Heal Block (move): Difference between revisions

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Pikmin3WiiU (talk | contribs)
(100 intermediate revisions by 45 users not shown)
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{{bad picture|2=Should be replaced with Generation VI images}}
n=377 |
|name=Heal Block
name=Heal Block |
jname=かいふくふうじ |
|jtrans=Recovery Block
jtrans=Restore Seal |
|gameimage=Heal Block VII.png
gameimage=Heal Block V.png |
type=Psychic |
damagecategory=Status |
basepp=15 |
maxpp=24 |
power=— |
accuracy=100 |
bdesc= |
gen=IV |
category=Cute |
appeal=0 |
jam=0 |
cdesc= |
appealsc=2 |
scdesc=Prevents the Voltage from going up in the same turn. |
|scdesc=Prevents the Voltage from going up in the same turn.
cdesc6=Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.|
|cdesc6=Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
pokefordex=Heal%20Block |
touches=no |
protect=yes |
magiccoat=yes |
snatch=no |
brightpowder=yes |
kingsrock=no |
flag7=no |
flag8=no |
sound=no |
target=foes |
footnotes= }}
'''Heal Block''' (Japanese: '''かいふくふうじ''' ''Restore Seal'') is a non-damaging {{type|Psychic}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation IV]].
'''Heal Block''' (Japanese: '''かいふくふうじ''' ''Recovery Block'') is a non-damaging {{type|Psychic}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation IV]].

Heal Block restricts the targets from healing in certain ways for five turns.
Affected Pokémon are unable to use {{cat|status moves that heal the user immediately}}, {{m|Wish}}, {{m|Lunar Dance}}, {{m|Healing Wish}}, {{m|Heal Pulse}}, {{m|Floral Healing}}, or target an ally with {{m|Pollen Puff}}. These Pokémon are also unable to be targeted by Heal Pulse, Floral Healing, or an ally's Pollen Puff, or healed by {{m|Wish}} (even if Wish was used successfully before the Heal Block). They can still use {{m|Present}}, {{m|Ingrain}}, {{m|Aqua Ring}}, and {{m|Grassy Terrain}}, but cannot be healed by the effects of these moves.
If a Pokémon had already selected one of the blocked moves to use before being affected by Heal Block, it is prevented from using it and [[PP]] will not be deducted.
If a Pokémon cannot use any moves when selecting a move to use due to Heal Block (e.g., due to knowing no other moves that have PP, [[Choice Band]], etc.), it will use {{m|Struggle}}. Restricted moves can still be called by {{cat|moves that call other moves}} (such as {{m|Metronome}}), but they are prevented from being used.
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background: #{{normal color}}; text-align: center"
|- style="background: #{{normal color light}} {{roundytop|5px}}"
! Gen IV
! Gen V
! Gen VI–VII
|- style="background: #fff"
! style="background: #{{normal color light}}" | Affected Pokémon can use {{cat|HP-draining moves}}<br><small>(other than {{m|Leech Seed}})</small>
| colspan=2 {{yes}} || {{no}}
|- style="background: #fff"
! style="background: #{{normal color light}}; {{roundybl|8px}}" | Reflected by {{m|Magic Coat}}
| {{no}} || style="background-color:#90ee90; {{roundybr|8px}}" colspan=2 | ✔
If an affected Pokémon uses {{cat|HP-draining moves}}, they still inflict damage but are unable to restore [[HP]]. The user still takes damage if the target has {{a|Liquid Ooze}}.
A Pokémon affected by Heal Block is still able to use {{m|Leech Seed}}, causing the target to become [[seeding|seeded]]. However, {{m|Sappy Seed}} and Heal Block do not interact because they are not available in the same core series games. The seeded Pokémon still takes damage every turn as usual, regardless of the seeder being affected by Heal Block. As long as the user of Leech Seed (or the Pokémon who replaced it in the same spot) is affected by Heal Block, no HP will be restored, but it will still take damage if the seeded Pokémon has {{a|Liquid Ooze}}.
Heal Block can be reflected by {{a|Magic Bounce}}.
Heal Block's effect can be transferred via {{m|Baton Pass}}.
===Generation IV===
===Generation IV===
Heal Block prevents the functioning of the moves {{m|Ingrain}}, {{m|Aqua Ring}}, {{m|Moonlight}}, {{m|Morning Sun}}, {{m|Roost}}, {{m|Recover}}, {{m|Heal Order}}, {{m|Rest}}, {{m|Softboiled}}, {{m|Wish}}, {{m|Milk Drink}}, {{m|Slack Off}}, and {{m|Synthesis}}, while it is under effect. The player can still use items such as [[Potion]]s to heal the Pokémon.
All Abilities and items which restore HP during battle continue to work as usual.
===Generations V to VII===
Affected Pokémon can no longer be healed by [[Black Sludge]], [[Leftovers]], or [[Shell Bell]]. Affected Pokémon will no longer consume held {{cat|HP-restoring Berries}} or [[Berry Juice]]. If an affected Pokémon consumes an HP-restoring Berry via {{m|Fling}}, {{m|Bug Bite}}, or {{m|Pluck}}, it will not have its HP restored.

The moves {{m|Absorb}}, {{m|Mega Drain}}, {{m|Giga Drain}}, {{m|Leech Life}}, {{m|Dream Eater}}, {{m|Drain Punch}}, and {{m|Leech Seed}} will still inflict damage, but will not restore {{stat|HP}} when the user is affected by Heal Block.
Affected Pokémon with the Ability {{a|Dry Skin}} or {{a|Water Absorb}} will take no damage from {{type|Water}} moves, but will not be healed by them either. Affected Pokémon with the Ability {{a|Volt Absorb}} will take no damage from {{type|Electric}} moves, but will not be healed by them either. Affected Pokémon with the Ability Dry Skin or {{a|Rain Dish}} are prevented from healing during [[rain]]. Affected Pokémon with the Ability {{a|Ice Body}} are prevented from healing during {{OBP|hail|weather condition}}, but are not damaged by it either. Affected Pokémon with the ability {{a|Poison Heal}} will not be healed or damaged if they are {{status|poisoned}}. Affected Pokémon with the Ability {{a|Cheek Pouch}} will not be healed after eating a [[Berry]].

Pokémon with the Ability {{a|Volt Absorb}} or {{a|Water Absorb}} will take damage, as opposed to healing, from {{t|Electric}}- or {{type|Water}} attacks respectively while Heal Block is in effect. A {{status|poisoned}} Pokémon with {{a|Poison Heal}} is neither healed nor damaged.
Heal Block will not prevent Pokémon with the Ability {{a|Regenerator}} from having their HP restored upon switching out.

All other Abilities and items which restore HP during battle will continue to work as normal. Heal Block wears off after 5 turns.
Affected Pokémon can still restore HP using the Z-Power effects of status [[Z-Move]]s. Heal Block cannot prevent a Pokémon from using or being healed by any Z-Move, including moves like Z-{{m|Soft-Boiled}} and Z-{{m|Heal Pulse}}.

===Generation V===
If powered up by a [[Psychium Z]] into Z-Heal Block, the user's {{stat|Special Attack}} stat rises by two stages.
Heal Block can now be reflected with {{m|Magic Coat}}. Heal Block now prevents the effect of {{m|Heal Pulse}},  [[Leftovers]] and [[Shell Bell]], but not [[Black Sludge]]. {{m|Horn Leech}} will still inflict damage, but won't restore {{stat|HP}} if user is under effect of Heal Block.

===Generation VI===
===Generation VIII onwards===
Heal Block now prevents the moves {{m|Absorb}}, {{m|Draining Kiss}}, {{m|Drain Punch}}, {{m|Dream Eater}}, {{m|Giga Drain}}, {{m|Horn Leech}}, {{m|Leech Life}}, {{m|Mega Drain}}, {{m|Oblivion Wing}}, and {{m|Parabolic Charge}} from being used. {{m|Leech Seed}} can still be used and will still inflict damage, but will not restore HP. Heal Block now prevents the effect of [[Black Sludge]].
Heal Block cannot be selected in a battle.

{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|DPPt}}{{gameabbrev3|HGSS}}|The user prevents the foe from using any HP-recovery moves for five turns.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev4|DPPtHGSS}}{{gameabbrevss|PBR}}|The user prevents the foe from using any HP-recovery moves for five turns.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|BWB2W2}}<br>{{gameabbrev3|XY}}{{gameabbrev3|ORAS}}|For five turns, the user prevents the opposing team from using any moves, Abilities, or held items that recover HP.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev5|BWB2W2}}<br>{{gameabbrev6|XYORAS}}<br>{{gameabbrev7|SMUSUMPE}}|For five turns, the user prevents the opposing team from using any moves, Abilities, or held items that recover HP.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev8|SwShBDSPLA}}<br>{{gameabbrev9|SV}}|This move can't be used. It's recommended that this move is forgotten. Once forgotten, this move can't be remembered.}}
|}{{left clear}}
|}{{left clear}}
Line 64: Line 99:
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
{{Moveentry/4|0251|Celebi|type=Psychic|type2=Grass|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|55|55|55|55|}}
{{Moveentry/4|0381|Latios|type=Dragon|type2=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|5|5|5{{sup/6|XY}}<br>1{{sup/6|ORAS}}|1|}}
{{Moveentry/4|0483|Dialga|type=Steel|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All available forms|50{{sup/4|DPPt}}|−||}}
{{Moveentry/4|0484|Palkia|type=Water|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All available forms|50{{sup/4|DPPt}}|−||}}
{{Moveentry/4|0487|Giratina|type=Ghost|type2=Dragon|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All available forms|50{{sup/4|DPPt}}|−|−|}}
{{Moveentry/Level4|606|Beheeyem|1|Psychic|Psychic|no|--, 8|--, 8}}
{{Moveentry/4|0606|Beheeyem|type=Psychic|1|Human-Like|Human-Like||1, 8|1, 8|1, 8|}}
{{Moveentry/4|0642|Thundurus|type=Electric|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All available forms||31|31|25|}}
{{Moveentry/4|0772|Type: Null|type=Normal|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||85|}}
{{Moveentry/4|0773|Silvally|type=Normal|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms||||1|}}

===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
{{Movehead/Games|Psychic|Egg Move|g1=none|g2=none|g3=none|g4=none|g7=1|g7g={{gameabbrev7|SMUSUM}}|g8=none|g9=none}}
==In other games==
===[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series]]===
Heal Block targets all enemies in the same room and inflicts the {{DL|Status condition (Mystery Dungeon)|Heal Block}} status condition, preventing them from having their HP restored, including natural HP recovery. This status condition lasts for 5-7{{sup/md|TDS}} / 6{{sup/md|GtI}}{{sup/md|SMD}} turns. This move is affected by {{m|Magic Coat}}.
{{MDMoveRow|game=TDS|pp=16|acc=—%|range=Entire room|target=Enemy|cuts=Yes}}
{{MDMoveRow|game=BSL|pp=16|acc=—%|range=Entire room|target=Enemy|cuts=Yes}}
{{MDMoveRow|game=GTI|pp=20|ppmax=99|acc=100%|range=Entire room|target=Enemy|cuts=Yes}}
{{MDMoveRow|game=SMD|pp=20|ppmax=99|acc=100%|range=Entire room|target=Enemy|cuts=Yes}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|TDS}}|Changes the status of all enemies in the room with the user to Heal Block. In that state, Pokémon are incapable of restoring HP.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|BSL}}|{{tt|おなじへやの てきポケモンを かいふくふうじじょうたいにかえる|Changes the status of all enemies in the room with the user to Heal Block. In that state, Pokémon are incapable of restoring HP}}}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|GTI}}|It causes the Heal Block status condition to all enemies in the same room, which makes them unable to restore their HP.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|SMD}}|It prevents enemies from restoring HP for a while.{{tt|*|Move Summary}}<br>It gives the Heal Block status to all enemies in the same room, making them unable to restore their HP.{{tt|*|Move Description}}}}
|}{{left clear}}

==In the manga==
==In the manga==
===In the Pokémon Adventures manga===
===Pokémon Adventures===
{{movemanga|type=psychic|exp=yes|gen=The user prevents the opponent from healing.|image1=Mars Bronzor Heal Block Adventures.png|image1p=Bronzor}}
{{movemanga|type=psychic|exp=yes|gen=The user prevents the opponent from healing.|image1=Mars Bronzor Heal Block Adventures.png|image1p=Bronzor}}
{{movep|type=psychic|ms=436|pkmn=Bronzor|method=Bronzor releases a blast of light at the opponent, preventing it from using health-recovering moves.}}
{{movep|type=psychic|ms=436|pkmn=Bronzor|method=Bronzor releases a blast of light at the opponent, preventing it from using health-recovering moves.}}
Line 101: Line 158:

==In other generations==
==In other generations==
===Core series games===
genIV=Heal Block IV|
genIV=Heal Block IV|
genV=Heal Block V|
genVI=Heal Block VI
===Side series games===
PBR=Heal Block PBR
===Spin-off series games===
PSMD=Heal Block PSMD|
[[File:Heal Block PBR end.png|256px|thumb|right|Heal Block ending in Battle Revolution.]]
*Heal Block displays animation when it ends in [[Pokémon Battle Revolution]].
*While this move has not reappeared in [[Generation VIII]] onward, [[The Indigo Disk]] introduced the move [[Psychic Noise (move)|Psychic Noise]], which not only prevents healing, but also deals damage.

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
{{Langtable|color={{psychic color}}|bordercolor={{psychic color light}}
{{Langtable|color={{psychic color}}|bordercolor={{psychic color light}}
|zh_cmn=回復阻擋 ''{{tt|Huífù Zǔdǎng|Heal Block}}''
|zh_yue=回復封鎖 ''{{tt|Wùihfuhk Fūngsó|Heal Block}}'' {{tt|*|Games}}<br>回復阻擋 ''{{tt|Wùihfuhk Jódóng|Heal Block}}'' {{tt|*|Pre-Gen VII Media}}
|zh_cmn=回復封鎖 / 回复封锁 ''{{tt|Huífù Fēngsuǒ|Heal Block}}'' {{tt|*|Games}}<br>回復阻擋 ''{{tt|Huífù Zǔdǎng|Heal Block}}'' {{tt|*|Pre-Gen VII Media}}
|el=Φραγή Ίασης
|el=Φραγή Ίασης
|ko=회복봉인 ''Hoebok Bong'in''
|ko=회복봉인 ''Hoebokbong-in''
|pt_br=Bloqueio de Cura
|pt_br=Bloqueio de Cura
|sr=Blokiranje Lečenja}}
|sr=Blokiranje lečenja
|vi=Ngăn Chặn Phục Hồi}}

{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}
[[Category:Moves unusable in Pokémon Sword and Shield]]
[[Category:Moves unusable in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]

[[it:Anticura (mossa)]]
[[pl:Heal Block]]
[[pt:Heal Block]]

Latest revision as of 02:34, 19 September 2024

Heal Block
かいふくふうじ Recovery Block
Type  Psychic
Category  Status
PP  15 (max. 24)
Power  —
Accuracy  100%
Priority  0
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Many Others: Affects all adjacent opponents, but not allies
Introduced  Generation IV
Condition  Cute
Appeal  0  
Jam  0  
Condition  Cute
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Prevents the Voltage from going up in the same turn.
Condition  Clever
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
Jamming  0  
Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.

Heal Block (Japanese: かいふくふうじ Recovery Block) is a non-damaging Psychic-type move introduced in Generation IV.


Heal Block restricts the targets from healing in certain ways for five turns.

Affected Pokémon are unable to use status moves that heal the user immediately, Wish, Lunar Dance, Healing Wish, Heal Pulse, Floral Healing, or target an ally with Pollen Puff. These Pokémon are also unable to be targeted by Heal Pulse, Floral Healing, or an ally's Pollen Puff, or healed by Wish (even if Wish was used successfully before the Heal Block). They can still use Present, Ingrain, Aqua Ring, and Grassy Terrain, but cannot be healed by the effects of these moves.

If a Pokémon had already selected one of the blocked moves to use before being affected by Heal Block, it is prevented from using it and PP will not be deducted.

If a Pokémon cannot use any moves when selecting a move to use due to Heal Block (e.g., due to knowing no other moves that have PP, Choice Band, etc.), it will use Struggle. Restricted moves can still be called by moves that call other moves (such as Metronome), but they are prevented from being used.

Gen IV Gen V Gen VI–VII
Affected Pokémon can use HP-draining moves
(other than Leech Seed)
Reflected by Magic Coat

If an affected Pokémon uses HP-draining moves, they still inflict damage but are unable to restore HP. The user still takes damage if the target has Liquid Ooze.

A Pokémon affected by Heal Block is still able to use Leech Seed, causing the target to become seeded. However, Sappy Seed and Heal Block do not interact because they are not available in the same core series games. The seeded Pokémon still takes damage every turn as usual, regardless of the seeder being affected by Heal Block. As long as the user of Leech Seed (or the Pokémon who replaced it in the same spot) is affected by Heal Block, no HP will be restored, but it will still take damage if the seeded Pokémon has Liquid Ooze.

Heal Block can be reflected by Magic Bounce.

Heal Block's effect can be transferred via Baton Pass.

Generation IV

All Abilities and items which restore HP during battle continue to work as usual.

Generations V to VII

Affected Pokémon can no longer be healed by Black Sludge, Leftovers, or Shell Bell. Affected Pokémon will no longer consume held HP-restoring Berries or Berry Juice. If an affected Pokémon consumes an HP-restoring Berry via Fling, Bug Bite, or Pluck, it will not have its HP restored.

Affected Pokémon with the Ability Dry Skin or Water Absorb will take no damage from Water-type moves, but will not be healed by them either. Affected Pokémon with the Ability Volt Absorb will take no damage from Electric-type moves, but will not be healed by them either. Affected Pokémon with the Ability Dry Skin or Rain Dish are prevented from healing during rain. Affected Pokémon with the Ability Ice Body are prevented from healing during hail, but are not damaged by it either. Affected Pokémon with the ability Poison Heal will not be healed or damaged if they are poisoned. Affected Pokémon with the Ability Cheek Pouch will not be healed after eating a Berry.

Heal Block will not prevent Pokémon with the Ability Regenerator from having their HP restored upon switching out.

Affected Pokémon can still restore HP using the Z-Power effects of status Z-Moves. Heal Block cannot prevent a Pokémon from using or being healed by any Z-Move, including moves like Z-Soft-Boiled and Z-Heal Pulse.

If powered up by a Psychium Z into Z-Heal Block, the user's Special Attack stat rises by two stages.

Generation VIII onwards

Heal Block cannot be selected in a battle.


Games Description
DPPtHGSSPBR The user prevents the foe from using any HP-recovery moves for five turns.
For five turns, the user prevents the opposing team from using any moves, Abilities, or held items that recover HP.
This move can't be used. It's recommended that this move is forgotten. Once forgotten, this move can't be remembered.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0251 Celebi
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 55 55 55 55
0292 Shedinja
Mineral Mineral 52 52 50XY
0337 Lunatone
Mineral Mineral 42 42BW
0338 Solrock
Mineral Mineral 42 42BW
0343 Baltoy
Mineral Mineral 61 54BW
0344 Claydol
Mineral Mineral 73 64BW
0381 Latios
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 5 5 5XY
0436 Bronzor
Mineral Mineral 52 52BW
45 45
0437 Bronzong
Mineral Mineral 67 67BW
52 52
0483 Dialga
All available forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 50DPPt
0484 Palkia
All available forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 50DPPt
0487 Giratina
All available forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 50DPPt
0574 Gothita Human-Like Human-Like 33 33 33
0575 Gothorita Human-Like Human-Like 34 34 34
0576 Gothitelle Human-Like Human-Like 34 34 34
0577 Solosis Amorphous Amorphous 46 46 46
0578 Duosion Amorphous Amorphous 50 50 50
0579 Reuniclus Amorphous Amorphous 54 54 54
0605 Elgyem Human-Like Human-Like 8 8 8
0606 Beheeyem Human-Like Human-Like 1, 8 1, 8 1, 8
0642 Thundurus
All available forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 31 31 25
0707 Klefki
Mineral Mineral 50 50
0772 Type: Null No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 85
0773 Silvally
All forms
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Egg Move
0562 Yamask Mineral Amorphous
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Heal Block targets all enemies in the same room and inflicts the Heal Block status condition, preventing them from having their HP restored, including natural HP recovery. This status condition lasts for 5-7TDS / 6GtISMD turns. This move is affected by Magic Coat.

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDTDS - - 16 - —% - Entire room Enemy Yes
BSL - - 16 - —% - Entire room Enemy Yes
MDGtI - - 20 99 100% - Entire room Enemy Yes
SMD - - 20 99 100% - Entire room Enemy Yes
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:


Games Description
MDTDS Changes the status of all enemies in the room with the user to Heal Block. In that state, Pokémon are incapable of restoring HP.
BSL おなじへやの てきポケモンを かいふくふうじじょうたいにかえる
MDGtI It causes the Heal Block status condition to all enemies in the same room, which makes them unable to restore their HP.
SMD It prevents enemies from restoring HP for a while.*
It gives the Heal Block status to all enemies in the same room, making them unable to restore their HP.*

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games


Heal Block ending in Battle Revolution.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 回復封鎖 Wùihfuhk Fūngsó *
回復阻擋 Wùihfuhk Jódóng *
Mandarin 回復封鎖 / 回复封锁 Huífù Fēngsuǒ *
回復阻擋 Huífù Zǔdǎng *
French Anti-Soin
German Heilblockade
Greek Φραγή Ίασης
Italian Anticura
Korean 회복봉인 Hoebokbong-in
Brazilian Portuguese Bloqueio de Cura
Serbian Blokiranje lečenja
Spanish Anticura
Vietnamese Ngăn Chặn Phục Hồi

Variations of the move Disable
DisableTormentTauntEmbargoHeal Block

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.