=yes|display={{HM|08|Dive}}}}

{{p|Rayquaza}}, the Sky High Pokémon and third super-ancient, is sleeping atop the tower. Walk up to it and it will awaken, making the tower shudder, and fly off! Follow it— you can {{m|Fly}} directly to Sootopolis City from here.
===Move Tutor===
The first person you meet upon arriving in Mossdeep is a Black Belt in the shallow water on the island's southwest side. As a {{type|Fighting}} Trainer, he's had a difficult time at the local Gym and has resorted to punching the ground to relieve his frustration. Speak to him, and he offers to teach the move {{m|Dynamic Punch|DynamicPunch}} to a Pokémon, one time only.

==Sootopolis City==
===Steven's House===
When you arrive, you will see an amazing sight: Rayquaza shows up in the midst of the battle and sends Groudon and Kyogre away. Surf to the bit of land outside the Gym and speak to [[Archie]] and [[Maxie]], who realize and laugh at their mistakes. They then depart to return the [[Legendary artifacts#Colored orbs|Red Orb and Blue Orb]] to [[Mt. Pyre]].
The house on the island's northwest edge belongs to {{Steven}}, and contains part of his rock collection.

Now, even with the world saved, your greatest challenge hasn't happened yet— it's time to head to the [[Hoenn League|Pokémon League]] and battle the [[Elite Four]]! Traverse {{rt|128|hoenn}} to get to [[Ever Grande City]].  
===Game Corner===
A Game Corner is located to the south of the Poké Mart. Inside, Trainers can compete with others from [[Hoenn]]{{sup/3|E}} and [[Kanto]]{{sup/3|FRLG}} in two mini-games, [[Pokémon Jump]] and [[Dodrio Berry Picking]]. Communications are made using the [[Game Boy Advance Wireless Adapter]].

''Note: If you were to return to the Sky Pillar, Rayquaza would be there, waiting to battle. However, it is Level 70 and extremely powerful— it would most likely easily defeat your entire team. Come back after you've become the Champion.''
===Running Errands===
Visit the house nearest the stairway to the Space Center to meet a young woman who uses a {{p|Wingull}} to send letters to a friend in [[Fortree City]]. Talk to the Wingull and it will take flight, off to deliver another note. If you return to Fortree and visit the Pokémon Breeder in the northeast house there, he will give you a [[Mental Herb]] that his Wingull found in its travels.

==Route 128==
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #58A758; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #90C590;"
[[File:Hoenn Route 128 RSE.png|thumb|275px|Route 128]]
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{emerald color light}}; {{roundy}} border: 5px solid #{{emerald color}};"
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|- align="center"
! Items
! Items
{{itemlist|Mental Herb|From the boy in the northeast house, after finding his {{p|Wingull}} in [[Mossdeep City]]|E=yes}}
===Score the Super Rod===
The house overlooking the Gym belongs to a lone Fisherman. Speak to him to receive the [[Super Rod]], a high-end fishing rod that can reel in all kinds of sea life.
===Mossdeep Space Center===
The [[Mossdeep Space Center]] stands on a hill in the northeast. {{steven}} is inside, standing near a table with a letter emblazoned with the [[Team Magma]] logo. It seems that the group has announced its intention of stealing all the rocket fuel on the island. He plans to keep an eye on things for now, and suggests checking out the rest of the city. A Sailor near the viewing area will give you a [[Sun Stone]] he found on the beach.
===Mossdeep Gym===
[[File:Mossdeep Gym E.png|thumb|Mossdeep Gym]]
{{sign|E|title|Mossdeep City Pokémon Gym<br>Leaders: Liza & Tate}}
{{sign|E|The mystic combination!}}
The [[Mossdeep Gym]] specializes in {{type|Psychic}} Pokémon, which are vulnerable to {{t|Dark}}- and {{type|Ghost}} moves. Dark Pokémon are both immune to Psychic moves and able to inflict super-effective damage. Three of the gym leaders' Pokémon have additional weaknesses to {{t|Water}} and {{t|Grass}}. While they're also weak to {{t|Bug}}, Bug attacks are generally too weak to be worthwhile. The Gym features several rooms linked only by [[warp tile]]s. Each room contains Trainers and obstacles on [[spin tile]]s that rotate when certain tiles are stepped on, changing the path and often bringing challengers within view of opposing Gym Trainers.
Step on the warp tile on the west side of the first room. Begin a battle with Hex Maniac Kathleen and Gentleman Clifford. Go east and step on the purple tile, and then battle Psychic Macey. Continue south and step on the green tile twice; this spins the obstacles in the south-central room. Take the north warp to the west-central room, then the left warp there to the northwest room. Step on the first blue tile twice, battle Gentleman Nate and Psychic Virgil, step on the orange tile three times, battle Hex Maniac Sylvia and Psychic Hannah, step on the second blue tile three times, and step on the first blue tile once to reach the warp tile. Cross the south-central room to the last warp and the Gym Leaders' room.
Twins [[Tate and Liza]] send out two Pokémon at once, drawing challengers into a Double Battle. {{p|Claydol}} can boost its already-high {{stat|Special Defense}} with {{m|Light Screen}}, and simultaneously hit two of your Pokémon with {{m|Earthquake}}. {{p|Xatu}}'s {{m|Calm Mind}} raises both its Special stats, and {{m|Confuse Ray}} allows it to harass the foe. {{p|Lunatone}} can lull its opponent to sleep with {{m|Hypnosis}}, while {{p|Solrock}} can scorch {{t|Grass}} Pokémon looking to target their {{t|Rock}} typing. Three of their Pokémon are weakened by {{t|Water}} moves; by using {{m|Surf}}, you can attack both at once and bring the battle to a quick end. Otherwise, you may want to target one Pokémon at a time in what would essentially become a two-on-one battle.
{| align="center"
|- align="center" valign="top"
{| align="center" style="background: #{{psychic color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{psychic color light}};"
|- align="center"
! Mossdeep Gym<br>[[File:Mind Badge.png|35px|The Mind Badge]]<br><br>
{| align="center" class="expandable" style="background: #{{psychic color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{psychic color light}};"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
{{catch/div|Psychic|Southwest room}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS_Psychic M.png|Psychic|Preston|864<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Maura</small>|1|281|Kirlia|♂|36|}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS Psychic F.png|Psychic|Maura|864<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Preston</small>|1|064|Kadabra|♂|36|}}
{{catch/div|Psychic|West-central room}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS Psychic F.png|Psychic|Samantha|864<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Blake</small>|1|178|Xatu|♀|36|}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS Psychic M.png|Psychic|Blake|864<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Samantha</small>|1|203|Girafarig|♂|36|}}
{{catch/div|Psychic|Southeast room}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS Psychic F.png|Psychic|Macey|864<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Clifford</small>|1|177|Natu|♀|36|}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS Gentleman.png|Gentleman|Clifford|2880<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Macey or Kathleen</small>|1|203|Girafarig|♂|36|}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS Hex Maniac.png|Hex Maniac|Kathleen|864<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Clifford or Nicholas</small>|1|064|Kadabra|♂|36|}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS Psychic M.png|Psychic|Nicholas|864<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Kathleen</small>|1|202|Wobbuffet|♂|36|}}
{{catch/div|Psychic|Northwest room}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS Gentleman.png|Gentleman|Nate|2880<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Virgil</small>|1|325|Spoink|♂|36|}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS Psychic M.png|Psychic|Virgil|864<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Nate or Slyvia</small>|1|280|Ralts|♂|36|}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS Hex Maniac.png|Hex Maniac|Sylvia|864<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Hannah or Virgil</small>|1|307|Meditite|♀|36|}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr RS Psychic F.png|Psychic|Hannah|864<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Sylvia</small>|1|281|Kirlia|♀|36|}}
{| style="margin: auto;"
{{itlistbod|Heart Scale|
|color={{psychic color}}|headcolor={{psychic color light}}|bordercolor={{psychic color dark}}
* On the small island southwest of the Seafloor Cavern Dive spot ''(hidden)''
|sprite=Spr RS Tate and Liza.png
* On the island directly east of the Seafloor Cavern Dive spot ''(hidden)''
* On the small island northwest of the Seafloor Cavern Dive spot, near {{tc|Ace Trainer|Cooltrainer}} Ruben ''(hidden)''|E|display={{DL|Exchangeable item|Heart Scale}} ×3}}
|class=Leader|classlink=Gym Leader|name={{color2|000|Tate and Liza|Tate & Liza}}
{{itlistbod|Pearl|Hidden in a rock in the easternmost {{m|Dive}} spot|RSE|display={{DL|Valuable item|Pearl}}}}
|game=E|location=Mossdeep Gym
{{itlistbod|Protein|Hidden in a rock in the small {{m|Dive}} spot at the center of the ring-shaped island|RSE|display={{DL|Vitamin|Protein}}}}
|move4=Light Screen|move4type=Psychic}}
|move2=Sunny Day|move2type=Fire
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost
|move4=Calm Mind|move4type=Psychic}}
{{Party/Div|color={{psychic color}}}}
|held=Sitrus Berry
|move1=Light Screen|move1type=Psychic
|move4=Calm Mind|move4type=Psychic}}
|held=Sitrus Berry
|move1=Sunny Day|move1type=Fire
After the battle, [[Tate and Liza]] award you the {{badge|Mind}}, which boosts your Pokémon's {{stat|Special Attack}} and {{stat|Special Defense}} by 10% and enables the use of {{m|Dive}} in the field. The twins also give you {{TM|04|Calm Mind}} as a prize, and register themselves in your PokéNav.
===Space Center===
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|building}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|building}};"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt F.png|Team Magma Grunt||620|2|041|Zubat|♀|31||261|Poochyena|♀|31|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt||640|1|322|Numel|♂|32|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt||640|1|343|Baltoy||32|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt||600|3|262|Mightyena|♂|26||262|Mightyena|♂|28||322|Numel|♂|30|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt||640|1|041|Zubat|♂|32|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt||640|1|262|Mightyena|♂|32|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt||640|1|343|Baltoy||32|}}
After beating the Gym, you find [[Maxie]] and several Grunts on their way to the Space Center. Follow them inside and defeat the four Grunts on the first floor. Upstairs, you are ambushed by three more; you fight them one at a time, but with no break between. Farther on, you find Steven confronting Maxie, who reveals his intentions for the rocket fuel. With {{p|Groudon}} gone, he has no need for their base. They're going to cause [[Mt. Chimney]] to erupt by dumping the entire supply into the volcano! Steven is shocked, and asks you to join him in battle against Maxie and [[Tabitha]]. {{DL|Steven Stone|Multi Battle with player|Steven's team}} consists of {{p|Metang}}, {{p|Skarmory}}, and {{p|Aggron}}.
====VS Maxie, Tabitha====
|color={{steel color}}
|headcolor={{steel color light}}
|bordercolor={{steel color dark}}
|sprite=E Steven Back.png
|class={{PK}}{{MN}} Trainer
|classlink=Pokémon Trainer
|location=Mossdeep Space Center
|ability=Clear Body
|move1=Light Screen|move1type=Psychic
|move4=Metal Claw|move4type=Steel}}
|move2=Aerial Ace|move2type=Flying
|move4=Steel Wing|move4type=Steel}}
|move4=Dragon Claw|move4type=Dragon}}
{| style="margin: auto;"
|color={{omega ruby color}}|bordercolor={{omega ruby color dark}}|headcolor={{omega ruby color light}}
|color1={{omega ruby color}}|bordercolor1={{omega ruby color dark}}|headcolor1={{omega ruby color light}}
|color2={{omega ruby color}}|bordercolor2={{omega ruby color dark}}|headcolor2={{omega ruby color light}}
|class=Magma Leader|classlink=Maxie|name={{color2|000|Maxie}}|sprite=Spr RS Maxie.png
|class2=Magma Admin|name2={{color2|000|Tabitha}}|sprite2=Spr RS Tabitha.png
|game=E|location=Mossdeep Space Center
|move2=Scary Face|move2type=Normal
|move3=Take Down|move3type=Normal
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Wing Attack|move1type=Flying
|move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost
|move3=Air Cutter|move3type=Flying
|move4=Mean Look|move4type=Normal}}
|ability=Magma Armor
|move1=Take Down|move1type=Normal
|move3=Rock Slide|move3type=Rock
{{Party/Div|color={{omega ruby color}}}}
|move1=Focus Energy|move1type=Normal
|move2=Take Down|move2type=Normal
|move4=Rock Slide|move4type=Rock}}
|move3=Scary Face|move3type=Normal
|move4=Take Down|move4type=Normal}}
|ability=Inner Focus
|move2=Wing Attack|move2type=Flying
|move3=Confuse Ray|move3type=Ghost
|move4=Air Cutter|move4type=Flying}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{emerald color light}}; {{roundy}} border: 5px solid #{{emerald color}};"
Having failed at both controlling Groudon and activating the volcano, Maxie begins to questions his goals and wonders if [[Team Aqua]]'s plans are equally misguided. Maxie and his subordinates flee, and Steven invites you to his home. He greets you when you step inside, and hands you {{HM|08|Dive}}. In certain bodies of water, there are dark spots where the water runs unusually deep; using Dive at one of these spots lets you descend to the ocean floor far below. Swim to a point where the sunlight filters down from above and use Dive again to surface. With this move, you will be able to pursue [[Archie]] to the [[Seafloor Cavern]].
==Trick House - Puzzle 6 (optional)==
In [[Trick House]] now you can complete the puzzle 6.
==Route 125 (optional)==
[[File:Hoenn Route 125 E.png|thumb|Route 125]]
Located north of [[Mossdeep City]], {{rt|125|Hoenn}} is an optional area with several potential Secret Base locations. The waterlogged [[Shoal Cave]] stands in the route's center.
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! Trainers
! Trainers
{{trainerentry|RSE CooltrainerM.png|Cooltrainer|Ruben|1632|3|275|Shiftry|♂|34||075|Graveler|♂|34||294|Loudred|♂|34||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Sailor.png|Sailor|Ernest|1056|2|278|Wingull|♂|33||067|Machoke|♂|33||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer M.png|Swimmer|Nolen|272|1|073|Tentacruel|♂|34|}}
{{trainerentry|RSE CooltrainerF.png|Cooltrainer|Alexa|1680|2|044|Gloom|♀|35||184|Azumarill|♀|35||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer F.png|Swimmer|Sharon|272|1|119|Seaking|♀|34|}}
{{trainerentry|RSE Fisherman.png|Fisherman|Wayne|1280|4|072|Tentacool|♂|30||072|Tentacool|♂|30||320|Wailmer|♂|35||073|Tentacruel|♂|32||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer F.png|Swimmer|Tanya|272|1|370|Luvdisc||34|}}
{{trainerentry|RSE TriathaleteSwimM.png|Triathlete|Isaiah|1440|1|120|Staryu||36||38=Nav}}  
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Bird Keeper.png|Bird Keeper|Presley|1056<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Auron</small>|2|357|Tropius||33||178|Xatu|♂|33|}}
{{trainerentry|RSE TriathaleteSwimF.png|Triathlete|Katelyn|1440|1|120|Staryu||36||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Expert M.png|Expert|Auron|1320<br><small>Potential [[Double Battle]] with Presley</small>|2|310|Manectric|♂|33||068|Machamp|♂|33|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Swimmer M.png|Swimmer|Stan|272|1|116|Horsea|♂|34|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Sr and Jr.png|Sr. and Jr.|Kim & Iris|1120|2|333|Swablu|♂|32||322|Numel|♂|35|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Sailor.png|Sailor|Ernest{{tt|*|First rematch}}|1152|3|278|Wingull|♂|36||072|Tentacool|♂|36||067|Machoke||36||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Sailor.png|Sailor|Ernest{{tt|*|Second and third rematch}}|{{tt|1248|Second rematch}}/{{tt|1344|Third rematch}}|3|279|Pelipper|♂|{{tt|39|Second rematch}}/{{tt|42|Third rematch}}||072|Tentacool|♂|{{tt|39|Second rematch}}/{{tt|42|Third rematch}}||067|Machoke|♂|{{tt|39|Second rematch}}/{{tt|42|Third rematch}}||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Sailor.png|Sailor|Ernest{{tt|*|Fourth rematch onwards}}|1440|3|279|Pelipper|♂|45||067|Machoke|♂|45||073|Tentacruel|♂|45||38=Nav}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{emerald color light}}; {{roundy}} border: 5px solid #{{emerald color}};"
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
! Available Pokémon
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|yes|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|yes|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|no|no|yes|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|yes|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|no|no|yes|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|yes|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|no|no|yes|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|370|Luvdisc|yes|yes|yes|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|no|no|yes|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|yes|Fish Super|30-35|45%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|no|no|yes|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|370|Luvdisc|yes|yes|yes|Fish Super|30-35|40%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|no|no|yes|Fish Super|25-45|60%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|222|Corsola|yes|yes|yes|Fish Super|30-35|15%|type1=Water|type2=Rock}}
{{catch/entry3|319|Sharpedo|no|no|yes|Fish Super|30-35|40%|type1=Water|type2=Dark}}
The way to the Pokémon League begins on {{rt|128|Hoenn}}. Whereas the last time you were here, you {{m|Dive|dove}} [[underwater]] to fight [[Team Aqua]] in the [[Seafloor Cavern]], this time you're just going to keep swimming east towards [[Ever Grande City]].
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
|- align="center"
! Items
{{itemlist|Big Pearl|Middle island on the east side|E=yes}}

{{WalkthroughPrevNext |
game=Emerald |
game2=Emerald |
prev=yes |
|prevname=Slateport City, Lilycove City, Aqua Hideout
next=yes |
prevsection=13 |
|nextname=Shoal Cave, Route 127, Route 128, Seafloor Cavern
nextsection=15 |
prevname=Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 132, Route 133 |
nextname=Ever Grande City, Victory Road |}}

{{Project Walkthroughs notice}}
{{Project Walkthroughs notice}}
[[Category:Emerald walkthrough]]
[[Category:Emerald walkthrough]]

Latest revision as of 12:20, 17 August 2024

Route 124

Route 124, Surface

Route 124 holds all sorts of treasure, but most lie on the ocean floor far below. It's not possible to fully explore the area without a certain field move, so for now the route simply serves as a connector between Lilycove to the west, Route 126 to the south, and Mossdeep City to the east.

Treasure Hunter's House


The Treasure Hunter's house stands on a small island to the southeast. He loves to collect Shards, and is happy to trade for them with certain Evolution stones. The kind of Shard you trade him determines the kind of stone you get in return.

Shard Given Stone Received
Red Shard Red Shard Fire Stone Fire Stone
Yellow Shard Yellow Shard Thunder Stone Thunderstone
Blue Shard Blue Shard Water Stone Water Stone
Green Shard Green Shard Leaf Stone Leaf Stone

Mossdeep City

Mossdeep City

Mossdeep City stands perched on an island near Hoenn's eastern edge, where the winds are mild and the weather conditions are stable. This makes it the perfect place for launching rockets, and a perfect home for the Mossdeep Space Center. The seventh Gym in the Hoenn League, run by twin Gym Leaders, is located on the north side of the island, and Steven's house can be found on the island's northwest corner. Scott appears in front of the Space Center.

Move Tutor

The first person you meet upon arriving in Mossdeep is a Black Belt in the shallow water on the island's southwest side. As a Fighting-type Trainer, he's had a difficult time at the local Gym and has resorted to punching the ground to relieve his frustration. Speak to him, and he offers to teach the move DynamicPunch to a Pokémon, one time only.

Steven's House

The house on the island's northwest edge belongs to Steven, and contains part of his rock collection.

Game Corner

A Game Corner is located to the south of the Poké Mart. Inside, Trainers can compete with others from HoennE and KantoFRLG in two mini-games, Pokémon Jump and Dodrio Berry Picking. Communications are made using the Game Boy Advance Wireless Adapter.

Running Errands

Visit the house nearest the stairway to the Space Center to meet a young woman who uses a Wingull to send letters to a friend in Fortree City. Talk to the Wingull and it will take flight, off to deliver another note. If you return to Fortree and visit the Pokémon Breeder in the northeast house there, he will give you a Mental Herb that his Wingull found in its travels.

Score the Super Rod

The house overlooking the Gym belongs to a lone Fisherman. Speak to him to receive the Super Rod, a high-end fishing rod that can reel in all kinds of sea life.

Mossdeep Space Center

The Mossdeep Space Center stands on a hill in the northeast. Steven is inside, standing near a table with a letter emblazoned with the Team Magma logo. It seems that the group has announced its intention of stealing all the rocket fuel on the island. He plans to keep an eye on things for now, and suggests checking out the rest of the city. A Sailor near the viewing area will give you a Sun Stone he found on the beach.

Mossdeep Gym

Mossdeep Gym

Mossdeep City Pokémon Gym
Leaders: Liza & Tate

The mystic combination!

The Mossdeep Gym specializes in Psychic-type Pokémon, which are vulnerable to Dark- and Ghost-type moves. Dark Pokémon are both immune to Psychic moves and able to inflict super-effective damage. Three of the gym leaders' Pokémon have additional weaknesses to Water and Grass. While they're also weak to Bug, Bug attacks are generally too weak to be worthwhile. The Gym features several rooms linked only by warp tiles. Each room contains Trainers and obstacles on spin tiles that rotate when certain tiles are stepped on, changing the path and often bringing challengers within view of opposing Gym Trainers.

Step on the warp tile on the west side of the first room. Begin a battle with Hex Maniac Kathleen and Gentleman Clifford. Go east and step on the purple tile, and then battle Psychic Macey. Continue south and step on the green tile twice; this spins the obstacles in the south-central room. Take the north warp to the west-central room, then the left warp there to the northwest room. Step on the first blue tile twice, battle Gentleman Nate and Psychic Virgil, step on the orange tile three times, battle Hex Maniac Sylvia and Psychic Hannah, step on the second blue tile three times, and step on the first blue tile once to reach the warp tile. Cross the south-central room to the last warp and the Gym Leaders' room.

Twins Tate and Liza send out two Pokémon at once, drawing challengers into a Double Battle. Claydol can boost its already-high Special Defense with Light Screen, and simultaneously hit two of your Pokémon with Earthquake. Xatu's Calm Mind raises both its Special stats, and Confuse Ray allows it to harass the foe. Lunatone can lull its opponent to sleep with Hypnosis, while Solrock can scorch Grass Pokémon looking to target their Rock typing. Three of their Pokémon are weakened by Water moves; by using Surf, you can attack both at once and bring the battle to a quick end. Otherwise, you may want to target one Pokémon at a time in what would essentially become a two-on-one battle.

Mossdeep Gym
The Mind Badge

After the battle, Tate and Liza award you the Mind Badge, which boosts your Pokémon's Special Attack and Special Defense by 10% and enables the use of Dive in the field. The twins also give you TM04 (Calm Mind) as a prize, and register themselves in your PokéNav.

Space Center

After beating the Gym, you find Maxie and several Grunts on their way to the Space Center. Follow them inside and defeat the four Grunts on the first floor. Upstairs, you are ambushed by three more; you fight them one at a time, but with no break between. Farther on, you find Steven confronting Maxie, who reveals his intentions for the rocket fuel. With Groudon gone, he has no need for their base. They're going to cause Mt. Chimney to erupt by dumping the entire supply into the volcano! Steven is shocked, and asks you to join him in battle against Maxie and Tabitha. Steven's team consists of Metang, Skarmory, and Aggron.

VS Maxie, Tabitha

Having failed at both controlling Groudon and activating the volcano, Maxie begins to questions his goals and wonders if Team Aqua's plans are equally misguided. Maxie and his subordinates flee, and Steven invites you to his home. He greets you when you step inside, and hands you HM08 (Dive). In certain bodies of water, there are dark spots where the water runs unusually deep; using Dive at one of these spots lets you descend to the ocean floor far below. Swim to a point where the sunlight filters down from above and use Dive again to surface. With this move, you will be able to pursue Archie to the Seafloor Cavern.

Trick House - Puzzle 6 (optional)

In Trick House now you can complete the puzzle 6.

Route 125 (optional)

Route 125

Located north of Mossdeep City, Route 125 is an optional area with several potential Secret Base locations. The waterlogged Shoal Cave stands in the route's center.

← Part 13 Slateport City, Lilycove City, Aqua Hideout
Shoal Cave, Route 127, Route 128, Seafloor Cavern Part 15 →

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.