Team: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
m Text replacement - "<br>↵{{Mystery Dungeon teams}}" to "{{Mystery Dungeon teams}}"
(66 intermediate revisions by 33 users not shown)
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{{search|groups of Pokémon in the [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon|Mystery Dungeon series]]|the Pokémon carried by [[Pokémon Trainer|Trainers]]|Party}} ''For groups that exploit Pokémon, see [[villainous teams]].''
{{move|Team (Mystery Dungeon)}}
{{search|groups of Pokémon in the [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series]]|the Pokémon carried by [[Pokémon Trainer|Trainers]]|Party}} ''For groups that exploit Pokémon, see [[villainous team]]s. For groups in [[Pokémon GO]], see [[Team (GO)]].''
[[File:PMD Exploration Team artwork.png|thumb|320px|Exploration Team artwork]]
[[File:PMD Exploration Team artwork.png|thumb|320px|Exploration Team artwork]]
'''Teams''' are groups of 2 to 4 Pokémon that are mentioned throughout the [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]] series. Each team has a personal goal they seek to fulfill. They are also found in the {{pkmn|manga}} series, ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Ginji's Rescue Team]]'' and in the {{pkmn|anime}} specials ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters out of the Gate!]]'', ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness]]'' and ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Beyond Time & Darkness]]''.
'''Rescue teams''' (Japanese: '''{{ruby|救助隊|きゅうじょたい}}''' ''rescue teams''), '''exploration teams''' (Japanese: '''{{ruby|探検隊|たんけんたい}}''' ''exploration teams''), and (Japanese: '''{{ruby|冒険団|ぼうけんだん}}''' ''adventure squads'') are groups of two to four Pokémon in the [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series]]. Each team usually has a personal goal they seek to fulfill. They are also found in the ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Ginji's Rescue Team]]'', ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blazing Exploration Team]]'', and [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness (manga) | Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness]] {{pkmn|manga}} and in the {{pkmn|anime}} specials ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters Out of the Gate!]]'', ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness]]'' and ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Beyond Time & Darkness]]''.
==Default player's team names==
===Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team===
* Pokémon
===Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky===
* Poképals
===Rescue Team DX===
* 4 Help
* Allies
* Courage
* Efficiency
* Excitementz
* Fluffehs
* Grit
* Light-Foot
* Lucky Pals
* Pokémon
* ResQ Stars
* Ribbon Clan
* Seedlings
* Sparkly Day
* Spec. Specs
* Tenacity
* Top Helpers
* Top Squad
* Treasure
* Unity
* Wisdom
* Wonder

==In the games==
==In the games==
===Rescue Teams===
===Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team, and Rescue Team DX===
{{MD team/3|red|blue|game=RTDX|Team A.C.T.|jap=チーム{{tt|FLB|エフエルビー}}|rom=Team F.L.B.|065|Alakazam|006|Charizard|248|Tyranitar|rank=Gold|pps=To come close to Lucario's greatness|link=yes}}
{{MD team/3|red|blue|game=RTDX|Team Meanies|jap=イジワルズ|rom=Ijiwarus|094|Gengar|023|Ekans|308|Medicham|pps=Wealth and world domination|link=yes}}
{{MD team/3|red|blue|game=RTDX|Team Shifty|jap=チームテングズ|rom=Team Tengus|275|Shiftry|274|Nuzleaf|274|Nuzleaf|rank=Normal}}
{{MD team/3|red|blue|game=RTDX|Team Constrictor|jap=チームカラミツキ|rom=Team Karamitsuki|224|Octillery|073|Tentacruel|346|Cradily|rank=Silver}}<!--Octillery is female-->
{{MD team/3|red|blue|game=RTDX|Team Hydro|jap=チームハイドロズ|rom=Team Hydros|009|Blastoise|160|Feraligatr|260|Swampert|rank=Bronze}}
{{MD team/3|red|blue|game=RTDX|Team Rumblerock|jap=チームゴロゴロ|rom=Team Gorogoro|076|Golem|075|Graveler|075|Graveler|rank=Normal}}
{{MD team/1|red|blue|game=RTDX|Team Fakers|jap=ウソウソズ|rom=Usousozu|185|Sudowoodo}} <!---Only one member is mentioned in the PKMN News #15 "Poll: Top Two Items" !--->
The game also mentions '''Team Koffing''' (Japanese: '''チームドガース''' ''Team {{tt|Dogars|Koffing}}'')  and '''Team Sea Dragons''' (Japanese: '''シードラズ''' ''Seadras'').

{| align="center"
===Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky===
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|game=E|Team Skull|jap=ドクローズ|rom=Skull and Crossbones|435|Skuntank|109|Koffing|041|Zubat|pps=Be worshipped treasure hunters|link=yes|teamlink=Team Skull (Mystery Dungeon)|pmd=2}}
{{MD team/3|red|blue|A.C.T.|jap=F.L.B.|rom=F.L.B.|065|Alakazam|006|Charizard|248|Tyranitar|rank=Gold|link=yes}}
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|game=E|Team Charm|jap=チャームズ|rom=Charms|428|Lopunny|282|Gardevoir|308|Medicham|rank=Master|link=yes|pps=To hunt and collect treasures without fail|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|game=E|Team AWD|link=yes|jap=チームMAD|rom=Team MAD|024|Arbok|461|Weavile|452|Drapion|pps=Conquer {{color2|{{MD Darkness color dark}}|Zero Isle|link=yes}}, collect Treasures|pmd=2}}
{{MD team/3|red|blue|Meanies|jap=イジワルズ|rom=Ijiwarus|094|Gengar|023|Ekans|308|Medicham|pps=Wealth and world domination|link=yes}}
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|game=E|Team Raider|jap=チームレイダース|rom=Team Raiders|475|Gallade|407|Roserade|464|Rhyperior|rank=Master|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|game=E|Team Razor Wind|jap=チームかまいたち|rom=Team Kamaitachi|335|Zangoose|123|Scyther|028|Sandslash|pmd=2}}
{{MD team/3|red|blue|Shiftry|jap=テングス|rom=Tengus|275|Shiftry|274|Nuzleaf|274|Nuzleaf|rank=Normal}}
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|game=E|Team Glee|jap=ハッピーズ|rom=Happies|175|Togepi|186|Politoed|165|Ledyba|pps=Help others feel happy|pmd=2}}
{{MD team/2|time|darkness|game=E|Team Seedgey|jap=ポッポボー|rom=Poppoboh|016|Pidgey|273|Seedot|pps=Explore unknown dungeons|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/2|time|darkness|game=E|Team Tasty|jap=チームタベラレル|rom=Team {{tt|Taberareru|Edible}}|277|Swellow|265|Wurmple|pmd=2}}
{{MD team/3|red|blue|Constrictor|jap=カラミツキ|rom=Karamitsuki|224|Octillery|073|Tentacruel|346|Cradily|rank=Silver}}<!--Octillery is female-->
{{MD team/2|time|darkness|game=E|Team Ebony|jap=マックロー|rom={{tt|Makkuroh|Pitch-black}}|353|Shuppet|198|Murkrow|rank=Silver|pps=Find rare treasures|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|game=E|Team Poochy|jap=ポチエナズ|rom={{tt|Pochienas|Poochyenas}}|261|Poochyena|261|Poochyena|261|Poochyena|pps=Track Rank C criminals|pmd=2}}
{{MD team/3|red|blue|Hydro|jap=ハイドロズ|rom=Hydros|009|Blastoise|160|Feraligatr|260|Swampert|rank=Bronze}}
{{MD team/2|time|darkness|game=E|Team Slacker|jap=チームタルイーズ|rom=Team Taruīzu|287|Slakoth|079|Slowpoke|pps=To have zero motivation|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|game=E|Team Flame|jap=チームフレイム|rom=Team Flame|069|Bellsprout|323|Camerupt|077|Ponyta|pmd=2}}
{{MD team/3|red|blue|Rumblerock|jap=ゴロゴロ|rom=Gorogoro|076|Golem|075|Graveler|075|Graveler|rank=Normal}}
{{MD team/3|sky|sky|game=E|Team Frontier|jap=チームフロンティア|rom=Team Frontier|067|Machoke|286|Breloom|303|Mawile|pps=Help teams climb Sky Peak|pmd=2}}
{{MD team/3|sky|sky|game=E|Team Rogue|jap=アクトーズ|rom=Actors|459|Snover|207|Gligar|371|Bagon|pps=Lure targets, then rob them|pmd=2}}

===Exploration Teams===
===Super Mystery Dungeon===
{{MD team/3|blue|blue|game=3DS|Unknown|jap=Unknown|rom= |118|Goldeen|099|Kingler|368|Gorebyss|rank=Unknown|pps=Unknown|pmd=4}}

{| align="center"
==In the anime==
===''Team Go-Getters Out of the Gate!''===
| valign="top" width="33%" |
[[File:Team Go-Getters.png|thumb|250px|Team Go-Getters]]
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|Skull|jap=ドクローズ|rom={{tt|Dokurohs|Skulls}}|435|Skuntank|109|Koffing|041|Zubat|pps=Be worshipped treasure hunters|link=yes|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|red|blue|game=RT|Team Go-Getters|jap=ガンバルズ|rom=Ganbarus|007|Squirtle|152|Chikorita|004|Charmander|rank=Normal|link=yes}}
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|Charm|jap=???|rom=???|428|Lopunny|282|Gardevoir|308|Medicham|rank=Master|link=yes|pps=To hunt and collect treasures without fail|pmd=2}}
{{MD team/3|red|blue|game=RT|Team Meanies|jap=イジワルズ|rom=Ijiwarus|094|Gengar|023|Ekans|308|Medicham|rank=Normal|link=yes}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|red|blue|game=RT|Team A.C.T.|jap=チーム{{tt|FLB|エフエルビー}}|rom=Team F.L.B.|065|Alakazam|006|Charizard|248|Tyranitar|rank=Gold|link=yes}}
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|AWD|link=yes|jap=MAD|rom=MAD|024|Arbok|461|Weavile|452|Drapion|pps=Conquer {{color2|{{MD Darkness color dark}}|Zero Isle|link=yes}}|pmd=2}}<!--Weavile is female-->
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|Raider|jap=???|rom=???|475|Gallade|407|Roserade|464|Rhyperior|rank=Master|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|Razor Wind|jap=かまいたち|rom=Kamaitachi|335|Zangoose|123|Scyther|028|Sandslash|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|Glee|jap=ハッピーズ|rom=Happies|175|Togepi|186|Politoed|165|Ledyba|pps=Help others feel happy|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/2|time|darkness|Seedgey|jap=ポッポボー|rom=Poppoboh|016|Pidgey|273|Seedot|pps=Explore unknown dungeons|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/2|time|darkness|Tasty|jap=タベラレル|rom={{tt|Taberareru|Edible}}|277|Swellow|265|Wurmple|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/2|time|darkness|Ebony|jap=マックロー|rom={{tt|Makkuroh|Pitch-black}}|353|Shuppet|198|Murkrow|rank=Silver|pps=Find rare treaures|pmd=2}}<!--Shuppet is female-->
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|Poochy|jap=ポチエナズ|rom={{tt|Pochienas|Poochyenas}}|261|Poochyena|261|Poochyena|261|Poochyena|pps=Track Rank C criminals|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/2|time|darkness|Slacker|jap=???|rom=???|287|Slakoth|079|Slowpoke|pps=To have zero motivation|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|Flame|jap=???|rom=???|069|Bellsprout|323|Camerupt|077|Ponyta|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|sky|sky|Frontier|jap=???|rom=???|067|Machoke|286|Breloom|303|Mawile|pps=Help teams climb Sky Peak}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|sky|sky|Rogue|jap=???|rom=???|459|Snover|207|Gligar|371|Bagon|pps=Lure targets, then rob them|pmd=2}}

==In the {{pkmn|anime}}==
===''Explorers of Time & Darkness'' and ''Explorers of Sky - Beyond Time & Darkness''===
[[File:SS019.png|thumb|right|Team Go-Getters]]
{| align="center"
{{MD team/2|sky|time|game=E|Team Poképals|jap=ポケダンズ|rom=Pokédans|393|Piplup|390|Chimchar|rank=Gold|link=yes|pmd=2}}
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|game=E|Team Razor Wind|jap=チームかまいたち|rom=Team Kamaitachi|335|Zangoose|123|Scyther|028|Sandslash|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|red|blue|Go-Getters|jap=ガンバルズ|rom=Ganbarus|007|Squirtle|152|Chikorita|004|Charmander|link=yes}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/2|sky|time|Poképals|jap=ポケダンズ|rom=Pokédans|393|Piplup|390|Chimchar|rank=Gold|link=yes|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="33%" |
{{MD team/3|red|blue|A.C.T.|jap=F.L.B.|rom=F.L.B.|065|Alakazam|006|Charizard|248|Tyranitar|rank=Gold|link=yes}}

==In the {{pkmn|manga}}==
==In the manga==
===Ginji's Rescue Team===
===Ginji's Rescue Team===
{| align="center"
{{MD team/2|red|blue|game=RT|Ginji's Rescue Team|jap=ギンジの救助隊|rom=Ginji's Rescue Team|4=255|5=Torchic|name1=Ginji|6=258|7=Mudkip|rank=Normal}}
| valign="top" width="50%" |
{{MD team/3|red|blue|game=RT|Team A.C.T.|jap=チーム{{tt|FLB|エフエルビー}}|rom=Team F.L.B.|065|Alakazam|006|Charizard|248|Tyranitar|rank=Gold|link=yes}}
{{MD team/2|red|blue|team=Ginji's Rescue Team|jp=ギンジの救助隊|rm=Ginji's Rescue Team|4=255|5=Torchic|name1=Ginji|6=258|7=Mudkip}}
| valign="top" width="50%" |
{{MD team/3|red|blue|A.C.T.|jap=F.L.B.|rom=F.L.B.|065|Alakazam|006|Charizard|248|Tyranitar|rank=Gold|link=yes}}

===Blazing Exploration Team===
===Blazing Exploration Team===
{| align="center"
{{MD team/2|time|darkness|game=E|Team Blaze|jap=チーム{{tt|炎|ホノオ}}|rom=Team Blaze|4=390|5=Chimchar|name1=Honō|6=158|7=Totodile|pmd=2}}
| valign="top" width="50%" |
{{MD team/2|red|blue|team=Team Blaze|jp=???|rm=Team Blaze|4=390|5=Chimchar|name1=Honō|6=158|7=Totodile}}
===Explorers of Time and Darkness===
{{MD team/2|time|darkness|game=E|Team Poképals|link=yes|jap=ポケダンズ|rom=Pokédans|4=390|5=Chimchar|6=387|7=Turtwig|rank=Normal|pmd=2}}
{{MD team/3|time|darkness|game=E|Team AWD|link=yes|jap=チームMAD|rom=Team MAD|024|Arbok|461|Weavile|452|Drapion|pps=Unknown|pmd=2}}
==In other languages==
<div style="display:inline-block">
''Rescue team''
{{langtable|color={{MD Red color}}|bordercolor={{MD Blue color dark}}
|fr=Équipe de secours
|it=Squadra di Soccorso
|ko=구조대 ''Gujodae''
|pl=Ekipa ratunkowa{{tt|*|DX gameplay trailer 1}}<br/>Zespół ratunkowy{{tt|*|DX gameplay trailer 2}}
|pt_br=Equipe de resgate
|pt_eu=Equipa de Resgate{{tt|*|Blue Rescue Team manual}}
|es=Equipo de rescate
<div style="display:inline-block">
''Exploration team''
{{langtable|color={{MD Time color}}|bordercolor={{MD Darkness color dark}}
|da=Udforskingshold{{tt|*|Explorers manual}}
|fr=Équipe d'exploration
|it=Squadra di esplorazione
|ko=탐험대 ''Tamheomdae''
|pt_eu=Equipa de Exploração{{tt|*|Explorers manual}}
|es=Equipo de exploración
|sv=Utforskarteam{{tt|*|Explorers manual}}

{{Mystery Dungeon teams}}<br>
{{stub}}{{Mystery Dungeon teams}}<br>
{{Project Sidegames notice}}
{{Project Sidegames notice}}

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[[es:Equipo de rescate]]
[[it:Squadra (Mystery Dungeon)]]

Latest revision as of 22:50, 4 September 2024

It has been suggested that this article be moved to Team (Mystery Dungeon).
Please discuss whether or not to move it on its talk page.

This article is about the groups of Pokémon in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. For the Pokémon carried by Trainers, see Party. For groups that exploit Pokémon, see villainous teams. For groups in Pokémon GO, see Team (GO).

Exploration Team artwork

Rescue teams (Japanese: 救助隊(きゅうじょたい) rescue teams), exploration teams (Japanese: 探検隊(たんけんたい) exploration teams), and (Japanese: 冒険団(ぼうけんだん) adventure squads) are groups of two to four Pokémon in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. Each team usually has a personal goal they seek to fulfill. They are also found in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Ginji's Rescue Team, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blazing Exploration Team, and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness manga and in the anime specials Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters Out of the Gate!, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Beyond Time & Darkness.

Default player's team names

Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team

  • Pokémon

Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky

  • Poképals

Rescue Team DX

  • 4 Help
  • Allies
  • Courage
  • Efficiency
  • Excitementz
  • Fluffehs
  • Grit
  • Light-Foot
  • Lucky Pals
  • Pokémon
  • ResQ Stars
  • Ribbon Clan
  • Seedlings
  • Sparkly Day
  • Spec. Specs
  • Tenacity
  • Top Helpers
  • Top Squad
  • Treasure
  • Unity
  • Wisdom
  • Wonder

In the games

Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team, and Rescue Team DX

Team A.C.T.
チームFLB Team F.L.B.
Alakazam Charizard Tyranitar
Rank: Gold
Purpose: To come close to Lucario's greatness
Team Meanies
イジワルズ Ijiwarus
Gengar Ekans Medicham
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Wealth and world domination
Team Shifty
チームテングズ Team Tengus
Shiftry Nuzleaf Nuzleaf
Rank: Normal
Purpose: Unknown
Team Constrictor
チームカラミツキ Team Karamitsuki
Octillery Tentacruel Cradily
Rank: Silver
Purpose: Unknown
Team Hydro
チームハイドロズ Team Hydros
Blastoise Feraligatr Swampert
Rank: Bronze
Purpose: Unknown
Team Rumblerock
チームゴロゴロ Team Gorogoro
Golem Graveler Graveler
Rank: Normal
Purpose: Unknown
Team Fakers
ウソウソズ Usousozu
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Unknown

The game also mentions Team Koffing (Japanese: チームドガース Team Dogars) and Team Sea Dragons (Japanese: シードラズ Seadras).

Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky

Team Skull
ドクローズ Skull and Crossbones
Skuntank Koffing Zubat
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Be worshipped treasure hunters
Team Charm
チャームズ Charms
Lopunny Gardevoir Medicham
Rank: Master
Purpose: To hunt and collect treasures without fail
Team AWD
チームMAD Team MAD
Arbok Weavile Drapion
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Conquer Zero Isle, collect Treasures
Team Raider
チームレイダース Team Raiders
Gallade Roserade Rhyperior
Rank: Master
Purpose: Unknown
Team Razor Wind
チームかまいたち Team Kamaitachi
Zangoose Scyther Sandslash
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Unknown
Team Glee
ハッピーズ Happies
Togepi Politoed Ledyba
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Help others feel happy
Team Seedgey
ポッポボー Poppoboh
Pidgey Seedot
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Explore unknown dungeons
Team Tasty
チームタベラレル Team Taberareru
Swellow Wurmple
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Unknown
Team Ebony
マックロー Makkuroh
Shuppet Murkrow
Rank: Silver
Purpose: Find rare treasures
Team Poochy
ポチエナズ Pochienas
Poochyena Poochyena Poochyena
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Track Rank C criminals
Team Slacker
チームタルイーズ Team Taruīzu
Slakoth Slowpoke
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: To have zero motivation
Team Flame
チームフレイム Team Flame
Bellsprout Camerupt Ponyta
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Unknown
Team Frontier
チームフロンティア Team Frontier
Machoke Breloom Mawile
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Help teams climb Sky Peak
Team Rogue
アクトーズ Actors
Snover Gligar Bagon
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Lure targets, then rob them

Super Mystery Dungeon

Unknown '
Goldeen Kingler Gorebyss
Purpose: Unknown

In the anime

Team Go-Getters Out of the Gate!

Team Go-Getters
Team Go-Getters
ガンバルズ Ganbarus
Squirtle Chikorita Charmander
Rank: Normal
Purpose: Unknown
Team Meanies
イジワルズ Ijiwarus
Gengar Ekans Medicham
Rank: Normal
Purpose: Unknown
Team A.C.T.
チームFLB Team F.L.B.
Alakazam Charizard Tyranitar
Rank: Gold
Purpose: Unknown

Explorers of Time & Darkness and Explorers of Sky - Beyond Time & Darkness

Team Poképals
ポケダンズ Pokédans
Piplup Chimchar
Rank: Gold
Purpose: Unknown
Team Razor Wind
チームかまいたち Team Kamaitachi
Zangoose Scyther Sandslash
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Unknown

In the manga

Ginji's Rescue Team

Ginji's Rescue Team
ギンジの救助隊 Ginji's Rescue Team
Ginji Mudkip
Rank: Normal
Purpose: Unknown
Team A.C.T.
チームFLB Team F.L.B.
Alakazam Charizard Tyranitar
Rank: Gold
Purpose: Unknown

Blazing Exploration Team

Team Blaze
チーム Team Blaze
Honō Totodile
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Unknown

Explorers of Time and Darkness

Team Poképals
ポケダンズ Pokédans
Chimchar Turtwig
Rank: Normal
Purpose: Unknown
Team AWD
チームMAD Team MAD
Arbok Weavile Drapion
Rank: Unknown
Purpose: Unknown

In other languages

Rescue team

Language Title
French Équipe de secours
German Retterteam
Italian Squadra di Soccorso
Korean 구조대 Gujodae
Polish Ekipa ratunkowa*
Zespół ratunkowy*
Portuguese Brazil Equipe de resgate
Portugal Equipa de Resgate*
Spanish Equipo de rescate

Exploration team

Language Title
Danish Udforskingshold*
French Équipe d'exploration
German Erkundungsteam
Italian Squadra di esplorazione
Korean 탐험대 Tamheomdae
European Portuguese Equipa de Exploração*
Spanish Equipo de exploración
Swedish Utforskarteam*

This article is a stub. You can help Bulbapedia by expanding it.
Rescue Teams: Team Go-GettersTeam MeaniesTeam A.C.T.
Exploration Teams: Team PoképalsTeam SkullTeam CharmTeam AWD

This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.