Bulbapedia:Project Fandom: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Spluff5 (talk | contribs)
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(37 intermediate revisions by 22 users not shown)
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{{Project leader|{{u|$aturn¥oshi}}}}
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Some Bulbapedia members have formed a [[Bulbapedia:Project|project]] to better organize efforts to write and improve articles about the '''Pokémon Fandom'''. If you would like to help, please inquire on the [[{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|talk page]] or the [http://bmgf.bulbagarden.net/forumdisplay.php?f=195 Bulbapedia forum] and see the [[Bulbapedia:Project Fandom/To-do list|to-do list]].
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Established in 2007, Project Fandom is a {{bp|Projects|Bulbapedia project}} which aims to create and expand articles on the Pokémon fandom and community. If you have any questions about how to contribute, make sure to drop a line on the [[Bulbapedia talk:Project Fandom|Project talk page]] and we'll help you out!

==Project Fandom==
| {{color2|000|#Scope and aims|Scope and aims}} • {{color2|000|#Goals for {{#time: F}}|Goals for {{#time: F}}}} • {{color2|000|#Contacts|Contacts}} • {{color2|000|#Structure|Structure}} • {{color2|000|#Key templates|Key templates}} }}
===Scope and aims===
To cover '''everything''' notable about the Pokémon fandom.
{{ProjectBox|width=35%|Scope and aims|
Project Fandom covers all fandom-related articles. This includes articles about notable web sites (official and fan-created), forums, community events, fan-created works, controversies, terminology, and many other topics, especially those that have had a significant impact on the Pokémon fandom as a whole or on the official series itself.

As it is basically impossible to document every part of the Pokémon fandom in an unbiased, factual manner, only the most notable topics will be covered on Bulbapedia. When in doubt, consult a staff member regarding notability.
To enter the project, just add your name to the bottom of this list.
* '''{{u|$aturn¥oshi}}''' - {{bp|Project Leaders|Project Leader}}
* {{u|Murzon}} - Founder
* {{u|Dragononfire}} '''Dragon-on-fire, Get it? :D'''
* {{u|LugiaRocks}} - I just made two new articles so I guess I'll just join this project.
* {{u|Flame alex}}
* {{u|Diby}}
* {{u|DAWN FAN}}
* {{u|ShinjiLover}} - The only user that contributes. .
* {{u|Clarky13}} - Owwww, I'll help too, ShinjiLover.
* {{u|The Great Butler}} - I'll try to help.
* {{u|LucarioSinnoh}} - I'll try...
* {{u|Magesaye}}
* {{u|CuboneKing}}- Uh......
* {{u|Mclena45}} - I'll try to help!
* {{u|9000punch}} - FALCON PAWNCH!!!
* {{u|Luanhopkins}} - '''Ready 4 action'''
* {{u|swampert_rox}} - I'll do anything possible
* {{u|nobledd11}}
* {{u|link}} - if i have time i'll help
* {{u|Ellie}} - I'll do what I can
* {{u|PokeFanPiplup}} - Seems Cool.
* {{u|Suikunserebii}} - I'll do it (meaning whatever I can)!
* {{u|EpicFail}} - I've already started!
* {{u|GreenGyarados}}
* {{u|Kirdneh}} -i'll do what i can! :)
* {{u|Empoleo}} - I'll have a go at it!
* {{u|Fran EGL}} - I am here!
* {{u|CherryParanoia}} - Already started working! :3
* {{u|tblakey89}} - I will add a few UK websites to this
* {{u|Gg94b}} - I will do my best.
* {{u|PokeChar}} - Err..hmm.. hi ^^
* {{u|Breakdanzkat}} - Let's do this!!!
* {{u|PokéPikachu}}- I love Pokémon so lets get to it!!
* {{u|Samus Fan101}}- Pokemon Rox. I want to spread the word about fakemon.
* {{u|Lucas755}} I'll help with things I know about. I guess.
* Levilee207- I know a BUNCH about Pokemon. I even do recolors. I will do my best!
* {{u|Yoyozoo}}
* Kerauno- I love Pokemon and I will help!
* {{u|Kylie}} - You can count on me!~★
* {{u|Politoed666}} - I'm knowledgeable about the PokéGym, PokéBeach, and Smogon, so I'll join.
* {{u|Lil' Kangaskhan}} - I herd u liek Mudkips
* {{u|GugureRoyal}} - Gugure kasu! ~ ♥♪♫
* {{u|Uhnevermind}} - I gots nuthin better 2 do so I'll help lol.
* {{u|Emp}} - Started revamping a few articles ^^;
* {{u|Vampirebidoof}} - I'll write some articles.
* {{u|Matthieu,}} - Hella Yeah! Let's start this Fandom Shiz! [;
* Imahero - I will supply any information on pokemon I can to help out, as MUCH as I can.
* {{u|PokeZelda6664}} - As Dawn would say, ''No need to worry!''
* {{u|Crazylegs24}} - I ABSOULUTLY LOVE POKEMON!!!!!!
* {{u|ToadDude}} - I'll help where ever I can!
*Kwassa-I'll do what I can
* {{u|DialgaMaster105}} -Ask me almost anything, I can usually answer it.
* {{u|kooploop}} -im all in!!!!!and i can answer almost wait .... every qustion i have a full pokedex book with everything in it!!!!!!!
* {{u|Xplicitable}} - Got nothing better to do.
* {{u|1337doom}} - Because I know tons of webcomics!
* {{u|Murkrowfeather}} I am quite knowledgeable in Pokémon and its effect on the fandom and world at large, not to mention a fanfiction writer and fanartist/spriter.
* {{u|Sting the Trainer}} - I'm Pokémon Topaz's resident arrangements artist.
* {{u|duardognn}}
* {{u|Autumn Aesther}} - I know plenty about Pokémon to help out. I've also tried making an RMXP Pokémon game, so I know a lot about how they work.
*5illy- I'm joining this because I love Ashchu!
* {{u|Zasxee}} - yes
* {{u|NoMoreHeroes488}} - I'll do what I can, I love a challenge!
*Gagaromamah - I'm here tohelp
*KantoChampion99 - I've seen almost every pokemon episode and I'm sorta a poke'know-it-all so i will join!
* {{u|Mistyunion}} - I know a lot about Pokémon and not just about Pokémon, but also about management and data presentation. Love to help.
* {{u|MowRotom}} - I have a lot of knowledge about pokemon and their moves.
* {{u|Commanderoko}} - I've been a fan since the beginning. I'll do what I can.
* {{u|gugtup}} - I'll make an article for my forum
* {{u|Project Harbinger}} - You can guarantee the best from me. Any questions you need answering, come to me. I also specialize in F.E.A.R. Sonic, Grand Theft Auto and Mass Effect.
* {{u|Pokedex493}}- I know a lot about Pokémon. I am also good at creating fake Pokémon and doing recolors of many things.
*{{u|Pikapika12}}-i'll try...
* {{u|TheRealMaster13}} - I'm a POKÉMANIAC!! Let's get to it!!!
* {{u|nicka209}}
* {{u|mshldm1234}} - i will help. I am already creating a page for the website pokefielder.webs.con
* {{u|StarTheShaymin}} - I am a very big fan of Pokémon so i will help ~♥
*{{u|Kaychun}} - i will work to my best capabilities to help out.
*{{u|Pichumaster995}} - I am determined to help out anyway I can.
*{{u|Zelfie}} - I know the unconfirmed ways to tell you are a Poke Fanatic. I think that counts!
*{{u|TohokuDex}} - Working on Generation 5 HM Slave
*{{u|Blaziken3000}}-ok im in ♪♪♪♪♪♫♪♫♪♪♪♫ i like Pokémon
*{{u|Matt of Mossdeep}}
*{{u|EpicShadow}} - I will try to help were I can
*{{u|Gameboyguy}}- I will work hard while I'm in this project
*{{u|Maxpower6}}-I will do my best. I am a newbie don't expect much.
*{{u|Soulsilverdiamond96}} - I can give you good information about sites such as Serebii.net and Pokebeach.
*{{u|Meearaimeng}} - I am water pokemon fan!
*{{u|applenienie}}- I am pokemon's #1 fan!
*{{u|TheRealMaster13}} - Marriland rules! (But Pokemon rules even more.)
*{{u|khortonworld}} - Im in!
*{{u|Ninterror}}- I know too much about the fanbase...
*{{u|DJZoSo}}- Bulbapedia needs a PKMNpodcast.com Page but I'm no good at editing pages, so think of me as the Idea man.
*{{u|KyleRayner}} - I'll help. I hope to be benificial in the progress with the 'Hack Games" article as I have previous experience with hacked games.
*Wolfeh- I'll try to help the best I can, but I might not be good at it... *Howls*
*{{u|Damionic}} - I can go look for various spin-offs and do more grunt work in searching.
*{{u|Seevea}} - I'll see what I can do. I'll work on Bad Eggs, as I have around 50.
*{{u|99pokemon}}- IDK what I can do but... I'll try!
*{{U|Coon}} - I'll see if I can help with anything!
*{{u|LoveLoverGrl}} - I don't know much but I'll do what I can
*{{u|DrBrock}} - Here to fix your mistakes or two.
*{{u|Matthew8367}} - Will perform glitches.
*{{u|WobbuffetLover}} - Love trivia so I'll try.
*{{u|master crazy hand}} - I create new fan fiction every day
*{{u|Trevorrrj}} - I'll help create some Australian sites and forums.
*{{u|TheLovelyNightshade}}- I'm new here... but I've seen and heard from the fans.★★
*{{u|BulbaPediaAid}} - I created the [[April Fools' Day 2010]] and [[Pokémorph]] articles. On an off-site note, I'm also doing a Wikipedia workpage for {{wp|User:WikiPediaAid/Bulbapedia|Bulbapedia}}.
*{{u|Hyperbeem}} - I will be working on certain forums pages, and generally help.
*{{u|YoshisWorld}} Though I generally do stuff to do with the Pokémon Games and Anime, I could still help here.
*Xatuish- Although I only just started, I'm quite able to do this kind of thing. Anything I can do?
*{{u|Yellow Rayquaza}}- Hello!
*{{u|DialgaMaster105}} - I'm a bureaucrat on a fanon site, I might as well join
* {{u|alcid34}} - ♥ Pokemon!
*{{u|YinYang21}}- Hail the Tao trio!
*{{u|Darkshadows9776}} - Shouldn't someone make a pokemon creepy black section on the hack games page? *Raises hand* I'd do it if I could edit it.
*{{u|Jobboman}} - I love Pokemon, but I guess you knew that already.
*{{u|zekromlieker9000}} - my name is ez and i liek zekroms
*{{u|Empressempoleon}} - Pokémon FTW!
*{{u|MewDuoZ}} - Yeah. I'll help.
*{{u|ZappaOMati}} - Ummmm... Hi.
*{{u|Bulbasaury123}} - All hail {{p|Arceus}}!
*{{u|Slowking47}} - Yay! Pokémon Fusions!★
*{{u|GymLeaderJanus}} - I have information on tons of hack games!
*{{u|Sixthhokage1}} - Resident [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/JustForFun/ThePokedexExtendedFanonEdition PEFE] researcher
*{{u|Theyodavidirector}} - I'd love to help out with Playthrough challenge articles. I know quite a few of them, and I notice we only have one on Nuzlocke, so I'd love to help!
*Littlebigkaik - I'm willing to try to test any hack games!
* {{u|Happiny21}} looks nice★
*{{u|PandoraBoxable}} - Fandom! Other stuff! But mostly fandom! :D
*{{u|YOLO2468}} - Can I join? I know a decent amount about trends, speculation, fanfics etc., so I think I can contribute :)
*[[User:AbsolSnow6|AbsolSnow6]] ([[User talk:AbsolSnow6|talk]]) 22:42, 26 February 2013 (UTC) - I really do like speculations; they're as fun to research as to create!
TehShinyMudkip - Proud to be playing for so long I can't remember when I started.

Zerogroundtreecko7 -  Grass Types For the win! I'm glad to research things revolving around lavender town or anything really.

*{{u|Bulbasaury123}} So I herd u liek mudkipz? I'll join too... for fun :) I also liek fandomz...
{{ProjectBox|width=35%|Goals for {{#time: F}} |
*{{u|Stormthehedgehog}} こにちわ! ^-^ 私はポケモンが大好き と 私は助けるのが大好きだ! (hello! I love pokemon and I would love to help!)
*{{u|TrainerLocky}} hii
*{{U|Nyanmagikarp}} - I'll do whatever I can to help out~
*{{u|DyedinGold}} - I just want to make this wiki closer to the fans!
*{{u|trotz59}} = As a wanna be Pokemon professor, I'd love to help
*{{u|DynamicMagikarp}} yea pokemon
*{{u|Pokeupdate123}} - I'm New But I'll Help
*{{u|Aurorus}} - I'll help in any way possible
*{{u|Spluff5}} - A genius in general

*Create the following pages:
**[[Nugget Bridge (site)]]
**[[The Pokémon Labs]]

All fanon terminology will be in the following format:
*The following articles are in need of expansion:
**[[We All Live in a Pokémon World…]] - outdated
**[[Let's Play]]
**[[The Pojo]]

:A(n) '''fanon word here''' is a popular term used [[fanon|among fans]] to . . .
See the [[Bulbapedia:Project Fandom/To-do list|to-do list]] for more ongoing tasks.

<nowiki>{{Project Fandom notice}}</nowiki>
{{Stafflink|Frozen Fennec}}

'''For guidelines, see [[HSOWA|here]].'''
{| style="width: 100%" |
Generally, all fandom articles should be consistent with one another.
* For an example of a quality web site article, see [[Dogasu's Backpack]]
* For an example of a quality article about a forum, [[PokéCommunity]]
* For an example of a quality fanon terminology article, see [[Game mascot]].
** Fanon terminology is subject to notability for its own article. When in doubt, add it to [[Appendix:Fan terminology]] or consult a staff member.


{{ProjectBox|width=100%|colspan=2|Key templates|
* {{Template|Fan site}} -- Used for articles about web pages (official and fan-created).
* {{Template|Project Fandom notice}} -- To be used at the bottom of each article.
* {{Template|User Project Fandom}} -- For participants to place in their profile.

All fansite articles will be in the following format:
[[Category:Bulbapedia projects|Fandom]]
:'''Fansite here''' is a site about . . .
<nowiki>== History ==</nowiki>
<nowiki>== Site ==</nowiki>
<nowiki>=== First Section ===</nowiki>
<nowiki>=== Second Section ===</nowiki>
<nowiki>== Staff ==</nowiki>
<nowiki>== External Links ==</nowiki>
<nowiki>{{Project Fandom notice}} </nowiki>
'''For a great example of how to create an article on a fansite (not a forum), please visit [[Pokemopolis|here]].'''
All forum articles will be in the following format:
:'''Forum here''' is a forum about . . .
<nowiki>===Topic One===</nowiki>
<nowiki>===Topic Two===</nowiki>
<nowiki>==External Links==</nowiki>
<nowiki>{{Project Fandom notice}}</nowiki>
'''For guidelines, see [[PokéCommunity|here]].'''
Anything that deals with Pokémon fandom. This includes the following: Pokémon fansites, Pokémon fanfiction archives, Pokémon fanon terminology, and Fakemon.
===See also===
Other important links here
# To create comprehensive articles on all known Pokémon fandom.
# To inform the public about fansites and the like.
# To ensure every edit made to the fandom is legitimate.
* {{template|Fan site}}
{{Fan site}}
===Other templates===
To place a notice at the bottom of the page, use this:
{{Template|Project Fandom notice}}
And then you will get this:
{{Project Fandom notice}}
To tell everyone you are a part of this project, use this:
{{Template|User Project Fandom}}
And then you will get this:
{{User Project Fandom}}
==Other projects==
===Parent project===
This project has no parent project. <!--
The parent of this project is [[Bulbapedia:Project X|Project X]].
No subprojects have been defined. <!--
The descendants of this project are:
*[[Bulbapedia:Project A|Project A]]
*[[Bulbapedia:Project B|Project B]]
*[[Bulbapedia:Project C|Project C]]
===Related projects===
No related projects have been named. <!--
Related projects include:
*[[Bulbapedia:Project P|Project P]]
*[[Bulbapedia:Project Q|Project Q]]
*[[Bulbapedia:Project R|Project R]]
[[Category:Bulbapedia projects|F]]

Latest revision as of 01:48, 25 June 2024

Welcome to Project Fandom!

Established in 2007, Project Fandom is a Bulbapedia project which aims to create and expand articles on the Pokémon fandom and community. If you have any questions about how to contribute, make sure to drop a line on the Project talk page and we'll help you out!

Scope and aimsGoals for MarchContactsStructureKey templates
Scope and aims

Project Fandom covers all fandom-related articles. This includes articles about notable web sites (official and fan-created), forums, community events, fan-created works, controversies, terminology, and many other topics, especially those that have had a significant impact on the Pokémon fandom as a whole or on the official series itself.

As it is basically impossible to document every part of the Pokémon fandom in an unbiased, factual manner, only the most notable topics will be covered on Bulbapedia. When in doubt, consult a staff member regarding notability.

Goals for March

See the to-do list for more ongoing tasks.

Pokemaster97 Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Frozen Fennec Leadership Board
Landfish7 Leadership Board
Welkamo Junior Administrator

Generally, all fandom articles should be consistent with one another.

  • For an example of a quality web site article, see Dogasu's Backpack
  • For an example of a quality article about a forum, PokéCommunity
  • For an example of a quality fanon terminology article, see Game mascot.
    • Fanon terminology is subject to notability for its own article. When in doubt, add it to Appendix:Fan terminology or consult a staff member.

Key templates