Appendix:Ruby and Sapphire walkthrough/Section 10: Difference between revisions

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Arceus101 (talk | contribs)
m relink after list of decorations page moves
(33 intermediate revisions by 16 users not shown)
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==Route 120 cont.==
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==Fortree City==
[[File:Fortree City RS.png|thumb|250px|Fortree City]]
[[Fortree City]] is located in an old-growth forest with many towering trees. These ancient arbors are so large that the residents were able to build cozy homes among their branches. The [[Fortree Gym]] can be found in the heart of the city, and a shop offering Secret Base decorations can be found in the southeast part of town.
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! Trainers
! Available Pokémon
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Bird Keeper.png|Bird Keeper|Colin|928|2|177|Natu|♂|29||277|Swellow|♂|29||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Parasol Lady.png|Parasol Lady|Angelica|1200|1|351|Castform|♀|30||}}
{{Catch/entry3|300|Skitty|yes|yes|no|Trade|The same as the traded Pokémon|One|type1=Normal|tradenum=025|tradename=Pikachu}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Ninja Boy.png|Ninja Boy|Tsunao|336|3|290|Nincada|♂|28||109|Koffing|♂|28||291|Ninjask|♂|28||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Cooltrainer F.png|Cool Trainer|Jennifer|1488|1|350|Milotic|♀|31||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Pokémon Ranger F.png|Pokémon Ranger|Jenna|1392|3|270|Lotad|♀|29||271|Lombre|♀|29||274|Nuzleaf|♀|29||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Pokémon Ranger M.png|Pokémon Ranger|Carlos|1392|3|273|Seedot|♂|29||274|Nuzleaf|♂|29||271|Lombre|♂|29||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Bug Maniac.png|Bug Maniac|Brandon|1680|3|283|Surskit|♂|28||283|Surskit|♂|28||283|Surskit|♂|28||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Ninja Boy.png|Ninja Boy|Keigo|348|2|109|Koffing|♂|29||291|Ninjask|♂|29||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Ruin Maniac.png|Ruin Maniac|Chip|1680|3|027|Sandshrew|♂|28||027|Sandshrew|♂|28||028|Sandslash|♂|28||}}
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! Items
! Items
{{itemlist|Aspear Berry|Loamy soil patch near the puddle-laden area|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Full Heal|Southern shore of the pond in the southwest corner of the route|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{DL|Status ailment healing item|Full Heal}}}}
{{itemlist|Glitter Mail|Northwest house; held by Skitit, the traded {{p|Skitty}}|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Hyper Potion|Mixed amongst the grass near {{rt|121|Hoenn}}|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{DL|Potion|Hyper Potion}}}}
{{itemlist|TM Normal|From an old woman in the north-northwest house, after clearing her guessing game|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{TM|10|Hidden Power}}}}
{{itemlist|Nanab Berry|Loamy soil patch on the shore of the pond in the southwest corner of the route|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{catch/div|forest|Return trip}}
{{itemlist|Nugget|In the grass maze|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{DL|Valuable item|Nugget}}}}
{{itemlist|TM Flying|From Winona upon her defeat|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{TM|40|Aerial Ace}}}}
{{itemlist|Zinc|In the grass maze|Ru=yes}}
{{itemlist|Mental Herb|From the boy in the northeast house, after finding his {{p|Wingull}} in [[Mossdeep City]]|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Pecha Berry|Loamy soil patch near the girl giving out [[Berry|Berries]]|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Pinap Berry|Loamy soil patch on the shore of the pond in the southwest corner of the route|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Razz Berry|Loamy soil patch on the shore of the pond in the southwest corner of the route|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Wepear Berry|Loamy soil patch on the shore of the pond in the southwest corner of the route|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
*Note: For available Pokémon check {{DL|Appendix:Ruby and Sapphire walkthrough/Section 9|Route 120|here}}.

Once you are back on this route again backtrack to where you encountered [[Steven Stone]] earlier and after crossing the bridge head south to reach the next part of this route. Travel east, then travel south but before you do you'll notice a small tree that can be {{m|Cut}} which leads to a Berry grove.

As you head south if you use your [[Bicycle|Bike]] you can move around the areas of tall grass and make it through with no wild encounters except an invisible {{p|Kecleon}}. Once at the south end you'll see some more Berry patches west of you and on the ledge above. Near the Berry patch is a girl who you can get rare Berries from once a day. Once you are ready head east to {{rt|121|Hoenn}}.
===Secret Base Shop===
Climb the ladder near the Poké Mart and head east across the rope bridge to reach {{DL|Fortree City|Desk and chair shop|a shop}} with a selection of [[Secret Base]] decorations for sale. Desks can be purchased at the counter to the left, while chairs can be purchased at the counter to the right.
{| style="margin: auto;"
{{shop|Desk shop}}
{{shoprow|{{shopdec|Small Desk|SmallDeskSprite|3000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Small Desk}}|{{shopdec|Pokémon Desk|PokemonDeskSprite|3000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Pokémon Desk}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopdec|Heavy Desk|HeavyDeskSprite|6000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Heavy Desk}}|{{shopdec|Ragged Desk|RaggedDeskSprite|6000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Ragged Desk}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopdec|Comfort Desk|ComfortDeskSprite|6000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Comfort Desk}}|{{shopdec|Brick Desk|BrickDeskSprite|9000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Brick Desk}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopdec|Camp Desk|CampDeskSprite|9000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Camp Desk}}|{{shopdec|Hard Desk|HardDeskSprite|9000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Hard Desk}}}}
{{shop|Chair shop}}
{{shoprow|{{shopdec|Small Chair|SmallChairSprite|2000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Small Chair}}|{{shopdec|Pokémon Chair|PokemonChairSprite|2000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Pokémon Chair}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopdec|Heavy Chair|HeavyChairSprite|2000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Heavy Chair}}|{{shopdec|Ragged Chair|RaggedChairSprite|2000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Ragged Chair}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopdec|Comfort Chair|ComfortChairSprite|2000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Comfort Chair}}|{{shopdec|Brick Chair|BrickChairSprite|2000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Brick Chair}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopdec|Camp Chair|CampChairSprite|2000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Camp Chair}}|{{shopdec|Hard Chair|HardChairSprite|2000|6=List of decorations in Generation III#Hard Chair}}}}

===Running Errands===
Return to this route after solving the mystery of the [[Sealed Chamber]] on {{rt|134|Hoenn}} and head through the tall grass north of the Berry grove of the southern part of the route to find the [[Ancient Tomb]] that holds {{p|Registeel}}. To solve the puzzle, read the Braille inscription:
Speak to the Pokémon Breeder in the northeast house to see his {{p|Wingull}} fly off on an errand. Return later to see if it's successful!

===Reveal Your Hidden Power===
The north-northwest house belongs to an old woman. Speak to her to take a quiz. She holds a coin in her hand, and asks in which one you think it's hidden. Guess correctly {{tt|three times in a row|Right, Right, Left}} to receive {{TM|10|Hidden Power}}! This unique attack is listed as a {{type|Normal}} move, but its type and power vary depending on the Pokémon using it.

===Time for a Trade===
The little girl in the northwest house wants a {{p|Pikachu}}. If you happen to catch one in the nearby {{Safari|Hoenn}}, she'll give you her {{p|Skitty}} in return. Skitty arrives holding a [[Glitter Mail]].

==Route 120==
With an invisible object blocking the Gym, there's nothing else to do in the city. Go east to {{rt|120|Hoenn}} to find Steven on the northern bridge. It seems that another unseen object blocks the way forward, but luckily he has a way to solve this mystery. He puts on the [[Devon Scope]], a high-tech piece of eyewear that reveals invisible objects. Sure enough, they reveal a {{p|Kecleon}} in front of you; catch or defeat the Pokémon to clear the bridge. Pleased with your actions, Steven allows you to keep the device. With the Devon Scope in hand, you can chase off the Kecleon outside the Gym, so head back into town to win your next Badge!

==Fortree City==
===Fortree Gym===
[[File:Fortree Gym RS.png|thumb|Fortree Gym]]

Head to the exact center of the room and use {{m|Fly}} to open the door and find Registeel.  
{{sign|RS|title|Fortree City Pokémon Gym<br>Leader: Winona}}
{{sign|RS|The bird user taking flight into the world.}}

The [[Fortree Gym]] specializes in {{type|Flying}} Pokémon, which take serious damage from {{t|Electric}}, {{t|Rock}}, and {{t|Ice}} moves. The Gym is fairly straightforward, with a single path leading up to the Gym Leader's lofty perch. The only obstacles are turnstiles, some of which can only be spun in certain directions. Pass through the first two turnstiles to reach Bird Keeper Jared, and Picnicker Kylee beyond him. Defeat Kylee and spin the second turnstile the opposite direction to continue on. Go north to find the next two turnstiles. Go north past the L-shaped one, and spin the T-shaped one in a counter-clockwise direction. Spin the third clockwise and loop around to pass through the fourth turnstile. Continue past Camper Terrell to find the final three turnstiles. Go east through the fifth, then northeast through the sixth. Before moving on, spin the most recent one back to its starting position. Go south through the final turnstile before looping around past Bird Keeper Will to reach the Gym Leader.
|ability=Clear Body
|move1=Metal Claw|move1type=Steel

Also by re-challenging Bug Maniac Brandon, on the fourth rematch you can steal from his {{p|Masquerain}} a {{DL|Type-enhancing item|SilverPowder}} which enhances {{type|Bug}} attacks.
[[Winona]] starts off with {{p|Swellow}}, which tends to lead with {{m|Double Team}} to raise its {{stat|Evasion|evasiveness}}. This can become increasingly problematic, so use super-effective moves to defeat it quickly. Her {{p|Pelipper}} takes massive damage from {{t|Electric}} attacks. {{t|Rock}} moves are also effective, but Rock Pokémon should be wary of its {{m|Water Gun}}. {{p|Skarmory}} has several resistances and a high physical {{stat|Defense}}, which may rise even higher due to {{m|Steel Wing}}. {{m|Sand-Attack}} makes it harder to hit, while {{m|Aerial Ace}}'s perfect {{stat|accuracy}} lets it reliably land a hit. Due to its {{t|Dragon}} typing, her {{p|Altaria}} takes only normal damage from Electric moves. Rock moves will be more effective, and Ice moves are greater still. It can target unsuspecting Electric types with {{m|Earthquake}}, and can raise its {{stat|Attack}} and {{stat|Speed}} with {{m|Dragon Dance}}.

==Route 121==
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[[File:Hoenn Route 121 RS.png|thumb|320px|Route 121]]
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! Available Pokémon
! Fortree Gym<br>[[File:Feather Badge.png|35px|The Feather Badge]]<br><br>
{| align="center" class="expandable" style="background: #{{flying color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{flying color light}};"
{{catch/div|water|Surfing and Fishing}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|yes|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|yes|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|yes|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|yes|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|yes|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|yes|Fish Super|20-45|100%|type1=Water}}
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! Trainers
! Trainers
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Hex Maniac.png|Hex Maniac|Tammy|720|2|280|Ralts||30||355|Duskull|♀|30||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Bird Keeper.png|Bird Keeper|Jared|960|1|084|Doduo||30|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Beauty.png|Beauty|Jessica|2400|2|352|Kecleon|♀|30||336|Seviper|♀|30||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Picnicker.png|Picnicker|Kylee|480|1|333|Swablu|♀|30|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Sr and Jr.png|Sr. and Jr.|Kate & Joy|1024|2|327|Spinda|♂|30||289|Slaking|♂|32||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Camper.png|Camper|Terrell|464|2|276|Taillow|♂|29||277|Swellow|♂|29|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Gentleman.png|Gentleman|Walter|2480|1|310|Manectric|♂|31||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Bird Keeper.png|Bird Keeper|Will|896|3|278|Wingull|♂|28||277|Swellow||28||279|Pelipper||28|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Pokéfan F.png|Pokéfan|Vanessa|2480|1|025|Pikachu||31|Oran Berry|}}
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{| style="margin: auto;"
|color={{flying color}}|headcolor={{flying color light}}|bordercolor={{flying color dark}}
|sprite=Spr RS Winona.png
|class=Leader|classlink=Gym Leader|name={{color2|000|Winona}}
|game=RS|location=Fortree Gym
|move1=Quick Attack|move1type=Normal
|move2=Aerial Ace|move2type=Flying
|move3=Double Team|move3type=Normal
|ability=Keen Eye
|move1=Water Gun|move1type=Water
|move4=Aerial Ace|move4type=Flying}}
{{Party/Div|color={{flying color}}}}
|ability=Keen Eye
|move2=Fury Attack|move2type=Normal
|move3=Steel Wing|move3type=Steel
|move4=Aerial Ace|move4type=Flying}}
|ability=Natural Cure
|move3=Dragon Dance|move3type=Dragon
|move4=Aerial Ace|move4type=Flying}}
Upon her defeat, [[Winona]] awards you the {{badge|Feather}}, which ensures obedience from all Pokémon up to level 70 and enables the use of {{m|Fly}} in the field. This move allows you to instantly revisit any city or town you've previously explored. She also hands out {{TM|40|Aerial Ace}} as a prize.
==Route 120==
[[File:Hoenn Route 120 RS.png|thumb|Route 120]]
The lengthy {{rt|120|Hoenn}} runs southeast from [[Fortree City]] to {{rt|121|Hoenn}}. The long grass makes great cover for Pokémon capable of camouflaging themselves. Two separate ruins, [[Scorched Slab]] and the [[Ancient Tomb]], are located here.
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! Items
! Trainers
{{itemlist|Aspear Berry|Loamy soil patch near the western terminus|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Carbos|Near the Yrainer in the fenced-in area|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{DL|Vitamin|Carbos}}}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Parasol Lady.png|Parasol Lady|Clarissa|1160|2|118|Goldeen|♀|29||320|Wailmer||29|}}
{{itemlist|Chesto Berry|Loamy soil patch near the western terminus|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Nanab Berry|Loamy soil patch near the eastern terminus|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Interviewer.png|Interviewer|[[Gabby and Ty|Gabby & Ty]]|2880|2|082|Magneton||30||294|Loudred||30|}}
{{itemlist|Persim Berry|Loamy soil patch near the western terminus|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Rawst Berry|Loamy soil patch near the western terminus|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Bird Keeper.png|Bird Keeper|Robert|960|1|333|Swablu|♂|30||38=Nav}}
{{itemlist|HP Up|Southwest of Safari Zone, open patch in the grass (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{DL|Vitamin|HP Up}}}}
{{catch/div|forest|Return trip}}
{{itemlist|Nugget|Area with flowers, north of Trainer (cut required) [hidden]|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{DL|Valuable item|Nugget}}}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Bird Keeper.png|Bird Keeper|Colin|928|2|177|Natu|♂|29||277|Swellow|♂|29|}}
{{itemlist|Full Heal|Very east in Route 121, beyond patch of grass (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{DL|Status ailment healing item|Full Heal}}}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Parasol Lady.png|Parasol Lady|Angelica|1200|1|351|Castform|♀|30|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Ninja Boy.png|Ninja Boy|Tsunao|336|3|290|Nincada|♂|28||109|Koffing|♂|28||291|Ninjask||28|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Cooltrainer F.png|Cooltrainer|Jennifer|1488|1|350|Milotic|♀|31|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Pokémon Ranger F.png|Pokémon Ranger|Jenna|1392|3|270|Lotad|♀|29||271|Lombre|♀|29||274|Nuzleaf|♀|29|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Pokémon Ranger M.png|Pokémon Ranger|Carlos|1392|3|273|Seedot|♂|29||274|Nuzleaf|♂|29||271|Lombre|♂|29|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Bug Maniac.png|Bug Maniac|Brandon|1680|3|283|Surskit|♂|28||283|Surskit|♂|28||283|Surskit|♂|28||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Ninja Boy.png|Ninja Boy|Keigo|348|2|109|Koffing|♂|29||291|Ninjask|♂|29|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Ruin Maniac.png|Ruin Maniac|Chip|1680|3|027|Sandshrew|♂|28||027|Sandshrew|♂|28||028|Sandslash|♂|28|}}
Head east upon entering this route, where you quickly see three Team Magma<sup style="color:#A00000">R</sup> / Team Aqua<sup style="color:#0000A0">S</sup> grunts heading south to [[Mt. Pyre]]. Right next to where they stood is a building which is the [[Hoenn Safari Zone|Safari Zone]]. First continue east to reach Lilycove City facing Trainers along the way. We'll use the Pokémon Center in Lilycove as a relay point for {{m|Fly}} so you can backtrack here quicker after your upcoming battle at Mt. Pyre.
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==Lilycove City==
[[File:Lilycove City RS.png|thumb|320px|Lilycove City]]
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! Available Pokémon
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|yes|Fish Old|5-10|60%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|264|Linoone|yes|yes|no|Long grass|25, 27|30%|type1=Normal}}
{{Catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|yes|Fish Old|5-10|40%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|043|Oddish|yes|yes|no|Long grass|25-27|25%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|yes|Fish Good|10-30||type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|263|Zigzagoon|yes|yes|no|Long grass|25|20%|type1=Normal}}
{{Catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|yes|Fish Good|10-30||type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|183|Marill|yes|yes|no|Long grass|25, 27|15%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|yes|Fish Good|10-30||type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|359|Absol|yes|yes|no|Long grass|25, 27|8%|type1=Dark}}
{{Catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|yes|Fish Super|25-42|80%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|283|Surskit|yes|yes|no|Long grass|25|1%|type1=Bug|type2=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|120|Staryu|yes|yes|yes|Fish Super|25-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|352|Kecleon|yes|yes|no|Long grass|25|1%|type1=Normal}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|339|Barboach|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water|type2=Ground}}
{{catch/entry3|352|Kecleon|yes|yes|no|Special|30|{{tt|Six|Requires Devon Scope}}|type1=Normal}}
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! Items
! Items
{{itemlist|TM Psychic|Obtained from the man in house closest to the water|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{TM|44|Rest}}}}
{{itemlist|none|Obtained from man in the northwest part of city (one daily) |Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=Random [[Berry]]}}
{{catch/div|forest|First visit}}
{{itemlist|Max Repel|In front of the monument overlooking the ocean|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{DL|Repel|Max Repel}}}}
{{itemlist|Rare Candy|Dead-end path north of Parasol Lady Clarissa (hidden, requires {{m|Cut}})|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|PP Up|Hidden inside one of the rocks on the shoreline|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{DL|Vitamins|PP Up}}}}
{{itemlist|Revive|Clearing in the northernmost patch of long grass (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Poké Ball|Hidden inside one of the rocks on the shoreline|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{DL|Poké Ball|Poké Ball}}}}
{{itemlist|Devon Scope III|From {{Steven}} on the north bridge, after battling Kecleon|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Devon Scope]]}}
{{itemlist|Heart Scale|Hidden inside one of the rocks on the shoreline|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{DL|Exchangeable item|Heart Scale}}}}
{{catch/div|forest|Return trip}}
{{itemlist|Nest Ball|North edge of the northern lake (requires [[Devon Scope]])|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Aspear Berry|Soft soil patch, northeast of the puddle-laden area (requires {{m|Cut}})|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Aspear Berry]] ×6}}
{{itemlist|Zinc|Northwest corner of the grass maze (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Nugget|Southwest corner of the grass maze|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Pecha Berry|Southwestern-most soft soil patch|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Pecha Berry]] ×6}}
{{itemlist|Nanab Berry III|Soft soil patch near the southwest pond|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Nanab Berry]] ×3}}
{{itemlist|Pinap Berry|Soft soil patch near the southwest pond|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Pinap Berry]] ×3}}
{{itemlist|Wepear Berry|Soft soil patch near the southwest pond|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Wepear Berry]] ×3}}
{{itemlist|Razz Berry III|Soft soil patch near the southwest pond|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Razz Berry]] ×3}}
{{itemlist|Full Heal|South side of the southwest pond (requires {{m|Surf}})|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Rare Candy|South side of the southwest pond (hidden, requires {{m|Surf}})|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Hyper Potion|North side of the southern-most patch of long grass|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
Once at Lilycove city you'll notice that Team Magma{{sup/3|Ru}} / Team Aqua{{sup/3|Sa}} grunts are around the city. Their hideout is actually at the coast area at the far right of the city with some {{p|Wailmer}} cutting off the entrance to {{rt|124|Hoenn}}. The route remains inaccessible for now until you complete the mission at the Team Magma<sup style="color:#A00000">R</sup> / Team Aqua<sup style="color:#0000A0">S</sup> hideout which you won't be able to do until later. The house nearest the entrance to the shoreline has a man that will give you {{TM|44|Rest}}.

At the entrance to [[Lilycove Department Store]] you will see
{{DL|May (game)|Fourth battle (in Lilycove City)|May}}/{{DL|Brendan|Fourth battle (in Lilycove City)|Brendan}} who challenges you to battle to determine if you've raised your team correctly.
{| align="center"
! {{MS|252}} If the {{Player}} chose {{p|Treecko}}:
! {{MS|255}} If the {{Player}} chose {{p|Torchic}}:
! {{MS|258}} If the {{Player}} chose {{p|Mudkip}}:
|{{Party|tag=yes|color={{hoenn color}}|headcolor={{hoenn color light}}|bordercolor={{hoenn color dark}}|color1={{hoenn color}}|headcolor1={{ruby color light}}|bordercolor1={{ruby color dark}}|color2={{hoenn color}}|headcolor2={{sapphire color light}}|bordercolor2={{sapphire color dark}}|sprite=Spr RS Brendan.png|prize={{PDollar}}2040|class=Pokémon Trainer|name=Brendan|game=RS|location=Lilycove City|sprite2=Spr RS May.png|class2=Pokémon Trainer|name2=May|pokemon=4|
{{Pokémon/3|game=Ruby|ndex=277|pokemon=Swellow|gender=both|level=31 {{tt|*|male if Brendan is the rival, female if May is the rival}}||type1=Normal|type2=Flying|ability=Guts|held=Unknown|move1=Quick Attack|move1type=Normal|move2=Wing Attack|move2type=Flying|move3=Endeavor|move3type=Normal|move4=Double Team|move4type=Normal}}|
pokemon2={{Pokémon/3|game=Ruby|ndex=320|pokemon=Wailmer|gender=both|level=32 {{tt|*|male if Brendan is the rival, female if May is the rival}}||type1=Water|ability=Water Veil|held=Unknown|move1=Mist|move1type=Ice|move2=Astonish|move2type=Ghost|move3=Water Pulse|move3type=Water|move4=Whirlpool|move4type=Water}}|
{{Pokémon/3|game=Ruby|ndex=285|pokemon=Shroomish|gender=both|level=32 {{tt|*|male if Brendan is the rival, female if May is the rival}}||type1=Grass|ability=Effect Spore|held=Unknown|move1=Headbutt|move1type=Normal|move2=PoisonPowder|move2type=Poison|move3=Leech Seed|move3type=Grass|move4=Mega Drain|move4type=Grass}}|
pokemon4={{Pokémon/3|game=Ruby|ndex=256|pokemon=Combusken|gender=male|level=34|type1=Fire|type2=Fighting|ability=Blaze|held=Unknown|move1=Double Kick|move1type=Fighting|move2=Bulk Up|move2type=Fighting|move3=Sand-Attack|move3type=Ground|move4=Peck|move4type=Flying}}

|{{Party|tag=yes|color={{hoenn color}}|headcolor={{hoenn color light}}|bordercolor={{hoenn color dark}}|color1={{hoenn color}}|headcolor1={{ruby color light}}|bordercolor1={{ruby color dark}}|color2={{hoenn color}}|headcolor2={{sapphire color light}}|bordercolor2={{sapphire color dark}}|sprite=Spr RS Brendan.png|prize={{PDollar}}2040|class=Pokémon Trainer|name=Brendan|game=RS|location=Lilycove City|sprite2=Spr RS May.png|class2=Pokémon Trainer|name2=May|pokemon=4|
===Gabby and Ty===
After defeating [[Gabby and Ty]] on {{rt|118|Hoenn}}, the news team can now be found in the northeast corner of the route. Accept their challenge and give them another great interview afterwards!
{{Pokémon/3|game=Ruby|ndex=277|pokemon=Swellow|gender=both|level=31 {{tt|*|male if Brendan is the rival, female if May is the rival}}||type1=Normal|type2=Flying|ability=Guts|held=Unknown|move1=Quick Attack|move1type=Normal|move2=Wing Attack|move2type=Flying|move3=Endeavor|move3type=Normal|move4=Double Team|move4type=Normal}}|
{{Pokémon/3|game=Ruby|ndex=285|pokemon=Shroomish|gender=both|level=32 {{tt|*|male if Brendan is the rival, female if May is the rival}}||type1=Grass|ability=Effect Spore|held=Unknown|move1=Headbutt|move1type=Normal|move2=PoisonPowder|move2type=Poison|move3=Leech Seed|move3type=Grass|move4=Mega Drain|move4type=Grass}}|
pokemon3={{Pokémon/3|game=Ruby|ndex=322|pokemon=Numel|gender=both|level=32 {{tt|*|male if Brendan is the rival, female if May is the rival}}||type1=Fire|type2=Ground|ability=Oblivious|held=Unknown|move1=Amnesia|move1type=Psychic|move2=Magnitude|move2type=Ground|move3=Focus Energy|move3type=Normal|move4=Take Down|move4type=Normal}}|
pokemon4={{Pokémon/3|game=Ruby|ndex=259|pokemon=Marshtomp|gender=male|level=34|type1=Water|type2=Ground|ability=Torrent|held=Unknown|move1=Mud Shot|move1type=Ground|move2=Mud Sport|move2type=Ground|move3=Foresight|move3type=Normal|move4=Take Down|move4type=Normal}}

|{{Party|tag=yes|color={{hoenn color}}|headcolor={{hoenn color light}}|bordercolor={{hoenn color dark}}|color1={{hoenn color}}|headcolor1={{ruby color light}}|bordercolor1={{ruby color dark}}|color2={{hoenn color}}|headcolor2={{sapphire color light}}|bordercolor2={{sapphire color dark}}|sprite=Spr RS Brendan.png|prize={{PDollar}}2040|class=Pokémon Trainer|name=Brendan|game=RS|location=Lilycove City|sprite2=Spr RS May.png|class2=Pokémon Trainer|name2=May|pokemon=4|
===Scorched Slab===
[[Scorched Slab]] is a cave jutting up out of the north lake. The entrance lies at water level, so the single chamber inside holds mostly water. At the far end of the cave, a small slab of rock holds a single bit of treasure, {{TM|11|Sunny Day}}.
|pokemon=Swellow|gender=both|level=31 {{tt|*|male if Brendan is the rival, female if May is the rival}}||type1=Normal|type2=Flying|ability=Guts|held=Unknown|move1=Quick Attack|move1type=Normal|move2=Wing Attack|move2type=Flying|move3=Endeavor|move3type=Normal|move4=Double Team|move4type=Normal}}|
{{Pokémon/3|game=Ruby|ndex=322|pokemon=Numel|gender=both|level=32 {{tt|*|male if Brendan is the rival, female if May is the rival}}|l=32|type1=Fire|type2=Ground|ability=Oblivious|held=Unknown|move1=Amnesia|move1type=Psychic|move2=Magnitude|move2type=Ground|move3=Focus Energy|move3type=Normal|move4=Take Down|move4type=Normal}}|
{{Pokémon/3|game=Ruby|ndex=320|pokemon=Wailmer|gender=both|level=32 {{tt|*|male if Brendan is the rival, female if May is the rival}}||type1=Water|ability=Water Veil|held=Unknown|move1=Mist|move1type=Ice|move2=Astonish|move2type=Ghost|move3=Water Pulse|move3type=Water|move4=Whirlpool|move4type=Water}}|
{{Pokémon/3|game=Ruby|ndex=253|pokemon=Grovyle|gender=male|level=34|type1=Grass|ability=Overgrow|held=Unknown|move1=Leaf Blade|move1type=Grass|move2=Screech|move2type=Normal|move3=Fury Cutter|move3type=Bug|move4=Pursuit|move4type=Dark}}

After you defeat your rival, May/Brendan reveal that they are planning to return to [[Littleroot Town]] now that they caught a decent amount of Pokémon for the [[Pokédex]]. This is the last time you will battle them, as they have retired from training and you'll find them at their house from this point on whenever you visit Littleroot.
===A Berry A Day===
The route splits near its south end, with the western trail leading up to a plateau. Talk to the Beauty near the stairway and she'll give you one rare Berry every day. The kind of Berry received depends on the last digit of your [[Trainer ID number]].

===Lilycove Department Store===
{| style="margin: auto; background: #{{berries color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 2px solid #{{berries color dark}};" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4"
! colspan="2" style="background: #{{berries color light}}; {{roundytl|5px}};" | Berry
! style="background: #{{berries color light}}; {{roundytr|5px}};" | Condition
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| {{bag|Figy Berry}} || [[Figy Berry]] || ID number ends in 0 or 5
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| {{bag|Wiki Berry}} || [[Wiki Berry]] || ID number ends in 1 or 6
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| {{bag|Mago Berry}} || [[Mago Berry]] || ID number ends in 2 or 7
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| {{bag|Aguav Berry}} || [[Aguav Berry]] || ID number ends in 3 or 8
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| {{bag|Iapapa Berry}} || [[Iapapa Berry]] || ID number ends in 4 or 9
| colspan="3" style="background: #{{berries color light}}; {{roundybottom|5px}};" |

{{sign|E|"Overflowing with great merchandise}}
{{sign|E|and excitement!}}
{{sign|E|"A great place to find that something}}
{{sign|E|you need!"}}

The Lilycove Department Store is the largest store in the Hoenn region with six floors
===Ancient Tomb===
====1st Floor====
The unusual arrangement of stones on the southwest plateau is known as the [[Ancient Tomb]]. It is believed to mark the resting place of a legendary Pokémon. But with the entrance sealed, you won't be able to investigate until later.
The girl on the right side of the counter gives out a lottery ticket once a day. If any numbers from your Pokémon's OT ID numbers' from your collection matches the winning numbers which are at random, then you will win {{DL|Poké Ball|Generation I Poké Balls|Master Ball}}.

====2nd Floor====
==Route 121==
On this floor the items sold are based around the items found in a [[Poké Mart]] with most items for general healing, catching wild Pokémon, or other minor items.
[[File:Hoenn Route 121 RS.png|thumb|300px|Route 121]]

====3rd Floor====
Though smaller than the previous area, {{rt|121|Hoenn}} is more straightforward. {{rt|122|Hoenn}} runs off to the south, while [[Lilycove City]] lies to the east. The north side of the route is home to the {{Safari|Hoenn}}, a park that attracts Trainers from across the region.
The items sold here are related to upgrading [[stats]]. The girl on the left sells the items meant for permanently upgrading a particular stat, while the girl on the right sells the items meant for temporarily upgrading or preventing stat lowering during battle.

====4th Floor====
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
The items sold here are for different [[TM]]'s. The girl on the left sells TM that have moves used for offense, while the girl on the right sells ones meant for defense.
|- align="center"
! Trainers
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Hex Maniac.png|Hex Maniac|Tammy|720|2|280|Ralts|♀|30||355|Duskull|♀|30|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Beauty.png|Beauty|Jessica|2400|2|352|Kecleon|♀|30||336|Seviper|♀|30||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Sr and Jr.png|Sr. and Jr.|Kate & Joy|1024|2|327|Spinda|♂|30||289|Slaking|♂|32|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Gentleman.png|Gentleman|Walter|2480|1|310|Manectric|♂|31||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Pokéfan F.png|Pokéfan|Vanessa|2480|1|025|Pikachu|♀|31|Oran Berry}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Beauty.png|Beauty|Jessica|{{tt|2640|First rematch}}/{{tt|2880|Second rematch}}/{{tt|3120|Third rematch}}/{{tt|3360|Fourth rematch onwards}}|2|352|Kecleon|♀|{{tt|33|First rematch}}/{{tt|36|Second rematch}}/{{tt|39|Third rematch}}/{{tt|42|Fourth rematch onwards}}||336|Seviper|♀|{{tt|33|First rematch}}/{{tt|36|Second rematch}}/{{tt|39|Third rematch}}/{{tt|42|Fourth rematch onwards}}||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Gentleman.png|Gentleman|Walter{{tt|*|First rematch}}|2720|1|310|Manectric|♂|34||36=ロバート|37=Robert|38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Gentleman.png|Gentleman|Walter|{{tt|2880|Second rematch}}/{{tt|3120|Third rematch}}|2|264|Linoone|♂|{{tt|36|Second rematch}}/{{tt|39|Third rematch}}||310|Manectric|♂|{{tt|36|Second rematch}}/{{tt|39|Third rematch}}||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Gentleman.png|Gentleman|Walter{{tt|*|Fourth rematch onwards}}|3280|3|264|Linoone|♂|41||055|Golduck|♂|41||310|Manectric|♂|41||38=Nav}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
{{catch/entry3|355|Duskull|yes|no|no|Grass|26, 28|30%|type1=Ghost}}
{{catch/entry3|353|Shuppet|no|yes|no|Grass|26, 28|30%|type1=Ghost}}
{{catch/entry3|264|Linoone|yes|yes|no|Grass|26, 28|20%|type1=Normal}}
{{catch/entry3|043|Oddish|yes|yes|no|Grass|26, 28|15%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Items
{{itemlist|Aspear Berry|Soft soil patch in the northwest|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Aspear Berry]] ×2}}
{{itemlist|Chesto Berry|Soft soil patch in the northwest|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Chesto Berry]] ×2}}
{{itemlist|Persim Berry|Soft soil patch in the northwest|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Persim Berry]] ×2}}
{{itemlist|Rawst Berry|Soft soil patch in the northwest|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Rawst Berry]] ×2}}
{{itemlist|HP Up|South of Beauty Jessica, behind the fence (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Carbos|Fenced-in area, south of Gentleman Walter|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Nugget|Fenced-in area, northwest of Poké Fan Vanessa (hidden, requires {{m|Cut}})|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Full Heal|Fenced-in area, east of Poké Fan Vanessa (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Nanab Berry III|Soft soil patch in the southeast|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Nanab Berry]] ×6}}

====5th Floor====
The items sold here are accessories related to your [[Secret Base]]. The two girl salesman at the top sell {{DL|Pokémon doll|Generation III|dolls}} and [[cushion]]s, while the two at the bottom sells [[poster]]s and [[mat]]s.

===A Sighting===
Up here is a [[Vending machine]].
It's not long before you catch a glimpse of [[Team Magma]]{{sup/3|Ru}}/[[Team Aqua]]{{sup/3|Sa}}. These Grunts are in a rush to reach [[Mt. Pyre]], and take off to the south.

===Move Deleter's house===
===Safari Zone===
[[File:Hoenn Safari Zone RS.png|thumb|The Safari Zone]]
{{sign|E|title|MOVE DELETER'S HOUSE}}
{{sign|E|"Unwanted POKéMON moves deleted."}}

The house next to the Lilycove Department Store belongs to the [[Move deleter]] who will help you forget any unwanted moves including [[HM]]'s.
The {{Safari|Hoenn}} gives Trainers a chance to encounter all kinds of Pokémon. It is only open to Trainers participating in the {{DL|Hoenn Safari Zone|Safari Game}}, where Trainers must use unconventional tactics to try to catch these Pokémon. Admission is {{pdollar}}500, and entrants are given 30 [[Safari Ball]]s to be used and a limit of 500 steps taken before the game is over. The varied terrain means that some areas are only accessible by [[Acro Bike]] or [[Mach Bike]]. A [[Pokéblock Case]] is also required.

===Contest Hall===
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
{{sign|RS|title|POKéMON CONTESTS}}
! Available Pokémon
{{sign|RS|"Enter CONTESTS with your friends!"}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Area 1 (Southeast)
{{Catch/entry3|043|Oddish|yes|yes|no|Grass|25, 27|40%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry3|203|Girafarig|yes|yes|no|Grass|25, 27|20%|type1=Normal|type2=Psychic}}
{{Catch/entry3|202|Wobbuffet|yes|yes|no|Grass|27, 29|10%|type1=Psychic}}
{{Catch/entry3|025|Pikachu|yes|yes|no|Grass|25, 27|5%|type1=Electric}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Area 2 (Southwest)
{{Catch/entry3|043|Oddish|yes|yes|no|Grass|25, 27|40%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry3|203|Girafarig|yes|yes|no|Grass|25, 27|20%|type1=Normal|type2=Psychic}}
{{Catch/entry3|202|Wobbuffet|yes|yes|no|Grass|27, 29|10%|type1=Psychic}}
{{Catch/entry3|025|Pikachu|yes|yes|no|Grass|25, 27|5%|type1=Electric}}
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|40%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|no|Fish Super|25-35|80%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|119|Seaking|yes|yes|no|Fish Super|25-40|20%|type1=Water}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Area 3 (Northwest)
{{Catch/entry3|043|Oddish|yes|yes|no|Grass|27, 29|30%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry3|111|Rhyhorn|yes|yes|no|Grass|27, 29|30%|type1=Ground|type2=Rock}}
{{Catch/entry3|044|Gloom|yes|yes|no|Grass|29, 31|15%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry3|084|Doduo|yes|yes|no|Grass|27, 29|15%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entry3|085|Dodrio|yes|yes|no|Grass|29, 31|5%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entry3|127|Pinsir|yes|yes|no|Grass|27, 29|5%|type1=Bug}}
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|40%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|no|Fish Super|25-35|80%|type1=Water}}
{{Catch/entry3|119|Seaking|yes|yes|no|Fish Super|25-40|20%|type1=Water}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Area 4 (Northeast)
{{Catch/entry3|231|Phanpy|yes|yes|no|Grass|27, 29|30%|type1=Ground}}
{{Catch/entry3|044|Gloom|yes|yes|no|Grass|29, 31|15%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry3|177|Natu|yes|yes|no|Grass|27, 29|15%|type1=Psychic|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entry3|178|Xatu|yes|yes|no|Grass|29, 31|5%|type1=Psychic|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entry3|214|Heracross|yes|yes|no|Grass|27, 29|5%|type1=Bug|type2=Fighting}}
{{Catch/div|land|Rock Smash}}
{{Catch/entry3|074|Geodude|yes|yes|no|Rock Smash|5-30|100%|type1=Rock|type2=Ground}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Items
{{catch/div|land|Area 2 (Southwest)}}
{{itemlist|Max Revive|South edge of the southwest pond (requires {{m|Surf}})|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{catch/div|land|Area 3 (Northwest)}}
{{itemlist|TM Grass|Northeast edge of the pond (requires [[Mach Bike]], {{m|Surf}})|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{TM|22|Solar Beam}}}}
{{catch/div|land|Area 4 (Northeast)}}
{{itemlist|Calcium|North edge of the northwest grass patch (requires [[Acro Bike]])|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}

In Lilycove is the {{DL|Rank|Hoenn Contests|Master Rank}} Contests for the [[Pokémon Contest]]s. The building is located south of the Pokémon Center.

===Lilycove City Harbor===
===Safari Game===
In a Safari Game, Trainers must use unconventional tactics to catch wild Pokémon. Rather than use your own Pokémon in battle, you are only allowed to throw [[Pokéblock]]s to entice the target, making it less likely to run; or go near, which makes the target easier to catch but more likely to run.
{{sign|E|"Enjoy a delightful cruise on}}
{{sign|E|the ferry S.S. TIDAL."}}

The building in the lower-left corner of the city is the Harbor. Later in the game after you defeat the {{DL|Elite Four|Hoenn Elite Four|Elite Four}}, you can use the [[S.S. Tidal]] to travel between here, [[Slateport City]], and the {{DL|Battle Tower (Hoenn)|Battle Tower}}.
In addition, there are several Pokéblock feeders scattered throughout the park. Each feeder can accept a single Pokéblock at a time. Any Pokémon encountered in the feeder's range of five steps will have a Nature that is attracted to that type of Pokéblock. The feeder's effect dissipates after 100 steps are taken.

Also this city is notable for being the only place to find a wild {{p|Staryu}}. When you come back later after you get the {{DL|Fishing|Super Rod}} at [[Mossdeep City]] you should catch it. Since Staryu is a good [[HM slave]], it is able to learn {{m|Surf}}, {{m|Flash}}, {{m|Dive}}, and {{m|Waterfall}} all together and it will come in handy for the last lengths of the game.
==Route 122==
[[File:Hoenn Route 122 RSE.png|thumb|Route 122]]

Anyway once your business is done here head back to Route 121, we're going to head to the Safari Zone next.
{{rt|122|Hoenn}} is a short, simple ocean route stretching between Routes {{rtn|121|Hoenn}} and {{rtn|123|Hoenn}}, with [[Mt. Pyre]] standing tall in the center.

==Safari Zone==
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}};"
[[File:Hoenn Safari Zone RS.png|thumb|275px|Safari Zone]]
[[File:Hoenn Safari Zone numbered RS.png|thumb|200px|Hoenn Safari Zone area numbers]]
====Area 1====
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{sapphire color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{ruby color light}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
! Available Pokémon
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}

====Area 2====
[[File:Mt Pyre 1F RSE.png|thumb|left|Mt. Pyre, 1F]]
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{sapphire color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{ruby color light}};"
[[File:Mt Pyre 6F RS.png|thumb|left|Mt. Pyre, 6F]]
[[File:Mt Pyre exterior RS.png|thumb|Mt. Pyre, Exterior and Summit]]
===Mt. Pyre===
The towering [[Mt. Pyre]] exists to soothe the spirits of Pokémon that have passed on. Hoenn's most beloved Pokémon have been laid to rest here, making the mountain a very sacred place.
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|mountain}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|mountain}};"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|mountain}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|mountain}};"
|- align="center"
! Inside
{{trainerentry|Spr RS PokéManiac.png|PokéManiac|Mark|1920|1|305|Lairon|♂|32|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Young Couple.png|Young Couple|Dez & Luke|2048|2|301|Delcatty|♀|32||310|Manectric|♂|32|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Psychic F.png|Psychic|Kayla|768|1|064|Kadabra|♂|32|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Psychic M.png|Psychic|William|744|2|280|Ralts|♂|31||281|Kirlia|♂|31|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Black Belt.png|Black Belt|Atsushi|960|3|296|Makuhita|♂|30||067|Machoke|♂|30||297|Hariyama|♂|30|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Hex Maniac.png|Hex Maniac|Tasha|744|2|353|Shuppet|♀|31||064|Kadabra|♂|31|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Hex Maniac.png|Hex Maniac|Valerie|768|1|302|Sableye|♀|32||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Hex Maniac.png|Hex Maniac|Valerie{{tt|*|First rematch}}|840|1|302|Sableye|♀|35||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Hex Maniac.png|Hex Maniac|Valerie|{{tt|888|Second rematch}}/{{tt|960|Third rematch}}|2|325|Spoink|♀|{{tt|37|Second rematch}}/{{tt|40|Third rematch}}||302|Sableye|♀|{{tt|37|Second rematch}}/{{tt|40|Third rematch}}||38=Nav}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Hex Maniac.png|Hex Maniac|Valerie{{tt|*|Fourth rematch}}|1008|3|355|Duskull|♀|42||326|Grumpig|♀|42||302|Sableye|♀|42||38=Nav}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|mountain}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|mountain}};"
|- align="center"
! Outside
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt|{{sup/3|Ru}}|600|3|041|Zubat|♂|30||041|Zubat|♂|30||041|Zubat|♂|30|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt|{{sup/3|Ru}}|620|2|261|Poochyena|♂|31||322|Numel|♂|31|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Magma Grunt M.png|Team Magma Grunt|{{sup/3|Ru}}|620|2|322|Numel|♂|31||322|Numel|♂|31|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Aqua Grunt M.png|Team Aqua Grunt|{{sup/3|Sa}}|600|3|041|Zubat|♂|30||041|Zubat|♂|30||041|Zubat|♂|30|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Aqua Grunt M.png|Team Aqua Grunt|{{sup/3|Sa}}|620|2|261|Poochyena|♂|31||318|Carvanha|♂|31|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Team Aqua Grunt M.png|Team Aqua Grunt|{{sup/3|Sa}}|620|2|318|Carvanha|♂|31||318|Carvanha|♂|31|}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|mountain}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|mountain}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
! Available Pokémon
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|mountain}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|mountain}};"
|- align="center"
! Interior
{{Catch/entry3|353|Shuppet|yes|no|no|4F-6F|25, 27, 29|10%|type1=Ghost}}
{{Catch/entry3|355|Duskull|no|yes|no|4F-6F|25, 27, 29|10%|type1=Ghost}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|mountain}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|mountain}};"
|- align="center"
! Exterior
{{Catch/entry3|307|Meditite|yes|yes|no|Grass|27, 29|30%|type1=Fighting|type2=Psychic}}
{{Catch/entry3|037|Vulpix|yes|yes|no|Grass|25, 27, 29|20%|type1=Fire}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|mountain}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|mountain}};"
|- align="center"
! Summit
{{Catch/entry3|353|Shuppet|yes|no|no|Grass|26, 28, 30|13%|type1=Ghost}}
{{Catch/entry3|355|Duskull|no|yes|no|Grass|26, 28, 30|13%|type1=Ghost}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|mountain}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|mountain}};"
|- align="center"
! Items
{{itemlist|Cleanse Tag|1F; From the old woman in the northeast corner|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Ultra Ball|2F; Southwest corner|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Super Repel|3F; West wall|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Sea Incense|4F; Southwest corner, accessible by falling from 5F|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Lax Incense|5F; South side, accessible by falling from 6F|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|TM Ghost|6F; South side|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{TM|30|Shadow Ball}}}}
{{catch/div|lake|Surfing and Fishing}}
{{itemlist|TM Psychic|Atop the rock wall near the second grass patch|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{TM|48|Skill Swap}}}}
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|||Fish Old|6-10|80%|type1=water}}
{{itemlist|Max Potion|Southeast of the Summit entrance|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{Catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|||Fish Old|5-10|20%|type1=water}}
{{itemlist|Max Ether|Southwest of the Summit entrance, on a headstone (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{Catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|||Fish Good|12-30|67%|type1=water}}
{{itemlist|Ultra Ball|Northwest corner, on a headstone (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{Catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|||Fish Good|12-30|33%|type1=water}}
{{Catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|yes|Fish Super|25-35|80%|type1=Water}}
{{itemlist|Zinc|Southwest corner, on a headstone (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{Catch/entry3|119|Seaking|yes|yes|yes|Fish Super|30-35|20%|type1=Water}}
{{itemlist|Rare Candy|Northeast corner, in the tall grass (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Red Orb III|Obtained after Maxie steals the Blue Orb|Ru=yes|display=[[Red Orb]]}}
{{itemlist|Blue Orb III|Obtained after Archie steals the Red Orb|Sa=yes|display=[[Blue Orb]]}}

====Area 3====
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{sapphire color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{ruby color light}};"
On 1F, talk to the old woman in the northeast corner. Concerned for your safety, she gives you a [[Cleanse Tag]], which reduces the wild encounter rate when held by your lead Pokémon.
On 6F, pick up {{TM|30|Shadow Ball}} from the south side before falling through the nearby hole in the floor. On the south side of 5F, you find a [[Lax Incense]], which boosts the holder's {{stat|Evasion|evasiveness}} by 5%. Fall through the next hole to return to 4F, where you find a [[Sea Incense]]. This item gives {{t|Water}} moves a 20% power boost when held. These Incenses also allow {{p|Wobbuffet}}, {{p|Marill}}, and {{p|Azumarill}} to produce {{p|Wynaut}} and {{p|Azurill}} Eggs at the Day Care.
Reaching the summit means a long climb up the mountainside. Be sure to collect {{TM|48|Skill Swap}} and the [[Max Potion]] before moving on.
When you reach the summit, you are finally able to catch up to [[Team Magma]]{{sup/3|Ru}}/[[Team Aqua]]{{sup/3|Sa}}. Show no mercy to the three Grunts lining the path as you advance northward. Upon reaching the mountain's highest peak, you witness [[Maxie]]{{sup/3|Ru}}/[[Archie]]{{sup/3|Sa}} stealing the [[Blue Orb]]{{sup/3|Ru}}/[[Red Orb]]{{sup/3|Sa}} from its altar! Like your last meeting atop [[Mt. Chimney]], he doesn't have much time to waste on you. He orders the rest of the team to [[Slateport City]], to commandeer a submarine moored at the harbor there. He flees a moment later, and the elderly caretakers of the two Orbs then entrust the remaining [[Red Orb]]{{sup/3|Ru}}/[[Blue Orb]]{{sup/3|Sa}} to you, saying that the two Orbs belong together and must never be separated as they are now. The quickest way back to {{ci|Slateport}} is to {{m|Fly}} there, otherwise you'll need to head south through {{rt|123|Hoenn}}.
==Route 123==
[[File:Hoenn Route 123 RS.png|thumb|400px|Route 123]]
{{rt|123|Hoenn}} slopes downhill as it runs westward, from {{rt|122|Hoenn}} back to {{rt|118|Hoenn}}. The [[Berry Master]]'s house, and his extensive backyard garden, can be found on the route's west side.
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
! Trainers
{{catch/div|land|Accessed via Route 118, Route 122}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Twins.png|Twins|Miu & Yuki|648|2|267|Beautifly||27||269|Dustox|♂|27|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Aroma Lady.png|Aroma Lady|Violet|1000|3|285|Shroomish|♀|25||044|Gloom||25||286|Breloom|♀|25|}}
{{catch/div|land|Accessed via Route 122}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Psychic M.png|Psychic|Cameron<br><small>Requires {{m|Cut}}</small>|744|2|064|Kadabra||31||338|Solrock||31||38=Nav}}
{{catch/div|lake|Surfing and Fishing}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Hex Maniac.png|Hex Maniac|Kindra|744|2|355|Duskull||31||353|Shuppet|♀|31|}}
{{Catch/entry3|118|Goldeen|yes|yes|yes|Fish Super|29-35|80%|type1=Water}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Cooltrainer F.png|Cooltrainer|Wendy|1488|3|303|Mawile||31||315|Roselia||31||279|Pelipper||31|}}
{{Catch/entry3|119|Seaking|yes|yes|yes|Fish Super|33|20%|type1=Water}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Cooltrainer M.png|Cooltrainer|Clyde|1392|5|277|Swellow||29||328|Trapinch|♂|29||320|Wailmer||29||082|Magneton||29||275|Shiftry||29|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr RS Psychic F.png|Psychic|Jacki|744|2|064|Kadabra||31||337|Lunatone||31||38=Nav}}
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
====Area 4====
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{sapphire color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{ruby color light}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
! Available Pokémon
{{catch/entry3|355|Duskull|yes|no|no|Grass|26, 28|30%|type1=Ghost}}
{{catch/entry3|353|Shuppet|no|yes|no|Grass|26, 28|30%|type1=Ghost}}
{{catch/entry3|264|Linoone|yes|yes|no|Grass|26, 28|20%|type1=Normal}}
{{Catch/entry3|214|Heracross|yes|yes|yes|Grass|27, 29|5%|type1=Bug|type2=Fighting}}
{{catch/entry3|043|Oddish|yes|yes|no|Grass|26, 28|15%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry3|074|Geodude|yes|yes|yes|Rock Smash|9,14|100%|type1=Rock|type2=Ground}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|70%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|no|Fish Old|5-10|30%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|60%|type1=Water}}
{{catch/entry3|072|Tentacool|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry3|320|Wailmer|yes|yes|no|Fish Good|10-30|20%|type1=Water}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{sapphire color light}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{ruby color light}};"
{| class="expandable" style="margin: auto; background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Items
! Items
{{itemlist|Max Revive|Requires {{HM|03|Surf}} (Area 2)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|TM Grass|Far northeast of the area, beyond the pond (Area 3)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{TM|22|SolarBeam}}}}
{{catch/div|land|Accessible via Route 122}}
{{itemlist|Calcium|In the far northwest part of the area (Area 4)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Rare Candy|East of the pier, near the trees|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|TM Grass|From a girl southwest of the pier, if shown a {{t|Grass}} Pokémon|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display={{TM|19|Giga Drain}}}}
{{itemlist|Pecha Berry|Soft soil patch west of the pier|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Pecha Berry]] ×2}}
{{itemlist|Rawst Berry|Soft soil patch west of the pier|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Rawst Berry]] ×2}}
{{itemlist|Sitrus Berry|Soft soil patch west of the pier|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Sitrus Berry]] ×2}}
{{itemlist|Hyper Potion|On a rock, east of Hex Maniac Kindra (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Leppa Berry|Soft soil patch on the north side|Ru=yes|Sa=yes|display=[[Leppa Berry]] ×4}}
{{itemlist|Elixir|On a ledge, northeast of Cooltrainer Wendy|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Super Repel|In a clearing in a grass patch along the north treeline (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Calcium|West of the pond|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{catch/div|land|Accessible from Routes 118 or 122}}
{{itemlist|Ultra Ball|South of the Berry Master's house|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}
{{itemlist|Revive|North of the Berry Master's garden (hidden)|Ru=yes|Sa=yes}}

Once you reach the entrance pay the {{PDollar}}500 at the registration counter to enter. You will also need the {{DL|List of key items in Generation III|Pokéblock Case}} as a requirement before you're allowed to enter. If you forgot to pick one up earlier then head to the Contest Hall in [[Slateport City]] to pick one up. Also bring a Pokémon that knows {{m|Sweet Scent}} to avoid moving around too much to make the Safari game last longer, as well as Surf since there are a few items across the pond such as {{TM|22|SolarBeam}}.

In the Safari Zone there are four areas with different Pokémon, where most of them found in more than one area. While Areas 1 and 2 are simple, the other areas require a {{DL|Bicycle|Bike}} to get into. Area 3 the Northwest corner requires the {{DL|Bicycle|Mach Bike}}, while Area 4 requires the {{DL|Bicycle|Acro Bike}}. Area 3 and 4 also contain rare Pokémon that are only found in this particular location, notably a {{p|Pinsir}} in Area 3 and a {{p|Heracross}} in Area 4. The Safari Zone is the only place to catch Pokémon that hold the items, {{DL|Type-enhancing item|Sharp Beak}} which enhances {{type|Flying}} moves and the {{DL|Stat-enhancing item|Light Ball}} that enhances {{p|Pikachu}}'s Sp. Attack.
===Berry Master's House===
The [[Berry Master]]'s house, and {{DL|Hoenn Route 123|Berry Master's garden|the Berry garden he tends}}, are located near the route's west end. Talk to him to receive two Berries of the same name every day, chosen randomly: {{b|Pomeg}}, {{b|Kelpsy}}, {{b|Qualot}}, {{b|Hondew}}, {{b|Grepa}}, {{b|Tamato}}, {{b|Cornn}}, {{b|Magost}}, {{b|Rabuta}}, or {{b|Nomel}}.
The {{DL|Hoenn Route 123|Berry Master's wife}} will give out a Berry each day as well, but the type depends on whether or not you tell her a special phrase. Most answers will result in a common type of Berry—{{b|Cheri}}, {{b|Chesto}}, {{b|Pecha}}, {{b|Rawst}}, {{b|Aspear}}, {{b|Leppa}}, {{b|Oran}}, {{b|Persim}}, {{b|Lum}}, or {{b|Sitrus}}—while certain answers will earn a rarer variety. After hearing all five phrases, she will hand out one common Berry every day.
{| style="margin: auto; background: #{{berries color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 2px solid #{{berries color dark}};" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4"
! style="background: #{{berries color light}}; {{roundytl|5px}};" | Phrase
! colspan="2" style="background: #{{berries color light}}; {{roundytr|5px}};" | Berry Received
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| GREAT BATTLE || {{bag|Spelon Berry}} || [[Spelon Berry]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| CHALLENGE CONTEST || {{bag|Pamtre Berry}} || [[Pamtre Berry]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| OVERWHELMING LATIAS || {{bag|Watmel Berry}} || [[Watmel Berry]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| COOL LATIOS || {{bag|Durin Berry}} || [[Durin Berry]]
|- style="background: #FFF;"
| SUPER HUSTLE || {{bag|Belue Berry}} || [[Belue Berry]]
| colspan="3" style="background: #{{berries color light}}; {{roundybottom|5px}};" |

When you are ready head south from the Safari Zone and use Surf to reach Route 122.

|gamename=Ruby and Sapphire
prevname=Route 119, Weather Institute, Fortree City, Route 120, Fortree Gym|
gamename=Ruby and Sapphire|
|prevname=Route 111 (desert), Petalburg Gym, Route 118, Route 119, Weather Institute
nextname=Route 122, Mt. Pyre, Route 123, Slateport City, Team Magma<sup style="color:#A00000">R</sup>/Aqua Hideout<sup style="color:#0000A0">S</sup>|
|nextname=Slateport City, Lilycove City, Team Hideout, Route 124, Mossdeep City

{{Project Walkthroughs notice}}
{{Project Walkthroughs notice}}
[[Category:Ruby and Sapphire walkthrough]]
[[Category:Ruby and Sapphire walkthrough]]

Latest revision as of 21:20, 14 August 2024

This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.
These pages follow the original Game Boy Advance iteration, not Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. The guide for those games can be found here.

Fortree City

Fortree City

Fortree City is located in an old-growth forest with many towering trees. These ancient arbors are so large that the residents were able to build cozy homes among their branches. The Fortree Gym can be found in the heart of the city, and a shop offering Secret Base decorations can be found in the southeast part of town.

Secret Base Shop

Climb the ladder near the Poké Mart and head east across the rope bridge to reach a shop with a selection of Secret Base decorations for sale. Desks can be purchased at the counter to the left, while chairs can be purchased at the counter to the right.

Desk shop
Chair shop

Running Errands

Speak to the Pokémon Breeder in the northeast house to see his Wingull fly off on an errand. Return later to see if it's successful!

Reveal Your Hidden Power

The north-northwest house belongs to an old woman. Speak to her to take a quiz. She holds a coin in her hand, and asks in which one you think it's hidden. Guess correctly three times in a row to receive TM10 (Hidden Power)! This unique attack is listed as a Normal-type move, but its type and power vary depending on the Pokémon using it.

Time for a Trade

The little girl in the northwest house wants a Pikachu. If you happen to catch one in the nearby Safari Zone, she'll give you her Skitty in return. Skitty arrives holding a Glitter Mail.

Route 120

With an invisible object blocking the Gym, there's nothing else to do in the city. Go east to Route 120 to find Steven on the northern bridge. It seems that another unseen object blocks the way forward, but luckily he has a way to solve this mystery. He puts on the Devon Scope, a high-tech piece of eyewear that reveals invisible objects. Sure enough, they reveal a Kecleon in front of you; catch or defeat the Pokémon to clear the bridge. Pleased with your actions, Steven allows you to keep the device. With the Devon Scope in hand, you can chase off the Kecleon outside the Gym, so head back into town to win your next Badge!

Fortree City

Fortree Gym

Fortree Gym

Fortree City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Winona

The bird user taking flight into the world.

The Fortree Gym specializes in Flying-type Pokémon, which take serious damage from Electric, Rock, and Ice moves. The Gym is fairly straightforward, with a single path leading up to the Gym Leader's lofty perch. The only obstacles are turnstiles, some of which can only be spun in certain directions. Pass through the first two turnstiles to reach Bird Keeper Jared, and Picnicker Kylee beyond him. Defeat Kylee and spin the second turnstile the opposite direction to continue on. Go north to find the next two turnstiles. Go north past the L-shaped one, and spin the T-shaped one in a counter-clockwise direction. Spin the third clockwise and loop around to pass through the fourth turnstile. Continue past Camper Terrell to find the final three turnstiles. Go east through the fifth, then northeast through the sixth. Before moving on, spin the most recent one back to its starting position. Go south through the final turnstile before looping around past Bird Keeper Will to reach the Gym Leader.

Winona starts off with Swellow, which tends to lead with Double Team to raise its evasiveness. This can become increasingly problematic, so use super-effective moves to defeat it quickly. Her Pelipper takes massive damage from Electric attacks. Rock moves are also effective, but Rock Pokémon should be wary of its Water Gun. Skarmory has several resistances and a high physical Defense, which may rise even higher due to Steel Wing. Sand-Attack makes it harder to hit, while Aerial Ace's perfect accuracy lets it reliably land a hit. Due to its Dragon typing, her Altaria takes only normal damage from Electric moves. Rock moves will be more effective, and Ice moves are greater still. It can target unsuspecting Electric types with Earthquake, and can raise its Attack and Speed with Dragon Dance.

Fortree Gym
The Feather Badge

Upon her defeat, Winona awards you the Feather Badge, which ensures obedience from all Pokémon up to level 70 and enables the use of Fly in the field. This move allows you to instantly revisit any city or town you've previously explored. She also hands out TM40 (Aerial Ace) as a prize.

Route 120

Route 120

The lengthy Route 120 runs southeast from Fortree City to Route 121. The long grass makes great cover for Pokémon capable of camouflaging themselves. Two separate ruins, Scorched Slab and the Ancient Tomb, are located here.

Gabby and Ty

After defeating Gabby and Ty on Route 118, the news team can now be found in the northeast corner of the route. Accept their challenge and give them another great interview afterwards!

Scorched Slab

Scorched Slab is a cave jutting up out of the north lake. The entrance lies at water level, so the single chamber inside holds mostly water. At the far end of the cave, a small slab of rock holds a single bit of treasure, TM11 (Sunny Day).

A Berry A Day

The route splits near its south end, with the western trail leading up to a plateau. Talk to the Beauty near the stairway and she'll give you one rare Berry every day. The kind of Berry received depends on the last digit of your Trainer ID number.

Berry Condition
Figy Berry Figy Berry ID number ends in 0 or 5
Wiki Berry Wiki Berry ID number ends in 1 or 6
Mago Berry Mago Berry ID number ends in 2 or 7
Aguav Berry Aguav Berry ID number ends in 3 or 8
Iapapa Berry Iapapa Berry ID number ends in 4 or 9

Ancient Tomb

The unusual arrangement of stones on the southwest plateau is known as the Ancient Tomb. It is believed to mark the resting place of a legendary Pokémon. But with the entrance sealed, you won't be able to investigate until later.

Route 121

Route 121

Though smaller than the previous area, Route 121 is more straightforward. Route 122 runs off to the south, while Lilycove City lies to the east. The north side of the route is home to the Safari Zone, a park that attracts Trainers from across the region.

A Sighting

It's not long before you catch a glimpse of Team MagmaR/Team AquaS. These Grunts are in a rush to reach Mt. Pyre, and take off to the south.

Safari Zone

The Safari Zone

The Safari Zone gives Trainers a chance to encounter all kinds of Pokémon. It is only open to Trainers participating in the Safari Game, where Trainers must use unconventional tactics to try to catch these Pokémon. Admission is $500, and entrants are given 30 Safari Balls to be used and a limit of 500 steps taken before the game is over. The varied terrain means that some areas are only accessible by Acro Bike or Mach Bike. A Pokéblock Case is also required.

Safari Game

In a Safari Game, Trainers must use unconventional tactics to catch wild Pokémon. Rather than use your own Pokémon in battle, you are only allowed to throw Pokéblocks to entice the target, making it less likely to run; or go near, which makes the target easier to catch but more likely to run.

In addition, there are several Pokéblock feeders scattered throughout the park. Each feeder can accept a single Pokéblock at a time. Any Pokémon encountered in the feeder's range of five steps will have a Nature that is attracted to that type of Pokéblock. The feeder's effect dissipates after 100 steps are taken.

Route 122

Route 122

Route 122 is a short, simple ocean route stretching between Routes 121 and 123, with Mt. Pyre standing tall in the center.

Mt. Pyre, 1F
Mt. Pyre, 6F
Mt. Pyre, Exterior and Summit

Mt. Pyre

The towering Mt. Pyre exists to soothe the spirits of Pokémon that have passed on. Hoenn's most beloved Pokémon have been laid to rest here, making the mountain a very sacred place.


On 1F, talk to the old woman in the northeast corner. Concerned for your safety, she gives you a Cleanse Tag, which reduces the wild encounter rate when held by your lead Pokémon.

On 6F, pick up TM30 (Shadow Ball) from the south side before falling through the nearby hole in the floor. On the south side of 5F, you find a Lax Incense, which boosts the holder's evasiveness by 5%. Fall through the next hole to return to 4F, where you find a Sea Incense. This item gives Water moves a 20% power boost when held. These Incenses also allow Wobbuffet, Marill, and Azumarill to produce Wynaut and Azurill Eggs at the Day Care.


Reaching the summit means a long climb up the mountainside. Be sure to collect TM48 (Skill Swap) and the Max Potion before moving on.


When you reach the summit, you are finally able to catch up to Team MagmaR/Team AquaS. Show no mercy to the three Grunts lining the path as you advance northward. Upon reaching the mountain's highest peak, you witness MaxieR/ArchieS stealing the Blue OrbR/Red OrbS from its altar! Like your last meeting atop Mt. Chimney, he doesn't have much time to waste on you. He orders the rest of the team to Slateport City, to commandeer a submarine moored at the harbor there. He flees a moment later, and the elderly caretakers of the two Orbs then entrust the remaining Red OrbR/Blue OrbS to you, saying that the two Orbs belong together and must never be separated as they are now. The quickest way back to Slateport is to Fly there, otherwise you'll need to head south through Route 123.

Route 123

Route 123

Route 123 slopes downhill as it runs westward, from Route 122 back to Route 118. The Berry Master's house, and his extensive backyard garden, can be found on the route's west side.

Berry Master's House

The Berry Master's house, and the Berry garden he tends, are located near the route's west end. Talk to him to receive two Berries of the same name every day, chosen randomly: Pomeg, Kelpsy, Qualot, Hondew, Grepa, Tamato, Cornn, Magost, Rabuta, or Nomel.

The Berry Master's wife will give out a Berry each day as well, but the type depends on whether or not you tell her a special phrase. Most answers will result in a common type of Berry—Cheri, Chesto, Pecha, Rawst, Aspear, Leppa, Oran, Persim, Lum, or Sitrus—while certain answers will earn a rarer variety. After hearing all five phrases, she will hand out one common Berry every day.

Phrase Berry Received
GREAT BATTLE Spelon Berry Spelon Berry
CHALLENGE CONTEST Pamtre Berry Pamtre Berry
OVERWHELMING LATIAS Watmel Berry Watmel Berry
COOL LATIOS Durin Berry Durin Berry
SUPER HUSTLE Belue Berry Belue Berry

← Part 9 Route 111 (desert), Petalburg Gym, Route 118, Route 119, Weather Institute
Ruby and Sapphire
Slateport City, Lilycove City, Team Hideout, Route 124, Mossdeep City Part 11 →

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.