Bubble Beam (move): Difference between revisions

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05308 (talk | contribs)
Rahl (talk | contribs)
(262 intermediate revisions by 83 users not shown)
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{{bad picture|2=Should be replaced with Generation VI images}}
n=61 |
|name=Bubble Beam
name=Bubble Beam |
jname=バブルこうせん |
|jtranslit=Baburu Kōsen
jtranslit=Baburu Kōsen |
|jtrans=Bubble Beam
jtrans=Bubble Beam |
|gameimage=Bubble Beam IX.png
gameimage=BubbleBeam V.png <!--Bubble Beam.png--> |
type=Water |
damagecategory=Special |
basepp=20 |
maxpp=32 |
power=65 |
accuracy=100 |
bdesc=The foe is hit with a Special attack that may lower Speed. |
gen=I |
category=Beauty |
appeal=1 |
jam=3 |
cdesc=Badly startles those who have made appeals. |
|cdesc=Badly startles those that have made appeals.
appealsc=2 |
scdesc=Enables the user to perform last in the next turn. |
|scdesc=Enables the user to perform last in the next turn.
category6=Beautiful |
appeal6=2 |
jam6=3 |
cdesc6=Startles the last Pokémon to act before the user. |
|cdesc6=Startles the last Pokémon to act before the user.
touches=no |
protect=yes |
magiccoat=no |
snatch=no |
brightpowder=yes |
kingsrock=no |
flag7=no |
flag8=no |
sound=no |
footnotes= }}
'''Bubble Beam''' (Japanese: '''バブルこうせん''' ''Bubble Beam''), formatted as '''BubbleBeam''' prior to [[Pokémon X and Y]], is a damage-dealing {{type|Water}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation I]]. It was [[TM11]] in Generation I.
'''Bubble Beam''' (Japanese: '''バブルこうせん''' ''Bubble Beam''), formatted as '''BubbleBeam''' prior to [[Pokémon X and Y]], is a damage-dealing {{type|Water}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation I]]. It was [[TM11]] in Generation I.

Bubble Beam does damage and has a 10% chance of lowering the target's {{stat|Speed}} stat by one stage.
===Generation I===
BubbleBeam does damage and has a 33.2% chance of lowering the target's {{stat|Speed}} stat by one stage.

In [[Pokémon Stadium (English)|Stadium]], BubbleBeam has a 30% chance of lowering the target's Speed.
===Generation II onwards===
Bubble Beam now has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Speed stat by one stage.
Bubble Beam can be used as the second move of a [[Contest combination|Pokémon Contest combination]], with the user gaining 1 bonus appeal point if {{m|Rain Dance}} was used in the previous turn.

{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|Stad}}|A <sc>Water</sc>-type attack. Stronger than <sc>{{m|Bubble}}</sc>. Many <sc>Water</sc>-type Pokémon learn this move.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevss|Stad}}|A <sc>Water</sc>-type attack. Stronger than <sc>{{m|Bubble}}</sc>. Many <sc>Water</sc>-type Pokémon learn this move.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|Stad2}}|A <sc>Water</sc>-type attack. Has a one-in-ten chance of reducing the target's <sc>Speed</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevss|Stad2}}|A <sc>Water</sc>-type attack. Has a one-in-ten chance of reducing the target's <sc>Speed</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|GSC}}|An attack that may lower <sc>Speed</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev2|GSC}}|An attack that may lower <sc>Speed</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|RSE}}{{gameabbrev3|Colo}}{{gameabbrev3|XD}}|Forcefully sprays bubbles that may lower <sc>Speed</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|RSE}}{{gameabbrevss|Colo}}{{gameabbrevss|XD}}|Forcefully sprays bubbles that may lower <sc>Speed</sc>.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|A spray of bubbles strikes the foe. It may lower the foe’s <sc>Speed</sc> stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|A spray of bubbles strikes the foe. It may lower the foe's <sc>Speed</sc> stat.}}
{{movedescentry|PMD{{color2|{{md red color}}|Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|R}}{{color2|{{md blue color}}|Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|B}}|Inflicts damage on the target, even at a distance. It may also lower the target's Movement Speed by one level.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev4|DPPtHGSS}}{{gameabbrevss|PBR}}|A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the foe. It may also lower the target's Speed stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|DPPt}}{{gameabbrev3|HGSS}}|A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the foe. It may also lower the target’s Speed stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev5|BWB2W2}}|A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the opposing team. It may also lower their Speed stats.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|BWB2W2}}|A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the opposing team. It may also lower their Speed stats.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev6|XYORAS}}<br>{{gameabbrev7|SMUSUMPE}}|A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. This may also lower its Speed stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{color2|000|Pokémon Conquest|Conq}}|A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. It may also lower the target's Speed.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev8|SwShBDSPLA}}<br>{{gameabbrev9|SV}}|A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. This may also lower the target's Speed stat.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|XY}}{{gameabbrev3|ORAS}}|A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. This may also lower its Speed stat.}}
|}{{left clear}}
|}{{left clear}}
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===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
{{Moveentry/10|0007|Squirtle|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1|−|−|−||||27||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0008|Wartortle|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1||−|−|−|−|−|33|−|||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0009|Blastoise|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1|−|−|−|−|||33||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0060|Poliwag|type=Water|1|Water 1|Water 1|−|−|25|25|25|25|21|18|18|18|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0061|Poliwhirl|type=Water|1|Water 1|Water 1|||27|27|27|27|21|18|18|18|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0062|Poliwrath|type=Water|type2=Fighting|1|Water 1|Water 1|||1|1|1|1|−|1|1|1|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0072|Tentacool|type=Water|type2=Poison|1|Water 3|Water 3|25|25|19|19|19{{sup/6|XY}}<br>25{{sup/6|ORAS}}|25|18|24|24|24|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0073|Tentacruel|type=Water|type2=Poison|1|Water 3|Water 3|25|25|19|19|19{{sup/6|XY}}<br>25{{sup/6|ORAS}}|25|18|24|24|24|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0087|Dewgong|type=Water|type2=Ice|2|Water 1|Field|||||||||1, 7||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0098|Krabby|type=Water|1|Water 3|Water 3|||15|15|15|15|18|20|20|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0099|Kingler|type=Water|1|Water 3|Water 3|||15|15|15|15|18|20|20|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0116|Horsea|type=Water|2|Water 1|Dragon|||18|18|18{{sup/6|XY}}<br>21{{sup/6|ORAS}}|21|18|25|25|25|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0117|Seadra|type=Water|2|Water 1|Dragon|||18|18|18{{sup/6|XY}}<br>21{{sup/6|ORAS}}|21|18|25|25|25|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0120|Staryu|type=Water|1|Water 3|Water 3|31|28|28|28{{sup/5|BW}}<br>22{{sup/5|B2W2}}|22{{sup/6|XY}}<br>18{{sup/6|ORAS}}|18|27|||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0121|Starmie|type=Water|type2=Psychic|1|Water 3|Water 3||1||||||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0170|Chinchou|type=Water|type2=Electric|1|Water 2|Water 2|||28|31|31{{sup/6|XY}}<br>20{{sup/6|ORAS}}|20||12|12|12|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0171|Lanturn|type=Water|type2=Electric|1|Water 2|Water 2|||30|35|35{{sup/6|XY}}<br>20{{sup/6|ORAS}}|20||12|12|12|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0183|Marill|type=Water|type2=Fairy|2|Water 1|Fairy|21|21|18|18{{sup/5|BW}}<br>13{{sup/5|B2W2}}|13|13||6|6|6|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0184|Azumarill|type=Water|type2=Fairy|2|Water 1|Fairy|25|24|20|20{{sup/5|BW}}<br>13{{sup/5|B2W2}}|13|13||6|6|6|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/Level1|226|Mantine|2|Water|Flying|no|18|15|--, 10|--, 10|B2W2=--, 7|--, 7|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0186|Politoed|type=Water|1|Water 1|Water 1|−|−|1|1|1|1||1|1|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0222|Corsola|type=Water|type2=Rock|2|Water 1|Water 3|25|23|25|25{{sup/5|BW}}<br>17{{sup/5|B2W2}}|17{{sup/6|XY}}<br>10{{sup/6|ORAS}}|10||25|25|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0223|Remoraid|type=Water|2|Water 1|Water 2|22|22|19|19{{sup/5|BW}}<br>18{{sup/5|B2W2}}|18|18||20|20|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0224|Octillery|type=Water|2|Water 1|Water 2|22|22|19|19{{sup/5|BW}}<br>18{{sup/5|B2W2}}|18|18||20|20|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0226|Mantine|type=Water|type2=Flying|1|Water 1|Water 1|18|15|1, 10|1, 10{{sup/5|BW}}<br>1, 7{{sup/5|B2W2}}|1, 7|1, 7||24|24|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0230|Kingdra|type=Water|type2=Dragon|2|Water 1|Dragon|||18|18|18{{sup/6|XY}}<br>21{{sup/6|ORAS}}|21||25|25|25|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0245|Suicune|type=Water|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|41{{sup/2|GS}}<br>11{{sup/2|C}}|11|8|8|8|1, 8|||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0270|Lotad|type=Water|type2=Grass|2|Water 1|Grass|||25{{sup/4|PtHGSS}}|25|25{{sup/6|XY}}<br>21{{sup/6|ORAS}}|21||20|20|20|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0271|Lombre|type=Water|type2=Grass|2|Water 1|Grass|||25{{sup/4|PtHGSS}}|25|25{{sup/6|XY}}<br>24{{sup/6|ORAS}}|24||24|24|24|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0272|Ludicolo|type=Water|type2=Grass|2|Water 1|Grass||−|−|−|−|−||1|1|1|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0283|Surskit|type=Bug|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Bug||25|25|25|25{{sup/6|XY}}<br>17{{sup/6|ORAS}}|17|||17|17|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0284|Masquerain|type=Bug|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Bug||−|−||||||1|}}
{{Moveentry/10|0298|Azurill|type=Normal|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered||||13{{sup/5|B2W2}}|13|13||6|6|6|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0341|Corphish|type=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3||20{{sup/3|RSE}}<br>19{{sup/3|FRLG}}|20|20|20{{sup/6|XY}}<br>14{{sup/6|ORAS}}|14||12|12|12|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0342|Crawdaunt|type=Water|type2=Dark|2|Water 1|Water 3||20{{sup/3|RSE}}<br>19{{sup/3|FRLG}}|20|20|20{{sup/6|XY}}<br>14{{sup/6|ORAS}}|14||12|12|12|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0393|Piplup|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field|||22{{sup/4|DP}}<br>18{{sup/4|PtHGSS}}|18|18|18|||18|18|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0394|Prinplup|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field|||24{{sup/4|DP}}<br>19{{sup/4|PtHGSS}}|19|19|19|||19|19|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0395|Empoleon|type=Water|type2=Steel|2|Water 1|Field|||24{{sup/4|DP}}<br>19{{sup/4|PtHGSS}}|19|19|19|||19|19|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0458|Mantyke|type=Water|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||10|10{{sup/5|BW}}<br>7{{sup/5|B2W2}}|7|7||24|24|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0489|Phione|type=Water|2|Water 1|Fairy|||24|24|24|24|||24|24|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0490|Manaphy|type=Water|2|Water 1|Fairy|||24|24|24|24|||24|24|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0535|Tympole|type=Water|1|Water 1|Water 1||||12|12|12||20|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0536|Palpitoad|type=Water|type2=Ground|1|Water 1|Water 1||||12|12|12||20|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0537|Seismitoad|type=Water|type2=Ground|1|Water 1|Water 1||||12|12|12||20|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0580|Ducklett|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying||||19|19|19||||19|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0581|Swanna|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying||||19|19|19||||19|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0592|Frillish|type=Water|type2=Ghost|1|Amorphous|Amorphous|form=All forms||||13|13|13||−|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0593|Jellicent|type=Water|type2=Ghost|1|Amorphous|Amorphous|form=All forms||||13|13|13||−|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0647|Keldeo|type=Water|type2=Fighting|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All available forms||||13|13|1, 13||7||7|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0692|Clauncher|type=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3|||||20|20||−||−|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0693|Clawitzer|type=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3|||||20|20||−||−|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0728|Popplio|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field||||||22||21||21|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0729|Brionne|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field||||||24||25||25|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0730|Primarina|type=Water|type2=Fairy|2|Water 1|Field||||||24||25||25|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0739|Crabrawler|type=Fighting|1|Water 3|Water 3||||||17||||13}}
{{Moveentry/10|0740|Crabominable|type=Fighting|type2=Ice|1|Water 3|Water 3||||||17||||17}}
{{Moveentry/10|0751|Dewpider|type=Water|type2=Bug|2|Water 1|Bug||||||16||12||12|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0752|Araquanid|type=Water|type2=Bug|2|Water 1|Bug||||||16||12||12|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/10|0871|Pincurchin|type=Electric|2|Water 1|Amorphous||||||||25||25}}

===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
{{Movehead/Games|Water|Egg Move|g1=none|g7=1|g7g={{gameabbrev7|SMUSUM}}|g8=2}}
{{Moveentry/9|0060|Poliwag|type=Water|1|Water 1|Water 1||||||||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/9|0090|Shellder|type=Water|1|Water 3|Water 3||||||||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/9|0138|Omanyte|type=Rock|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3|||||||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/9|0140|Kabuto|type=Rock|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3|||||||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/9|0211|Qwilfish|type=Water|type2=Poison|1|Water 2|Water 2||||||||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/9|0211|formsig=H|Qwilfish|type=Dark|type2=Poison|1|Water 2|Water 2|form=Hisuian Form|||||||||}}
{{Moveentry/9|0550|Basculin|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2|form=Red- and<br>Blue-Striped Forms||||||||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/9|0550|formsig=W|Basculin|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2|form=White-Striped Form||||||||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/9|0592|Frillish|type=Water|type2=Ghost|1|Amorphous|Amorphous|form=All forms||||||||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/9|0692|Clauncher|type=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3||||||||||STAB='''}}

===By [[TM]]===
===By [[TM]]===
{{Moveentry/1|0007|Squirtle|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0008|Wartortle|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0009|Blastoise|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0030|Nidorina|type=Poison|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0031|Nidoqueen|type=Poison|type2=Ground|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0054|Psyduck|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0055|Golduck|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0060|Poliwag|type=Water|1|Water 1|Water 1||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0061|Poliwhirl|type=Water|1|Water 1|Water 1||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0062|Poliwrath|type=Water|type2=Fighting|1|Water 1|Water 1||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0072|Tentacool|type=Water|type2=Poison|1|Water 3|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0073|Tentacruel|type=Water|type2=Poison|1|Water 3|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0079|Slowpoke|type=Water|type2=Psychic|2|Monster|Water 1||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0080|Slowbro|type=Water|type2=Psychic|2|Monster|Water 1||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0086|Seel|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0087|Dewgong|type=Water|type2=Ice|2|Water 1|Field||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0090|Shellder|type=Water|1|Water 3|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0091|Cloyster|type=Water|type2=Ice|1|Water 3|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0098|Krabby|type=Water|1|Water 3|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0099|Kingler|type=Water|1|Water 3|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0116|Horsea|type=Water|2|Water 1|Dragon||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0117|Seadra|type=Water|2|Water 1|Dragon||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0118|Goldeen|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0119|Seaking|type=Water|1|Water 2|Water 2||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0120|Staryu|type=Water|1|Water 3|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0121|Starmie|type=Water|type2=Psychic|1|Water 3|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0130|Gyarados|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 2|Dragon||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0131|Lapras|type=Water|type2=Ice|2|Monster|Water 1||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0138|Omanyte|type=Rock|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0139|Omastar|type=Rock|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0140|Kabuto|type=Rock|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0141|Kabutops|type=Rock|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0144|Articuno|type=Ice|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0147|Dratini|type=Dragon|2|Water 1|Dragon|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0148|Dragonair|type=Dragon|2|Water 1|Dragon|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0149|Dragonite|type=Dragon|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Dragon|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0150|Mewtwo|type=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0151|Mew|type=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔}}
===By {{pkmn2|event}}===
====[[Generation V]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0138|Omanyte|type=Rock|type2=Water|2|Water 1|Water 3|[[List of local Japanese event Pokémon distributions in Generation V#Omanyte|Pokémon Adventure Camp Omanyte]]|STAB='''}}

==In other games==
==In other games==
===Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series===
Bubble Beam deals damage, and may lower the target's [[Travel Speed]] by one stage.
{{MDMoveRow|game=RB|pow=6|pp=19|acc=100%|range=10 tiles away|target=All|cuts=Yes}}
{{MDMoveRow|game=TDS|pow=6|pp=10|acc=83.6%|range=10 tiles away|target=All|cuts=Yes}}
{{MDMoveRow|game=BSL|pow=6|pp=10|acc=83.6%|range=10 tiles away|target=All|cuts=Yes}}
{{MDMoveRow|game=GTI|pow=8|powmax=99|pp=17|ppmax=50|acc=85%|accmax=98%|range=10 tiles away|target=All|cuts=Yes}}
{{MDMoveRow|game=SMD|pow=8|powmax=50|pp=14|ppmax=30|acc=85%|accmax=98%|range=4 tiles away|target=Enemy|cuts=Yes}}
===[[Pokémon Conquest]]===
===[[Pokémon Conquest]]===
BubbleBeam is the only move of {{p|Prinplup}}. It has a chance to lower the target's Speed.
|eff=Has a 10% chance of lowering each target's speed.
===[[Pokémon GO]]===
|move=Bubble Beam
|damage_window=1.45 - 1.7
|effect=[[File:GO drop arrow.png|16px]] 1 Opponent Attack
;Gyms & Raids
* '''July 30, 2016'''
** '''Power''': 25 → 30
* '''February 16, 2017'''
** '''Power''': 30 → 45
** '''Energy cost''': 25 → 33
** '''Duration''': 2.9 → 1.9 seconds
** '''Damage window''': 2.6 - 2.8 → 1.45 - 1.7 seconds
;Trainer Battles
* '''September 27, 2019'''
** '''Power''': 45 → 25
** Secondary effect added
==={{g|Rumble Rush}}===
{{RumbleRushPhysicalAttack|move=Bubble Beam|type=Water
|range=Wide Shot

{| style="margin:auto; background: #{{water color}}; border: 3px solid #{{water color dark}};" class="roundy"  
===[[Pokémon Masters EX]]===
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{water color}}; border:3px solid #{{water color dark}}; text-align:center"
|- style="background: #{{water color light}}"
{| style="margin:auto; background: #ddf; border: 3px solid #{{water color dark}};" class="roundy"  
! style="width: 125px"|Name
! style="width: 65px"|{{color2|000|Damage category|Category}}
! style="width: 85px"|Move gauge cost
{| border=1 width="100%" style="margin:auto; background: #FFFFFF; border:1px solid #ddf; border-collapse:collapse;" cellpadding="2px"
! style="width: 45px"|MP<br>(uses)
{| width="100%" style="margin:auto; text-align:center; background:#FFFFFF; border-collapse:collapse;"
! style="width: 50px"|Base {{color2|000|Power}}
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
! style="width: 50px"|Max {{color2|000|Power}}
| style="background: #F8A040; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
! style="width: 65px"|{{color2|000|Accuracy}}
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
! style="width: 70px"|Target
! style="width: 45px"|Effect Tag(s)
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
! style="width: 225px"|Description
| style="background: #F8A040; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
! style="width: 275px"|Playable {{color2|000|Sync pair|sync pair(s)}}
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
|- style="background:#fff"
|Bubble Beam
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | ^
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
|An opponent
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
| Has a chance (10%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank.
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
|{{sync|Misty|Starmie}}<hr>{{sync|Barry|Piplup}}/Prinplup/Empoleon<hr>{{sync|Kali|Azumarill|Furisode Girl}}<hr>{{sync|Adaman|Vaporeon}}<hr>{{sync/player|egg|Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise}}<hr>{{sync/player|egg|Horsea/Seadra}} <small>(Support role only)</small><hr>{{sync/player|egg|Goldeen/Seaking}} <small>(Support role only)</small><hr>{{sync/player|egg|Staryu/Starmie}} <small>(Support role only)</small>
| style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; line-height:6px;" | &nbsp;
|- style="background:#{{water color dark}}"
! colspan=12 |{{color2|fff|Sync move|Sync move(s)}}
|- style="background: #{{water color light}}"
| align="left"|Power ★★★
{| border=1 width="100%" style="margin:auto; background: #FFFFFF; border:0px solid #{{water color dark}}; border-collapse:collapse;" cellpadding="2px"  
|'''{{color2|000|Damage category|Category}}'''
{| width="100%" style="margin:auto; text-align:center; background:#{{water color dark}}; border-collapse:collapse;"
|colspan="2" |'''State'''
|'''Base {{color2|000|power}}'''
| style="background: #{{water color dark}}; border: 1px solid #000000; |<small>Orange squares indicate hit area.<br/>Blue squares indicate area Pokémon the Pokémon will need to move to perform the move.<br/>Red squares indicate the knockback on hit Pokémon.<br/> Table assumes the Pokémon is in the square marked by '''^'''.
|'''Max {{color2|000|power}}'''
|colspan="2" |'''Target'''
|'''Effect tag'''
|'''Playable {{color2|000|Sync pair|sync pair}}'''
|- style="background:#fff"
|Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam
|colspan="2" |Default
|colspan="2" |An opponent
|The more the user's {{stat|Special Defense|Sp. Def}} is raised, the greater the power of this attack.
|- style="background:#{{white color light}}"
|Late Fee Bubble Beam
|colspan="2" |Default<hr>'''6★ EX'''
|colspan="2" |An opponent<hr>'''All opponents'''
|No additional effect.
|- style="background:#fff"
* '''Bubble Beam:'''
** Description prior to Version 2.10.0 (from June 28, 2021): Has a very small chance of lowering the target's Speed.
* '''Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam:'''
** Description prior to Version 2.20.0 (from April 27, 2022): The more the user's {{stat|Special Defense|Sp. Def}} is raised, the greater the power of this move.
* '''Late Fee Bubble Beam:'''
** This [[sync move]] could not be raised to 6★ EX until March 29, 2021, which is 578 days after its release date (on August 29, 2019).
** Description of 6★-EX effect prior to Version 2.18.5 (from March 15, 2022): "Additional Effects: Sync move targets all opponents."
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|RB}}|Inflicts damage on the target, even at a distance. It may also lower the target's Movement Speed by one level.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|TDS}}|Inflicts damage on the target, even at a distance. It may also reduce the target's Movement Speed by 1 level.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|BSL}}|{{tt|はなれたポケモンに ダメージをあたえる しかも いっていのかくりつで いどうそくどを 1だんかいさげる|Inflicts damage on the target, even at a distance. It may also reduce the target's Movement Speed by 1 level}}}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevss|Conq}}|A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. It may also lower the target's Speed.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|GTI}}|It damages even a faraway Pokémon. It could also lower the Pokémon's Travel Speed.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|SMD}}|It damages a Pokémon, even one far away. It could also lower the Pokémon's Travel Speed.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|RTDX}}|It damages a Pokémon, even one far away. It could also lower the target's Travel Speed.}}
|}{{left clear}}

==In the anime==
==In the anime==
{{moveanime|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user releases bubbles from its mouth.|image1=Kenny Prinplup BubbleBeam.png|image1p=Prinplup|image2=Suicune BubbleBeam.png|image2p=Suicune|image3=Cameron Swanna BubbleBeam.png|image3p=Swanna|image4=Misty Staryu BubbleBeam.png|image4p=Staryu}}
===Main series===
{{movep|type=water|ms=007|pkmn=Squirtle|method=Squirtle blows multiple clear bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{moveanime|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user forcefully ejects a spray of bubbles at the target.|image1=Cameron Swanna BubbleBeam.png|image1p=Swanna|image2=Lana Popplio Bubble Beam.png|image2p=Popplio|image3=Ash Squirtle Bubble.png|image3p=Squirtle|image4=Tentacruel Bubble Beam.png|image4p=Tentacruel}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Ash's Squirtle|startcode=M01|startname=Mewtwo Strikes Back|notes=Debut<br/>Referred as {{color2|{{water color dark}}|Bubble (move)|Bubble}} in the dubbed version of ''{{color2|{{water color dark}}|EP112|Enter The Dragonite}}''}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=007|pkmn=Squirtle|method=Squirtle blows multiple clear or white bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Ash's Squirtle|startcode=M01|startname=Mewtwo Strikes Back|notes=Debut}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=121|pkmn=Starmie|method=Starmie shoots blue bubbles at the opponent from the gem in the center of its body.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Marina (EP091)|user1=Marina's Starmie|startcode=EP091|startname=Bye Bye Psyduck|notes=Incorrectly dubbed as {{mcolor|Bubble|000}}}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=226|pkmn=Mantine|method=Mantine releases a stream of light blue or clear bubbles from its mouth at the opponent at a great speed.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=226|pkmn=Mantine|method=Mantine releases a stream of light blue or clear bubbles from its mouth at the opponent at a great speed.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Molly Hale|user1=Molly's Mantine|startcode=M03|startname=Spell of the Unown}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Molly Hale|user1=Molly's Mantine|startcode=M03|startname=Spell of the Unown: Entei}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Dorian|user1=Dorian's Mantine|startcode=EP256|startname=Just Add Water}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Dorian|user1=Dorian's Mantine|startcode=EP256|startname=Just Add Water}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Lola|user1=Lola's Mantine|startcode=SS001|startname=A Family That Battles Together Stays Together!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Lola|user1=Lola's Mantine|startcode=HS01|startname=A Family That Battles Together Stays Together!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Mantine (Pokémon)|user1=Multiple wild Mantine|startcode=M09|startname=Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Mantine (Pokémon)|user1=Multiple wild Mantine|startcode=M09|startname=Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=183|pkmn=Marill|method=Marill releases white bubbles from its mouth at the opponent at a great speed.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=183|pkmn=Marill|method=Marill releases white bubbles from its mouth at the opponent at a great speed.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Pietra|user1=Pietra's Marill|startcode=EP204|startname=Right On, Rhydon!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Pietra|user1=Pietra's Marill|startcode=EP204|startname=Right On, Rhydon!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=245|pkmn=Suicune|method=A blue ball forms in Suicune's mouth. Suicune then shoots multiple amounts of blue bubbles at the opponent from the blue ball. When the attack is over, the last bubble explodes and sends the opponent back.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=245|pkmn=Suicune|method=A blue ball forms in Suicune's mouth and then it shoots multiple amounts of blue bubbles at the opponent from the blue ball. When the attack is over, the last bubble explodes and sends the opponent back.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Suicune (M04)|startcode=M04|startname=Celebi: Voice of the Forest}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Suicune (M04)|startcode=M04|startname=Celebi: The Voice of the Forest}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=184|pkmn=Azumarill|method=Azumarill releases white bubbles from its mouth at a great speed or the inside of Azumarill's mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=184|pkmn=Azumarill|method=Azumarill releases white bubbles from its mouth at a great speed or the inside of Azumarill's mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Azumarill (Pokémon)|user1=Unknown Trainer's Azumarill|startcode=EP216|startname=Dueling Heroes}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Pokémon Trainer|user1=A Trainer's Azumarill|startcode=EP216|startname=Dueling Heroes}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Vincent|user1=Jackson's Azumarill|startcode=EP268|startname=Tie One On!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Vincent|user1=Jackson's Azumarill|startcode=EP268|startname=Tie One On!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Officer Jenny|user1=Officer Jenny's Azumarill|startcode=BW129|startname=The Pirates of Decolore!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Officer Jenny|user1=Officer Jenny's Azumarill|startcode=BW129|startname=The Pirates of Decolore!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=222|pkmn=Corsola|method=A blue ball forms in Corsola's mouth and it releases a steam of blue bubbles from the orb.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Azumarill (Pokémon)|user1=A wild Azumarill|startcode=M21|startname=The Power of Us}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Misty's Corsola|startcode=M05|startname=Pokémon Heroes}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=222|pkmn=Corsola|method=A blue ball forms in Corsola's mouth and it releases a stream of blue bubbles from the orb.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Misty's Corsola|startcode=M05|startname=Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Juan|user1=Juan's Corsola|startcode=AG110|startname=The Great Eight Fate!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Juan|user1=Juan's Corsola|startcode=AG110|startname=The Great Eight Fate!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=073|pkmn=Tentacruel|method=Tentacruel releases multiple blue bubbles from under the large blue stinger on its face.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=073|pkmn=Tentacruel|method=Tentacruel releases multiple blue bubbles from under the large blue stinger on its face.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Invincible Pokémon Brothers|user1=Kim's Tentacruel|startcode=SS002|startname=Cerulean Blues}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Invincible Pokémon Brothers|user1=Kim's Tentacruel|startcode=HS02|startname=Cerulean Blues}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Invincible Pokémon Brothers|user1=Kail's Tentacruel|startcode=SS002|startname=Cerulean Blues}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Invincible Pokémon Brothers|user1=Kail's Tentacruel|startcode=HS02|startname=Cerulean Blues}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Tentacruel (Pokémon)|user1=A Coordinator's Tentacruel|startcode=AG103|startname=A Cacturne for the Worse}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Pokémon Coordinator|user1=A Coordinator's Tentacruel|startcode=AG103|startname=A Cacturne for the Worse}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=342|pkmn=Crawdaunt|method=Crawdaunt opens its pincers and releases light blue, multicolored, or blue bubbles at the opponent from both or one pincer.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Pokémon Trainer|user1=A Trainer's Tentacruel|startcode=JN036|startname=Making Battles in the Sand!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=342|pkmn=Crawdaunt|method=Crawdaunt opens its pincers and releases light blue, multicolored, or blue bubbles at the opponent from both or one of its pincers.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Team Aqua Grunt (Trainer class)|user1=A Team Aqua Grunt's Crawdaunt|startcode=AG017|startname=Stairway to Devon}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Team Aqua Grunt (Trainer class)|user1=A Team Aqua Grunt's Crawdaunt|startcode=AG017|startname=Stairway to Devon}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Shelly|user1=Shelly's Crawdaunt|startcode=AG054|startname=Fight for the Meteorite}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Shelly|user1=Shelly's Crawdaunt|startcode=AG054|startname=Fight for the Meteorite!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Brodie|user1=Brodie's Ditto in the form of Crawdaunt|startcode=AG083|startname=Unfair-Weather Friends|notes=Used via {{color2|{{water color dark}}|Transform (move)|Transform}}}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Brodie|user1=Brodie's Ditto in the form of Crawdaunt|startcode=AG083|startname=Unfair Weather Friends|notes=Used via {{mcolor|Transform|000}}}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Mr. Saridakis|user1=Mr. Saridakis's Crawdaunt|startcode=AG152|startname=On Olden Pond}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Mr. Saridakis|user1=Mr. Saridakis's Crawdaunt|startcode=AG152|startname=On Olden Pond}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Crawdaunt (Pokémon)|user1=A Coordinator's Crawdaunt|startcode=DP095|startname=Battling the Generation Gap!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Pokémon Coordinator|user1=A Coordinator's Crawdaunt|startcode=DP095|startname=Battling The Generation Gap!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=341|pkmn=Corphish|method=Corphish opens its pincers and fires light blue, multicolored or blue bubbles at the opponent from one or both of them.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=341|pkmn=Corphish|method=Corphish opens its pincers and fires light blue, multicolored, orange, or blue bubbles at the opponent from one or both of them.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Ash's Corphish|startcode=AG023|startname=Gone Corphishin'}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Ash's Corphish|startcode=AG023|startname=Gone Corphishin'}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Soren and Rocko|user1=Rocko's Corphish|startcode=BW099|startname=A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Soren and Rocko|user1=Rocko's Corphish|startcode=BW099|startname=A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=283|pkmn=Surskit|method=Surskit raises its front two legs and a light blue ball forms between them. It then lowers the ball and multiple light blue bubbles come out and hit the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=283|pkmn=Surskit|method=Surskit raises its front two legs and a light blue ball forms between them. It lowers the ball and multiple light blue bubbles come out and hit the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Max (AG049)|user1=Max's Surskit|startcode=AG049|startname=Maxxed Out!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Max (AG049)|user1=Max's Surskit|startcode=AG049|startname=Maxxed Out!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Viola|user1=Viola's Surskit|startcode=XY020|startname=Breaking Titles at the Chateau!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Viola|user1=Viola's Surskit|startcode=XY020|startname=Breaking Titles at the Chateau!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=120|pkmn=Staryu|method=The jewel in the middle of Staryu's body glows orange and it releases orange bubbles from it at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=120|pkmn=Staryu|method=The jewel in the middle of Staryu's body glows orange and it releases orange or blue bubbles from it at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Misty's Staryu|startcode=The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Misty's Staryu|startcode=The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=393|pkmn=Piplup|method=Piplup opens its beak and releases a stream of blue bubbles at the opponent. Sometimes its beak glows light blue when it uses the attack.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=393|pkmn=Piplup|method=Piplup opens its beak and releases a stream of blue bubbles at the opponent. Sometimes, its beak glows light blue when it uses the attack.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Dawn (anime)|user1=A Piplup Dawn imagined|startcode=DP001|startname=Following a Maiden's Voyage!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Dawn (anime)|user1=A Piplup Dawn imagined|startcode=DP001|startname=Following A Maiden's Voyage!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Dawn's Piplup|startcode=DP001|startname=Following a Maiden's Voyage!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Dawn's Piplup|startcode=DP001|startname=Following A Maiden's Voyage!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Team Poképals|user1=Piplup of Team Poképals|startcode=SS020|startname=Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Team Poképals|user1=Piplup of Team Poképals|startcode=Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness|startname=Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Professor Rowan|user1=Professor Rowan's Piplup|startcode=SS024}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Professor Rowan|user1=Professor Rowan's Piplup|startcode=DPS01}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Verity|user1=Verity's Piplup|startcode=M20|startname=I Choose You!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=394|pkmn=Prinplup|method=The inside of Prinplup's beak glows light blue and it fires light blue bubbles at the opponent from its beak.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=394|pkmn=Prinplup|method=The inside of Prinplup's beak glows light blue and it fires light blue bubbles at the opponent from its beak.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Kenny's Prinplup|startcode=DP026|startname=Getting the Pre-Contest Titters!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Kenny's Prinplup|startcode=DP026|startname=Getting the Pre-Contest Titters!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=439|pkmn=Mime Jr.|method=The inside of Mime Jr.'s mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles at the opponent from its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=439|pkmn=Mime Jr.|method=The inside of Mime Jr.'s mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles at the opponent from its mouth.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=James's Mime Jr.|startcode=DP033|startname=All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go!|notes=Used via {{color2|{{water color dark}}|Mimic (move)|Mimic}}}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=James's Mime Jr.|startcode=DP033|startname=All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go!|notes=Used via {{mcolor|Mimic|000}}}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=458|pkmn=Mantyke|method=Mantyke fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=458|pkmn=Mantyke|method=Mantyke fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Mantyke (Pokémon)|user1=A Coordinator's Mantyke|startcode=DP171|startname=Dawn of a Royal Day!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Pokémon Coordinator|user1=A Coordinator's Mantyke|startcode=DP171|startname=Dawn of a Royal Day!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=535|pkmn=Tympole|method=The inside of Tympole's mouth glows light blue and it takes in a deep breath. It then releases multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=535|pkmn=Tympole|method=The inside of Tympole's mouth glows light blue and it takes in a deep breath before it releases multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Tympole (Pokémon)|user1=Multiple wild Tympole|startcode=BW032|startname=Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Tympole (Pokémon)|user1=Multiple wild Tympole|startcode=BW032|startname=Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=581|pkmn=Swanna|method=The inside of Swanna's beak glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its beak at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=581|pkmn=Swanna|method=The inside of Swanna's beak glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its beak at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Skyla|user1=Skyla's Swanna|startcode=BW067|startname=Cilan Takes Flight!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Skyla's Swanna|startcode=BW067|startname=Cilan Takes Flight!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Cameron (Unova)|user1=Cameron's Swanna|startcode=BW107|startname=Cameron's Secret Weapon!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Cameron (Unova)|user1=Cameron's Swanna|startcode=BW107|startname=Cameron's Secret Weapon!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=592|pkmn=Frillish|method=The inside of Frillish's mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=592{{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: H}} mod 2}}|0=|1=F}}|pkmn=Frillish|method=The inside of Frillish's mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Frillish (Pokémon)|user1=Two wild Frillish|startcode=BW099|startname=A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Frillish (Pokémon)|user1=Two wild Frillish|startcode=BW099|startname=A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Jessie's Frillish|startcode=BW109|startname=New Places... Familiar Faces!}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Jessie's Frillish|startcode=BW109|startname=New Places... Familiar Faces!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=134|pkmn=Vaporeon|method=The inside of Vaporeon's mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=134|pkmn=Vaporeon|method=The inside of Vaporeon's mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Virgil|user1=Virgil's Vaporeon|startcode=BW102|startname=Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad!|notes=Vaporeon {{color2|{{water color dark}}|Anime move errors|cannot legally learn}} BubbleBeam as of {{color2|{{water color dark}}|Generation III}}}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Virgil|user1=Virgil's Vaporeon|startcode=BW102|startname=Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad!|notes=Vaporeon {{color2|000|Animated series move errors|cannot legally learn}} Bubble Beam in {{color2|000|Generation V}}}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=692|pkmn=Clauncher|method=Clauncher shoots a beam of blue bubbles from one of its pincers at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=692|pkmn=Clauncher|method=Clauncher shoots a beam of blue bubbles from one of its pincers at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Rodman|user1=Rodman's Clauncher|startcode=XY022|startname=Going for the Gold!}}{{movep|type=water|ms=271|pkmn=Lombre|method=Lombre shoots a beam of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Rodman|user1=Rodman's Clauncher|startcode=XY022|startname=Going for the Gold!}}
{{movebtm|type=water|user=Lombre (Pokémon)|user1=Multiple wild Lombre|startcode=XY056}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=271|pkmn=Lombre|method=Lombre shoots a beam of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Lombre (Pokémon)|user1=Multiple wild Lombre|startcode=XY056|startname=One for the Goomy!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=739|pkmn=Crabrawler|method=Crabrawler shoots a beam of blue bubbles from the inside of its pincers at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Hala|user1=Hala's Crabrawler|startcode=SM010|startname=Trial and Tribulation!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=728|pkmn=Popplio|method=Popplio shoots a stream of blue bubbles from in front of its nose at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Lana's Popplio|startcode=SM016|startname=They Might Not Be Giants!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=751|pkmn=Dewpider|method=Dewpider shoots a stream of blue bubbles out of its stinger at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Dewpider (Pokémon)|user1=A wild Dewpider|startcode=SM071|startname=Dewpider Ascending!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=729|pkmn=Brionne|method=Brionne shoots a stream of blue bubbles from in front of its nose at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Lana's Brionne|startcode=SM120|startname=The One That Didn't Get Away!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=072|pkmn=Tentacool|method=Tentacool shoots a stream of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Tentacool (Pokémon)|user1=A wild Tentacool|startcode=JN008|startname=The Sinnoh Iceberg Race!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=537|pkmn=Seismitoad|method=Seismitoad shoots a stream of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Seismitoad (Pokémon)|user1=A wild Seismitoad|startcode=JN072|startname=Everybody's Doing the Underground Shuffle!}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=133|pkmn=Eevee|method=Eevee shoots a stream of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Chloe's Eevee|startcode=JN074|startname=Nightfall? Nightmares!|notes=Used via {{mcolor|Copycat|000}}}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Alternate World Chloe|user1=Alternate World Chloe's Eevee|startcode=JN090|startname=Showdown at the Gates of Warp!|notes=Used via {{mcolor|Copycat|000}}}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=098|pkmn=Krabby|method=Krabby shoots a stream of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movebtm|type=water|user=Goh|user1=Goh's Krabby|startcode=JN080|startname=Trial on a Golden Scale!}}
* In ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Beyond Time & Darkness]]'', {{p|Corphish}} of [[Wigglytuff's Guild]] mentioned that he was capable of using Bubble Beam, but he was never shown using the move.
* In the dubbed version of ''[[EP112|Enter The Dragonite]]'', Ash commanded his Squirtle to use {{m|Bubble}}. In the original version, it was commanded to use Bubble Beam instead.
===Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer===
{{moveanime|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user forcefully ejects a spray of bubbles at the target.|image1=Barry Piplup Masters Trailer.png|image1p=Piplup}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=393|pkmn=Piplup|method=Piplup opens its beak and releases a stream of blue bubbles at the opponent.}}
{{movebtm|type=water|user=Barry (Masters)|user1=Barry's Piplup|startcode=Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer}}
===Pokémon Evolutions===
{{moveanime|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user forcefully ejects a spray of bubbles at the target.|image1=Barry Prinplup Bubble Beam Evolutions.png|image1p=Prinplup}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=394|pkmn=Prinplup|method=Prinplup shoots a stream of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movebtm|type=water|user=Barry (game)|user1=Barry's Prinplup|startcode=PE05|startname=The Rival|notes=Debut}}

==In the manga==
==In the manga==
===In the Ash and Pikachu manga===
===Ash & Pikachu===
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user fires one big bubble.|image1=Pietra Marill BubbleBeam AP.png|image1p=Marill}}
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user fires one big bubble.|image1=Pietra Marill BubbleBeam AP.png|image1p=Marill}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=183|pkmn=Marill|method=Marill fires one big bubble from its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=183|pkmn=Marill|method=Marill fires one big bubble from its mouth.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Pietra|user1=Pietra's Marill|startcode=SP10|startname=The Grand Rhydon Plan.|notes=Debut}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Pietra|user1=Pietra's Marill|startcode=SP10|startname=The Grand Rhydon Plan.|notes=Debut}}

===In the Be the Best! Pokémon B+W manga===
===Be the Best! Pokémon B+W===
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user blasts the foe with several bubbles in a row.|image1=Muteki Jellicent BubbleBeam.png|image1p=Jellicent|image2=Pokémon Ranger Swanna BubbleBeam PBW.png|image2p=Swanna}}
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user blasts the foe with several bubbles in a row.|image1=Muteki Jellicent BubbleBeam.png|image1p=Jellicent|image2=Pokémon Ranger Swanna BubbleBeam PBW.png|image2p=Swanna}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=581|pkmn=Swanna|method=Swanna blasts the foe with several bubbles in a row coming from its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=581|pkmn=Swanna|method=Swanna blasts the foe with several bubbles in a row coming from its mouth.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Pokémon Ranger (Trainer class)|user1=Pokémon Ranger's Swanna|startcode=PBW3|startname=Companion-Increasing Battle!!|notes=Debut}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Pokémon Ranger (Trainer class)|user1=Pokémon Ranger's Swanna|startcode=PBW3|startname=The Battle for More Friends!|notes=Debut}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=593|pkmn=Jellicent|method=Jellicent blasts the foe with several bubbles in a row coming from its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=593|pkmn=Jellicent|method=Jellicent blasts the foe with several bubbles in a row coming from its mouth.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Muteki|user1=Muteki's Jellicent|startcode=PBW7|startname=New Companion Victini!!}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Muteki|user1=Muteki's Jellicent|startcode=PBW7|startname=Victini - A New Friend!}}

===In the Magical Pokémon Journey manga===
===Magical Pokémon Journey===
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user sprays a stream of bubbles which traps the foe.|image1=Marimaru BubbleBeam.png|image1p=Marill}}
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user sprays a stream of bubbles which traps the foe.|image1=Marimaru BubbleBeam.png|image1p=Marill}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=183|pkmn=Marill|method=Marill sprays a stream of bubbles, trapping the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=183|pkmn=Marill|method=Marill sprays a stream of bubbles, trapping the opponent.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Marimaru|startcode=PPP44|startname=Apricot, the Super Heroine!!|notes=Debut}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Marimaru|startcode=PPP44|startname=Apricot, the Super Heroine!!|notes=Debut}}

===In the movie adaptations===
===Movie adaptations===
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user fires multiple bubbles<!--|image1=Dawn Piplup BubbleBeam M12 manga.png|image1p=Piplup-->}}
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user fires multiple bubbles|image1=Verity Piplup Bubble Beam M20 manga.png|image1p=Piplup}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=393|pkmn=Piplup|method=Piplup fires multiple bubbles in a straight line.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=393|pkmn=Piplup|method=Piplup fires multiple bubbles in a straight line.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Dawn's Piplup|startcode=Arceus and the Jewel of Life (manga)|startname=Arceus and the Jewel of Life|notes=Debut}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Dawn's Piplup|startcode=Arceus and the Jewel of Life (manga)|startname=Arceus and the Jewel of Life|notes=Debut}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Verity|user1=Verity's Piplup|startcode=I Choose You! (manga)|startname=I Choose You!}}

===In the Pokémon Adventures manga===
===Pokémon Adventures===
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the foe.|image1=Misty Staryu BubbleBeam Adventures.png|image1p=Staryu|image2=Lance Gyarados Dragonair BubbleBeam Adventures.png|image2p=Gyarados and Dragonair|image3=Misty Starmie BubbleBeam Adventures.png|image3p=Starmie|image4=Suicune BubbleBeam Adventures.png|image4p=Suicune}}
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the foe.|image1=Skyla Swanna BubbleBeam Adventures.png|image1p=Swanna|image2=Lance Gyarados Dragonair BubbleBeam Adventures.png|image2p=Gyarados and Dragonair|image3=Hau Brionne Bubble Beam Adventures.png|image3p=Brionne|image4=Suicune BubbleBeam Adventures.png|image4p=Suicune}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=120|pkmn=Staryu|method=Staryu releases multiple bubbles out of the gem of the center of its body at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=120|pkmn=Staryu|method=Staryu releases multiple bubbles out of the gem of the center of its body at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Misty's Staryu|startcode=PS006|startname=Gyarados Splashes In!|notes=Debut}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Misty's Staryu|startcode=PS006|startname=Gyarados Splashes In!|notes=Debut}}
Line 323: Line 486:
{{movemid|type=water|user=Lance|user1=Lance's two Dragonair|startcode=PS087|startname=Rhyhorn Rising}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Lance|user1=Lance's two Dragonair|startcode=PS087|startname=Rhyhorn Rising}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=130|pkmn=Gyarados|method=Gyarados opens its mouth and releases a stream of bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=130|pkmn=Gyarados|method=Gyarados opens its mouth and releases a stream of bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Lance|user1=Lance's Gyarados|startcode=PS087|startname=Rhyhorn Rising}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Lance's Gyarados|startcode=PS087|startname=Rhyhorn Rising}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=245|pkmn=Suicune|method=Suicune releases a beam of energy from its mouth at the opponent. The beam then breaks apart into millions of bubbles that hit the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=245|pkmn=Suicune|method=Suicune releases a beam of energy from its mouth at the opponent. The beam breaks apart into millions of bubbles that hit the opponent.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Crystal (Adventures)|user1=Crys's Suicune|startcode=PS123|startname=Debonaire Dragonair}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Legendary beasts (Adventures)#Suicune|user1=Misty's Suicune|startcode=PS123|startname=Debonaire Dragonair}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=581|pkmn=Swanna|method=Swanna opens its mouth and releases a stream of bubbles from it at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=water|user=Skyla's Swanna|startcode=PS495|startname=The Battle Within}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=729|pkmn=Brionne|method=Brionne opens its mouth and releases a stream of bubbles from it at the opponent.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Hau|user1=Hau's Brionne|startcode=PASM34|startname=Destroy!! Results of the Training!}}

===In the Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl manga===
===Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl===
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=A stream of bubbles are shot by the user one by one.|image1=Dawn Piplup BubbleBeam PDP.png|image1p=Piplup}}
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=A stream of bubbles are shot by the user one by one.|image1=Dawn Piplup BubbleBeam PDP.png|image1p=Piplup}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=393|pkmn=Piplup|method=Piplup sprays a stream of bubbles one by one.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=393|pkmn=Piplup|method=Piplup sprays a stream of bubbles one by one.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Dawn's Piplup|startcode=PDP02|startname=Piplup's Special Training|notes=Debut}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Dawn's Piplup|startcode=PDP02|startname=Piplup's Special Training|notes=Debut}}

===In the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! manga===
===Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!===
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user fires a powerful spray of bubbles at the opponent.|image1=Hareta Piplup BubbleBeam.png|image1p=Piplup}}
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user fires a powerful spray of bubbles at the opponent.|image1=Hareta Piplup BubbleBeam.png|image1p=Piplup}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=393|pkmn=Piplup|method=Piplup shoots a powerful blast of bubbles out of its beak.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=393|pkmn=Piplup|method=Piplup shoots a powerful blast of bubbles out of its beak.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Hareta's Piplup|startcode=DPA01|startname=In Search of the Legendary Pokémon Dialga!!}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Hareta's Piplup|startcode=DPA01|startname=In Search of the Legendary Pokémon Dialga!!}}

===In the Pokémon Try Adventure manga===
===Pokémon Omega Ruby Crimson Passion and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Indigo Wisdom===
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=The user fires bubbles at the opponent.|image1=Omega Lombre Bubble Beam CPIW.png|image1p=Lombre}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=271|pkmn=Lombre|method=Lombre fires bubbles at the opponent.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=water|user=Omega (CPIW)|user1=Omega's Lombre|startcode=Pokémon Omega Ruby Crimson Passion and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Indigo Wisdom|notes=Debut}}
===Pokémon Try Adventure===
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=Multiple bubbles are shot.|image1=Chacha BubbleBeam.png|image1p=Piplup}}
{{movemanga|type=water|exp=yes|gen=Multiple bubbles are shot.|image1=Chacha BubbleBeam.png|image1p=Piplup}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=393|pkmn=Piplup|method=Piplup shoots multiple bubbles from its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=water|ms=393|pkmn=Piplup|method=Piplup shoots multiple bubbles from its mouth.}}
Line 343: Line 515:

==In other generations==
==In other generations==
===Core series games===
genI=BubbleBeam I|
genII=BubbleBeam II|
|genI=BubbleBeam I
genIII=BubbleBeam III|
|genII=BubbleBeam II
genIV=BubbleBeam IV|
|genIII=BubbleBeam III
|genIV=BubbleBeam IV
|genV=BubbleBeam V
|genVI=Bubble Beam VI
|genVII=Bubble Beam VII
|genVII2=Bubble Beam VII 2
|genVIII=Bubble Beam VIII
|genVIII2=Bubble Beam VIII 2
===Side series games===
|Stad=BubbleBeam Stad
|Stad2=BubbleBeam Stad2
|Colo=BubbleBeam Colo
|XD=BubbleBeam XD
PMDRB=BubbleBeam PMD RB|
|PBR=BubbleBeam PBR
===Spin-off series games===
Stad=BubbleBeam Stad|
Stad2=BubbleBeam Stad2|
|PMDRB=BubbleBeam PMD RB
|PSMD=Bubble Beam PSMD
|Masters=Bubble Beam Masters

Line 365: Line 559:
==In other languages==
==In other languages==
{{Langtable|color={{water color}}|bordercolor={{water color dark}}
{{Langtable|color={{water color}}|bordercolor={{water color dark}}
|zh_cmn=泡沫光線 ''{{tt|Pàomò Guāngxiàn|Bubble Beam}}''
|zh_yue=泡沫光線 ''{{tt|Póuhmuht Gwōngsin|Bubble Beam}}'' {{tt|*|Games & Later Anime}}<br>泡末光線 ''{{tt|Póuhmuht Gwōngsin|Bubble Beam}}'' {{tt|*|Early Anime}}
|zh_cmn=泡沫光線 / 泡沫光线 ''{{tt|Pàomò Guāngxiàn|Bubble Beam}}''
Line 372: Line 568:
|el=Ακτίνα φυσαλίδων
|el=Ακτίνα φυσαλίδων
|he=קרן בועות ''Keren Buhot''
|id=Bubble Beam
|id=Bubble Beam
|ko=거품광선 ''Geopum Gwangseon''
|ko=거품광선 ''{{tt|Geopumgwangseon|Bubble beam}}''
|pl=Bąbelkowy Promień
|pl=Bąbelkowy Promień{{tt|*|Anime}}<!---{{tt|*|EP216, AG036, Diamond and Pearl series onwards}}<br>Atak Bąbelków{{tt|*|EP112-EP256, AG017-AG018, AG031}}<br>Bąble Światła{{tt|*|AG028}}<br>Bąbelkowy Atak{{tt|*|AG024}}<br>Bomby Świetlne{{tt|*|AG023}}<br>Wodne Promyki{{tt|*|EP268}}<br>Strumień Bąbelków{{tt|*|EP204}}---><br>Bańkowy Atak{{tt|*|Manga}}
|pt_br=Jato de Bolhas
|pt_br=Jato de Bolhas (games, [[BW099]]-present, TCG, manga)<br>Rajada de Bolhas (early anime)
|pt_eu=Raio de Bolhas (Pokémon Chronicles)<br>Jacto de Bolhas (Diamond and Pearl series)
|pt_eu=Raio de Bolhas (Pokémon Chronicles)<br>Jacto de Bolhas (Diamond and Pearl series)
|ro=Raza de Bule
|sr=Mlaz Mehurova
|sr=Mlaz Mehurova
|es_la=Rayo Burbuja{{tt|*|Sometimes referred as Rayo Burbujas}}<br/>Bubblebeam{{tt|*|Error from AF The Dubbing House}} ([[DP105]])
|es_la=Rayo Burbuja{{tt|*|Sometimes referred as Rayo Burbujas}}<br>Bubblebeam{{tt|*|Error from AF The Dubbing House}} ([[DP105]])
|es_eu=Rayo Burbuja
|es_eu=Rayo Burbuja
|ro=Raza de Bule}}
|tr=Baloncuk Işını
|vi=Tia Bong Bóng
<big>'''Spin-off series games'''</big>
'''[[Pokémon Masters EX]]'''
{| style="float:left"
| style="vertical-align:top" |
''Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam''
|color={{water color}}|bordercolor={{water color dark}}
|ja=おてんば人魚の バブルこうせん ''{{tt|Otenba Ningyo no Bubble Kōsen|Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam}}''
|zh_cmn=俏皮人魚之 泡沫光線 ''{{tt|Qiàopí Rényú zhī Pàomò Guāngxiàn|Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam}}
|fr=La sirène en short ! Bulles d'O !
|de=Blubbstrahl der kecken Meerjungfrau
|ko=말괄량이 인어의 거품광선 ''{{tt|Malgwallyang-i Ineo ui Geopum Gwangseon|Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam}}''
|it=Bollaraggio della sirena maschiaccio
|es=Rayo Burbuja Temperamental
| style="vertical-align:top" |
''Late Fee Bubble Beam''
|color={{water color}}|bordercolor={{water color dark}}
|ja=罰金100万円分の バブルこうせん ''{{tt|Bakkin Hyakuman Enbun no Baburu Kōsen|Fine of a Million Yen Bubble Beam}}''
|zh_cmn=罰金一百萬之 泡沫光線 ''{{tt|Fájīn Yībǎiwàn zhī Pàomò Guāngxiàn|Fine of a Million Bubble Beam}}''
|fr=Pas de crédit ! Bulles d'O !
|de=Blubbstrahl der Millionenstrafe
|ko=벌금 100만 원어치 거품광선 ''{{tt|Beolgeum Baeng-man Woneochi Geopumgwangseon|Fine of a Million Won Bubble Beam}}''
|it=Bollaraggio della multa salatissima
|es=Rayo Burbuja Castigador

{{Aurora Beam|water}}
{{Generation I TMs}}<br>
{{Generation I TMs}}<br>
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}
Line 391: Line 625:
[[Category:Moves that can jam]]
[[Category:Moves that can jam]]
[[Category:Moves that can lower the target's Speed]]
[[Category:Moves that can lower the target's Speed]]
[[Category:Moves in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Sword and Shield]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]

[[es:Rayo Burbuja]]
[[es:Rayo burbuja]]
[[fr:Bulles d'O]]
[[fr:Bulles d'O]]
[[it:Bollaraggio (mossa)]]

Latest revision as of 06:03, 2 September 2024

Bubble Beam
バブルこうせん Bubble Beam
Type  Water
Category  Special
PP  20 (max. 32)
Power  65
Accuracy  100%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Affected by Mirror Move
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation I
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  1
Jam  3 ♥♥♥
Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Enables the user to perform last in the next turn.
Condition  Beautiful
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Jamming  3 ♥♥♥
Startles the last Pokémon to act before the user.

Bubble Beam (Japanese: バブルこうせん Bubble Beam), formatted as BubbleBeam prior to Pokémon X and Y, is a damage-dealing Water-type move introduced in Generation I. It was TM11 in Generation I.


Generation I

BubbleBeam does damage and has a 33.2% chance of lowering the target's Speed stat by one stage.

Generation II onwards

Bubble Beam now has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Speed stat by one stage.

Bubble Beam can be used as the second move of a Pokémon Contest combination, with the user gaining 1 bonus appeal point if Rain Dance was used in the previous turn.


Games Description
Stad A Water-type attack. Stronger than Bubble. Many Water-type Pokémon learn this move.
Stad2 A Water-type attack. Has a one-in-ten chance of reducing the target's Speed.
GSC An attack that may lower Speed.
RSEColoXD Forcefully sprays bubbles that may lower Speed.
FRLG A spray of bubbles strikes the foe. It may lower the foe's Speed stat.
DPPtHGSSPBR A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the foe. It may also lower the target's Speed stat.
BWB2W2 A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the opposing team. It may also lower their Speed stats.
A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. This may also lower its Speed stat.
A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. This may also lower the target's Speed stat.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0007 Squirtle Monster Water 1 27
0008 Wartortle Monster Water 1 33
0009 Blastoise Monster Water 1 33
0060 Poliwag Water 1 Water 1 25 25 25 25 21 18 18 18
0061 Poliwhirl Water 1 Water 1 27 27 27 27 21 18 18 18
0062 Poliwrath
Water 1 Water 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0072 Tentacool
Water 3 Water 3 25 25 19 19 19XY
25 18 24 24 24
0073 Tentacruel
Water 3 Water 3 25 25 19 19 19XY
25 18 24 24 24
0087 Dewgong
Water 1 Field 1, 7
0098 Krabby Water 3 Water 3 15 15 15 15 18 20 20
0099 Kingler Water 3 Water 3 15 15 15 15 18 20 20
0116 Horsea Water 1 Dragon 18 18 18XY
21 18 25 25 25
0117 Seadra Water 1 Dragon 18 18 18XY
21 18 25 25 25
0120 Staryu Water 3 Water 3 31 28 28 28BW
18 27
0121 Starmie
Water 3 Water 3 1
0170 Chinchou
Water 2 Water 2 28 31 31XY
20 12 12 12
0171 Lanturn
Water 2 Water 2 30 35 35XY
20 12 12 12
0183 Marill
Water 1 Fairy 21 21 18 18BW
13 13 6 6 6
0184 Azumarill
Water 1 Fairy 25 24 20 20BW
13 13 6 6 6
0186 Politoed Water 1 Water 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rem.
0222 Corsola
Water 1 Water 3 25 23 25 25BW
10 25 25
0223 Remoraid Water 1 Water 2 22 22 19 19BW
18 18 20 20
0224 Octillery Water 1 Water 2 22 22 19 19BW
18 18 20 20
0226 Mantine
Water 1 Water 1 18 15 1, 10 1, 10BW
1, 7B2W2
1, 7 1, 7 24 24
0230 Kingdra
Water 1 Dragon 18 18 18XY
21 25 25 25
0245 Suicune No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 41GS
11 8 8 8 1, 8
0270 Lotad
Water 1 Grass 25PtHGSS 25 25XY
21 20 20 20
0271 Lombre
Water 1 Grass 25PtHGSS 25 25XY
24 24 24 24
0272 Ludicolo
Water 1 Grass 1 1 1
0283 Surskit
Water 1 Bug 25 25 25 25XY
17 17 17
0284 Masquerain
Water 1 Bug 1
0298 Azurill
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 13B2W2 13 13 6 6 6
0341 Corphish Water 1 Water 3 20RSE
20 20 20XY
14 12 12 12
0342 Crawdaunt
Water 1 Water 3 20RSE
20 20 20XY
14 12 12 12
0393 Piplup Water 1 Field 22DP
18 18 18 18 18
0394 Prinplup Water 1 Field 24DP
19 19 19 19 19
0395 Empoleon
Water 1 Field 24DP
19 19 19 19 19
0458 Mantyke
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 10 10BW
7 7 24 24
0489 Phione Water 1 Fairy 24 24 24 24 24 24
0490 Manaphy Water 1 Fairy 24 24 24 24 24 24
0535 Tympole Water 1 Water 1 12 12 12 20
0536 Palpitoad
Water 1 Water 1 12 12 12 20
0537 Seismitoad
Water 1 Water 1 12 12 12 20
0580 Ducklett
Water 1 Flying 19 19 19 19
0581 Swanna
Water 1 Flying 19 19 19 19
0592 Frillish
All forms

Amorphous Amorphous 13 13 13
0593 Jellicent
All forms

Amorphous Amorphous 13 13 13
0647 Keldeo
All available forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 13 13 1, 13 7 7
0692 Clauncher Water 1 Water 3 20 20
0693 Clawitzer Water 1 Water 3 20 20
0728 Popplio Water 1 Field 22 21 21
0729 Brionne Water 1 Field 24 25 25
0730 Primarina
Water 1 Field 24 25 25
0739 Crabrawler Water 3 Water 3 17 13
0740 Crabominable
Water 3 Water 3 17 17
0751 Dewpider
Water 1 Bug 16 12 12
0752 Araquanid
Water 1 Bug 16 12 12
0871 Pincurchin Water 1 Amorphous 25 25
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Egg Move
0060 Poliwag Water 1 Water 1
0090 Shellder Water 3 Water 3
0138 Omanyte
Water 1 Water 3
0140 Kabuto
Water 1 Water 3
0211 Qwilfish
Water 2 Water 2
0211 Qwilfish
Hisuian Form

Water 2 Water 2
0550 Basculin
Red- and
Blue-Striped Forms
Water 2 Water 2
0550 Basculin
White-Striped Form
Water 2 Water 2
0592 Frillish
All forms

Amorphous Amorphous
0692 Clauncher Water 1 Water 3
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Compatibility
0007 Squirtle Monster Water 1
0008 Wartortle Monster Water 1
0009 Blastoise Monster Water 1
0019 Rattata Field Field
0020 Raticate Field Field
0030 Nidorina No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0031 Nidoqueen
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0033 Nidorino Monster Field
0034 Nidoking
Monster Field
0035 Clefairy Fairy Fairy
0036 Clefable Fairy Fairy
0039 Jigglypuff Fairy Fairy
0040 Wigglytuff Fairy Fairy
0052 Meowth Field Field
0053 Persian Field Field
0054 Psyduck Water 1 Field
0055 Golduck Water 1 Field
0060 Poliwag Water 1 Water 1
0061 Poliwhirl Water 1 Water 1
0062 Poliwrath
Water 1 Water 1
0072 Tentacool
Water 3 Water 3
0073 Tentacruel
Water 3 Water 3
0079 Slowpoke
Monster Water 1
0080 Slowbro
Monster Water 1
0086 Seel Water 1 Field
0087 Dewgong
Water 1 Field
0090 Shellder Water 3 Water 3
0091 Cloyster
Water 3 Water 3
0098 Krabby Water 3 Water 3
0099 Kingler Water 3 Water 3
0104 Cubone Monster Monster
0105 Marowak Monster Monster
0108 Lickitung Monster Monster
0112 Rhydon
Monster Field
0113 Chansey Fairy Fairy
0115 Kangaskhan Monster Monster
0116 Horsea Water 1 Dragon
0117 Seadra Water 1 Dragon
0118 Goldeen Water 2 Water 2
0119 Seaking Water 2 Water 2
0120 Staryu Water 3 Water 3
0121 Starmie
Water 3 Water 3
0124 Jynx
Human-Like Human-Like
0130 Gyarados
Water 2 Dragon
0131 Lapras
Monster Water 1
0134 Vaporeon Field Field
0138 Omanyte
Water 1 Water 3
0139 Omastar
Water 1 Water 3
0140 Kabuto
Water 1 Water 3
0141 Kabutops
Water 1 Water 3
0143 Snorlax Monster Monster
0144 Articuno
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0147 Dratini Water 1 Dragon
0148 Dragonair Water 1 Dragon
0149 Dragonite
Water 1 Dragon
0150 Mewtwo No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0151 Mew No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By event

Generation V

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0138 Omanyte
Water 1 Water 3 Pokémon Adventure Camp Omanyte
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Bubble Beam deals damage, and may lower the target's Travel Speed by one stage.

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDRB 6 - 19 - 100% - 10 tiles away All Yes
MDTDS 6 - 10 - 83.6% - 10 tiles away All Yes
BSL 6 - 10 - 83.6% - 10 tiles away All Yes
MDGtI 8 99 17 50 85% 98% 10 tiles away All Yes
SMD 8 50 14 30 85% 98% 4 tiles away Enemy Yes
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:

Pokémon Conquest

Stars: ★★★
Power: 38
Accuracy: 100%
Effect: Has a 10% chance of lowering each target's speed.
Users: Prinplup
Grid assumes the user is in the square marked by > facing to the right.
Orange squares indicate spaces that are hit.
Red squares indicate the knockback on hit Pokémon.
A blue square indicates the user's position after performing the move.

Pokémon GO

 Bubble Beam
Charged Attack
Gyms & Raids
Power 45
Energy cost 33
Duration 1.9 seconds
Damage window 1.45 - 1.7 seconds
Trainer Battles
Power 25
Energy cost 40
Secondary effect 1 Opponent Attack
Effect chance 100%
Eligible Pokémon:
Standard eligibility
By Elite Charged TM
By GO Snapshot
As Shadow Pokémon
As Purified Pokémon
Formerly eligible


Gyms & Raids
  • July 30, 2016
    • Power: 25 → 30
  • February 16, 2017
    • Power: 30 → 45
    • Energy cost: 25 → 33
    • Duration: 2.9 → 1.9 seconds
    • Damage window: 2.6 - 2.8 → 1.45 - 1.7 seconds
Trainer Battles
  • September 27, 2019
    • Power: 45 → 25
    • Secondary effect added

Pokémon Rumble Rush

Bubble Beam
Attack power 12.23906
Charge time 0.6 seconds
Range type Wide Shot
Number of hits 3
Number of projectiles 1
Critical hit rate 1.5%
Additional effect None

Pokémon Masters EX

Name Category Move gauge cost MP
Base Power Max Power Accuracy Target Effect Tag(s) Description Playable sync pair(s)
Bubble Beam Special 2 49 58 100% An opponent Has a chance (10%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank. Misty & Starmie
Barry & Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon
Kali (Furisode Girl) & Azumarill
Adaman & Vaporeon
Scottie/Bettie & Squirtle/Wartortle/BlastoiseEgg
Scottie/Bettie & Horsea/SeadraEgg (Support role only)
Scottie/Bettie & Goldeen/SeakingEgg (Support role only)
Scottie/Bettie & Staryu/StarmieEgg (Support role only)
Sync move(s)
Name Category State Base power Max power Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair
Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam Special Default 200 240 An opponent The more the user's Sp. Def is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Misty & Starmie
Late Fee Bubble Beam Special Default
6★ EX
250 300 An opponent
All opponents
No additional effect. Barry & Empoleon


  • Bubble Beam:
    • Description prior to Version 2.10.0 (from June 28, 2021): Has a very small chance of lowering the target's Speed.
  • Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam:
    • Description prior to Version 2.20.0 (from April 27, 2022): The more the user's Sp. Def is raised, the greater the power of this move.
  • Late Fee Bubble Beam:
    • This sync move could not be raised to 6★ EX until March 29, 2021, which is 578 days after its release date (on August 29, 2019).
    • Description of 6★-EX effect prior to Version 2.18.5 (from March 15, 2022): "Additional Effects: Sync move targets all opponents."


Games Description
MDRB Inflicts damage on the target, even at a distance. It may also lower the target's Movement Speed by one level.
MDTDS Inflicts damage on the target, even at a distance. It may also reduce the target's Movement Speed by 1 level.
BSL はなれたポケモンに ダメージをあたえる しかも いっていのかくりつで いどうそくどを 1だんかいさげる
Conq. A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. It may also lower the target's Speed.
MDGtI It damages even a faraway Pokémon. It could also lower the Pokémon's Travel Speed.
SMD It damages a Pokémon, even one far away. It could also lower the Pokémon's Travel Speed.
MDRTDX It damages a Pokémon, even one far away. It could also lower the target's Travel Speed.

In the anime

Main series




The user forcefully ejects a spray of bubbles at the target.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Squirtle Squirtle blows multiple clear or white bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.
Ash's Squirtle Mewtwo Strikes Back Debut
Starmie Starmie shoots blue bubbles at the opponent from the gem in the center of its body.
Marina's Starmie Bye Bye Psyduck Incorrectly dubbed as Bubble
Mantine Mantine releases a stream of light blue or clear bubbles from its mouth at the opponent at a great speed.
Molly's Mantine Spell of the Unown: Entei None
Dorian's Mantine Just Add Water None
Lola's Mantine A Family That Battles Together Stays Together! None
Multiple wild Mantine Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea None
Marill Marill releases white bubbles from its mouth at the opponent at a great speed.
Pietra's Marill Right On, Rhydon! None
Suicune A blue ball forms in Suicune's mouth and then it shoots multiple amounts of blue bubbles at the opponent from the blue ball. When the attack is over, the last bubble explodes and sends the opponent back.
Suicune (M04) Celebi: The Voice of the Forest None
Azumarill Azumarill releases white bubbles from its mouth at a great speed or the inside of Azumarill's mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.
A Trainer's Azumarill Dueling Heroes None
Jackson's Azumarill Tie One On! None
Officer Jenny's Azumarill The Pirates of Decolore! None
A wild Azumarill The Power of Us None
Corsola A blue ball forms in Corsola's mouth and it releases a stream of blue bubbles from the orb.
Misty's Corsola Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias None
Juan's Corsola The Great Eight Fate! None
Tentacruel Tentacruel releases multiple blue bubbles from under the large blue stinger on its face.
Kim's Tentacruel Cerulean Blues None
Kail's Tentacruel Cerulean Blues None
A Coordinator's Tentacruel A Cacturne for the Worse None
A Trainer's Tentacruel Making Battles in the Sand! None
Crawdaunt Crawdaunt opens its pincers and releases light blue, multicolored, or blue bubbles at the opponent from both or one of its pincers.
A Team Aqua Grunt's Crawdaunt Stairway to Devon None
Shelly's Crawdaunt Fight for the Meteorite! None
Brodie's Ditto in the form of Crawdaunt Unfair Weather Friends Used via Transform
Mr. Saridakis's Crawdaunt On Olden Pond None
A Coordinator's Crawdaunt Battling The Generation Gap! None
Corphish Corphish opens its pincers and fires light blue, multicolored, orange, or blue bubbles at the opponent from one or both of them.
Ash's Corphish Gone Corphishin' None
Rocko's Corphish A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team! None
Surskit Surskit raises its front two legs and a light blue ball forms between them. It lowers the ball and multiple light blue bubbles come out and hit the opponent.
Max's Surskit Maxxed Out! None
Viola's Surskit Breaking Titles at the Chateau! None
Staryu The jewel in the middle of Staryu's body glows orange and it releases orange or blue bubbles from it at the opponent.
Misty's Staryu The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon None
Piplup Piplup opens its beak and releases a stream of blue bubbles at the opponent. Sometimes, its beak glows light blue when it uses the attack.
A Piplup Dawn imagined Following A Maiden's Voyage! None
Dawn's Piplup Following A Maiden's Voyage! None
Piplup of Team Poképals Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness None
Professor Rowan's Piplup DPS01 None
Verity's Piplup I Choose You! None
Prinplup The inside of Prinplup's beak glows light blue and it fires light blue bubbles at the opponent from its beak.
Kenny's Prinplup Getting the Pre-Contest Titters! None
Mime Jr. The inside of Mime Jr.'s mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles at the opponent from its mouth.
James's Mime Jr. All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go! Used via Mimic
Mantyke Mantyke fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.
A Coordinator's Mantyke Dawn of a Royal Day! None
Tympole The inside of Tympole's mouth glows light blue and it takes in a deep breath before it releases multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.
Multiple wild Tympole Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open! None
Swanna The inside of Swanna's beak glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its beak at the opponent.
Skyla's Swanna Cilan Takes Flight! None
Cameron's Swanna Cameron's Secret Weapon! None
Frillish The inside of Frillish's mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.
Two wild Frillish A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team! None
Jessie's Frillish New Places... Familiar Faces! None
Vaporeon The inside of Vaporeon's mouth glows light blue and it fires multiple light blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.
Virgil's Vaporeon Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad! Vaporeon cannot legally learn Bubble Beam in Generation V
Clauncher Clauncher shoots a beam of blue bubbles from one of its pincers at the opponent.
Rodman's Clauncher Going for the Gold! None
Lombre Lombre shoots a beam of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.
Multiple wild Lombre One for the Goomy! None
Crabrawler Crabrawler shoots a beam of blue bubbles from the inside of its pincers at the opponent.
Hala's Crabrawler Trial and Tribulation! None
Popplio Popplio shoots a stream of blue bubbles from in front of its nose at the opponent.
Lana's Popplio They Might Not Be Giants! None
Dewpider Dewpider shoots a stream of blue bubbles out of its stinger at the opponent.
A wild Dewpider Dewpider Ascending! None
Brionne Brionne shoots a stream of blue bubbles from in front of its nose at the opponent.
Lana's Brionne The One That Didn't Get Away! None
Tentacool Tentacool shoots a stream of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent
A wild Tentacool The Sinnoh Iceberg Race! None
Seismitoad Seismitoad shoots a stream of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.
A wild Seismitoad Everybody's Doing the Underground Shuffle! None
Eevee Eevee shoots a stream of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.
Chloe's Eevee Nightfall? Nightmares! Used via Copycat
Alternate World Chloe's Eevee Showdown at the Gates of Warp! Used via Copycat
Krabby Krabby shoots a stream of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.
Goh's Krabby Trial on a Golden Scale! None

Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer


The user forcefully ejects a spray of bubbles at the target.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Piplup Piplup opens its beak and releases a stream of blue bubbles at the opponent.
Barry's Piplup Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer None

Pokémon Evolutions


The user forcefully ejects a spray of bubbles at the target.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Prinplup Prinplup shoots a stream of blue bubbles from its mouth at the opponent.
Barry's Prinplup The Rival Debut

In the manga

Ash & Pikachu

Be the Best! Pokémon B+W

Magical Pokémon Journey

Movie adaptations

Pokémon Adventures

Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!

Pokémon Omega Ruby Crimson Passion and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Indigo Wisdom

Pokémon Try Adventure

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 泡沫光線 Póuhmuht Gwōngsin *
泡末光線 Póuhmuht Gwōngsin *
Mandarin 泡沫光線 / 泡沫光线 Pàomò Guāngxiàn
Czech Bublifuk
Danish Boblestråle
Dutch Bubbelstraal
Finnish Kuplasäde
European French Bulles d'O
German Blubbstrahl
Greek Ακτίνα φυσαλίδων
Hebrew קרן בועות Keren Buhot
Indonesian Bubble Beam
Italian Bollaraggio
Korean 거품광선 Geopumgwangseon
Norwegian Boblestråle
Polish Bąbelkowy Promień*
Bańkowy Atak*
Portuguese Brazil Jato de Bolhas (games, BW099-present, TCG, manga)
Rajada de Bolhas (early anime)
Portugal Raio de Bolhas (Pokémon Chronicles)
Jacto de Bolhas (Diamond and Pearl series)
Romanian Raza de Bule
Serbian Mlaz Mehurova
Spanish Latin America Rayo Burbuja*
Bubblebeam* (DP105)
Spain Rayo Burbuja
Swedish Bubbelstråle
Thai บับเบิ้ลบีม
Turkish Baloncuk Işını
Vietnamese Tia Bong Bóng

Spin-off series games

Pokémon Masters EX

Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam

Language Title
Japanese おてんば人魚の バブルこうせん Otenba Ningyo no Bubble Kōsen
Mandarin Chinese 俏皮人魚之 泡沫光線 Qiàopí Rényú zhī Pàomò Guāngxiàn
French La sirène en short ! Bulles d'O !
German Blubbstrahl der kecken Meerjungfrau
Italian Bollaraggio della sirena maschiaccio
Korean 말괄량이 인어의 거품광선 Malgwallyang-i Ineo ui Geopum Gwangseon
Spanish Rayo Burbuja Temperamental

Late Fee Bubble Beam

Language Title
Japanese 罰金100万円分の バブルこうせん Bakkin Hyakuman Enbun no Baburu Kōsen
Mandarin Chinese 罰金一百萬之 泡沫光線 Fájīn Yībǎiwàn zhī Pàomò Guāngxiàn
French Pas de crédit ! Bulles d'O !
German Blubbstrahl der Millionenstrafe
Italian Bollaraggio della multa salatissima
Korean 벌금 100만 원어치 거품광선 Beolgeum Baeng-man Woneochi Geopumgwangseon
Spanish Rayo Burbuja Castigador

Variations of the move Psybeam
PsybeamBubble BeamAurora BeamSludge

Generation I TMs
Generation I HMs

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.