Appendix:Yellow walkthrough/Section 5: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Formatting per Bulbapedia:Project Walkthroughs/Structure/Core series, adding Squirtle information
mNo edit summary
(16 intermediate revisions by 9 users not shown)
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== Route 6 ==
[[File:Kanto Route 6 RBY.png|thumb|130px|left|Route 6]]
==Cerulean City==
[[File:Cerulean City RBY.png|thumb|300px|Cerulean City]]

This area has six Trainers total, but only the last two are unavoidable.  The wild Pokémon here are all the same as on {{rt|5|Kanto}}.  The only thing to do is continue south to [[Vermilion City]].
[[Cerulean City]] is a beautiful city with flowing water and blooming flowers. It is located between {{rt|4|Kanto}}, {{rt|24|Kanto}}, {{rt|9|Kanto}}, and {{rt|5|Kanto}}.

{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #3F9BBC; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #7FBCD2;"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
! Available Pokémon
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Bug Catcher.png|Bug Catcher||160|3|013|Weedle||16||010|Caterpie||16||013|Weedle||16||}}
{{Catch/div|lake|Gift Pokémon}}
{{Catch/entry1|001|Bulbasaur|no|no|yes|Gift|10|{{tt|One|If Pikachu's friendship is 147 or higher.}}|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Jr Trainer M.png|Jr. Trainer♂|[[Joe (EP009)|*]]|400|1|070|Weepinbell||16||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Jr Trainer F.png|Jr. Trainer♀|[[Giselle|*]]|320|1|104|Cubone||20||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Bug Catcher.png|Bug Catcher||200|1|012|Butterfree||20||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Jr Trainer F.png|Jr. Trainer♀||320|3|016|Pidgey||16||016|Pidgey||16||016|Pidgey||16||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Jr Trainer M.png|Jr. Trainer♂||320|2|021|Spearow||16||020|Raticate||16||}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #3F9BBC; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #7FBCD2;"
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Items
! Available Pokémon
{{Itemlist|Rare Candy|In the backyard of the northwest house ''(hidden)''|Y=yes}}
{{Itemlist|TM Water|From Misty, after defeating her|Y=yes|display={{TM|11|BubbleBeam}}}}
{{catch/entry1|019|Rattata|no|no|yes|Grass|14, 16|25%|type1=Normal}}
{{catch/div|lake|Later visit}}
{{Itemlist|TM Ground|From the Team Rocket Grunt, after defeating him|Y=yes|display={{TM|28|Dig}}}}
{{catch/entry1|039|Jigglypuff|no|no|yes|Grass|3, 5, 7|10%|type1=Normal}}
{{Itemlist|Bicycle|From the [[Miracle Cycle|Bike Shop]] owner, in exchange for a [[Bike Voucher]]|Y=yes}}

== Vermilion City ==
[[File:Vermilion City RBY.png|thumb|right|Vermilion City]]

[[Vermilion City]] is a major port city, and the harbor is always busy. The [[Vermilion Gym]] is blocked off by an overgrown tree, so you can't claim your third badge just yet. The luxury cruiseliner [[S.S. Anne]] visits the city once a year, and has just docked in the harbor.
===A Rare Addition===
Visit the house next to the Pokémon Center to find [[Melanie|a girl]] who cares for injured and abandoned Pokémon. She has nursed a {{p|Bulbasaur}} back to health, but now it needs a caring Trainer to raise it properly. If your [[friendship]] with {{OBP|Pikachu|Yellow}} has {{DL|Friendship|Generation I|grown high enough}}, she asks if you would take care of the young Pokémon.
===Gym Badges, Explained===
The northwest house belongs to a man who offers to explains the effects of the eight {{DL|Badge|Indigo League|Gym Badges}}. Half of them give a slight power boost to a respective stat, while the other half ensure a Pokémon's [[obedience]] during battle. The first five unlock the use of field moves.

{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
{| style="margin: auto; background: #3F9BBC; {{roundy}}; border: 2px solid #007BA7;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
! colspan="2" style="background: #7FBCD2; {{roundytl|5px}};" | Badge
! style="background: #7FBCD2;" | Effect
! colspan="2" style="background: #7FBCD2;" | Badge
! style="background: #7FBCD2; {{roundytr|5px}};" | Effect
{{catch/div|sand|Gift Pokémon}}
|- align="center" style="background: #FFF;"
| [[File:Boulder Badge.png|20px|Boulder Badge]]
| {{badge|Boulder}}
{{catch/entry1|129|Magikarp|no|no|yes|Fish Old|5|100%|type1=Water}}
| Increases {{stat|Attack}},<br>Allows {{m|Flash}} in the field
| [[File:Cascade Badge.png|20px|Cascade Badge]]
| {{badge|Cascade}}
| Ensures obedience up to level 30,<br>Allows {{m|Cut}} in the field
|- align="center" style="background: #FFF;"
| [[File:Thunder Badge.png|20px|Thunder Badge]]
| {{badge|Thunder}}
| Increases {{stat|Defense}},<br>Allows {{m|Fly}} in the field
| [[File:Rainbow Badge.png|20px|Rainbow Badge]]
| {{badge|Rainbow}}
| Ensures obedience up to level 50,<br>Allows {{m|Strength}} in the field
|- align="center" style="background: #FFF;"
| [[File:Soul Badge.png|20px|Soul Badge]]
| {{badge|Soul}}
| Increases {{stat|Speed}},<br>Allows {{m|Surf}} in the field
| [[File:Marsh Badge.png|20px|Marsh Badge]]
| {{badge|Marsh}}
| Ensures obedience up to level 70
|- align="center" style="background: #FFF;"
| [[File:Volcano Badge.png|20px|Volcano Badge]]
| {{badge|Volcano}}
| Increases {{stat|Special}}
| [[File:Earth Badge.png|20px|Earth Badge]]
| {{badge|Earth}}
| Ensures obedience up to level 100
| colspan="6" style="background: #7FBCD2; {{roundybottom|5px}};" |

{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
===Bike Shop===
|- align="center"
It would be great to get a [[Bicycle]] from the [[Miracle Cycle|Bike Shop]] in the southwest part of town, but they cost a whopping {{pdollar}}1,000,000! It is not possible to carry that much money, so it looks like you are stuck traveling on foot for now.
! Items
===Breaking, Entering===
The house in the northeast is currently blocked off by a police officer. It seems that [[Team Rocket]] has broken into the home and stolen [[TM28|a valuable item]] from its residents. Nothing can be done to remedy this at the moment, so set your sights on the Gym instead.
{{itemlist|Old Rod|From the Fishing Guru|Y=yes|display={{DL|Fishing|Old Rod}}}}
{{itemlist|Bike Voucher|From the Fan Club chairman|Y=yes|display={{key|I|Bike Voucher}}}}
{{itemlist|TM Electric|From Lt. Surge after defeating him|Y=yes|display={{TM|24|Thunderbolt}}}}
{{itemlist|Max Ether|On the house east of the Fan Club (hidden, requires {{m|Surf}})|Y=yes|display={{DL|Ether|Max Ether}}}}

===Cerulean Gym===
[[File:Cerulean Gym RBY.png|thumb|Cerulean Gym]]

=== Fishing Guru #1 ===
Visit the house to the left of the Pokémon Center and talk to the fisherman inside.  Convince him that you love fishing as much as he does to receive the {{DL|Fishing|Old Rod}}.  All you can really catch with it is {{p|Magikarp}}, but at least you can find them for free now.  The {{DL|Fishing|Good Rod}} and {{DL|Fishing|Super Rod}} are better, but you won't get those until later.
{{sign|RBY|The Tomboyish Mermaid!}}

=== Pokémon Fan Club ===
The [[Cerulean Gym]] specializes in {{type|Water}} Pokémon. Water-type moves are super effective against {{t|Fire}}-, {{t|Ground}}-, and {{type|Rock}} Pokémon, while Water-type Pokémon are weak to {{t|Electric}}- and {{type|Grass}} moves. With {{OBP|Pikachu|Yellow}} and {{p|Bulbasaur}} in tow, beating the Cerulean Gym should be easier than beating the previous one. Other Grass Pokémon—{{p|Oddish}} and {{p|Bellsprout}}—can be found on the nearby {{rt|24|Kanto}}, as well.  
The building just behind the [[Vermilion Gym]] is the [[Pokémon Fan Club]]. If you listen to the Chairman's rambling thoughts, he'll give you a {{key|I|Bike Voucher}} for your time.  This can be exchanged at the Bike Shop in {{ci|Cerulean}} to finally get a bicycle.

== Vermilion Harbor ==
Take out [[Misty]]'s {{p|Staryu}} quickly to move on to her {{p|Starmie}}. Her second Pokémon is both {{stat|Special|stronger}} and {{stat|Speed|faster}} than Staryu, making its {{m|Bubble Beam|BubbleBeam}} especially painful to vulnerable Pokémon. Use Pikachu's {{m|ThunderShock}}, or Grass moves like {{m|Vine Whip}} and {{m|Absorb}}, to deal serious damage and make quick work of it.
[[File:SS Anne 1F RBY.png|thumb|right|S.S. Anne, 1F]]
[[File:SS Anne 2F RBY.png|thumb|right|S.S. Anne, 2F]]
=== S.S. Anne ===
This cruise ship caters to the world's best Pokémon Trainers, so expect some heavy battling on board.

{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
{| align="center"
|- align="center"
|- align="center" valign="top"
! Trainers
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
{| align="center" style="background: #{{water color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{water color light}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! B1F
! Cerulean Gym<br>[[File:Cascade Badge.png|35px|Cascade Badge]]<br><br>
{| align="center" class="expandable" style="background: #{{water color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{water color light}};"
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Sailor.png|Sailor||630|1|090|Shellder||21||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Sailor.png|Sailor||510|3|116|Horsea||17||090|Shellder||17||072|Tentacool||17||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Sailor.png|Sailor||510|3|116|Horsea||17||116|Horsea||17||116|Horsea||17||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Sailor.png|Sailor||540|2|072|Tentacool||18||120|Staryu||18||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Fisherman.png|Fisherman||595|3|072|Tentacool||17||120|Staryu||17||090|Shellder||17||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Sailor.png|Sailor||600|1|066|Machop||20||}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! 1F
! Trainers
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Gentleman.png|Gentleman||1260|2|058|Growlithe||18||058|Growlithe||18||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Swimmer.png|Swimmer||game=1|80|2|116|Horsea||16|None|090|Shellder||16|None}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Gentleman.png|Gentleman||1330|2|029|Nidoran♀||19||032|Nidoran♂||19||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Jr Trainer F.png|Jr. Trainer♀||game=1|380|1|118|Goldeen||19|None}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Youngster.png|Youngster||315|1|032|Nidoran♂||21||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Lass.png|Lass||270|2|016|Pidgey||18||029|Nidoran♀||18||}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
|- align="center"
! Deck
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Sailor.png|Sailor||510|2|066|Machop||17||072|Tentacool||17||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Sailor.png|Sailor||540|2|066|Machop||18||090|Shellder||18||}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
|- align="center"
! 2F
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Fisherman.png|Fisherman||595|3|118|Goldeen||17||072|Tentacool||17||118|Goldeen||17||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Gentleman.png|Gentleman||1540|2|100|Voltorb||22||081|Magnemite||22|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Gentleman.png|Gentleman||1190|2|058|Growlithe||17||077|Ponyta||17||}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Lass.png|Lass||300|1|039|Jigglypuff||20||}}

{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
|- align="center"
{| style="margin: auto;"
! Items
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
|- align="center"
|color={{water color}}
! 1F
|bordercolor={{water color dark}}
|headcolor={{water color light}}
|sprite=Spr Y Misty.png
{{itemlist|TM Normal|Second room from the left|Y=yes|display={{TM|08|Body Slam}}}}
{{itemlist|Great Ball|The third trash can in the galley ''(hidden)''|Y=yes|display={{ball|Great}}}}
|location=Cerulean Gym
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
|- align="center"
! B1F
{{itemlist|Max Potion|In the far-right room|Y=yes|display={{DL|Potion|Max Potion}}}}
|move2=Water Gun|move2type=Water}}
{{itemlist|Ether|In the center room|Y=yes}}
{{itemlist|TM Psychic|In the fourth room from the stairs|Y=yes|display={{TM|44|Rest}}}}
{{itemlist|Hyper Potion|In the far-left room, on the bed's pillow ''(hidden)''|Y=yes|display={{DL|Potion|Hyper Potion}}}}
|move2=Water Gun|move2type=Water
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{yellow color light}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{yellow color}};"
|- align="center"
! 2F
{{itemlist|Max Ether|In the second room from the left|Y=yes|display={{DL|Ether|Max Ether}}}}
{{itemlist|Rare Candy|In the fourth room from the left|Y=yes|display={{DL|Vitamin|Rare Candy}}}}
{{itemlist|HM Normal|From the Captain|Y=yes|display={{HM|01|Cut}}}}

==== 1F ====
Check the second cabin from the left to find {{TM|08|Body Slam}}, then follow the hallway to the right and go down the stairs.

==== B1F ====
This part of the ship is a dead-end hallway with five rooms.  Check the far-right room for a {{DL|Potion|Max Potion}}, and the center room for an [[Ether]].  The fourth room from the stairs has {{TM|44|Rest}}, and a hidden {{DL|Potion|Hyper Potion}} lies on the bed in the far-left room.

==== 1F ====
After the battle, [[Misty]] awards you the {{badge|Cascade}}, which ensures obedience from all Pokémon up to level 30 and enables the use of {{m|Cut}} in the field. She also gives you {{TM|11|BubbleBeam}} as a prize.
Follow the hallway to the front of the ship, then turn left to reach the galley. Check the third trash can to find a {{ball|Great}}, a stronger version of the regular Poké Ball.  Leave the galley and climb up the next stairway.

==== 2F ====
===Rival Battle 3===
To the south is another stairway; this one leads to the deck of the ship, where two Sailors are waiting to battle. Step inside the second room from the left for a {{DL|Ether|Max Ether}}, and the fourth room from the left for a {{DL|Vitamin|Rare Candy}}. When you approach the Captain's quarters at the back of the ship, {{ga|Blue|your rival}} is just leaving.
When you head toward {{rt|24|Kanto}}, {{ga|Blue}} appears and taunts you as usual before drawing you into another battle. He leads with his {{p|Spearow}}, so start off with {{t|Electric}}- and {{type|Rock}} attacks. His {{p|Sandshrew}}, a {{type|Ground}} Pokémon, takes no damage from {{OBP|Pikachu|Yellow}}'s {{t|Electric}} attacks. Luckily, it has no Ground moves to worry about. {{p|Rattata}}'s {{m|Quick Attack}} lets it move first regardless of its {{stat|Speed}} and {{m|Hyper Fang}} can inflict a good bit of damage, so try to take it out quickly. Aside from having grown a few levels, his {{p|Eevee}} is much the same as it was in the previous battle.

{| align="center"
{| style="margin: auto;"
|color={{blue color}}
|color={{blue color}}
|headcolor={{blue color light}}
|headcolor={{blue color light}}
|bordercolor={{blue color dark}}
|bordercolor={{green color dark}}
|sprite=Spr Y Blue 2.png
|sprite=Spr Y Blue 1.png
|game=Y|location=S.S. Anne
|location=Cerulean City
|move4=Fury Attack|move4type=Normal}}
|move4=Fury Attack
{{Party/Div|color={{blue color}}}}
{{Party/Div|color={{blue color}}}}
|move2=Tail Whip|move2type=Normal
|move2=Tail Whip
|move3=Quick Attack|move3type=Normal
|move4=Hyper Fang|move4type=Normal}}
|move3=Quick Attack
|move4=Hyper Fang
|move2=Tail Whip|move2type=Normal
|move2=Tail Whip

Even though he lost, he taunts you again before running off. Enter the Captain's quarters to find him hunched over a trash can; it looks like he got seasick.  Talk to him to give him a quick backrub, which is all it takes to settle his stomach.  He rewards you with {{HM|01|Cut}}.  This move you chop down those thin trees to reach new areas!
==Route 24==
[[File:Kanto Route 24 RBY.png|thumb|100px|Route 24]]

Make sure that you've collected all the items before disembarking, as the ferry glides out of the harbor when you do.  Use [[HM01]] to teach {{m|Cut}} to {{p|Bulbasaur}} or {{p|Charmander}}, and set out for the Gym.
{{rt|24|Kanto}} stretches north from [[Cerulean City]] to {{rt|25|Kanto}}. Most of the area is occupied by a river and the Nugget Bridge that crosses it.

== Vermilion City ==
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
=== Vermilion Gym ===
|- align="center"
[[File:Vermilion Gym RBY.png|thumb|Vermilion Gym]]
! Trainers
{{catch/div|land|Nugget Bridge}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Bug Catcher.png|game=1|Bug Catcher||140|2|010|Caterpie||14||013|Weedle||14||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Lass.png|game=1|Lass||210|2|016|Pidgey||14||029|Nidoran♀||14||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Youngster.png|game=1|Youngster||210|3|019|Rattata||14||023|Ekans||14||041|Zubat||14||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Lass.png|game=1|Lass||240|2|016|Pidgey||16||029|Nidoran♀||16||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Jr Trainer M.png|game=1|Jr. Trainer♂||360|1|056|Mankey||18||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Rocket.png|game=1|Rocket||450|2|023|Ekans||15||041|Zubat||15||}}
{{catch/div|land|Grassy area}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Jr Trainer M.png|game=1|Jr. Trainer♂||280|2|019|Rattata||14||023|Ekans||14||}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/entry1|043|Oddish|no|no|yes|Grass|12, 14|35%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry1|016|Pidgey|no|no|yes|Grass|13, 15, 17|29%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entry1|069|Bellsprout|no|no|yes|Grass|12, 14|25%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry1|048|Venonat|no|no|yes|Grass|13, 16|10%|type1=Bug|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/div|land|Gift Pokémon}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Items
{{itemlist|Nugget|From the Team Rocket Grunt, after defeating the Trainers on Nugget Bridge|Y=yes}}
{{itemlist|TM Electric|On the northwest hill|Y=yes|display={{TM|45|Thunder Wave}}}}

{{sign|RBY|The Lightning<br>American!}}

The [[Vermilion Gym]] specializes in {{t|Electric}} Pokémon.  {{t|Ground}} Pokémon like {{p|Geodude}} and {{p|Sandshrew}} are immune to electrical attacks, and can inflict serious damage with their Ground-type attacks. Avoid using {{t|Flying}}- or {{type|Water}} Pokémon.  [[Lt. Surge]] forces challengers to flip two switches hidden randomly in the trash cans to reach him.  The second switch is always located right next to the first one.  If you don't flip the second switch, the trap resets.
===Nugget Bridge===
There are five Trainers to be fought on the famous Nugget Bridge. When all five are defeated, a man at the bridge's north end will reward you with a [[Nugget]], a bit of gold that can be sold for a high price. The man then reveals himself as a [[Team Rocket]] Grunt and tries to persuade you to join the group, and draws you into battle when you refuse.

===A Rare Addition===
Speak to [[Damian|the boy]] on the northwest hill. He has been thinking that he should release his {{p|Charmander}} because he is no good at raising Pokémon. If you promise to care for it, he gives the Pokémon to you, instead.

{| align="center"
==Route 25==
|- align="center" valign="top"
[[File:Kanto Route 25 RBY.png|thumb|400px|Route 25]]
[[File:Sea Cottage interior RBY.png|thumb|Inside Bill's house]]
{| align="center" style="background: #{{electric color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{electric color light}};"
|- align="center"
! Vermillion Gym <br> [[File:Thunder Badge.png|35px|The Thunder Badge]] <br><br>
{| align="center" class="expandable" style="background: #{{electric color}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{electric color light}};"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Rocker.png|Rocker||500|3|100|Voltorb||20||100|Voltorb||20||100|Voltorb||20|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Sailor.png|Sailor||720|1|081|Magnemite||24|}}
{{trainerentry|Spr Y Gentleman.png|Gentleman||1540|2|081|Magnemite||22||100|Voltorb||22|}}

{{rt|25|Kanto}} leads eastward from {{rt|24|Kanto}}. The path winds its way through a forest before it ends overlooking the sea. The [[Sea Cottage]] is located on the east side.

{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Hiker.png|Hiker||game=1|525|2|066|Machop||15||074|Geodude||15||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Hiker.png|Hiker||game=1|595|1|095|Onix||17||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Youngster.png|Youngster||game=1|225|2|019|Rattata||15||021|Spearow||15||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Youngster.png|Youngster||game=1|255|1|079|Slowpoke||17||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Lass.png|Lass||game=1|225|2|032|Nidoran♂||15||029|Nidoran♀||15||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Hiker.png|Hiker||game=1|455|4|074|Geodude||13||074|Geodude||13||066|Machop||13||074|Geodude||13||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Jr Trainer M.png|Jr. Trainer♂||game=1|280|2|019|Rattata||14||023|Ekans||14||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Youngster.png|Youngster||game=1|210|2|023|Ekans||14||027|Sandshrew||14||}}
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Lass.png|Lass||game=1|195|3|043|Oddish||13||016|Pidgey||13||043|Oddish||13||}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/entry1|043|Oddish|no|no|yes|Grass|12, 14|35%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry1|016|Pidgey|no|no|yes|Grass|13, 15, 17|29%|type1=Normal|type2=Flying}}
{{Catch/entry1|069|Bellsprout|no|no|yes|Grass|12, 14|25%|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{Catch/entry1|048|Venonat|no|no|yes|Grass|13, 16|10%|type1=Bug|type2=Poison}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|color={{electric color}}
|- align="center"
|bordercolor={{electric color dark}}
! Items
|headcolor={{electric color light}}
|sprite=Spr Y Lt Surge.png‎
|name=Lt. Surge
{{itemlist|Elixir|Northwest part of the maze, near the Hiker ''(hidden)''|Y=yes|display=[[Elixir|Elixer]]}}
|game=Y|location=Vermilion Gym
{{itemlist|TM Fighting|Northeast part of the maze (requires defeating Jr. Trainer♂ or {{m|Cut}})|Y=yes|display={{TM|19|Seismic Toss}}}}
{{itemlist|Ether|On the fence next to the Sea Cottage, one step east of the Lass ''(hidden)''|Y=yes}}
{{itemlist|S.S. Ticket|From Bill, after helping him undo his experiment|Y=yes}}
| style="margin:auto" |{{Pokémon/1|game=Yellow
|move3=Mega Punch|move3type=Normal
|move4=Mega Kick|move4type=Normal}}

===Sea Cottage===
====An Unfortunate Turn====
The [[Sea Cottage]] belongs to [[Bill]], a famous Pokémon researcher. When you step inside, it seems like Bill must be away, until you speak to the Pokémon inside. His latest experiment has gone awry and combined his DNA with that of a Pokémon! He needs your help, so once he has stepped into the machine, inspect his PC to activate a program to undo the change and return him to normal. As a token of gratitude, he gives you an [[S.S. Ticket]], which grants access to the [[S.S. Anne|luxury cruise ship]] currently docked in [[Vermilion City]] to the south.
====Bill's Favorite Pokémon====
Before leaving the cape, you can exit and re-enter the cottage and inspect Bill's PC to view some of [[Eeveelution|his favorite Pokémon]]. This adds {{p|Vaporeon|three}} {{p|Jolteon|new}} {{p|Flareon|pages}} to your Pokédex.
==Cerulean City==
===Justice, Served===
Once you return to [[Cerulean City]], the officer blocking the burgled house has stepped aside, allowing you to enter. Inside are obvious signs of a break-in, like muddy footprints and overturned planters. There is even a large hole in the wall! Step out through the hole to find and confront the thief.
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Trainers
{{Trainerentry|Spr Y Rocket.png|Rocket||game=1|510|2|066|Machop||17|None|096|Drowzee||17|None}}

Defeated, [[Lt. Surge]] presents you with the {{badge|Thunder}}.  This badge gives a slight {{stat|Speed}} boost in battle, and enables the use of {{m|Fly}} outside of battle.  He also gives you {{TM|24|Thunderbolt}}, the second-strongest {{type|Electric}} attack, as a prize.
When he is defeated, the Rocket Grunt gives up the stolen {{TM|28|Dig}} before fleeing the scene. When used inside a cave, Dig instantly returns you to the most recently visited [[Pokémon Center]]. It is useful in a pinch when you need to heal your Pokémon.

=== Here Comes the Squirtle Squad! ===
==Route 5==
Speak to the police officer near the Gym. She has just apprehended a {{p|Squirtle}} that keeps getting into trouble.  She realizes that you must be a decent Trainer to win the Thunder Badge, and asks that you take the young turtle with you.
[[File:Kanto Route 5 RBY.png|thumb|Route 5]]

Rest up at the Pokémon Center, then set out for {{rt|11|Kanto}} to the east.
{{rt|5|Kanto}} is a scenic road that runs downhill from [[Cerulean City]] to [[Saffron City]]. The [[Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5-6)|first]] of the region's two Underground Paths begins here and runs southward underneath Saffron City to re-emerge on {{rt|6|Kanto}}.

{| align="center"
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|land}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|land}};"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/entry1|019|Rattata|no|no|yes|Grass|14, 16|30%|type1=Normal}}
{{Catch/entry1|039|Jigglypuff|no|no|yes|Grass|3, 5, 7|10%|type1=Normal}}
===Pokémon Day Care===
The house on the hill is the [[Pokémon Day Care]]. The old man inside will raise one Pokémon at a time while you are away. A Pokémon left here will gain one [[Experience|experience point]] for every step taken. If you bought the {{p|Magikarp}} near [[Mt. Moon]], this is a good way to raise it. The downside is that he will make every decision, so he may end up deleting a move you would like to keep. He charges {{pdollar}}100, plus another {{pdollar}}100 for every new level, to return a Pokémon.
===Underground Path===
It is impossible to reach [[Saffron City]] at the moment, so enter the [[Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5-6)|Underground Path]] and follow the tunnel to {{rt|6|Kanto}}.
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|building}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|building}};"
|- align="center"
! Available Pokémon
{{Catch/div|building|Gift Pokémon}}
{{Catch/entry1|067|Machoke|no|no|yes|Trade|tradenum=104|tradename=Cubone|The same as the traded Pokémon|{{tt|One|Evolves into Machamp immediately upon trade. Registers both Machoke and Machamp into the Pokédex.}}|type1=Fighting}}
{| class="expandable" align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/med|building}}; {{roundy}}; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/light|building}};"
|- align="center"
! Items
{{Itemlist|Full Restore|Underground Path; two steps west of the northern stairs ''(hidden)''|Y=yes}}
{{Itemlist|X Special|Underground Path; two steps east and seven steps north of the southern stairs ''(hidden)''|Y=yes|display=[[X Sp. Atk|X Special]]|sprite=Bag X Sp. Atk Sprite}}
|move2=Tail Whip|move2type=Normal
====Time for a Trade====
A girl in the north gate is looking to [[trade]]. She is willing to part with her {{p|Machoke}} in exchange for a {{p|Cubone}}. Machoke can only evolve when traded, and immediately becomes a {{p|Machamp}}.

Line 339: Line 421:
|prevname=Cerulean City, Cerulean Gym, Route 24, Route 25, Route 5
|prevname=Route 3, Mt. Moon, Route 4
|nextname=Route 11, Route 2, Pewter City, Route 10
|nextname=Route 6, Vermilion City, S.S. Anne, Vermilion Gym

Latest revision as of 15:03, 22 May 2024

This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pokémon Yellow.
These pages follow the original Game Boy iteration, not Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!. The guide for those games can be found here.

Cerulean City

Cerulean City

Cerulean City is a beautiful city with flowing water and blooming flowers. It is located between Route 4, Route 24, Route 9, and Route 5.

A Rare Addition

Visit the house next to the Pokémon Center to find a girl who cares for injured and abandoned Pokémon. She has nursed a Bulbasaur back to health, but now it needs a caring Trainer to raise it properly. If your friendship with Pikachu has grown high enough, she asks if you would take care of the young Pokémon.

Gym Badges, Explained

The northwest house belongs to a man who offers to explains the effects of the eight Gym Badges. Half of them give a slight power boost to a respective stat, while the other half ensure a Pokémon's obedience during battle. The first five unlock the use of field moves.

Badge Effect Badge Effect
Boulder Badge Boulder Badge Increases Attack,
Allows Flash in the field
Cascade Badge Cascade Badge Ensures obedience up to level 30,
Allows Cut in the field
Thunder Badge Thunder Badge Increases Defense,
Allows Fly in the field
Rainbow Badge Rainbow Badge Ensures obedience up to level 50,
Allows Strength in the field
Soul Badge Soul Badge Increases Speed,
Allows Surf in the field
Marsh Badge Marsh Badge Ensures obedience up to level 70
Volcano Badge Volcano Badge Increases Special Earth Badge Earth Badge Ensures obedience up to level 100

Bike Shop

It would be great to get a Bicycle from the Bike Shop in the southwest part of town, but they cost a whopping $1,000,000! It is not possible to carry that much money, so it looks like you are stuck traveling on foot for now.

Breaking, Entering

The house in the northeast is currently blocked off by a police officer. It seems that Team Rocket has broken into the home and stolen a valuable item from its residents. Nothing can be done to remedy this at the moment, so set your sights on the Gym instead.

Cerulean Gym

Cerulean Gym


The Tomboyish Mermaid!

The Cerulean Gym specializes in Water-type Pokémon. Water-type moves are super effective against Fire-, Ground-, and Rock-type Pokémon, while Water-type Pokémon are weak to Electric- and Grass-type moves. With Pikachu and Bulbasaur in tow, beating the Cerulean Gym should be easier than beating the previous one. Other Grass Pokémon—Oddish and Bellsprout—can be found on the nearby Route 24, as well.

Take out Misty's Staryu quickly to move on to her Starmie. Her second Pokémon is both stronger and faster than Staryu, making its BubbleBeam especially painful to vulnerable Pokémon. Use Pikachu's ThunderShock, or Grass moves like Vine Whip and Absorb, to deal serious damage and make quick work of it.

Cerulean Gym
Cascade Badge

After the battle, Misty awards you the Cascade Badge, which ensures obedience from all Pokémon up to level 30 and enables the use of Cut in the field. She also gives you TM11 (BubbleBeam) as a prize.

Rival Battle 3

When you head toward Route 24, Blue appears and taunts you as usual before drawing you into another battle. He leads with his Spearow, so start off with Electric- and Rock-type attacks. His Sandshrew, a Ground-type Pokémon, takes no damage from Pikachu's Electric attacks. Luckily, it has no Ground moves to worry about. Rattata's Quick Attack lets it move first regardless of its Speed and Hyper Fang can inflict a good bit of damage, so try to take it out quickly. Aside from having grown a few levels, his Eevee is much the same as it was in the previous battle.

Route 24

Route 24

Route 24 stretches north from Cerulean City to Route 25. Most of the area is occupied by a river and the Nugget Bridge that crosses it.

Nugget Bridge

There are five Trainers to be fought on the famous Nugget Bridge. When all five are defeated, a man at the bridge's north end will reward you with a Nugget, a bit of gold that can be sold for a high price. The man then reveals himself as a Team Rocket Grunt and tries to persuade you to join the group, and draws you into battle when you refuse.

A Rare Addition

Speak to the boy on the northwest hill. He has been thinking that he should release his Charmander because he is no good at raising Pokémon. If you promise to care for it, he gives the Pokémon to you, instead.

Route 25

Route 25
Inside Bill's house

Route 25 leads eastward from Route 24. The path winds its way through a forest before it ends overlooking the sea. The Sea Cottage is located on the east side.

Sea Cottage

An Unfortunate Turn

The Sea Cottage belongs to Bill, a famous Pokémon researcher. When you step inside, it seems like Bill must be away, until you speak to the Pokémon inside. His latest experiment has gone awry and combined his DNA with that of a Pokémon! He needs your help, so once he has stepped into the machine, inspect his PC to activate a program to undo the change and return him to normal. As a token of gratitude, he gives you an S.S. Ticket, which grants access to the luxury cruise ship currently docked in Vermilion City to the south.

Bill's Favorite Pokémon

Before leaving the cape, you can exit and re-enter the cottage and inspect Bill's PC to view some of his favorite Pokémon. This adds three new pages to your Pokédex.

Cerulean City

Justice, Served

Once you return to Cerulean City, the officer blocking the burgled house has stepped aside, allowing you to enter. Inside are obvious signs of a break-in, like muddy footprints and overturned planters. There is even a large hole in the wall! Step out through the hole to find and confront the thief.

When he is defeated, the Rocket Grunt gives up the stolen TM28 (Dig) before fleeing the scene. When used inside a cave, Dig instantly returns you to the most recently visited Pokémon Center. It is useful in a pinch when you need to heal your Pokémon.

Route 5

Route 5

Route 5 is a scenic road that runs downhill from Cerulean City to Saffron City. The first of the region's two Underground Paths begins here and runs southward underneath Saffron City to re-emerge on Route 6.

Pokémon Day Care

The house on the hill is the Pokémon Day Care. The old man inside will raise one Pokémon at a time while you are away. A Pokémon left here will gain one experience point for every step taken. If you bought the Magikarp near Mt. Moon, this is a good way to raise it. The downside is that he will make every decision, so he may end up deleting a move you would like to keep. He charges $100, plus another $100 for every new level, to return a Pokémon.

Underground Path

It is impossible to reach Saffron City at the moment, so enter the Underground Path and follow the tunnel to Route 6.

Time for a Trade

A girl in the north gate is looking to trade. She is willing to part with her Machoke in exchange for a Cubone. Machoke can only evolve when traded, and immediately becomes a Machamp.

← Part 4 Route 3, Mt. Moon, Route 4
Route 6, Vermilion City, S.S. Anne, Vermilion Gym Part 6 →

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.