Disarming Voice (move): Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Seabiscuit2020 (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
m Pokémon Masters EX: formatting tweaks
(163 intermediate revisions by 66 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{MoveInfobox |
n=574 |
name=Disarming Voice |
|name=Disarming Voice
jname=チャームボイス |
jtrans=Charm Voice |
|jtrans=Charm Voice
jtranslit=Chāmu Boisu |
|jtranslit=Chāmu Boisu
gameimage=Disarming Voice.png |
|gameimage=Disarming Voice IX.png
gameimagewidth=300 |
|gameimage2=Disarming Voice IX 2.png
type=Fairy |
damagecategory=Special |
basepp=15 |
maxpp=24 |
power=40 |
accuracy=— |
priority=0 |
gen=VI |
category=Cute |
appeal6=2 |
jam6=0 |
cdesc6=Works great if the user goes first this turn. |
touches=no |
|cdesc6=Works great if the user goes first this turn.
protect=yes |
magiccoat=no |
snatch=no |
brightpowder=no |
kingsrock=yes |
flag7=no |
flag8=no |
sound=yes |
target=adjacentfoes |
footnotes= |

'''Disarming Voice''' (Japanese: '''チャームボイス''' ''Charm Voice'') is a damage-dealing {{type|Fairy}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation VI]].
'''Disarming Voice''' (Japanese: '''チャームボイス''' ''Charm Voice'') is a damage-dealing {{type|Fairy}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation VI]]. It is [[TM019]] in [[Generation IX]].

Disarming Voice inflicts damage and is unaffected by modifications to the {{stat|accuracy}} stat and {{stat|evasion}} stat. Pokémon with the [[Ability]] {{a|Soundproof}} are not affected by this move.
Disarming Voice inflicts damage and bypasses {{stat|accuracy}} checks to always hit, unless the target is in the [[semi-invulnerable turn]] of a move such as {{m|Dig}} or {{m|Fly}}. Disarming Voice can hit Pokémon even if they are behind a substitute.
Disarming Voice is a [[sound-based move]].

{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|XY}}{{gameabbrev3|ORAS}}|Letting out a charming cry, the user does emotional damage to opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev6|XYORAS}}<br>{{gameabbrev7|SMUSUMPE}}<br>{{gameabbrev8|SwShBDSPLA}}<br>{{gameabbrev9|SV}}|Letting out a charming cry, the user does emotional damage to opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.}}
|}{{left clear}}
|}{{left clear}}
Line 45: Line 51:
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
{{Moveentry/5|0036|Clefable|type=Fairy|1|Fairy|Fairy|1|1|1|1|{{tt|Rem.|Can only be learned via Move Reminder}}|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/5|0173|Cleffa|type=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|−|−|12|12|12|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/5|0174|Igglybuff|type=Normal|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|−|−|12|12|12|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/5|0350|Milotic|type=Water|2|Water 1|Dragon|11{{sup/6|ORAS}}|11|4|4|4}}
{{Moveentry/5|0440|Happiny|type=Normal|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|−|−|12|12|12}}
{{Moveentry/5|0671|Florges|type=Fairy|1|Fairy|Fairy|form=All forms|1|1|||1|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/5|0678|Meowstic|type=Psychic|1|Field|Field|form=All forms|22|22|1||1}}
{{Moveentry/5|0700|Sylveon|type=Fairy|1|Field|Field|1|1|1, {{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}||{{tt|Evo.|Learned upon evolving}}|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/5|0728|Popplio|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field||8|6||6|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/5|0729|Brionne|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field||1, 8|1||1|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/5|0730|Primarina|type=Water|type2=Fairy|2|Water 1|Field||1, 8|1||1|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/5|0788|Tapu Fini|type=Water|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||1|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/5|0876|Indeedee|type=Psychic|type2=Normal|1|Fairy|Fairy|form=All forms|||10||10}}
{{Moveentry/5|1016|Fezandipiti|type=Poison|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|||||1|STAB='''}}
===By [[TM]]===
{{Moveentry/1|0026|formsig=A|Raichu|type=Electric|type2=Psychic|2|Field|Fairy|form=Alolan Form|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0037|formsig=A|Vulpix|type=Ice|1|Field|Field|form=Alolan Form|✔|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0038|formsig=A|Ninetales|type=Ice|type2=Fairy|1|Field|Field|form=Alolan Form|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0131|Lapras|type=Water|type2=Ice|2|Monster|Water 1|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0151|Mew|type=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0172|Pichu|type=Electric|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0173|Cleffa|type=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0174|Igglybuff|type=Normal|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0183|Marill|type=Water|type2=Fairy|2|Water 1|Fairy||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0184|Azumarill|type=Water|type2=Fairy|2|Water 1|Fairy|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0270|Lotad|type=Water|type2=Grass|2|Water 1|Grass|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0271|Lombre|type=Water|type2=Grass|2|Water 1|Grass|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0272|Ludicolo|type=Water|type2=Grass|2|Water 1|Grass|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0350|Milotic|type=Water|2|Water 1|Dragon|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0393|Piplup|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0394|Prinplup|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0395|Empoleon|type=Water|type2=Steel|2|Water 1|Field|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0440|Happiny|type=Normal|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0489|Phione|type=Water|2|Water 1|Fairy|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0490|Manaphy|type=Water|2|Water 1|Fairy|}}
{{Moveentry/1|0492|Shaymin|type=Grass|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0580|Ducklett|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0581|Swanna|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0648|Meloetta|type=Normal|type2=Psychic|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0669|Flabébé|type=Fairy|1|Fairy|Fairy|form=All forms||STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0670|Floette|type=Fairy|1|Fairy|Fairy|form=All forms|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0671|Florges|type=Fairy|1|Fairy|Fairy|form=All forms|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0678|Meowstic|type=Psychic|1|Field|Field|form=All forms|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0728|Popplio|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field|✔|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0729|Brionne|type=Water|2|Water 1|Field|✔|STAB=''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0730|Primarina|type=Water|type2=Fairy|2|Water 1|Field|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0801|Magearna|type=Steel|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|form=All forms|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0869|Alcremie|type=Fairy|2|Fairy|Amorphous|form=All forms|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0876|Indeedee|type=Psychic|type2=Normal|1|Fairy|Fairy|form=All forms|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0905|Enamorus|type=Fairy|type2=Flying|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|0912|Quaxly|type=Water|2|Flying|Water 1|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0913|Quaxwell|type=Water|2|Flying|Water 1|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0914|Quaquaval|type=Water|type2=Fighting|2|Flying|Water 1|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0916|Oinkologne|type=Normal|1|Field|Field|form=All forms|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0963|Finizen|type=Water|2|Field|Water 2|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0964|Palafin|type=Water|2|Field|Water 2|✔}}
{{Moveentry/1|0987|Flutter Mane|type=Ghost|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/1|1016|Fezandipiti|type=Poison|type2=Fairy|1|No Eggs Discovered|No Eggs Discovered|✔|STAB='''}}

===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
{{Movehead/Games|Fairy|Egg Move|g1=none|g2=none|g3=none|g4=none|g5=none|g7=1|g7g={{gameabbrev7|SMUSUM}}|g8=2}}
===By {{pkmn2|event}}===
====[[Generation VII]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0479|Rotom|type=Electric|type2=Ghost|1|Amorphous|Amorphous|{{DL|List of Japanese region serial code event Pokémon distributions in Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon|LINE Rotom}}}}
===Special move===
====[[Generation IX]]====
{{Moveentry/1|0581|Swanna|type=Water|type2=Flying|2|Water 1|Flying|[[Terastal phenomenon|Wild Tera Pokémon]] - [[Kitakami Wilds]]{{sup/9|SV}}{{sup/9|TM}}}}
==In other games==
===[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series]]===
{{MDMoveRow|game=SMD|pow=2|powmax=50|pp=15|ppmax=30|acc=—%|range=1 tile around user|target=Enemy|cuts=Yes}}
===[[Pokémon GO]]===
|move=Disarming Voice
|damage_window=3.2 - 3.5
;Gyms & Raids
* '''July 30, 2016'''
** '''Power''': 20 → 25
* '''February 16, 2017'''
** '''Power''': 25 → 70
** '''Energy cost''': 20 → 33
** '''Damage window''': 1.8 - 3.6 → 3.2 - 3.5 seconds
===[[Pokémon Masters EX]]===
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{fairy color}}; border:3px solid #{{fairy color dark}}; text-align:center; width:80%"
|- style="background: #{{fairy color light}}"
! style="{{roundytl|5px}}" | Name
! {{color2|000|Damage category|Category}}
! Move gauge cost
! MP<br>(uses)
! Base {{color2|000|power}}
! Max {{color2|000|power}}
! {{color2|000|Accuracy}}
! Target
! Effect tag
! Description
! style="{{roundytr|5px}}" | Playable {{color2|000|Sync pair|sync pair(s)}}
|- style="background:#fff"
|Disarming Voice
|All opponents
|Sure Hit
|Never misses.
|{{sync|Valerie|Sylveon}}<hr>{{sync|Lillie|Clefairy}}<hr>{{sync|Wally|Gardevoir|sygna=y}} {{shinystar}}<hr>{{sync|Leaf|Clefable}}<hr>{{sync|Penny|Sylveon}}<hr>{{sync|Trevor|Florges}}<hr>{{sync/player|egg|Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff}}<hr>{{sync/player|egg|Sylveon}}
|- style="background:#{{fairy color dark}}"
! colspan=12 |{{color2|fff|Sync move|Sync moves}}
|- style="background: #{{fairy color light}}"
!{{color2|000|Damage category|Category}}
!colspan="2" |State
!Base {{color2|000|power}}
!Max {{color2|000|power}}
!colspan="2" |Target
!Effect tag
!Playable {{color2|000|sync pair}}
|- style="background:#fff"
|Cute Factor Disarming Voice
|colspan="2" |Default<hr>'''6★ EX'''
|colspan="2" |An opponent<hr>'''All opponents'''
|No additional effect.
|{{sync|Lyra|Jigglypuff|Summer 2020}}
|- style="background:#{{white color light}}"
| style="{{roundybl|5px}}" rowspan=3 | Bright Hacker's Disarming Voice
| rowspan=3 align="center" style="background:#{{special color}}"|{{color2|{{Special textcolor}}|Special move|Special}}
| colspan=2 | Default
| rowspan=3 | 250
| rowspan=3 | 300
| colspan=2 rowspan=2 | An opponent
| rowspan=3 | —
| No additional effect.
| style="{{roundybr|5px}}"rowspan=3 | {{sync|Penny|Sylveon}}
|- style="background:#{{white color light}}"
| colspan=2 | '''6★ EX'''
| rowspan=2 | '''The sync buff is doubled the first time a sync move is used.'''
|- style="background:#{{white color light}}"
| colspan=2 | '''6★ EX with EX role'''
| colspan=2 | '''All opponents'''
*'''Cute Factor Disarming Voice:'''
** This [[sync move]] could not be raised to 6★ EX until July 20, 2021, which is 354 days after its release date (on July 31, 2020).
** Description of 6★ EX effect prior to Version 2.18.5 (from March 15, 2022): [[Sync move]] targets all opponents.
==={{g|Rumble Rush}}===
{{RumbleRushPhysicalAttack|move=Disarming Voice|type=Fairy
|range=Arc (wide)
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|SMD}}<br/>{{gameabbrevmd|RTDX}}|It damages nearby enemies. It never misses.}}
|}{{left clear}}

==In the anime==
==In the anime==
{{moveanime|type=fairy|exp=yes|gen=The user lets out a charming cry to deal emotional damage to the target.|image1=Bluto Meowstic Disarming Voice.png|image1p=Meowstic|image2=Cynthia Milotic Disarming Voice.png|image2p=Milotic|image3=Valerie Sylveon Disarming Voice.png|image3p=Sylveon|image4=Roy Fuecoco Disarming Voice.png|image4p=Fuecoco}}
{{movep|type=fairy|ms=0700|pkmn=Sylveon|method=Sylveon opens its mouth and releases a beam of purple hearts in a loud shrieking voice from it at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=fairy|user=Valerie|user1=Valerie's Sylveon|startcode=XY074|startname=Fairy-Type Trickery!|notes=Debut}}
{{movep|type=fairy|ms=0678|pkmn=Meowstic|method=Meowstic opens its mouth and releases a beam of pink soundwaves surrounded by hearts and musical notes from it at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=fairy|user=Bluto|user1=Bluto's Meowstic|startcode=JN081|startname=Mad About Blue!}}
{{movep|type=fairy|ms=0350|pkmn=Milotic|method=Milotic opens its mouth and releases a beam of pink soundwaves surrounded by hearts and musical notes from it at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=fairy|user=Cynthia (anime)|user1=Cynthia's Milotic|startcode=JN117|startname=The Fiery Road to Mastership!}}
{{movep|type=fairy|ms=0909|pkmn=Fuecoco|method=Fuecoco opens its mouth and releases a beam of pink soundwaves surrounded by hearts and musical notes from it at the opponent.}}
{{movebtm|type=fairy|user=Roy's Fuecoco|startcode=HZ037|startname=Fuecoco…Becomes a Crook?!}}
==In the manga==
===Pokémon Adventures===
{{movemanga|type=fairy|exp=yes|gen=The user lets out a charming cry to deal emotional damage to the target.|image1=Veevee Disarming Voice.png|image1p=Sylveon}}
{{movep|type=fairy|ms=700|pkmn=Sylveon|method=Sylveon lets out a cry of music notes that hurt the opponent.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=fairy|user=Y (Adventures)|user1=Y's Veevee|startcode=PS591|startname=Mewtwo Angered|notes=Debut}}
==In other generations==
===Core series games===
|genVI=Disarming Voice VI
|genVII=Disarming Voice VII
|genVIII=Disarming Voice VIII
|genVIII2=Disarming Voice VIII 2
===Spin-off series games===
PSMD=Disarming Voice PSMD|
Masters=Disarming Voice Masters

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
{{Langtable|color={{fairy color}}|bordercolor={{fairy color light}}
{{Langtable|color={{fairy color}}|bordercolor={{fairy color light}}
|zh_yue=魅惑之聲 ''{{tt|Meihwaahk-jī Sīng|Captivating Voice}}'' {{tt|*|Games}}<br>魅力之音 ''{{tt|Meihlihk-jī Yām|Charming Sound}}'' {{tt|*|Anime}}
|zh_cmn=魅惑之聲 / 魅惑之声 ''{{tt|Mèihuò-zhī Shēng|Captivating Voice}}'' {{tt|*|Games}}<br>魅力之音 ''{{tt|Mèilì-zhī Yīn|Charming Sound}}'' {{tt|*|Anime}}
|nl=Vleiende stem
|fr=Voix Enjôleuse
|es=Voz Cautivadora
|fr=Voix Enjôleuse
|ko=차밍보이스 ''Charming Voice''
|ko=차밍보이스 {{tt|''Chamingboiseu''|Charming Voice}}
|pl=Rozbrajający Głos
|pt=Voz Desarmante
|es_eu=Voz Cautivadora
|es_la=Voz Encantadora
<big>'''Spin-off series games'''</big>
'''[[Pokémon Masters EX]]'''
{| style="float:left"
| style="vertical-align:top" |
''Cute Factor Disarming Voice''
|color={{fairy color}}|bordercolor={{fairy color dark}}
|ja=キュートにパワフルな チャームボイス ''{{tt|Kyūto ni Pawafuru-na Chāmu Boisu|Cute yet Powerful Disarming Voice}}''
|zh_cmn=可愛又有力之 魅惑之聲 ''{{tt|Kě'ài yòu Yǒulì zhī Mèihuò-zhī Shēng|Cute yet Powerful Disarming Voice}}
|fr=Mignon et costaud ! Voix Enjôleuse !
|de=Säuselstimme der niedlichen Stärke
|ko=큐트하고 파워풀한 차밍보이스 ''{{tt|Kyuteu-hago Pawopul-han Chaming Boiseu|Cute, Powerful Disarming Voice}}''
|it=Incantavoce dolcemente distruttiva
|es=Voz Cautivadora y Destructiva
{{Generation IX TMs}}
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}

[[Category:Cute moves]]
[[Category:Moves that cannot miss]]
[[Category:Moves that cannot miss]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Sword and Shield]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]

[[es:Voz cautivadora]]
[[fr:Voix Enjôleuse]]
[[fr:Voix Enjôleuse]]
[[it:Incantavoce (mossa)]]

Latest revision as of 04:31, 17 September 2024

Disarming Voice
チャームボイス Charm Voice
Type  Fairy
Category  Special
PP  15 (max. 24)
Power  40
Accuracy  —%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by Mirror Move
  • Affected by King's Rock
  • Is a sound-based move
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Many Others: Affects all adjacent opponents, but not allies
Introduced  Generation VI
Condition  Cute
Appeal  0  
Jam  0  
Condition  Cute
Appeal  0  
Condition  Cute
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Jamming  0  
Works great if the user goes first this turn.

Disarming Voice (Japanese: チャームボイス Charm Voice) is a damage-dealing Fairy-type move introduced in Generation VI. It is TM019 in Generation IX.


Disarming Voice inflicts damage and bypasses accuracy checks to always hit, unless the target is in the semi-invulnerable turn of a move such as Dig or Fly. Disarming Voice can hit Pokémon even if they are behind a substitute.

Disarming Voice is a sound-based move.


Games Description
Letting out a charming cry, the user does emotional damage to opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0035 Clefairy Fairy Fairy 1 1 1 1 1
0036 Clefable Fairy Fairy 1 1 1 1 Rem.
0039 Jigglypuff
Fairy Fairy 50XY
11 1 1 1
0040 Wigglytuff
Fairy Fairy 1 1 1
0113 Chansey Fairy Fairy 1 1 1
0173 Cleffa No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 12 12 12
0174 Igglybuff
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 12 12 12
0242 Blissey Fairy Fairy 1 1 1
0280 Ralts
Human-Like Amorphous 11ORAS 11 1 1 1
0281 Kirlia
Human-Like Amorphous 11ORAS 11 1 1 1
0282 Gardevoir
Human-Like Amorphous 11ORAS 11 1 1 1
0300 Skitty Field Fairy 13ORAS 13 13
0301 Delcatty Field Fairy 1
0333 Swablu
Flying Dragon 11ORAS 11 4 4 4
0334 Altaria
Flying Dragon 11ORAS 11 1 1 1
0350 Milotic Water 1 Dragon 11ORAS 11 4 4 4
0440 Happiny No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 12 12 12
0475 Gallade
Human-Like Amorphous 1 1 1
0531 Audino Fairy Fairy 13ORAS 13 4
0671 Florges
All forms
Fairy Fairy 1 1 1
0677 Espurr Field Field 22 22 6 6
0678 Meowstic
All forms
Field Field 22 22 1 1
0682 Spritzee Fairy Fairy 50 50 9
0683 Aromatisse Fairy Fairy 53 53 9
0700 Sylveon Field Field 1 1 1, Evo. Evo.
0728 Popplio Water 1 Field 8 6 6
0729 Brionne Water 1 Field 1, 8 1 1
0730 Primarina
Water 1 Field 1, 8 1 1
0788 Tapu Fini
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1
0856 Hatenna Fairy Fairy 10 10
0857 Hattrem Fairy Fairy 1 1
0858 Hatterene
Fairy Fairy 1 1
0876 Indeedee
All forms

Fairy Fairy 10 10
0915 Lechonk Field Field 5
0916 Oinkologne Field Field 5
0916 Oinkologne Field Field 3
0955 Flittle Flying Flying 11
0956 Espathra Flying Flying 11
1016 Fezandipiti
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Compatibility
0025 Pikachu Field Fairy
0026 Raichu Field Fairy
0026 Raichu
Alolan Form

Field Fairy
0035 Clefairy Fairy Fairy
0036 Clefable Fairy Fairy
0037 Vulpix
Alolan Form
Field Field
0038 Ninetales
Alolan Form

Field Field
0039 Jigglypuff
Fairy Fairy
0040 Wigglytuff
Fairy Fairy
0113 Chansey Fairy Fairy
0131 Lapras
Monster Water 1
0151 Mew No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0172 Pichu No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0173 Cleffa No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0174 Igglybuff
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0183 Marill
Water 1 Fairy
0184 Azumarill
Water 1 Fairy
0242 Blissey Fairy Fairy
0270 Lotad
Water 1 Grass
0271 Lombre
Water 1 Grass
0272 Ludicolo
Water 1 Grass
0280 Ralts
Human-Like Amorphous
0281 Kirlia
Human-Like Amorphous
0282 Gardevoir
Human-Like Amorphous
0314 Illumise Bug Human-Like
0333 Swablu
Flying Dragon
0334 Altaria
Flying Dragon
0350 Milotic Water 1 Dragon
0358 Chimecho Amorphous Amorphous
0393 Piplup Water 1 Field
0394 Prinplup Water 1 Field
0395 Empoleon
Water 1 Field
0440 Happiny No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0475 Gallade
Human-Like Amorphous
0489 Phione Water 1 Fairy
0490 Manaphy Water 1 Fairy
0492 Shaymin
All forms
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0580 Ducklett
Water 1 Flying
0581 Swanna
Water 1 Flying
0648 Meloetta
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0669 Flabébé
All forms
Fairy Fairy
0670 Floette
All forms
Fairy Fairy
0671 Florges
All forms
Fairy Fairy
0677 Espurr Field Field
0678 Meowstic
All forms
Field Field
0700 Sylveon Field Field
0728 Popplio Water 1 Field
0729 Brionne Water 1 Field
0730 Primarina
Water 1 Field
0764 Comfey Grass Grass
0801 Magearna
All forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0856 Hatenna Fairy Fairy
0857 Hattrem Fairy Fairy
0858 Hatterene
Fairy Fairy
0869 Alcremie
All forms
Fairy Amorphous
0876 Indeedee
All forms

Fairy Fairy
0905 Enamorus
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0906 Sprigatito Field Grass
0907 Floragato Field Grass
0908 Meowscarada
Field Grass
0909 Fuecoco Field Field
0910 Crocalor Field Field
0911 Skeledirge
Field Field
0912 Quaxly Flying Water 1
0913 Quaxwell Flying Water 1
0914 Quaquaval
Flying Water 1
0915 Lechonk Field Field
0916 Oinkologne
All forms
Field Field
0955 Flittle Flying Flying
0956 Espathra Flying Flying
0963 Finizen Field Water 2
0964 Palafin Field Water 2
0987 Flutter Mane
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
1016 Fezandipiti
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Egg Move
0172 Pichu Field Fairy
0293 Whismur Monster Field
0511 Pansage Field Field
0513 Pansear Field Field
0515 Panpour Field Field
0777 Togedemaru
Field Fairy
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By event

Generation VII

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0479 Rotom
Amorphous Amorphous LINE Rotom
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Special move

Generation IX

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0581 Swanna
Water 1 Flying Wild Tera Pokémon - Kitakami WildsSVTM
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
SMD 2 50 15 30 —% - 1 tile around user Enemy Yes
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:

Pokémon GO

 Disarming Voice
Charged Attack
Gyms & Raids
Power 70
Energy cost 33
Duration 3.9 seconds
Damage window 3.2 - 3.5 seconds
Trainer Battles
Power 70
Energy cost 45
Secondary effect ?
Effect chance ?%
Eligible Pokémon:
Standard eligibility
By Elite Charged TM
By GO Snapshot
As Shadow Pokémon
As Purified Pokémon
Formerly eligible


Gyms & Raids
  • July 30, 2016
    • Power: 20 → 25
  • February 16, 2017
    • Power: 25 → 70
    • Energy cost: 20 → 33
    • Damage window: 1.8 - 3.6 → 3.2 - 3.5 seconds

Pokémon Masters EX

Name Category Move gauge cost MP
Base power Max power Accuracy Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair(s)
Disarming Voice Special 2 45 54 —% All opponents Sure Hit Never misses. Valerie & Sylveon
Lillie & Clefairy
Sygna Suit Wally & Gardevoir Shiny
Leaf & Clefable
Penny & Sylveon
Trevor & Florges
Scottie/Bettie & Jigglypuff/WigglytuffEgg
Scottie/Bettie & SylveonEgg
Sync moves
Name Category State Base power Max power Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair
Cute Factor Disarming Voice Special Default
6★ EX
250 300 An opponent
All opponents
No additional effect. Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff
Bright Hacker's Disarming Voice Special Default 250 300 An opponent No additional effect. Penny & Sylveon
6★ EX The sync buff is doubled the first time a sync move is used.
6★ EX with EX role All opponents


  • Cute Factor Disarming Voice:
    • This sync move could not be raised to 6★ EX until July 20, 2021, which is 354 days after its release date (on July 31, 2020).
    • Description of 6★ EX effect prior to Version 2.18.5 (from March 15, 2022): Sync move targets all opponents.

Pokémon Rumble Rush

Disarming Voice
Attack power 59.97139
Charge time 0.98 seconds
Range type Arc (wide)
Number of hits 1
Number of projectiles 1
Critical hit rate 1.5%
Additional effect None


Games Description
It damages nearby enemies. It never misses.

In the anime




The user lets out a charming cry to deal emotional damage to the target.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Sylveon Sylveon opens its mouth and releases a beam of purple hearts in a loud shrieking voice from it at the opponent.
Valerie's Sylveon Fairy-Type Trickery! Debut
Meowstic Meowstic opens its mouth and releases a beam of pink soundwaves surrounded by hearts and musical notes from it at the opponent.
Bluto's Meowstic Mad About Blue! None
Milotic Milotic opens its mouth and releases a beam of pink soundwaves surrounded by hearts and musical notes from it at the opponent.
Cynthia's Milotic The Fiery Road to Mastership! None
Fuecoco Fuecoco opens its mouth and releases a beam of pink soundwaves surrounded by hearts and musical notes from it at the opponent.
Roy's Fuecoco Fuecoco…Becomes a Crook?! None

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

In other generations

Core series games

Spin-off series games

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 魅惑之聲 Meihwaahk-jī Sīng *
魅力之音 Meihlihk-jī Yām *
Mandarin 魅惑之聲 / 魅惑之声 Mèihuò-zhī Shēng *
魅力之音 Mèilì-zhī Yīn *
Dutch Vleiende stem
French Voix Enjôleuse
German Säuselstimme
Italian Incantavoce
Korean 차밍보이스 Chamingboiseu
Polish Rozbrajający Głos
Portuguese Voz Desarmante
Spanish Latin America Voz Encantadora
Spain Voz Cautivadora
Thai เสียงทรงเสน่ห์

Spin-off series games

Pokémon Masters EX

Cute Factor Disarming Voice

Language Title
Japanese キュートにパワフルな チャームボイス Kyūto ni Pawafuru-na Chāmu Boisu
Mandarin Chinese 可愛又有力之 魅惑之聲 Kě'ài yòu Yǒulì zhī Mèihuò-zhī Shēng
French Mignon et costaud ! Voix Enjôleuse !
German Säuselstimme der niedlichen Stärke
Italian Incantavoce dolcemente distruttiva
Korean 큐트하고 파워풀한 차밍보이스 Kyuteu-hago Pawopul-han Chaming Boiseu
Spanish Voz Cautivadora y Destructiva

Generation IX TMs
Added in SV 2.0.1
Added in SV 3.0.0

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.