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trainername=Silver |
pokemonname=Weavile |
jtrainername=シルバー |
jpokemonname=マニューラ |
tmtrainername=Silver |
tmpokemonname=Manyula |
|image=[[File:Silver Weavile.png|240px]]
image=[[File:Silver Weavile.png|240px]] |
|caption=Silver's Weavile
caption=Silver's Weavile |
location=Unknown |
|ability={{a|Inner Focus}}{{tt|*|As a Sneasel}}<br>{{a|Pressure}}{{tt|*|As a Weavile}}
ability={{a|Pressure}} |
nature=Quirky |
type1=Dark |
type2=Ice |
media=special |
evolution=1 |
epnum=PS092 |
numeps1=353 |
firststagename=Sneasel |
|epname=Who Gives a Hoothoot?
pokemonname=Weavile |
epnum=PS092 |
|firstevoname=Dealing With A Koffing Fit
epname=Hoothoot Time |
epname=Murkrow Row |
firstevoep=PS445 |
|current=[[Party|With Silver]]
firstevoname=VS Weavile |
prevonum=215 |
evo1num=461 |
prevonum=215 |
current=[[Party|With Silver]] |
va=no |

'''Silver's Weavile''' (Japanese: '''シルバーのマニューラ''' ''Silver's Manyula'') is one of the [[Pokémon]] that {{adv|Silver}} owns in the [[Pokémon Adventures]] {{pkmn|manga}}. It is unknown where {{p|Weavile}} was obtained, as it was Silver's very first Pokémon before he was abducted at two years old.
'''Silver's Weavile''' (Japanese: '''シルバーのマニューラ''' ''Silver's Manyula'') is a {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} that {{adv|Silver}} owns in [[Pokémon Adventures]] and is his [[List of characters' first Pokémon|first Pokémon]], given to him by his father {{adv|Giovanni}}. As of ''[[PS454|All About Arceus III]]'', he is at [[level]] 84 and his [[Characteristic]] is that he "likes to fight."

[[Image:Silver Sneasel Adventures.png|thumb|left|200px|As a Sneasel]]
==={{MangaArc|Gold, Silver & Crystal}}===
Weavile has been with Silver since childhood, when he was a Sneasel. He was with Silver when the [[Masked Man]] kidnapped him, helping him whenever he needs to. He seems to remember about Silver's childhood before the Masked Man's kidnapping, as seen when his memories were read by {{adv|Yellow}}, although he did not remember everything fully even with [[Lance]] digging through the deepest recess of his mind until he saw {{adv|Giovanni}}'s broken statue at the end of the {{chap|FireRed & LeafGreen}}, most likely due to the trauma of the kidnapping, which {{adv|Yellow}} was then able to catch with her mysterious powers and illustrate on her notebook.
[[File:Silver and Weavile.png|thumb|200px|left|Weavile and Silver]]
Weavile has been with {{adv|Silver}} since childhood, when he was a Sneasel and was given to Silver by his {{adv|Giovanni|father}}. He was one of two Pokémon Silver was known to have while he lived with the [[Masked Man]], and was with him when he was captured. Sneasel would eventually help Silver and {{adv|Green}} escape from the Masked Man, allowing them to start a new life.

Weavile is quickwitted and cares very deeply for Silver. He is seen alongside him very frequently, often even out of the Ball more than his other captures.
Sneasel first showed up at the end of ''[[PS092|Who Gives a Hoothoot?]]'' alongside Silver, getting ready to steal one of [[Professor Elm]]'s Pokémon. In the [[PS093|next chapter]] Sneasel battled [[Aibo]] in an attempt to keep {{adv|Gold}} from taking [[Professor Elm]]'s {{TP|Silver|Totodile}} back. Aibo attacked with {{m|Scratch}} and Sneasel blocked it with {{m|Protect}}. Gold then recalled Aibo and used his billiard cue to shoot Aibo behind Sneasel, landing a direct hit. After the two escaped Sneasel fought some {{tc|Team Rocket Grunt}}s, defeating one of their {{p|Elekid}}.

In the {{chap|HeartGold & SoulSilver}}, Sneasel had evolved into {{p|Weavile}} due to holding a [[Razor Claw]] after battling against [[Team Rocket]]'s {{p|Koffing}}. This happened simultaneously with his {{p|Murkrow}}, which became a {{p|Honchkrow}}, making all of Silver's known Pokémon fully evolved.
In ''[[PS111|Tyranitar War]]'', Sneasel battled Gold and his {{p|Sunkern|Sunbo}}. Sneasel freezes the seed Pokémon with {{m|Blizzard}} to keep her from supporting [[Exbo]] with {{m|Sunny Day}}. Sneasel manages to dodge Exbo's {{m|Ember}} attacks, which makes Gold switch out for [[Sudobo]]. Sudobo gets the upper hand by attacking with super-effective {{type|Fighting}} moves, forcing Silver to recall him.
[[File:Silver Sneasel battling Masked Man.png|thumb|left|200px|Sneasel battling the Masked Man]]
In ''[[PS113|Delibird Delivery - 1]]'', Sneasel fought the Masked Man. He and Exbo attack his {{p|Delibird}} and manage to put some distance between the Masked Man and their {{pkmn|Trainer}}s. The Masked Man then sends out {{p|Ariados}} and {{p|Houndour}} and Sneasel and Exbo attack with {{m|Flame Wheel}} and {{m|Icy Wind}}. The two Pokémon of the villain's suddenly disappear, and Gold, Sneasel, and Exbo are hit by a minor surprise attack afterwards. The Masked Man then suddenly appears beside Silver, and taunts him by mockingly asking if Green survived when they made their escape, angering him. Losing his cool, Silver commands a {{m|Quick Attack}} from Sneasel, but neither it nor a {{m|Rock Smash}} succeed in even touching him. The Masked Man soon flees and Silver gives chase, but he and his Pokémon are defeated.
In ''[[PS160|Playful Porygon2]]'', Sneasel fought [[Blue's Porygon2]] before they were interrupted by {{DL|Legendary beasts (Adventures)|Entei}}. In ''[[PS177|The Last Battle XI]]'', Sneasel battled alongside Silver's other Pokémon to defeat [[Will]] by attacking with {{m|Beat Up}}.
==={{MangaArc|FireRed & LeafGreen}}===
In ''[[PS287|Secrets from Sneasel]]'', Silver and Sneasel arrive in their hometown [[Viridian City]]. Due to being back Sneasel's memories of the kidnapping begin to faintly come back, and with {{adv|Yellow}}'s help they manage to recover most of it, which helps Silver figure out who his father is.
==={{MangaArc|HeartGold & SoulSilver}}===
[[File:Razor Claw Dusk Stone Adventures.png|thumb|left|200px|The Razor Claw Sneasel used to evolve]]
[[File:Silver Weavile battling Johto Gym Leaders.png|thumb|200px|Weavlile attacking the Gym Leaders]]
In ''[[PS445|Dealing With A Koffing Fit]]'', Silver arrives at [[Lance]]'s [[Whirl Islands|secret hideout]] and is soon attacked by a group of [[Petrel]]'s {{p|Koffing}}. Sneasel and the rest of Silver's team manage to drive them off with Sneasel {{m|Thief|stealing}} a [[Plate]] that one was holding. Soon after Sneasel and {{TP|Silver|Murkrow}} [[Evolution|evolve]] into {{p|Weavile}} and {{p|Honchkrow}} due to the [[Razor Claw]] and [[Dusk Stone]] that were given to them by Green.
In ''[[PS446|Weavile Wobbles But It Won't Fall Down]]'', Weavile battled Petrel. Silver had Weavile freeze Petrel's Koffing's vents with Icy Wind to block off it's poisonous gas, but Petrel states that enough of the gas has already been released. Within the gas Petrel's {{p|Raticate}} strikes Weavile with {{m|Hyper Fang}} and destroys the rope bridge that the group is standing on. {{TP|Silver|Gyarados}} manages to save them and Weavile goes and holds Petrel at claw-point. Due to his disguise abilities Weavile lets his guard down and Petrel escapes, but not before his Plates are stolen.
In ''[[PS449|Raising the Stakes with Rhyperior]]'', Weavile battled the [[Johto]] [[Gym Leader]]s [[Falkner]], [[Bugsy]], and [[Chuck]]. Weavile easily defeats Falkner's {{p|Noctowl}} and Bugsy's {{p|Kakuna}}, but was taken down by a {{m|Triple Kick}} from Chuck's {{p|Hitmontop}}. In ''[[PS454|All About Arceus III]]'', Weavile managed to collect all 16 Plates for Silver with help from wild Sneasel and Weavile.
In ''[[PS455|All About Arceus IV]]'', Weavile fought Petrel's {{p|Golbat}}, which was a distraction from [[Team Rocket]] so that [[Archer]] could remain uninterrupted during {{adv|Arceus}}'s enshrining process at the [[Sinjoh Ruins]].
In ''[[PS459|All About Arceus VIII]]'', Weavile participated in the battle at the Sinjoh Ruins. Weavile is seen using {{m|Assurance}} to attack {{DL|Pokémon of Myth (Adventures)|Giratina}}.
==Personality and characteristics==
Being with {{adv|Silver}} since their childhood, Weavile has a strong relationship with him and cares deeply for him. He is seen alongside him very frequently, often even out of his {{i|Poké Ball}}. Weavile is quick witted and very powerful, often using his speed and cunning nature to outmaneuver his opponents. Like Silver, Weavile can become very dedicated and serious when the situation calls for it.
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; background: #{{dark color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 3px solid #{{dark color dark}}"
! style="background:#{{ice color light}}; {{roundytop|5px}}" | As a {{p|Sneasel}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| [[File:Silver Sneasel.png|200px]]

==Moves used==
==Moves used==
{{anmov/h|dark|ice|Silver {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 5}}|0=Weavile Icy Wind|1=Sneasel Protect|2=Sneasel Faint Attack|3=Sneasel Ice Punch|4=Sneasel Blizzard}}.png|Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 5}}|0=Icy Wind|1=Protect as a Sneasel|2=Faint Attack as a Sneasel|3=Ice Punch as a Sneasel|4=Blizzard as a Sneasel}}|image2=Silver Sneasel {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=Quick Attack|1=Rock Smash|2=Thief|3=Beat Up}}.png|caption2=Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=Quick Attack|1=Rock Smash|2=Thief|3=Beat Up}} as a Sneasel}}
{{anmov/h|dark|ice|Silver {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 5}}|0=Weavile Icy Wind|1=Weavile Assurance|2=Sneasel Protect|3=Sneasel Faint Attack|4=Sneasel Blizzard}}.png|Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 5}}|0=Icy Wind|1=Assurance|2=Protect as a Sneasel|3=Feint Attack as a Sneasel|4=Blizzard as a Sneasel}}|image2=Silver Sneasel {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 5}}|0=Quick Attack|1=Rock Smash|2=Thief|3=Beat Up|4=Icy Wind}}.png|caption2=Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 5}}|0=Quick Attack|1=Rock Smash|2=Thief|3=Beat Up|4=Icy Wind}} as a Sneasel}}
{{anmov|Ice|Icy Wind|PS093|Sneasel Sneak Attack|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|Ice|Icy Wind|PS093|Sneasel Sneak Attack|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|Normal|Protect|PS093|Sneasel Sneak Attack}}
{{anmov|Normal|Protect|PS093|Sneasel Sneak Attack}}
{{anmov|Dark|Faint Attack|PS094|Elekid Incorporated}}
{{anmov|Dark|Feint Attack|PS094|Elekid Incorporated}}
{{anmov|Ice|Ice Punch|PS101|Teddiursa's Picnic}}
{{anmov|Ice|Blizzard|PS111|Tyranitar War}}
{{anmov|Ice|Blizzard|PS111|Tyranitar War}}
{{anmov|Normal|Quick Attack|PS114|Delibird Delivery - 2}}
{{anmov|Normal|Quick Attack|PS114|Delibird Delivery - 2}}
Line 54: Line 80:
{{anmov|Dark|Thief|PS162|Heckled by Hitmontop|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|Dark|Thief|PS162|Heckled by Hitmontop|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|Dark|Beat Up|PS177|The Last Battle XI}}
{{anmov|Dark|Beat Up|PS177|The Last Battle XI}}
{{anmov|Normal|Slash|PS449|VS Rhyperior|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|Dark|Assurance|PS459|All About Arceus VIII|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|Dark|Assurance|PS459|VS Arceus VIII|rec=yes}}
==In the games==
Silver's Weavile is based on a Sneasel belonging to {{ga|Silver|his game counterpart}} in {{game2|Gold|Silver|Crystal}} and their [[Generation IV]] remakes, {{game|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s}}. In the games, Silver steals a Sneasel from a Trainer in [[Cianwood City]].
The first time Silver uses his Sneasel in battle against the {{player}}, his moveset is:
{{Pokémon|gen=2|game=Gold|ndex=215|pokemon=Sneasel|gender=male|level=32|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move2=Leer|move2type=Normal|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal|move4=Screech|move4type=Normal}}
==={{game|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s}}===
{{Pokémon|gen=4|game=HeartGold and SoulSilver|ndex=215 m|pokemon=Sneasel
|gender=male|level=32|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Faint Attack|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Quick Attack|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Icy Wind|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move4=Fury Swipes|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}

* Weavile's [[Characteristic]] is "quick tempered."
* In the VIZ Media edition of [[Pokémon Adventures volume 41]], Weavile, along with {{TP|Silver|Honchkrow}}, are mistakenly labeled as females.
* At level 84, Weavile is the highest leveled Pokémon belonging to Silver.

==Related articles==
==See also==
{{Silver's Pokémon|dark|ice}}
{{Silver's Pokémon|dark|ice}}
{{Project Manga notice}}
{{Giovanni's Pokémon Adventures|dark|ice}}
{{DoubleProjectTag|CharacterDex|Manga|[[Pokémon manga]] characters.}}

[[Category:Silver's Pokémon|Weavile]]
[[Category:Silver's Pokémon|Weavile]]
[[Category:Giovanni's Pokémon|Sneasel]]
[[Category:Male characters (Pokémon)|Weavile]]
[[Category:Adventures characters' first Pokémon|Weavile, Silver's]]

[[de:Silbers Snibunna]]
[[es:Weavile de Silver/Plata]]
[[fr:Dimoret d'Argent]]
[[it:Weavile di Argento]]

Latest revision as of 05:23, 4 July 2024

Silver's Weavile
シルバーのマニューラ Silver's Manyula

Silver's Weavile
Debuts in Who Gives a Hoothoot?
Caught at Unknown
Evolves in Dealing With A Koffing Fit
Gender Male
Ability Inner Focus*
Nature Quirky
Current location With Silver
This Pokémon spent 353 chapters as Sneasel.

Silver's Weavile (Japanese: シルバーのマニューラ Silver's Manyula) is a Pokémon that Silver owns in Pokémon Adventures and is his first Pokémon, given to him by his father Giovanni. As of All About Arceus III, he is at level 84 and his Characteristic is that he "likes to fight."


Gold, Silver & Crystal arc

Weavile and Silver

Weavile has been with Silver since childhood, when he was a Sneasel and was given to Silver by his father. He was one of two Pokémon Silver was known to have while he lived with the Masked Man, and was with him when he was captured. Sneasel would eventually help Silver and Green escape from the Masked Man, allowing them to start a new life.

Sneasel first showed up at the end of Who Gives a Hoothoot? alongside Silver, getting ready to steal one of Professor Elm's Pokémon. In the next chapter Sneasel battled Aibo in an attempt to keep Gold from taking Professor Elm's Totodile back. Aibo attacked with Scratch and Sneasel blocked it with Protect. Gold then recalled Aibo and used his billiard cue to shoot Aibo behind Sneasel, landing a direct hit. After the two escaped Sneasel fought some Team Rocket Grunts, defeating one of their Elekid.

In Tyranitar War, Sneasel battled Gold and his Sunbo. Sneasel freezes the seed Pokémon with Blizzard to keep her from supporting Exbo with Sunny Day. Sneasel manages to dodge Exbo's Ember attacks, which makes Gold switch out for Sudobo. Sudobo gets the upper hand by attacking with super-effective Fighting-type moves, forcing Silver to recall him.

Sneasel battling the Masked Man

In Delibird Delivery - 1, Sneasel fought the Masked Man. He and Exbo attack his Delibird and manage to put some distance between the Masked Man and their Trainers. The Masked Man then sends out Ariados and Houndour and Sneasel and Exbo attack with Flame Wheel and Icy Wind. The two Pokémon of the villain's suddenly disappear, and Gold, Sneasel, and Exbo are hit by a minor surprise attack afterwards. The Masked Man then suddenly appears beside Silver, and taunts him by mockingly asking if Green survived when they made their escape, angering him. Losing his cool, Silver commands a Quick Attack from Sneasel, but neither it nor a Rock Smash succeed in even touching him. The Masked Man soon flees and Silver gives chase, but he and his Pokémon are defeated.

In Playful Porygon2, Sneasel fought Blue's Porygon2 before they were interrupted by Entei. In The Last Battle XI, Sneasel battled alongside Silver's other Pokémon to defeat Will by attacking with Beat Up.

FireRed & LeafGreen arc

In Secrets from Sneasel, Silver and Sneasel arrive in their hometown Viridian City. Due to being back Sneasel's memories of the kidnapping begin to faintly come back, and with Yellow's help they manage to recover most of it, which helps Silver figure out who his father is.

HeartGold & SoulSilver arc

The Razor Claw Sneasel used to evolve
Weavlile attacking the Gym Leaders

In Dealing With A Koffing Fit, Silver arrives at Lance's secret hideout and is soon attacked by a group of Petrel's Koffing. Sneasel and the rest of Silver's team manage to drive them off with Sneasel stealing a Plate that one was holding. Soon after Sneasel and Murkrow evolve into Weavile and Honchkrow due to the Razor Claw and Dusk Stone that were given to them by Green.

In Weavile Wobbles But It Won't Fall Down, Weavile battled Petrel. Silver had Weavile freeze Petrel's Koffing's vents with Icy Wind to block off it's poisonous gas, but Petrel states that enough of the gas has already been released. Within the gas Petrel's Raticate strikes Weavile with Hyper Fang and destroys the rope bridge that the group is standing on. Gyarados manages to save them and Weavile goes and holds Petrel at claw-point. Due to his disguise abilities Weavile lets his guard down and Petrel escapes, but not before his Plates are stolen.

In Raising the Stakes with Rhyperior, Weavile battled the Johto Gym Leaders Falkner, Bugsy, and Chuck. Weavile easily defeats Falkner's Noctowl and Bugsy's Kakuna, but was taken down by a Triple Kick from Chuck's Hitmontop. In All About Arceus III, Weavile managed to collect all 16 Plates for Silver with help from wild Sneasel and Weavile.

In All About Arceus IV, Weavile fought Petrel's Golbat, which was a distraction from Team Rocket so that Archer could remain uninterrupted during Arceus's enshrining process at the Sinjoh Ruins.

In All About Arceus VIII, Weavile participated in the battle at the Sinjoh Ruins. Weavile is seen using Assurance to attack Giratina.

Personality and characteristics

Being with Silver since their childhood, Weavile has a strong relationship with him and cares deeply for him. He is seen alongside him very frequently, often even out of his Poké Ball. Weavile is quick witted and very powerful, often using his speed and cunning nature to outmaneuver his opponents. Like Silver, Weavile can become very dedicated and serious when the situation calls for it.


As a Sneasel

Moves used

Using Feint Attack as a Sneasel
Using Beat Up as a Sneasel
Move First Used In
Icy Wind  Sneasel Sneak Attack
Protect Sneasel Sneak Attack
Feint Attack Elekid Incorporated
Blizzard Tyranitar War
Quick Attack Delibird Delivery - 2
Rock Smash Delibird Delivery - 2
Thief  Heckled by Hitmontop
Beat Up The Last Battle XI
Assurance  All About Arceus VIII
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


  • In the VIZ Media edition of Pokémon Adventures volume 41, Weavile, along with Honchkrow, are mistakenly labeled as females.
  • At level 84, Weavile is the highest leveled Pokémon belonging to Silver.

See also

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Sneasel and Weavile.

This article is part of both Project CharacterDex and Project Manga, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on Pokémon manga characters.