DP148: Difference between revisions

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m No specific OLM Team for this episode (Correction).
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en_op=[[Battle Cry - (Stand Up!)]] |
en_op=[[Battle Cry - (Stand Up!)]] |
ja_op=[[High Touch!|ハイタッチ! 2009]] |
ja_op=[[High Touch!|ハイタッチ! 2009]] |
ja_ed=[[Which One ~ Is It?|‎ドッチ~ニョ?]] |
ja_ed=[[Which One ~ Is It?|ドッチ~ニョ?]] |
olmteam=Team Iguchi |
olmteam=OLM |
scenario=武上純希 |
scenario=武上純希 |
storyboardn=1 |
storyboardn=1 |
storyboard=大庭秀昭 |
storyboard=大庭秀昭 |
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directorn=1 |
director=近橋伸隆 |
director=近橋伸隆 |
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footnotes=* {{filb-eppics|dp|148}}
footnotes=* {{filb-eppics|dp|148}}
'''Try for the Family Stone!''' (Japanese: '''ムウマとヤミカラスとやみのいし!''' ''{{tt|Muma|Misdreavus}}, {{tt|Yamikarasu|Murkrow}} and the {{tt|Dark Stone|Dusk Stone}}!'') is the 148th episode of the {{series|Diamond & Pearl}}, and the 614th episode of the [[Pokémon anime]]. It aired in Japan on October 22, 2009 and in the United States on March 13, 2010.
'''Try for the Family Stone!''' (Japanese: '''ムウマとヤミカラスとやみのいし!''' ''{{tt|Muma|Misdreavus}}, {{tt|Yamikarasu|Murkrow}} and the {{tt|Dark Stone|Dusk Stone}}!'') is the 148th episode of ''[[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl]]'', and the 614th episode of the [[Pokémon animated series]]. It first aired in Japan on October 22, 2009 and in the United States on March 13, 2010.


Still on the way to [[Sunyshore City]] so {{Ash}} can battle for his eighth and final [[Badge|Gym Badge]], he and {{ashfr}} find themselves lost in a deep forest, they saw a Murkrow up in a tree then flies above their heads, this makes Brock and Dawn worry that something bad may happen as it is told in an old saying about Murkrow. Suddenly, they felt the ground shaking and they surprisingly saw {{p|Giratina}}, before Ash attempts to look up Giratina's data in his Pokédex, Giratina tried to step into them. They escape the Giratina but they are caught up in a flood of rushing water, a woman rescues and wakes them up, they are told that they were caught up in an illusion caused by a Murkrow's {{m|Confuse Ray}}, Brock flirts at the woman only to be stopped by Croagunk. Ash and friends introduced themselves and the woman's name was revealed to be [[Rhyanna]], she lives in the nearby village and told them that Murkrow was her brother's Pokémon, the reason why she'd know that they are seeing illusions.
<i>While heading toward Sunyshore City and Ash's next Gym Battle, our heroes get lost in a dark forest. They come across a mischievous Murkrow that creates what turn out to be fearful illusions. That Murkrow happens to be in the care of a Trainer named Mitchell, who has a sister named Rhyanna. Mitchell and Rhyanna haven't been speaking to each other since Mitchell took off into the mountains to train with his Murkrow—with the goal of finally beating his sis in battle. Now Rhyanna wants to find a Dusk Stone so she can evolve her Misdreavus into a Mismagius. She hopes the evolved Pokémon will help her brother become happy again. However, the angry Mitchell thinks Rhyanna's purpose is to keep winning battles against him!

They start to talk about Rhyanna's brother, she told them that her brother's name was {{OBP|Mitchell|DP148}} and they used to battle together, Mitchell wants to become stronger so he trained his Murkrow in a mountain, that's when he began play pranks on the travelers. Ash and Dawn ask why she didn't put a stop to this, or talk to her brother, Rhyanna told them that she was being avoided by her younger brother that's why she's looking so hard for a {{evostone|Dusk Stone}} to evolve her {{p|Misdreavus}} into a {{p|Mismagius}}, believing from her grandpa that it can chant spells that can bring people happiness, she was planning to use it on Mitchell so that she and her brother can make up. Brock decides to help Rhyanna and promised to do everything he can to make her happy.  
That brings us to Team Rocket. Of course, their eyes are on getting themselves a Mismagius and a Dusk Stone, too—and what better way than to steal Rhyanna's Pokémon? With Brock's help, Rhyanna has found a Dusk Stone, which goes to the top of Team Rocket's must-steal list, along with Rhyanna's Misdreavus. But, even with Team Rocket's latest invention, the "Porta-Pidgey Mark Two" robot, the would-be thieves aren't able to hold onto Rhyanna's Misdreavus or the Dusk Stone.

At a distance, {{TRT}} was eavesdropping on their conversation. James took out their new gadget, a Dusk Stone detection device, and they begin to search for a Dusk Stone, hoping to find their own happiness. Rhyanna takes our heroes to a shrine, according to her grandpa, people used to mine Dusk Stones somewhere nearby the shrine, she once tried to look for a Dusk Stone before but with no success. Ash and friends decide to help Rhyanna in her search this time, the four split up into two teams with Ash and Dawn, Rhyanna and Brock, Brock suggests that maybe her Misdreavus can find it, since they were the only ones that evolve via Dusk Stone so she took out her Misdreavus. Misdreavus searches and seems to sense something. As Ash and Dawn continue their search, the same Murkrow suddenly appears and starts pecking Piplup's head, Ash commands Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on it so that they can capture it, Murkrow couldn't dodge the hit and Mitchell came running back to it, Mitchell told them that his sister doesn't care for him but Dawn instantly disagrees to what Mitchell says, and explains that his sister was even trying to find a Dusk Stone just to make him happy, which makes him reconsider.  
Finally, Rhyanna and Mitchell discuss their issues and make up, happily deciding that the winner of the best of 10 battles between them gets to keep the prized Dusk Stone. And, happy in the knowledge that they helped to reunite the quarreling siblings, our heroes resume their journey toward Sunyshore City.</i>

As Brock and Rhyanna follow Misdreavus, meanwhile Team Rocket's detection device lead them to falling off of a cliff, they find a mysterious cave and believe there maybe Dusk Stone's inside of it, they have a quick fantasy about giving a Mismagius to their boss and in turn realize in order to have a Mismagius, they should also have to catch a Misdreavus. Suddenly, they caught sight of Rhyanna's Misdreavus just before Rhyanna and Brock themselves falls off the same cliff. Ash and Dawn are chasing Mitchell. when Ash finally caught up to him, Mitchell says he wants to get the dusk stone before his sister does, he explains to Ash and Dawn that he wants to become stronger so that he could beat his sister, so he trained up in a mountain with Murkrow, though when training, Murkrow was disappointed at him for not doing well at the training, so Murkrow stopped listening into anything Mitchell told it, Ash and Dawn realize Mitchell has nothing to do with any of Murkrow's pranks, Mitchell keeps blaming his sister for this, Dawn told him to look at how his Pokémon feels, Ash, feeling the same way, also told Mitchell to work with Murkrow as a team and start listening Murkrow's feelings instead of his own.  
While on the way to [[Sunyshore City]], {{Ash}} and {{ashfr}} find themselves lost in a deep forest. After they spot a {{p|Murkrow}}, {{an|Brock}} fears that it is a sign that something bad is about to happen. Ash writes it off as silly superstition. Suddenly, they feel the ground shaking and are then attacked by {{p|Giratina}}. They escape but are caught up in a flood of rushing water. [[Rhyanna]] comes their rescue, admitting they were caught up in an illusion caused by a Murkrow's {{m|Confuse Ray}}. Brock flirts with her, only to be stopped by {{TP|Brock|Croagunk}}. Brock makes a quick recovery and queries Rhyanna on how she knows about Murkrow was responsible for the illusions, and she admits that Murkrow is her brother, {{OBP|Mitchell|DP148}}'s  Pokémon. Rhyanna explains that they used to continuously battle together, though Mitchell left to train on a mountain, that's when he began play pranks on the travelers. She reveals that he has refused to speak with her ever since, so she's been looking for a [[Dusk Stone]] to evolve her {{p|Misdreavus}} into a {{p|Mismagius}}, believing from her grandpa that it can chant spells that can bring people happiness. She hopes to use it on Mitchell so that she and her brother can make up. Brock decides to help Rhyanna and promises to do everything he can to make her happy.

Mitchell felt sorry for his Murkrow, and his tears woke it back up. Rhyanna and Brock finally wake up and find themselves in a place where her Grandfather used to mine for dusk stones, Misdreavus detects something below a large rock, and when Brock removes the rock, they find themselves a dusk stone. Rhyanna cheerfully embraces and thanks Brock for his hard work, while Brock is thrilled and blood-red, Team Rocket suddenly appears and catches Misdreavus, reciting their motto after wards, Brock quickly sends out his [[Brock's Sudowoodo|Sudowoodo]] and commands it to save Rhyanna's Misdreavus, Meowth pulls out a remote that controls a Pidgey robot, Ash, Dawn and Mitchell saw the robot fly above their heads and rushed to where Team Rocket were, Meowth throws Misdreavus into a cage located in the Pidgey robot's chest, Team Rocket attempt to escape in their giant robot, Brock commands Sudowoodo to use {{m|Double-Edge}}, Meowth sends out a fan that blows away Sudowoodo, Brock commanded it again to use Double-Edge at the robot, the Pidgey robot sends out a broom, twirling it and using Sand-Attack to stop Sudowoodo, the robot then fired its right wing to Sudowoodo, which knocks it unconscious, Brock returns Sudowoodo.
At a distance, {{TRT}} was eavesdropping on their conversation. [[James]] reveals his very own Dusk Stone detection device - a pair of [[Dowsing Machine|dowsing rods]]. His teammates have their doubts, but James's enthusiasm convinces them otherwise.

A robotic hand tries to snatch away Rhyanna's Dusk Stone, Rhyanna doesn't want to let go, the robot then flies up into the air with her still attached. Ash and Dawn, with Mitchell see this, Mitchell realizes that he was wrong about his sister after seeing her determination, Pikachu was ready to use Thunderbolt but stopped by Ash, Ash took out his {{AP|Staraptor}} and commanded it to help Rhyanna, Mitchell sends out his Murkrow to help her too, Murkrow followed him after Mitchell begs it to return its trust to him again. Staraptor got Rhyanna's shoulders with Murkrow using {{m|Peck}} on the robotic hand that got Rhyanna's dusk stone. The robotic hand broke off and Rhyanna got her Dusk Stone back, Staraptor safely landed with Rhyanna but Team Rocket still has Misdreavus, Mitchell commanded Murkrow to get it back and successfully returns Misdreavus with no trouble, Ash commands Pikachu to use {{m|Thunderbolt}} which blasted Team Rocket again.  
Rhyanna shows the group to a shrine, which according to her grandpa was where people used to mine for Dusk Stones nearby. To aid the search, the four split up into two teams with Ash and Dawn, Rhyanna and Brock. Brock then suggests that maybe her Misdreavus can find the Stone, as it one of the few that evolve via Dusk Stone, so Rhyanna calls out her Misdreavus. As Ash and Dawn continue their search, the same Murkrow suddenly appears and starts pecking {{TP|Dawn|Piplup}}'s head. Ash has {{AP|Pikachu}} to use {{m|Thunderbolt}} to knock out the troublemaker. Mitchell comes running out to tend to his fainted Murkrow, scolding Ash and Dawn. Mitchell tells them that his sister doesn't care for him, but Dawn instantly disagrees and explains that his sister was even trying to find a Dusk Stone just to make him happy, which makes him reconsider.

Mitchell and Rhyanna were once again reunited and were happy to see each other, Rhyanna told him that she doesn't need to evolve her Misdreavus because Mitchell doesn't need to have a happiness spell anymore. Mitchell then challenges Rhyanna and says that whoever wins the most battles out of ten gets the stone, Rhyanna happily accepts the challenge. A little help from Ash and friends settles the disagreement once and for all, and now that Ash has drawn a training inspiration from new friends, the journey continues...
Team Rocket's detection device leads them to falling off a cliff, and at the bottom they spot a mine shaft. Realizing they might be close to finding a Dusk Stone, {{MTR}} [[boss fantasy|suggests]] they give a Mismagius to {{an|Giovanni}}. Jessie admits that they will have to catch a Misdreavus first. Suddenly, they catch sight of Rhyanna's Misdreavus just as Rhyanna and Brock themselves falls off the same cliff.
Meanwhile, Mitchell tries to run off, though Ash grabs his wrist to get his attention. Mitchell says he wants to get the Dusk Stone before his sister does, so he can finally beat her in a battle. He explains that he trained up on the mountain with Murkrow. Though he pushed Murkrow too hard when training, which caused Murkrow to run away and stop listening to him. Ash and Dawn realize Mitchell has nothing to do with any of Murkrow's pranks. As Mitchell continues blaming his sister for everything, Dawn tells him to consider how his Pokémon feels. Ash, feeling the same way, tells Mitchell that the only way to become stronger is to work with Murkrow as a team and start listening Murkrow's feelings instead of just his own. Mitchell, now realizes that he'd hurt Murkrow out of his own frustrations of not being able to beat Rhyanna, tearfully apologizes to it, which wakes it up.
Rhyanna is confused by her unfamiliar surrounds, though Misdreavus takes interest in a large rock nearby. Brock uses a stick to lever the stone from the ground, and underneath they find a Dusk Stone. Rhyanna cheerfully embraces and thanks Brock for his hard work, while Brock is thrilled and blushing. Team Rocket suddenly appears and nets Misdreavus for themselves, reciting their {{motto}} afterwards. Brock quickly sends out his {{TP|Brock|Sudowoodo}} to save Rhyanna's Misdreavus. With a click of a remote, Meowth summons their latest mecha, the [[Team Rocket's mechas|Porta-Pidgey Mark II]]. They throw Misdreavus into the front containment capsule before boarding their robot to make their getaway. Brock commands Sudowoodo to use {{m|Double-Edge}}, though Meowth sends blows it away with a giant fan. Sudowoodo tries another Double-Edge at the robot, but it is blinded by the robot's Sand-Attack before being struck away by the robot's rocket wing. So Brock [[recall]]s Sudowoodo.
Having spotted the giant Pidgey robot, Ash, Dawn and Mitchell rush onto the scene as Rhyanna wrestles with the mecha for the Dusk Stone. Pikachu is ready to attack, though Ash orders {{AP|Staraptor}} out to help Rhyanna. Mitchell sends out his Murkrow to help her too, and Murkrow complies with his request. Staraptor supports Rhyanna by her shoulders while Murkrow breaks the mechanical hand. With the robotic hand broken off, Rhyanna gets her Dusk Stone back, Staraptor safely lands with Rhyanna. Still needing to save Misdreavus, Mitchell has his Murkrow crack open the capsule with its beak and successfully returns Misdreavus with no trouble. Ash then commands Pikachu to use Thunderbolt which blasts Team Rocket off.
Afterwards Mitchell and Rhyanna are once again reunited and happy to see each other. Rhyanna apologizes for the misunderstanding and admits she doesn't need to evolve her Misdreavus anymore. Mitchell then challenges Rhyanna and says that whoever wins the most battles out of ten gets the Dusk Stone, Rhyanna happily accepts the challenge.

==Major events==
==Major events==
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====Pokémon debuts====
====Pokémon debuts====
=====TV episode debuts=====
=====TV episode debuts=====
* {{p|Giratina}}{{tt|*|as an illusion created by Murkrow}}
* {{p|Giratina}} (illusion)

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* [[Jessie]]
* [[Jessie]]
* [[James]]
* [[James]]
* {{an|Giovanni}} ([[Boss fantasy|fantasy]])
* [[Rhyanna]]
* [[Rhyanna]]
* {{OBP|Mitchell|DP148}}
* {{OBP|Mitchell|DP148}}
* {{an|Giovanni}} ([[Boss fantasy|fantasy]])

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* [[Professor Oak's lecture|Professor Oak's Pokémon lecture]]: {{p|Froslass}}
* [[Professor Oak's Big Pokémon Examination]]: {{p|Froslass}}
* The plot of this episode may be based on the Belgian opera {{wp|L'oiseau bleu}} (The Blue Bird) where two siblings search for the "blue bird of happiness". This reflects the search for the Dusk Stone that would evolve Misdreavus into Mismagius that can perform incantations to make one happy. Both Mitchell and Rhyanna's Japanese names reflect the names of the siblings.
* The plot of this episode may be based on the Belgian opera ''{{wp|L'oiseau bleu (opera)|L'oiseau bleu}}'' (The Blue Bird), where two siblings search for the "blue bird of happiness". This reflects the search for the [[Dusk Stone]] that would evolve {{p|Misdreavus}} into {{p|Mismagius}}, which can perform incantations that would make one happy. Both {{OBP|Mitchell|DP148}} and [[Rhyanna]]'s Japanese names reflect the names of the siblings.
* Rhyanna's [[Pokédex]] as seen in this episode appears to represent the Ice Blue edition of the [[Nintendo DS Lite]] that was released in 2008 (similar to how the Pokédex typically represents the latest released Nintendo handheld system).
** Team Rocket's motto also references ''L'oiseau bleu'' in the original Japanese version.
* The small shrine seen in this episode has a striking resemblance to Celebi's shrine that appeared in the [[M04|fourth movie]].
* Rhyanna's [[Pokédex]] as seen in this episode appears to represent the Ice Blue edition of the [[Nintendo DS Lite]] that was released in 2008, similar to how the Pokédex typically represents the latest released Nintendo handheld system.
* The episode's title is a reference to the band {{wp|Sly and the Family Stone}}.
* The small shrine seen in this episode has a striking resemblance to {{OBP|Celebi|M04}}'s shrine, which appeared in ''[[M04|Celebi: The Voice of the Forest]]''.
* The preview of the [[DP149|next episode]] was narrated by both Ash and Dawn.
* The episode's English [[dub]] title is a reference to the band {{wp|Sly and the Family Stone}}.
* This was the last new episode to air before the English release of {{game|HeartGold and SoulSilver|s}}.
* {{Ash}} and {{an|Dawn}} narrate the preview of [[DP149|the next episode]].
* Near the beginning of the episode, Murkrow's {{wp|pupil}} was strikingly similar to a [[Poké Ball]] — specifically, the design used on the DS touchscreen's background during a battle in [[Generation IV]] games.
* This was the last episode to air before the release of {{2v2|HeartGold|SoulSilver}} in {{pmin|the United States}}.
* The {{pmin|Finnish}} title of this episode is a reference to Finnish dark comedy series ''Sisko ja sen veli'' from {{wp|1986}}, written and directed by {{wp|Neil Hardwick}}.
* Near the beginning of the episode, {{p|Murkrow}}'s {{wp|pupil}} is strikingly similar to a {{i|Poké Ball}} — specifically, the design used on the DS touchscreen's background during a battle in the [[Generation IV]] games.
* In this episode, Team Rocket uses a {{DL|Team Rocket mottos|Try for the Family Stone! motto|variation}} of their motto.
* The {{pmin|Finland|Finnish}} title of this episode is a reference to the Finnish dark comedy series ''Sisko ja sen veli'' from 1986, written and directed by {{wp|Neil Hardwick}}.
* [[Jessie]] [[breaking the fourth wall|breaks the fourth wall]] in this episode.
* In this episode, {{TRT}} uses a variation of their motto.
[[File:DP148 Error.png|thumb|200px|James's miscolored eyes]]
* Right before Team Rocket is about to be blasted off, [[James]]'s eyes are black instead of green.

===Dub edits===
===Dub edits===
* The English dub removes the ''L'oiseau bleu'' reference from Team Rocket's motto.

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
|zh_cmn={{tt|夢妖、黑暗鴉和闇之石!|Misdreavus, Murkrow, and the Dark Stone!}}
|zh_cmn={{tt|夢妖、黑暗鴉和闇之石!|Misdreavus, Murkrow, and the Dark Stone!}}
|cs={{tt|Rodinná pouta těžká jako kámen|Family ties hard as a stone}}
|cs={{tt|Rodinná pouta těžká jako kámen|Family ties heavy as a stone}}
|nl={{tt|Ga voor de Familiesteen!|Go for the Family Stone!}}
|da={{tt|For familiens skyld!|For the family's sake!}}
|nl={{tt|Ga voor de familiesteen!|Go for the Family Stone!}}
|fi={{tt|Sisko ja sen veli!|Sister and its brother!}}
|fi={{tt|Sisko ja sen veli!|Sister and its brother!}}
|hi=''Khandani Pathar Ki Koshish Karo''
|hi={{tt|Khandani Pathar Ki Koshish Karo|Try the family stone}}
|fr_eu={{tt|Une histoire de famille !|A family Story !}}
|id={{tt|Misdreavus, Murkrow, dan Batu Kegelapan!|Misdreavus, Murkrow, and the Dark Stone!}}
|id={{tt|Misdreavus, Murkrow, dan Batu Kegelapan!|Misdreavus, Murkrow, and the Dark Stone!}}
|it={{tt|Problemi in famiglia!|Family problems!}}
|it={{tt|Problemi in famiglia!|Family problems!}}
Line 114: Line 130:
|pt_br={{tt|A Pedra da Alegria!|The Stone of Joy!}}
|pt_br={{tt|A Pedra da Alegria!|The Stone of Joy!}}
|pt_eu={{tt|Uma Pedra Familiar!|A Familiar Stone!}}
|pt_eu={{tt|Uma Pedra Familiar!|A Familiar Stone!}}
|es_la={{tt|Hazlo por la Piedra de la familia|Do it for Family Stone}}
|es_la={{tt|Hazlo por la Piedra de la familia|Do it for Family Stone}}
|es_eu={{tt|Una piedra para unir a la familia|A stone to join the family}}
|es_eu={{tt|Una piedra para unir a la familia|A stone to join the family}}
|sv={{tt|Försök med familjestenen!|Try for the Family Stone!}}
|sv={{tt|Försök med familjestenen!|Try the family stone!}}
|ro={{tt|O Competiție în Familie|A Family Competition}}
|ro={{tt|O Competiție în Familie|A Family Competition}}
|ko={{tt|어둠의 돌과 남매의 화해|Dusk Stone and a Sibling Reconciliation}}
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{{Project Anime notice}}
{{Project Anime notice}}
[[Category:Diamond & Pearl series episodes|148]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Junki Takegami|614]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Hideaki Ōba|614]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Nobutaka Chikahashi|614]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Kazue Kinoshita|614]]

[[Category:Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl episodes|148]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Junki Takegami]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Hideaki Ōba]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Nobutaka Chikahashi]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Kazue Kinoshita]]

[[de:Familientrubel! (Episode)]]
[[zh:宝可梦 钻石&珍珠 第146集]]

Latest revision as of 22:36, 3 September 2024

DP147 : Bagged Then Tagged!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP149 : Sticking With Who You Know!
Try for the Family Stone!
DP148   EP614
Muma, Yamikarasu and the Dark Stone!
First broadcast
Japan October 22, 2009
United States March 13, 2010
English themes
Opening Battle Cry - (Stand Up!)
Japanese themes
Opening ハイタッチ! 2009
Ending ドッチ~ニョ?
Animation OLM
Screenplay 武上純希 Junki Takegami
Storyboard 大庭秀昭 Hideaki Ōba
Assistant director 近橋伸隆 Nobutaka Chikahashi
Animation director 木下和栄 Kazue Kinoshita
Additional credits

Try for the Family Stone! (Japanese: ムウマとヤミカラスとやみのいし! Muma, Yamikarasu and the Dark Stone!) is the 148th episode of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, and the 614th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It first aired in Japan on October 22, 2009 and in the United States on March 13, 2010.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


While heading toward Sunyshore City and Ash's next Gym Battle, our heroes get lost in a dark forest. They come across a mischievous Murkrow that creates what turn out to be fearful illusions. That Murkrow happens to be in the care of a Trainer named Mitchell, who has a sister named Rhyanna. Mitchell and Rhyanna haven't been speaking to each other since Mitchell took off into the mountains to train with his Murkrow—with the goal of finally beating his sis in battle. Now Rhyanna wants to find a Dusk Stone so she can evolve her Misdreavus into a Mismagius. She hopes the evolved Pokémon will help her brother become happy again. However, the angry Mitchell thinks Rhyanna's purpose is to keep winning battles against him!

That brings us to Team Rocket. Of course, their eyes are on getting themselves a Mismagius and a Dusk Stone, too—and what better way than to steal Rhyanna's Pokémon? With Brock's help, Rhyanna has found a Dusk Stone, which goes to the top of Team Rocket's must-steal list, along with Rhyanna's Misdreavus. But, even with Team Rocket's latest invention, the "Porta-Pidgey Mark Two" robot, the would-be thieves aren't able to hold onto Rhyanna's Misdreavus or the Dusk Stone.

Finally, Rhyanna and Mitchell discuss their issues and make up, happily deciding that the winner of the best of 10 battles between them gets to keep the prized Dusk Stone. And, happy in the knowledge that they helped to reunite the quarreling siblings, our heroes resume their journey toward Sunyshore City.


While on the way to Sunyshore City, Ash and his friends find themselves lost in a deep forest. After they spot a Murkrow, Brock fears that it is a sign that something bad is about to happen. Ash writes it off as silly superstition. Suddenly, they feel the ground shaking and are then attacked by Giratina. They escape but are caught up in a flood of rushing water. Rhyanna comes their rescue, admitting they were caught up in an illusion caused by a Murkrow's Confuse Ray. Brock flirts with her, only to be stopped by Croagunk. Brock makes a quick recovery and queries Rhyanna on how she knows about Murkrow was responsible for the illusions, and she admits that Murkrow is her brother, Mitchell's Pokémon. Rhyanna explains that they used to continuously battle together, though Mitchell left to train on a mountain, that's when he began play pranks on the travelers. She reveals that he has refused to speak with her ever since, so she's been looking for a Dusk Stone to evolve her Misdreavus into a Mismagius, believing from her grandpa that it can chant spells that can bring people happiness. She hopes to use it on Mitchell so that she and her brother can make up. Brock decides to help Rhyanna and promises to do everything he can to make her happy.

At a distance, Team Rocket was eavesdropping on their conversation. James reveals his very own Dusk Stone detection device - a pair of dowsing rods. His teammates have their doubts, but James's enthusiasm convinces them otherwise.

Rhyanna shows the group to a shrine, which according to her grandpa was where people used to mine for Dusk Stones nearby. To aid the search, the four split up into two teams with Ash and Dawn, Rhyanna and Brock. Brock then suggests that maybe her Misdreavus can find the Stone, as it one of the few that evolve via Dusk Stone, so Rhyanna calls out her Misdreavus. As Ash and Dawn continue their search, the same Murkrow suddenly appears and starts pecking Piplup's head. Ash has Pikachu to use Thunderbolt to knock out the troublemaker. Mitchell comes running out to tend to his fainted Murkrow, scolding Ash and Dawn. Mitchell tells them that his sister doesn't care for him, but Dawn instantly disagrees and explains that his sister was even trying to find a Dusk Stone just to make him happy, which makes him reconsider.

Team Rocket's detection device leads them to falling off a cliff, and at the bottom they spot a mine shaft. Realizing they might be close to finding a Dusk Stone, Meowth suggests they give a Mismagius to Giovanni. Jessie admits that they will have to catch a Misdreavus first. Suddenly, they catch sight of Rhyanna's Misdreavus just as Rhyanna and Brock themselves falls off the same cliff.

Meanwhile, Mitchell tries to run off, though Ash grabs his wrist to get his attention. Mitchell says he wants to get the Dusk Stone before his sister does, so he can finally beat her in a battle. He explains that he trained up on the mountain with Murkrow. Though he pushed Murkrow too hard when training, which caused Murkrow to run away and stop listening to him. Ash and Dawn realize Mitchell has nothing to do with any of Murkrow's pranks. As Mitchell continues blaming his sister for everything, Dawn tells him to consider how his Pokémon feels. Ash, feeling the same way, tells Mitchell that the only way to become stronger is to work with Murkrow as a team and start listening Murkrow's feelings instead of just his own. Mitchell, now realizes that he'd hurt Murkrow out of his own frustrations of not being able to beat Rhyanna, tearfully apologizes to it, which wakes it up.

Rhyanna is confused by her unfamiliar surrounds, though Misdreavus takes interest in a large rock nearby. Brock uses a stick to lever the stone from the ground, and underneath they find a Dusk Stone. Rhyanna cheerfully embraces and thanks Brock for his hard work, while Brock is thrilled and blushing. Team Rocket suddenly appears and nets Misdreavus for themselves, reciting their motto afterwards. Brock quickly sends out his Sudowoodo to save Rhyanna's Misdreavus. With a click of a remote, Meowth summons their latest mecha, the Porta-Pidgey Mark II. They throw Misdreavus into the front containment capsule before boarding their robot to make their getaway. Brock commands Sudowoodo to use Double-Edge, though Meowth sends blows it away with a giant fan. Sudowoodo tries another Double-Edge at the robot, but it is blinded by the robot's Sand-Attack before being struck away by the robot's rocket wing. So Brock recalls Sudowoodo.

Having spotted the giant Pidgey robot, Ash, Dawn and Mitchell rush onto the scene as Rhyanna wrestles with the mecha for the Dusk Stone. Pikachu is ready to attack, though Ash orders Staraptor out to help Rhyanna. Mitchell sends out his Murkrow to help her too, and Murkrow complies with his request. Staraptor supports Rhyanna by her shoulders while Murkrow breaks the mechanical hand. With the robotic hand broken off, Rhyanna gets her Dusk Stone back, Staraptor safely lands with Rhyanna. Still needing to save Misdreavus, Mitchell has his Murkrow crack open the capsule with its beak and successfully returns Misdreavus with no trouble. Ash then commands Pikachu to use Thunderbolt which blasts Team Rocket off.

Afterwards Mitchell and Rhyanna are once again reunited and happy to see each other. Rhyanna apologizes for the misunderstanding and admits she doesn't need to evolve her Misdreavus anymore. Mitchell then challenges Rhyanna and says that whoever wins the most battles out of ten gets the Dusk Stone, Rhyanna happily accepts the challenge.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts

TV episode debuts






James's miscolored eyes
  • Right before Team Rocket is about to be blasted off, James's eyes are black instead of green.

Dub edits

  • The English dub removes the L'oiseau bleu reference from Team Rocket's motto.

In other languages

DP147 : Bagged Then Tagged!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP149 : Sticking With Who You Know!
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.