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This glossary is a list of all general terms used in the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]].
This glossary is a list of general terms used in the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]].  See {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|How to play}} for a brief description of the game.  Also see [[:Category:Pokémon Trading Card Game]] for an exhaustive list of Pokémon Trading Card Game related articles.

==Active Pokémon==
The Active Pokémon is the Pokémon that the player has chosen as their main lead. During the player's turn, they are able to attach Energy cards, Pokémon Tools and Technical Machines to their Active Pokémon, evolve it, use a Level Up card on it, attack with it or retreat it. The Active Pokémon is also sometimes referred to by the opponent as the '''Attacking Pokémon''' or, if affected by an opponent's attack, the '''Defending Pokémon'''.
Both players in a [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]] require a playing '''Deck'''. An official deck is either purchased or built with 60 cards, composed of [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon cards]], [[#Energy card|Energy cards]], and [[#Trainer card|Trainer cards]].

==Baby Pokémon==
===Booster pack===
A Baby Pokémon is a type of Pokémon card introduced in {{TCG|Neo Genesis}} to be treated as a Basic Pokémon. Baby Pokémon are pre-evolved forms of existing Basic Pokémon, such as {{TCG|Pichu}} is to {{TCG|Pikachu}}, and thus are able to evolve into their respective Basic Pokémon (which are then treated as Evolved Pokémon). Up to {{TCG|Skyridge}}, the opponent was also forced to flip a coin when attacking a Baby Pokémon: if tails, the attack would fail. As of {{TCG|EX Sandstorm}}, Baby Pokémon are officially Basic Pokémon, and instead have a Baby Evolution Poké-Power to allow them to evolve into their respective evolutions.
{{main|Booster pack (TCG)}}
'''Booster packs''' are currently packs of 10 cards from a given [[#Expansion|Expansion]]. Boosters offer the chance to acquire stronger cards to strengthen a [[#Theme Deck|Theme Deck]], create new decks of cards, or customize old ones. Every booster pack is guaranteed to contain at least one ''Rare'' ({{rar|Rare}}) card, with generally three ''Uncommon'' ({{rar|Uncommon}}) cards and the remainder being ''Common'' ({{rar|Common}}). Since the release of the {{TCG|Legendary Collection}} set, one ''[[#Holofoil card|reverse Holofoil]]'' print of a common, uncommon, or rare card has also been included in every pack.

==Basic Energy card==
===Constructed Deck===
A basic Energy card is one unit of Energy required for a Pokémon to use an attack. There are nine types of basic Energy card: Grass, Fire, Water, Lightning, Psychic, Fighting, Darkness, Metal, and Fairy. The exact type of Energy is required in order to use an attack, except for Colorless Energy (for which any type of Energy can be used). For example, if the player has Grass Energy, they cannot use an attack requiring one Lightning Energy, but they can use any attacks that require Grass and/or Colorless Energy. In {{TCG|Diamond & Pearl}}, basic Darkness Energy and basic Metal Energy were introduced, as well as attacks which require no Energy to be used.
{{main|Deck#Constructed Deck|Constructed Deck}}
A '''Constructed Deck''' (also referred to as ''Full Deck'') is a 60-card deck built by a player from that player's own [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]] collection.

==Basic Pokémon==
===Deck archetype===
A Basic Pokémon is a form of Pokémon which does not evolve from any other Pokémon. A Basic Pokémon can be placed directly into play, either as the Active Pokémon at the start of the game or as a Benched Pokémon any time during play. Some Basic Pokémon, such as {{TCG|Mewtwo}}, do not evolve; some, such as {{TCG|Bulbasaur}}, do; and some, such as {{TCG|Pikachu}} can evolve from Baby Pokémon, either classified as a Baby Pokémon or with the Baby Evolution Poké-Power. In these cases, Basic Pokémon that are evolved from Baby Pokémon or other Basic Pokémon are considered to be Evolved Pokémon.
{{main|Deck archetype (TCG)}}
A '''Deck archetype''' is a player [[#Constructed Deck|Constructed Deck]] utilizing a set structure or theme (a certain [[#Pokémon type|Pokémon type]] and/or [[#Energy card|Energy type]], specific [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon cards]] and/or [[#Trainer card|Trainer cards]], etc.).  Various players often have slight differences between their own decks of the same archetype.

During play, any Pokémon that are not considered to be the Active Pokémon are put onto the Bench. These are classed as '''Benched Pokémon'''. They cannot attack or retreat, but they may be able to use Poké-Powers and Poké-Bodies if they do not state that the Pokémon must be Active to use them, and they can also be switched out into the Active position if the current Active Pokémon retreats. Some attacks allow a Pokémon to deal damage to the opponent's Benched Pokémon (and some even deal damage to the player's own Benched Pokémon): in these cases, [[#Weakness|Weakness]] and [[#Resistance|Resistance]] are not applied to the Benched Pokémon. Unlike Active Pokémon, a {{TCG|Pokémon LV.X}} card cannot be played in order to Level Up a Benched Pokémon.
{{main|List of Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions}}
After the release of the original {{TCG|Base Set}} in 1996/1999, each subsequent release of [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon card]] sets has been known as an '''Expansion''' set. Typically four expansions are released per year. They become [[#Standard format|Standard]] and [[#Expanded format|Expanded]] format legal three weeks after they are released in the United States. Expansions are grouped into a [[#Series|series]] often taking its title from the first expansion in that given grouping (itself typically based off of the title of a [[Pokémon games|video game]] release), such as the {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|HeartGold & SoulSilver Series}}, the {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|Black & White Series}}, or the {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|XY Series}}.  Players who have collected all of the cards released in a given Expansion are considered to have a ''Complete set''.

===Half Deck===
When an Active Pokémon attacks, the attack they use may specify an amount of damage to be done to the Pokémon being attacked. Damage is tallied up, by way of '''damage counters''', in order to Knock Out an opponent's Pokémon. Each damage counter counts as 10 damage, so, for example, if a Pokémon had 120 [[#Hit Points|Hit Points]] and had twelve or more damage counters on it, it would be Knocked Out. Damage done by attacks may also be affected by the Weakness or Resistance of the Pokémon being attacked.
{{main|Half Deck (TCG)}}
The '''Half Deck''' is popular among many [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]] players, particularly in Japan. In Half Deck play, both players use a 30-card deck instead of a traditional 60-card one and lays out three [[#Prize Card|Prize cards]] instead of six.

==Defending Pokémon==
===Promotional card===
When attacking, the effect of an attack may mention the Defending Pokémon in the event that is being affected by a {{TCG|Special Condition}} or other effect. The Defending Pokémon is the opponent's Active Pokémon at the time that the attack is used.
{{main|Promotional cards (TCG)}}
Unlike regular [[#Expansion|Expansion sets]] and [[#Booster pack|Booster packs]], '''Promotional cards''' are not available for purchase in stores. They are given way as special gifts.
A great many Promotional card sets have been produced over the years for the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

==Discard pile==
===Preconstructed Deck===
When cards are taken out of play, they are moved into the discard pile. Either player can look at the cards in their own discard pile, as well as those in their opponent's. When a Pokémon is Knocked Out, it, along with all cards attached to it, is moved to the discard pile. When a {{TCG|Trainer card}} is used, it is immediately moved to the discard pile after being used. Similarly, a {{TCG|Supporter card}} is moved into the discard pile at the end of the turn in which is was used. Some cards also allow the player to recollect cards from their discard pile.
See ''[[#Theme Deck|Theme Deck]]'' or ''[[#Trainer kit|Trainer kit]]'' below.

==Evolution card==
===Theme Deck===
Evolution cards, split into '''Stage 1 Pokémon''' and '''Stage 2 Pokémon''', are types of Pokémon which evolve from other Pokémon. Both the player's Active Pokémon and their Benched Pokémon can be evolved during their turn. Stage 1 Pokémon are placed onto Basic Pokémon (including those evolved from Baby Pokémon) and Stage 2 Pokémon are placed onto Stage 1 Pokémon. A Pokémon cannot be evolved more than once during a turn. Pokémon that are resurrected from Fossils, such as {{TCG|Omanyte}} and {{TCG|Kabuto}}, are Stage 1 Pokémon, as their respective Fossil Trainer cards, {{TCG|Helix Fossil}} and {{TCG|Dome Fossil}}, are classed as Basic Pokémon. Some cards, such as {{TCG|Rare Candy}}, even allow the player to bypass a Stage 1 Pokémon by evolving a Basic Pokémon directly into a Stage 2 Pokémon.
{{main|Theme Deck (TCG)}}
A '''Theme Deck''' is a ''Preconstructed'' 60-card deck that is sold pre-packaged (also referred to as ''Full Deck''). Most Theme Decks are designed with a [[#Deck archetype|specific strategy]] (such as [[#Special Conditions|Special Conditions]]) or theme (such as [[first partner Pokémon]]) in mind. They tend not to be as strong as player [[#Constructed Deck|Constructed Decks]], but can otherwise be a sound introduction to the game for new players since they have all the cards necessary for a single player to begin playing immediately. Theme Decks are also a defined gameplay category in the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game Online]].

==Hit Points==
===Trainer kit===
Hit Points, shown on a Pokémon card as '''HP''', represent the health of each Pokémon card and the amount of damage it can take before being Knocked Out. Most Pokémon in the Trading Card Game have between 30 and 150 HP, and some, such as {{TCG|Pokémon-ex}} and {{TCG|Pokémon LV.X}}, usually have between 100 and 200 HP. Some Poké-Bodies and Pokémon Tool cards will increase the number of Hit Points a Pokémon has, although these effects are usually temporary and only give an extra 10-20 HP. The lowest used HP value on Pokémon is 30 HP, cards like {{TCG|Magikarp}}, {{TCG|Baby Pokémon}}, and other 'lower level' Pokémon; while {{TCG ID|XY|M-Venusaur-EX|2}} has the highest Hit Points - 230 HP. Certain Trainer cards also have HP, like {{TCG ID|Base Set|Clefairy Doll|70}} and {{TCG ID|Fossil|Mysterious Fossil|62}} having only 10 HP while {{TCG ID|CD|Dance! Neo Imakuni?|promo}} has the highest value - 2000 HP.
{{main|Deck#Trainer kit|Trainer kit}}
Similar to [[#Theme Deck|Theme Decks]], '''Trainer kits''', such as the {{TCG|Black & White Trainer Kit}}, come with two ''[[#Theme Decks|Preconstructed]]'' 30-card decks or [[#Half Deck|Half Decks]], which may be combined to form one complete 60-card deck or can be built upon with a player’s own cards to make two 60-card play decks. Trainer kits also typically include game aids such as [[#Booster pack|Booster packs]], a rulebook, a [[#Field|double-player playmat]], [[#Damage|damage counters]], {{TCG|Special Condition|status counters}}, a [[#Coin|coin]], and a deck box – almost everything a single player could need to begin playing immediately.

==Lost Zone==
==Energy card==
The Lost Zone is an area considered to be a more advanced form of the discard pile. Unlike cards in the discard pile, cards moved to the Lost Zone are kept face-up and are considered to be "outside" the play area due to the fact they are not kept on the playmat if one is used. As such, cards moved to the Lost Zone are no longer considered to be in play, and cannot be retrieved at any time, or by any means, during gameplay.
{{main|Energy card (TCG)}}
===Basic Energy card===
A '''Basic Energy card''' (Japanese: {{tt|基本|きほん}}エネルギー ''Basic Energy'') is one unit of Energy. Energy is attached to a [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon card]] in order to use [[#Attack|Attacks]]. There are nine types of basic Energy card: {{TCG|Grass Energy|Grass}} {{ene|Grass}}, {{TCG|Fire Energy|Fire}} {{ene|Fire}}, {{TCG|Water Energy|Water}} {{ene|Water}}, {{TCG|Lightning Energy|Lightning}} {{ene|Lightning}}, {{TCG|Psychic Energy|Psychic}} {{ene|Psychic}}, {{TCG|Fighting Energy|Fighting}} {{ene|Fighting}}, {{OBP|Darkness Energy|Basic|Darkness}} {{ene|Darkness}}, {{OBP|Metal Energy|Basic|Metal}} {{ene|Metal}}, and {{TCG|Fairy Energy|Fairy}} {{ene|Fairy}}. The exact amount and type of Energy is required in order to use an [[#Attack|Attack]], except for {{TCG|Colorless|Colorless Energy}} {{ene|Colorless}} (for which any type of Energy can be used). For example, if the player has Grass Energy, they cannot use an attack requiring one Lightning Energy, but they can use any attacks that require Grass and/or Colorless Energy.

===Special Energy card===
A Poké-Body is a type of Pokémon Power that is active for as long as the Pokémon which has it is in play. A Poké-Body is sometimes reminiscent of that Pokémon's in-game [[Ability]], such as [[Ludicolo (Secret Wonders 13)|Ludicolo's Rain Dish]] Ability. Poké-Bodies have a vast amount of different effects and can affect almost any aspect of gameplay.
'''Special Energy cards''' (Japanese: '''{{tt|特殊|とくしゅ}}エネルギー''' ''Special Energy'') are cards that provide more than one [[#Energy card|Energy card]] of a specific type and/or have an additional effect besides providing Energy. Some may heal the [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] they're attached to, add [[#Damage|Damage]] to their [[#Attack|Attack]]s, or may even provide several different types of Energy at once. A majority of them provide only {{TCG|Colorless Energy|Colorless energy}}; however, there are several which provide one or more of any type of Basic energy.

A Poké-Power is a type of Pokémon Power that the player is able to use during their turn. In a similar fashion to Poké-Bodies, Poké-Powers can affect almost any aspect of gameplay, and can often be used once during the player's turn, before their attack. Some can be used multiple times and some are designed to cause an after-effect to the Pokémon with it being Knocked Out.
===Expanded format===
{{main|Expanded format (TCG)}}
'''Expanded format''' defines which cards may be used in officially-sanctioned [[#Play! Pokémon|Play! Pokémon]] events. This format was introduced in the {{TCG|2014-15 Expanded format|2014-2015 season}}. It allows a greater number of [[#Expansion|expansions]] than the ''Standard format'' but is not as unpredictable as the ''Unlimited format''. It remains to be seen if Play! Pokémon will begin {{TCG|Rotation|rotating}} out sets once per year, after the [[World Championships]], as they currently do with the Standard format.

==Pokémon Power==
===Standard format===
Pokémon Powers are additional effects that the card's player can trigger once or multiple times during their turn, before they attack. However, before the {{TCG|Expedition Base Set}}, some cards, such as {{TCG|Base Set}} {{TCG ID|Base Set|Charizard|4}}, had Pokémon Powers that were always active. After the release of Expedition, Pokémon Powers were split into two groups: Poké-Powers and Poké-Bodies. Poké-Powers are special effects that the player must trigger or announce using. A Poké-Body's effect is one that is in effect regardless. Both, however, are still officially considered to be Pokémon Powers.
{{main|Standard format (TCG)}}
'''Standard format''' defines which cards may be used in officially-sanctioned [[#Play! Pokémon|Play! Pokémon]] events.  This format was previously called the '''Modified format''' prior to the {{TCG|2013-14 Modified format|2013-2014 season}}.  Standard format cards are also known as ''Standard-legal'' or ''Modified-legal''. The current Standard format {{TCG|Rotation|rotates}} sets that are usable once per year, usually after the [[World Championships]].

==Prize card==
===Unlimited format===
{{main|Unlimited format (TCG)}}
The '''Unlimited format''' allows for the inclusion of any card that is or was playable in [[#Tournament|Tournaments]]. This format is not used in tournaments sanctioned by [[#Play! Pokémon|Play! Pokémon]]. It is, however, used in [[Pokémon Trading Card Game Online]] and can be used in {{TCG|Pokémon League|Pokémon Leagues}} if the {{DL|Pokémon League (TCG)|League Leader}} wishes to allow it. Because of the lack of restrictions in Unlimited, [[#Deck|decks]] can use combinations of cards which are not possible in [[#Standard format|Standard]] or [[#Expanded format|Expanded]] format play.
==Miscellaneous terminology==
===Active Pokémon===
The '''Active Pokémon''' (Japanese: バトルポケモン ''Battle Pokémon'') is the [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] that the player has chosen to battle the opponent's Active Pokémon. In regular formats, each player can only have one Pokémon set as their Active Pokémon at any given time. As a Pokémon in play, the Active Pokémon can have [[#Energy card|Energy cards]] and [[#Pokémon Tool|Pokémon Tools]] attached to it and can [[#Evolution card|evolve]]. Uniquely, the Active Pokémon can have a {{TCG|Pokémon LV.X|Level Up}} card used on it. The Active Pokémon is the only Pokémon allowed to [[#Attack|Attack]] or [[#Retreat|Retreat]]. The Active Pokémon is also sometimes referred to by the opponent as the ''Attacking Pokémon'' or, if affected by an opponent's attack, the ''[[#Defending Pokémon|Defending Pokémon]]''. The Active Pokémon is sometimes described as being in the [[#Active Spot|Active Spot]]. If the Active Pokémon leaves play (usually by being [[#Knock Out|Knocked Out]]), a Pokémon currently on the [[#Bench|Bench]] must become the new Active Pokémon or the opponent [[#Winning|wins]] the game.
==={{anchor|Arena|Arena}} or {{anchor|Active Spot|Active Spot}}===
In [[Pokémon Trading Card Game (video game)|the Game Boy Color game]], the '''Arena''' (バトル場 ''Battle Place'') is the location of the [[#Active Pokémon|Active Pokémon]].
The term '''Active Spot''', first used on English-language cards in the {{TCG|Sword & Shield}} expansion, refers to the same.
During play, any [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] that are not considered to be the [[#Active Pokémon|Active Pokémon]] may be put onto the '''Bench''' (Japanese: ベンチ ''Bench''). These are classed as '''Benched Pokémon''' (Japanese: ベンチポケモン ''Bench Pokémon''), of which each player can have no more than five at a time. They generally cannot [[#Attack|Attack]] or [[#Retreat|Retreat]], but they may be able to use [[#Ability|Abilities]], [[#Poké-POWER|Poké-POWERS]] and [[#Poké-BODY|Poké-BODIES]] if they do not state that the Pokémon must be [[#Active Pokémon|Active]] to use them, and they can also be switched out into the Active position if the current Active Pokémon retreats. Some attacks allow a Pokémon to deal [[#Damage|Damage]] to the opponent's Benched Pokémon (and some even deal damage to the player's own Benched Pokémon). In these cases, [[#Weakness|Weakness]] and [[#Resistance|Resistance]] are not applied to the Benched Pokémon. Unlike Active Pokémon, a {{TCG|Pokémon LV.X}} card cannot be played in order to Level Up a Benched Pokémon.
===Coins or Dice===
{{main|Coin (TCG)}}
'''Coins'''  (Japanese: '''ポケモンコイン''' ''Pokémon Coin''), also officially recognized as '''metallic coins''', are ''one of two types of randomizers'' that players can use during a Pokémon Trading Card Game [[#Match|Match]]. The majority of official coins released are made of plastic with a metallic Pokémon design on the front. Coin flips (''Heads'' or ''Tails'') are an integral part of the game. They help determine which player starts a match and determine the effect on many cards. Coins have begun to fall out of favor among Pokémon players, who have gradually started to prefer the second officially recognized randomizer: '''dice (Six-sided Dice)''', for their utility and convenience, where the ''even number'' sides represent ''Heads'' and the ''odd number'' sides represent ''Tails''.
An informal term referring to a action that is required to happen before the use of an effect. Some examples of cards that have costs are {{TCG ID|Sword & Shield|Cinccino|147}}'s '''Make Do''' [[#Ability|Ability]] and {{TCG ID|Team Up|Dangerous Drill|138}}.
Not to be confused with the "cost" of an attack.
When an [[#Active Pokémon|Active Pokémon]] attacks, the [[#Attack|Attack]] they use may specify an amount of '''Damage''' (Japanese: ダメージ ''Damage'') to be done to the [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] being attacked, conventionally divisible by amounts of 10. Damage is tallied up, by way of '''Damage Counters''' (Japanese: ダメカン ''Dame-kan'', short for ダメージカウンター ''Damage Counter''), in order to [[#Knock Out|Knock Out]] an opponent's Pokémon. Each damage counter counts as 10 damage.  For example, if a Pokémon has 120 [[#Hit Points|Hit Points]] and has twelve or more damage counters on it, it would be ''Knocked Out''. Damage done by attacks may also be affected by the [[#Weakness|Weakness]] or [[#Resistance|Resistance]] of the Pokémon being attacked. In place of actual counters, dice are often used to indicate damage; this is very common practice and it saves time. An example would be if a Pokémon had a die with the 5 side up, it would have 50 damage.
===Defending Pokémon===
A Defending [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] is the opponent's [[#Active Pokémon|Active Pokémon]] at the time that an [[#Attack|Attack]] is used. When attacking, the effect of an attack may mention the '''Defending Pokémon''' in the event that it is being affected by a [[#Special Conditions|Special Condition]] or other effect.
===Discard Pile===
When cards are taken out of play, they are moved into the '''Discard Pile''' (Japanese: トラッシュ ''Trash''). Either player can look at the cards in their own Discard Pile, as well as those in their opponent's. When a [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] is [[#Knocked Out|Knocked Out]], it is moved to the Discard Pile, along with all cards attached to it. When a [[#Trainer card|Trainer card]] is used, it is often immediately moved to the Discard Pile after being used. Similarly, a [[#Supporter card|Supporter card]] is moved into the Discard Pile at the end of the [[#Turn|Turn]] in which it was used. [[#Energy card|Energy cards]] used to [[#Retreat cost|Retreat]] or Energy cards discarded as part of an [[#Attack|Attack]] or due to an effect of a [[#Trainer card|Trainer card]] are also moved into the Discard Pile. Some cards allow the player to recollect cards from their Discard Pile.
In [[Pokémon Trading Card Game (video game)|the Game Boy Color game]], a Match is often called a '''Duel''' (Japanese: {{tt|対戦|たいせん}} ''competition'').
===Energy type===
{{main|Type (TCG)}}
There are eleven '''Energy types''': {{TCG|Grass}} {{e|Grass}}, {{TCG|Fire}} {{e|Fire}}, {{TCG|Water}} {{e|Water}}, {{TCG|Lightning}} {{e|Lightning}}, {{TCG|Fighting}} {{e|Fighting}}, {{TCG|Psychic}} {{e|Psychic}}, {{TCG|Colorless}} {{e|Colorless}}, {{TCG|Darkness}} {{e|Darkness}}, {{TCG|Metal}} {{e|Metal}}, {{TCG|Dragon}} {{e|Dragon}}, and {{TCG|Fairy}} {{e|Fairy}}. In the past, these were called '''Pokémon types'''.  Both [[#Energy card|Energy]] and [[#Pokémon|Pokémon]] have types.  When a Pokémon [[#Attack|Attacks]], the [[#Damage|Damage]] it it does to the [[#Defending Pokémon|Defending Pokémon]] is changed if the type of the attacker is a [[#Weakness|Weaknesses]] and/or [[#Resistance|Resistances]] of the Defending Pokémon.
The '''Field''' is the '''Play Area''' or '''Playmat''' for a [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]] game or [[#Match|Match]]. There are also ''playmats'' that players can use that define all the special location on the field. A field is roughly split in half with each player utilizing the half closest to them. Each player’s [[#Shuffle|shuffled]] [[#Deck|deck]] is placed face down on the upper right side of their respective half. The [[#Discard Pile|Discard Pile]] is located on the right side just below their deck. The [[#Active Pokémon|Active Pokémon]] (of which each player can only have one at a time) is placed in front of the player toward the upper center of their half of the field. Their [[#Bench|Bench]] is directly in front of each player. No more than five Pokémon may occupy a given player’s Bench at the same time. Finally, six [[#Prize card|Prize cards]] are placed face down to the left side of the each player’s half of the field.
Pokémon cards on both players' Active Spots and Benches are considered to be '''In Play'''.
Generally held in the player’s hands, a player’s '''hand''' is the group of cards that only they are allowed to look at (not their opponent) and play from during their [[#Turn|Turn]]. At the beginning of a [[#Match|Match]], players take seven cards from the top of their respective [[#Deck|decks]] and places them into their hand. At the beginning of each player's turn, they take one card from the top of their respective decks and place it into their hand. Certain [[#Trainer card|Trainer cards]] and [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon cards]] have [[#Attack|Attacks]] or [[#Ability|Abilities]] that may also allow a player to draw a card or cards from their respective deck. Notably, players always have a hand, even if that hand has no cards in it. This allows players to pay for costs that require discarding their hand even in such a case. <ref>[ Compendium]</ref>
{{main|HP (TCG)}}
'''HP''' (Japanese: {{tt|HP|エイチピー}} ''HP''), short for '''Hit Point''' (Japanese: '''{{j|ヒットポイント}}''' ''Hit Point''), represents the health of each {{TCG|Pokémon}} card. This is the amount of [[#Damage|Damage]] it can take before being [[#Knocked Out|Knocked Out]]. This value is a multiple of 10. A Pokémon's damage is tallied up by way of damage counters, each counter representing 10 damage. For example, if a Pokémon with 120 HP has 3 damage counters, that is equivalent to 30 HP damage, with 90 HP still remaining for this Pokémon. If a Pokémon has lost all their HP (for instance, a Pokémon with 120 HP with twelve or more damage counters on it), it is Knocked Out. Once a Pokémon card is Knocked Out, it and all cards attached are sent to the discard pile, and the opponent takes one of their Prize cards.
===Holofoil card===
{{main|Holofoil (TCG)}}
Also known as '''Holographic Foil''', '''Foil''', '''Holo''', '''Reverse-Holo''', '''Reverse foil''' or '''Holographic''' cards. They are identical to their normal counterpart aside from a Holofoil effect in the picture (''Holo'') or the card background (''Reverse-Holo''). A small amount of [[#Rarity|Rare]] ({{rar|Rare}}) cards within each [[#Expansion|expansion]] are Holofoil. They may be pulled from [[#Booster pack|Booster packs]] as the rare card, but it is not guaranteed. They are rarer compared to non-Holofoil rare cards.
===Knock Out===
When a [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]]'s [[#Damage|Damage]] equals or exceeds its [[#HP|Hit Points]], it is considered '''Knocked Out'''. Knocked Out Pokémon are placed face up in the player’s [[#Discard Pile|Discard Pile]] along with any other cards that were attached to it (such as {{TCG|Energy card|Energy cards}}).
===Lost Zone===
The '''Lost Zone''' is an area considered to be a more advanced form of the [[#Discard Pile|Discard Pile]]. The Lost Zone was introduced in the [[Platinum (TCG)|Platinum]] expansion. Cards moved to the Lost Zone are kept face-up, but unlike cards in the Discard Pile, are considered to be "outside" the [[#Field|Play Area]] due to the fact they are not kept on the playmat if one is used. Cards moved to the Lost Zone are no longer considered to be in play, and cannot be retrieved by any means during gameplay. There are no card effects that can circumvent this.
A game of [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]] is often called a '''Match'''.
===Play! Pokémon===
{{main|Play! Pokémon}}
'''Play! Pokémon''', formerly known as ''Pokémon Organized Play'' or ''POP'', is an official gathering of players of the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]] and [[Pokémon games|video games]] to play, trade, and just generally have fun and learn about the games. It was formed by [[The Pokémon Company International]] in 2003 to officially sanction and organize game play, including {{TCG|Pokémon League|Leagues}}, [[#Tournament|Tournaments]], and prize systems.
===Pokémon Checkup===
'''Pokémon Checkup''' is the name given to the step of the game that occurs between each player's [[#Turn|turn]]. While the concept existed since the very start of the game, the term was only given a name with the release of {{TCG|Sword & Shield}}. (Prior to this, it was informally known as the '''"between-turns step"'''.) During Pokemon Checkup, the {{TCG|Special Condition}} [[Poisoned]], [[Burned]], [[Asleep]], and [[Paralyzed]] perform their respective effects in that exact order. All other effects that occur between turns are processed in one step, which can be done either before or after the Special Conditions. After between turns effects have been performed, the game compares each Pokémon's [[#Damage|damage counters]] to their [[#HP|HP]] to determine if [[#Knock Out|Knock Out]]s occur. Then the next player's turn starts.
The game does not enter Pokémon Checkup if an effect gives one player an additional turn. After the original turn ends, the additional turn immediately begins.
===Pokémon League===
{{main|Pokémon League (TCG)}}
A '''Pokémon League''', often referred to simply as '''League''', is a periodic gathering, typically weekly, of players of both the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]] and [[Pokémon games|Pokémon video games]]. During a League session, players battle and trade for fun. It is typically not a structured [[#Tournament|Tournament]]. However, each player can obtain an official {{DL|Play! Pokémon|Registration|Player ID}}. Event organizers will upload player event play information to [[Play! Pokémon]], eventually resulting in [[#Current rewards|minor prizes]].
===Prize card===
{{redirect|Prize|money given to the winner of a battle by the loser|prize money}}
{{redirect|Prize|money given to the winner of a battle by the loser|prize money}}
A Prize card is a card taken by a player for Knocking Out one of their opponent's Pokémon. When using the regular 60-card deck, six prizes are put down at the start of the game: however, three are put down if using a 30-card half deck, and four are put down if using a 40-card prerelease deck. The first player to take all of their Prize cards wins the game. When a player Knocks Out one of their opponent's {{TCG|Pokémon-ex}}, however, they take two Prize cards instead of one.
A '''Prize card''' (Japanese: サイド ''Side'') is a card taken by a player for [[#Knock Out|Knocking Out]] one of their opponent's [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]]. At the start of the game, after drawing their initial hand and putting Pokémon into play, cards are taken from the top of the deck and set as player's Prize cards. Prize cards are laid face-down  and are unknown to both players. When using regular 60-card [[#Deck|deck]]s, six prizes are put down at the start of the game. However, three are put down if using 30-card [[#Half Deck|Half Deck]]s, and four are put down if using 40-card prerelease decks. In a [[#Sudden Death|Sudden Death]] match, each player has one Prize card. When one player's Pokémon is Knocked Out, their opponent takes one of their own Prize cards and puts it into their [[#hand|hand]]. Some effects can increase or decrease the number of Prize cards taken in this way. There are also effects that prevent players from taking any Prize card when Knocking Out a Pokémon, and those override any increase. Certain Special Pokémon cards, such as [[Pokémon-GX (TCG)|Pokémon-GX]] or [[Pokémon V (TCG)|Pokémon V]], have text boxes that also allow the opposing player to take more Prize cards when they are Knocked Out, though this technically is not an effect that increases the number of Prize cards taken. Rarely, there are effects that can interact with the Prize cards, sometimes allowing a player to take theirs without Knocking Out a Pokémon. The first player to take all of their Prize cards [[#Winning|Wins]] the game.

==Public information==
===Public information===
{{main|Public information (TCG)}}
{{main|Public information (TCG)}}
Public information is information related to match that is readily accessible by either player at any time, as long as such requests are not used for stalling. Public information includes all cards in play, such as: Pokémon cards, including any evolutionary stages underneath Active and Benched Pokémon; Energy cards and Trainer cards attached to Pokémon and in the play area; the cards in each player's discard pile; the number of cards in a player's hand; and the number of remaining prize cards of each player.
'''Public information''' is information related to a [[#Match|Match]] that is readily accessible by either player at any time, as long as such requests are not used for stalling. Public information includes all cards in play, such as: 1) [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon cards]], including any [[#Evolution card|evolutionary]] stages underneath [[#Active Pokémon|Active]] and [[#Benched Pokémon|Benched Pokémon]]; 2) [[#Energy card|Energy cards]] and [[#Trainer card|Trainer cards]] attached to Pokémon and in the [[#Field|Play Area]]; 3) the cards in each player's [[#Discard Pile|Discard Pile]]; 4) the number of cards in a player's hand, and 5) the number of remaining [[#Prize Card|Prize Cards]] of each player.
On the bottom right corner of most cards, there is a small symbol that indicates its '''Rarity''' (how easy it is to find or obtain): {{rar|Common}} (Common), {{rar|Uncommon}} (Uncommon), {{rar|Rare}} (Rare). No symbol usually denotes a card that is part of a {{TCG|Promotional cards|Promotional set}} or a [[#Basic Energy card|Basic Energy card]].
===Reprinted card===
{{main|Reprinted card}}
{{main|Rotation (TCG)}}
A '''Reprinted card''' is a card that has been printed in a previous [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]] set and has been included in a newer set. When a card is reprinted, older versions of a card can still be used in [[#Standard format|Standard format]] and [[#Expanded format|Expanded format]] [[#Tournament|Tournaments]] provided the text of the card has not changed or if a single copy of a card with the current text is set aside for reference. This reference card cannot be actively used in the player's [[#Deck|deck]].
===Rule Box===
A term introduced in the {{TCG|Battle Styles}} expansion, cards with a '''Rule Box''' collectively refer to those that have a text box that says the word "rule", such as {{TCG|Pokémon-EX}}, {{TCG|Pokémon BREAK}}, {{TCG|Pokémon-GX}}, {{TCG|Prism Star}} cards, {{TCG|TAG TEAM}} cards, {{TCG|Pokémon V}}, {{TCG|Radiant Pokémon}}, and {{TCG|Pokémon ex}}. (Pokémon-ex from the [[Pokemon Trading Card Game#EX Series|EX Series]] do not have Rule Boxes.)
{{main|Pokémon Trading Card Game#Wizards of the Coast sets|Series}}
A '''Series''' is a grouping of [[#Expansion|Expansion]] sets based on a certain [[Generation]] of expansions, such as {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|Generation I}}, {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|Generation II}}, {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|Generation III}}, {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|Generation IV}}, {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|Generation V}}, or {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|Generation VI}}. Concurrently, series groupings are also taken from the title of the first expansion in that given grouping (itself typically based off of the title of a [[Pokémon games|video game]] release), such as the {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|HeartGold & SoulSilver Series}}, the {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|Black & White Series}}, and the {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|XY Series}}.
'''Shuffling''' involves mixing the cards in a player’s [[#Deck|deck]] or [[#Prize Card|Prize cards]] in a random and unpredictable way.
===Special Conditions===
{{main|Special Condition (TCG)}}
A '''Special Condition''' (Japanese: {{tt|特殊状態|とくしゅじょうたい}} ''Special Condition'') is a result that some [[#Attack|Attack]]s have. Specific attacks may cause the [[#Defending Pokémon|Defending Pokémon]] to be affected by at least one of the five Special Conditions: ''Asleep'', ''Burned'', ''Confused'', ''Paralyzed'' and ''Poisoned''.
Unlike [[status ailment]]s in the video games, Special Conditions are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Poisoned and Burned are recognized by placing a specific marker (known as ''status counters'') on the afflicted Pokémon (and can be combined), while Asleep, Confused, and Paralyzed are recognized by rotating the Active Pokémon's card (thus it can only be affected by one of these at a time with the newest condition overriding the previous one).  Also unlike the video games, Special Conditions are healed upon an [[#Evolution card|Evolution]], {{TCG|Pokémon Lv.X|level-up}} or being switched out of the [[#Active Pokémon|Active]] position and placed on the [[#Bench|Bench]].
===Sudden Death===
When both players achieve a win condition at the same time, a Sudden Death match occours to resolve the original match's winner. It follows the same rules of a regular match, but players only start with one [[#Prize Card|Prize Card]].
{{main|Play! Pokémon#Local Tournaments|Tournaments}}
'''Tournaments''' are meant for both fun and practice. They are usually held in a gaming store or community center by a local {{DL|Pokémon League (TCG)|League Leader}} or {{TCG|Tournament Organizer}}. They are often but not always free to enter. [[#Play! Pokémon|Play! Pokémon]] sanctioned tournaments are either single elimination, Swiss, or Swiss followed by single elimination rounds. Formal Play! Pokémon tournaments also include: {{DL|Play! Pokémon|Prerelease Tournaments|Prerelease Tournaments}}, {{DL|Play! Pokémon|Battle Road Tournaments|Battle Road Tournaments}}, {{DL|Play! Pokémon|City Championships|City Championships}}, {{DL|Play! Pokémon|State/Province/Territory Championships|State/Province/Territory Championships}}, {{DL|Play! Pokémon|Regional Championships|Regional Championships}}, {{DL|Play! Pokémon|National Championships|National Championships}}, and {{DL|Play! Pokémon|World Championships|World Championships}}. Many tournaments also are divided into three {{DL|Play! Pokémon|Age divisions}}: ''Junior'' (roughly up to ten year olds), ''Senior'' (roughly 11 to 14 year olds), and ''Master'' (roughly 15 year olds and older).
{{main|Pokémon Trading Card Game#How to play|How to play}}
A '''turn''' consists of the following for each player:
# First, draw a card from the top of that player's [[#Deck|deck]].
# Next, do any of the below actions in any order:
#* Attach one [[#Energy card|Energy card]] to one of that player’s Pokémon in play (either [[#Active Pokémon|Active]] or [[#Bench|Benched Pokémon]]).
#* Play [[#Basic Pokémon|Basic Pokémon]] to that player's Bench.
#* [[#Evolution card|Evolve]] any of that player's Pokémon in play.
#* [[#Retreat cost|Retreat]] that player's Active Pokémon if the Active Pokémon can satisfy the {{TCG|Energy card}} retreat cost.
#* Play any [[#Trainer card|Trainer cards]] in that player's [[#Hand|hand]] pertaining to the rules on each Trainer card and then typically placing that Trainer card face up in the player’s [[#Discard Pile|discard pile]].
#** During the same turn, each player may play many Item cards or Pokémon Tool cards, but only one Supporter card and one Stadium card.
#* Use any [[#Ability|Abilities]] or [[#Pokémon Power|Pokémon Powers]] that appear on that player's Active or Benched Pokémon.
# Finally, [[#Attack|Attack]] if that player has the appropriate [[#Energy card|Energy card(s)]] attached on that player's {{DL|Glossary (TCG)|Active Pokémon}}. Attacking '''always ends''' that player’s turn.
The player to go first is not allowed to attack or play a Supporter card on their first turn.
Players alternate turns until one player [[#Winning|wins]] the game.
{{main|Pokémon Trading Card Game#How to play|How to play}}
Players can '''Win''' a [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]] in three different ways:
# Take their ''[[#Prize Card|six prize cards]]'' by [[#Knock Out|Knocking Out]] their opponent's Pokémon by using various [[#Attack|Attack]]s to reduce the opponent's [[#Hit Points|HP to zero]];
# If their opponent ''runs out of Pokémon'' on the field (which includes their [[#Active Pokémon|Active Pokémon]] and [[#Bench|Bench Pokémon]]), or
# If their opponent must draw a card from their [[#Deck|deck]] at the beginning of their turn, but they have ''run out of cards in their deck''.
==Pokémon card==
{{main|Pokémon (TCG)}}
'''Pokémon cards''' are the focus of the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]]. The most common type of Pokémon card is a [[#Basic Pokémon|Basic Pokémon]], but others include [[#Baby Pokémon|Baby Pokémon]], [[#Evolution card|Stage 1 and Stage 2 Pokémon]], [[#Restored Pokémon|Restored Pokémon]], [[#Pokémon-EX|Pokémon-EX and M Pokémon-EX]], [[#Fossil card|Fossil Pokémon]], and [[#Pokémon LEGEND|Pokémon LEGEND]].
{{main|Ability (TCG)}}
An '''Ability''' is a [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] power that typically trigger once or multiple times during a [[#Turn|Turn]], before a Pokémon attacks, or are active for as long as the Pokémon that has it is in play. With the release of {{TCG|Black & White}}, [[#Pokémon Power|Pokémon Power]]s ([[#Poké-BODY|Poké-BODY]] and [[#Poké-POWER|Poké-POWER]]) were combined into this single mechanic after the analogous element in the main [[Pokémon games|video series games]].
===Ancient Trait===
{{main|Ancient Trait}}
'''Ancient Traits''' are special effects given to certain Pokémon, starting in the {{TCG|Primal Clash}} expansion. They are not [[#Ability|Abilities]], and as such, effects that would prevent Abilities from activating do not apply to them.
{{main|Attack (TCG)}}
'''Attacks''' are skills on a [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon card]] usable by the player's [[#Active Pokémon|Active Pokémon]] on the player's [[#Turn|Turn]], which are similar to [[#Move|moves]] in the [[Pokémon games|video games]]. Nearly every [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon card]] has at least one attack. When players use an attack, that player's turn ends. Every attack has an attack cost, which is printed as energy symbols to the left of the attack name. A Pokémon card can only use an attack if it has enough [[#Energy card|Energy]] attached to it to pay for that attack's cost. Additionally, only Active Pokémon may use attacks, although players may attach energy to [[#Bench|Bench]] Pokémon in order to get them ready to attack if and when they make a given Bench Pokémon their Active Pokémon. Finally, the first player in a [[#Match|Match]] to have a [[#Turn|Turn]] is not allowed to attack, although they may perform all other actions types.
===Baby Pokémon===
{{main|Baby Pokémon#In the TCG|Baby Pokémon}}
A '''Baby Pokémon''' (Japanese: ベイビィポケモン ''Baby Pokémon'') is a type of [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon card]] introduced in {{TCG|Neo Genesis}} to be treated as a [[#Basic Pokémon|Basic Pokémon]]. Baby Pokémon are pre-evolved forms of existing Basic Pokémon, such as {{TCG|Pichu}} is to {{TCG|Pikachu}}, and thus are able to evolve into their respective Basic Pokémon (which are then treated as [[#Evolution card|Evolved Pokémon]]). Up to the {{TCG|Skyridge}} [[#Expansion|Expansion]], the opponent was also forced to flip a [[#Coin|coin]] when attacking a Baby Pokémon: if tails, the [[#Attack|Attack]] would fail. As of the {{TCG|EX Sandstorm}} [[#Expansion|Expansion]], Baby Pokémon are officially Basic Pokémon, and instead have a Baby Evolution [[#Poké-POWER|Poké-POWER]] to allow them to evolve into their respective evolutions.
===Basic Pokémon===
A '''Basic Pokémon''' (Japanese: たねポケモン ''Seed Pokémon'') is a form of [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] which does not [[#Evolution card|evolve]] from any other Pokémon. A Basic Pokémon can be placed directly into play, either as the [[#Active Pokémon|Active Pokémon]] at the start of the game or as a [[#Benched Pokémon|Benched Pokémon]] any time during play. Some Basic Pokémon, such as {{TCG|Mewtwo}}, do not evolve; some, such as {{TCG|Bulbasaur}}, do; and some, such as {{TCG|Pikachu}} can evolve from Baby Pokémon, either classified as a Baby Pokémon or with the Baby Evolution [[#Poké-POWER|Poké-POWER]]. In these cases, Basic Pokémon that are evolved from Baby Pokémon or other Basic Pokémon are considered to be Evolved Pokémon.  [[#Pokémon-EX|Pokémon-EX]] are also Basic Pokémon.
===Evolution card===
{{main|Evolution (TCG)}}
'''Evolution cards''', mainly split into [[#Stage 1 card|Stage 1 Pokémon]] and [[#Stage 2 card|Stage 2 Pokémon]], are types of [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] that evolve from other Pokémon. The player's [[#Active Pokémon|Active Pokémon]] and their [[#Benched Pokémon|Benched Pokémon]] can be evolved during their [[#Turn|Turn]], as long it is not the player's first turn or the first turn when the Pokémon was put into play. Evolved Pokémon count as one card while in play, regardless of how many evolution stages it has.
====Stage 1 card====
{{main|Stage 1 Pokémon (TCG)}}
'''Stage 1 Pokémon''' are placed onto [[#Basic Pokémon|Basic Pokémon]] (including those evolved from [[#Baby Pokémon|Baby Pokémon]]) and Stage 2 Pokémon are placed onto Stage 1 Pokémon. Pokémon that are resurrected from Fossils (in the original mechanic), such as {{TCG|Omanyte}} and {{TCG|Kabuto}}, are Stage 1 Pokémon, as their respective Fossil Trainer cards, {{TCG|Helix Fossil}} and {{TCG|Dome Fossil}}, are classed as Basic Pokémon.
====Stage 2 card====
{{main|Stage 2 Pokémon (TCG)}}
'''Stage 2 Pokémon''' are placed onto [[#Stage 1 card|Stage 1 Pokémon]]. Some cards, such as {{TCG|Rare Candy}}, allow the player to bypass a Stage 1 Pokémon by evolving a [[#Basic Pokémon|Basic Pokémon]] directly into a Stage 2 Pokémon.
====Mega Evolution card====
'''Mega Evolution Pokémon''' are a Evolutionary stage introduced in {{TCG|XY}} [[#Expansion|expansion]] featuring the [[Mega Evolution]] and [[Primal Reversion]] mechanics. These are also [[#Pokémon-EX|Pokémon-EX]] and are meant to be played by evolving from basic Pokémon-EX. Doing so ends a players [[#Turn|Turn]] immediately.
====BREAK card====
{{main|Pokémon BREAK (TCG)}}
'''Pokémon BREAK''' were introduced in the {{TCG|BREAKthrough}} [[#Expansion|expansion]]. They are easily identified through the stylized golden Pokémon graphic. A BREAK card retains the attacks, Abilities, Weakness, Resistance, and Retreat Cost of its previous Evolution.
====Restored Pokémon====
{{main|Restored Pokémon (TCG)}}
A '''Restored Pokémon''' (Japanese: {{tt|復元|ふくげん}}ポケモン ''Restored Pokemon'') is a form of [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] that is revived to life from a [[#Fossil card|Fossil]]. In order to play a Restored Pokémon, the player must first play the respective [[#Fossil card|Fossil card]], search the bottom seven cards of their [[#Deck|deck]] for the corresponding Pokémon, and then place it onto their [[#Bench|Bench]]. This type of card was reintroduced with the above mechanic in the {{TCG|Noble Victories}} [[#Expansion|expansion]].
===Fossil card===
'''Fossils''' or [[#Restored Pokémon|Restored Pokémon]] can only be played on to a player’s [[#Bench|Bench]] through the use of special [[#Trainer card|Trainer cards]], such as {{TCG|Cover Fossil}} and {{TCG|Plume Fossil}} to play {{TCG|Tirtouga}} and {{TCG|Archen}}. In order to play a Restored Pokémon, the player must first play the respective Fossil card, search the bottom seven cards of their [[#Deck|deck]] for the corresponding Pokémon, and then place it onto their [[#Bench|Bench]].
A '''Poké-BODY''' (Japanese: ポケボディー ''Poké-Body'') is a type of [[#Pokémon Power|Pokémon Power]] that is active for as long as the [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] that has it is in play. A Poké-BODY is sometimes reminiscent of that Pokémon's in-game [[Ability]], such as [[Ludicolo (Secret Wonders 13)|Ludicolo's Rain Dish]] Ability. Poké-BODIES have a variety of different effects and can affect almost any aspect of gameplay.

If a Pokémon has Resistance to a certain type, it means that if it is attacked by a Pokémon of that type, it will receive less damage. While not exceedingly rare, Resistance isn't very common either - most Pokémon don't have any. An example of a Pokémon with Resistance is {{TCG ID|Fossil|Ditto|3}} in the {{TCG|Fossil}} set. An example a Pokémon without is {{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Grimer|79}} in the {{TCG|Aquapolis}} set. The {{TCG|EX Dragon}} set introduced some [[Pokémon-ex]] with two different Resistances on the same card, such as {{TCG ID|EX Dragon|Rayquaza ex|97}}. Resistances were initially fixed at -30 damage, meaning the Pokémon would take 30 less damage from an attack. Unlike Weakness, this rule was always printed on the card, either to the left of or above the Resistance-type in the form of "-30". As of the {{TCG|Diamond & Pearl}} set, Resistances are officially variables, though are always -20 (also printed on the cards) damage unless on a reprint of a Pokémon card that originally had a -30 Resistance.
A '''Poké-POWER''' (Japanese: ポケパワー ''Poké-Power'') is a type of [[#Pokémon Power|Pokémon Power]] that the player is able to use during their [[#Turn|Turn]]. In a similar fashion to [[#Poké-BODY|Poké-BODIES]], Poké-POWERS can affect almost any aspect of gameplay, and can often be used once during the player's turn, before their [[#Attack|Attack]]. Some can be used multiple times and some are designed to cause an after-effect to the [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] with it being [[#Knock Out|Knocked Out]].

==Retreat Cost==
===Pokémon ex===
{{main|Retreat cost}}
{{main|Pokémon ex (TCG)}}
'''Pokémon ex''' (Japanese: '''ポケモンex''' ''Pokémon ex'') are Pokémon with significantly higher [[#Hit Points|Hit Points]] compared to the majority of regular Pokémon. They were first introduced in the {{TCG|Scarlet & Violet}} [[#Expansion|expansion]], and can be Basic, Stage 1, or Stage 2 Pokémon. Similar to the {{TCG|Pokémon-ex}} released during the {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|EX Series}}, when a Pokémon-EX is defeated, the opponent takes two [[#Prize card|Prize cards]] instead of one.
{{main|Pokémon-EX (TCG)}}
'''Pokémon-EX''' (Japanese: '''ポケモンEX''' ''Pokémon EX'') are [[#Basic Pokémon|Basic Pokémon]] with significantly higher [[#Hit Points|Hit Points]] compared to the majority of regular Basic Pokémon. They were first introduced in the {{TCG|Next Destinies}} [[#Expansion|expansion]], replacing {{TCG|Pokémon LV.X}} [[#Pokémon LEGEND|Legendary Pokémon]]. Similar to the {{TCG|Pokémon-ex}} released during the {{DL|Pokémon Trading Card Game|EX Series}}, when a Pokémon-EX is defeated, the opponent takes two [[#Prize card|Prize cards]] instead of one.
{{main|Pokémon-GX (TCG)}}
'''Pokémon-GX''' were introduced in the {{TCG|Sun & Moon}} expansion. They are similar to Pokémon-EX, but with two main differences - they aren't always Basic Pokémon (for example, a Pokémon that is typically Stage 1 will have a Stage 1 Pokémon-GX) and they have access to special GX Attacks, which are very powerful but only one GX attack can be used per game. Like with Pokémon-EX, defeating a Pokémon-GX would net two Prize Cards.
'''TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX''' were introduced in the {{TCG|Team Up}} expansion. These depict pairs or sometimes trios of Pokémon, are always Basic, and are even more powerful than other Pokémon-GX, with HP ranging from 250 to 300, but defeating them nets three Prize Cards.
===Pokémon LEGEND===
{{main|Pokémon LEGEND (TCG)}}
'''Legend cards''' or '''Legendary Pokémon''' first appeared in {{TCG|HeartGold & SoulSilver}} [[#Expansion|expansion]] as one of the two variants of {{TCG|Pokémon LV.X}}: the top half and the bottom half.  Both card halves use the same name, so each one counts toward the four card of the same name [[#Deck|deck]] rule. Pokémon Legend cards cannot be played during setup, and both card halves must be played on the Bench at the same time.  The two cards count as one card while in play.
===Pokémon Power===
{{main|Pokémon Power (TCG)}}
'''Pokémon Powers''' (Japanese: '''特殊能力''' ''special ability'') are additional effects that the [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon card's]] player can trigger once or multiple times during their [[#Turn|Turn]], before they [[#Attack|Attack]]. Starting with {{TCG|Expedition Base Set}} [[#Expansion|Expansion]], Pokémon Powers were split into two groups: [[#Poké-POWER|Poké-POWERS]] and [[#Poké-BODY|Poké-BODIES]]. Poké-POWERS are special effects that the player must trigger or announce using. A Poké-BODY's effect is one that is in effect regardless. Both, however, are still officially considered to be Pokémon Powers. With the release of the {{TCG|Black & White}} [[#Expansion|Expansion]], Pokémon Powers were combined into one mechanic once again and renamed [[#Ability|Abilities]].

When a player wants to move his or her Active Pokémon to the Bench, that player can retreat that Pokémon. Then, a Pokémon on the Bench must replace the previous Active Pokémon. Each Pokémon has a Retreat Cost: a specific number of {{TCG|Energy card|Energy}} that must be discarded from the Pokémon being retreated in order to move it back to the Bench. Retreating can only be done once per turn. If the player doesn't have the required amount of Energy attached to discard or doesn't have any Benched Pokémon, his or her Pokémon is unable to retreat. Some Pokémon have no Retreat Cost and thus can retreat for free; others have a Retreat Cost of between one and five {{e}} Energy inclusive. Any type of Energy can be used for retreating, as any Energy can count as {{TCG|Colorless}}.
===Pokémon V===
{{main|Pokémon V (TCG)}}
'''Pokémon V''' (Japanese: '''ポケモンV''' ''Pokémon V'') are [[#Basic Pokémon|Basic Pokémon]] with significantly higher [[#Hit Points|Hit Points]] compared to the majority of regular Basic Pokémon. They were first introduced in the {{TCG|Sword & Shield}} [[#Expansion|expansion]]. Similar to {{TCG|Pokémon-EX}}, when a Pokémon V is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two [[#Prize card|Prize cards]] instead of one.

==Restored Pokémon==
Pokémon VMAX, Pokémon V-UNION, and Pokémon VSTAR are subcategories of Pokémon V.
A Restored Pokémon (known in Japan as ''Revived Pokémon'') is a form of Pokémon that in the [[Pokémon games]], is revived to life from a [[Fossil]]. As with the games, only nine Pokémon can be classified as Restored Pokémon; however, only {{TCG|Tirtouga}}, {{TCG|Archen}}, {{TCG|Aerodactyl}}, and {{TCG|Lileep}} have appeared so far. In order to play a Restored Pokémon, the player must first play the respective Fossil card, search the bottom seven cards of their deck for the corresponding Pokémon, and then place into onto his or her Bench. This type of card was introduced in the {{TCG|Noble Victories}} expansion.

==Special Conditions==
====Pokémon VMAX====
{{main|Special Conditions (TCG)}}
'''Pokémon VMAX''', representing the [[Dynamax]], [[Gigantamax]], and [[Eternamax]] mechanic from {{g|Sword and Shield}}, evolve from their respective Pokémon V and feature boosted HP and more powerful attacks. When a Pokémon VMAX is Knocked Out, the opponent takes three [[#Prize card|Prize cards]] instead of one.

A Special Condition is a result that some attacks have. Specific attacks may cause the Defending Pokémon to be affected by at least one of the five Special Conditions: Asleep, Burned, Confused, Paralyzed and Poisoned. Unlike status ailments in the video games, Special Conditions are not necessarily mutually exclusive due to the Poisoned and Burned Special Conditions being recognized by the placing of a marker on the afflicted Pokémon. However, between the other three, a Pokémon can only be affected by one at once.
====Pokémon V-UNION====
'''Pokémon V-UNION''' is a unique type of Pokémon V, in which each Pokémon V-UNION comprises four different cards with the same name. To play a Pokémon V-UNION, the four cards that form that Pokémon must be assembled from the discard pile onto the Bench and played as one card. Pokémon V-UNION is a separate evolutionary stage from Basic or Evolved Pokémon. When a Pokémon V-UNION is Knocked Out, the opponent takes three [[#Prize card|Prize cards]] instead of one.

==Stadium card==
====Pokémon VSTAR====
{{main|Stadium card (TCG)}}
'''Pokémon VSTAR''' evolve from their respective Pokémon V and feature boosted HP and more powerful attacks, as well as an exclusive mechanic called a '''VSTAR Power'''. VSTAR Powers can be attacks or Abilities, and only one VSTAR Power can be used only once per game. When a Pokémon VSTAR is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two [[#Prize card|Prize cards]] instead of one.

A Stadium card is one of three types of "Trainer" card and is designed to change an aspect of gameplay for both players. Unlike Trainer cards and Supporter cards, Stadium cards cause a long-term change in gameplay which affects both players. Being competitive cards, they are often played in order to hugely help the player or hinder the opponent. For example, the {{TCG|Battle Frontier}} Stadium card would not be used by players whose decks included Colorless-type, Darkness-type or Metal-type Evolved Pokémon.
If a [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] has '''Resistance''' (Japanese: {{ruby|抵抗力|ていこうりょく}} ''Resistance'') to a certain type, it means that if it is [[#Attack|Attack]]ed by a Pokémon of that type, it will receive less [[#Damage|Damage]]. While not exceedingly rare, Resistance isn't very common either — most Pokémon don't have any. An example of a Pokémon with Resistance is {{TCG ID|Fossil|Ditto|3}} in the {{TCG|Fossil}} [[#Expansion|Expansion]] set. An example of a Pokémon without is {{TCG ID|Aquapolis|Grimer|79}} in the {{TCG|Aquapolis}} expansion. The {{TCG|EX Dragon}} expansion introduced some [[Pokémon-ex]] with two different Resistances on the same card, such as {{TCG ID|EX Dragon|Rayquaza ex|97}}. Resistances were initially fixed at -30 damage, meaning the Pokémon would take 30 less damage from an attack. Unlike Weakness, this rule was always printed on the card, either to the left of or above the Resistance-type in the form of "-30". From the {{TCG|Diamond & Pearl}} set to {{TCG|Sword & Shield}}, Resistances were always -20 damage (also printed on the cards) unless on a reprint of a [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon card]] that originally had a -30 Resistance. With {{TCG|Sword & Shield}}, resistances are now -30 again.

==Supporter card==
===Retreat cost===
{{main|Supporter card (TCG)}}
{{main|Retreat cost}}
When a player wants to move their [[#Active Pokémon|Active Pokémon]] to the [[#Bench|Bench]], that player can '''Retreat''' (Japanese: にげる ''Retreat'') that [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]]. Then, a Pokémon on the Bench must replace the previous Active Pokémon. Each Pokémon has a '''Retreat Cost''': a specific number of [[#Energy card|Energy]] that must be discarded from the Pokémon being retreated in order to move it back to the Bench. Retreating can only be done once per [[#Turn|Turn]]. If the player doesn't have the required amount of Energy attached to discard or doesn't have any Benched Pokémon, their Pokémon is unable to retreat. Some Pokémon have no Retreat Cost and thus can retreat for free; others have a Retreat Cost of between one and five {{e}} Energies. Any type of Energy can be used for retreating, as any Energy can count as {{TCG|Colorless}}.

A Supporter card is one of three types of "Trainer" cards. Supporter cards are based on characters who are, more often than not, included in the Pokémon games, such as {{TCG|Scott}}, {{TCG|Professor Rowan}} and {{TCG|Bebe's Search|Bebe}}. A player can only play '''one''' Supporter card each turn, this is because they are usually very helpful to the player. They stay in play until the end of the player's turn—they are then discarded.
If a [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] has '''Weakness''' (Japanese: {{ruby|弱点|じゃくてん}} ''Weakness'') to a certain [[#Type|type]], it means that if it is [[#Attack|attacked]] by a Pokémon of that type, it will receive more [[#Damage|damage]]. Most Pokémon have one Weakness, such as {{TCG ID|Base Set|Diglett|47}} in the {{TCG|Base Set}}, but some have none, such as {{TCG ID|Neo Destiny|Togepi|56}} in the {{TCG|Neo Destiny}} [[#Expansion|Expansion]] set. The {{TCG|EX Sandstorm}} expansion introduced some [[Pokémon-ex]] with two different Weaknesses on the same card, such as {{TCG ID|EX Sandstorm|Aggron ex|95}}. Weaknesses were initially fixed at ×2 damage, meaning the Pokémon would take twice the amount of damage dealt by an attack. Variable Weaknesses were later introduced in the {{TCG|Diamond & Pearl}} expansion, with Weaknesses of +10, +20, +30, +40 and ×2. Generally, with variable weaknesses, [[#Basic Pokémon|Basic Pokémon]] will have a Weakness of +10, Stage 1 Pokémon one of +20, and Stage 2 Pokémon one of +30, with a select few having one of +40. There is no general pattern of Pokémon with a ×2 Weakness; although, {{TCG|Pokémon SP}} always have a weakness of ×2. From {{TCG|HeartGold & SoulSilver}} expansion onwards, Weaknesses return to ×2.

==Trainer card==
==Trainer card==
{{main|Trainer card (TCG)}}
{{main|Trainer card (TCG)}}
A '''Trainer card''' (Japanese: トレーナーズ ''Trainer's'') is one of three main types of card found in the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]], alongside [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon cards]] and [[#Energy card|Energy cards]]. While Pokémon cards do the direct [[#Attack|Attack]]ing of an opponent's cards and Energy cards power their attacks, Trainers provide a more supportive role, allowing a player to search through their [[#Deck|deck]], draw cards, or other special effects. During a player's [[#Turn|Turn]], they may play a Trainer card from their hand, follow its instructions, and then typically [[#Discard pile|discard it]].
===ACE SPEC===
{{main|ACE SPEC card (TCG)}}
'''ACE SPEC''' are powerful [[#Trainer card|Trainer cards]] with a special drawback: there can only be one ACE SPEC in a [[#Deck|deck]].
===Item card===
{{main|Item card (TCG)}}
The '''Item card''' (Japanese: グッズ ''Goods'')  is the main type of [[#Trainer card|Trainer card]]. It was the first to be introduced, and was the only type of Trainer card until [[#Supporter card|Supporter cards]] and [[#Stadium card|Stadium cards]] were split into their own categories in the {{TCG|Diamond & Pearl}} [[#Expansion|Expansion]] set. Unlike these two, Item cards have subtypes, and thus have a wide range of effects. The main subtype of Item card is {{DL|Trainer card (TCG)|Technical Machine}}s, which include one additional [[#Attack|Attack]] usable by the [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] the card is attached to. Prior to the {{TCG|Scarlet & Violet}} Series, [[#Pokémon Tool|Pokémon Tools]] were also considered a subtype of Item cards. Other set-specific types, such as {{DL|Trainer card (TCG)|Goldenrod Game Corner}} and {{DL|Trainer card (TCG)|Rocket's Secret Machine}}, also exist. The {{TCG|Boundaries Crossed}} expansion introduced [[#ACE SPEC|ACE SPEC]] Trainer cards, really powerful cards with the drawback that there can only be one in a [[#Deck|deck]].
===Pokémon Tool===
{{main|Pokémon Tool card (TCG)}}
'''Pokémon Tools''' (Japanese: ポケモンのどうぐ ''Pokemon Tool'') are a type of [[#Trainer card|Trainer card]] that provide a special benefit to the [[#Pokémon card|Pokémon]] they are attached to. [[#Active Pokémon|Active Pokémon]] and [[#Bench|Bench Pokémon]] may only have one Pokémon Tool attached to it, and it may not be removed unless specifically instructed. Prior to the {{TCG|Scarlet & Violet}} Series, Pokémon Tool cards were a special type of [[#Item card|Item card]].
===Stadium card===
{{main|Stadium card (TCG)}}
A '''Stadium card''' (Japanese: スタジアム ''Stadium'') is a type of [[#Trainer card|Trainer card]] and is designed to change an aspect of gameplay for both players. Unlike [[#Item card|Item cards]] and [[#Supporter card|Supporter cards]], Stadium cards cause a long-term change in gameplay and may only be removed when another Stadium card is played. They are often played in order to help the player or hinder the opponent. For example, the {{TCG|Battle Frontier}} Stadium card would not be used by players whose [[#Deck|decks]] included Colorless-[[#Pokémon type|type]], Darkness-type or Metal-type [[#Evolution card|Evolved Pokémon]]. A player can only play one Stadium card each [[#Turn|Turn]] and cannot play a Stadium card with the same name as one already in play.
===Supporter card===
{{main|Supporter card (TCG)}}
A '''Supporter card''' (Japanese: サポート ''Support'') is a type of [[#Trainer card|Trainer card]]. Supporter cards are based on characters who are, more often than not, included in the [[Pokémon games|video games]], such as [[Lusamine (Crimson Invasion 96)|Lusamine]], {{TCG|Professor Rowan}}, and [[Clavell (Paldea Evolved 177)|Clavell]]. A player can only play '''one''' Supporter card each [[#Turn|Turn]], this is because they are usually very helpful to the player. Originally, Supporters stayed in play until the end of the player's turn, at which point they were discarded. Starting with {{TCG|Black & White}}, Supporter cards move directly to the discard pile after resolving their effect.

The Trainer card is the main type of "Trainer" card, was the first to be introduced, and was the only type of "Trainer" card until Supporter cards and Stadium cards were split into their own categories in {{TCG|Diamond & Pearl}}. Unlike these two, Trainer cards have subtypes, and thus have a wide range of effects. The two main subtypes of Trainer card are Pokémon Tools, which act very much like held items in the games, and Technical Machines, which include one additional attack usable by the Pokémon the card is attached to. Other set-specific types, such as Goldenrod Game Corner and Rocket's Secret Machine, also exist. {{TCG|Boundaries Crossed}} introduced [[Ace Spec]]Trainer cards, really powerful cards with a special drawback: there can only be one in a deck.
<references />

{{Project TCG notice}}
If a Pokémon has Weakness to a certain type, it means that if it is attacked by a Pokémon of that type, it will receive more damage. Most Pokémon have one Weakness, such as {{TCG ID|Base Set|Diglett|47}} in the {{TCG|Base Set}}, but some have none, such as {{TCG ID|Neo Destiny|Togepi|56}} in the {{TCG|Neo Destiny}} set. The {{TCG|EX Sandstorm}} set introduced some [[Pokémon-ex (TCG)|Pokémon-ex]] with two different Weaknesses on the same card, such as {{TCG ID|EX Sandstorm|Aggron ex|95}}. Weaknesses were initially fixed at ×2 damage, meaning the Pokémon would take twice the amount of damage dealt by an attack. Variable Weaknesses were later introduced in the {{TCG|Diamond & Pearl}} set, with Weaknesses of +10, +20, +30, +40 and ×2. Generally, Basic Pokémon will have a Weakness of +10, Stage 1 Pokémon one of +20, and Stage 2 Pokémon one of +30, with a select few having one of +40. There is no general pattern (except perhaps [[legendary Pokémon]]) of Pokémon with a ×2 Weakness; although, {{TCG|Pokémon SP}} '''''always''''' have a weakness of ×2. From {{TCG|HeartGold & SoulSilver}} onwards, Weaknesses return to ×2.

[[Category:Pokémon Trading Card Game]]
[[Category:Pokémon Trading Card Game]]

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Latest revision as of 01:11, 10 September 2024

This glossary is a list of general terms used in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. See How to play for a brief description of the game. Also see Category:Pokémon Trading Card Game for an exhaustive list of Pokémon Trading Card Game related articles.


Main article: Deck

Both players in a Pokémon Trading Card Game require a playing Deck. An official deck is either purchased or built with 60 cards, composed of Pokémon cards, Energy cards, and Trainer cards.

Booster pack

Main article: Booster pack (TCG)

Booster packs are currently packs of 10 cards from a given Expansion. Boosters offer the chance to acquire stronger cards to strengthen a Theme Deck, create new decks of cards, or customize old ones. Every booster pack is guaranteed to contain at least one Rare (Rare) card, with generally three Uncommon (Uncommon) cards and the remainder being Common (Common). Since the release of the Legendary Collection set, one reverse Holofoil print of a common, uncommon, or rare card has also been included in every pack.

Constructed Deck

Main article: Constructed Deck

A Constructed Deck (also referred to as Full Deck) is a 60-card deck built by a player from that player's own Pokémon Trading Card Game collection.

Deck archetype

Main article: Deck archetype (TCG)

A Deck archetype is a player Constructed Deck utilizing a set structure or theme (a certain Pokémon type and/or Energy type, specific Pokémon cards and/or Trainer cards, etc.). Various players often have slight differences between their own decks of the same archetype.


Main article: List of Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions

After the release of the original Base Set in 1996/1999, each subsequent release of Pokémon card sets has been known as an Expansion set. Typically four expansions are released per year. They become Standard and Expanded format legal three weeks after they are released in the United States. Expansions are grouped into a series often taking its title from the first expansion in that given grouping (itself typically based off of the title of a video game release), such as the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series, the Black & White Series, or the XY Series. Players who have collected all of the cards released in a given Expansion are considered to have a Complete set.

Half Deck

Main article: Half Deck (TCG)

The Half Deck is popular among many Pokémon Trading Card Game players, particularly in Japan. In Half Deck play, both players use a 30-card deck instead of a traditional 60-card one and lays out three Prize cards instead of six.

Promotional card

Main article: Promotional cards (TCG)

Unlike regular Expansion sets and Booster packs, Promotional cards are not available for purchase in stores. They are given way as special gifts. A great many Promotional card sets have been produced over the years for the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Preconstructed Deck

See Theme Deck or Trainer kit below.

Theme Deck

Main article: Theme Deck (TCG)

A Theme Deck is a Preconstructed 60-card deck that is sold pre-packaged (also referred to as Full Deck). Most Theme Decks are designed with a specific strategy (such as Special Conditions) or theme (such as first partner Pokémon) in mind. They tend not to be as strong as player Constructed Decks, but can otherwise be a sound introduction to the game for new players since they have all the cards necessary for a single player to begin playing immediately. Theme Decks are also a defined gameplay category in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online.

Trainer kit

Main article: Trainer kit

Similar to Theme Decks, Trainer kits, such as the Black & White Trainer Kit, come with two Preconstructed 30-card decks or Half Decks, which may be combined to form one complete 60-card deck or can be built upon with a player’s own cards to make two 60-card play decks. Trainer kits also typically include game aids such as Booster packs, a rulebook, a double-player playmat, damage counters, status counters, a coin, and a deck box – almost everything a single player could need to begin playing immediately.

Energy card

Main article: Energy card (TCG)

Basic Energy card

A Basic Energy card (Japanese: 基本エネルギー Basic Energy) is one unit of Energy. Energy is attached to a Pokémon card in order to use Attacks. There are nine types of basic Energy card: Grass Grass, Fire Fire, Water Water, Lightning Lightning, Psychic Psychic, Fighting Fighting, Darkness Darkness, Metal Metal, and Fairy Fairy. The exact amount and type of Energy is required in order to use an Attack, except for Colorless Energy Colorless (for which any type of Energy can be used). For example, if the player has Grass Energy, they cannot use an attack requiring one Lightning Energy, but they can use any attacks that require Grass and/or Colorless Energy.

Special Energy card

Special Energy cards (Japanese: 特殊エネルギー Special Energy) are cards that provide more than one Energy card of a specific type and/or have an additional effect besides providing Energy. Some may heal the Pokémon they're attached to, add Damage to their Attacks, or may even provide several different types of Energy at once. A majority of them provide only Colorless energy; however, there are several which provide one or more of any type of Basic energy.


Expanded format

Main article: Expanded format (TCG)

Expanded format defines which cards may be used in officially-sanctioned Play! Pokémon events. This format was introduced in the 2014-2015 season. It allows a greater number of expansions than the Standard format but is not as unpredictable as the Unlimited format. It remains to be seen if Play! Pokémon will begin rotating out sets once per year, after the World Championships, as they currently do with the Standard format.

Standard format

Main article: Standard format (TCG)

Standard format defines which cards may be used in officially-sanctioned Play! Pokémon events. This format was previously called the Modified format prior to the 2013-2014 season. Standard format cards are also known as Standard-legal or Modified-legal. The current Standard format rotates sets that are usable once per year, usually after the World Championships.

Unlimited format

Main article: Unlimited format (TCG)

The Unlimited format allows for the inclusion of any card that is or was playable in Tournaments. This format is not used in tournaments sanctioned by Play! Pokémon. It is, however, used in Pokémon Trading Card Game Online and can be used in Pokémon Leagues if the League Leader wishes to allow it. Because of the lack of restrictions in Unlimited, decks can use combinations of cards which are not possible in Standard or Expanded format play.

Miscellaneous terminology

Active Pokémon

The Active Pokémon (Japanese: バトルポケモン Battle Pokémon) is the Pokémon that the player has chosen to battle the opponent's Active Pokémon. In regular formats, each player can only have one Pokémon set as their Active Pokémon at any given time. As a Pokémon in play, the Active Pokémon can have Energy cards and Pokémon Tools attached to it and can evolve. Uniquely, the Active Pokémon can have a Level Up card used on it. The Active Pokémon is the only Pokémon allowed to Attack or Retreat. The Active Pokémon is also sometimes referred to by the opponent as the Attacking Pokémon or, if affected by an opponent's attack, the Defending Pokémon. The Active Pokémon is sometimes described as being in the Active Spot. If the Active Pokémon leaves play (usually by being Knocked Out), a Pokémon currently on the Bench must become the new Active Pokémon or the opponent wins the game.

Arena or Active Spot

In the Game Boy Color game, the Arena (バトル場 Battle Place) is the location of the Active Pokémon.

The term Active Spot, first used on English-language cards in the Sword & Shield expansion, refers to the same.


During play, any Pokémon that are not considered to be the Active Pokémon may be put onto the Bench (Japanese: ベンチ Bench). These are classed as Benched Pokémon (Japanese: ベンチポケモン Bench Pokémon), of which each player can have no more than five at a time. They generally cannot Attack or Retreat, but they may be able to use Abilities, Poké-POWERS and Poké-BODIES if they do not state that the Pokémon must be Active to use them, and they can also be switched out into the Active position if the current Active Pokémon retreats. Some attacks allow a Pokémon to deal Damage to the opponent's Benched Pokémon (and some even deal damage to the player's own Benched Pokémon). In these cases, Weakness and Resistance are not applied to the Benched Pokémon. Unlike Active Pokémon, a Pokémon LV.X card cannot be played in order to Level Up a Benched Pokémon.

Coins or Dice

Main article: Coin (TCG)

Coins (Japanese: ポケモンコイン Pokémon Coin), also officially recognized as metallic coins, are one of two types of randomizers that players can use during a Pokémon Trading Card Game Match. The majority of official coins released are made of plastic with a metallic Pokémon design on the front. Coin flips (Heads or Tails) are an integral part of the game. They help determine which player starts a match and determine the effect on many cards. Coins have begun to fall out of favor among Pokémon players, who have gradually started to prefer the second officially recognized randomizer: dice (Six-sided Dice), for their utility and convenience, where the even number sides represent Heads and the odd number sides represent Tails.


An informal term referring to a action that is required to happen before the use of an effect. Some examples of cards that have costs are Cinccino's Make Do Ability and Dangerous Drill. Not to be confused with the "cost" of an attack.


When an Active Pokémon attacks, the Attack they use may specify an amount of Damage (Japanese: ダメージ Damage) to be done to the Pokémon being attacked, conventionally divisible by amounts of 10. Damage is tallied up, by way of Damage Counters (Japanese: ダメカン Dame-kan, short for ダメージカウンター Damage Counter), in order to Knock Out an opponent's Pokémon. Each damage counter counts as 10 damage. For example, if a Pokémon has 120 Hit Points and has twelve or more damage counters on it, it would be Knocked Out. Damage done by attacks may also be affected by the Weakness or Resistance of the Pokémon being attacked. In place of actual counters, dice are often used to indicate damage; this is very common practice and it saves time. An example would be if a Pokémon had a die with the 5 side up, it would have 50 damage.

Defending Pokémon

A Defending Pokémon is the opponent's Active Pokémon at the time that an Attack is used. When attacking, the effect of an attack may mention the Defending Pokémon in the event that it is being affected by a Special Condition or other effect.

Discard Pile

When cards are taken out of play, they are moved into the Discard Pile (Japanese: トラッシュ Trash). Either player can look at the cards in their own Discard Pile, as well as those in their opponent's. When a Pokémon is Knocked Out, it is moved to the Discard Pile, along with all cards attached to it. When a Trainer card is used, it is often immediately moved to the Discard Pile after being used. Similarly, a Supporter card is moved into the Discard Pile at the end of the Turn in which it was used. Energy cards used to Retreat or Energy cards discarded as part of an Attack or due to an effect of a Trainer card are also moved into the Discard Pile. Some cards allow the player to recollect cards from their Discard Pile.


In the Game Boy Color game, a Match is often called a Duel (Japanese: 対戦 competition).

Energy type

Main article: Type (TCG)

There are eleven Energy types: Grass Grass, Fire Fire, Water Water, Lightning Lightning, Fighting Fighting, Psychic Psychic, Colorless Colorless, Darkness Darkness, Metal Metal, Dragon Dragon, and Fairy Fairy. In the past, these were called Pokémon types. Both Energy and Pokémon have types. When a Pokémon Attacks, the Damage it it does to the Defending Pokémon is changed if the type of the attacker is a Weaknesses and/or Resistances of the Defending Pokémon.


The Field is the Play Area or Playmat for a Pokémon Trading Card Game game or Match. There are also playmats that players can use that define all the special location on the field. A field is roughly split in half with each player utilizing the half closest to them. Each player’s shuffled deck is placed face down on the upper right side of their respective half. The Discard Pile is located on the right side just below their deck. The Active Pokémon (of which each player can only have one at a time) is placed in front of the player toward the upper center of their half of the field. Their Bench is directly in front of each player. No more than five Pokémon may occupy a given player’s Bench at the same time. Finally, six Prize cards are placed face down to the left side of the each player’s half of the field.

Pokémon cards on both players' Active Spots and Benches are considered to be In Play.


Generally held in the player’s hands, a player’s hand is the group of cards that only they are allowed to look at (not their opponent) and play from during their Turn. At the beginning of a Match, players take seven cards from the top of their respective decks and places them into their hand. At the beginning of each player's turn, they take one card from the top of their respective decks and place it into their hand. Certain Trainer cards and Pokémon cards have Attacks or Abilities that may also allow a player to draw a card or cards from their respective deck. Notably, players always have a hand, even if that hand has no cards in it. This allows players to pay for costs that require discarding their hand even in such a case. [1]


Main article: HP (TCG)

HP (Japanese: HP HP), short for Hit Point (Japanese: ヒットポイント Hit Point), represents the health of each Pokémon card. This is the amount of Damage it can take before being Knocked Out. This value is a multiple of 10. A Pokémon's damage is tallied up by way of damage counters, each counter representing 10 damage. For example, if a Pokémon with 120 HP has 3 damage counters, that is equivalent to 30 HP damage, with 90 HP still remaining for this Pokémon. If a Pokémon has lost all their HP (for instance, a Pokémon with 120 HP with twelve or more damage counters on it), it is Knocked Out. Once a Pokémon card is Knocked Out, it and all cards attached are sent to the discard pile, and the opponent takes one of their Prize cards.

Holofoil card

Main article: Holofoil (TCG)

Also known as Holographic Foil, Foil, Holo, Reverse-Holo, Reverse foil or Holographic cards. They are identical to their normal counterpart aside from a Holofoil effect in the picture (Holo) or the card background (Reverse-Holo). A small amount of Rare (Rare) cards within each expansion are Holofoil. They may be pulled from Booster packs as the rare card, but it is not guaranteed. They are rarer compared to non-Holofoil rare cards.

Knock Out

When a Pokémon's Damage equals or exceeds its Hit Points, it is considered Knocked Out. Knocked Out Pokémon are placed face up in the player’s Discard Pile along with any other cards that were attached to it (such as Energy cards).

Lost Zone

The Lost Zone is an area considered to be a more advanced form of the Discard Pile. The Lost Zone was introduced in the Platinum expansion. Cards moved to the Lost Zone are kept face-up, but unlike cards in the Discard Pile, are considered to be "outside" the Play Area due to the fact they are not kept on the playmat if one is used. Cards moved to the Lost Zone are no longer considered to be in play, and cannot be retrieved by any means during gameplay. There are no card effects that can circumvent this.


A game of Pokémon Trading Card Game is often called a Match.

Play! Pokémon

Main article: Play! Pokémon

Play! Pokémon, formerly known as Pokémon Organized Play or POP, is an official gathering of players of the Pokémon Trading Card Game and video games to play, trade, and just generally have fun and learn about the games. It was formed by The Pokémon Company International in 2003 to officially sanction and organize game play, including Leagues, Tournaments, and prize systems.

Pokémon Checkup

Pokémon Checkup is the name given to the step of the game that occurs between each player's turn. While the concept existed since the very start of the game, the term was only given a name with the release of Sword & Shield. (Prior to this, it was informally known as the "between-turns step".) During Pokemon Checkup, the Special Condition Poisoned, Burned, Asleep, and Paralyzed perform their respective effects in that exact order. All other effects that occur between turns are processed in one step, which can be done either before or after the Special Conditions. After between turns effects have been performed, the game compares each Pokémon's damage counters to their HP to determine if Knock Outs occur. Then the next player's turn starts.

The game does not enter Pokémon Checkup if an effect gives one player an additional turn. After the original turn ends, the additional turn immediately begins.

Pokémon League

Main article: Pokémon League (TCG)

A Pokémon League, often referred to simply as League, is a periodic gathering, typically weekly, of players of both the Pokémon Trading Card Game and Pokémon video games. During a League session, players battle and trade for fun. It is typically not a structured Tournament. However, each player can obtain an official Player ID. Event organizers will upload player event play information to Play! Pokémon, eventually resulting in minor prizes.

Prize card

Prize redirects here. For money given to the winner of a battle by the loser, see prize money.

A Prize card (Japanese: サイド Side) is a card taken by a player for Knocking Out one of their opponent's Pokémon. At the start of the game, after drawing their initial hand and putting Pokémon into play, cards are taken from the top of the deck and set as player's Prize cards. Prize cards are laid face-down and are unknown to both players. When using regular 60-card decks, six prizes are put down at the start of the game. However, three are put down if using 30-card Half Decks, and four are put down if using 40-card prerelease decks. In a Sudden Death match, each player has one Prize card. When one player's Pokémon is Knocked Out, their opponent takes one of their own Prize cards and puts it into their hand. Some effects can increase or decrease the number of Prize cards taken in this way. There are also effects that prevent players from taking any Prize card when Knocking Out a Pokémon, and those override any increase. Certain Special Pokémon cards, such as Pokémon-GX or Pokémon V, have text boxes that also allow the opposing player to take more Prize cards when they are Knocked Out, though this technically is not an effect that increases the number of Prize cards taken. Rarely, there are effects that can interact with the Prize cards, sometimes allowing a player to take theirs without Knocking Out a Pokémon. The first player to take all of their Prize cards Wins the game.

Public information

Main article: Public information (TCG)

Public information is information related to a Match that is readily accessible by either player at any time, as long as such requests are not used for stalling. Public information includes all cards in play, such as: 1) Pokémon cards, including any evolutionary stages underneath Active and Benched Pokémon; 2) Energy cards and Trainer cards attached to Pokémon and in the Play Area; 3) the cards in each player's Discard Pile; 4) the number of cards in a player's hand, and 5) the number of remaining Prize Cards of each player.


Main article: Rarity

On the bottom right corner of most cards, there is a small symbol that indicates its Rarity (how easy it is to find or obtain): Common (Common), Uncommon (Uncommon), Rare (Rare). No symbol usually denotes a card that is part of a Promotional set or a Basic Energy card.

Reprinted card

Main article: Reprinted card
Main article: Rotation (TCG)

A Reprinted card is a card that has been printed in a previous Pokémon Trading Card Game set and has been included in a newer set. When a card is reprinted, older versions of a card can still be used in Standard format and Expanded format Tournaments provided the text of the card has not changed or if a single copy of a card with the current text is set aside for reference. This reference card cannot be actively used in the player's deck.

Rule Box

A term introduced in the Battle Styles expansion, cards with a Rule Box collectively refer to those that have a text box that says the word "rule", such as Pokémon-EX, Pokémon BREAK, Pokémon-GX, Prism Star cards, TAG TEAM cards, Pokémon V, Radiant Pokémon, and Pokémon ex. (Pokémon-ex from the EX Series do not have Rule Boxes.)


Main article: Series

A Series is a grouping of Expansion sets based on a certain Generation of expansions, such as Generation I, Generation II, Generation III, Generation IV, Generation V, or Generation VI. Concurrently, series groupings are also taken from the title of the first expansion in that given grouping (itself typically based off of the title of a video game release), such as the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series, the Black & White Series, and the XY Series.


Shuffling involves mixing the cards in a player’s deck or Prize cards in a random and unpredictable way.

Special Conditions

Main article: Special Condition (TCG)

A Special Condition (Japanese: 特殊状態 Special Condition) is a result that some Attacks have. Specific attacks may cause the Defending Pokémon to be affected by at least one of the five Special Conditions: Asleep, Burned, Confused, Paralyzed and Poisoned.

Unlike status ailments in the video games, Special Conditions are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Poisoned and Burned are recognized by placing a specific marker (known as status counters) on the afflicted Pokémon (and can be combined), while Asleep, Confused, and Paralyzed are recognized by rotating the Active Pokémon's card (thus it can only be affected by one of these at a time with the newest condition overriding the previous one). Also unlike the video games, Special Conditions are healed upon an Evolution, level-up or being switched out of the Active position and placed on the Bench.

Sudden Death

When both players achieve a win condition at the same time, a Sudden Death match occours to resolve the original match's winner. It follows the same rules of a regular match, but players only start with one Prize Card.


Main article: Tournaments

Tournaments are meant for both fun and practice. They are usually held in a gaming store or community center by a local League Leader or Tournament Organizer. They are often but not always free to enter. Play! Pokémon sanctioned tournaments are either single elimination, Swiss, or Swiss followed by single elimination rounds. Formal Play! Pokémon tournaments also include: Prerelease Tournaments, Battle Road Tournaments, City Championships, State/Province/Territory Championships, Regional Championships, National Championships, and World Championships. Many tournaments also are divided into three Age divisions: Junior (roughly up to ten year olds), Senior (roughly 11 to 14 year olds), and Master (roughly 15 year olds and older).


Main article: How to play

A turn consists of the following for each player:

  1. First, draw a card from the top of that player's deck.
  2. Next, do any of the below actions in any order:
    • Attach one Energy card to one of that player’s Pokémon in play (either Active or Benched Pokémon).
    • Play Basic Pokémon to that player's Bench.
    • Evolve any of that player's Pokémon in play.
    • Retreat that player's Active Pokémon if the Active Pokémon can satisfy the Energy card retreat cost.
    • Play any Trainer cards in that player's hand pertaining to the rules on each Trainer card and then typically placing that Trainer card face up in the player’s discard pile.
      • During the same turn, each player may play many Item cards or Pokémon Tool cards, but only one Supporter card and one Stadium card.
    • Use any Abilities or Pokémon Powers that appear on that player's Active or Benched Pokémon.
  3. Finally, Attack if that player has the appropriate Energy card(s) attached on that player's Active Pokémon. Attacking always ends that player’s turn.

The player to go first is not allowed to attack or play a Supporter card on their first turn. Players alternate turns until one player wins the game.


Main article: How to play

Players can Win a Pokémon Trading Card Game in three different ways:

  1. Take their six prize cards by Knocking Out their opponent's Pokémon by using various Attacks to reduce the opponent's HP to zero;
  2. If their opponent runs out of Pokémon on the field (which includes their Active Pokémon and Bench Pokémon), or
  3. If their opponent must draw a card from their deck at the beginning of their turn, but they have run out of cards in their deck.

Pokémon card

Main article: Pokémon (TCG)

Pokémon cards are the focus of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. The most common type of Pokémon card is a Basic Pokémon, but others include Baby Pokémon, Stage 1 and Stage 2 Pokémon, Restored Pokémon, Pokémon-EX and M Pokémon-EX, Fossil Pokémon, and Pokémon LEGEND.


Main article: Ability (TCG)

An Ability is a Pokémon power that typically trigger once or multiple times during a Turn, before a Pokémon attacks, or are active for as long as the Pokémon that has it is in play. With the release of Black & White, Pokémon Powers (Poké-BODY and Poké-POWER) were combined into this single mechanic after the analogous element in the main video series games.

Ancient Trait

Main article: Ancient Trait

Ancient Traits are special effects given to certain Pokémon, starting in the Primal Clash expansion. They are not Abilities, and as such, effects that would prevent Abilities from activating do not apply to them.


Main article: Attack (TCG)

Attacks are skills on a Pokémon card usable by the player's Active Pokémon on the player's Turn, which are similar to moves in the video games. Nearly every Pokémon card has at least one attack. When players use an attack, that player's turn ends. Every attack has an attack cost, which is printed as energy symbols to the left of the attack name. A Pokémon card can only use an attack if it has enough Energy attached to it to pay for that attack's cost. Additionally, only Active Pokémon may use attacks, although players may attach energy to Bench Pokémon in order to get them ready to attack if and when they make a given Bench Pokémon their Active Pokémon. Finally, the first player in a Match to have a Turn is not allowed to attack, although they may perform all other actions types.

Baby Pokémon

Main article: Baby Pokémon

A Baby Pokémon (Japanese: ベイビィポケモン Baby Pokémon) is a type of Pokémon card introduced in Neo Genesis to be treated as a Basic Pokémon. Baby Pokémon are pre-evolved forms of existing Basic Pokémon, such as Pichu is to Pikachu, and thus are able to evolve into their respective Basic Pokémon (which are then treated as Evolved Pokémon). Up to the Skyridge Expansion, the opponent was also forced to flip a coin when attacking a Baby Pokémon: if tails, the Attack would fail. As of the EX Sandstorm Expansion, Baby Pokémon are officially Basic Pokémon, and instead have a Baby Evolution Poké-POWER to allow them to evolve into their respective evolutions.

Basic Pokémon

A Basic Pokémon (Japanese: たねポケモン Seed Pokémon) is a form of Pokémon which does not evolve from any other Pokémon. A Basic Pokémon can be placed directly into play, either as the Active Pokémon at the start of the game or as a Benched Pokémon any time during play. Some Basic Pokémon, such as Mewtwo, do not evolve; some, such as Bulbasaur, do; and some, such as Pikachu can evolve from Baby Pokémon, either classified as a Baby Pokémon or with the Baby Evolution Poké-POWER. In these cases, Basic Pokémon that are evolved from Baby Pokémon or other Basic Pokémon are considered to be Evolved Pokémon. Pokémon-EX are also Basic Pokémon.

Evolution card

Main article: Evolution (TCG)

Evolution cards, mainly split into Stage 1 Pokémon and Stage 2 Pokémon, are types of Pokémon that evolve from other Pokémon. The player's Active Pokémon and their Benched Pokémon can be evolved during their Turn, as long it is not the player's first turn or the first turn when the Pokémon was put into play. Evolved Pokémon count as one card while in play, regardless of how many evolution stages it has.

Stage 1 card

Main article: Stage 1 Pokémon (TCG)

Stage 1 Pokémon are placed onto Basic Pokémon (including those evolved from Baby Pokémon) and Stage 2 Pokémon are placed onto Stage 1 Pokémon. Pokémon that are resurrected from Fossils (in the original mechanic), such as Omanyte and Kabuto, are Stage 1 Pokémon, as their respective Fossil Trainer cards, Helix Fossil and Dome Fossil, are classed as Basic Pokémon.

Stage 2 card

Main article: Stage 2 Pokémon (TCG)

Stage 2 Pokémon are placed onto Stage 1 Pokémon. Some cards, such as Rare Candy, allow the player to bypass a Stage 1 Pokémon by evolving a Basic Pokémon directly into a Stage 2 Pokémon.

Mega Evolution card

Mega Evolution Pokémon are a Evolutionary stage introduced in XY expansion featuring the Mega Evolution and Primal Reversion mechanics. These are also Pokémon-EX and are meant to be played by evolving from basic Pokémon-EX. Doing so ends a players Turn immediately.

BREAK card

Main article: Pokémon BREAK (TCG)

Pokémon BREAK were introduced in the BREAKthrough expansion. They are easily identified through the stylized golden Pokémon graphic. A BREAK card retains the attacks, Abilities, Weakness, Resistance, and Retreat Cost of its previous Evolution.

Restored Pokémon

Main article: Restored Pokémon (TCG)

A Restored Pokémon (Japanese: 復元ポケモン Restored Pokemon) is a form of Pokémon that is revived to life from a Fossil. In order to play a Restored Pokémon, the player must first play the respective Fossil card, search the bottom seven cards of their deck for the corresponding Pokémon, and then place it onto their Bench. This type of card was reintroduced with the above mechanic in the Noble Victories expansion.

Fossil card

Main article: Fossil

Fossils or Restored Pokémon can only be played on to a player’s Bench through the use of special Trainer cards, such as Cover Fossil and Plume Fossil to play Tirtouga and Archen. In order to play a Restored Pokémon, the player must first play the respective Fossil card, search the bottom seven cards of their deck for the corresponding Pokémon, and then place it onto their Bench.


A Poké-BODY (Japanese: ポケボディー Poké-Body) is a type of Pokémon Power that is active for as long as the Pokémon that has it is in play. A Poké-BODY is sometimes reminiscent of that Pokémon's in-game Ability, such as Ludicolo's Rain Dish Ability. Poké-BODIES have a variety of different effects and can affect almost any aspect of gameplay.


A Poké-POWER (Japanese: ポケパワー Poké-Power) is a type of Pokémon Power that the player is able to use during their Turn. In a similar fashion to Poké-BODIES, Poké-POWERS can affect almost any aspect of gameplay, and can often be used once during the player's turn, before their Attack. Some can be used multiple times and some are designed to cause an after-effect to the Pokémon with it being Knocked Out.

Pokémon ex

Main article: Pokémon ex (TCG)

Pokémon ex (Japanese: ポケモンex Pokémon ex) are Pokémon with significantly higher Hit Points compared to the majority of regular Pokémon. They were first introduced in the Scarlet & Violet expansion, and can be Basic, Stage 1, or Stage 2 Pokémon. Similar to the Pokémon-ex released during the EX Series, when a Pokémon-EX is defeated, the opponent takes two Prize cards instead of one.


Main article: Pokémon-EX (TCG)

Pokémon-EX (Japanese: ポケモンEX Pokémon EX) are Basic Pokémon with significantly higher Hit Points compared to the majority of regular Basic Pokémon. They were first introduced in the Next Destinies expansion, replacing Pokémon LV.X Legendary Pokémon. Similar to the Pokémon-ex released during the EX Series, when a Pokémon-EX is defeated, the opponent takes two Prize cards instead of one.


Main article: Pokémon-GX (TCG)

Pokémon-GX were introduced in the Sun & Moon expansion. They are similar to Pokémon-EX, but with two main differences - they aren't always Basic Pokémon (for example, a Pokémon that is typically Stage 1 will have a Stage 1 Pokémon-GX) and they have access to special GX Attacks, which are very powerful but only one GX attack can be used per game. Like with Pokémon-EX, defeating a Pokémon-GX would net two Prize Cards.

TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX were introduced in the Team Up expansion. These depict pairs or sometimes trios of Pokémon, are always Basic, and are even more powerful than other Pokémon-GX, with HP ranging from 250 to 300, but defeating them nets three Prize Cards.

Pokémon LEGEND

Main article: Pokémon LEGEND (TCG)

Legend cards or Legendary Pokémon first appeared in HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion as one of the two variants of Pokémon LV.X: the top half and the bottom half. Both card halves use the same name, so each one counts toward the four card of the same name deck rule. Pokémon Legend cards cannot be played during setup, and both card halves must be played on the Bench at the same time. The two cards count as one card while in play.

Pokémon Power

Main article: Pokémon Power (TCG)

Pokémon Powers (Japanese: 特殊能力 special ability) are additional effects that the Pokémon card's player can trigger once or multiple times during their Turn, before they Attack. Starting with Expedition Base Set Expansion, Pokémon Powers were split into two groups: Poké-POWERS and Poké-BODIES. Poké-POWERS are special effects that the player must trigger or announce using. A Poké-BODY's effect is one that is in effect regardless. Both, however, are still officially considered to be Pokémon Powers. With the release of the Black & White Expansion, Pokémon Powers were combined into one mechanic once again and renamed Abilities.

Pokémon V

Main article: Pokémon V (TCG)

Pokémon V (Japanese: ポケモンV Pokémon V) are Basic Pokémon with significantly higher Hit Points compared to the majority of regular Basic Pokémon. They were first introduced in the Sword & Shield expansion. Similar to Pokémon-EX, when a Pokémon V is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two Prize cards instead of one.

Pokémon VMAX, Pokémon V-UNION, and Pokémon VSTAR are subcategories of Pokémon V.

Pokémon VMAX

Pokémon VMAX, representing the Dynamax, Gigantamax, and Eternamax mechanic from Pokémon Sword and Shield, evolve from their respective Pokémon V and feature boosted HP and more powerful attacks. When a Pokémon VMAX is Knocked Out, the opponent takes three Prize cards instead of one.

Pokémon V-UNION

Pokémon V-UNION is a unique type of Pokémon V, in which each Pokémon V-UNION comprises four different cards with the same name. To play a Pokémon V-UNION, the four cards that form that Pokémon must be assembled from the discard pile onto the Bench and played as one card. Pokémon V-UNION is a separate evolutionary stage from Basic or Evolved Pokémon. When a Pokémon V-UNION is Knocked Out, the opponent takes three Prize cards instead of one.

Pokémon VSTAR

Pokémon VSTAR evolve from their respective Pokémon V and feature boosted HP and more powerful attacks, as well as an exclusive mechanic called a VSTAR Power. VSTAR Powers can be attacks or Abilities, and only one VSTAR Power can be used only once per game. When a Pokémon VSTAR is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two Prize cards instead of one.


If a Pokémon has Resistance (Japanese: 抵抗力(ていこうりょく) Resistance) to a certain type, it means that if it is Attacked by a Pokémon of that type, it will receive less Damage. While not exceedingly rare, Resistance isn't very common either — most Pokémon don't have any. An example of a Pokémon with Resistance is Ditto in the Fossil Expansion set. An example of a Pokémon without is Grimer in the Aquapolis expansion. The EX Dragon expansion introduced some Pokémon-ex with two different Resistances on the same card, such as Rayquaza ex. Resistances were initially fixed at -30 damage, meaning the Pokémon would take 30 less damage from an attack. Unlike Weakness, this rule was always printed on the card, either to the left of or above the Resistance-type in the form of "-30". From the Diamond & Pearl set to Sword & Shield, Resistances were always -20 damage (also printed on the cards) unless on a reprint of a Pokémon card that originally had a -30 Resistance. With Sword & Shield, resistances are now -30 again.

Retreat cost

Main article: Retreat cost

When a player wants to move their Active Pokémon to the Bench, that player can Retreat (Japanese: にげる Retreat) that Pokémon. Then, a Pokémon on the Bench must replace the previous Active Pokémon. Each Pokémon has a Retreat Cost: a specific number of Energy that must be discarded from the Pokémon being retreated in order to move it back to the Bench. Retreating can only be done once per Turn. If the player doesn't have the required amount of Energy attached to discard or doesn't have any Benched Pokémon, their Pokémon is unable to retreat. Some Pokémon have no Retreat Cost and thus can retreat for free; others have a Retreat Cost of between one and five   Energies. Any type of Energy can be used for retreating, as any Energy can count as Colorless.


If a Pokémon has Weakness (Japanese: 弱点(じゃくてん) Weakness) to a certain type, it means that if it is attacked by a Pokémon of that type, it will receive more damage. Most Pokémon have one Weakness, such as Diglett in the Base Set, but some have none, such as Togepi in the Neo Destiny Expansion set. The EX Sandstorm expansion introduced some Pokémon-ex with two different Weaknesses on the same card, such as Aggron ex. Weaknesses were initially fixed at ×2 damage, meaning the Pokémon would take twice the amount of damage dealt by an attack. Variable Weaknesses were later introduced in the Diamond & Pearl expansion, with Weaknesses of +10, +20, +30, +40 and ×2. Generally, with variable weaknesses, Basic Pokémon will have a Weakness of +10, Stage 1 Pokémon one of +20, and Stage 2 Pokémon one of +30, with a select few having one of +40. There is no general pattern of Pokémon with a ×2 Weakness; although, Pokémon SP always have a weakness of ×2. From HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion onwards, Weaknesses return to ×2.

Trainer card

Main article: Trainer card (TCG)

A Trainer card (Japanese: トレーナーズ Trainer's) is one of three main types of card found in the Pokémon Trading Card Game, alongside Pokémon cards and Energy cards. While Pokémon cards do the direct Attacking of an opponent's cards and Energy cards power their attacks, Trainers provide a more supportive role, allowing a player to search through their deck, draw cards, or other special effects. During a player's Turn, they may play a Trainer card from their hand, follow its instructions, and then typically discard it.


Main article: ACE SPEC card (TCG)

ACE SPEC are powerful Trainer cards with a special drawback: there can only be one ACE SPEC in a deck.

Item card

Main article: Item card (TCG)

The Item card (Japanese: グッズ Goods) is the main type of Trainer card. It was the first to be introduced, and was the only type of Trainer card until Supporter cards and Stadium cards were split into their own categories in the Diamond & Pearl Expansion set. Unlike these two, Item cards have subtypes, and thus have a wide range of effects. The main subtype of Item card is Technical Machines, which include one additional Attack usable by the Pokémon the card is attached to. Prior to the Scarlet & Violet Series, Pokémon Tools were also considered a subtype of Item cards. Other set-specific types, such as Goldenrod Game Corner and Rocket's Secret Machine, also exist. The Boundaries Crossed expansion introduced ACE SPEC Trainer cards, really powerful cards with the drawback that there can only be one in a deck.

Pokémon Tool

Main article: Pokémon Tool card (TCG)

Pokémon Tools (Japanese: ポケモンのどうぐ Pokemon Tool) are a type of Trainer card that provide a special benefit to the Pokémon they are attached to. Active Pokémon and Bench Pokémon may only have one Pokémon Tool attached to it, and it may not be removed unless specifically instructed. Prior to the Scarlet & Violet Series, Pokémon Tool cards were a special type of Item card.

Stadium card

Main article: Stadium card (TCG)

A Stadium card (Japanese: スタジアム Stadium) is a type of Trainer card and is designed to change an aspect of gameplay for both players. Unlike Item cards and Supporter cards, Stadium cards cause a long-term change in gameplay and may only be removed when another Stadium card is played. They are often played in order to help the player or hinder the opponent. For example, the Battle Frontier Stadium card would not be used by players whose decks included Colorless-type, Darkness-type or Metal-type Evolved Pokémon. A player can only play one Stadium card each Turn and cannot play a Stadium card with the same name as one already in play.

Supporter card

Main article: Supporter card (TCG)

A Supporter card (Japanese: サポート Support) is a type of Trainer card. Supporter cards are based on characters who are, more often than not, included in the video games, such as Lusamine, Professor Rowan, and Clavell. A player can only play one Supporter card each Turn, this is because they are usually very helpful to the player. Originally, Supporters stayed in play until the end of the player's turn, at which point they were discarded. Starting with Black & White, Supporter cards move directly to the discard pile after resolving their effect.


This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.