Crunch (move): Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
(349 intermediate revisions by 94 users not shown)
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n=242 |
name=Crunch |
jname=かみくだく |
jtrans=Crunch |
jtranslit=Kamikudaku |
gameimage=Crunch.png |
|gameimage=Crunch IX.png
type=Dark |
damagecategory=Physical |
basepp=15 |
maxpp=24 |
power=80 |
accuracy=100 |
bdesc=??? |
gen=II |
category=Tough |
appeal=1 |
jam=4 |
cdesc=Badly startles the Pokémon in front. |
|cdesc=Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
appealsc=2 |
scdesc=Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn. |
|scdesc=Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn.
pokefordex=crunch |
touches=yes |
protect=yes |
|cdesc6=Badly startles the last Pokémon to act before the user.
magiccoat=no |
snatch=no |
brightpowder=yes |
kingsrock=no |
flag7=no |
flag8=no |
sound=no |
target=anyadjacent |
footnotes= }}
'''Crunch''' (Japanese: '''かみくだく''' ''Crunch'') is a damage-dealing {{type|Dark}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation II]]. It can be seen as a more powerful version of {{m|Bite}}.
'''Crunch''' (Japanese: '''かみくだく''' ''Crunch'') is a damage-dealing {{type|Dark}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation II]]. It was [[TR32]] in [[Generation VIII]], and is [[TM108]] in [[Generation IX]].

===Generation II and III===
===Generations II and III===
Crunch does damage and has a 20% chance of lowering the target's {{stat|Special Defense}} stat by one stage.
Crunch does damage and has a 20% chance of lowering the target's {{stat|Special Defense}} stat by one stage.

===Generation IV and Generation V===
Crunch can be used as the second move of a [[Contest combination|Pokémon Contest combination]], with the user gaining 1 bonus appeal point if {{m|Scary Face}} was used in the previous turn.
Crunch does damage and has a 20% chance of lowering the target's {{stat|Defense}} stat by one stage.
===Generation IV onwards===
Crunch now has a 20% chance of lowering the target's {{stat|Defense}} stat by one stage.
===Generation VIII===
====Pokémon Legends: Arceus====
Crunch's PP has been reduced to 10 and has a 20% chance of lowering the target's defensive stats.

===Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red and Blue Rescue Teams===
Crunch has a 40% chance of making its opponent cringe.
|effect=May lower the target's defensive stats

{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|Stad2}}|A <sc>Dark</sc>-type attack. Has a one-in-five chance of reducing the target's <sc>Spcl.Def</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevss|Stad2}}|A <sc>Dark</sc>-type attack. Has a one-in-five chance of reducing the target's <sc>Spcl.Def</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|GSC}}|An attack that may lower <sc>Spcl.Def</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev2|GSC}}|An attack that may lower <sc>Spcl.Def</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|RSE}}{{gameabbrev3|Colo}}{{gameabbrev3|XD}}|Crunches with sharp fangs. May lower <sc>Sp. Def</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|RSE}}{{gameabbrevss|Colo}}{{gameabbrevss|XD}}|Crunches with sharp fangs. May lower <sc>Sp. Def</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|The foe is crunched with sharp fangs. It may lower the foe’s <sc>Sp. Def</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|The foe is crunched with sharp fangs. It may lower the foe's <sc>Sp. Def</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|DPPt}}{{gameabbrev3|HGSS}}|The user crunches up the foe with sharp fangs. It may also lower the target’s Defense stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev4|DPPtHGSS}}{{gameabbrevss|PBR}}|The user crunches up the foe with sharp fangs. It may also lower the target's Defense stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|BWB2W2}}[[Pokémon Conquest|<span style="color#000;">Conq</span>]]|The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. It may also lower the target's Defense stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev5|BWB2W2}}|The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. It may also lower the target's Defense stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|XY}}|The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. This may also lower the target's Defense stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev6|XYORAS}}<br>{{gameabbrev7|SMUSUMPE}}<br>{{gameabbrev8|SwShBDSP}}<br>{{gameabbrev9|SV}}|The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. This may also lower the target's Defense stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev8|LA}}|The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. This may also lower the target's defensive stats.}}
|}{{left clear}}
|}{{left clear}}
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===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
{{Moveentry/11|0019|formsig=A|Rattata|type=Dark|type2=Normal|1|Field|Field|form=Alolan Form||||||22|18||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0020|formsig=A|Raticate|type=Dark|type2=Normal|1|Field|Field|form=Alolan Form||||||24|18||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0024|Arbok|type=Poison|2|Field|Dragon|||22|22|22|1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}|1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}||1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}||{{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}}}
{{Moveentry/11|0030|Nidorina|type=Poison|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|−|53|43|43|43|43|39|64|64}}
{{Moveentry/11|0031|Nidoqueen|type=Poison|type2=Ground|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||||||1|1}}
{{Moveentry/11|0042|Golbat|type=Poison|type2=Flying|1|Flying|Flying|||||||1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}|||}}
{{Moveentry/11|0058|formsig=H|Growlithe|type=Fire|type2=Rock|1|Field|Field|form=Hisuian Form||||||||||29|32}}
{{Moveentry/11|0059|formsig=H|Arcanine|type=Fire|type2=Rock|1|Field|Field|form=Hisuian Form||||||||||29|1}}
{{Moveentry/11|0088|formsig=A|Grimer|type=Poison|type2=Dark|1|Amorphous|Amorphous|form=Alolan Form||||||32|36||||32|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0089|formsig=A|Muk|type=Poison|type2=Dark|1|Amorphous|Amorphous|form=Alolan Form||||||32|36||||32|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0130|Gyarados|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 2|Dragon|||||41{{sup/6|ORAS}}|39|36|24|24|21|24|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0139|Omastar|type=Rock|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3||||||||1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}|1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}}}
{{Moveentry/11|0158|Totodile|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1|−|−|27|27|27|27|||27||27}}
{{Moveentry/11|0159|Croconaw|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1|−|−|30|30|30|30|||30||30}}
{{Moveentry/11|0160|Feraligatr|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1|||32|32|32|32|||32||32}}
{{Moveentry/11|0211|formsig=H|Qwilfish|type=Dark|type2=Poison|1|Water 2|Water 2|form=Hisuian Form|||||||||||48|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0243|Raikou|type=Electric|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|61|61|43|43|43|43||42|42||42}}
{{Moveentry/11|0244|Entei|type=Fire|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|−|−|−|−|−|−||42|42||42}}
{{Moveentry/11|0245|Suicune|type=Water|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||−|−|−|−|−||42|42||42}}
{{Moveentry/11|0262|Mightyena|type=Dark|1|Field|Field||47|||1, 65{{sup/6|XY}}<br>1, 44{{sup/6|ORAS}}|1, 40|||1, 40||1|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0295|Exploud|type=Normal|2|Monster|Field|||40|40|40|1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}||1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}|1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}}}
{{Moveentry/11|0318|Carvanha|type=Water|type2=Dark|1|Water 2|Water 2||22|28|28|28{{sup/6|XY}}<br>36{{sup/6|ORAS}}|36||32|32|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0319|Sharpedo|type=Water|type2=Dark|1|Water 2|Water 2||22|28|28|28{{sup/6|XY}}<br>40{{sup/6|ORAS}}|40||34|34|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0329|Vibrava|type=Ground|type2=Dragon|2|Bug|Dragon||33||||||1|1||{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}}}
{{Moveentry/11|0330|Flygon|type=Ground|type2=Dragon|2|Bug|Dragon||33||||||1|1||{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}}}
{{Moveentry/11|0341|Corphish|type=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3||43{{sup/3|FRLG}}|47|47|47{{sup/6|XY}}<br>39{{sup/6|ORAS}}|39||40|40||40|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0342|Crawdaunt|type=Water|type2=Dark|2|Water 1|Water 3||51{{sup/3|FRLG}}|57|57|57{{sup/6|XY}}<br>43{{sup/6|ORAS}}|43||46|46||46|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0365|Walrein|type=Ice|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Field|||1|1|1|1||1|1|−}}
{{Moveentry/11|0367|Huntail|type=Water|1|Water 1|Water 1||36|42|42|42{{sup/6|XY}}<br>34{{sup/6|ORAS}}|34|||34}}
{{Moveentry/11|0384|Rayquaza|type=Dragon|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||35|35{{sup/4|DPPt}}<br>15{{sup/4|HGSS}}|15|15{{sup/6|XY}}<br>20{{sup/6|ORAS}}|20||9|9||9}}
{{Moveentry/11|0399|Bidoof|type=Normal|2|Water 1|Field|||−|−|−|25|||25|23}}
{{Moveentry/11|0400|Bibarel|type=Normal|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Field|||−|−|−|28|||28|23}}
{{Moveentry/11|0419|Floatzel|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field|||26|26{{sup/5|BW}}<br>1{{sup/5|B2W2}}|1|1|||1|30|1}}
{{Moveentry/11|0445|Garchomp|type=Dragon|type2=Ground|2|Monster|Dragon|||48|48|48|1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}||1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}|1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}|−|{{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}}}
{{Moveentry/11|0447|Riolu|type=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||−|−|−|−||−|−|29|−}}
{{Moveentry/11|0451|Skorupi|type=Poison|type2=Bug|2|Bug|Water 3|||45|56{{sup/5|BW}}<br>45{{sup/5|B2W2}}|45|45||48|48|43|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0452|Drapion|type=Poison|type2=Dark|2|Bug|Water 3|||49|65{{sup/5|BW}}<br>49{{sup/5|B2W2}}|49|49||54|54|43|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/Level2|635|Hydreigon |2|Dark|Dragon|no|no|no|25|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0485|Heatran|type=Fire|type2=Steel|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||33|33|33|33||36|36|36|36}}
{{Moveentry/11|0550|Basculin|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2|form=Red- and<br>Blue-Striped Forms||||24|24|17||32|||32}}
{{Moveentry/11|0550|formsig=W|Basculin|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2|form=White-Striped Form||||||||||−|32}}
{{Moveentry/11|0564|Tirtouga|type=Water|type2=Rock|2|Water 1|Water 3||||21|21|21||27}}
{{Moveentry/11|0565|Carracosta|type=Water|type2=Rock|2|Water 1|Water 3||||21|21|21||27}}
{{Moveentry/11|0566|Archen|type=Rock|type2=Flying|2|Flying|Water 3||||35|35|35||30}}
{{Moveentry/11|0567|Archeops|type=Rock|type2=Flying|2|Flying|Water 3||||35|35|35||30}}
{{Moveentry/11|0603|Eelektrik|type=Electric|1|Amorphous|Amorphous||||39|39|1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}|||||{{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}}}
{{Moveentry/11|0641|Tornadus|type=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All available forms||||49|49|43||40||41|40}}
{{Moveentry/11|0642|Thundurus|type=Electric|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All available forms||||49|49|43||40||41|40}}
{{Moveentry/11|0643|Reshiram|type=Dragon|type2=Fire|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||71|71|71||16|||16}}
{{Moveentry/11|0644|Zekrom|type=Dragon|type2=Electric|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||71|71|71||16|||16}}
{{Moveentry/11|0645|Landorus|type=Ground|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms||||−|−|−||−||41|−}}
{{Moveentry/11|0668|Pyroar|type=Fire|type2=Normal|1|Field|Field|form=All forms|||||42|42|||||42}}
{{Moveentry/11|0713|Avalugg|type=Ice|2|Monster|Mineral|||||1, 65|1, 65||33|||33}}
{{Moveentry/11|0713|formsig=H|Avalugg|type=Ice|type2=Rock|2|Monster|Mineral|form=Hisuian Form||||||||||29|33}}
{{Moveentry/11|0718|Zygarde|type=Dragon|type2=Ground|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All available forms|||||51|51||32}}
{{Moveentry/11|0745|Lycanroc|type=Rock|1|Field|Field|form=Midday Form||||||40||42|||42}}
{{Moveentry/11|0745|formsig=Mn|Lycanroc|type=Rock|1|Field|Field|form=Midnight Form||||||40||42|||42}}
{{Moveentry/11|0745|formsig=D|Lycanroc|type=Rock|1|Field|Field|form=Dusk Form||||||40{{sup/7|USUM}}||42|||42}}
{{Moveentry/11|0751|Dewpider|type=Water|type2=Bug|2|Water 1|Bug||||||32||24|||24}}
{{Moveentry/11|0752|Araquanid|type=Water|type2=Bug|2|Water 1|Bug||||||38||26|||26}}
{{Moveentry/11|0773|Silvally|type=Normal|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms||||||50||45|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0779|Bruxish|type=Water|type2=Psychic|1|Water 2|Water 2||||||28|||||28}}
{{Moveentry/11|0791|Solgaleo|type=Psychic|type2=Steel|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||||37||42|||42}}
{{Moveentry/11|0799|Guzzlord|type=Dark|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||||37||30|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0834|Drednaw|type=Water|type2=Rock|2|Monster|Water 1||||||||1|||1}}
{{Moveentry/11|0846|Arrokuda|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2||||||||36|||36}}
{{Moveentry/11|0847|Barraskewda|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2||||||||40|||40}}
{{Moveentry/11|0882|Dracovish|type=Water|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||||||56}}
{{Moveentry/11|0883|Arctovish|type=Water|type2=Ice|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||||||56}}
{{Moveentry/11|0888|Zacian|type=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms||||||||55|||55}}
{{Moveentry/11|0889|Zamazenta|type=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms||||||||55|||55}}
{{Moveentry/11|0895|Regidrago|type=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||||||30|||30}}
{{Moveentry/11|0902|Basculegion|type=Water|type2=Ghost|1|Water 2|Water 2|form=All forms||||||||||25|32}}
{{Moveentry/11|0904|Overqwil|type=Dark|type2=Poison|1|Water 2|Water 2||||||||||−|48|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0905|Enamorus|type=Fairy|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms||||||||||41|−}}
{{Moveentry/11|0976|Veluza|type=Water|type2=Psychic|1|Water 2|Water 2|||||||||||50}}
{{Moveentry/11|0985|Scream Tail|type=Fairy|type2=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||||||||||63}}
{{Moveentry/11|0993|Iron Jugulis|type=Dark|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||||||||||35|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|1014|Okidogi|type=Poison|type2=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||||||||||56}}
===By [[TM]]/[[TR]]===
{{Moveentry/2|0009|Blastoise|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0030|Nidorina|type=Poison|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0031|Nidoqueen|type=Poison|type2=Ground|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0052|formsig=G|Meowth|type=Steel|1|Field|Field|form=Galarian Form|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0058|formsig=H|Growlithe|type=Fire|type2=Rock|1|Field|Field|form=Hisuian Form||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0059|formsig=H|Arcanine|type=Fire|type2=Rock|1|Field|Field|form=Hisuian Form||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0088|formsig=A|Grimer|type=Poison|type2=Dark|1|Amorphous|Amorphous|form=Alolan Form||✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0089|formsig=A|Muk|type=Poison|type2=Dark|1|Amorphous|Amorphous|form=Alolan Form||✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0130|Gyarados|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 2|Dragon|✔|✔|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0139|Omastar|type=Rock|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0151|Mew|type=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0158|Totodile|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0159|Croconaw|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0160|Feraligatr|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0211|Qwilfish|type=Water|type2=Poison|1|Water 2|Water 2|−|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0211|formsig=H|Qwilfish|type=Dark|type2=Poison|1|Water 2|Water 2|form=Hisuian Form||✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0243|Raikou|type=Electric|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0244|Entei|type=Fire|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0245|Suicune|type=Water|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0318|Carvanha|type=Water|type2=Dark|1|Water 2|Water 2|✔||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0319|Sharpedo|type=Water|type2=Dark|1|Water 2|Water 2|✔||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0341|Corphish|type=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3|✔|✔|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0342|Crawdaunt|type=Water|type2=Dark|2|Water 1|Water 3|✔|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0365|Walrein|type=Ice|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Field|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0383|Groudon|type=Ground|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|−|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0384|Rayquaza|type=Dragon|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0418|Buizel|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0419|Floatzel|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0446|Munchlax|type=Normal|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|−|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0447|Riolu|type=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0451|Skorupi|type=Poison|type2=Bug|2|Bug|Water 3|✔||STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0452|Drapion|type=Poison|type2=Dark|2|Bug|Water 3|✔||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0485|Heatran|type=Fire|type2=Steel|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0550|Basculin|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2|form=Red- and<br>Blue-Striped Forms|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0550|formsig=W|Basculin|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2|form=White-Striped Form||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0564|Tirtouga|type=Water|type2=Rock|2|Water 1|Water 3|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0565|Carracosta|type=Water|type2=Rock|2|Water 1|Water 3|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0566|Archen|type=Rock|type2=Flying|2|Flying|Water 3|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0567|Archeops|type=Rock|type2=Flying|2|Flying|Water 3|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0571|formsig=H|Zoroark|type=Normal|type2=Ghost|1|Field|Field|form=Hisuian Form||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0618|formsig=G|Stunfisk|type=Ground|type2=Steel|2|Water 1|Amorphous|form=Galarian Form|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0641|Tornadus|type=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0642|Thundurus|type=Electric|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0643|Reshiram|type=Dragon|type2=Fire|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0644|Zekrom|type=Dragon|type2=Electric|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0645|Landorus|type=Ground|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms|−|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0668|Pyroar|type=Fire|type2=Normal|1|Field|Field|form=All forms||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0713|formsig=H|Avalugg|type=Ice|type2=Rock|2|Monster|Mineral|form=Hisuian Form||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0718|Zygarde|type=Dragon|type2=Ground|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0745|Lycanroc|type=Rock|1|Field|Field|form=Midday Form|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0745|formsig=Mn|Lycanroc|type=Rock|1|Field|Field|form=Midnight Form|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0745|formsig=D|Lycanroc|type=Rock|1|Field|Field|form=Dusk Form|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0751|Dewpider|type=Water|type2=Bug|2|Water 1|Bug|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0752|Araquanid|type=Water|type2=Bug|2|Water 1|Bug|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0773|Silvally|type=Normal|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms|✔||STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0779|Bruxish|type=Water|type2=Psychic|1|Water 2|Water 2||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0791|Solgaleo|type=Psychic|type2=Steel|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0799|Guzzlord|type=Dark|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0833|Chewtle|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1|−|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0834|Drednaw|type=Water|type2=Rock|2|Monster|Water 1|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0846|Arrokuda|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0847|Barraskewda|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0882|Dracovish|type=Water|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0883|Arctovish|type=Water|type2=Ice|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|}}
{{Moveentry/2|0888|Zacian|type=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0889|Zamazenta|type=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0892|Urshifu|type=Fighting|type2=Dark|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=Single Strike Style|✔|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0893|Zarude|type=Dark|type2=Grass|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms|✔|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0895|Regidrago|type=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0896|Glastrier|type=Ice|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0897|Spectrier|type=Ghost|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0898|formsig=I|Calyrex|type=Psychic|type2=Ice|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=Ice Rider|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0898|formsig=S|Calyrex|type=Psychic|type2=Ghost|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=Shadow Rider|✔|✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0902|Basculegion|type=Water|type2=Ghost|1|Water 2|Water 2|form=All forms||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0904|Overqwil|type=Dark|type2=Poison|1|Water 2|Water 2||✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0925|Maushold|type=Normal|2|Field|Fairy|form=All forms||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0976|Veluza|type=Water|type2=Psychic|1|Water 2|Water 2||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0977|Dondozo|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0985|Scream Tail|type=Fairy|type2=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|0986|Brute Bonnet|type=Grass|type2=Dark|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0993|Iron Jugulis|type=Dark|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|0995|Iron Thorns|type=Rock|type2=Electric|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|1002|Chien-Pao|type=Dark|type2=Ice|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|1004|Chi-Yu|type=Dark|type2=Fire|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|1005|Roaring Moon|type=Dragon|type2=Dark|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/2|1007|Koraidon|type=Fighting|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|1008|Miraidon|type=Electric|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|1009|Walking Wake|type=Water|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|1014|Okidogi|type=Poison|type2=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|1020|Gouging Fire|type=Fire|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|1021|Raging Bolt|type=Electric|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔}}
{{Moveentry/2|1024|Terapagos|type=Normal|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||✔}}

===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
{{Movehead/Games|Dark|Egg Move|g1=none|g7=1|g7g={{gameabbrev7|SMUSUM}}|g8=1|g8g={{gameabbrev8|BDSP}}}}
{{Moveentry/8|0158|Totodile|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1||||||||}}
===Special move===
====[[Generation III]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0158|Totodile|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1|[[Mt. Battle]] {{DL|Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|Totodile}}{{sup/ss|XD}}}}
====[[Generation V]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0216|Teddiursa|type=Normal|1|Field|Field|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Rugged Mountain}}}}
====[[Generation IX]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0996|Frigibax|type=Dragon|type2=Ice|2|Dragon|Mineral|[[Terastal phenomenon|Wild Tera Pokémon]] - [[Glaseado Mountain]]{{sup/9|SV}}|note=Lv.&nbsp;40}}

===By {{pkmn2|event}}===
===By {{pkmn2|event}}===
====[[Generation II]]====
====[[Generation II]]====
{{Moveentryspecial|004|Charmander|1|Fire|Fire|{{DL|List of Japanese event Pokémon distributions in Generation II|Charmander|Pokémon Center Mystery Egg #3}}<br>{{DL|List of Gotta Catch 'Em All event Pokémon|Crunch Charmander|New York Pokémon Center}}|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0004|Charmander|type=Fire|2|Monster|Dragon|[[List of Japanese event Pokémon distributions in Generation II#Charmander|Pokémon Center Mystery Egg #3]]<br>[[List of PCNY event Pokémon distributions in Generation II#Crunch Charmander|New York Pokémon Center]]}}
====[[Generation IV]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0059|Arcanine|type=Fire|1|Field|Field|{{DL|List of local Korean event Pokémon distributions in Generation IV|Battle Series 2009 Arcanine}}}}

====[[Generation V]]====
====[[Generation V]]====
{{Moveentryspecial|216|Teddiursa|1|Normal|Normal|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Rugged Mountain}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0408|Cranidos|type=Rock|1|Monster|Monster|[[List of local Japanese event Pokémon distributions in Generation V#Cranidos|Pokémon Adventure Camp Cranidos]]}}

===Special move===
==In other games==
====[[Generation III]]====
===[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series]]===
Crunch inflicts damage and may lower the enemy's Defense by one stage (previously Sp. Defense in the [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|Rescue Team]] series). This move is affected by the {{DL|Status condition (Mystery Dungeon)|Muzzled}} status condition.
{{Moveentryspecial|158|Totodile|1|Water|Water|[[Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness#Totodile|Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness]]}}

==In other games==
===[[Pokémon Conquest]]===
===[[Pokémon Conquest]]===
Crunch is the only move of {{p|Krookodile}} and {{p|Zweilous}}.
|eff=Has a 20% chance of lowering the target's Defense.
|users={{CSP|553|Krookodile}} &nbsp;&nbsp;{{CSP|634|Zweilous}}
===[[Pokémon GO]]===
In Pokémon GO, Crunch is a Charged Attack that has been available since February 16, 2017.
|damage_window=1.3 - 3
|effect=[[File:GO drop arrow.png|16px]] 1 Opponent Defense
|users={{MSP/GO|0019A|Rattata|Alolan Form}}{{MSP/GO|0020A|Raticate|Alolan Form}}{{MSP/GO|0058H|Growlithe|Hisuian Form}}{{MSP/GO|0059|Arcanine}}{{MSP/GO|0059H|Arcanine|Hisuian Form}}{{MSP/GO|0088A|Grimer|Alolan Form}}{{MSP/GO|0115|Kangaskhan}}{{MSP/GO|0130|Gyarados}}{{MSP/GO|0158|Totodile}}{{MSP/GO|0159|Croconaw}}{{MSP/GO|0160|Feraligatr}}{{MSP/GO|0208|Steelix}}{{MSP/GO|0209|Snubbull}}{{MSP/GO|0210|Granbull}}{{MSP/GO|0216|Teddiursa}}{{MSP/GO|0228|Houndour}}{{MSP/GO|0229|Houndoom}}{{MSP/GO|0246|Larvitar}}{{MSP/GO|0247|Pupitar}}{{MSP/GO|0248|Tyranitar}}{{MSP/GO|0261|Poochyena}}{{MSP/GO|0262|Mightyena}}{{MSP/GO|0295|Exploud}}{{MSP/GO|0318|Carvanha}}{{MSP/GO|0319|Sharpedo}}{{MSP/GO|0328|Trapinch}}{{MSP/GO|0336|Seviper}}{{MSP/GO|0367|Huntail}}{{MSP/GO|0371|Bagon}}{{MSP/GO|0399|Bidoof}}{{MSP/GO|0404|Luxio}}{{MSP/GO|0405|Luxray}}{{MSP/GO|0434|Stunky}}{{MSP/GO|0435|Skuntank}}{{MSP/GO|0452|Drapion}}{{MSP/GO|0455|Carnivine}}{{MSP/GO|0478|Froslass}}{{MSP/GO|0505|Watchog}}{{MSP/GO|0508|Stoutland}}{{MSP/GO|0511|Pansage}}{{MSP/GO|0512|Simisage}}{{MSP/GO|0513|Pansear}}{{MSP/GO|0514|Simisear}}{{MSP/GO|0515|Panpour}}{{MSP/GO|0516|Simipour}}{{MSP/GO|0551|Sandile}}{{MSP/GO|0552|Krokorok}}{{MSP/GO|0553|Krookodile}}{{MSP/GO|0566|Archen}}{{MSP/GO|0567|Archeops}}{{MSP/GO|0603|Eelektrik}}{{MSP/GO|0604|Eelektross}}{{MSP/GO|0633|Deino}}{{MSP/GO|0642|Thundurus|Incarnate Forme}}{{MSP/GO|0643|Reshiram}}{{MSP/GO|0644|Zekrom}}{{MSP/GO|0667|Litleo}}{{MSP/GO|0674|Pancham}}{{MSP/GO|0697|Tyrantrum}}{{MSP/GO|0712|Bergmite}}{{MSP/GO|0713|Avalugg}}{{MSP/GO|0713H|Avalugg|Hisuian Form}}{{MSP/GO|0718|Zygarde}}{{MSP/GO|0725|Litten}}{{MSP/GO|0726|Torracat}}{{MSP/GO|0736|Grubbin}}{{MSP/GO|0737|Charjabug}}{{MSP/GO|0738|Vikavolt}}{{MSP/GO|0744|Rockruff}}{{MSP/GO|0745Md|Lycanroc|Midday Form}}{{MSP/GO|0745Mn|Lycanroc|Midnight Form}}{{MSP/GO|0745D|Lycanroc|Dusk Form}}{{MSP/GO|0779|Bruxish}}{{MSP/GO|0799|Guzzlord}}{{MSP/GO|0819|Skwovet}}{{MSP/GO|0820|Greedent}}{{MSP/GO|0889|Zamazenta}}{{MSP/GO|0909|Fuecoco}}{{MSP/GO|0910|Crocalor}}{{MSP/GO|0911|Skeledirge}}{{MSP/GO|0924|Tandemaus}}{{MSP/GO|0925|Maushold}}{{MSP/GO|0925T|Maushold|Family of Three}}
;Trainer Battles
* '''August 30, 2021'''
** '''Secondary effect added'''
==={{g|Rumble Rush}}===
|range=Arc (melee)
|effect=May lower  foe's Defense}}
===[[Pokémon Masters EX]]===
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{dark color}}; border:3px solid #{{dark color dark}}; text-align:center; width:80%"
|- style="background: #{{dark color light}}"
! style="{{roundytl|5px}}" | Name
! {{color2|000|Damage category|Category}}
! Move gauge cost
! MP<br>(uses)
! Base {{color2|000|power}}
! Max {{color2|000|power}}
! {{color2|000|Accuracy}}
! Target
! Effect tag
! Description
! style="{{roundytr|5px}}" | Playable {{color2|000|Sync pair|sync pair(s)}}
|- style="background:#fff"
|An opponent
|Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank.
|{{sync|Cheren|Stoutland}}<hr>{{sync|Hilbert|Mightyena|Fall 2020}}<hr>{{sync|Marnie|Grimmsnarl|Summer 2021}}<hr>{{sync|Zinnia|Thievul|Special Costume}}<hr>{{sync|Selene|Umbreon}}<hr>{{sync|Marnie|Scrafty}}
|- style="background:#{{dark color dark}}"
! colspan=12 |{{color2|fff|Sync move}}
|- style="background: #{{dark color light}}"
!{{color2|000|Damage category|Category}}
!colspan="2" |State
!Base {{color2|000|power}}
!Max {{color2|000|power}}
!colspan="2" |Target
!Effect tag
!Playable {{color2|000|sync pair}}
|- style="background:#fff"
|style="{{roundybl|5px}}"|Bump-in-the-Night Crunch
|colspan=2|Default<hr>'''6★ EX'''
|colspan=2|An opponent<hr>'''All opponents'''
|Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank.
|style="{{roundybr|5px}}"|{{sync|Hilbert|Mightyena|Fall 2020}}
* '''Crunch:'''
** Description prior to Version 2.10.0 (from June 28, 2021): Has a small chance of lowering the target's Defense.
* '''Bump-in-the-Night Crunch:'''
** Description of 6★ EX effect prior to Version 2.18.5 (from March 15, 2022): "Additional Effects: [[Sync move]] targets all opponents."
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|RB}}|Inflicts damage on the target. It may also lower the target's Special Defense by one level.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|TDS}}|Inflicts damage on the target. It may also reduce the target's Defense by 1 level.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|BSL}}|{{tt|てきポケモンに ダメージをあたえる しかも いっていのかくりつで ぼうぎょを 1だんかいさげる|Inflicts damage on the target. It may also reduce the target's Defense by 1 level}}}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevss|Conq}}|The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. It may also lower the target's Defense stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|GTI}}|It damages an enemy. It could also lower its Defense.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|SMD}}<br/>{{gameabbrevmd|RTDX}}|It damages an enemy. It could also lower the enemy's Defense.}}
|}{{left clear}}

==In the anime==
==In the anime==
{{moveanime|type=dark|exp=yes|gen=The user crunches up the foe with sharp fangs.|image1=Jasmine Steelix Crunch.png|image1p=Steelix|image2=Ash Krokorok Crunch.png|image2p=Krokorok|image3=Angie Shinx Crunch.png|image3p=Shinx|image4=Khoury Totodile Crunch.png|image4p=Totodile}}
===Main series===
{{moveanime|type=dark|exp=yes|gen=The user crunches up the foe with sharp fangs.|image1=Ash Krookodile Crunch.png|image1p=Krookodile|image2=Misty Mega Gyarados Crunch.png|image2p=Mega Gyarados|image3=Paul Torterra Crunch.png|image3p=Torterra|image4=Raihan Flygon Crunch.png|image4p=Flygon}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=208|pkmn=Steelix|method=Steelix bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=208|pkmn=Steelix|method=Steelix bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Jasmine's Steelix|startcode=EP224|startname=Nerves of Steelix!|notes=Debut}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Jasmine's Steelix|startcode=EP224|startname=Nerves of Steelix!|notes=Debut}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Hun|user1=Hun's Steelix|startcode=The Legend of Thunder!|notes=Initially referred as {{color2|{{dark color dark}}|Bite (move)|Bite}} in the English dub}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Hun|user1=Hun's Steelix|startcode=The Legend of Thunder!|notes=Initially incorrectly referred to as {{mcolor|Bite|000}} in the English dub}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Harrison (Johto)|user1=Harrison's Steelix|startcode=EP271|startname=Playing with Fire!}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Harrison (Johto)|user1=Harrison's Steelix|startcode=EP271|startname=Playing with Fire!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=403|pkmn=Shinx|method=Shinx bites down on the opponent using its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=403|pkmn=Shinx|method=Shinx bites down on the opponent using its mouth.}}
Line 199: Line 686:
{{movep|type=dark|ms=552|pkmn=Krokorok|method=Krokorok's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with its powerful jaw.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=552|pkmn=Krokorok|method=Krokorok's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with its powerful jaw.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Ash's Krokorok|startcode=BW065|startname=Battling the Bully!}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Ash's Krokorok|startcode=BW065|startname=Battling the Bully!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=553|pkmn=Krookodile|method=Krookodile's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with its powerful jaw.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=553|pkmn=Krookodile|method=Krookodile's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with its powerful jaw; or, Krookodile opens its mouth and creates a white jaw-shaped mass of energy, which then bites down on the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Ash's Krookodile|startcode=BW092|startname=Ash, Iris and Trip: Then There Were Three!}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Ash's Krookodile|startcode=BW092|startname=Ash, Iris, and Trip: Then There Were Three!}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Mantle|user1=Mantle's Krookodile|startcode=XY081|startname=Rotom's Wish!}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Nanu|user1=Nanu's Krookodile|startcode=SM074|startname=Tough Guy Trials!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=505|pkmn=Watchog|method=Watchog's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with them.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=505|pkmn=Watchog|method=Watchog's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with them.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Mikael|user1=Mikael's Watchog|startcode=BW103|startname=Curtain Up, Unova League!}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Mikael|user1=Mikael's Watchog|startcode=BW103|startname=Curtain Up, Unova League!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=604|pkmn=Eelektross|method=Eelektross's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with them.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=604|pkmn=Eelektross|method=Eelektross's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with them.}}
{{movebtm|type=dark|user=Kendrick|user1=Kendrick's Eelektross|startcode=BW104|startname=Mission: Defeat Your Rival!}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Kendrick|user1=Kendrick's Eelektross|startcode=BW104|startname=Mission: Defeat Your Rival!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=696|pkmn=Tyrunt|method=Tyrunt's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with them.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Grant|user1=Grant's Tyrunt|startcode=XY025|startname=Climbing the Walls!}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Scientist (Trainer class)|user1=A Scientist's Tyrunt|startcode=XY087|startname=The Tiny Caretaker!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=295|pkmn=Exploud|method=Exploud's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with them.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Blake and Heath's parents|user1=Blake and Heath's father's Exploud|startcode=XY045|startname=Splitting Heirs!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=697|pkmn=Tyrantrum|method=Tyrantrum's bites down on the opponent with its teeth.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Scientist (Trainer class)|user1=A Scientist's Tyrantrum|startcode=XY087|startname=The Tiny Caretaker!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=229M|pkmn=Houndoom|method=Mega Houndoom's teeth glow orange and it bites down on the opponent with them.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Malva|user1=Malva's Houndoom|startcode=XYS04|startname=Mega Evolution Special IV}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=248|pkmn=Tyranitar|method=Tyranitar's teeth glow white and it then bites down on the opponent with its teeth.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Alain|user1=Alain's Tyranitar|startcode=XY130|startname=Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=745Mn|pkmn=Lycanroc|method=Midnight Form Lycanroc bites down hard on the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Gladion's Lycanroc|startcode=SM027|startname=A Glaring Rivalry!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=130M|pkmn=Gyarados|method=Mega Gyarados bites the opponent with its teeth.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Misty's Gyarados|startcode=SM043|startname=When Regions Collide!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=130|pkmn=Gyarados|method=Gyarados bites the opponent with its teeth.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Pokémon Trainer|user1=A Trainer's Gyarados|startcode=SM129|startname=Battle Royal 151!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=262|pkmn=Mightyena|method=Mightyena opens its mouth and creates a yellow aura shaped like a set of teeth, which then bites down on the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Hodge|user1=Hodge's Mightyena|startcode=JN007|startname=Serving Up the Flute Cup!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=229|pkmn=Houndoom|method=Houndoom opens its mouth and creates a yellow aura shaped like a set of teeth, which then bites down on the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Pokémon hunters (JN053)|user1=Pokémon hunters' boss's Houndoom|startcode=JN053|startname=Healing the Healer!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=330|pkmn=Flygon|method=Flygon opens its mouth and creates a yellow aura shaped like a pair of curved fangs, which then bites down on the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Raihan|user1=Raihan's Flygon|startcode=JN109|startname=Aim For The Eight!}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=635|pkmn=Hydreigon|method=Hydreigon opens its mouth and creates a dark purple aura shaped like a set of teeth, which then bites down on the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Pokémon hunter (JN146)|user1=A Pokémon hunter's Hydreigon|startcode=JN146|startname=Ash and Latios}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=362|pkmn=Glalie|method=Glalie bites the opponent with its teeth.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Coral|user1=Coral's Glalie|startcode=HZ043|startname=A Challenge from the Explorers}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=972|pkmn=Houndstone|method=Houndstone opens its mouth and creates a yellow aura shaped like a set of teeth, which then bites down on the opponent.}}
{{movebtm|type=dark|user=Ryme|user1=Ryme's Houndstone|startcode=HZ061|startname=HZ061}}
* In ''[[JN080|Trial on a Golden Scale!]]'', [[Nito]] told his {{p|Krokorok}} and his henchmen's {{p|Zweilous}} and {{p|Eelektross}} to use Crunch, but they were all defeated by [[Danika]]'s {{p|Urshifu}} before they could use the move.
===Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer===
{{moveanime|type=dark|exp=yes|gen=The user crunches up the opponent with sharp fangs.|image1=Cheren Stoutland Masters Crunch.png|image1p=Stoutland}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=508|pkmn=Stoutland|method=Stoutland opens its mouth and creates a red and black aura shaped like a set of teeth, which then bites down on the opponent.}}
{{movebtm|type=dark|user=Cheren (Masters)|user1=Cheren's Stoutland|startcode=Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer}}
===Pokémon: Twilight Wings===
* In ''[[TW04|Early-Evening Waves]]'', [[Nessa]]'s {{p|Drednaw}} was mentioned to know Crunch, but the move was used offscreen.

==In the manga==
==In the manga==
===In the Be a Master! Pokémon BW manga===
===Be the Best! Pokémon B+W===
{{movemanga|type=dark|exp=yes|gen=The user uses its sharp teeth to bite down the foe.|image1=Monta Patrat Crunch.png|image1p=Patrat}}
{{movemanga|type=dark|exp=yes|gen=The user uses its sharp teeth to bite down the foe.|image1=Monta Patrat Crunch.png|image1p=Patrat}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=504|pkmn=Patrat|method=Patrat uses visual teeth to bite the foe.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=504|pkmn=Patrat|method=Patrat uses visual teeth to bite the foe.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=dark|user=Monta|user1=Monta's Patrat|startcode=PBW5|startname=Master the Capture of Pokémon!!|notes=Debut}}
{{movebtmManga|type=dark|user=Monta|user1=Monta's Patrat|startcode=PBW5|startname=Let's Master Pokémon Capturing!|notes=Debut}}
===Let's Play the Pokémon Card Game XY!===
{{movemanga|type=dark|exp=yes|gen=The user bites down hard on the opponent.|image1=Manabu Pyroar Crunch.png|image1p=Pyroar}}
{{movep|type=tcg fire|ms=668|pkmn=Pyroar|method=Pyroar bites down hard on the opponent.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=tcg fire|user=Manabu Kadoo|user1=Manabu's Pyroar|startcode=CXY04|notes=Debut}}

===In the Pokémon Adventures manga===
===Pokémon Adventures===
{{movemanga|type=dark|exp=yes|gen=The user bites down hard on the opponent.|image1=Jasmine Steelix Crunch Adventures.png|image1p=Steelix|image2=Tru Crunch.png|image2p=Torterra|image3=Lucy Seviper Crunch Adventures.png|image3p=Seviper}}
{{movemanga|type=dark|exp=yes|gen=The user bites down hard on the opponent.|image1=Jasmine Steelix Crunch Adventures.png|image1p=Steelix|image2=Tru Crunch.png|image2p=Torterra|image3=Zygarde Crunch Adventures.png|image3p=Zygarde 50% Forme|image4=Glalie Crunch Adventures.png|image4p=Glalie}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=208|pkmn=Steelix|method=Steelix bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=208|pkmn=Steelix|method=Steelix bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Jasmine's Steelix|startcode=PS155|startname=Capital Kabutops|notes=Debut}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Jasmine's Steelix|startcode=PS155|startname=Capital Kabutops|notes=Debut}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=362|pkmn=Glalie|method=Glalie bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=362|pkmn=Glalie|method=Glalie bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Glalie (Pokémon)|user1=The Battle Factory's Glalie|startcode=PS307|startname=VS Glalie}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Glalie (Pokémon)|user1=The Battle Factory's Glalie|startcode=PS307|startname=Gotcha Where I Wantcha, Glalie}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=336|pkmn=Seviper|method=Seviper bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=336|pkmn=Seviper|method=Seviper bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Lucy's Seviper|startcode=PS310|startname=VS Shuckle}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Lucy's Seviper|startcode=PS310|startname=Just My Luck...Shuckle}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=389|pkmn=Torterra|method=Torterra bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=389|pkmn=Torterra|method=Torterra bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=dark|user=Tru|user1=Dia's Tru|startcode=PS380|startname=Lucky Lucario II}}
{{movemid|type=dark|user=Tru|user1=Diamond's Tru|startcode=PS380|startname=Lucky Lucario II}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=718|pkmn=Zygarde|method=Zygarde 50% Forme bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=dark|user=Zygarde (Adventures)|user1=Lysandre's Zygarde|startcode=PS591|startname=Mewtwo Angered}}

===In the Pocket Monsters HGSS Jou's Big Adventure===
* In ''[[PS306|Pinsir Me, I Must Be Dreaming]]'', a {{p|Mawile}} that [[Noland]] was renting from the {{gdis|Battle Factory|III}} was revealed to know Crunch by {{adv|Emerald}}'s [[Pokédex]].
===Pocket Monsters HGSS 's Big Adventure===
{{movemanga|type=Dark|exp=yes|gen=The user crunches down with its fangs.|image1=Jou Totodile Crunch.png|image1p=Totodile}}
{{movemanga|type=Dark|exp=yes|gen=The user crunches down with its fangs.|image1=Jou Totodile Crunch.png|image1p=Totodile}}
{{movep|type=Dark|ms=158|pkmn=Totodile|method=Totodile bites down with its fangs.}}
{{movep|type=Dark|ms=158|pkmn=Totodile|method=Totodile bites down with its fangs.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=Dark|user=Jou's Totodile|startcode=JBA3|startname=The Johto Region's Disaster!!|notes=Debut}}
{{movebtmManga|type=Dark|user='s Totodile|startcode=JBA3|notes=Debut}}

===In the Pocket Monsters Platinum: Aim to Be Battle King!! manga===
===Pocket Monsters Platinum: Aim to Be Battle King!!===
{{movemanga|type=dark|exp=yes|gen=The user bites down hard on the opponent.|image1=Yuu Shirogane Heatran Crunch.png|image1p=Heatran}}
{{movemanga|type=dark|exp=yes|gen=The user bites down hard on the opponent.|image1=Yuu Shirogane Heatran Crunch.png|image1p=Heatran}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=485|pkmn=Heatran|method=Heatran bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=dark|ms=485|pkmn=Heatran|method=Heatran bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=dark|user=Yū Shirogane|user1=Yū's Heatran|startcode=PBK7|startname=Yū vs. Shin, Rival Showdown!!|notes=Debut}}
{{movebtmManga|type=dark|user=Yū Shirogane|user1=Yū's Heatran|startcode=PBK7|notes=Debut}}

==In other generations==
==In other generations==
===Core series games===
genII=Crunch II|
genIII=Crunch III|
|genII=Crunch II
genIV=Crunch IV|
|genIII=Crunch III
|genIV=Crunch DPPt
Stad2=Crunch Stad2|
|genV=Crunch V
|genVI=Crunch VI
|LGPE=Crunch PE
|genVIII=Crunch VIII
|LA=Crunch LA
===Side series games===
|Stad2=Crunch Stad2
|Colo=Crunch Colo
|XD=Crunch XD
|PBR=Crunch PBR
===Spin-off series games===
|Masters=Crunch Masters

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
{{Langtable|color={{dark color}}|bordercolor={{dark color dark}}
{{Langtable|color={{dark color}}|bordercolor={{dark color dark}}
|zh_cmn=咬碎 ''{{tt|Yǎo​suì|Crunch}}''
|zh_yue=咬碎 ''{{tt|Ngáauhseui|Crunch}}''
|zh_cmn=咬碎 ''{{tt|Yǎosuì|Crunch}}''
|cs=Drtivý útok
|fi=Puristus{{tt|*|A slight mistranslation used in EP271; a literal translation would be closer to ''squeeze'' than ''crunch''}}
|hi=कुचलने का हमला ''Kuchalne Ka Hamla''
|hi=कुचलने का हमला ''Kuchalne Ka Hamla''
|ko=깨물어부수기 ''Kkaemul'eobusugi''
|ko=깨물어부수기 ''Kkaemureobusugi''
|pl=Chrupanie<!--{{tt|*|Diamond and Pearl series onwards}}<br>Atak Kruszący{{tt|*|EP271}}<br>Atak Zgniatania/Cios{{tt|*|EP224}}-->
|pt_br=Mordida Selvagem
|pt_br=Mastigada ([[Pokémon GO]], [[BW103]]-present, TCG)<br>Mordida Selvagem ([[DP098]]-[[BW092]])<br>Mastigação ([[EP271]])<br>Triturar (''[[The Legend of Thunder!]]'')<br>Mordida{{tt|*|Mistaken with Bite}} ([[EP224]], ''The Legend of Thunder!''{{tt|*|Only initially, due to the English dub mistaking Crunch with Bite.}})
|pt_eu=Esmagar <BR>Ataque Rosca (Pokémon Chronicles)
|pt_eu=Esmagar<br>Triturar<br>Ataque Rosca (Pokémon Chronicles)
|es_la= Bocado
|es_la=Mordida{{tt|*|Mistaken with Bite}}<br>Triturar
|vi=Cắn Chặt
|ru=Хруст ''Khrust''

<big>'''Spin-off series games'''</big>
'''[[Pokémon Masters EX]]'''
{| style="float:left"
| style="vertical-align:top" |
''Bump-in-the-Night Crunch''
|color={{dark color}}|bordercolor={{dark color dark}}
|ja=夜を楽しむ かみくだく ''{{tt|Yoru o Tanoshimu Kamikudaku|Enjoy the Night - Crunch}}''
|zh_cmn=享受夜晚之 咬碎 ''{{tt|Xiǎngshòu Yèwǎn zhī Yǎosuì|Enjoy the Night - Crunch}}
|fr=Je serai courageux ! Mâchouille !
|de=Knirscher des Nachtwandlers
|ko=밤을 즐기는 깨물어부수기 ''{{tt|Bameul Jeulgineun Kkaemureobusugi|Enjoy the Night - Crunch}}''
|it=Sgranocchio per godersi la notte
|es=Triturar Apacible a la Luz de la Luna
{{Generation VIII TMs}}
{{Generation IX TMs}}
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}

Line 271: Line 870:
[[Category:Moves that can lower the target's Defense]]
[[Category:Moves that can lower the target's Defense]]
[[Category:Moves that can lower the target's Special Defense]]
[[Category:Moves that can lower the target's Special Defense]]
[[Category:Moves that require use of mouth]]
[[Category:Moves in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Sword and Shield]]
[[Category:Moves in Pokémon Legends: Arceus]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]

[[it:Sgranocchio (mossa)]]

Latest revision as of 21:43, 28 August 2024

かみくだく Crunch
Type  Dark
Category  Physical
PP  15 (max. 24)
Power  80
Accuracy  100%
Priority  0
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation II
Condition  Tough
Appeal  1
Jam  4 ♥♥♥♥
Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Condition  Tough
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn.
Condition  Tough
Appeal  1
Jamming  4 ♥♥♥♥
Badly startles the last Pokémon to act before the user.

Crunch (Japanese: かみくだく Crunch) is a damage-dealing Dark-type move introduced in Generation II. It was TR32 in Generation VIII, and is TM108 in Generation IX.


Generations II and III

Crunch does damage and has a 20% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense stat by one stage.

Crunch can be used as the second move of a Pokémon Contest combination, with the user gaining 1 bonus appeal point if Scary Face was used in the previous turn.

Generation IV onwards

Crunch now has a 20% chance of lowering the target's Defense stat by one stage.

Generation VIII

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Crunch's PP has been reduced to 10 and has a 20% chance of lowering the target's defensive stats.

Category  Physical
PP  10
Agile Strong
Power  80  60  100
Accuracy  100%  100%  100%
Action speed modifier
Self  0  0  +5
Target  0  +3  0
Additional effect
Chance  20%  20%  40%
Turns  3  2  4
   ?  ?
May lower the target's defensive stats


Games Description
Stad2 A Dark-type attack. Has a one-in-five chance of reducing the target's Spcl.Def.
GSC An attack that may lower Spcl.Def.
RSEColoXD Crunches with sharp fangs. May lower Sp. Def.
FRLG The foe is crunched with sharp fangs. It may lower the foe's Sp. Def.
DPPtHGSSPBR The user crunches up the foe with sharp fangs. It may also lower the target's Defense stat.
BWB2W2 The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. It may also lower the target's Defense stat.
The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. This may also lower the target's Defense stat.
LA The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. This may also lower the target's defensive stats.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0006 Charizard
Monster Dragon 1
0019 Rattata Field Field 22 22 22 22 18 22
0019 Rattata
Alolan Form

Field Field 22 18
0020 Raticate Field Field 24 24 24 24 18 24
0020 Raticate
Alolan Form

Field Field 24 18
0024 Arbok Field Dragon 22 22 22 1, Evo. 1, Evo. 1, Evo. Evo.
0029 Nidoran♀ Monster Field 47 37 37 37 37 24 50 50
0030 Nidorina No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 53 43 43 43 43 39 64 64
0031 Nidoqueen
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1
0042 Golbat
Flying Flying 1, Evo.
0058 Growlithe Field Field 42 45BW
39 39 28 32 32 32
0058 Growlithe
Hisuian Form

Field Field 29 32
0059 Arcanine Field Field 1 1 1
0059 Arcanine
Hisuian Form

Field Field 29 1
0088 Grimer
Alolan Form

Amorphous Amorphous 32 36 32
0089 Muk
Alolan Form

Amorphous Amorphous 32 36 32
0112 Rhydon
Monster Field 1
0115 Kangaskhan Monster Monster 31 37 37 37 39 36 36
0130 Gyarados
Water 2 Dragon 41ORAS 39 36 24 24 21 24
0139 Omastar
Water 1 Water 3 1, Evo. 1, Evo.
0142 Aerodactyl
Flying Flying 33 33 33 33 35 30 30
0143 Snorlax Monster Monster 44 49 49 49 58 24 24 35 24
0158 Totodile Monster Water 1 27 27 27 27 27 27
0159 Croconaw Monster Water 1 30 30 30 30 30 30
0160 Feraligatr Monster Water 1 32 32 32 32 32 32
0203 Girafarig
Field Field 54 49 46 46 46XY
37 37 37
0208 Steelix
Mineral Mineral 49 49RSE
37 37 1 1
0209 Snubbull Field Fairy 53 49 49 49 49 49 49
0210 Granbull Field Fairy 61 59 59 59 59 59 59
0211 Qwilfish
Hisuian Form

Water 2 Water 2 48
0228 Houndour
Field Field 43 49 48 49 49 49 49 49
0229 Houndoom
Field Field 52 59 54 56 56 56 56 56
0243 Raikou No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 61 61 43 43 43 43 42 42 42
0244 Entei No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 42 42 42
0245 Suicune No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 42 42 42
0246 Larvitar
Monster Monster 43 43 37 41 41 41 27 27 27
0247 Pupitar
Monster Monster 47 47 41 47 47 47 27 27 27
0248 Tyranitar
Monster Monster 47 47 41 47 47 47 27 27 27
0261 Poochyena Field Field 41 53 53 53XY
34 34 31
0262 Mightyena Field Field 47 1, 65XY
1, 44ORAS
1, 40 1, 40 1
0295 Exploud Monster Field 40 40 40 1, Evo. 1, Evo. 1, Evo.
0303 Mawile
Field Fairy 36 36 36 36XY
29 28 28
0318 Carvanha
Water 2 Water 2 22 28 28 28XY
36 32 32
0319 Sharpedo
Water 2 Water 2 22 28 28 28XY
40 34 34
0328 Trapinch Bug Dragon 33 33 33BW
22 28 28 28
0329 Vibrava
Bug Dragon 33 1 1 Rem.
0330 Flygon
Bug Dragon 33 1 1 Rem.
0336 Seviper Field Dragon 28 28 28BW
39 39 39
0341 Corphish Water 1 Water 3 43FRLG 47 47 47XY
39 40 40 40
0342 Crawdaunt
Water 1 Water 3 51FRLG 57 57 57XY
43 46 46 46
0361 Snorunt Fairy Mineral 28 31 31 31XY
41 55 55 25 55
0362 Glalie Fairy Mineral 28 31 31 31XY
41 61 61 25 61
0365 Walrein
Water 1 Field 1 1 1 1 1 1
0367 Huntail Water 1 Water 1 36 42 42 42XY
34 34
0371 Bagon Dragon Dragon 41 46 46 46XY
25 25 25 25
0372 Shelgon Dragon Dragon 56 50 50 50XY
25 25 25 25
0373 Salamence
Dragon Dragon 61 53 53 53XY
25 25 25 25
0384 Rayquaza
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 35 35DPPt
15 15XY
20 9 9 9
0387 Turtwig Monster Grass 37 37 37 37 37 37
0388 Grotle Monster Grass 42 42 42 42 42 42
0389 Torterra
Monster Grass 45 45 45 45 45 45
0399 Bidoof Water 1 Field 25 25 23
0400 Bibarel
Water 1 Field 28 28 23
0403 Shinx Field Field 29DP
33 33 33 36 36 29 36
0404 Luxio Field Field 33DP
38 38 38 48 48 29 48
0405 Luxray Field Field 35DP
42 42 42 56 56 29 56
0408 Cranidos Monster Monster 29
0409 Rampardos Monster Monster 29
0417 Pachirisu Field Fairy 29
0419 Floatzel Water 1 Field 26 26BW
1 1 1 30 1
0445 Garchomp
Monster Dragon 48 48 48 1, Evo. 1, Evo. 1, Evo. Evo.
0447 Riolu No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 29
0448 Lucario
Field Human-Like 29
0449 Hippopotas Field Field 31 31 31 31 20 20 25 20
0450 Hippowdon Field Field 31 31 31 31 20 20 25 20
0451 Skorupi
Bug Water 3 45 56BW
45 45 48 48 43
0452 Drapion
Bug Water 3 49 65BW
49 49 54 54 43
0455 Carnivine Grass Grass 37 41 41 41 41 25
0469 Yanmega
Bug Bug 43
0478 Froslass
Fairy Mineral 1 1 25 1
0485 Heatran
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 33 33 33 33 36 36 36 36
0504 Patrat Field Field 16 16 16
0505 Watchog Field Field 16 16 16
0506 Lillipup Field Field 22 22 22 24
0507 Herdier Field Field 24 24 24 30
0508 Stoutland Field Field 24 24 24 30
0511 Pansage Field Field 43 43 43
0513 Pansear Field Field 43 43 43
0515 Panpour Field Field 43 43 43
0550 Basculin
Red- and
Blue-Striped Forms
Water 2 Water 2 24 24 17 32 32
0550 Basculin
White-Striped Form
Water 2 Water 2 32
0551 Sandile
Field Field 28 28 28 27 27
0552 Krokorok
Field Field 28 28 28 27 27
0553 Krookodile
Field Field 28 28 28 27 27
0559 Scraggy
Field Dragon 38 38 38 40 40
0560 Scrafty
Field Dragon 38 38 38 42 42
0564 Tirtouga
Water 1 Water 3 21 21 21 27
0565 Carracosta
Water 1 Water 3 21 21 21 27
0566 Archen
Flying Water 3 35 35 35 30
0567 Archeops
Flying Water 3 35 35 35 30
0603 Eelektrik Amorphous Amorphous 39 39 1, Evo. Evo.
0604 Eelektross Amorphous Amorphous 1 1 1 1
0610 Axew Monster Dragon 24 24
0611 Fraxure Monster Dragon 24 24
0612 Haxorus Monster Dragon 24 24
0621 Druddigon Dragon Monster 25 25 25 40
0632 Durant
Bug Bug 31 31 21 36
0633 Deino
Dragon Dragon 25 25 25 32 32
0634 Zweilous
Dragon Dragon 25 25 25 32 32
0635 Hydreigon
Dragon Dragon 25 25 25 32 32
0641 Tornadus
All available forms
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 49 49 43 40 41 40
0642 Thundurus
All available forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 49 49 43 40 41 40
0643 Reshiram
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 71 71 71 16 16
0644 Zekrom
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 71 71 71 16 16
0645 Landorus
All forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 41
0667 Litleo
Field Field 39 39 39
0668 Pyroar
All forms

Field Field 42 42 42
0674 Pancham Field Human-Like 39 39 33
0675 Pangoro
Field Human-Like 42 42 35
0696 Tyrunt
Monster Dragon 34 34 32
0697 Tyrantrum
Monster Dragon 34 34 32
0712 Bergmite Monster Mineral 33 29 33
0713 Avalugg Monster Mineral 1, 65 1, 65 33 33
0713 Avalugg
Hisuian Form

Monster Mineral 29 33
0718 Zygarde
All available forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 51 51 32
0734 Yungoos Field Field 34 34
0735 Gumshoos Field Field 39 39
0736 Grubbin Bug Bug 22 35 35
0737 Charjabug
Bug Bug 25 43 43
0738 Vikavolt
Bug Bug 1 1
0744 Rockruff Field Field 40 36 36
0745 Lycanroc
Midday Form
Field Field 40 42 42
0745 Lycanroc
Midnight Form
Field Field 40 42 42
0745 Lycanroc
Dusk Form
Field Field 40USUM 42 42
0751 Dewpider
Water 1 Bug 32 24 24
0752 Araquanid
Water 1 Bug 38 26 26
0773 Silvally
All forms
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 50 45
0779 Bruxish
Water 2 Water 2 28 28
0791 Solgaleo
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 37 42 42
0799 Guzzlord
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 37 30
0834 Drednaw
Monster Water 1 1 1
0835 Yamper Field Field 30
0836 Boltund Field Field 34
0846 Arrokuda Water 2 Water 2 36 36
0847 Barraskewda Water 2 Water 2 40 40
0850 Sizzlipede
Bug Bug 40
0851 Centiskorch
Bug Bug 46
0877 Morpeko
Field Fairy 50 50
0882 Dracovish
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 56
0883 Arctovish
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 56
0888 Zacian
All forms
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 55 55
0889 Zamazenta
All forms
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 55 55
0895 Regidrago No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 30 30
0902 Basculegion
All forms

Water 2 Water 2 25 32
0904 Overqwil
Water 2 Water 2 48
0905 Enamorus
All forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 41
0926 Fidough Field Mineral 40
0927 Dachsbun Field Mineral 47
0942 Maschiff Field Field 31
0943 Mabosstiff Field Field 34
0951 Capsakid Grass Grass 38
0952 Scovillain
Grass Grass 38
0971 Greavard Field Field 28
0972 Houndstone Field Field 28
0976 Veluza
Water 2 Water 2 50
0981 Farigiraf
Field Field 37
0985 Scream Tail
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 63
0993 Iron Jugulis
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 35
0996 Frigibax
Dragon Mineral 44
0997 Arctibax
Dragon Mineral 50
0998 Baxcalibur
Dragon Mineral 55
1014 Okidogi
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 56
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Compatibility
0004 Charmander Monster Dragon
0005 Charmeleon Monster Dragon
0006 Charizard
Monster Dragon
0009 Blastoise Monster Water 1
0023 Ekans Field Dragon
0024 Arbok Field Dragon
0029 Nidoran♀ Monster Field
0030 Nidorina No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0031 Nidoqueen
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0041 Zubat
Flying Flying
0042 Golbat
Flying Flying
0052 Meowth
Galarian Form
Field Field
0058 Growlithe Field Field
0058 Growlithe
Hisuian Form

Field Field
0059 Arcanine Field Field
0059 Arcanine
Hisuian Form

Field Field
0088 Grimer
Alolan Form

Amorphous Amorphous
0089 Muk
Alolan Form

Amorphous Amorphous
0111 Rhyhorn
Monster Field
0112 Rhydon
Monster Field
0115 Kangaskhan Monster Monster
0130 Gyarados
Water 2 Dragon
0139 Omastar
Water 1 Water 3
0142 Aerodactyl
Flying Flying
0143 Snorlax Monster Monster
0151 Mew No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0158 Totodile Monster Water 1
0159 Croconaw Monster Water 1
0160 Feraligatr Monster Water 1
0169 Crobat
Flying Flying
0197 Umbreon Field Field
0203 Girafarig
Field Field
0207 Gligar
Bug Bug
0208 Steelix
Mineral Mineral
0209 Snubbull Field Fairy
0210 Granbull Field Fairy
0211 Qwilfish
Water 2 Water 2
0211 Qwilfish
Hisuian Form

Water 2 Water 2
0216 Teddiursa Field Field
0217 Ursaring Field Field
0228 Houndour
Field Field
0229 Houndoom
Field Field
0243 Raikou No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0244 Entei No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0245 Suicune No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0246 Larvitar
Monster Monster
0247 Pupitar
Monster Monster
0248 Tyranitar
Monster Monster
0252 Treecko Monster Dragon
0253 Grovyle Monster Dragon
0254 Sceptile Monster Dragon
0295 Exploud Monster Field
0303 Mawile
Field Fairy
0306 Aggron
Monster Monster
0309 Electrike Field Field
0310 Manectric Field Field
0318 Carvanha
Water 2 Water 2
0319 Sharpedo
Water 2 Water 2
0328 Trapinch Bug Dragon
0329 Vibrava
Bug Dragon
0330 Flygon
Bug Dragon
0336 Seviper Field Dragon
0341 Corphish Water 1 Water 3
0342 Crawdaunt
Water 1 Water 3
0361 Snorunt Fairy Mineral
0362 Glalie Fairy Mineral
0365 Walrein
Water 1 Field
0371 Bagon Dragon Dragon
0372 Shelgon Dragon Dragon
0373 Salamence
Dragon Dragon
0383 Groudon No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0384 Rayquaza
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0387 Turtwig Monster Grass
0388 Grotle Monster Grass
0389 Torterra
Monster Grass
0403 Shinx Field Field
0404 Luxio Field Field
0405 Luxray Field Field
0408 Cranidos Monster Monster
0409 Rampardos Monster Monster
0418 Buizel Water 1 Field
0419 Floatzel Water 1 Field
0434 Stunky
Field Field
0435 Skuntank
Field Field
0444 Gabite
Monster Dragon
0445 Garchomp
Monster Dragon
0446 Munchlax No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0447 Riolu No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0448 Lucario
Field Human-Like
0449 Hippopotas Field Field
0450 Hippowdon Field Field
0451 Skorupi
Bug Water 3
0452 Drapion
Bug Water 3
0464 Rhyperior
Monster Field
0469 Yanmega
Bug Bug
0472 Gliscor
Bug Bug
0478 Froslass
Fairy Mineral
0485 Heatran
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0506 Lillipup Field Field
0507 Herdier Field Field
0508 Stoutland Field Field
0550 Basculin
Red- and
Blue-Striped Forms
Water 2 Water 2
0550 Basculin
White-Striped Form
Water 2 Water 2
0551 Sandile
Field Field
0552 Krokorok
Field Field
0553 Krookodile
Field Field
0559 Scraggy
Field Dragon
0560 Scrafty
Field Dragon
0564 Tirtouga
Water 1 Water 3
0565 Carracosta
Water 1 Water 3
0566 Archen
Flying Water 3
0567 Archeops
Flying Water 3
0571 Zoroark Field Field
0571 Zoroark
Hisuian Form

Field Field
0603 Eelektrik Amorphous Amorphous
0604 Eelektross Amorphous Amorphous
0610 Axew Monster Dragon
0611 Fraxure Monster Dragon
0612 Haxorus Monster Dragon
0618 Stunfisk
Galarian Form

Water 1 Amorphous
0621 Druddigon Monster Dragon
0632 Durant
Bug Bug
0633 Deino
Dragon Dragon
0634 Zweilous
Dragon Dragon
0635 Hydreigon
Dragon Dragon
0641 Tornadus
All forms
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0642 Thundurus
All forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0643 Reshiram
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0644 Zekrom
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0645 Landorus
All forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0652 Chesnaught
Field Field
0667 Litleo
Field Field
0668 Pyroar
All forms

Field Field
0674 Pancham Field Human-Like
0675 Pangoro
Field Human-Like
0696 Tyrunt
Monster Dragon
0697 Tyrantrum
Monster Dragon
0712 Bergmite Monster Mineral
0713 Avalugg Monster Mineral
0713 Avalugg
Hisuian Form

Monster Mineral
0718 Zygarde
All forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0725 Litten Field Field
0726 Torracat Field Field
0727 Incineroar
Field Field
0734 Yungoos Field Field
0735 Gumshoos Field Field
0736 Grubbin Bug Bug
0737 Charjabug
Bug Bug
0738 Vikavolt
Bug Bug
0744 Rockruff Field Field
0745 Lycanroc
Midday Form
Field Field
0745 Lycanroc
Midnight Form
Field Field
0745 Lycanroc
Dusk Form
Field Field
0751 Dewpider
Water 1 Bug
0752 Araquanid
Water 1 Bug
0773 Silvally
All forms
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0779 Bruxish
Water 2 Water 2
0791 Solgaleo
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0799 Guzzlord
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0819 Skwovet Field Field
0820 Greedent Field Field
0828 Thievul Field Field
0833 Chewtle Monster Water 1
0834 Drednaw
Monster Water 1
0835 Yamper Field Field
0836 Boltund Field Field
0846 Arrokuda Water 2 Water 2
0847 Barraskewda Water 2 Water 2
0850 Sizzlipede
Bug Bug
0851 Centiskorch
Bug Bug
0861 Grimmsnarl
Fairy Human-Like
0863 Perrserker Field Field
0877 Morpeko
Field Fairy
0882 Dracovish
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0883 Arctovish
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0888 Zacian
All forms
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0889 Zamazenta
All forms
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0892 Urshifu
Single Strike Style

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0893 Zarude
All forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0895 Regidrago No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0896 Glastrier No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0897 Spectrier No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0898 Calyrex
Ice Rider

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0898 Calyrex
Shadow Rider

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0901 Ursaluna
Field Field
0901 Ursaluna

Field Field
0902 Basculegion
All forms

Water 2 Water 2
0904 Overqwil
Water 2 Water 2
0909 Fuecoco Field Field
0910 Crocalor Field Field
0911 Skeledirge
Field Field
0921 Pawmi Field Field
0922 Pawmo
Field Field
0923 Pawmot
Field Field
0924 Tandemaus Field Fairy
0925 Maushold
All forms
Field Fairy
0926 Fidough Field Mineral
0927 Dachsbun Field Mineral
0942 Maschiff Field Field
0943 Mabosstiff Field Field
0951 Capsakid Grass Grass
0952 Scovillain
Grass Grass
0967 Cyclizar
Field Field
0971 Greavard Field Field
0972 Houndstone Field Field
0976 Veluza
Water 2 Water 2
0977 Dondozo Water 2 Water 2
0981 Farigiraf
Field Field
0985 Scream Tail
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0986 Brute Bonnet
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0993 Iron Jugulis
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0995 Iron Thorns
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0996 Frigibax
Dragon Mineral
0997 Arctibax
Dragon Mineral
0998 Baxcalibur
Dragon Mineral
1002 Chien-Pao
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
1004 Chi-Yu
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
1005 Roaring Moon
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
1007 Koraidon
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
1008 Miraidon
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
1009 Walking Wake
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
1014 Okidogi
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
1020 Gouging Fire
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
1021 Raging Bolt
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
1024 Terapagos No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Egg Move
0004 Charmander Monster Dragon
0023 Ekans Field Dragon C
0058 Growlithe Field Field
0111 Rhyhorn
Monster Field
0158 Totodile Monster Water 1
0209 Snubbull Field Fairy
0216 Teddiursa Field Field
0252 Treecko Monster Dragon
0309 Electrike Field Field
0408 Cranidos Monster Monster
0434 Stunky
Field Field
0447 Riolu Field Human-Like
0725 Litten Field Field
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Special move

Generation III

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0158 Totodile Monster Water 1 Mt. Battle TotodileXD
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation V

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0216 Teddiursa Field Field Dream World - Rugged Mountain
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation IX

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0996 Frigibax
FrigibaxLv. 40

Dragon Mineral Wild Tera Pokémon - Glaseado MountainSV
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By event

Generation II

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0004 Charmander Monster Dragon Pokémon Center Mystery Egg #3
New York Pokémon Center
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation IV

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0059 Arcanine Field Field Battle Series 2009 Arcanine
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation V

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0408 Cranidos Monster Monster Pokémon Adventure Camp Cranidos
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Crunch inflicts damage and may lower the enemy's Defense by one stage (previously Sp. Defense in the Rescue Team series). This move is affected by the Muzzled status condition.

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDRB 16 - 13 - 88% - Front Enemy No
MDTDS 16 - 13 - 88% - Front Enemy No
BSL 16 - 13 - 88% - Front Enemy No
MDGtI 15 99 15 50 95% 98% Front Enemy No
SMD 15 99 15 30 95% 98% Front Enemy No
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:

Pokémon Conquest

Stars: ★★★★
Power: 43
Accuracy: 100%
Effect: Has a 20% chance of lowering the target's Defense.
Users: Krookodile   Zweilous
Grid assumes the user is in the square marked by > facing to the right.
Orange squares indicate spaces that are hit.
Red squares indicate the knockback on hit Pokémon.
A blue square indicates the user's position after performing the move.

Pokémon GO

In Pokémon GO, Crunch is a Charged Attack that has been available since February 16, 2017.

Charged Attack
Gyms & Raids
Power 70
Energy cost 33
Duration 3.2 seconds
Damage window 1.3 - 3 seconds
Trainer Battles
Power 70
Energy cost 45
Secondary effect 1 Opponent Defense
Effect chance 30%
Eligible Pokémon:
Standard eligibility
Rattata (Alolan Form)Raticate (Alolan Form)Growlithe (Hisuian Form)ArcanineArcanine (Hisuian Form)Grimer (Alolan Form)KangaskhanGyaradosTotodileCroconawFeraligatrSteelixSnubbullGranbullTeddiursaHoundourHoundoomLarvitarPupitarTyranitarPoochyenaMightyenaExploudCarvanhaSharpedoTrapinchSeviperHuntailBagonBidoofLuxioLuxrayStunkySkuntankDrapionCarnivineFroslassWatchogStoutlandPansageSimisagePansearSimisearPanpourSimipourSandileKrokorokKrookodileArchenArcheopsEelektrikEelektrossDeinoThundurus (Incarnate Forme)ReshiramZekromLitleoPanchamTyrantrumBergmiteAvaluggAvalugg (Hisuian Form)ZygardeLittenTorracatGrubbinCharjabugVikavoltRockruffLycanroc (Midday Form)Lycanroc (Midnight Form)Lycanroc (Dusk Form)BruxishGuzzlordSkwovetGreedentZamazentaFuecocoCrocalorSkeledirgeTandemausMausholdMaushold (Family of Three)
By Elite Charged TM
By GO Snapshot
As Shadow Pokémon
As Purified Pokémon
Formerly eligible


Trainer Battles
  • August 30, 2021
    • Secondary effect added

Pokémon Rumble Rush

Attack power 21.48749
Charge time 0.62 seconds
Range type Arc (melee)
Number of hits 2
Number of projectiles 1
Critical hit rate 1.5%
Additional effect May lower foe's Defense

Pokémon Masters EX

Name Category Move gauge cost MP
Base power Max power Accuracy Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair(s)
Crunch Physical 3 99 118 100% An opponent Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank. Cheren & Stoutland
Hilbert (Fall 2020) & Mightyena
Marnie (Summer 2021) & Grimmsnarl
Zinnia (Special Costume) & Thievul
Selene & Umbreon
Marnie & Scrafty
Sync move
Name Category State Base power Max power Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair
Bump-in-the-Night Crunch Physical Default
6★ EX
250 300 An opponent
All opponents
Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank. Hilbert (Fall 2020) & Mightyena


  • Crunch:
    • Description prior to Version 2.10.0 (from June 28, 2021): Has a small chance of lowering the target's Defense.
  • Bump-in-the-Night Crunch:
    • Description of 6★ EX effect prior to Version 2.18.5 (from March 15, 2022): "Additional Effects: Sync move targets all opponents."


Games Description
MDRB Inflicts damage on the target. It may also lower the target's Special Defense by one level.
MDTDS Inflicts damage on the target. It may also reduce the target's Defense by 1 level.
BSL てきポケモンに ダメージをあたえる しかも いっていのかくりつで ぼうぎょを 1だんかいさげる
Conq. The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. It may also lower the target's Defense stat.
MDGtI It damages an enemy. It could also lower its Defense.
It damages an enemy. It could also lower the enemy's Defense.

In the anime

Main series



Mega Gyarados

The user crunches up the foe with sharp fangs.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Steelix Steelix bites down hard on the opponent with its mouth.
Jasmine's Steelix Nerves of Steelix! Debut
Hun's Steelix The Legend of Thunder! Initially incorrectly referred to as Bite in the English dub
Harrison's Steelix Playing with Fire! None
Shinx Shinx bites down on the opponent using its mouth.
Angie's Shinx If the Scarf Fits, Wear It! None
Torterra Torterra bites down on the opponent with its mouth.
Paul's Torterra Pedal to the Mettle! None
Totodile Totodile's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with its powerful jaw.
Khoury's Totodile A Rivalry to Gible On! None
Krokorok Krokorok's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with its powerful jaw.
Ash's Krokorok Battling the Bully! None
Krookodile Krookodile's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with its powerful jaw; or, Krookodile opens its mouth and creates a white jaw-shaped mass of energy, which then bites down on the opponent.
Ash's Krookodile Ash, Iris, and Trip: Then There Were Three! None
Mantle's Krookodile Rotom's Wish! None
Nanu's Krookodile Tough Guy Trials! None
Watchog Watchog's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with them.
Mikael's Watchog Curtain Up, Unova League! None
Eelektross Eelektross's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with them.
Kendrick's Eelektross Mission: Defeat Your Rival! None
Tyrunt Tyrunt's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with them.
Grant's Tyrunt Climbing the Walls! None
A Scientist's Tyrunt The Tiny Caretaker! None
Exploud Exploud's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with them.
Blake and Heath's father's Exploud Splitting Heirs! None
Tyrantrum Tyrantrum's bites down on the opponent with its teeth.
A Scientist's Tyrantrum The Tiny Caretaker! None
Houndoom Mega Houndoom's teeth glow orange and it bites down on the opponent with them.
Malva's Houndoom Mega Evolution Special IV None
Tyranitar Tyranitar's teeth glow white and it then bites down on the opponent with its teeth.
Alain's Tyranitar Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted! None
Lycanroc Midnight Form Lycanroc bites down hard on the opponent.
Gladion's Lycanroc A Glaring Rivalry! None
Gyarados Mega Gyarados bites the opponent with its teeth.
Misty's Gyarados When Regions Collide! None
Gyarados Gyarados bites the opponent with its teeth.
A Trainer's Gyarados Battle Royal 151! None
Mightyena Mightyena opens its mouth and creates a yellow aura shaped like a set of teeth, which then bites down on the opponent.
Hodge's Mightyena Serving Up the Flute Cup! None
Houndoom Houndoom opens its mouth and creates a yellow aura shaped like a set of teeth, which then bites down on the opponent.
Pokémon hunters' boss's Houndoom Healing the Healer! None
Flygon Flygon opens its mouth and creates a yellow aura shaped like a pair of curved fangs, which then bites down on the opponent.
Raihan's Flygon Aim For The Eight! None
Hydreigon Hydreigon opens its mouth and creates a dark purple aura shaped like a set of teeth, which then bites down on the opponent.
A Pokémon hunter's Hydreigon Ash and Latios None
Glalie Glalie bites the opponent with its teeth.
Coral's Glalie A Challenge from the Explorers None
Houndstone Houndstone opens its mouth and creates a yellow aura shaped like a set of teeth, which then bites down on the opponent.
Ryme's Houndstone HZ061 None

Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer


The user crunches up the opponent with sharp fangs.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Stoutland Stoutland opens its mouth and creates a red and black aura shaped like a set of teeth, which then bites down on the opponent.
Cheren's Stoutland Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer None

Pokémon: Twilight Wings

In the manga

Be the Best! Pokémon B+W

Let's Play the Pokémon Card Game XY!

Pokémon Adventures

Pocket Monsters HGSS Jō's Big Adventure

Pocket Monsters Platinum: Aim to Be Battle King!!

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 咬碎 Ngáauhseui
Mandarin 咬碎 Yǎosuì
Czech Drtivý útok
Dutch Kraak
Finnish Puristus*
French Mâchouille
German Knirscher
Greek Τραγάνισμα
Hindi कुचलने का हमला Kuchalne Ka Hamla
Hungarian Ropogtatás
Italian Sgranocchio
Korean 깨물어부수기 Kkaemureobusugi
Polish Chrupanie
Portuguese Brazil Mastigada (Pokémon GO, BW103-present, TCG)
Mordida Selvagem (DP098-BW092)
Mastigação (EP271)
Triturar (The Legend of Thunder!)
Mordida* (EP224, The Legend of Thunder!*)
Portugal Esmagar
Ataque Rosca (Pokémon Chronicles)
Romanian Scârțâitul
Russian Хруст Khrust
Serbian Drobljenje
Spanish Latin America Mordida*
Spain Triturar
Thai กัดขย้ำ
Vietnamese Cắn Chặt

Spin-off series games

Pokémon Masters EX

Bump-in-the-Night Crunch

Language Title
Japanese 夜を楽しむ かみくだく Yoru o Tanoshimu Kamikudaku
Mandarin Chinese 享受夜晚之 咬碎 Xiǎngshòu Yèwǎn zhī Yǎosuì
French Je serai courageux ! Mâchouille !
German Knirscher des Nachtwandlers
Italian Sgranocchio per godersi la notte
Korean 밤을 즐기는 깨물어부수기 Bameul Jeulgineun Kkaemureobusugi
Spanish Triturar Apacible a la Luz de la Luna

Variations of the move Crunch
Shadow BallFlash Cannon
Formerly a variation
Energy Ball

Generation VIII TMs
Generation VIII TRs (SwSh)
Generation IX TMs
Added in SV 2.0.1
Added in SV 3.0.0

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.