Fissure (move): Difference between revisions

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n=90 |
name=Fissure |
jname=じわれ |
jtranslit=Jiware |
jtrans=Fissure |
gameimage=Fissure V.png |
|gameimage=Fissure IX.png
type=Ground |
|gameimage2=Fissure IX 2.png
damagecategory=Physical |
basepp=5 |
maxpp=8 |
power=— |
accuracy={{tt|—|30% in Generation I}} |
bdesc=??? |
gen=I |
category=Tough |
appeal=2 |
jam=1 |
cdesc=Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals. |
appealsc=0 |
|cdesc=Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.
scdesc=Earn +15 if all the Pokémon choose the same Judge. |
pokefordex=fissure |
|scdesc=Earn +15 if all the Pokémon choose the same Judge.
touches=no |
protect=yes |
magiccoat=no |
snatch=no |
|cdesc6=Badly startles all Pokémon that successfully showed their appeal.
brightpowder=no |
kingsrock=no |
flag7=no |
flag8=yes |
sound=no |
tm1=yes |
tm#1=27 |
na=no |
footnotes= }}
'''Fissure''' (Japanese: '''じわれ''' ''Fissure'') is a {{type|Ground}} [[one-hit knockout move]] introduced in [[Generation I]]. It was [[TM27]] in Generation I.
'''Fissure''' (Japanese: '''じわれ''' ''Fissure'') is a {{type|Ground}} [[one-hit knockout move]] introduced in [[Generation I]]. It was [[TM27]] in Generation I. In [[Generation II]], it was the [[signature move]] of {{p|Diglett}} and {{p|Dugtrio}}.

===Generation I===
===Generation I===
Fissure has 30% accuracy and inflicts damage equal to the target's current HP. Fissure will break a {{m|substitute}} if it hits, and can be {{m|counter}}ed for infinite damage when it does so.
Fissure always inflicts exactly 65535 [[HP]] damage if it hits. Its [[accuracy]] is 30%. Fissure will break a {{OBP|substitute|doll}} if it hits.

Fissure will not affect a target whose current {{stat|Speed}} stat is greater than the user's current Speed.
Unlike other moves that skip the [[damage]] formula, Fissure does not bypass type immunities.

===Generation II and onward===
Fissure will not affect a target whose current {{stat|Speed}} stat is greater than the user's current Speed stat.
Unlike in Generation I, Fissure can affect a Pokémon whose Speed stat is greater than the user's current Speed stat. However, it cannot affect a Pokémon of a higher level. The accuracy of Fissure depends on the level of the user and the level of the target and is worked out with the formula: Accuracy = ((level of user - level of target) + 30)%.  Fissure ignores all changes to accuracy and evasion stats.

===Mystery Dungeon===
===Generation II===
Fissure will cause a Pokémon to instantly faint through "calamitous damage" (changed to "It's a one-hit KO!" in Gates to Infinity), regardless of level, but is prone to missing.
Fissure now inflicts damage equal to the target's current HP. The accuracy of Fissure is now calculated using the following formula:
<math>Accuracy = \left( \frac{(Level_{user}-Level_{target}) \times 2 + 76}{256}\right) \times 100\%</math>
If the user is a lower [[level]] than the target, the move always fails (Speed no longer has any impact on the success of Fissure). If the user is 90 levels or more higher than the target, Fissure's accuracy is 100% (even though the formula would produce values over 100% for a difference of 91 or more).
This formula means that the accuracy starts at approximately 30% (<math>\tfrac{76}{256}</math>) when the Pokémon have the same level, and grows by approximately 0.78% (<math>\tfrac{2}{256}</math>) for every level higher than the target that the user is. This accuracy is affected by {{stat|accuracy}} and {{stat|evasion}} stats.
Fissure can also now affect Pokémon during the semi-invulnerable turn of {{m|Dig}}.
In the Generation II [[core series]] games only, Fissure can be countered by {{m|Counter}} for maximum damage if it misses. In [[Pokémon Stadium 2]], Fissure cannot be countered by Counter.
===Generation III onwards===
{{moveResearch|confirm it can still hit Pokémon in the semi-invulnerable stage of {{m|Dig}} in Generation III; from Generation IV onward}}
Despite having an accuracy of 30% listed, Fissure's chance of hitting a Pokémon is instead calculated using the following formula:
<math>HitChance = (Level_{user}-Level_{target} + 30)\%</math>
This formula means that the accuracy starts at 30% when the Pokémon have the same level, and is 1% more likely to hit for every level the user is higher than the target. If the user is at least 70 levels higher than the target, Fissure will always hit. If the user is a lower [[level]] than the target, the move always fails.
This chance of hitting is not an accuracy: it is not affected by {{stat|accuracy}} and {{stat|evasion}} stats, nor is it affected by other accuracy modifiers such as {{m|Gravity}}, [[Wide Lens]], and {{a|Compound Eyes}}. Additionally, Fissure cannot hit a [[Semi-invulnerable turn|semi-invulnerable]] Pokémon (except a Pokémon using Dig). However, effects that guarantee moves to hit (such as {{a|No Guard}} and {{m|Lock-On}}) still affect Fissure.
Fissure can be used as the second move of a [[Contest combination|Pokémon Contest combination]], with the user gaining 2 bonus appeal points if {{m|Earthquake}} was used in the previous turn. It is also part of a Contest Spectacular combination and will give an extra three appeal points if any of the moves {{m|Lock-On}}, {{m|Mind Reader}} and {{m|Miracle Eye}} was used in the prior turn.
When used in a [[Max Raid Battle]] against a [[Dynamax]] Pokémon while it is under the effect of a mysterious barrier, Fissure will deplete two bars of the barrier's strength. Otherwise, Fissure will always fail against Dynamax Pokémon. [[Tera Raid]] bosses are unaffected by Fissure.

{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|Stad}}{{gameabbrev3|Stad2}}|Causes a single-hit knockout if it hits. Useless against <sc>Flying</sc>-type Pokémon.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevss|Stad}}{{gameabbrevss|Stad2}}|Causes a single-hit knockout if it hits. Useless against <sc>Flying</sc>-type Pokémon.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|GSC}}|A ground-type, one-hit KO attack.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev2|GSC}}|A ground-type, one-hit KO attack.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|RSE}}|A one-hit KO move that drops the foe in a fissure.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|RSE}}|A one-hit KO move that drops the foe in a fissure.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|The foe is dropped into a fissure. The foe faints if it hits.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|The foe is dropped into a fissure. The foe faints if it hits.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|Colo}}{{gameabbrev3|XD}}|A one-hit KO that drops the target in a fissure.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevss|Colo}}{{gameabbrevss|XD}}|A one-hit KO that drops the target in a fissure.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|DPPt}}{{gameabbrev3|HGSS}}|The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The target instantly faints if it hits.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev4|DPPtHGSS}}{{gameabbrevss|PBR}}|The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The target instantly faints if it hits.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|BWB2W2}}|The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in. The target instantly faints if it hits.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev5|BWB2W2}}|The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in. The target instantly faints if it hits.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|XY}}|The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in. The target faints instantly if this attack hits.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev6|XYORAS}}<br>{{gameabbrev7|SMUSUMPE}}<br>{{gameabbrev8|SwShBDSPLA}}<br>{{gameabbrev9|SV}}|The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in. The target faints instantly if this attack hits.}}
|}{{left clear}}
|}{{left clear}}
Line 64: Line 89:
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
{{Moveentry/10|0050|formsig=A|Diglett|type=Ground|type2=Steel|1|Field|Field|form=Alolan Form||||||43|33|44||44}}
{{Moveentry/Level1|323|Camerupt|2|Fire|Ground|no|no|55|67|75|B2W2=59|--, 59}}
{{Moveentry/Level1|328|Trapinch|1|Ground|Ground|no|no|no|89|89|B2W2=73|--, 73}}
{{Moveentry/10|0051|formsig=A|Dugtrio|type=Ground|type2=Steel|1|Field|Field|form=Alolan Form||||||53|45|54||54}}
{{Moveentry/10|0323|Camerupt|type=Fire|type2=Ground|1|Field|Field||55|67|75{{sup/5|BW}}<br>59{{sup/5|B2W2}}|1, 59|1, 59|||1, 59|1}}
{{Moveentry/10|0328|Trapinch|type=Ground|2|Bug|Dragon|||89|89{{sup/5|BW}}<br>73{{sup/5|B2W2}}|1, 73{{sup/6|XY}}<br>47{{sup/6|ORAS}}|47||48|48|48}}
{{Moveentry/10|0329|Vibrava|type=Ground|type2=Dragon|2|Bug|Dragon||−|−|−|−|−||1|1|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}}}
{{Moveentry/10|0330|Flygon|type=Ground|type2=Dragon|2|Bug|Dragon||−|−|−|−|−||1|1|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}}}
{{Moveentry/10|0339|Barboach|type=Water|type2=Ground|1|Water 2|Water 2||41|47|47|47{{sup/6|XY}}<br>44{{sup/6|ORAS}}|44||48|48|48}}
{{Moveentry/10|0340|Whiscash|type=Water|type2=Ground|1|Water 2|Water 2||56|57|57|57{{sup/6|XY}}<br>52{{sup/6|ORAS}}|52||56|56|56}}
{{Moveentry/10|0383|Groudon|type=Ground|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||60|60{{sup/4|DPPt}}<br>75{{sup/4|HGSS}}|75|75{{sup/6|XY}}<br>65{{sup/6|ORAS}}|65||45|45|45}}
{{Moveentry/10|0413|formsig=G|Wormadam|type=Bug|type2=Ground|1|Bug|Bug|form=Sandy Cloak|||47|47|47|47|||47}}
{{Moveentry/Level1|618|Stunfisk|2|Ground|Electric|no|no|no|no|61|--, 61}}
{{Moveentry/10|0618|Stunfisk|type=Ground|type2=Electric|2|Water 1|Amorphous||||61|1, 61|1, 61||55}}
{{Moveentry/10|0618|formsig=G|Stunfisk|type=Ground|type2=Steel|2|Water 1|Amorphous|form=Galarian Form||||||||55}}
{{Moveentry/10|0645|Landorus|type=Ground|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All available forms||||67|1, 67|1, 61||75||75}}
{{Moveentry/10|1003|Ting-Lu|type=Dark|type2=Ground|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||||||||75}}

===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
{{Movehead/Games|Ground|Egg Move|g1=none|g2=none|g7=1|g7g={{gameabbrev7|SMUSUM}}|g8=2}}
{{Moveentry/Breed2|131|Lapras|2|Water|Ice|no|no|{{MSP|363|Spheal}}|{{MSP|618|Stunfisk}}|note=Chain breeding in Gen IV}}
{{Moveentry/8|0131|Lapras|type=Water|type2=Ice|2|Monster|Water 1|||||||||note=Chain breeding in Gen IV}}
{{Moveentry/Breed2|143|Snorlax|1|Normal|Normal|no|{{MSP|143|Snorlax}}|{{MSP|131|Lapras}}|{{MSP|131|Lapras}}|note=Breed from Purified Snorlax in Gen III, Chain breeding in Gen IV and V}}
{{Moveentry/8|0143|Snorlax|type=Normal|1|Monster|Monster|||||||||note=Breed from purified Snorlax in Gen III; chain breeding in Gen IV, V and VI}}
{{Moveentry/8|0320|Wailmer|type=Water|2|Field|Water 2|||||||}}
{{Moveentry/8|0363|Spheal|type=Ice|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Field|||||||}}
{{Moveentry/Breed2|410|Shieldon|2|Rock|Steel|no|no|{{MSP|131|Lapras}}|{{MSP|131|Lapras}}|note=Chain breeding}}
{{Moveentry/8|0410|Shieldon|type=Rock|type2=Steel|1|Monster|Monster|||||||||note=Chain breeding}}
{{Moveentry/Breed2|422|Shellos|1|Water|Water|no|no|{{MSP|363|Spheal}}|{{MSP|618|Stunfisk}}|note=Chain breeding in Gen IV}}
{{Moveentry/8|0422|Shellos|type=Water|2|Water 1|Amorphous|form=All forms|||||||||note=Chain breeding in Gen IV}}
{{Moveentry/8|0446|Munchlax|type=Normal|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||||||}}
{{Moveentry/8|0977|Dondozo|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2||||||||}}

===By [[TM]]===
===By [[TM]]===
{{Moveentry/1|0009|Blastoise|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0031|Nidoqueen|type=Poison|type2=Ground|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0061|Poliwhirl|type=Water|1|Water 1|Water 1|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0062|Poliwrath|type=Water|type2=Fighting|1|Water 1|Water 1|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0079|Slowpoke|type=Water|type2=Psychic|2|Monster|Water 1|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0080|Slowbro|type=Water|type2=Psychic|2|Monster|Water 1|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0151|Mew|type=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔}}
===Special move===
====[[Generation III]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0143|Snorlax|type=Normal|1|Monster|Monster|[[Purification|Purified]] [[Shadow Pokémon]]{{sup/ss|XD}}}}

===By {{pkmn2|event}}===
====[[Generation V]]====
====[[Generation V]]====
{{Moveentryspecial|324|Torkoal|1|Fire|Fire|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Rugged Mountain}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0324|Torkoal|type=Fire|1|Field|Field|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Rugged Mountain}}}}
{{Moveentryspecial|363|Spheal|2|Ice|Water|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Icy Cave}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0363|Spheal|type=Ice|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Field|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Icy Cave}}}}
{{Moveentryspecial|410|Shieldon|2|Rock|Steel|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Icy Cave}}}}
{{Moveentry/1|0410|Shieldon|type=Rock|type2=Steel|1|Monster|Monster|{{pkmn|Dream World}} - {{dwa|Icy Cave}}}}
====[[Generation IX]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0324|Torkoal|type=Fire|1|Field|Field|[[Terastal phenomenon|Wild Tera Pokémon]] - [[West Province (Area One)]]{{sup/9|SV}}}}
==In other games==
===Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series===
Fissure defeats the target in one hit. Prior to [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity|Gates to Infinity]], Fissure knocks out the target by deaing "calamitous damage" (Japanese: '''とてつもない タメージ''' ''tremendous damage'') which is internally treated as 9999 damage. Unlike in the core series games, it cannot hit a Pokémon in middle of {{m|Dig}}. Additionally, it will fail against {{type|Flying}} Pokémon and Pokémon with the Ability {{a|Levitate}}.
===[[Pokémon Masters EX]]===
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{ground color}}; border:3px solid #{{ground color dark}}; text-align:center; width:80%"
|- style="background: #{{ground color light}}"
! {{color2|000|Damage category|Category}}
! Move gauge cost
! MP<br>(uses)
! Base {{color2|000|power}}
! Max {{color2|000|power}}
! {{color2|000|Accuracy}}
! Target
! Effect tag
! Description
! Playable {{color2|000|Sync pair|sync pair(s)}}
|- style="background:#fff"
|An opponent
|One-Hit KO
|Except in certain circumstances, deals damage equal to the target's maximum HP ignoring the opponent's effects that would reduce the damage of this attack.
|Users of {{m|Metronome}} <small>(very small chance)</small><hr>{{sync|Volo|Togepi}} <small>(via Masterful {{m|Metronome}}; very small chance)</small>
|damage_window=1 - 2.3<!--
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|RB}}|Defeats the target in one shot--if it hits. It has no effect on a flying foe.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|TDS}}|Defeats the target in one shot if it hits successfully. It has no effect on a flying enemy.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|BSL}}|{{tt|てきポケモンを いちげきで たおしてしまうが めいちゅうしにくい とんでるポケモンには こうかがない|Defeats the target in one shot if it hits successfully. It has no effect on a flying enemy}}}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|GTI}}|The enemy will faint instantly if this attack hits, but it's hard to land this move. It has no effect on Flying-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the Levitate Ability.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|SMD}}<br/>{{gameabbrevmd|RTDX}}|The enemy will faint instantly if this attack hits, but it's hard to land this move. It has no effect on Flying-type Pokémon or Pokémon with the Levitate Ability.}}
|}{{left clear}}

==In the anime==
==In the anime==
{{moveanime|type=ground|exp=yes|gen=The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in.|image1=Ash Tauros Fissure preparation.png|image1p=Preparing to use Fissure|image2=Ash Tauros Fissure.png|image2p=Tauros|image3=AJ Sandshrew Fissure.png|image3p=Sandshrew|image4=Groudon Fissure.png|image4p=Groudon}}
{{moveanime|type=ground|exp=yes|gen=The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in.|image1=Onix Fissure.png|image1p=Onix|image2=Ash Tauros Fissure.png|image2p=Tauros|image3=AJ Sandshrew Fissure.png|image3p=Sandshrew|image4=Groudon Fissure.png|image4p=Groudon}}
{{movep|type=ground|ms=027|pkmn=Sandshrew|method=Sandshrew jumps into the air, then dives onto the ground, creating a fissure as it lands.}}
{{movep|type=ground|ms=027|pkmn=Sandshrew|method=Sandshrew jumps into the air, then dives onto the ground, creating a fissure as it lands.}}
{{movemid|type=ground|user=A.J.|user1=A.J.'s Sandshrew|startcode=EP008|startname=The Path to the Pokémon League|notes=Debut}}
{{movemid|type=ground|user=A.J.|user1=A.J.'s Sandshrew|startcode=EP008|startname=The Path to the Pokémon League|notes=Debut}}
{{movep|type=ground|ms=128|pkmn=Tauros|method=Tauros rattles the battlefield with its hooves, then uses one of its hooves to slice open the ground with a white energy beam.}}
{{movep|type=ground|ms=095|pkmn=Onix|method=Onix slams its body on the ground, sending a wave of bluish-white energy towards the opponent. When the wave strikes the opponent, the energy bursts out of the ground and sends them flying.}}
{{movemid|type=ground|user=Pokémon Trainer|user1=A Trainer's Onix|startcode=M01|startname=Mewtwo Strikes Back|notes=Japanese version only}}
{{movep|type=ground|ms=128|pkmn=Tauros|method=Tauros rattles the battlefield with his hooves, then uses one of his hooves to slice open the ground with a white energy beam.}}
{{movemid|type=ground|user=Ash's Tauros|startcode=EP111|startname=Hello, Pummelo!}}
{{movemid|type=ground|user=Ash's Tauros|startcode=EP111|startname=Hello, Pummelo!}}
{{movep|type=ground|ms=383|pkmn=Groudon|method=Groudon slams its arm into the ground and it sends a white energy beam from it at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=ground|ms=383|pkmn=Groudon|method=Groudon slams its arm into the ground and it sends a white energy beam from it at the opponent.}}
{{movebtm|type=ground|user=Groudon (Pokémon)|user1=A wild Groudon|startcode=AG098|startname=The Scuffle of Legends}}
{{movebtm|type=ground|user=Kyogre and Groudon (Ruby and Sapphire series)#Groudon|user1=Groudon (Ruby and Sapphire series)|startcode=AG098|startname=The Scuffle of Legends}}

==In the manga==
==In the manga==
===In The Electric Tale of Pikachu manga===
===The Electric Tale of Pikachu===
{{Movemanga|type=Ground|exp=yes|gen=The user opens a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The target instantly faints if it hits.|image1=Oak Sandshrew Fissure EToP.png|image1p=Sandshrew}}
{{Movemanga|type=Ground|exp=yes|gen=The user opens a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The target instantly faints if it hits.|image1=Oak Sandshrew Fissure EToP.png|image1p=Sandshrew}}
{{movep|type=ground|ms=027|pkmn=Sandshrew|method=Sandshrew jumps into the air and faces its head down at the ground. It then waves its arm at the ground and an energy beam shoots down from the sky and hits the ground. When the beam of energy hits the ground, an orb of energy appears by the ground.}}
{{movep|type=ground|ms=027|pkmn=Sandshrew|method=Sandshrew jumps into the air and faces its head down at the ground. It then waves its arm at the ground and an energy beam shoots down from the sky and hits the ground. When the beam of energy hits the ground, an orb of energy appears by the ground.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=ground|user=Professor Oak (anime)|user1=Professor Oak's Sandshrew|startcode=ET10|startname=Clefairy in Space!|notes=Debut}}
{{movebtmManga|type=ground|user=Professor Oak (anime)|user1=Professor Oak's Sandshrew|startcode=ET10|startname=Clefairy in Space|notes=Debut}}

===In the Pokémon Adventures manga===
===Pokémon Adventures===
{{Movemanga|type=Ground|exp=yes|gen=The user opens a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The target instantly faints if it hits.|image1=Giovanni Rhydon Fissure Adventures.png|image1p=Rhydon}}
{{Movemanga|type=Ground|exp=yes|gen=The user opens a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The target instantly faints if it hits.|image1=Giovanni Rhydon Fissure Adventures.png|image1p=Rhydon}}
{{movep|type=ground|ms=112|pkmn=Rhydon|method=Rhydon cracks open a fissure in the ground, trapping the opponent inside of it.}}
{{movep|type=ground|ms=112|pkmn=Rhydon|method=Rhydon cracks open a fissure in the ground, trapping the opponent inside of it.}}
Line 157: Line 267:

==In other generations==
==In other generations==
===Core series games===
genI=Fissure I|
genII=Fissure II|
|genI=Fissure I
genIII=Fissure III|
|genII=Fissure II
genIV=Fissure IV|
|genIII=Fissure III
|genIV=Fissure DPPt
|HGSS=Fissure HGSS
|genV=Fissure V
|genVI=Fissure VI
|LGPE=Fissure PE
|genVIII=Fissure VIII
===Side series games===
|Stad=Fissure Stad
|Stad2=Fissure Stad2
|Colo=Fissure Colo
|XD=Fissure XD
|PBR=Fissure PBR
===Spin-off series games===
Stad=Fissure Stad|
Stad2=Fissure Stad2|
|PSMD=Fissure PSMD
|Masters=Fissure Masters

* Due to the {{wp|2004 Chuetsu earthquake}}, this move, alongside {{m|Earthquake}} and {{m|Magnitude}}, have not been seen in the anime since [[AG101 (unaired)]] (which has never aired anywhere in the world).
* Due to the {{wp|2004 Chūetsu earthquake}}, this move, alongside {{m|Earthquake}} and {{m|Magnitude}}, has not been seen in the anime since [[AG101 (unaired)]] (which has never aired anywhere in the world).
* After defeating [[Giovanni]] at the [[Viridian Gym]] in [[Pokémon Red and Blue Versions|Red, Blue]] and [[Pokémon Yellow Version|Yellow]], he mentions that himself made the [[TM27]] that teaches Fissure in [[Generation I]].
* After defeating [[Giovanni]] at the [[Viridian Gym]] in {{game2|Red|Blue|Yellow}}, he mentions that he made the [[TM27]] that teaches Fissure in [[Generation I]].
* In {{game|Yellow}}, a game highly based on the anime, there is a {{tc|Youngster}} on {{rt|9|Kanto}} with a {{p|Sandshrew}} that knows Fissure, much like [[A.J.]]'s Sandshrew in the anime.

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
{{Langtable|color={{ground color}}|bordercolor={{ground color dark}}
{{Langtable|color={{ground color}}|bordercolor={{ground color dark}}
|zh_yue=地裂 ''{{tt|Deihliht|Fissure}}''
|zh_cmn=地裂 ''{{tt|Dìliè|Fissure}}''
|zh_cmn=地裂 ''{{tt|Dìliè|Fissure}}''
|cs=Štěrbinový útok
|cs=Štěrbinový útok<br>Práskavý útok
|ko=땅가르기 ''Ttang Gareugi''
|ko=땅가르기 ''{{tt|Ttanggareugi|Ground splitting}}''
|pl=<!---Atak Uderzeniem ([[EP112]])<br>Furia ([[EP111]])<br>Szczelinowe Uderzenie ([[EP008]])--->
|pt_br=Fissura ([[Pokémon GO]], manga)<br>Ruptura (anime)
|vi=Nứt Đất
Line 199: Line 347:
[[Category:One-hit knockout moves]]
[[Category:One-hit knockout moves]]
[[Category:Moves that can jam]]
[[Category:Moves that can jam]]
[[Category:Moves learned by purification]]
[[it:Abisso (mossa)]]
[[Category:Moves in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Sword and Shield]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]


Latest revision as of 06:20, 24 August 2024

じわれ Fissure
Type  Ground
Category  Physical
PP  5 (max. 8)
Power  —
Accuracy  30%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by Mirror Move
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation I
Condition  Tough
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Jam  1
Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.
Condition  Tough
Appeal  0  
Earn +15 if all the Pokémon choose the same Judge.
Condition  Tough
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Jamming  1
Badly startles all Pokémon that successfully showed their appeal.

Fissure (Japanese: じわれ Fissure) is a Ground-type one-hit knockout move introduced in Generation I. It was TM27 in Generation I. In Generation II, it was the signature move of Diglett and Dugtrio.


Generation I

Fissure always inflicts exactly 65535 HP damage if it hits. Its accuracy is 30%. Fissure will break a substitute if it hits.

Unlike other moves that skip the damage formula, Fissure does not bypass type immunities.

Fissure will not affect a target whose current Speed stat is greater than the user's current Speed stat.

Generation II

Fissure now inflicts damage equal to the target's current HP. The accuracy of Fissure is now calculated using the following formula:


If the user is a lower level than the target, the move always fails (Speed no longer has any impact on the success of Fissure). If the user is 90 levels or more higher than the target, Fissure's accuracy is 100% (even though the formula would produce values over 100% for a difference of 91 or more).

This formula means that the accuracy starts at approximately 30% (76256) when the Pokémon have the same level, and grows by approximately 0.78% (2256) for every level higher than the target that the user is. This accuracy is affected by accuracy and evasion stats.

Fissure can also now affect Pokémon during the semi-invulnerable turn of Dig.

In the Generation II core series games only, Fissure can be countered by Counter for maximum damage if it misses. In Pokémon Stadium 2, Fissure cannot be countered by Counter.

Generation III onwards

This move effect may be in need of research.
Reason: confirm it can still hit Pokémon in the semi-invulnerable stage of Dig in Generation III; from Generation IV onward
You can discuss this on the talk page.

Despite having an accuracy of 30% listed, Fissure's chance of hitting a Pokémon is instead calculated using the following formula:


This formula means that the accuracy starts at 30% when the Pokémon have the same level, and is 1% more likely to hit for every level the user is higher than the target. If the user is at least 70 levels higher than the target, Fissure will always hit. If the user is a lower level than the target, the move always fails.

This chance of hitting is not an accuracy: it is not affected by accuracy and evasion stats, nor is it affected by other accuracy modifiers such as Gravity, Wide Lens, and Compound Eyes. Additionally, Fissure cannot hit a semi-invulnerable Pokémon (except a Pokémon using Dig). However, effects that guarantee moves to hit (such as No Guard and Lock-On) still affect Fissure.

Fissure can be used as the second move of a Pokémon Contest combination, with the user gaining 2 bonus appeal points if Earthquake was used in the previous turn. It is also part of a Contest Spectacular combination and will give an extra three appeal points if any of the moves Lock-On, Mind Reader and Miracle Eye was used in the prior turn.

When used in a Max Raid Battle against a Dynamax Pokémon while it is under the effect of a mysterious barrier, Fissure will deplete two bars of the barrier's strength. Otherwise, Fissure will always fail against Dynamax Pokémon. Tera Raid bosses are unaffected by Fissure.


Games Description
StadStad2 Causes a single-hit knockout if it hits. Useless against Flying-type Pokémon.
GSC A ground-type, one-hit KO attack.
RSE A one-hit KO move that drops the foe in a fissure.
FRLG The foe is dropped into a fissure. The foe faints if it hits.
ColoXD A one-hit KO that drops the target in a fissure.
DPPtHGSSPBR The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The target instantly faints if it hits.
BWB2W2 The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in. The target instantly faints if it hits.
The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in. The target faints instantly if this attack hits.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0050 Diglett Field Field 49 49 40 45 45 43 33 44 44 44
0050 Diglett
Alolan Form

Field Field 43 33 44 44
0051 Dugtrio Field Field 61 64 50 57 57 53 45 54 54 54
0051 Dugtrio
Alolan Form

Field Field 53 45 54 54
0323 Camerupt
Field Field 55 67 75BW
1, 59 1, 59 1, 59 1
0328 Trapinch Bug Dragon 89 89BW
1, 73XY
47 48 48 48
0329 Vibrava
Bug Dragon 1 1 Rem.
0330 Flygon
Bug Dragon 1 1 Rem.
0339 Barboach
Water 2 Water 2 41 47 47 47XY
44 48 48 48
0340 Whiscash
Water 2 Water 2 56 57 57 57XY
52 56 56 56
0383 Groudon No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 60 60DPPt
75 75XY
65 45 45 45
0413 Wormadam
Sandy Cloak

Bug Bug 47 47 47 47 47
0449 Hippopotas Field Field 50 50 50 50 48 48 48
0450 Hippowdon Field Field 60 60 60 60 56 56 56
0529 Drilbur Field Field 47 47 47 48 48
0530 Excadrill
Field Field 62 62 62 58 58
0618 Stunfisk
Water 1 Amorphous 61 1, 61 1, 61 55
0618 Stunfisk
Galarian Form

Water 1 Amorphous 55
0645 Landorus
All available forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 67 1, 67 1, 61 75 75
1003 Ting-Lu
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 75
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Egg Move
0131 Lapras
Monster Water 1
0143 Snorlax Monster Monster
0220 Swinub
Field Field
0231 Phanpy Field Field
0320 Wailmer Field Water 2
0324 Torkoal Field Field
0363 Spheal
Water 1 Field
0410 Shieldon
Monster Monster
0422 Shellos
All forms
Water 1 Amorphous
0446 Munchlax No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0749 Mudbray Field Field
0878 Cufant Field Mineral
0932 Nacli Mineral Mineral
0977 Dondozo Water 2 Water 2
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Compatibility
0006 Charizard
Monster Dragon
0009 Blastoise Monster Water 1
0023 Ekans Field Dragon
0024 Arbok Field Dragon
0027 Sandshrew Field Field
0028 Sandslash Field Field
0031 Nidoqueen
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0034 Nidoking
Monster Field
0050 Diglett Field Field
0051 Dugtrio Field Field
0061 Poliwhirl Water 1 Water 1
0062 Poliwrath
Water 1 Water 1
0066 Machop Human-Like Human-Like
0067 Machoke Human-Like Human-Like
0068 Machamp Human-Like Human-Like
0074 Geodude
Mineral Mineral
0075 Graveler
Mineral Mineral
0076 Golem
Mineral Mineral
0079 Slowpoke
Monster Water 1
0080 Slowbro
Monster Water 1
0095 Onix
Mineral Mineral
0104 Cubone Monster Monster
0105 Marowak Monster Monster
0108 Lickitung Monster Monster
0111 Rhyhorn
Monster Field
0112 Rhydon
Monster Field
0115 Kangaskhan Monster Monster
0128 Tauros Field Field
0143 Snorlax Monster Monster
0151 Mew No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Special move

Generation III

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0143 Snorlax Monster Monster Purified Shadow PokémonXD
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation V

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0324 Torkoal Field Field Dream World - Rugged Mountain
0363 Spheal
Water 1 Field Dream World - Icy Cave
0410 Shieldon
Monster Monster Dream World - Icy Cave
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation IX

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0324 Torkoal Field Field Wild Tera Pokémon - West Province (Area One)SV
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Fissure defeats the target in one hit. Prior to Gates to Infinity, Fissure knocks out the target by deaing "calamitous damage" (Japanese: とてつもない タメージ tremendous damage) which is internally treated as 9999 damage. Unlike in the core series games, it cannot hit a Pokémon in middle of Dig. Additionally, it will fail against Flying-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the Ability Levitate.

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDRB - - 14 - 35% - Front Enemy No
MDTDS - - 10 - 20% - Front Enemy No
BSL - - 10 - 20% - Front Enemy No
MDGtI - - 14 50 30% 50% Front Enemy No
SMD - - 14 30 30% 50% Front Enemy No
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:

Pokémon Masters EX

Category Move gauge cost MP
Base power Max power Accuracy Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair(s)
Physical 4 30% An opponent One-Hit KO Except in certain circumstances, deals damage equal to the target's maximum HP ignoring the opponent's effects that would reduce the damage of this attack. Users of Metronome (very small chance)
Volo & Togepi (via Masterful Metronome; very small chance)

Pokémon GO

Charged Attack
Gyms & Raids
Power ?
Energy cost ?
Duration 2.8 seconds
Damage window 1 - 2.3 seconds
Trainer Battles
Power ?
Energy cost ?
Secondary effect ?
Effect chance ?%
Eligible Pokémon:
Standard eligibility
By Elite Charged TM
By GO Snapshot
As Shadow Pokémon
As Purified Pokémon
Formerly eligible


Games Description
MDRB Defeats the target in one shot--if it hits. It has no effect on a flying foe.
MDTDS Defeats the target in one shot if it hits successfully. It has no effect on a flying enemy.
BSL てきポケモンを いちげきで たおしてしまうが めいちゅうしにくい とんでるポケモンには こうかがない
MDGtI The enemy will faint instantly if this attack hits, but it's hard to land this move. It has no effect on Flying-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the Levitate Ability.
The enemy will faint instantly if this attack hits, but it's hard to land this move. It has no effect on Flying-type Pokémon or Pokémon with the Levitate Ability.

In the anime




The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Sandshrew Sandshrew jumps into the air, then dives onto the ground, creating a fissure as it lands.
A.J.'s Sandshrew The Path to the Pokémon League Debut
Onix Onix slams its body on the ground, sending a wave of bluish-white energy towards the opponent. When the wave strikes the opponent, the energy bursts out of the ground and sends them flying.
A Trainer's Onix Mewtwo Strikes Back Japanese version only
Tauros Tauros rattles the battlefield with his hooves, then uses one of his hooves to slice open the ground with a white energy beam.
Ash's Tauros Hello, Pummelo! None
Groudon Groudon slams its arm into the ground and it sends a white energy beam from it at the opponent.
Groudon (Ruby and Sapphire series) The Scuffle of Legends None

In the manga

The Electric Tale of Pikachu

Pokémon Adventures

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 地裂 Deihliht
Mandarin 地裂 Dìliè
Czech Štěrbinový útok
Práskavý útok
Dutch Kloof
Finnish Lohkaisu
French Abîme
German Geofissur
Greek Ρήγμα
Italian Abisso
Korean 땅가르기 Ttanggareugi
Portuguese Brazil Fissura (Pokémon GO, manga)
Ruptura (anime)
Portugal Fissura
Serbian Procep
Spanish Fisura
Swedish Klyvanfall
Thai แยกพสุธา
Vietnamese Nứt Đất

One-hit knockout moves
GuillotineHorn DrillFissure
Sheer Cold

Generation I TMs
Generation I HMs

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.